Cold War: Approximately 1947 (due to U.S. President Harry Truman’s Truman Doctrine) to 1991 (Operation Desert Storm, collapse of Soviet Union).
NATO reporting name Hip. The Михаил Мил Ми-8 (Mikhail Mil Mi-8) rotary wing began military service in 1968, with the Soviet Union. First production was done in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. The Mi-17 Hip has more powerful turbines than the Mi-8 Hip, also, the position of the tail rotor is different.
A Soviet Aeroflot silly-vilian Hip, early 1970s.
The Mi-8 is also used by silly-vilian (civilian) transport companies. I have several Western/NATO publications from the 1970s that speculate that the Mi-8 started military service prior to 1967. The earliest photos I’ve found of the Hip are from the early 1970s.
Fresh Hip for Pakistan, early 1970s.
Warsaw Pact Poland’s PWL license built the silly-vilian Hip, early 1970s.
Purportedly a Hungarian Hip, early 1970s.
Soviet military Hips, early 1970s.
Silly-vilian ambulance version, photo published 1980.
Slov-Air airliner Hip, 1980.
Warsaw Pact Czechoslovakia Hip, 1980.
Fueling a Warsaw Pact Czechoslovak Hip, during a snow storm, 1980.
Egyptian Hips, photo dated 10SEP1983.
Soviet Hip visiting Little Diomede, Alaska, part of Operation Bering Bridge to help Alaskan Eskimos visit their relatives in the Soviet Union. Photo by Master Sergeant Ed Boyce, 23APR1989.
Vietnamese Hip, 08FEB1991. Photo by Master Sergeant Jose Lopez.
Abandoned Iraqi Hip, after Desert Storm, 03MAR1991. Photo by Staff Sergeant Dean W. Wagner.
Post Cold War, Balkan Wars, War on Terror, Battle for Ukraine, 1992 to present:
Last days of a former East German Mi-8S VIP transport. Photo credit C.J. van Gent, published 1993.
Kazak Hip during the international Central Asian ‘Peacekeeping’ Battalion 2000 so-called humanitarian wargame in Kazakhstan. U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant Jim Varhegyi, 10SEP2000.
The remains of an Afghan Hip, 18JAN2002. Photo by Captain Charles G. Grow.
In 2005, a new Hip was created with improved turbines, larger cargo door, it was called the Mi-8AMT, but the export version is known as the Mi-171.
United Nations’ Hip during Operation Jingle Air in Afghanistan, 07JUN2008. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Charles Brice.
Iraqi Hip, 17OCT2009. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Travis Zielinski.
U.S. Air Force video (by Technical Sergeant Scott Wilcox), Afghans prep their new U.S. taxpayer funded Hip for take-off, 10NOV2009:
Russian Hips in Arkalyk, Kazakhstan, moments before taking off to support the landing of another Soyuz spacecraft, 08MAR2010. Photo credit Bill Ingalls.
Lithuanian Mi-8 lands onboard USS Mount Whitney during a NATO wargame, 17SEP2010. U.S. Navy photo.
Croat Mi-171 Hip, 29MAY2012, U.S. Army video by Staff Sergeant Jose Ibarra:
Czech Republic (Czechia) Hips on the Baumholder Training Support Center, Germany, for a NATO wargame, 12SEP2014. U.S. Army photo by Ruediger Hess.
Laotian Hip, 13DEC2017. U.S. Army photo via Clayton Harrison.
Мил Ми-8MTV5 (Mil Mi-8MTV5, export version Mi-17V5) during Russia’s Vostock wargame in the Eastern Military District, 11-17SEP2018:
U.S. Army photo by Sergeant James Lefty Larimer. A ‘hip’ Egyptian helicopter (Mil 17V-5) conducting med-evac (medical evacuation) training during Bright Star 2018.
As of 11SEP2023, NATO-Slovakia now has six NATO-Germany supplied Leopard 2A4 battle tanks.
Photo via Slovak Defense Ministry.
The taxpayers of NATO-Germany should be proud that they are funding 15 rebuilt Cold War era Leopard 2A4 battle tanks for NATO-Slovakia! It is part of a deal Slovakia made to give 30 Cold War era BVP-1 (BMP-1) Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Ukraine.
