Tag Archives: wall street

God is Evil: Obama praises Saudi Arabia’s takeover of UN Human Rights Council! Allah allows human sacrifice of 2000+ people in Mecca!

25 September 2015 (20:59 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 September 2015)/03 Mehr 1394/11 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/13 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“I mean, frankly, it’s, would welcome it. We’re close allies.” Mark Toner, deputy spokesman U.S. Obama regime Department of State

One of the most evil countries in the world, right after Israel, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is now the boss of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the very council that has repeatedly admonished KSA for gross human rights violations.

“In a normal world, Saudi Arabia would be arraigned for its appalling human rights record, not appointed to head an important panel at the international human rights monitor. And yet, it was revealed Monday that over the summer Saudi Arabia was appointed to a panel at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)…”

This comes as the KSA is about to behead a 21 years old man, then crucify his headless body for the strict purpose of being put on public display.  The man was ‘convicted’ when he was 17 of the crime of protesting KSA government policies!

According to the UN Human Rights Council, KSA has already beheaded 1-hundred people so far in the Gregorian year of 2015!

As I’ve been reporting for years now the United States and KSA support kafir insurgent groups who destroy societies under the claim of spreading true Islam (like DAIISH, aka Islamic State).

The Human Rights Watch stated that in 2014 many people in KSA were convicted of ‘crimes’ like “breaking allegiance with the ruler, contact with foreign news organizations to exaggerate the news, circulating his phone number to [foreign] news agencies to allow them to call him.”

Amnesty International says “Saudi Arabian authorities have responded with repressive measures against those suspected of taking part in or supporting protests or expressing views critical of the state. Protesters have been held without charge and incommunicado for days or weeks at a time, and some are reported to have been tortured…..   ….more than 2,000 people executed between 1985 and 2013; the arrest, imprisonment and harassment of large members of the Shi’a Muslim community and other minority groups; long-standing exploitation and abuse of migrant workers by private and state employers; and continued discrimination against women….”

Why didn’t Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim genocide those damn Meccans when he had a chance?  Oh, because the Quran says to be merciful to people you consider evil.  Please explain that to those damn kafir DAIISH!

The original plan was to wipe Mecca off the map, but because many of the Muhammadians were tired from the long war of liberation they had been waging against the elite priestly classes of the region, Muhammad made a deal with the devils: Let us smash the idols in the Kaaba and we will let the Kaaba stand, continuing the ages old pilgrimage under the guise of Islam, and you Meccan priests can remain in control.   Now look what the world has to deal with!

At least Jesus of Nazareth feared not the priests of Al Quds (Jerusalem), or the weak minded masses, and went to his death not as a hypocrite!

The Hajj to Mecca has become a pilgrimage of death, a mass human sacrifice ritual, already this season at least 2-thousand people have been killed in and around Mecca!

Yesterday’s stampede was officially reported as causing 7-hundred deaths, but the latest reports say the death toll is going to skyrocket and that the stampede was caused by a modern priest of Mecca; one of the sons of the current king of Saudi Arabia.  Reports say the prince wanted to take part in the ritual at Mina, but the royal A-hole decided to take 2-hundred soldiers and 150 police who then human wave ‘bulldozed’ over the Hajjis to make way for the exalted prince!    And these priests are now in charge of the UN’s Human Rights Council?

Before the stampede, another mass killing took place in Mecca a couple of weeks prior, when a construction crane fell and killed at least 111 Hajjis!   The crane was being operated by the bin Laden family, yes, the same family that gave us Osama bin Laden!

Mass deaths of people going on the Hajj goes back to at least 1973.  One analysts said at least 10-thousand people have died on the Haj since 1985!

proof God is Evil and that Palestinian Girls have more Balls than Men! 

Egypt joins massive Saudi led invasion of Yemen! Supported by Obama regime!

Foreign Jews takeover 7th biggest U.S. cable company, layoffs next! Heavy vehicle maker to kill additional 10,000 jobs! Military charges taxpayers for sex! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 24 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Qatari based Al-Jazeera news network eliminating 1-thousand jobs around the world, including the United States!  It’s blamed on oil prices.

Florida: After 11 years the Big E’s Gourmet Coffee & Sweets shutdown because the owner has been offered more money to manage a Starbucks.  Local news reports say the owner will make in one year at the Starbucks what he was making in four years running his own restaurant! 

