Tag Archives: radiation

Fracking blamed for record 5000% increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma, surpassing quake prone California!

13 July 2014 (23:22 UTC-07 Tango 12 July 2014)/16 Ramadan 1435/22 Tir 1393/17 Xin-Wei 4712

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reports Oklahoma has now surpassed California for number of earthquakes so far this year.  On Saturday four more quakes struck, in the past week the USGS recored 26 quakes, in the past month 106.

There’s been more than a 5-thousand percent increase in quakes since oil and natural gas fracking began just over five years ago!

Back in June Oklahoma was in second place for earthquakes, behind California, now it’s the top spot for tremors.  According to Oklahoma Geological Survey 80% of the state is within nine miles of a fracking (injection) well.  The Oklahoma Corporation Commission says there are 4500 active disposal wells.

Despite the fact that the USGS has repeatedly linked fracking to increased earthquakes, most Oklahomans blow it off saying it’s “speculation”.  1 in 6 Oklahomans work for the oil industry.

Proof Fracking uses radioactive material!

Fukushima-WIPP-Radiation Fallout: More proof nuke attack coming from America’s backyard? Proof Fracking uses radioactive material! Utah company denies ‘green’ cat litter caused explosion at WIPP, then fires 115 employees! Idaho’s Mike Simpson tries to take retirement money from nuke workers!

03 July 2014 (14:42 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Ramadan 1435/12 Tir 1393/07 Geng Wu(6th month) 4712

“We are learning that the nuclear accident didn’t contaminate the entire ocean, but created spots that tend to have higher radioactive levels than others.”-Blair Thornton, University of Tokyo’s Institute of Industrial Science

“…the average concentration of cesium-137 was 90 becquerels. But of the locations charted 4 km offshore, 20 sites measured higher than 1,000 becquerels and some locations 6 km offshore registered levels as high as 2,000 becquerels.”-The Asahi Shimbum, Study shows muddy seabed off Fukushima coast has higher levels of contamination

In Japan, the Fukushima Medical University reporting thyroid problems in children are now 40 times what is considered normal. National government officials deny it.

In the backyard of the United States, Bahamian officials have asked for international help in conducting health screenings for people living around the Freeport Industrial Park.  Back in January it was revealed that some products being shipped from Japan, and arriving in Jamaican and Bahamian ports,  are radioactive.

The Bahamian government now admits there are higher than ‘normal’ cases of cancer, birth defects and other health problems among residents living in towns around Freeport Industrial Park.  The area is the industrial center of Bahamas, and is also a free trade zone.  For the past 25 years residents have been reporting massive amounts of pollutants from the Park.  Government officials now asking Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the UN World Health Organisation (WHO) to investigate.

U.S. taxpayers have been paying for radiation detection at Caribbean ports since 2009, under a U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) program.  That’s because your exalted nuclear industries are not as secure as you think.   In 2013, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed 146 “incidents” in which nuclear material was in some way compromised.  In other words, there’s a lot of nuclear material out there in the hands of who knows!  But wait, there’s more!  From 1993-2013 there have been 2477 “incidents involving unauthorized acquisition…..supply, possession, use, transfer or disposal…..of nuclear and other radioactive material” reported to IAEA, and that’s just from the countries that participate in the reporting!

A recent International Relations and Security Network (ISN) article gives a warning about how easy it is to get contraband, including weapons of mass destruction, through the ports of the Caribbean.  My own article, Will new 9-11 attack come from the new money magnet of Bahamas?, suggests that U.S. elected officials know of a coming 9-11 style attack.

In the U.S. state of Alaska, the lower Cook Inlet is being tested for radiation from Fukushima.  Non-profit Cook Inletkeeper is getting social media crowd funding to conduct the testing: “We recognize how important safe seafood and clean water are to Alaskans, not only for personal consumption, but also marketability….We’re sampling water, the FDA is sampling fish so it’s a complementary sampling regime.”-Bob Shavelson

In Ohio, a company called Austin Master Services has been given a license to store nuclear materials used by the petroleum industry.  Local residents were concerned about the whole thing, and company officials revealed that a lot of that nuclear material they’ll be storing/disposing of is used in the fracking process for natural gas.

