Tag Archives: wall street

SWAT cops shoot each other in Idaho, don’t blame lack of anti-gun laws!

22 October 2015 (16:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

In Lewiston a fine example of idiocy by the city’s finest as two SWAT cops get shot in the police department’s basement!

Apparently the two cops were mishandling a gun when it went off, wounding both in the hands.  Were these guys actually fighting over the gun?  Local news reports suggest the ammo in the gun was being removed in preparation for gun cleaning, after a “training event”, but why does it take two cops to do that?

No amount of anti-gun laws, not even a total ban on private ownership, would have stopped this shooting.

SWAT = Special Weapons and Tactics

Anti-gun laws fail to stop Christian soldier from killing five fellow soldiers!

22 October 2015 (04:18 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

In the U.S. dominated Philippines a Christian Filipino soldier killed five of his comrades during a Bible study, using his government issued M16!  It happened inside the HQ of Bravo Company, 64th Infantry Battalion at Upper Cabengbeng, in Sumisip in Basilan Province.  

Eight soldiers and one civilian are wounded. The renegade Christian corporal was killed.  Survivors said the Christian corporal had just returned from vacation and was not behaving normally.

The U.S. dominated Philippines has been fighting a long war against Muslims who have never considered their territory part of the Spanish empire/U.S. empire created Philippines.

Even if the Philippines totally banned guns from private ownership such a law would not stop members of the military or police from committing a mass shooting.

Anti-gun laws fail to stop man from attacking migrant children with a sword!

22 October 2015 (03:29 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

In the city of Trollhättan, Sweden, four students and a teacher at an  Elementary School have been attacked by a masked man with a sword.  So much for Sweden’s anti-gun laws.

Police say they shot the man, but won’t say if he’s still alive or not.  It must be pointed out that the Swedish police did not require students and staff to ‘shelter in place’ for a tortuous long period of time, like in the United States, but had everybody evacuate soon after they shot the suspect.

Police say they don’t know what the motive of the attack is, however the school has many migrant children as students.  Four of the victims underwent surgery, however, the latest reports say the teacher and one of the students died.

Local news reports say six ambulances were seen leaving the school.

Anti-gun laws fail to stop Chinese being shot & killed by a woman in Philippines!

Martial Law U.S.A.: Obama orders new War on Drugs targeting legal prescription drug users & his own ObamaCare!

22 October 2015 (03:00 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

I say it’s about time since the majority of drug abusers are legal prescription drug users.  According to drugabuse.gov 52-million ‘Mericans are hardcore legal drug abusers!

The Obama regime is ordering the targeting of people who use evil prescription drugs like opioid based Vicodin and Oxycontin (I have relatives who’ve died in connection to the use of such drugs).  

ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) insurance companies who refuse to pay for anti-addiction drugs will also be targeted.  Of course taxpayers will fund the new Drugs War with at least $133-million USD that don’t really exist (and that doesn’t count the $8.5-million that Obama is ordering the CDC to spend).

Prescription rates per 100 persons, how drugged up and strung-out is your state?  Sparsely populated Idaho appears to be more strung-out than densely populated California!

Lets not forget that the PO-lice are directly involved with drugs. 

And that all the opiates used to make your fav opioid based prescription painkiller comes from U.S.-U.K. controlled Afghanistan and Myanmar (Burma).  

World War 3, North American Front: United States ‘THE’ drug lord in Mexico’s drug war 

U.S. led NATO biggest drug dealer in the World? Amphetamines, it’s what Islamic State does!

The New Great Opium War Game: Myanmar now second largest producer of opium! Interesting correlations between opium production in Afghanistan and Myanmar (called the United States)!

U.S. Marines & sailors turn out to be drug dealers and gun runners! 

the Queen of England is a drug dealer, U.K. bank regulator says so! 

Employees at U.S. military helicopter factory doubled as prescription drug dealers 

United Police States of America: TSA, local cops working for prescription drug dealers, you sure the U.S. is safer now than before 9/11/2001? 

U.S. created Japan Martial Law: Children of divorced mothers lose citizenship? 

Martial Law U.S.A.: RC model planes now considered ‘drones’ must be registered with Obama Regime! 

God is Evil, and Stupid: Once again, paranoid Jews attack Jews! This time it’s a kill shot!

22 October 2015 (01:55 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“An initial investigation reveals that two members of the security forces tried to board a bus, and a man who descended from the bus asked to see their identification cards. The two asked to conduct a search on him, and they claimed he attacked them with his fists.The two claimed he tried to snatch their weapons, he was then shot and neutralized.”-typical Israeli police statement, only this time the guy they killed was one of their own

Israeli ‘insecurity’ forces shot and killed a fellow Jew because they thought he was a goyim with a knife!

The initial report said a goyim had stabbed two Jews on a bus in Al Quds (Jerusalem).  When the Jew paramilitarycops showed up they shot a man they claimed attacked them, but who turned out to be a Jew!  As usual Nazi police say they will investigate themselves to figure out what went wrong.

God is Evil, and Stupid: Paranoid Jews stab Jews! 