Official Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic video of the first live-fire training of the Leo-2A4 for Slovak tank crews, in August 2023:
German tankers teach Slovak tankers how to boresight the Rheinmetall 120mm gun, August 2023. Photo via Slovak Defense Ministry.
Bore-sighting the Rheinmetall 120mm gun, August 2023. Photo via Slovak Defense Ministry.
The 120mm round has a silver/gray casing which is combustible plastic, not metal. This one has a Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS, aka Sabot) projectile, the blue color indicates it is a training round. Photo via Slovak Defense Ministry.
These are 120mm HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) rounds. Photo via Slovak Defense Ministry.
A Leo-2A4 delivered to Slovakia, April 2023. Photo via Slovak Defense Ministry.
“In September 2008, building on the experience of over a decade of working together, the Secretaries General of both NATO and the United Nations (UN) agreed to establish a framework for expanded consultation and cooperation….
The UN is frequently invited to attend NATO ministerial meetings and summits; the NATO Secretary General participates in the UN General Assembly; and staff level meetings, covering the broad range of cooperation and dialogue, take place on an annual basis between the secretariats of NATO and the UN.”–Relations with the United Nations, NATO, 25JUL2023
On 19SEP2023, the taxpayer funded North Atlantic Treaty Organization released a promotional video boasting that both NATO and the United Nations were created after the Second World War to impose the Western elites’ version of ‘peace & security’:
At the July 2023 Vilnius Summit, NATO issued a detailed statement revealing that after 1992 (the end of the Cold War/fall of the Soviet Union) the Balkans Wars were used to justify the expansion of NATO and integration into UN ‘peacekeeping’/globalist operations. The title of the NATO statement is Relations with the United Nations, read it for yourself (and notice they use British empire English grammar and spelling, they do not use U.S. English).
This is just the tip of the spear of the long life of what is now the world’s most prolific and oldest battle tank still in use!
This is about the T-34 series battle tank specifically armed with the 85mm gun. The main gun was a modification of the high velocity 85mm anti-aircraft gun. At first the D-5T version of the 85mm was used, but was quickly replaced by the slightly more compact Zis-S-53 gun.
Great Patriotic War (World War Two):June 1941 to May 1945.
The first T-34-85s, with the D-5T gun, are sometimes called the Model 1943 even though their production was from January-March 1944.
Early T-34-85 with D-5T gun. Note rounded fenders and mish-mash of two styles of roadwheels. One style of roadwheel uses a solid rubber tire, the other style has no rubber tire.
Production of the T-34-85 with the better Zis-S-53 gun began in March 1944, and was called Model 1944. Improved versions were called Model 1945, Model 1946, etcetera, and these model designations did not necessarily refer to the year of production.
Germans use a knocked-out T-34-85, with D-5T gun, as a forward observation post.
During the Great Patriotic War (World War Two), the shape of the turret of the T-34-85 varied depending on which Soviet factory made it. The turret had to be enlarged to accommodate a radio and another crewman. Also, the positions of the turret ventilators shifted. Early on, the fenders were rounded, by the end of the war they were squared-off.
The early, smaller, turret of the T-34-85.
Silent German film, destroyed T-34-85s, 1944:
More silent German film, lots of burning T-34-85s, makes you wonder how the Germans lost:
Yugoslav T-34-85 in the village of Vinkovci, sometime in 1945.
Torgau, Germany, April 1945, Soviets show-off their T-34-85 to a U.S. Major General Reinhardt, who is accompanied by Russian General Rossovsky (divisional general of the First Ukrainian Army):
Cold War: Approximately 1947 (due to U.S. President Harry Truman’s Truman Doctrine) to 1991 (Operation Desert Storm, collapse of Soviet Union).
After the Great Patriotic War, a standardized version of the T-34-85 was developed and several Eastern European countries got the job of upgrading and standardizing as many T-34-85s as they could. Some of the East German and Czechoslovakian upgrades could be identified by the use of the German Notec (Notek) light and different styles of headlight brush guard. Czechoslovakia also designed their own style of exhaust pipe covers, which reduced the amount of steel used to make them.
Silent Soviet film, Moscow Victory Day parade, 09MAY1949:
United Nations’ Korean Police Action, First Battle of the Naktong Bulge, August 1950. Silent U.S. Marine Corps film (dated 17AUG1950) of U.S. Marines and U.S. Army soldiers inspecting knocked-out North Korean T-34-85 in Yongsan Myon (aka Yeongsan-myeon):
South of Suwon, Korea, a T-34-85 that got knocked out when the bridge it was on was bombed by the U.S. Air Force. Photo dated October 1950.
