Tag Archives: nuclear

World War 3, East European Front: More proof of the hell of Obama lies! European election observer says Crimean referendum was lawful!

21 March 2014 (14:32 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada l-Ula 1435/01 Farvardin 1393/21 Ding-Mao 4712

“I did not once see any voter being put under any pressure. The law enforcement personnel that I saw were not armed. The police force that were standing in front of the election stations were similar to that which I’ve seen in every other country where I’ve been present as an election observer. That is, it was completely normal. It was a completely normal, relaxed atmosphere.

The law enforcement officers stationed at the entrance to the polling stations had no difficulty keeping order because the people were behaving properly. They wanted to take part in this referendum so much, they stood in long queues, with law enforcers there to ensure that it went smoothly. No one was pressured, no one was forced to vote either way, the people came voluntarily in their droves and I did not once see anyone being obstructed from voting with his ballot paper.

……The people were even happy about the result and about the referendum and I got the impression that a lot of people had been waiting for this moment for a long, long time, to be able to vote for Russia, for the chance to join Russia.

……If you consider the vote on the [Obama instigated] Maidan, so to speak, as a legitimate referendum, where there was no set procedure at all, just violence. If that is legitimate, then I ask how a voting procedure can be considered illegitimate where there were voting lists, where there were international observers, where the people were free to vote as they pleased, where people could exercise their right to self-determination as guaranteed by the UN Charter. I even dug the UN Charter out for some Austrian journalists. Article 1 paragraph 3 of the UN Charter talks expressly about the right to self-determination of peoples, not the right to self-determination of states.

……if you can accept that the secession of the countries from the former Yugoslavia and their independence is not connected to the Yugoslavian constitution, then you have to accept the decision of the people in the Crimea.

……the current [Obama backed] putsch government in Kiev, which has absolutely nothing to do with the constitution, it has come to power in complete disregard of every provision of the Ukrainian constitution.

…..Ukraine needs so much money that we [European Union] will never be able to provide enough to cover their needs. I would like to say it to the Ukrainians openly: We are not able to provide that much cash. Currently we are barely able to cover expenses related to the crisis in Greece, how could we manage to deal with Ukraine, with this financial black hole? Nobody in Europe will provide that much funds to Ukraine.

I think that is a political attitude linked to America. American pressure on the European Union is very strong. In particular it’s clear that since the Munich Security Conference, the German government has done exactly what Washington says and asks, to the extent that the European Union has allowed itself to be forced by the Americans into an anti-Russian stance against its own interests.

……It is doubtful that someone will be able to forbid Scotland from leaving the U.K. It will be difficult to forbid the Catalans to leave. I am sure that it will be difficult to forbid the Venetians to leave. Certain states within the EU are obviously afraid of their citizens, they are afraid of the citizens which want to use their right to self-determination, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. However, I would like to point out the main points of the attitude of European ruling circles towards the citizens of their countries. Nothing can make the nomenclature elite feel uneasy better than the word ‘referendum’.

The European Union has not passed a single referendum successfully on the first try, which means that the European Union avoids referendums like plague. The European Union plays democracy but does not follow its principles. It is also related to the situation which is unfolding at the present moment. If one conducts a population survey, the opinion of the people will not coincide with the opinion of the government. Sometimes the opinion of the people is drastically different from the opinion of the European governments. It means that the word ‘referendum’ is a dangerous word for the ruling elite of the European Union.

…..at a European level they react hysterically towards referendums and the results of referendums if they don’t correspond to what the bureaucracy wants.”Ewald Stadler, Austrian Member of European Parliament

International law says any region can declare independence

False Flag MH370 update: Why are so many countries involved in finding this aircraft, is there a missing nuke? Haj pilgrim says she saw missing plane crash into the ocean!