Austin Master Services specializes in “site decommissioning”.  They use In Situ Object Counting Systems to determine if the radiation waste they collect from the oil industry is ‘safe’ to be dumped into your local landfill!

In Washington, the DoE is finally going to clean up the site of a major incident at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.  It happened in 1976, and one employee was so irradiated he was called The Atomic Man.

A hot reaction caused a sealed glove box to explode, exposing the operator to a massive dose of americium (500 times safe limits).  The victim was so hot that he had to be initially handled by remote control.  He spent five months in experimental treatments, including shots of zinc DTPA.  He continued to have radical medical problems until he died in 1987.  Government officials declared that he died of a heart attack!

The room where the explosion happened is now going to be cleaned up, as part of ongoing demolitions of the Plutonium Finishing Plant.

It’s been revealed that contractors at Hanford have spent at least $3.5 million USD in legal expenses, and a U.S. Senator discovered that taxpayers are actually paying for those legal fees: “The Department of Energy may be providing an incentive to contractors to engage in protracted litigation with whistleblowers by reimbursing the contractors’ legal expenses.”-Claire McCaskill, Senator from Missouri

A long time resident and real estate developer in Hanford has died at the age of 79.  He died of leukemia.

Utah based EnergySolutions, which packages waste at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), denies their ‘green’ cat litter caused the explosions in its nuke waste shipments to New Mexico‘s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).   DoE investigators suspect organic cat litter found in the mixed waste drums absorbed and concentrated certain chemicals, resulting in a chemical reaction explosion.

Miles Smith, of EnergySolutions, says they followed DoE packing instructions and that a hot reaction could not have occurred from inside the drums: “…we don’t think it has the ability to start burning on its own. It needs an outside source of ignition.”

Despite their denials, Energy Solutions has laid off 115 employees since the March WIPP explosions!  Some reports say it’s because their LANL contracted had ended, other reports say it’s because LANL has had to shift funds to the ongoing WIPP investigation.

The DoE has begun phase two of their WIPP investigation, which will include basically what they’ve been doing in phase one; a lot of observation.

It will include “restoring mine habitability”.  This implies the radiation levesl are too high for humans to remain long enough to conduct a proper investigation.  DoE admits they can’t even move the suspect mixed waste drums.

Meanwhile, U.S. Congressmen continue to screw around with funds for investigating the WIPP hot reactions.  This time employees of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) were seeing their  retirement funds whittled away.  Congress wants to take $120-million from the retirement fund to help pay for the WIPP fiasco.  Idaho’s dynastic Mike Simpson tried to lie to the NNSA employees: “It’s a high priority for me that WIPP is returned to full and safe operations as soon as possible. There are some misunderstandings regarding the funding source…concerns that it would adversely affect contributions made into the department’s contractor employee pension plans. I would like to assure members that this bill will meet all requirements for employees’ pensions, which are contractual obligations assumed by the department as part of its operations and maintenance contracts.”

Despite Simpson’s claims, an amendment was introduced to try and protect the NNSA retirement money, and it was adopted unanimously.

U.S. Job Losses & Store Closings 20 – 21 March 2014: 13-thousand + teaching jobs being killed? Kiss 40-thousand Army jobs good bye! 10-thousand postal service jobs gone to hell! More proof of coming housing market crash! ObamaCare killing education jobs!

Incomplete list of announced closings & layoffs.

The U.S. Army wants to kill 40-thousand jobs by the end of 2015!

The Congress controlled U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission will eliminate 10-thousand U.S. Postal Service jobs between now and the end of 2015!  USPS has halted hiring. The USPS has already lost 320-thousand jobs since 2000!!!

California: Tax sucker Boeing continued killing jobs, this time 16 people became unemployed.  In Fresno, GAF continued killing jobs, this time 11 people became unemployed.  In San Jose, after only four years Elefante Blanco upscale thrift shop shutdown.  The owner blames it on a rent increase.

Colorado: Obama Care killing healthcare management company Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX).  Company officials said they must “restructure” to adjust to the new realities of Obama Care, which means more than 130 employees are now unemployed!  In Grand Junction, CenturyLink shutting down their call center by July.  The number of call center jobs being lost was not reported, but local news media said it would affect dozens of jobs outside the call center.

Connecticut: The city of New Britain warned its 500 employees of massive layoffs.  The city is projected to be in the hole $33-million USD!