Idaho: The Idaho Water Resource Board is returning a $4-million USD investment made by four large water districts into the Hagerman Valley pipeline project because several smaller water districts decided to take on a loan to cover the costs.  Apparently it has something to do with water access rights issues and the ongoing drought, as usual Idaho news sources weren’t very good at explaining it.  Amalgamated Sugar, in Twin Falls, reports record level sugar beet harvested under contract.  Idaho is the second largest producer of sugar beets for sugar production in the U.S., the record harvest should keep the prices for White Satin brand sugar down.

Illinois: More proof the economy is not going to recover anytime soon.  After hundreds of layoffs this year heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar announced another 10-thousand jobs, at the very least, will be eliminated by the end of 2018!  Administrators also indicated the number of layoffs could end up being higher than 10-thousand! It’s blamed on crashing and burning sales (three years in a row).  In Obama homietown Chicago, Obama stooge Rahm Emanuel is threatening massive police and firefighter layoffs if residents aren’t willing to be raped up the ass with massive tax increases! This is on top of the 5-thousand Chicago Public School layoffs! Reports say the Obama regime wants to jack up Chicago tax revenues by $588-million USD over four years!  By the way, school employees threaten massive civil “chaos” if the Obama regime goes through with the massive CPS layoffs!

Iowa: What housing market recovery?  Too Big to Jail Owens Financing laying off 3-hundred people at its Waterloo mortgage operations!

Michigan: In Ann Arbor, after 20 years the S3 Safe Sex Store shutdown. The owner blames the internet for her crashing sales.

Minnesota: In Minneapolis, Mattie’s restaurant shutdown.  Four Planet Beach spas suddenly shutdown, the franchise owners now bankrupt busted claiming they have only $11,200 in assets compared to $1.4-million in debts!  In Lake Park, after 60 years the Strandvik Lutheran Church shutting down by January 2016.  It’s blamed on The Rapture, I mean the membership has dwindled to about ten people showing up on Sundays.

New Mexico: Texas based ConocoPhilips confirmed that employees in The Land of Enchantment will be part of the oil company’s plan to eliminate 1-thousand 8-hundred jobs!

New York: Oyster Bay based Cablevision is now owned by the French Jews!  News reports called it a “surprise move”.  Get ready for mass layoffs as the new owner said Cablevison has “many layers of highly paid people and this will change.”  In the Bronx, Key Food shutting down its Soundview grocery store in October after the greedy property owner revoked the lease.

Ohio:  The Firestone Park IGA grocery store shutting down in October, saying it’s not worth it to renew the lease.  It’s blamed on competition and increased operating costs caused by ObamaCare insurance.

South Carolina: The Blind Tiger Pub in Charleston shutdown and for sale. The owner can’t renew the lease.

South Dakota: After 81 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) the family owned Sitting Bull Crystal Caverns shutdown and up for sale.  The current owner blames it on the fact that he seems to be the last in the family that still wants to operate the popular tourist attraction.

Texas: In Denison, after 82 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) shutdown.  Despite the ongoing illegal and undeclared War on Terror the VFW shutdown is blamed on lack of veterans!  In Austin, the Lakeview Apartments being torn down by the end of the month.  Residents were given a one month notice to vacate by greedy property developers, some residents had just moved in.  It’s being replaced by a new apartment complex targeted towards rich people.

Virginia: In Alexandria, the Del Ray Variety store shutting down by the end of the year.  A reason has yet to be given.

Washington:  Norway based solar company REC Silicon warned it might shutdown its Moses Lake factory, eliminating 4-hundred jobs,  if the dumb United States and China can’t stop their trade disputes!

Washington DC: The Department of Defense is investigating why military personnel were allowed to charge taxpayers for sex and gambling.  This is not the first time taxpayer funded government credit cards were used for such things.  The Inspector General found that between 2013 and 2014 $1-million USD were spent at casinos and on ‘adult entertainment’!

23 September 2015: “We just can’t get the…business to function.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Syria, 22 – 23 September 2015: U.S. airstrikes shows NATO has become impotent! Heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan intercepted!