21 March 2014 (12:55 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada l-Ula 1435/01 Farvardin 1393/21 Ding-Mao 4712

A female Haj pilgrim flying home, from Mecca to Malaysia, reported to police, on 08 March 2014, that she saw in the ocean just south of the Andaman Island what looked like a crashed airliner: “I had seen several shipping liners and islands from my window earlier. Then, I saw the silvery object. “I took a closer look and was shocked to see what looked like the tail and wing of an aircraft on the water.”-Raja Dalelah Raja Latife

There’s now speculation that MH370/CZ748 crashed in the Malacca Straight, and debris made it into the Indian Ocean.

The search in the Indian Ocean has been impeded by bad weather.  Search officials seem confident the airliner is somewhere in there, after debris was spotted days ago.

This brings up the fact that this search for one airliner involves an unprecedented number of countries.  Why?  After all, the majority of the passengers where Chinese, or ethnic Chinese living in other countries.  The rest of the passengers came from United States, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Russia,  Netherlands, India, Ukraine, Taiwan and Indonesia.

That’s 13 countries.  There are now 26 countries involved in the desperate search, and then there’s the added rush to get to ‘black boxes’ before a 30 day battery limit is reached.  That never seemed to concern prior searches for other missing aircraft.  The black boxes for Air France flight 447 were found almost two years after it crashed, and that didn’t seem to negatively affect the information investigators were able to get.

From the beginning U.S. Obama regime officials had pushed the idea the plane was in the Indian Ocean.  Then the Malaysian Prime Minister finally declared the plane as being hijacked.  Now realize that Israel and the U.S. are suddenly prepping schools and specific cities for nuclear attack.  Is/was MH370/CZ748 carrying a tactical nuclear bomb?

Don’t forget the the fact that the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization was asked to ‘listen’ to atmospheric sonic evidence of an explosion.  The CTBTO says they’ve detected plane explosions and crashes in the past, but they were all very close to their ‘listening’ posts.

By the way, the CTBTO recently reported that it did not detect any explosion or crash regarding MH370/CZ748.

Nuclear investigation will be a big fail

Nuclear investigation!

Australia claims they’ve found the plane

Military pilot took control?

World War 3: United States & Israel prep for nuclear war! Schools to be used as prisons for children?

21 March 2014 (11:30 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada l-Ula 1435/01 Farvardin 1393/21 Ding-Mao 4712

Israeli news media reporting that the public education system will now harden schools from EMPs.  Wireless computers have been banned or limited for use in public schools. The Wi-Fi system for school computers should be replaced by EMP hardened land lines.

The Education Ministry asked for help from the Environmental Protection Ministry to conduct radiation tests: “I am pleased the Environmental Protection Ministry responded positively to our appeal. We will implement a budget transfer and begin to perform the tests…..”-Sam Kaplan, Education Ministry ICT infrastructure and scientific technologies

The actions by the Israeli school officials comes after Nut-job-yahoo authorized $2.89-billion USD specifically for a war against Iran!

In the United States, it was revealed that the National Association of County and City Health Officials held a nuclear emergency “exercise” in El Paso, Texas, on 20 march 2014.   The simulation included the El Paso Department of Public Health, the El Paso Police Department’s West Side Regional Command, the Department of Public Health, the Office of Emergency Management, the American Red Cross, Homeland Security, the school districts of Clint, El Paso and Socorro, the University of Texas at El Paso and El Paso Community College.

The simulation involved reacting to the explosion of a tactical nuke weapon, not a radiological emergency from a nuclear plant or WIPP.

It was also revealed that police state school districts will restrict parents’ access to their own children: “…..we do hold back the kids and don’t let the parents come in. But if the parents get upset, we do release the students but let the parents know that we are no longer responsible and that they can’t come back to the campus.”-Miguel Escobedo, Clint School District martial law ‘safety specialist’

The National Association of County and City Health Officials will conduct similar simulation/exercises in NYC, New York. Salt Lake City, Utah. New Orleans, Louisiana. Indianapolis, Indiana and Bend, Oregon.