Silent Soviet film, Soviet troops and their T-34-85s supposedly leave Berlin, Germany, early 1950s(?):
Silent film, T-34-85s parade in Budapest, Hungary, early 1950s(?)
Putting down the East German uprising, June 1953.
Silent film, T-34-85s put down worker riots on Potsdamer Platz, in what would become East Berlin, East Germany, June 1953:
This photo shows Soviet General Dibrova standing on top of a T-34-85, imploring protesting Germans to go home.
1953 was a bad year for the Soviet occupiers of what would become East Berlin.
This photo shows protesting Germans trying to break into a Soviet T-34-85.
The 1953 Berlin Crisis would not be the only time Germans rebelled against Soviet occupiers.
Film, D.D.R. (Deutsche Demokratische Republik, German Democratic Republic) NVA (Nationale Volks-Armee, National Folks’ Army aka East German army) shows-off their T-34-85s to the public, 1955-56(?):
Knocked-out Syrian T-34-85, Golan Heights 1957. This is a Czechoslovakian upgrade, the identifying feature are the ‘wavy’ style of exhaust pipe covers, which were specific to Czechoslovak upgrades.
Czechoslovak T-34-85 with Notek, huge external fuel drums and two styles of roadwheels.
Experimenting with water fording.
U.S. Embassy photo. The first tanks deployed in the crisis that led to the building of the Berlin Wall were former Soviet but now East German T-34-85s, on 13AUG1961.
A Cuban T-34-85, supposedly during the April 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.
Sometime in the 1960s, a T-34 recovery vehicle was used to position Czechoslovak T-35-85s for the Dukla Battlefield Military Open-Air Museum. Photo via Slovak Republic Ministry of Defense.
Sometime in the 1960s, a T-34 recovery vehicle was used to position Czechoslovak T-35-85s for the Dukla Battlefield Military Open-Air Museum. Photo via Slovak Republic Ministry of Defense.
In the late 1960s, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) built the May 16 Square, in Seoul. They used captured North Korean tanks, including this T-34-85, as a display. 27 years after the completion of the square (in 1971) it was torn-up to make the larger, greener, Yeouido Park.
Fresh T-34-85s for Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam (North Vietnam), in 1971, during training for what would become the 1972 Offensive against South Vietnam.
More preparations for the 1972 Offensive. This T-34-85 has two styles of roadwheels.
Knocked-out Cypriot T-34-85s, with U.S. M2 .50 caliber heavy machineguns, during the Turkish invasion of 1974.
I took this photo during a California Army National Guard drill weekend on Fort Irwin, California.
T-34-85 monument, Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 20SEP1985. Photo by Don S. Montgomery.
Yugoslavian (possibly JNA, Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija) T-34-85, sometime late 1970s or 1980s.
Yugoslavians preferred the U.S. Browning M2 .50 cal heavy machinegun, over the Soviet version. Contrary to popular western belief, Yugoslavia was never a part of the Warsaw Pact.
The digital watch this guy is wearing indicates the photo was made probably in the 1980s. Also, notice the position of the turret ventilators, instead of two located next to each other, they are separate, one at the turret rear, the other at the turret front.
Post Cold War, Balkan Wars, War on Terror, Battle for Ukraine, 1992 to present:
An abandoned JNA-Serb T-34-85. U.S. Army photo by Specialist Glenn W. Suggs, 29FEB1996.
A rubberized Bosnian-Serb T-34-85.
Supposedly this photo shows a JNA-Serb T-34-85 withdrawing from Macedonia in 2001.
September 2010 video of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) T-34-85 museum exhibit:
Revealed in October 2015, North Korea still uses the T-34-85, it has been upgraded, including new tracks with rubber shoes/pads.
Restored T-34-85 in Zagan, Poland. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Shiloh Capers, 21OCT2017.
In the ongoing civil war in Yemen, it is reported that both rebels and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia backed militias are using T-34-85s.
Photo from 2018 or 2019 showing a Saudi backed Yemen militia T-34-85 being fired from outside the tank.
CGTN video, during a 2018 parade in Moscow the driver of a T-34-85 got antsy while loading onto a tractor-trailer, and drove off the trailer rolling the tank:
A train-load of Laotian T-34-85s heading for Russia, to be used in parades and movies.
