Non-declared Cold War: Approximately 1947 (due to U.S. President Harry Truman’s Truman Doctrine) to 1991 (Operation Desert Storm, collapse of Soviet Union).
1979 Dodge Magnum XE.
In 1970 (Cold War), the first in the U.S. fully enclosed colligate sports arena opened; the ASISU (Associated Students of Idaho State University) Minidome. In 1988 (Cold War), the name was changed to Holt Arena to honor the athletic director who pushed for the creation of the Minidome. In January 2024 the name was changed, again, to ICCU (Idaho Central Credit Union) Dome, due to the arena’s recent refreshment being funded mostly by the financial institution.
My video, 1979 Dodge Magnum XE:
On the 15th-16th of March 2024, Idaho State University (ISU)-College of Technology Automotive Program held its ‘Chrome in the Dome’ car show.
In January 2024, the first in the U.S. fully enclosed colligate sports arena got a name change, for the third time since 1970. The new name is ICCU (Idaho Central Credit Union) Dome, due to the arena’s recent refreshment being funded largely by the financial institution. In 1970, it was called ASISU (Associated Students of Idaho State University) Minidome to honor the fact that students (whether they knew it or not) had funded the construction through increased student fees. In 1988, the name was changed to Holt Arena to honor the athletic director who pushed for the creation of the Minidome.
On the 15th-16th of March 2024, Idaho State University (ISU)-College of Technology Automotive Program held its ‘Chrome in the Dome’ car show, in the Holt Arena-ICCU Dome.
“My name is Bond, Bug Bond.” This 1970 Bond Bug was made by a British company called Reliant Motor Company.
On the 15th-16th of March 2024, Idaho State University (ISU)-College of Technology Automotive Program held its ‘Chrome in the Dome’ car show. My buggy video:
The owner of this Bond Bug bought the body/chassis from a seller in the United Kingdom. The motor came from a Bond Bug owner in California, who converted his Bug to electric (with poor results as the old high-octane gas powered Bug has a far greater range than the electric version).
The Bond Bug was not sold in the United States, in fact the owner of this Bond Bug has to import the tiny tires from Canada!
Carrington Event=A large solar storm that took place at the beginning of September 1859, destroying the existing electrical infrastructure (telegraph communication lines) in parts of Europe and the United States.
EMP= Electro-Magnetic Pulse, generated via a solar storm/natural event or by military weapons.
For weeks now I’ve been seeing reports of state governors declaring states of emergency/disaster, and even activating their National Guards, for the solar eclipse of 08APR2024. This is odd, because these states of emergencies are not just for crowd/traffic control in the eclipse viewing epicenters, they are also for expected food shortages, collapse of the power grid, and even the possibility of a Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear (CBRN) attack!?
This photo was made by Alabama Air Guard Staff Sergeant Shelby Thurman during the October 2023 solar eclipse. Was there social chaos? Was there a collapse of the power grid?
In 2017 there was another solar eclipse across the United States, and the state I live in was one of the epicenters for viewing that cosmic event, and yes some extra Idaho State Police were called in, as well as some Idaho National Guard, specifically for crowd/traffic control, but not for a total collapse of ‘the system’. There was no power grid collapse, no food shortages, no CBRN events, no social collapse!
This U.S. Army photo was made by Vanessa Flores during the October 2023 solar eclipse, over White Sands, New Mexico. Were there any food shortages as a result?
If this year’s solar eclipse is going to be so destructive, then why did the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) proudly boast that they will be hosting solar eclipse parties on their Michael J. Kirwan Reservoir, in Ohio, and their Shenango River Lake, in Pennsylvania?
Or, how about the USACE’s big solar eclipse party on their Mount Morris Dam in the state of New York?
Certainly, solar eclipses do-not shutdown power grids. But, what can shutdown power grids? A massive EMP generating solar flare can, but so can an attack by inter-web hackers, as well as a human-made CBRN event.
What I know for certain is that the U.S. military, through state level National Guard, has been prepping for such an event for decades, if not for the past year:
U.S. Army video (by Private First Class Mike Godinez), CBRN disaster response training in Alaska, 07MAR2024:
On 18JAN2024, the U.S. Navy-Japan issued this disaster-prep-kit video (by Petty Officer Second Class Dean Cates):