A Syrian Observatory for Human Rights investigation has revealed that 12 months of U.S. led NATO airstrikes against (their own covert) DAESH (Islamic State) insurgents has affected a grand total (net effect) of 15 square kilometers (9 miles) of territory! It was also shown that U.S.-led NATO rarely provided air support for either Syrian Arab Army, YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units)  or anti-Assad insurgents who were fighting against DAESH.   Either U.S.-NATO has become totally incompetent or it’s just more proof that DAESH actually works for U.S.-NATO.

NATO member France announced they are ready to begin airstrikes, but also said they no longer believe President Bashar al-Assad “has to go” as the U.S. demands: “We received specific intelligence indicating that the recent terrorist attacks against France and other European nations were organized by DAESH in Syria. Due to this threat we decided to start reconnaissance flights to have the option for airstrikes…”

‘Western’ sources say Russia has now delivered 28 new combat aircraft to Syria.  The report also says the Russian planes flew undetected to Syria by closely trailing commercial airliners.  It was only after they were on the ground that spy satellites spotted them.

As an example of ‘western’ news media hyperbol (bull-shit) the Financial Times says “Russia’s Syria build-up takes Iran by surprise“, while the Wall Street Journal says “Russia, Iran Seen Coordinating on Defense of Assad Regime…”  So which is it boys?

U.S. CentComm admitted to sending insurgents through NATO member Turkey into Syria to fight alongside, not against as earlier reports said, other insurgent groups.  CentComm added that the new insurgents were “moderate” compared to DAESH.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (pronounced like a quick sounding Day-Esh, Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including the long defensive battle for the Air Force Academy.  Reports say the Syrian Arab Army Air Force began nighttime airstrikes, possibly with the new aircraft from Russia.  More than 50 insurgents killed.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says at least 12 civilians killed by the battles, and DAESH executed three people for helping the Syrian Arab Army, and rival insurgent groups say they shot down a UAV (drone) operated by DAESH.  Near a school in the Aleppo City neighborhood of al-Telefon al-Hawa’ei a teacher and a student were shot and killed with explosive bullets.  No indication who shot them.  Reports of fighting between YPG and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents near al- Sheikh Maqsoud area.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  President Bashar al-Assad issued three executive orders.  One; increasing the pay of government civilian and military employees, as well as employees of companies in which the Syrian government holds 75% of the stocks.  The Ministry of Labor and Finance will decide the amount of wage/salary increase.  Two; increasing retirement pay for retired government employees.  Three; increases the amount of income that can be exempted from tax collections for all Syrians.   The executive orders go into effect in the Gregorian month of October.   The International Conference for Youths had the ‘balls’ to tour the damage caused by the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents in the town of Maaloula.    More proof the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war is about drug running, in Damascus City seven people arrested for trafficking hash and heroin from U.S. controlled Afghanistan.  Also, two insurgent mortar rounds landed in the city, but no civilians were hurt.  Jaish al-Islam insurgents fired a mortar round into the al-Wafideen refugee camp, killing one civilian and wounding three.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 20 thermobaric barrel bombs were dropped by the Syrian Arab Army Air Force on Daraya City.  Syrian Arab Army and local militia launched nighttime artillery strikes against insurgents near the city of Harasta.

Daraa Governorate:   Several battles reported, including near a technical college in Daraa City.  In the town of al- Shajrah the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Shohadaa al- Yarmouk Brigade put a man on public display in a cage, because he “insulted god”.  By the way, that’s the same bull-shit the Catholics did for nearly 1500 years, so don’t get all excited for Pope Francis ’cause it’s still the same Catholic church!  The Protestant colonists in North America did the same bull-shit, ever hear of being put on public display in the ‘stocks’?  Do your historical research!  More proof the insurgents are backed by the ‘christian’ west!

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Intense battles reported separately by the Syrian Arab Army and Air Force, and news sources.  DAESH launched a midnight assault on the Deir Ezzor airbase, but failed to capture the base, again.   At least 114 DAESH insurgents killed, 115 wounded.  Dozens of civilians killed or wounded. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says DAESH executed an insurgent they captured from another group.  Apparently DAESH and the other group from NATO member Turkey were fighting each other.  In the DAESH controlled al-Bokamal town, 15 civilians were ‘arrested’ by DAESH for violating DAESH laws, like not growing a beard or wearing clothing not approved by DAESH!  DAESH also ‘allowed’ limited access to the internet after banning it last week.