CGTN video, Laos returns 30 operable T-34-85 tanks to Russia in January 2019 (the video incorrectly shows T-34-76 during WW2):
At the beginning of September 2020, the Institute of Military History decided to move the old T-34-85 ‘gate guards’ at the Dukla Battlefield Military Open-Air Museum to a new location in the village of Kapišová, that will make public viewing easier. Photo via Slovak Republic Ministry of Defense.
At the beginning of September 2020, the Institute of Military History decided to move the old T-34-85 ‘gate guards’ at the Dukla Battlefield Military Open-Air Museum to a new location that will make public viewing easier. Photo via Slovak Republic Ministry of Defense.
Video of Yemen rebels destroying a government/Saudi militia T-34-85, sometime in 2022:
Russian ‘Z’ force BRDM drives past the T-34-85 monument in Armyansk, Crimea, 24FEB2022.
Restored T-34/85 takes part in parade rehearsals in Moscow, Russia, honoring the end of The Great Patriotic War. Photo by Bai Xueqi, 07MAY2022, via Xinhua News.
In 2022 and 2023, several news sources reported that both Ukraine and Russia were using T-34-85s in combat!
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal Marcus E. Melara, 19DEC2022.
United States (U.S.) ally Indonesia has been buying Russian made BMP-3Fs since 2010. A new order was placed in April 2019.
A U.S. Marine in front of a BMP-3F, 09SEP2023. USMC photo by Corporal Vincent Pham.
The BMP-3 is a Cold War era Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) first designed and produced by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, to replace the much older BMP-1 and 2. BMP means Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty-Боевая Машина Пехоты, literally Combat Vehicle Infantry.
Banongan Beach, East Java, Indonesia. U.S. Army photo by Specialist Maria I. Garcia, 10SEP2023.
During this year’s U.S. taxpayer co-funded international wargame Super Garuda Shield 2023, Indonesia showed-off its BMP-3F.
Making smoke. USA photo by Specialist Josue Mayorga, 10SEP2023.
The BMP-3 has a 100mm cannon with a co-axially mounted 30mm machine-cannon, as well as anti-tank missiles and light machine guns.
In this U.S. Army video (recorded on 10SEP2023 by Specialist Josue Mayorga) you’ll see that Indonesia also operates the U.S./British made (BAE Systems subsidiary U.S. Combat Systems) AAVP-7:
USMC photo by Corporal Marcus E. Melara, 19DEC2022.
BMP-3F during wargame Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARaT)/Marine Exercise (MarEx), December 2022.
Ramped-up deportation flight operations by U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), as well as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, aka Border Patrol). The flights are sometimes referred to as ‘repatriation flights’, or ‘removal flights’, or ‘family unit removal flight’.
Will the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declare Lahaina burn area to be a ‘Super Fund’ HazMat site, blamed on Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, denying property owners access? Local TV news report from 07SEP2023:
On 07SEP2023, Maui County issued a new map showing which areas of Lahaina are open to residents who want to return:
Hawaii Air National Guard’s 154th Security Forces Squadron patrol the streets of Lahaina (along with other military personnel assigned to JTF 5-0) that apparently escaped the wrath of the fire, 07SEP2023, video by Staff Sergeant Matthew Foster:
On 06SEP2023, emergency responder shares his experience fighting the Lahaina Fire. Reveals this is not the first time Lahaina has burned, he finds it strange that the same properties that burned in previous fires burned again and that properties that escaped previous fires also escaped this fire:
As of 04SEP2023, the wildfires on Maui are still burning, state Attorney General hires independent investigator to determine what caused the fires:
02SEP2023, residents react to Lahaina Mayor’s ineffective explanation of his actions the day Lahaina burned:
U.S. military personnel assigned to Joint Task Force 5-0 (JTF 5-0) decontaminate the shoes of civilian contractors working the burn area of the city of Lahaina. Hawaii Army National Guard video by Sergeant Lianne M. Hirano, 28AUG2023:
The U.S. Navy’s Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit One (MDSU-1) conducted search operations in Lahaina Harbor, 27AUG2023. Hawaii Army National Guard video by Sergeant Lianne M. Hirano:
Lahaina to be rebuilt as Smart-City, without consent of Lahaina residents? Hawaii residents vent frustration at the State’s ‘Build Beyond Barriers’ plan to rebuild their community, which is apparently being done without the input of the residents. It turns out that the Build Beyond Barriers plan is actually a covert ‘smart-city’ redevelopment plan for several cities in Hawaii:
Residents vent frustrations at seeming lack of empathy from local officials:
On 07SEP2023, the Michigan Army National Guard was activated to help local and federal agencies evacuate silly-vilians (civilians) from Mackinac Island!
