Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, July 2019. Not only is quake and volcano activity ramping up around the Pacific Ring of Fire, it’s ramping up around the planet.
A new business report says seismic surveys “can grow into the most important market in the world that has played an important role in making progressive impacts on the global economy.”
Predicting earthquake hazards from wastewater injection (fracking)
Mystery of Sea of Galilee quakes solved; caused by Israel pumping out excessive amounts of water
Mars-quakes suggest Mars is less Earth-like than we thought
More proof it’s not humans causing ice melt as Lake of Bubbling Lava Discovered on Remote Antarctic Island
AUSTRALIA: Seismic air guns used by oil industry are literally knocking sealife off balance
Earthquake near Broome may have released ‘100 times more energy’ than Newcastle tremor
Experts ‘Can’t Explain’ Cluster Of Earthquakes
CANADA: British Columbia’s largest underwater volcano reveals lifeforms “lost in time”
6.3 quake hits offshore BC, 13 hours before twin big quakes hit California
CHILE: According to the Ministry of Interior (Homeland), 43% of all natural disasters recorded in Chile since 1960 happened between 2014 and 2017.
Nevados de Chillán eruption spews incandescent material
CHINA: More proof you can’t blame humans for climate change; Study suggests volcanoes do more damage to the ozone layer than anything humans have done.
Wandan mud volcano erupted again
Man arrested, because only in China is it a crime to make fun of deadly earthquakes
COLOMBIA: And for more proof you can’t blame humans for climate change, anybody remember the TV show Space 1999? Turns out the Moon is being pushed from the Earth right, although slowly and not by nuclear waste explosion, but the catastrophic climate change results are the same as in Space 1999: “Earth’s tidal strength is gradually pushing the moon away from us at a rate of about 3 centimeters a year. Therefore, the moon is indeed a potential ploonet once it reaches an unstable orbit.”-Mario Sucerquia, University of Antioquia
The U.S. Navy conducted ‘subject matter expert exchanges’ with Colombian counterparts, including a FEMA Disaster Training course. The object is to unify disaster response techniques: “It’s cool to see the differences in how we perform similar treatments. We are picking up different ideas from each other, which will improve our abilities, and this training will allow us to integrate easily when we operate jointly.”-Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Dennis Hueston
COSTA RICA: averages 350 earthquakes each month, or about 12 each day
5.5 Quake Shakes Guanacaste
For some reason a first ever National Earthquake Simulation will be conducted.
EL SALVADOR: 5.7 quake, 31JUL2019
4.3 quake, 28JUL2019
4.8 quake, 10JUL2019
FIJI: 5.0 quake, 30JUL2019
4.8 quake, 25JUL2019
5.7 earthquake day before big quakes in California
GUATEMALA: Santiaguito volcano has been fairly calm for the last couple of years, with 10-15 daily explosions. At the beginning of the month a new episode of higher activity began with stronger and more frequent (35-40 daily) explosions and more lava extrusion- blocks have been seen rolling off the Caliente dome.
After a 2012 earthquake, requiring the rebuilding of hospitals, long term investigations revealed that the taxpayer funded socialized healthcare system was making rich politicians even richer!
U.S. Marines and U.S. Army personnel are on standby in Honduras, at Soto Cano Air Base, to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in the event of emergencies in the region.
INDONESIA: Teenagers steal earthquake detector, sell it on Facebook
Tangkuban Perahu blows up
villagers near active volcano refuse to relocate
5.0 quake, 28JUL2019
4.6 quake, 28JUL2019
Tsunami warning issued after 7.1 magnitude earthquake
JAPAN: Earthquake of 6.0 magnitude rocks Pacific Ocean south of Tokyo
volcanic eruption observed on Aso-san
6.1 quake near Amami
Fukushima fishing port hit by 2011 tsunami reopens 8 years later
Study says rare oarfish sightings do not mean an earthquake is about to happen
U.S. Army Garrison Japan (Camp Zama) announced preparations for an ‘all hands’ Emergency Evacuation Program for military personnel and their families, to be held in May: “Everyone who would potentially be an evacuee has to process through. Either their sponsor has to go through or one member of the family has to go through.”-Will Luna, garrison emergency manager
KOREA: 2.1 quake near Goseong
3.9 quake near Sangju
Quake east of Donghae
MEXICO: 4.0 offshore Oaxaca, 31JUL2019
4.0 offshore Oaxaca, 30JUL2019
Mount Popo erupts, yet again, watch ash cloud rise towards the satellite
Series of small quakes hit Mexico City
4.7 in Acapulco
NEW CALEDONIA: 4.9 southeast of Loyalty Islands
NEW ZEALAND: Two 5.0 quakes, 30JUL2019
4.2 quake, 29JUL2019
Shallow earthquake felt widely in Christchurch
PANAMA: 5.0 quake, 29JUL2019
4.1 quake, 26JUL2019
4.2 quake, 22JUL2019
Volcano – Emergency Plan of Action
6.4 hits north of Kandrian, New Britain
PERU: 5.1 quake, 23JUL2019
Volcano Erupts in Stunning Images Captured by Russian Satellite
State of emergency declared in 12 districts due to volcanic activity
West Virginia National Guard instructed Peruvian military on medevac (medical evacuation) ops: “The training they received will help them be better prepared to provide advanced emergency medical treatment to their countrymen and women during times of disaster….”-Master Sergeant Evan McDonough
PHILIPPINES: 2-hundred aftershocks in Batanes province, after at least eight people were killed
5.7 quake, 27JUL2019
5.9 quake, 26JUL2019
5.7 quake, 12JUL2019
5.5 quake, 09JUL2019
Hawaii National Guard met with their Filipino counter parts to conduct an Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) conference “… to develop standard operating procedures to use during Humanitarian and Disaster Response (HADR) operations”, according to Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Captain Rene Datugan.