Georgia: Jackson County School District wants to kill 42 jobs.  District officials blamed decreased funding and gott damned Obama Care for jacking up health insurance and retirement costs for employees!  Officials say reduced taxpayer funding and increased Obama Care costs have created a $4.6-million shortfall!   In Richmond Hill, after more than 33 years manufacturer of foodservice and food retail products, Hobart, shutting down.  50 jobs lost.  Operations are being consolidated to Ohio.

Hawaii: United Airlines laying off an undisclosed number of employees.  Reports say it could be in the “hundreds”!

Illinois: In Saint Charles, after only five years Dolce Bakery and Cafe shutdown without notice.  In Chicago, Angel Food Bakery shutdown, the owner Stephanie Samuels blames the gott damned economy, saying  “I have given my heart, soul, and just about everything else I’ve got to this project of mine, but I have not been able to make it sustainable for me….”     Dunlap School District laid off 17 employees.  It was revealed the district is in the hole $2.1-million.   Employees are pissed because last year the district led everybody to believe the district was in good shape.   State officials warned of massive layoffs across the board, because of a massive 2015 budget shortfall.  The Superintendent of Schools warned 13400 teachers could become unemployed!  Department of Corrections says besides a 20% reduction of prison guard jobs, 11 prisons will be shutdown and 15500 prisoners released!   ‘Elected’ officials said the only way to avoid such an economic hell is to massively raise taxes.  Sounds like the people of Illinois are damned if they do, damned if they don’t!

Kansas: Overland Park, cell phone service Sprint finally admitted they are going to hell!  Not only have they closed three major call centers (reported in previous Job Losses & Store Closings reports) but they will shutdown 55 Sprint stores and kill 1400 jobs across the United States!

Michigan: In White Lake Township, Kmart announced they will shutdown in April.  It was once called the Kmart Store of the Future.

Minnesota: Mortgage default servicing and publishing operation The Dolan Company, now chapter 11 bankrupt busted!  The really big banks halted all mortgage loans to the company!  The company’s CEO has resigned.  In Saint Cloud, Bo Diddley’s Pub & Deli shutting down in April.  The owner refused to say why, but did say he was expanding his other restaurants.

Missouri: In Kansas City, after 42 years Superlatives home furnishings and gift store shutdown.

New Hampshire: In Manchester, light maker Osram Sylvania shutting down a factory in September, 139 jobs lost!

New Mexico: After more than 3 decades Albuquerque Lighting shutdown.  The owner said the suck ass economy has “…been devastating for 5½ years!”

New York: In Amsterdam, Quandt’s Foodservice Distributors moved their planned layoffs to the end of April.  The company was sold off.  116 jobs will be lost!  In Fredonia, food supplier ConAgra continues factory shutdowns.  395 jobs to be killed between October 2014 and May 2015!  Trenton School District to layoff 77 employees. District officials blamed part of their $10.5-million shortfall on charter schools.

Pennsylvania: In York, light maker Osram Sylvania shutting down a factory in September, 118 jobs lost!

Rhode Island: In Central Falls, light maker Osram Sylvania shutting down a factory in September, 88 jobs lost.

South Carolina: The U.S. Army has warned of layoffs at Fort Jackson.  If the Defense Department doesn’t get the taxpayer funding it demands, then 3100 Fort Jackson employees will become unemployed!

South Dakota: In Sioux Falls, after 60 years Sid’s Liquor shutdown.  The president of Sid’s blamed his crashing sales on state officials who, in 2008, passed a law that allowed big corporations to have more than one liquor license: “It’s like there’s a liquor store on every block.  And we saw our sales decline by over 1-Million dollars a year! Which was a real kick in the pants. And we started losing money, and the losses just keep getting bigger!”-Paul Damyan

Tennessee: In Gallatin, after only two years Butterbean Bakery and Bistro shutdown.  It’s blamed on health problems.

Texas: Obama Care has killed off Hospice House of Odessa! The operators said the new health care law made it almost impossible for them to provide care for terminally ill people!

Virginia: In Charlottesville, tax sucker Niitek laid off 78 employees.  It’s blamed on reduced military spending.