Hama GovernorateSyrian Observatory for Human Rights claims five people were tortured to death in government controlled prisons, but gave no details.

Homs Governorate:  Ground  battles and airstrikes intensified against DAESH in al-Qariatin and Tadmour (Palmyra) cities.  A battle raged for the al-Shaer oil field.  At least 60 DAESH insurgents killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the intense battles for Palmyra resulted in at least 12 civilians killed.  In Homs City, an Alawite woman was killed after a bus exploded, 12 people wounded.  There have been several days of reports of explosions targeting the Alawites.  In al-Zahraa, police report a car bomb exploded killing one civilian and wounding 15.   Reports say the residents of insurgent held al- Qaryatain are down to just one doctor for the war ravaged city.  Apparently the Syrian Arab Army Air Force began nighttime airstrikes against the city, followed by nighttime artillery strikes from the Syrian Arab Army.

Idleb Governorate:  Reports of nighttime airstrikes by Syrian Arab Army Air Force, but no word concerning casualties.  It turns out the reports of ceasefire involve towns along the border with Lebanon, and is between insurgents and Shiite militias.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they killed 20 insurgents, 15 were from Chechnya.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports a battle with an insurgent group called Bait al-Maqdes in Horan and Golan.  They say the insurgents are connected to Muslim Brotherhood.

Raqqah Governorate:  12 people killed by airstrikes meant to hit insurgents. Witnesses say some of those killed were DAESH insurgents.  Locals said DAESH al- Hesbah police have ‘arrested’ several people including a woman who refused to cover her face in public.

Sweida Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they hit a group of DAESH in Kherbat Saab.

21 September 2015: John Kerry reveals U.S. will ramp up the war!

“We just can’t get the…business to function.” “trend is expected to accelerate” Citigroup says Boston too Weak to do business! Debt collector bites the dust? ObamaCare kills hospitals owned by doctors! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 23 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: After 20 years the recently schizophrenic (constantly changing  its menu) Cow Hollow’s Betelnut restaurant  shutting down, the greedy property owner did not want to renew the lease.

Colorado: In Colorado Springs, hand tool maker Western Forge WARNed of “a strong possibility” of 150 layoffs over the next seven months!  Evil debt collector EOS CCA issued a WARN saying it will shutdown its Denver office and layoff 60 people right before Thanksgiving.  Like other corporations they are consolidating their operations.

Idaho: What construction industry recovery? Aecom Technology reported to kill off the last of Boise based construction company Morrison-Knudsen, the remaining 75 jobs lost between now and Xmas.

Illinois: Springfield’s Hope Institute for Children and Families ending its autism program due to the state ‘lawmakers’ suspending the taxpayer funding.

Indiana: The Mishawaka OfficeMax shutting down in time for Thanksgiving, about 20 jobs lost.  Pall Filter Specialists issued a shutdown WARN for their 43 years old Michigan City factory, 28 jobs lost before Thanksgiving.

Massachusetts: Too Big to Jail Citigroup shutting down six Boston Weak offices and another 11 offices around the state.   Citigroup actually said the 650-thousand+ population of Boston isn’t big enough for its new business model: “In Boston, Citi’s retail banking presence does not provide such scale so we are reallocating resources.”  

New Mexico: The Albuquerque OfficeMax on Wyoming NE shutting down in time for Thanksgiving, about 20 jobs lost.  After more than 40 years the Alpine Sausage Kitchen shutting down by the end of the month.  The owners said the bad economy is a sign they need to retire.  In a sign that the growing popularity of food trucks is actually destroying brick-n-mortar restaurants, the Albuquerque city council created a law saying food trucks must stay at least 100 feet from any brick-n-mortar op.  After only three months, Witch’s Brew coffee shop shutdown blaming money problems.

New York: In NYC, Toys “R” Us – Delaware issued a shutdown and mass layoff WARN, saying 373 people will become jobless right after Xmas!  Iconic Trinity Boxing Club shutting down due to the rent being jacked up, the new landlord wants $60-thousand USD per month!!!  E-book operator Oyster is no more as Google hired away most of the talent.   In Rochester, after eight years baby boutique Luvaboos shutting down  once everything is sold.  It’s blamed on internet competition and one of the co-owners is going to make more money as a teacher.

Oklahoma: In Enid, after 21 years Soccer World shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone.

Ohio:  What automotive industry recovery?  Troubled bearing maker Kyklos Bearing International (KBI) issued a mass layoff WARN saying 177 people will be laid off after Thanksgiving!  In June KBI agreed to pay a fine of $50-thousand USD regarding discrimination against disabled people, and in February employees warned of a plant shutdown if the union and corporate weenie heads didn’t agree to new wage terms.  Hydraulic gear pump maker Parker Hannifin says it has to shutdown its Youngstown factory over the next 18 months due to global competition, 137 jobs lost!  In Lima, the famous Hawthorne Hills golf course shutting down after 52 years: “We just can’t get the course as a business to function.”-Paul Scheiwiller, co-owner

Oregon: After 80 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Shleifer Furniture shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone, because the owner sold the property.  Supposedly the new property owner is going to renovate the building that was built in Gregorian year 1906.

Pennsylvania: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia owned SABIC Innovative Plastics shutting down its Thorndale factory, at least 51 jobs lost.  The company explanation also revealed no local economic recovery is expected: “Over the past several years, SABIC’s customer base, who purchase unique LNP compounds, is increasingly located in the Pacific, and this trend is expected to accelerate….” 

Rhode Island: After 70 years clothier Wilson’s of Wickford shutdown blaming “very difficult economic times and many personal challenges”.

Tennessee: In Maryville, after 45 years Dubb’s Restaurant shutdown due to the death of one of the co-owners.

Texas: An accidentally leaked internal memo from oil giant Halliburton revealed more layoffs in the works, this time targeting management.  Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forced upscale doctor owned for-profit Forest Park Medical Center at Frisco to go chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  According to a local news report “…a tightening of a pre-existing law under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, essentially bans physician-owned facilities such as Forest Park from receiving Medicare and Medicare reimbursements…”

Wisconsin:  W.D. Hoard & Sons shutting down its printing ops due to the merger with Royle Printing, 33 jobs lost.   In Milwaukee, after ten years the Buckhead Saloon shutting down. The owner swears he’ll re-open as soon as he can figure out a new plan.  

22 September 2015: Grocery store kills 13,097 jobs in one state!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

More proof God is Evil and that Palestinian Girls have more Balls than Men!

23 September 2015 (16:58 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Mehr 1394/09 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/11 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

Three operations were performed on my daughter. A part of her intestines had to be removed. But the bullet in her chest was what killed her.”-Salah Hashlamoun, father of unarmed Palestinian girl that had more ‘balls’ than most Israeli men

A squad of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) men shot unarmed 18 years old Hadil Hashlamoun at point blank range! Reports say the IDF shot at her dozens of times, she was hit at least three times.  But that wasn’t enough ’cause she was still alive!  The IDF then blocked the responding EMTs for at least 30 minutes until the IDF were satisfied with how much blood she lost, guaranteeing she would die!

IDF claim she was attacking them with a knife, but there’s plenty of pics of the incident on the internet that shows otherwise.

The Palestinian National Unity Government is demanded the ineffectual United Nations investigate the murder.  They say the IDF stopped the 18 years old girl as she was walking home.  She was holding a bag (a large purse).  Pics confirm this.  The official report by the IDF says she was attacking them with a knife.  The pics show the girl standing still, hands down holding her bag. After she’s bled out for 30 minutes a video shows IDF dragging her body with no sign of a weapon in her possession.  Reports say the bag contained her school books!

According to Palestinian news reports the IDF has shot and killed at least two Palestinians in the past two days, and wounded two people in the past three days as well as kidnapped 27 males (men and boys). And that was just in Palestine’s West Bank.

Israeli settlers take over Mosque then run over 7 years old boy!

Once again, Palestinian girls have more ‘balls’ than most ‘men’!

A & P kills 13,097 jobs! ObamaCare rates killing minimum wage increases! Massive 50% rent increase coming despite massive layoffs! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 22 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson warns that the Chinese economy has “run out of steam”!

Arkansas: After about 70 years the Crossland Zoo suddenly shutdown by the Crossett city council, who apparently did not involve public comment regarding the decision.  News reports say residents are pissed.