These nuke war preperations by U.S. government offices comes after Obama made illegal moves towards the domination of Ukraine, upsetting the nuclear power known as Russia.

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: Tactical nuke threatens Texas? “God made” rad leak in New Mexico city? Fire threatens New Mexico & Chernobyl! Radiation spikes in areas previously “decontaminated” in Japan! False Flag scare in New York?

21 March 2014 (10:25 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada l-Ula 1435/01 Farvardin 1393/21 Ding-Mao 4712

There is a mystery cloud of radiation traveling across New Mexico.  It was spotted by weather radar.  Reports in the British empire news media say the U.S. National Weather Service in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, have confirmed it.

On 18 March local New Mexican news sources reported a huge increase in airborne radiation in the city of Carlsbad.  The city is located near the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Six of seven air sampling rad monitoring stations indicated higher rad levels than in February.  Department of Energy officials say the levels are of no concern, and they swear the radiation in the city is not coming from the damaged WIPP.  It’s being blamed on “god made stuff”.

Four more WIPP workers found contaminated with radiation, so far 17 employees have been contaminated.

On 11 March, the Associated Press reported a second rad leak at WIPP.   Detectors at the WIPP site picked up airborne radiation that engineers believe is coming from WIPP’s exhaust ducts.  They admitted that “occasional” low level radiation leaks are actually expected at WIPP.

There are unconfirmed rumors circulating that WIPP radiation has reached West Texas.  Those rumors are getting help by the fact that the first emergency preparedness 10 kiloton nuke explosion exercise in the U.S. just took place in El Paso.

Speaking of Texas: Despite repeatedly stating that the WIPP nuke leaks are of no danger, the U.S. Department of Energy is re-directing nuclear weapons waste from Los Alamos, New Mexico, to Andrews, Texas.   WIPP does not store nuclear waste from non-weapons programs, just the waste from the manufacture of military nukes.  The recent supposedly non-threatening radiation leaks from WIPP has resulted in a halt to further weapons waste storage in that location.

What has also been revealed is that there is a rush to get rid of the nuke weapons grade waste at Los Alamos: “Removing waste from the mesa in Los Alamos before fire season is critical to ensure safety in the greater Los Alamos community.  The state’s June 2014 deadline was firm and nonnegotiable, as I made clear in repeated conversations with Energy Secretary Moniz since the February 14 accident at WIPP.”-Tom Udal, Senator from New Mexico

Speaking of wildfire: A new study shows Chernobyl, Ukraine, is under massive fire threat because of the radiation contamination since 1986!  It turns out that long term low level radiation exposure increases plant growth and reduces the decomposition of dead plants.

Recently scientist realized they were walking on dead trees, killed by the initial blast back in 1986, and they were not decomposing!  They’ve theorized that the radiation has killed off the microbes responsible for decomposition.  The result is that the Red Forrest surrounding Chernobyl is now a giant fire trap.

In Mattituck, New York, rumors of a radiation spike caused a stir.  The rumors were blamed on privately funded  Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center, which denied they issued such a statement.  If you check their rad map of the U.S. you’ll see there is no indication of a radiation spike in that area.  However, the main streamer news media blames them because the Turner Radio Network cited the NETC in its detailed report about the spike.  Even though NETC denied they issued the alert, the U.S. EPA revealed how pig headed it is by giving the following reason for not believing the report: “It is not a government source.”

But wait, the plot thickens.  It turns out that the ‘owner’ of Turner Radio Network (Hal Turner) under court order “divested himself of ownership and control” of the radio station’s website in 2010!  So who’s running the website that wrote the story?

In Japan it’s been revealed that villagers and city dwellers living near the melting down Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant are reporting that their own radiation tests show that so called “decontaminated” areas are spiking with radiation!   Japan’s Ministry of the Environment has poo-pooed the people’s claims, but has agreed to do their own radiation monitoring  and if they find similar results they will consider a second decontamination.