Washington:  The U.S. Department of Energy announced it will shutdown the Waste Sampling and Characterization Facility for the highly contaminated Hanford nuke site.  60 jobs lost.  Apparently the DoE is going to send nuke waste samples to “offsite” labs.  Sounds like a False Flag set up to me.

19 March 2014: Government fails to dole out what it collects in school taxes, is it a conspiracy to kill education? 

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

America’s Back Yard: Will new 9-11 attack come from the new money magnet of Bahamas? Interesting things happening on the Caribbean islands, Mormon Jewish connection?

24 June 2014 (10:40 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Sha’ban 1435/03 Tir 1393/27 Geng Wu 4712

Your ‘elected’ officials know of coming massive 9-11 style attack!

The U.S. Department of State (DoS) claims violent crime in Bahamas is skyrocketing.  It’s so bad that in July 2013 the Bahamian government halted the publication of violent crime stats!  70% of the population are crammed into the capital city of Nassau, where most crimes take place.  Despite tough anti-gun laws (you must be approved by the government to own a gun) the U.S. DoS says the overwhelming increase in violent crimes involve the use of guns (as well as edged weapons).  Those violent crimes seem to be targeting the increase in U.S. citizens  going there for vacation, or to work for the budding oil industry.  Several U.S. citizens have been killed.  In Freeport the weapon of choice is the machete.

The growing incarceration of Bahamians has created a profitable prison industry, making the souvenirs that tourist from the U.S. buy.

Also, the U.S. DoS has just announced that Bahamas “…is a destination, source, and transit country for…..forced labor and sex trafficking…….some U.S. nationals…..had their movement restricted and passports taken, activities indicative of human trafficking…….passports were taken and movement restricted among some non-migrant Chinese workers……..The Government of The Bahamas does not comply fully with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking…”

Despite the skyrocketing violent crime, Bahamas has become a money magnet, attracting U.S. banks, U.S. oil companies, U.S. airlines and even the U.S. and Chinese governments.  (there are at least 110 U.S. corporations doing business on the tiny island country)

Tourism is officially the top industry, but the fastest growing industries in Bahamas are illegal drugs trafficking, the budding U.S. dominated oil/natural gas exploration/development (predominantly in the Old Bahama Channel), and maritime port services.  Just days ago China announced it will spend $39-million USD on building a port on Abaco island for its trading fleet.  This is the first business venture in Bahamas for China.

Apparently it’s U.S. citizens who’re involved in the illegal drug smuggling industry.  Recently several U.S. citizens were convicted in Bahamian court of smuggling drugs.

Despite the 2005 creation of the Bahamas Petroleum Company, the oil industry is employing mainly U.S. citizens, and, according to environmental watchdog reEarth, it’s also destroying the local fishing industry.

Illegal drugs and the promise of big oil have resulted in U.S. airlines deciding to begin direct flights to Nassau.  This is interesting because many U.S. airlines have cut routes within the United States, claiming they are losing money.

Just last week several airlines announced their new non-stop routes to Nassau, they are: JetBlue, Delta, SouthWest, Sun Country and United.  That’s a lot of flights to a tiny island country.

But wait, even Air Canada will soon be making stops in Bahamas.

These airlines will bring only more U.S. citizens for vacations and for employment in Bahamas.  The people of Bahamas are not benefitting at all, hence the skyrocketing crime, especially against U.S. citizens.

Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wants to get their hands on the big money in Bahamas, by demanding the government drastically raise taxes: “The IMF has estimated that The Bahamas collects only 40 per cent of its maximum attainable tax-to-GDP ratio as determined by the economic structure of the country, a metric on which it ranks 92nd out of 98 nations…..The Bahamas is not realising anywhere near its potential revenue on property taxes…….Reforms include the development of a new computerised system for the processing of transactions, training for staff in the implementation of the new trade agreements, the introduction of a new K9 unit, and the enhancement of the existing marine unit”-Compass Lexecon

How important is Bahamas to the elite 1% of Washington DC?

Edward Snowden revealed that for years the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has been recording every cell phone call made in Bahamas!   According to NSA documents released by Snowden, the official reason for spying on every cell phone user in Bahamas is to monitor the illegal drugs trafficking (despite many drug traffickers being U.S. citizens).  The NSA operation is known as SOMALGET. Now the government of Bahamas has hired legal council to explore the possibility of suing the NSA.