World War 3: Russia forms new ‘Union State’ military power!

22 October 2015 (01:28 UTC-07 Tango 01)/30 Mehr 1394/08 Muharram 1437/10 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“We have approved the plan of joint activities for 2016-2018 that is aimed at formation of a military organization of the Union State, the establishment of a reliable mechanism for armed defense….This approach is relevant right now, in a difficult military and political situation in the world when sources of instability have come very close to the borders of our countries. Ukraine is a graphic example.”-General Sergey Shoigu, Russian Ministry of Defense

Russia and Belarus have formed a new military alliance they are calling it Union State.  The alliance also creates a Unified Regional Air Defense System in Belarus.

U.S. led NATO creates new anti-Russia battle group

Anti-gun laws fail to stop Chinese being shot & killed by a woman in Philippines!

21 October 2015 (04:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Mehr 1394/07 Muharram 1437/09 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

China’s consul general to Philippines was shot and wounded as he ate in a restaurant, two of his companions were killed.  Police say they’ve arrested the female shooter.

Philippines has some of the toughest anti-gun laws, but at the same time they have one of the highest gun ‘ownership’ rates in the world.

But poor people in Philippines are actually making their own guns (Afghans have done the same thing for decades, which is why you’ll never get rid of guns there): “Hidden beneath tarpaulins in the backyard of a house in the central Philippine city of Danao, Lito puts the finishing touches on a replica .45-caliber Colt Officer’s Model pistol. It will join the more than 600,000 illegal guns in circulation in a country where the homicide rate outstrips the U.S.” 

Illegal ‘Danao’ gun factory in Philippines. Reports say there are dozens of these clandestine gun factories throughout the island country.

Anti-gun laws fail to stop undercover Cop from shooting to death a stranded driver!

Anti-gun Laws & beheadings fail to stop mass shooting in Saudi Arabia! 

To Destroy U.S. Dollar: British empire welcomes Chinese cash in hand! Queen treats Xi far better than any U.S. President!

21 October 2015 (01:21 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Mehr 1394/07 Muharram 1437/09 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

The People’s Bank of China has issued the first yuan (renminbi, RMB) in cash in United Kingdom.  It’s the result of the 7th China-U.K. Economic and Financial Dialogue held last month.  Not only is it the first time Chinese cash has been issued for use in United Kingdom, it’s the first time the yuan has been officially issued outside China, as cash in hand.

Chinese President Xi Jinping got a huge royal welcome including a ride in the Queen’s personal coach.  No U.S. president has experienced such a welcome!

The United Kingdom is now the top market in Europe for the yuan.  According to SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecomm) between July 2013 and July 2014 United Kingdom accounted for 123.6% of yuan (RMB) trades in the European Union!  

The first major announcement immediately after Xi Jinping’s arrival is a deal in which China will become the major investor in United Kingdom’s struggling Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant project.

To Destroy U.S. Dollar: European Central Bank tells U.S. Federal Reserve ‘Go take a hike!’ 

World War 3: Obama deploys A-10 Thunderbolt to Turkey! Signs ‘secret’ deal with Russia!

21 October 2015 (18:21 UTC-07 Tango 01, 20 October 2015)/29 Mehr 1394/07 Muharram 1437/09 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

The Air Force Times confirms reports that the Obama regime quietly deployed 12 ground attack A-10C Thunderbolt-2 (aka Warthog) aircraft to NATO member Turkey.

The awesome A-10 is the last of Idaho's Air National Guard air assets.

This is a photo (by AAron B. Hutchins) of an awesome Idaho Air National Guard A-10C on the Pocatello Airport, in September 2012.

The A-10s are supposedly replacing six F-16 Falcons, and will be used against Iraq and Syria.  This move comes as news reports say Russia and the United States signed a “secret” airspace deal concerning Syria.


Russia’s Ministry of Defense says the skies over Syria have become “too crowded”.

Syria, 16 – 19 October 2015: Horrifying scene as Islamic State shaves beards to avoid detection! 


False Flag: VW intentionally sacrifices Diesel in favor of government controllable electric cars! Blame Trilateral Commission Rockefeller!

20 October 2015 (16:41 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Mehr 1394/06 Muharram 1437/08 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Has anybody found it suspicious that from day one the execs at VW admitted they sabotaged their own Turbo Direct Injection (TDI) diesel powered cars? Or that they seem almost happy to halt TDI sales and recall millions of TDIs around the world?  This is a first in the world of Corporations who normally deny, deny, deny.

Where’s Idaho, I know they’re some hardcore Diesel fans in Idaho!

TDI vehicles were the fastest growing sales segment for VW, and VW administrators intentionally modified an emissions computer program that even the designer of (Bosch) warned,  in writing, not to!  Now realize that VW is pushing sales of their new electric car called the e-Golf.

Just a few days ago a survey revealed that 75% of electric car ‘owners’ refuse to actually buy the car, instead they lease.  But that’s not all, leases of electric vehicle (EV) in the United States peaked in 2013 and have been steadily declining since then (in 2013 EV leasing was at 80%).  The survey excluded the damned expensive Tesla cars because their average monthly lease is almost $9-hundred per month with a nearly $7-thousand USD down payment!