The highly fragile experimental water filtration system at Fukushima Daiichi has failed again.  This time the system turned itself off.  This is because radiation filters were failing to filter out isotopes.  It seems the Advanced Liquid Processing System hasn’t been able to operate for one or two months without being shut down, mainly for leaks.  Inspections conducted after this latest shutdown revealed more leaks.  ALPS is now indefinitely shutdown  as Tokyo Electric Power Company tries to figure out why the filters stopped working, and why the system continues to suffer major leaks.

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has criticized TEPCo officials for not focusing on the crisis at Fukushima Daiichi, they even accused TEPCo of being more concerned about money than about stopping the ongoing disaster.  TEPCo officials told Japanese news media, after the scolding, that they are not focused on money, but did admit they’ve been slow to react to the situation.

“The damage caused by radiation is twofold:  direct damage leading to illness, death or reduced life expectancy, and genetic effects.”-Henry Kissinger, 1957, Bildeberger, zionist and former U.S. Secretary of State


Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Senator reveals true U.S. Shadow Government is in charge, not your “elected” officials! Invokes Idaho’s Frank Church!

20 March 2014 (13:56 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Jumada l-Ula 1435/29 Esfand 1392/20 Ding-Mao 4712

“Now you may be a republican, or a democrat, or a libertarian I’m not here to tell you what to be.  I am here to tell you though that your rights, especially your right to privacy, is under assault.

I’m here to tell you that if you own a cell phone you’re under surveillance!  I’m here to tell you that the NSA believes that equal protection means that Americans can be spied upon equally, including Congress.  Instead of equal protection, to them it’s equal disdain.

They don’t care if your white, or black or brown, they care only that everyone must submit to the state.

……Senator Sanders…….he asked the NSA ‘Are you collecting records on Congress?’…..They said ‘Congress is getting the same treatment everybody else is.’……Digest exactly what that means.  If Congress is spied upon without their permission, who exactly is in charge of your government?

Last week….we learned that the CIA is illegally searching the computers of the Senate Intelligence Committee!  They’re the ones supposed to be overseeing the CIA!……if the CIA is spying on Congress who exactly can, or will, stop them?

……I perceive fear of the intelligence community that’s drunk with power!………who is truly in charge of our government?

……The NSA uses an automated system called ‘Turbine’.   They’ve hacked into millions of computers, the NSA as even posed as a fake Facebook server……..to infect computers.

….Your government stores your email so it can access it without a warrant. Your government claims the right to look at your every purchase online.  Your government actually claims none of your records are protected by the 4th Amendment……

.…..your government is interested in what you’re reading, they’re interested in what you’re saying on your phone calls, they’re interested in what you write in your email…….they say the 4th amendment doesn’t protect any of these records.

The NSA is collecting the records of every American………For over a year before Snowden’s revelations, Wyden [Senator from Oregon] expressed concern that the government was acting outside the law……..Clapper [intelligence boss] comes to Congress and lies.  This is a felony punishable for up to fives years, but you hear nobody talking about it!…..

…..Their only regret was that the program was no longer secret…….They’re only sorry they got caught!

…..they don’t believe any of your records have any 4th Amendment protection…..from your [online/credit card] bill the government can tell whether you drink, whether you smoke, whether you gamble, what books you read, what magazines you read, whether you see a psychiatrist, what medications you take…….

James Clapper proposed that it was OK to lie to Congress, and the American people, in the name of security.

…..lying to Congress is still a crime……..it’s harder and harder to believe them when they don’t tell the truth when they testify.

Who knows what to believe anymore?……we must limit government power.

As Americans we don’t deserve ‘the least untruthful way’ from the people we pay for, who work for us!  We have a right to the truth…….we demand the truth from our officials!

…….The 4th Amendment is very clear.  Warrants must be issued by a judge, warrants must be specific to the individual….and a single warrant for a million Americans’ phone records hardly sounds specific to the individual.  Warrants are supposed to be based on evidence or probable cause.