At the beginning of 2014, Bahamian port officials revealed they were being trained up by U.S. Department of Energy to detect radiation, supposedly over concerns of products being shipped in from Japan.

On 19 June 2014, for the first time, Bahamas opened an Embassy Consular Annex in Washington DC.  Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, stated “this office has good reason to be here.”

And now for the recent/former U.S. Ambassador to Bahamas, Ned Siegel.   Siegal is now on the board of directors for VeriTeq.  VeriTeq is the company involved in implantable RFID chips, and radiation dosimeters.

“Mr. Siegel has a close personal interest and is active in many Jewish causes where he served as a member of the national Board of Directors of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington, D.C., as well as Chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition of Florida. He also served on the Board of The American Jewish Committee, South Central Florida Chapter, and as Co-President of the board of the Jewish National Fund’s South Palm Beach County Region. He is active in the Israeli Bonds program, Temple B’nai Torah in Boca Raton, and Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Boynton, where he served as Executive Chairman of the Executive Committee.”-U.S. Department of State

October 2007: President George W. Bush appoints Ned Siegel ambassador to Bahamas.

2006: President George W. Bush appoints Siegel as Representative of the United States to the United Nations.

2003: President George W. Bush appoints Siegel to the Board of Directors Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).

June 2001:  Florida Governor Jeb Bush appoints Siegel to Enterprise Florida’s Board of Directors, and to the Board of Directors to the Space Research and Commerce Park Planning & Development Committee at John F. Kennedy Space Center.

1997: According to VeriTeq, Siegel expanded his Real Estate empire to “…energy, utilities, infrastructure, financial services, oil and gas, and cyber and security technologies, with its primary focus on the United States, Israel, the Caribbean and Latin America markets.” 

1977: Despite having a law degree, Siegel goes into Real Estate.  According to the DoS “By 1980, Ned Siegel had expanded the company into one of the largest residential developers in the nation…”  

2011: President Barack Obama appoints John W. “Dink” Dinkelman new U.S. Ambassador to Bahamas.  Described as an Army Brat, Dinkelman considers Provo, Utah, his adopted hometown.

2002-2007:  Dinkelman given credit for the training of more than 40% of all incoming Foreign Service Officers.

1984: Dinkelman graduates from Brigham Young University and goes straight to work for the U.S. State Department.  According to a BYU Magazine article, Mormons make up a large number of Foreign Service Officers. BYU is in the top 10 providers of State Department employees. BYU Magazine also implied that Mormons use their government jobs to proselytize: “In the truest sense, alumni in the diplomatic corps of the Foreign Service are representatives of their country—and their church….”  

There is a significant connection between the War on Terror, cyber spying, and Utah: Training National Guard to spy on you using LLVI,   Massive military intelligence wargames aimed at you,  Money laundering/drug running by Bank of Utah?,  Federal & state governments build World’s largest data collection spy center system in Utah!



Fukushima Radiation Fallout: Cancer treatment disfigures woman! Mystery disease hitting cows, as fish are shipped off to World Cup! Highly radioactive fish expected to hit Alaska in 2015? Canada ordering citizens to take Iodide?

24 June 2014 (00:51 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Sha’ban 1435/03 Tir 1393/27 Geng Wu 4712

“What if this started happening to people? We have to examine the cause of this and let people know what happened to these animals!”-Matsumura Naoto, Fukushima cattle rancher

“Our cows cannot be shipped as meat. They are evidence of lives affected by radiation…..The ministry told us they don’t know what is causing the spots. Well, they need to do more research and figure it out! They can’t just run away, saying they don’t know!”-Yoshizawa Masami, Fukushima cattle rancher

It’s been revealed that fish caught off the coast of Fukushima are being served at the World Cup in Brazil.  This is concerning after farmers from Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture brought a diseased bull to Tokyo to protest the government’s lies about the safety of food from that province.

Two farmers ignored evacuation orders and have remained on their farms, out of fear the government would cull their cattle if they left.  Now, after three years of nuclear disaster their cattle are getting sicker with an unknown disease.  The disease is affecting skin pigment, creating white spots.

One cattle ranch is only 14 km (9 miles) from the melted down Fukushima Daiichi.

The farmers also revealed that the government is actively hunting down abandoned farm animals and killing them.   If animal products from Fukushima are considered safe, why is the government spending so much money to kill free roaming animals?