California: Menlo Park based Kaiser Family Foundation just released their study of the effects of Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) insurance rates and concluded that in 2014 insurance rates through employers went up an average of 4% yet wages averaged only a 1.9% increase.  Many insurance companies have already warned of rate hikes by as much as 30% for 2016!  In Fresno, after five years family owned Swiggs Sliders & Wings shutdown, blaming increased competition, increased costs (specifically ObamaCare insurance and minimum wage) and declining sales.  Local news reports revealed the location is a revolving door for dozens of past restaurants.

Delaware: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) the final straw in forcing the taxpayer funded nursing home Emily P. Bissell Hospital to shutdown.   The nursing home was plagued with problems from faulty water pipes to declining number of customers.  But news reports say the patients aren’t happy with their new homes either, saying many were told their new nursing homes were just temporary when they really aren’t.

Florida: In Miami, after one year restaurant  Morimoto South Beach shutting down by the end of the month.  In Jacksonville, a restaurant described as a popular hangout for politicians, Two Doors Down, is shutting down due to greedy property owners/developers.

Idaho: State Department of Labor admitted that the unemployment rate went up in The Gem State, blaming a net loss of 4-hundred jobs in August!

Illinois: Chicago based internet couponing company Groupon announced it will kill 1-thousand 1-hundred jobs over the next year, as it ends operations in six countries!  Groupon is also selling-off 45% of its Republic of Korea ops. Rodan Asian Fusion Lounge suddenly shutdown after 12 years, a former manager blames the greedy landlord for jacking up the rent.  The Bloomington OfficeMax shutting down in time for Thanksgiving, 20 jobs lost.

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, after 20 years Conser Music instrument store shutting down in October.  The owner said that demand for music lessons peaked between 2002-07, then crashed once the Great Recession started, with no recovery in sight.

Maryland:  Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing taxpayer funded Dimensions Healthcare System’s non-profit Laurel Regional Hospital to eliminate an additional 84 jobs before Thanksgiving, on top of the 38 already laid off. It’s part of a bigger plan to turn the hospital into a smaller outpatient clinic (which means even more job losses).  After 35 years the Ocean City The Bookshelf Etc. bookstore shutdown, it’s going to be turned into a seafood store.

Massachusetts: Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) and Enterprise Community Partners are warning that U.S. residents who rent are about to experience a more than 50% increase in payments between now and 2025!  This new report comes a month after Washington state based Zillow called current rents “crazy”.

Nevada: Proof even the rich are cutting back on spending; in Las Vegas after ten years the local Penske Wynn Ferrari Maserati dealer shutting down before the end of the year.

New Hampshire: Rymes Propane & Oil shutting down three of its four fuel stations!  Administrators blame new laws that would force them to spend money upgrading their fuel stations, and they say it’s not worth it.

New York: Bankrupt grocery store operator The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company (A&P, Pathmark, Waldbaums, Liquor Store, Food Emporium, Food Basics) updated the number of people in The Empire State who’ll become unemployed very soon; at least 13-thousand and 97!   Union Springs Board of Education shutting down two elementary schools before the next school year, blaming what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  However, could the real reason be that the school board wants to spend $8.2-million USD on a new project?   After many financial troubles internet based invention company Quirky now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Reports say Flextronics wants to take over Quirky’s Wink division.  Too Big to Jail evil JPMorganChase accuses the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans of being the now banned subprime type: “FHA requirements are down to a 520 FICO and you only have to put 3.5% down; that’s subprime lending…”

Pennsylvania: Ohio based natural gas company Stingray Pressure Pumping laying off 25 people in Washington County right before Thanksgiving.

Texas: In Wichita Falls, Peerless Manufacturing revealed they shutdown their seven years old factory last week, blaming the oil industry.  60 jobs lost.

Washington: Colorado based oil and gas engineering company CH2M announced they’re shutting down their Bellingham office blaming decreasing profits.

21 September 2015: “We need to move on, too.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

United Police States of America: 49% of Americans say Government is True Enemy of the State!

22 September 2015 (21:27 UTC-07 Tango 01, 21 September 2015)/31 Shahrivar 1394/08 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/10 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

Almost half of U.S. citizens polled by Gallup say the U.S. government is the true enemy, calling it “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens”.

Wake up, the war is on! Cops ramp up genocide as administrators admonish civilian victims! 

UN accuses U.S. of being a Third World Police State! 

Cities in Missouri sue their own constituents for voting down Red Light Cameras! 

God is Evil: Israeli settlers take over Mosque then run over 7 years old boy! Soldiers kidnap dozens!

21 September 2015 (17:20 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Shahrivar 1394/07 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/09 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

In Hebron, Palestine, invading Israeli settlers broke into the Ibrahimi mosque to revive Talmudic rituals.  One settler ran over a seven years old boy who was taken to a hospital, no word on his condition.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have blocked seven of the eight access points to the mosque.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center reports that the IOF has kidnapped 27 Palestinians, 11 are children.  They were taken to the al-Mascobiyya interrogation center.

Israeli bulldozers and several military vehicles invaded Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood in Silwan, and demolished a Palestinian home.

As a result of ongoing acts of war by Israeli forces  Palestinian youths in the cities of Bethlehem and Hebron attacked soldiers with rocks.  Two Palestinians wounded by rubber bullets.  They got more balls than most ‘freedom loving’ people in the United States!

Israel kills U.S. citizen! 

Israeli soldiers & Christian Red Cross execute hundreds of civilians, erasing town of Khuza’a! 

U.S. Senator from Idaho says the war against Islamic State is not about protecting you, it’s all for Israel! 

If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!! 

Laws of the Mezuzah: Israel reveals their plans for Holocaust against non-Jews!!!

Syria, 21 September 2015: Israel promises to avoid attacking Russians! John Kerry reveals war will ramp up! Hezbollah to quit fighting in Syria!

21 September 2015 (16:28 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Shahrivar 1394/07 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/09 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“We strongly condemn the criminal shelling against the Russian diplomatic mission in Damascus.  Moscow expects a clear stance by members of the international community, including regional sides, regarding this criminal act.”-Russian Foreign Ministry

A day after insurgents begged Israel to impose a ‘no fly zone’ over Syria, Reuters claims Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised Russian President Vladimir Putin to “prevent misunderstandings between IDF [Israel Defense Force] units and Russian forces” in Syria.

This comes as Israeli news sources say Russia has begun UAV (drone) recon missions within Syria.

Israel’s SodaStream claims it will provide 1-thousand Syrian refugees with jobs.

“The U.S. has long been trying to remove Syrian President Assad…U.S. interests also weaken Europe….     Turkey now attacking the Kurds….”-Miloslav Ransdorf, Czech Republic’s Minister to the European Union Parliament

Does the evil unconstitutional leadership of the United States know something?  Why did John Kerry announce a phased increase of war refugees from the around the world (not just Syria) for the next two years?

Specifically in fiscal 2016 the number of war refugees that the U.S. ‘officially’ takes-in will go from 70-thousand per year to 85-thousand.  But in fiscal 2017 it’ll jump to 100-thousand!  Why?  If the ‘advanced’ power players of the world are truly working to end the wars why is the U.S. expecting such a huge increase in refugees?

John Kerry’s statements about the phased increase of war refugees came a day after he told the world that “Assad must go” but also said there was no set deadline for getting rid of Assad.

Lebanon news sources say the Lebanese Resistance Regiments will end their operations within Syria once the city of Zabadani is fully liberated from EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that Syrian Arab Army Air Force ‘Hip’ helicopters continued their months long thermobaric barrel bombings across several governorates where U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents are concentrated.   Hundreds of people killed from barrel bombs just today.

Aleppo Governorate: In Aleppo City, Syrian Arab Army says U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents launched artillery rocket attacks killing two civilians and wounding six.   However, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights believes at least one of the rocket attacks came from the Syrian Arab Army and was targeting DAESH held territory, but resulted in four civilians being killed.  United Kingdom news sources say the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) are planing to capture the DAESH held Syria-Turkey border crossing of Jarabulus.  The Independent predicts this will royally piss off NATO member Turkey. 

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Police report a Jaish al-Islam insurgent artillery mortar round impacted near the al-Hal market in al-Zablatani, one person killed.

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army reports multiple battles with insurgents including U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  Many homemade bombs had to be disarmed.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:     Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports five civilians killed by airstrikes, and one 18 years old killed by DAESH sniper.

Hama Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force conducted airstrikes using thermobaric barrel bombs, while the Army conducted artillery strikes, across northern areas. 

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents blew up two car bombs at the entrance of Mishrafa Village, killing four civilians and wounding four others.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports DAESH attacked YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units).

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army battles with DAESH north of Shaer Mountain to the north west of Tadmur (Palmyra).  Police report two insurgent artillery rocket rounds impacted on a bus station near a clinic, killing a child and wounding five people.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli  insurgents targeted Alawites by planting a bomb in a car. The owner of the car was killed when got in.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army says they killed 24 insurgents near the Mediterranean coastal villages of al-Shahrora and Zahia.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports battles with Jabhat al-Nusra.  Reports say insurgent vehicle convoy hit with guided missiles.

Raqqah Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force reports battles with DAESH in Raqqa City.

20 September 2015: Yet again, weenie head Islamic State blows itself up by accident!

“We need to move on, too.” Donald Trump shuts down 126 years old military alma mater? Disney kills ESPN? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 21 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Colorado: Troubled ECMC Group shutting down their Zenith Education Group student loan call center in Thornton, 137 jobs lost right before Xmas!   Local news reports say that at one time the call center had more than 3-hundred employees.

Connecticut: More proof unAmerican corporate America does not see economic recovery! Disney has ordered its Bristol based sports channel ESPN to eliminate $350-million USD worth of jobs (about 200 to 300 jobs) over the next two years!

Delaware: The state Department of Labor says unemployment went up in August due to normal summertime layoffs.

Florida: In Jacksonville, CACI Integrated Security Solutions issued a WARN saying 51 employees will be laid off right before Thanksgiving.

Illinois: In Alton, after only three years Santa Cruz Imports and Exports shutting down in November.  The owner said he’s too busy with his rental properties and construction company.

Kansas: In Emporia, after 24 years the Town Crier Bookstore shutting down in October.  The owners are reported to have said “We need to move on, too.”

Massachusetts: The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) trend of consolidation/mergers in the healthcare industry is shutting down two nursing homes that’ve survived the Great (deflationary) Depression and numerous recessions; the 150 years old Merrimack River Valley House and the 87 years old Horn Home.  

New York: The 126 years old (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) bankrupt busted New York Military Academy shutdown after a planned sale fell through. It’s blamed on DSS, in 2014 enrollment fell to less than 1-hundred.  Donald Trump was a student at the privately funded school but actually refused to bail out his alma mater on the grounds it was a losing business proposition!  Daikin Applied issued a 9th round layoff WARN for their Auburn HVAC facility, to take place in December.  Daikin is shutting down by April 2016, eliminating a total of 310 jobs!  Drugs maker Pfizer issued a WARN for yet another round of layoffs at its Rouses Point ops, they expect to be shutdown by December.  In East Hampton, Waldbaum’s grocery store shutting down.  Turn’s out Waldbaum’s was owned by now bankrupt and dying Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company.  The new owner, Stop & Shop Supermarket, decided it wasn’t worth it to keep the Waldbaum’s open.

North Carolina: Charlotte based Too Big to Jail Bank of America warned of another round of mass layoffs, this time ‘only’ 1-thousand people will become jobless!  The jobs are connected to fixed income, currencies and commodities ops.  After 21 years the Tremont Music Hall shutting down after Xmas.  Local news reports blame greedy property developers.

North Dakota:  Local news sources discovered that oilfield service company Halliburton had eliminated jobs at its Williston office.  When cornered Halliburton administrators would only confirm the layoffs but refused to give numbers.

Pennsylvania: More proof unAmerican corporate America sees no recovery soon!   Redner’s Warehouse Market grocery store shutting down in Trexlertown, 74 jobs lost.  After 25 years of sales the administrators said renewing the lease was not “beneficial nor profitable in the foreseeable future.”

Texas: Houston based Marathon Oil announced 40 more layoffs, on top of the 4-hundred they already laid off.  Administrators also said they won’t be drilling any new exploratory wells in 2016.

Virginia: Evil British empire U.S. tax-sucking military contractor BAE eliminating 650 jobs in Norfolk! Administrators blame a reduction in work for the USN.  Bristol based mining company Alpha Natural Resources announced 96 more layoffs at three mines in Dickenson County.

Wisconsin: In Port Washington, after 79 years on-going construction projects forced iconic Harry’s restaurant to shutdown.   The building the restaurant is located in will be replaced with condominiums.

19 – 20 September 2015: more and more citizens think we’re about to go to hell in hand basket! 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”