In the European country of France EV sales actually went negative!

Why lease an electric car instead of buy it?  Because it costs almost as much to replace the environmentally deadly batteries as it does to buy a newer used car!   So, herein lies the difference between e-car operators and diesel vehicle owners: E-car operators are not committed to the vehicle, they’re short timers, they’re not long term ‘car lovers’ who want to actually own a piece of rolling art.  Diesel vehicle owners want a vehicle they can hang onto long after it’s been paid off, their looking for a long term commitment.  This is something the automotive industry does not want.

The automotive industry wants turn-a-round, they want to sell new cars constantly.  In Germany, where VW is based, government control freaks have been trying to ban older cars for decades.   In 2008, Berlin, Cologne and Hanover created strict ‘pollution’ laws.  As one resident of Berlin commented “The problem is that this affects ONLY people who have a Diesel that is more then 2 years old or a normal gasoline car that has no catalytic converter (my 1986 VW bus does have one and I got a green sticker means I can go inside the city with it). In the end it affects people who have small bussinesses most – people who need to drive small vans – which are 99% diesels here in germany or people who have gotten onto the cheap diesel bandwagon that has hit germany in the mid 90s – mostly poor families or budget aware people…  …Its meant to give the german automotive industry a bump (hey we have an ultra conservative government without greens or such in power what you expect?) because its struggling thats all thats coming out of it.”    It’s all about guaranteed sales!

You can’t even work on your own car in Germany unless you use an approved car Hobby Work Shop: “…doing work on your car is technically not illegal, but doing any sort of work where the possibility that fluids can leak onto the ground is, except for on a sealed ground, for instance an epoxy sealed garage. Meaning no oil changes, no working on the cooling system, no brake fluid changes. If caught I believe the fine can be anywhere between 500 to 10,000 euros. Therefore one should look for what is known as a Hobbywerkstatt, there you can rent a lift, tools, and are able to dispose of all fluids without risking it.”-Twitch_de Frankfurt am Main

There are now some exemptions to those A-hole laws, such as ‘classic’ car clubs who conduct a yearly protest cruise to the capital Berlin where they drive their decades old cars ’round and ’round the capitol building, honking their aged horns and revving their engines.

France has just passed an anti-old car law as well.  Starting in 2016 the city of Paris will ban cars made in 2001 or earlier, classic cars are not exempted! City A-holes will ‘give’ old car owners the equivalent of $1,500 USD to buy a new car!  (perhaps it’s really about boosting those negative EV sales)

The city of Los Angeles, in California, tried that in the early 1990s and it was a failure.  Why?  The city was going to compensate old car owners with only a few hundred dollars towards buying a new car, and classic cars were not exempted.  When all the classic car owners got together and threatened a massive class action lawsuit based on the value of their expensively restored cars the A-hole city administrators backed off.

Then there’s the proven fact that the more ‘electrified-computerized’ your car is the easier it is for the government (or some other nefarious ne’er-do-well) to hack into and directly control your vehicle.

For conspiracy aficionados; why is the U.S. terror agency known as USAID pushing the leasing of EVs through their Finance and Economic Development (the true FED) program?  This brings up another point about EVs, they’re production and sales are supported by taxpayer subsidies!  (“The world’s most electrified auto market didn’t rev its engines overnight….It took a lot of work and a lot of subsidies for Norway to become a major electric-vehicle success story”)

Diesels represent true independence, especially if you have an older vehicle that can easily run on bio-diesel (which is basically vegetable oil)!  Hell, Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel built his iconic engine to run on vegetable oil: “In 1900 a small Diesel engine was exhibited by the Otto company which, on the suggestion of the French Government, was run on Arachide [peanut] oil, and operated so well that very few people were aware of the fact. The motor was built for ordinary oils, and without any modification was run on vegetable oil….. I have recently repeated these experiments on a large scale with full success and entire confirmation of the results formerly obtained.”   He is the first documented victim of the monstrous U.S. Standard Oil company, The American oil millionaire John D. Rockefeller became his nemesis because diesel engines consumed less oil than other engines….at the expense of the profits of oil companies.”   He was later ‘disappeared’ from a ship in the english Channel, later an unidentifiable body was found floating near Norway!

What does oil family Rockefeller have to do with the government and industry push towards electric vehicles?   In 2014 a British news report revealed that the Rockefeller heirs were dumping their investments in petroleum oil and shifting to alternative energy, such as electric cars!  

Electric Vehicles Market to Rise at 19.2% CAGR from 2013 to 2019

Gas Hole: What the oil companies don’t want you to know


The Economics, History and Politics of Hemp Fuels

Mazda’s new 65+ MPG Diesel, but don’t expect to see it in the anti-Diesel car United States! 

Ford Hybrid fuel economy a lie! Hyundai & Kia being sued! Obama regime EPA in on the scam? 

Diesel powered Locomotives brought back to life after Japan Disaster, Low Tech saving High Tech!

Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission’s push for one world government