If Fukushima radiation is not a threat to food sources, then why is the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) program going to start testing fish caught off Alaska, as well as Canada’s Pacific Coast, for Fukushima radiation starting in January 2015?

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is now recommending that Canadians who live within a ten kilometers (six miles) radius of nuclear power plants should stockpile potassium iodide pills (aka KI Pills)!  For some gott damned reason most news media still incorrectly call it potassium iodine.

Of course, the operators of Canada’s nuke plants are blowing off the concerns of the CNSC.  According to Canadian news reports mass distribution of KI Pills already took place in New Brunswick and in Quebec!  However, in 2013 and independent survey found that most Quebecois did not get the pills and didn’t even know about the distribution: “Almost none had obtained free pills that have been advertised in regional communications or pamphlets.”

In Kazakhstan, more proof medical radiation treatment for cancer is bad.  A woman got injured while watching a basketball game.  Her jaw was damaged, but for some reason the doctors claim a biopsy showed cancer.  They treated her with the standard radiation treatment for cancer.  However, she did not have cancer and the radiation treatment killed her jaw bone and skin around her mouth.  She was unable to eat and she dropped to 79 pounds!  Now doctors in the United States will attempt to reconstruct her jaw and mouth.

False Flag Martial Law U.S.A.: Your ‘elected’ officials know of coming massive 9-11 style attack! Iran will save the U.S.? Feinstein claims inside knowledge then admits she has no clue!

23 June 2014 (11:34 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Sha’ban 1435/02 Tir 1393/26 Geng Wu 4712

“There are at least a hundred Americans who have gone to the arena [Syria/Iraq] to fight….who are gonna try to get back…..there will be plots to kill Americans…..candidly I don’t know what the U.S.  contingency plan is…we need to be talking with Iran…  “-Senator Diane Feinstein, 22 June 2014, CNN State of the Union.  Feinstein is also the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, yet she said she has no clue what U.S. military plans are! Feinstein also implied there was no desire to prevent Iraq from disintegrating!

” We’ve got a much bigger problem than just the current crisis in Iraq……[Obama] just released five of the leaders of from Guantanamo…..One of the things I worried about 12 years ago and that I worry about today is that there will be another 9-11 attack and that the next time, it’ll be with weapons far deadlier than airline tickets and box cutters……….they claimed we got bin Laden…..That wasn’t true then…..The threat is bigger than it’s ever been! The danger of nuclear proliferation in the hands of terrorists is bigger than it’s ever been!”-former vice president Dick Cheney, 22 June 2014, ABC This Week

According to our own Director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9-11 is coming…..We’re going to have to have some dialogue with Iranians…”-Senator Lindsey Graham, 15 June 2014, CBS Face the Nation 

History shows that one of the reasons government leaders ‘know’ of coming catastrophes, is because they have a hand in it in some way, shape or form!

…massive numbers of man portable weapons are being issued by unknown groups to civilians...

In Japan the national government suddenly became concerned about the stockpile of iodide pills…

False Flag U.S.A.: Eastern Idaho Sheriffs train under I-RAPTER for coming nuclear disaster!

18 June 2014 (11:17 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1435/28 Khordad 1393/21 Geng Wu 4712

Idaho’s Bonneville County Sheriff’s Department took part in the International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response (I-RAPTER) radiological response training put on by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Idaho National Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy.

The main scenario was an incident involving the transportation of nuclear waste, but Bonneville County Sheriff spokesman Jeff Edwards explained they also trained for the theft of radioactive materials from hospitals.

Most people don’t know that medical testing devices, like x-ray machines, use radioactive material.

According to the NationalJournal this I-RAPTER nuclear disaster training was a joint training exercise that took place not just in eastern Idaho, but in a recent NATO exercise held in Czech Republic: The course focused on procedures for first responders, law enforcement and specialists in detecting and responding to emergencies involving nuclear and radiological material. The participants received classroom instruction on radiation concepts, radiation detection, mission planning, alarm adjudication and response/recovery. The field exercises were designed to provide hands-on training using radiation detection technology to localize radiation hotspots, measure dose rates, and identify the radioactive material. Participants gained real-world experience when they located and identified radiation sources at the local air museum using a Spectral Advanced Radiological Computer System (SPARCS) mounted in a van.”

Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, and the Remote Sensing Laboratory at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, also assist with I-RAPTER training.

In 2010 the U.S. Department of Energy was tasked by Homeland Security with picking a nuclear disaster training site for ‘first responders’, and ended up choosing the Idaho National Laboratory.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: Japan’s kelp farms contaminated, Ireland to the rescue? WIPP scientists can’t figure out “hot reaction”! Schools being contaminated with Smart Boards?

09 June 2014 (20:40 UTC-07 Tango 08 June 2014)/10 Sha’ban 1435/19 Khordad 1393/12 Geng Wu 4712

Campaign for Radiation Free Schools is sounding the alarm over the use of Smart Boards in U.S. schools.  They cite the United Nations, which says the interactive white boards could emit radiation, classifying them as a 2B carcinogen.  The University of Toronto, in Canada, thinks they should be classified as the more dangerous 2A carcinogen.

In the U.S. state of New Jersey, people (including scientists with the National Academy of Sciences) are insinuating the government is hiding data concerning radiation emissions from the nuclear powered Oyster Creek Generating Station.   Researchers say a 1995 report by the Brookhaven National Laboratory shows massive levels of radiation contamination ever since 1972: “The data was extremely hard to find.  They appear to be staggering, and we never knew.”-Janet Tauro

The people are demanding the U.S. government make public all the records of contamination: “In 1972 and ’73 they had some pretty high releases, and again in 1978 and ’79.”-David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists

In the U.S. state of California, the U.S. Navy has agreed to conduct radiation testing at their former Treasure Island operation.  People living on the former naval station have reported hair loss, rashes, cancer and heart failure.  Recent housing development operations  revealed that the Navy buried radioactive waste on site.  The city of San Francisco is using Treasure Island as a “premiere” upscale housing project, but some of the new home owners have packed up and left.

In the U.S. state of New Mexico, the ongoing Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) catastrophe has scientists baffled.   A report by Weapons Complex Monitor revealed that Los Alamos scientists were unable to replicate a “hot reaction” based on what WIPP investigators thought was the cause of the explosion (chemical reaction).  Investigators blamed organic cat litter for possibly absorbing chemicals that built up and then reacted with whatever was in some LANL mixed waste drums.  LANL scientist could not get the same thing to happen in their experiment, suggesting the ‘chemical reaction’ was caused by something else.

And now, New Mexican politicians want the Obama regime to increase taxpayer funding for the military’s WIPP.  Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich say the $220.5-million USD that Obama wants for WIPP is not enough to deal with the disaster, they want Congress to spend even more money.  They think it will take at least two years to shutdown WIPP.

In the land of the General Electric designed Fukushima Daiichi, more BS.

First, it’s been revealed that much of Japan’s kelp production has been shutdown due to contamination.  On the other side of the world, the Irish island of Rathlin is about to make bank supplying the seaweed eating Japanese with Irish kelp.  A mom and her son have bet everything on their Rathlin kelp farm, and the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster: “Due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, a lot of the seaweed production in that part of the world has been closed down. Combine that with the growth of the Asian population who eat seaweed, plus the growth in the European population who now are interested in seaweed, and sushi is a big growth market. So we will be pursuing the European and Asian markets. The waters around the British Isles are particularly suitable because of the Gulf Stream as it means our temperatures are near optimum year round. But especially round Rathlin. Rathlin is a very strong tidal place and kelp like strong tides. In Rathlin, the tides are ideal, between one and two knots.”-Kate Burns, hopeful Irish kelp farmer

Officials with the government of Singapore claim they will soon lift their ban on food grown in Fukushima Prefecture.

TEPCo reports continued leaks of highly contaminated water, into the Pacific Ocean.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) has been given the go-a-head for their experimental in-ground ice wall.  TEPCo claims their gigantic refrigeration system will freeze the ground deep down and prevent contaminated ground water from getting into the Pacific ocean.

The Japan Times reports that tritium contamination from Fukushima Daiichi has surpassed official limits.  On 26 May 2014, 12 wells were tested and they all contained more than 1700 becquerels per liter of tritium!  The safe limit is 1500 Bq.

TEPCo admits it can not shutdown the disaster reactors until they can stop the massive water leaks.  And high radiation levels are preventing that!

TEPCo has given up on its ALPS water filtration system and has hired a U.S. company to do the job.  The company is California based Kurion, and they will focus on removal of tritium and strontium from the water.

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: INL violates own rules! British airliners made with radioactive chemicals! More Fukushima bullshit! Unit 4 explodes? WIPP truck caught fire due to high intensity heat!

27 May 2014 (19:19 UTC-07 Tango 26 May 2014)/27 Rajab 1435/06 Khordad 1393/29 Ji-Si 4712

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) revealing that British Aerospace (BAe) built 146 airliners are being made with highly toxic and even radioactive chemicals!

The ATSB reports that large numbers of airline employees are developing brain and breast cancers, as well as Parkinson’s.  One Quantas pilot had to be evacuated from the plane after collapsing from aerotoxic syndrome.  Passengers have never been told about the contamination, until now.

In the past five years Quantas airlines’ BAe 146 aircraft had to undergo 1-thousand “fume extractions”.  Compare that to Quantas Boeing 767s which underwent only 123 fume extractions.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho's  2012 wildfire outbreaks.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho’s 2012 wildfire outbreaks.

In Idaho, U.S.A., yet another former employee has blown the whistle on something that has been a continuous problem at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), despite which contractor is running the nuclear facility:  Failure to follow their own rules.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho.  INL has direct connections to WIPP.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho. INL has direct connections to WIPP.

Dennis Patterson worked at the INL for 30 years (during that time the facility’s official name changed several times) and learned of the failures of the site’s managers when he investigated complaints from contracted workers.  When he tried to correct the wrongs of his superiors “…that’s when the trouble began.  I became the bad guy. They came after me, repeatedly.”

He has written a book:  Department of Energy Whislteblower: Justice over Racial Discrimination and Ethics Violations in a Right to Work State

And the INL is one of at least three U.S. Department of Defense nuclear sites that send waste to New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

It’s been revealed that the WIPP salt truck fire, which took place a week before the LANL mixed waste drum explosion (explosions?), was caused due to the truck carrying combustible oils, then coming into contact with intense heat igniting the oil.

State officials are now demanding the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) permanently seal up two nuke waste storage rooms (panels) in WIPP.  The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) even called for an “expedited closure”.

The NMED says that daily data reports from WIPP show that the explosion actually affected two panels, not one as originally reported. And the data on contamination levels are getting worse, and the DoE’s actions are insufficient, so they want panels 6 and 7 sealed up: “…those panels need be closed immediately!”-Ryan Flynn, New Mexico’s Environment Secretary

In Japan, more revelations about the BS covering up how bad Fukushima Daiichi is.

Despite what was officially reported back in 2011, that Fukushima Daiichi employees remained at their posts during the beginning stages of the melt downs, it’s been revealed that 90% of the contracted throwaway workers fled for their lives!  That included top managers! Basically the nuclear plant was virtually abandoned for at least four days, only 10% of employees remained!  (I watched events live on NHK, and I was wondering why it looked like nothing was being done, for at least a week after the earthquake and tsunami)

This is why Yoshida Masao, boss of the nuclear plant at the time, ordered employees to stand their ground.  Months later Masao suffered a sudden and mysterious onset of cancer, he died last year.  Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) denies Masao got cancer as a result of exposing himself to radiation in an attempt to control the situation.

The Asahi Shimbun got a hold of a 400 page document in which Masao describes the abandonment of the Fukushima Daiichi.

The Japanese government continues to renege on its promise to make public 772 interviews of workers at Fukushima Daiichi.  The current neo-imperialist government now says they will only release those interviews if all those who were interviewed consent to their testimonies being made public!

On 20 May 2014, somebody posted dark grainy video to the internet, claiming that it showed a fire or explosion at Fukushima Daiichi’s GE designed reactor Unit 4.  The video is too washed out to be conclusive, and there has been no comment from TEPCo or neo-imperialist government officials.

‘Green’ cat litter caused WIPP explosion?

World War 3: Vladimir Putin to make “substantial” statement within days!

15 May 2014 (03:30 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1435/25 Ordibehesht 1393/17 Ji-Si 4712

According to Chinese news media, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a “substantial” statement regarding a new Sino-Russia pact.

Putin will visit China for the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia on 20-21 May.