……The President claims ‘Well the NSA program it’s been approved by 15 judges.’  Yeah right!  15 judges most of them ruling in secret, where nobody had a lawyer on both sides….The FISA court is a court where the defendant gets no attorney.  The debate is shrouded in secrecy.  In the FISA court the NSA can say whatever they want and they are not cross examined.  A secret court is not a real court……demand an end to secret courts.

…….I will push for a select committee, styled after the Church Committee that investigated the abuse of power by the intelligence committee in the ’70s……..it should watch the watchers.”

-U.S. Senator Rand Paul, University of California Berkeley speech, 19 March 2014

Economic Martial Law officially declared in U.S.A.! False Flag U.S. sanctions against Russia really targeting U.S. citizens and immigrants! Obama declares National Emergency to seal off the U.S. from the outside World!

20 March 2014 (09:44 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Jumada l-Ula 1435/29 Esfand 1392/20 Ding-Mao 4712

Barack Obama’s recent declaration of unlawfulness isn’t actually targeting Russia, it’s targeting you!

The official title of one of the executive orders that Obama claims as sanctions against Russia is BLOCKING PROPERTY OF CERTAIN PERSONS CONTRIBUTING TO THE SITUATION IN UKRAINE, and in it the dictator Obama declared a “National Emergency” three times!

Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person (including any foreign branch) of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State……”

Sec. 2. I hereby find that the unrestricted immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens determined to meet one or more of the criteria in subsection 1(a) of this order would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of such persons. Such persons shall be treated as persons covered by section 1 of Proclamation 8693 of July 24, 2011 (Suspension of Entry of Aliens Subject to United Nations Security Council Travel Bans and International Emergency Economic Powers Act Sanctions). “

“Sec. 3. I hereby determine that the making of donations of the type of articles specified in section 203(b)(2) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(2)) by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 1 of this order would seriously impair my ability to deal with the national emergency declared in this order, and I hereby prohibit such donations as provided by section 1 of this order.”

“Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited………..any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States……..I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to section 1 of this order.”

“The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to submit the recurring and final reports to the Congress on the national emergency declared in this order…..”

World War 3, East European Front: Ukraine issues ultimatum! Crimea tells unhappy Ukrainians to get out! More proof it’s about EU/U.S. control of new natural gas fields!

19 March 2014 (13:10 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

Unless Admiral Gaiduk and all the other hostages – both military and civilian – are released, the authorities will carry out an adequate response… of a technical and technological nature.”-Aleksandr Turchinov, Obama regime non-elected puppet president of Ukraine, the “technical” response will take place after 19:00 hours GMT

“….appeal to all soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces based on the peninsula – in order to avoid bloodshed and further deterioration of the situation – don’t give in to provocations, make an unambiguous choice and swear allegiance to the people of Crimea.”-Sergey Aksyonov, elected Prime Minister of Crimea, he also offered “free exit from the Crimean territory” for those who did not want to stay in Crimea

Reuters has revealed that U.S. and European oil companies, Exxon-Mobile, Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell, were in talks to become major players in Ukraine’s own Black Sea gas fields, but the talks began to fall apart in January 2014, right about the time the Obama regime pushed the bullshit “peaceful” overthrow of the democratically elected government: “In January 2014, Shell exited negotiations on a production sharing agreement (PSA) related to the Skifska block in the deepwater shelf of the Black Sea. Shell had expected that the PSA would be signed in 2012 or 2013, but unfortunately it didn’t happen.”-Royal Dutch Shell statement

lies from the U.S. Department of Failed State

World War 3, East European Front: More lies from the U.S. Department of Failed State!

19 March 2014 (12:51 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

Reporter: You tweeted several hours ago “Stop the shooting in Simferopol. Clear that Russia shot first” – what is this clarity based on? What are the facts behind this statement?