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Helen Miller, 07SEP2023.
The 1437th Engineer Company had to use pontoon bridges to build a temporary port, some of which had to be airlifted by CH-47 double rotary wing Chinooks from Detachment 1-Company Bravo-238th General Support Aviation Battalion.
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Helen Miller, 07SEP2023.
This first-ever training scenario was meant to evaluate an evacuation plan created by the Mackinac County Emergency Management team, in conjunction with federal, state, and local agencies.
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Helen Miller, 07SEP2023.
Safe Harbor video part one, by Master Sergeant Helen Miller:
The scenario, called Operation Safe Harbor, was that the existing ports on the island had become blocked, and the residents needed to be evacuated. The motivation behind the creation of the scenario was not adequately explained.
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Helen Miller, 07SEP2023.
Safe Harbor video part two, by Master Sergeant Helen Miller:
This is just a little bit of what the various U.S. state’s National Guard units were tasked with in August, 2023.
On 29AUG2023, Florida Army National Guard’s 868th Engineer Company deployed to clear fallen trees in residential areas, in Suwannee County. About 5-thousand-5-hundred National Guard personnel have been deployed. Video by Sergeant Marc Morgenstern (edited by me):
On 29AUG2023, Florida Army National Guard’s 868th Engineer Company deployed to clear the roads in Suwannee County. Video by Sergeant Marc Morgenstern (edited by me):
West Virginia Air National Guard 130th Air Wing’s (aka Charlie West) C-130J-30 Super Hercules conducted ‘turnarounds’ on an abandoned coal mine, 25AUG2023. The former coal mine is now called Camp Branch Drop and Landing Zone (near Logan), and is now used by the military. Video by Senior Master Sergeant Eugene Crist:
Four West Virginia Air National Guard 130th Airlift Wing C-130J-30 cargo planes trained for the September Fly Away Readiness Exercise-Validation (FLARE-V). Video by Airman First Class Kaden Salmons, recorded on 17AUG2023:
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Patrick Mayabb, 16AUG2023.
On 16AUG2023, Michigan Army National Guard’s 125th Infantry Regiment returned from a yearlong deployment to Syria.
Nevada Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sergeant Paula Macomber, 16AUG2023.
Nevada Air National Guard’s 152nd Airlift Wing deployed their C-130H MAFFS (Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System), after being activated on 16AUG2023 by the Boise, Idaho, based National Interagency Fire Center.
From 14 through 17 August, the ‘New England’ area Air National Guard CERFP (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and high-yield Explosive Enhanced Force Package) Detachment 1 conducted a HazMat/CBRN disaster response evaluation involving decontamination of survivors, on Joint Base Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Video by Air National Guard Technical Sergeant Victoria Nelson (edited by me):
New York Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Jonathan Pietrantoni, 16AUG2023.
From 12 through 16 August, the New York Army National Guard’s 466th Area Support Medical Company worked alongside Brazilian Army peers during Operation Paraná-3 in the State of Parana, Brazil.
Kentucky Army National Guard photo by Milt Spalding, 14AUG2023.
On 14AUG2023, personnel with Kentucky Army National Guard’s Headquarters/Headquarter’s Battery-138th Field Artillery Brigade said goodbye as they deployed to Kuwait/Iraq/Syria (Operation Spartan Shield).
The New York and Utah Army National Guard joined together and cooked meals for the thousands of personnel, from across the U.S., who attended the Northern Strike wargame on Camp Grayling, in Michigan. Video by Sergeant Alan Prince, 11AUG2023:
Militia personnel with the Iowa Air & Army National Guard conducted a joint ‘domestic’ exercise (climate disasters, social rebellion, etc) at Camp Dodge from 07-10 August 2023.
Idaho Air National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Joseph Morgan, 08AUG2023.
On 08AUG2023, after a yearlong deployment to Kuwait/Iraq/Syria (Operation Spartan Shield), hundreds of Idaho Army National Guard 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team personnel began their return home.