RUSSIA: 4.8 quake eastern Siberia, 31JUL2019
5.0 quake Kuril Islands, 18JUL2019
4.7 quake Kamchatka, 18JUL2019
5.0 quake Kuril Islands, 10JUL2019
TONGA: 4.8 quake, 31JUL2019
5.1 quake, 25JUL2019
5.0 quake, 12JUL2019
5.0 quake, 09JUL2019
Alaska; Earthquake Repairs at Anchorage Schools Could Top $150M
4.1 quake hits central Alaska
Major earthquake reveals Port of Alaska money troubles, could result in another taxpayer funded ‘bridge to nowhere’
mysterious geologic event that is emitting fire, steam and a sulfur smell baffles residents and officials
California; Everything you thought you knew about earthquake insurance is wrong
Watch 30 Years Of Earthquakes Rock California In This Remarkable Animation
Earthquake Hit Exceedingly Rare 1-inch Pupfish With 10-Foot Waves
Upcoming Latino online news format mitú admitted that many Californians don’t speak English and that disaster response announcements failed to consider that, they also made fun of the stupid ‘white’ people’s reaction to the big quakes: “Some Latinos questioned the dramatic reactions of others, since Latin America knows earthquakes all too well.” (I’m not Latino, but having lived through many big quakes in Iran in the early 1970s and in California in the early 1990s, I agree with mitú’s assessment)
How Two Big Earthquakes Triggered 16,000 More
DID U.S. Air Force KNOW CALIFORNIA WAS ABOUT TO BE HIT? Conducts base quake drill one month prior.

Because of the secret nature of China Lake Naval Air Station (NAS), the California Seismic Safety Commission has been unable to go in and check out what is happening
25JUL2019, 4.7 quake epicenter directly under China Lake NAS
Colorado; Super-volcano near the town of Creede
USGS National Earthquake Information Center
Hawaii; Now home to the world’s largest volcano
protesters fighting new telescope on sacred volcano
On Oahu, military personnel from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, as well as Hawaii and Oregon National Guard units, converged for CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive) training, focusing on rescuing civilians from their homes, or places of employment.
Georgia National Guard serve meals from a Disaster Relief Mobile Kitchen Trailer during Innovative Readiness Training at Camp Paumalu Girl Scout Camp, 15JUL2019. Pennsylvania Guard units, as well as Air Force Reserve unites from California, also took part in the ‘real-world construction mission’.
Idaho; Super-volcano near Island Park, known as Huckleberry Ridge or First Phase Yellowstone.
At the end of July, California Air National Guard’s 129th Rescue Squadron conducted training at Idaho’s Gowen Field.
Montana; Check out Earthquake Lake
Nevada; California quakes kill man in Nevada?
Nevada politicians demanding federal government re-evaluate nuke waste storage system after California quakes
Oregon; Crater Lake first volcano measured by NASA’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System
A tectonic plate is dying under Oregon. Here’s why that matters
Politicians renege on funding for quake warning system
5.4 quake
new tsunami zone building law puts Oregonians in danger
Oregon coast will be ‘toast’ when Big One hits; politicians will make devastation even worse
Washington; Quake pushes Seattle closer to Canada
More tsunami evacuation towers planned
how a 9.0 earthquake would affect Washington
U.S. Coast Guard conducted rescue training with dogs, in Warrenton, 17JUL2019.
Wyoming; Earthquakes, not Yellowstone volcano, biggest threat
Yellowstone’s Steamboat Geyser approaching record number of eruptions
VANUATU: 5.0 quake, 31JUL2019
Staring into the evil eye of Mount Yasur
5.6 quake, 06JUL2019
National Guard deployed, 7.7 New Madrid quake!