Seen at the July 2023 Pocatello Car Club cruise & show-off (no audio):
Poky Car Show, July 2023: HOT, LOUD, RUDE & CRUDE!
Poky Car Show: 1972 DODGE CHALLENGER
Seen at the July 2023 Pocatello Car Club cruise & show-off (no audio):
Poky Car Show, July 2023: HOT, LOUD, RUDE & CRUDE!
Poky Car Show: 1972 DODGE CHALLENGER
Seen at the July 2023 Pocatello Car Club cruise & show-off:
Poky Car Show, July 2023: HOT, LOUD, RUDE & CRUDE!
Seen at the July 2023 Pocatello Car Club cruise & show-off (no audio):
Poky Car Show, July 2023: HOT, LOUD, RUDE & CRUDE!
Poky Car Show:
Seen at the July 2023 Pocatello Car Club cruise & show-off:
Poky Car Show, July 2023: HOT, LOUD, RUDE & CRUDE!
Poky Car Show: 1971-72 DODGE DEMON
The free Pocatello Car Club show started at 17 hours (5pm), 22JUL2023, it was 100+ Fahrenheit (38+ C)! I started recording video (I need a real video camera) and stills at about 17:30 hours, cars were still rolling in, eventually they would have at least 1-hundred cars show up.
No audio on this video due to loud copyrighted music being played:
This video has audio:
Click on the gallery pics to make them bigger:
The rollout for the Pocatello Car Club cruise started at 19 hours (7pm), hot vehicles in the hot 100+ Fahrenheit climate:
This was the quiet street to view car show cruisers, even though Grandma claimed “I can’t hear you!”:
July’s action on Main Street wasn’t as loud as it was in June:
It seemed most of the car-cruise action was taking place in the Center Street ‘tunnel’:
Cruise the Main, June 2023: “Do a burnout!” 2ND MONTHLY CAR CRUISE, POCATELLO, IDAHO.
Also in June 2023: POCATELLO S-A-C SHOW
2016: Last Car Show for Chubbuck Days?
2014: Last Car Show for Pocatello Airport?
On 10JUN2023, the Oldies Rod & Custom Car Show was held in Historic Oldtown Pocatello, Idaho, to benefit the Senior Activity Center‘s (SAC) food delivery service: “It’s the people that we serve are underserved in our community. And so, it really helps with the nutrition for them so that they can hopefully stay in their homes longer and with activities and everything else. That’s part of our goal to.”-Pam Landon, Secretary for SAC
The automobile show was free to the public, proceeds from food vender sales, and raffle ticket sales, went to help SAC. Just to let you know how much the help is needed, in 2022 the Pocatello SAC served more than 22-thousand meals to local old people.
Here is a sampling of the vehicles that were there (click on each image to make them bigger):
Walk around video of the show, which was supported by many local business sponsors, most of the video has no audio as they were blaring copyrighted music at the event:
For more SAC show videos, check-out my YouTube channel.
Apparently, the first Oldies Rod & Custom Car Show to benefit Pocatello SAC was on 10JUN2018.
For information about upcoming auto-shows around Idaho, visit United Street Rods of Idaho.
Chubbuck Days in Cotant Park, August 2016:
Helicopter ride forced down in neighboring Chase Park, due to too many passengers for the little ‘copter! (note the dejected riders walking away from their ride)
Pocatello Airport, August 2014: FREE CAR SHOW TO GO WITH THE FREE AIRSHOW!
Busiest Chubbuck Days ever, August 2012:
On 01 December 2011, Russian port authorities in Vladivostok stopped a shipment of tires from Japan. They say the tires are emitting beta and gamma rays.
This is not the first time Russian inspectors found radioactive products from Japan. In April, 49 second hand (used) cars shipped from Japan were found to be emitting radiation six times the safe limit. A similar incident happened in June. Eastern Russia is a big market for used Japanese cars.
What about radiation testing in the U.S.? The latest statement from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) claims to have conducted “…28,190 field examinations for radionuclide contamination.” However, they only talk about 1186 samples (out of the 28,190 tests) being safe. The data for the rest of their test is in a format my computer couldn’t open.
The FDA website has some statements that are pure bogusnus. Example: “Little or no harvesting of fish is taking place in the area around the reactor.” This is false! Fisherman in the Fukushima area have been fishing, including around the Daiichi power plant, it’s their only source of income! In fact the latest revelation, that strontium 90 is pouring into the ocean, has the local fishermens’ co-op threatening to sue Tokyo Electric.
Another example from the FDA: “The volume of water between particles and fish absorbs radiation, “shielding” the fish.” Bull Shit! Why have so many fish in Japanese markets turned up highly contaminated with radiation? Why are Fukushima fishermen so pissed off!?
The FDA tries a Red Herring argument by saying: “The half life of I-131 is about eight days.” They’re talking about cesium 131, they’re trying to make you feel safe. Hello, what about the strontium 90, the plutonium, and other isotopes that last virtually freakin’ forever!
They do mention cesium 137 (half life of 30 years), but here’s another amazing statement the FDA makes: “…the radionuclides also undergo biological excretion and do not continue to build up in fish…” Bull shit again! When I was a Cold War soldier, the U.S. Army had us doing yearly training for NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) warfare. One of the things we were taught is that radiation contamination freakin’ builds up over time! The longer you’re exposed the more F–ked up you get, because it builds up! You see when you work around radiative shit, you have to monitor not only the intensity of the radiation, but how long you’re exposed to it.
Finally the FDA passes the buck onto Customs and Border Protection saying they screen the cargo containers coming from Japan. The FDA also says their own people walk around the docks using hand held radiometers, and if they detect high “background” radiation levels then they do more intensive inspections. The problem is that just because the contents of the shipping container are radioactive does not means the thick steel container will emit radiation! The Russian inspectors at Vladivostok must be doing a better job at inspections than our people.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is making things more confusing , because they’ve been revising their “methodologies” and policies (isn’t that convenient). They don’t inspect products, but are supposed to be testing air and water. I’ve written about how many of the RadNet sites were not even working during the first few months of the nuclear crisis in Japan.
The EPA has changed how they report their RadNet data. In Idaho there’s only one RadNet site, in Idaho Falls. Their gamma counts show a lot of spikes, but it’s not clear if it’s because of Fukushima or not. On the old RadNet web page there was a detection of cesium 131 (short half life) in precipitation readings on 01 April 2011. However, the new RadNet sites are even more confusing, there is no way the general public can make use of them, what a waste of taxpayer money!
Fend for yourself!
Honda wants to cut north American production by 50%, and they’re blaming the latest flooding in Thailand.
Output at all six of its factories in the United States and Canada will be cut in half from November 2 through 10. Also, they will stop all production in North America for one day on November 11.
Toyota announced they will cut overtime hours at all 13 north American factories, again because of a lack of parts caused by flooding in Thailand.
SAAB has new Chinese owners. The car maker was sold at a loss, after it filed for bankruptcy in September. SAAB hasn’t made any cars in its factory in Sweden, since April!
SAAB was originally offloaded by GM to Dutch company Spyker (now Swedish Automotive). Chinese distributor Pang Da Automobile Trade, and auto manufacturer Zhejiang Youngman Lotus Automobile will pay about U.S.$142 million for SAAB.
SAAB joins Volvo in becoming a Chinese owned company. In 2010 Volvo was sold by Ford, also at a loss, to Chinese company called Geely.
SAAB sales in the U.S. suck, in September only 429 cars were sold. So far for the year 2011 only 4,612 cars have been sold. In 2003 SAAB sales in the U.S. were ten times that (40,000 cars)!
Toyota announced that if the supply problems in Japan continues it will be forced to close plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
Toyota continues to delay restarts of its plants in Japan, for the same reason.
Toyota has already cut overtime work at its North American plants.
Today’s announcement is meant as a warning, so North American plant officials can prepare.