U.S. Department of Failed State mouthpiece Jen Psaki: Russia entered a Ukrainian base – that is clearly an act we have concerns about, and shows their level of aggression in this case, so I think events on the ground seem pretty clear, in our view. We were just expressing – I was just expressing – a concern about the reports we’re hearing on the ground.

Reporter: But now you talk about entering a base, but in the tweet you were saying that it is ‘clear that Russia shot first’ – that’s a pretty serious allegation – where is this information coming from? There have been plenty of conflicting reports over what has actually been happening in Simferopol.

U.S. Department of Failed State mouthpiece Jen Psaki: Let’s me just say, we don’t see how it’s possibly true that the Russians claimed that – they were not – that someone else was the aggressor, that the Ukrainians were the aggressors, given that they entered the Ukrainian base.

Reporter: They’re not saying that, they’re saying it’s a provocation whereas you’re saying that it’s very clear...

U.S. Department of Failed State mouthpiece Jen Psaki: …They have said that a little bit, I think we’re ready to move on. Do we have another topic?

U.S. uses its own Supreme Court to officially violate international law 

captures Obama regime sniper

World War 3: United States, the epitome of Rule of Law, uses its own Supreme Court to officially violate international law!

19 March 2014 (08:57 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

“….the illegitimacy of the Assad regime is so overwhelming. So we just felt the idea that this embassy is sitting here with representation that we could take seriously is an insult, and we closed it.”-John Kerry, Obama regime Retardary of State

Not only has the Obama regime illegally shut down Syrian consulates, kicked out Syrian citizens, but has limited the Syrian UN ambassador to a 40km (25 mile) radius around the UN building.

In doing so the Obama regime has violated the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations as well as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.  But wait, guess what you dumb followers of the U.S. government?  The Bush regime officially reneged on the U.S. ratification of Vienna Convention on Consular Relations back in 2005, and in 2006 the NAZI puppet Supreme Court approved the U.S. abandonment of international law!

In 2008 the U.S. NAZI Supreme Court ruled that the International Court of Justice request to honor the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations was invalid!

So you see, the United States officially does not follow international law, which makes the U.S. even more hypocritical when it accuses other countries of doing the same!  U.S. justice = Just Us!

“….international law means something…..it’s very dangerous to see this rise of a kind of nationalism that is exercised unilaterally [does he mean U.S. Just Us?] to the exclusion of the international legal process [it certainly sounds like he’s talking about the U.S.]……the law does mean something and that there are costs attached……”-John Kerry, Obama regime Retardary of State, 18 March 2014

Israel bombs Syrian Arab Army

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel bombs Syrian Arab Army! Coordinated attack with al Qaeda attacking from Jordan! Syria announces that Israel violates treaty for the last time, the gloves are off!

19 March 2014 (08:24 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Jumada l-Ula 1435/28 Esfand 1392/19 Ding-Mao 4712

Claiming to be a retaliatory strike (never mind that they already fired artillery salvos in retaliation the day before) Israeli Defense Force aircraft bombed several Syrian Arab Army positions,  at least seven Syrian troops wounded, one dead.

Israel blamed the laying of landmines on the Golan Heights on the Syrian government, even though Nut-job-yahoo specifically named Lebanon’s “Hezbollah forces”.

Syria’s General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces called the Israeli artillery and airsrikes yet another Israeli violation of the Disengagement Agreement.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) also noted that the Israeli attacks seemed to be timed to coincide with an Obama regime al Qaeda affiliated attack on a Syrian prison in Daraa City.  That attack was launched from the British empire puppet country of Jordan.

The SAA warned that continued Israeli aggression will cause the region to “…be vulnerable to all options.”

The escalation between Israel and Syria also coincides with the Obama regime shutting down all Syrian consulates in the U.S., and ordering all Syrians out of the country.

Syrian rebels ask Israel for air strikes

Orders Syrians out of United States