During August 2023, the Oregon National Guard went to Viet Nam to learn about sea walls, and other forms of natural disaster management. Oregon is one of the U.S. Pacific Coast states in the ‘line-of-fire’ for the next catastrophic Cascadia Event (massive earthquake & tsunami). Video interview by Sergeant First Class Timothy Hughes:
Montana National Guard photo by Captain Jonathan Hamm, 06AUG2023.
On 06AUG2023, Montana Army National Guard’s 1889th Regional Support Group deployed to Kuwait/Iraq/Syria (Operation Inherent Resolve).
Pennsylvania Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sergeant Alexander Farver, 04AUG2023.
Pennsylvania‘s Air and Army National Guard conducted the weekend wargame Iron Keystone, 04-06AUG2023. It was the first time that three of Pennsylvania’s Air Guard Wings took part in the state wargame.
Alaska Army National Guard photo by Chief Warrant Officer-2 Ben Haulenbeek, 03AUG2023.
Alaska Army National Guard deployed their UH-60L Black Hawks to wildfire duty. The order came from the Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection routed through the State Emergency Operations Center.
Indiana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Hector Tinoco, 03AUG2023.
On 03AUG2023, Indiana Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion-163rd Field Artillery Regiment returned home after being deployed to Iraq.
On 03AUG2023, the Wyoming Air National Guard’s 153rd Airlift Wing deployed one of their C-130H MAFFS from Cheyenne to Klamath Falls Airtanker Base, Oregon, to assist with fire fighting operations across the Pacific Coast of the United States. The deployment order came from the National Interagency Fire Center based in Boise, Idaho. Video by Senior Airman Edward Hermsen:
Ohio Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Sarah Stalder Lundgren, 03AUG2023.
Ohio Air National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing board a C-17 Globemaster-III, 03AUG2023, deploying to Volk Field Air National Guard Base in Wisconsin, for wargame Northern Lightning.
Michigan Air National Guard photo by Tom Demerly, 02AUG2023.
On 02AUG2023, Michigan‘s Air National Guard prepped for a possible ‘active shooter’ incident on Selfridge Air National Guard Base.
On 01AUG2023, about 50 militia personnel of the Oklahoma Air & Army National Guard deployed to the Texas/Mexico border, under operation Task Force Minuteman. Every month, the Task Force personnel will be refreshed with about 50 more state militia personnel. Video report by Sergeant Reece Heck:
This is just a little bit of what the Utah Air & Army National Guard accomplished in August, 2023.
Camp Growl, Queensland, Australia. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, 01AUG2023.
On 01AUG2023, while deployed to Australia, the 144th Area Support Medical Company conducted ‘blackout’ (night-time) medical operations during international wargame Talisman Sabre (22 July to 04 August).
Utah Army National Guard photo by Captain Jeffrey Brenchley, 06AUG2023.
On 06AUG2023, Utah’s 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) militia personnel jumped from a perfectly good UH-60 Black Hawk rotary wing, into Deer Creek Reservoir near Heber City. The 19th SF Group Airborne is one of only two Army National Guard Special Forces (SF) units, the other unit is in Texas (197th Special Troops Support Company).
Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Rich Stowell, 08AUG2023.
On Camp Williams, in Utah, the 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) spent their yearly ‘summer camp’ preparing for their deployment to Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), which is based in the Republic of Djibouti. The 204th MEB will deploy to the African continent in Spring 2024.
Utah Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Nicholas Perez, 09AUG2023.
On 09AUG2023, the Adjutant General of the Utah National Guard greeted U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior on Roland R. Wright Air National Guard base (Salt Lake City). Biden was in Utah for a one-day ‘Campaign Reception’.
Utah’s 2nd Battalion, of the 222nd Field Artillery, pounded Michigan with their M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Guns (SPG) during wargame Northern Strike, on Camp Grayling. Video by Staff Sergeant Daniel Garas (edited by me), 12AUG2023:
Video by Staff Sergeant Daniel Garas showing a Utah M109A6 on the move:
On 23AUG2023, a Utah Army National Guard 1st Battalion-211th Aviation Regiment AH-64 Apache rotary wing launched a AGM-114 Hellfire missile at a smoking target on Granite Peak Range, near Dugway. Video by Staff Sergeant Cambrin Bassett: