“The UN has decided to send all non-essential international staff out of Syria and to halt all field trips outside of the capital for now.”-UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
“The UN has decided to send all non-essential international staff out of Syria and to halt all field trips outside of the capital for now.”-UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
26 November 2012
Yet again, religious leaders have condemned suicide bombing. The Clerics Council of Afghanistan said such attacks are prohibited in Islam. Those behind tricking people into committing such acts are not eligible to enter paradise. Those who carryout the suicide bombing are committing an unforgivable sin.
So who’s really behind such acts? There is plenty of evidence that the United States created al Qaeda (including that presented in a banned BBC documentary). According to regional journalists the Taliban kicked out the last vestiges of al Qaeda in 1999 (at the insistence of U.S. President Bill Clinton), so there was no al Qaeda in Afghanistan when the U.S. invaded (remember, even President Bushy Jr hosted a first ever visit to the U.S. by Taliban officials). Then the U.S. invades Iraq, with one of the reasons being that Saddam Hussein supports al Qaeda, which was never true, because Hussein was the main reason why al Qaeda never gained a foothold in Iraq. Guess who shows up after the U.S. occupies Iraq? Why al Qaeda! Then there’s the U.S./EU led false revolution in Libya. Almost immediately after the U.S. and EU declares support for the “rebels” guess who shows up in great numbers? Al Qaeda! Now we have Syria, where the reports and documentations of al Qaeda operations are bigger than ever, and those al Qaeda operatives that talk to the media even boast how they’re getting money and weapons from the U.S. (there is video of them getting paid with brand new U.S. $100 bills, and being equipped with the latest M16/M4 assault rifles)!
New York City based Human Rights Watch says they don’t want peace with the Mujahideen: “Providing immunity from prosecution for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious human rights abuses violates international law. Future government talks with the Taliban should not hinge upon denying justice to victims of war crimes and other abuses.”-Brad Adams, HRW
Ok Brad Adams, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, no peace without justice against the United States for all it’s war crimes! Are you sure non-governmental agency HRW hasn’t been subverted by the U.S. government?
ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.”
In Nimroz province, Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO convoy, destroying one armored vehicle and a fueler. Later that night they say a landmine destroyed a U.S./NATO tank. Both happened in the Lakhshakaan area of Delaram district.
In Khost Province, two people were killed and 18 wounded when a bicycle bomb exploded in a local market.
In Nangarhar Province, hundreds of people in Jalalabad city protested President Karzai’s orders to execute Mujahideen.
25 November 2012
The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration wants to keep 6,000 to 15,000 U.S. personnel in Afghanistan after the 2014 withdrawal date.
The Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan closed all state universities because of attacks against Shia Muslims.
24 November 2012
ISAF said: “A U.S. Forces-Afghanistan service member died today following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan.”
Wardak Province, local government officials say a U.S. airstrike, in Baghak area of Syedabad district, killed at least six people.
People living in Pakistan, near the Afghan border, say nine rockets were fired from Afghanistan’s Paktia Province. Also, a Pakistani TV report said 20 mortar rounds were fired into Pakistan from Afghanistan. People living near the border say it all started after U.S./NATO forces abandoned a base in Paktia Province.
In Nimroz Province, the residents of Khwaja Sarda say U.S. led forces carried out an illegal night raid, and kidnapped three people.
A girl made famous by the Girl in Green photo returned to where her relatives were killed or wounded in last years Ashura suicide bombing against Muslims. It is one of thousands of suicide terror attacks against Muslims since the War on Terror started (where are the massive terror attacks against christians and jews?). While U.S. puppet officials blame Muslim Mujahideen for attacking Muslim civilians in Afghanistan, it’s most likely U.S. created al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has declared war on all Muslims who’re not Salafi/Wahhabi Musilm. Al Qaeda has been especially ruthless against Shia Muslims.
In Kabul Province, Shia Muslim students at Kabul University were attacked by dozens of people, some being thrown out 3rd and 4th floor windows. Reports vary, saying as many as two people killed and 10 wounded. Local police say they arrested as many as 40 people.
23 November 2012
In Maidan Wardak Province, a major car bomb attack took place at a security training center in Maidan Shar. Six U.S. personnel were wounded, 90 Afghans wounded and three killed. Local Mujahideen say the attack was in response to Karzai’s order to execute imprisoned Mujahideen.
In Nangarhar Province, a suicide bomber exploded at a U.S./NATO base. At least five security guards wounded.
On 07 November 2012, Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, revealed that U.S. led NATO is deploying Patriot missiles in Turkey, for use against Syria.
Last month Turkey, a member of NATO, began artillery shelling of Syria, and increased ground and air forces near the border with Syria.
The Patriot missiles will be used to enforce an unannounced “no fly zone” over northern Syria, in order to support insurgents inside Syria!
Also, recently it was revealed that insurgents are using Turkish ambulances as military transports (a violation of international law), to get U.S./Israeli/Saudi backed troops in and out of Syria!
24 October 2012, Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, has pardoned 290 non-violent prisoners, like those who committed crimes such as theft, forgery and military desertion.
This is not the first time prisoners have been pardoned. Since the start of the Syrian Civil War, about one thousand non-violent prisoners have been set free.
Those prisoners not being let go are those who have killed, or have smuggled weapons and drugs.
“He who starts a fire will be destroyed by fire in the end!”-Nouri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq
In an interview with RT (aka Russia Today) the Prime Minister of Iraq gave a dire warning for countries, like the U.S. and Israel, who’re instigating the war inside Syria.
Here’s al-Maliki’s responses to two of the questions, concerning the U.S./European/Israeli meddling in other countries’ affairs.
RT: Do you share the view that it’s foreign interference in Syria’s affairs that’s made the situation in the country so dangerous?
NaM: Absolutely. And they will keep driving it to an even more dangerous degree until eventually it will backfire on the states that are now sponsoring the Syrian opposition. All these states will face upheavals and unrest due to sectarian violence, foreign interference, the spillover effect and expansion. They’re already feeling it. If these countries keep sending arms and using force for a regime change, their stability will be in jeopardy, and the situation inside these countries will be no better than in Syria.
RT: Both the Iraqi government and its citizens still suffer from regular terror attacks. Who is behind this violence, international players interfering in your affairs or al-Qaeda militants opposing the political process? Or are there any other reasons that the Iraqi people are not aware of? Why is it so hard to take out these armed groups that are still out there?
NaM: Violence continues and it’s been down to all the factors you have mentioned. Foreign intervention is fully underway. What they want to do is to use these acts of violence to prepare for the next, post-Syrian stage. It’s the same states that are now interfering in Syria. They are sending arms and militants there, over and over again. Their goal is to change Syria, then Iraq, and ultimately the entire region. Also, al-Qaeda is back, it came to life again – regrettably, as part of the Arab Spring. It flooded the streets in the capitals of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen. Its slogans, groups and terrorist attacks are clear signs of its revival, and Iraq couldn’t escape that. And those states that are interfering won’t escape it either.
“…Don’t dare to test Turkey’s patience. Turkey will prevail without a scratch out of this incident and proceed on its way. But you will be crushed by it and pay a big price!”-Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey
05 October 2012, reports saying that Turkish forces are continuing artillery attacks on Syria.
Turkish officials claim they were attacked first, and are responding to a new round of mortar attacks coming from Syria. Turkish media claims a mortar round from Syria hit a farm.
Some regional analysts are suspecting a false flag operation by U.S./Israeli supported insurgents inside Syria, in order to justify a full blown war.
It does not make sense for the Syrian government to attack Turkey, and the Turks seem too willing to attack Syria!
Also, there are reports that the Syrian government is responding to a suggestion to create a buffer zone along the Turkish border. The report says Syrian troops have pulled back 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from the border, and Syrian aircraft are forbidden to enter the buffer zone. This is more proof that the Syrian government does not want war with Turkey.
“As far as the incident between Syria and Turkey goes, it is of great concern for us. The situation is deteriorating with every coming day.”-Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister
04 October 2012, Russia has blocked a anti-Syria draft statement by the UN Security Council. The UNSC is discussing the cross border fighting between Syria and NATO member Turkey.
Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister, Besir Atalay, says Syrian officials have officially apologized, saying the mortar attack on Turkey was a dreadful accident.
This has not stopped the Turkish parliament from voting to allow the Turkish military to be used outside Turkey’s borders. The new mandate will be in effect for one year.
The accidental mortar shelling of Turkey happened on 03 October 2012. Reports say that Turkey has been retaliating with ongoing artillery attacks, at least 14 barrages fired as far as six miles inside Syria until 06:45 this morning.
On 02 October 2012, Russian officials warned that NATO was looking for an excuse to go to war with Syria: “In our contacts with partners in NATO and in the region, we are calling on them not to seek pretexts for carrying out a military scenario…”-Gennady Gatilov, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
“In the spirit of indivisibility of security and solidarity deriving from the Washington Treaty, the Alliance continues to stand by Turkey…”-NATO statement
04 October 2012, Turkey continues artillery attacks on Syrian towns, after a mortar attack killed five, and wounded 10 people in Turkey on 03 October.
Several Syrian soldiers have been killed by the Turkish attacks.
Syrian officials have offered condolences to the families of those killed in Turkey, and vowed to find out who launched the mortar attack.
Turkey has protested to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and an emergency meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, not affiliated with United Nations) is being held.
“At the request of the Iraqi government, according to General Caslen, a unit of Army Special Operations soldiers was recently deployed to Iraq…”-New York Times, 24 September 2012
According to a New York Times article, President Barack Obama has sent Special Forces troops back into Iraq!
The revelation is buried fifteen paragraphs into the article: “Iraq and the United States are negotiating an agreement that could result in the return of small units of American soldiers to Iraq…”
The article is basically about how the U.S. instigated civil war in Syria is spilling into Iraq, making things so bad that U.S. combat troops are being sent back in (hey, sounds like history repeating itself, just ask historians about the British Empire’s failed attempts at controlling Iraq prior to World War 2).
16 September 2012, get ready for higher oil prices!
Iranian officials in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said the real price per barrel of oil should be around $150 USD. Their reasoning varied from the time of the year, to comparisons of prices by inflation (1970s compared to 2000). They even said the World economy can handle much higher prices.
Not sure if they are talking about British Brent crude prices, or U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil.
On 14 September 2012, Brent crude went over $117 USD per barrel.
Reading a Canadian report, turns out that’s still not high enough! The Canadian province of Newfoundland/Labrador have set their government budget in the hopes that Brent crude will go over $124 USD per barrel. The province makes most its money off oil production.
In fact, because Brent hasn’t hit the magic money mark, yet, the provincial Premier, Kathy Dunderdale, had to cut their budget: “I’m not so worried about this year. I’m more worried about next year. Because if oil stays where it is, our deficit could be around $1 billion [CAD] next year.”
In other words, some governments, who’s major money making industries happen to be the oil industries, want oil prices to skyrocket!!!
However, Iranian OPEC officials say the United States is trying to bring down oil prices, by demanding OPEC members increase oil production.
A few years ago I read an article that explained that most oil producing countries (including members of OPEC) would be losing money if oil were less than $90 per barrel.
So, the reason why the U.S. wants to bring down prices, while other countries want prices to go up, could be that the U.S. domestic oil industry can handle lower oil prices (except for shale oil). Most other countries have higher oil production costs (like Canada) because of the type of oil and labor costs.
The U.S. model is a kind’a WalMart tactic; keep prices cheap and sell as much in volume as you can until your competition quits.
So what we have are those who want oil prices even higher than they are now, and those who want them to drop. Is this the real shadow war taking place behind the deadly facade of War on Terror, sanctions and insulting other people’s religions?