Tag Archives: food

Yes Virginia, Syrian govt celebrates Xmas, in Arabic?

Al-Farah Choir performs at Dar al-Assad for Culture and Arts celebrating Christmas and New Year, can you recognize the tunes? Many Syrian Christians speak Syriac, a type of Aramaic.  Jesus of Nazareth was Aramaic, not Hebrew, Aramaic was his primary language (in 2014 Catholic Pope Francis and Israeli despot Benjamin Netanyahu argued over what language Jesus of Nazareth spoke).  Back then your primary language indicated your ethnicity.  Aramians are Semitic, just like Arabs and Hebrews.


Syrian govt holds art show that would never been seen under U.S. backed ‘rebels’!

Syrian government held a charity art show for disabled university students, keep in mind that such an art show would never happen under the ruler-ship of U.S.-EU-Israeli backed ‘moderate’ (but really extremist) rebels:


Global Warming on Earth started 20-thousand years ago!

22 December 2016 (12:52 UTC-07 Tango 06) 02 Dey 1395/22 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/24 Geng Zi 4714

“…the result is not a surprise, but if you look at the global climate models that have been used to analyze what the planet looked like 20,000 years ago, the same models used to predict global warming in the future, they are doing, on average, a very good job reproducing how cold it was….”-Kurt Cuffey, University of California Berkeley

A new study (Deglacial temperature history of West Antarctica) shows a direct connection between magnetic pole activity and radical climate change on Earth, not human caused pollution.

The study shows that during the last radical climate change on Earth, back when supposedly there were no humans on-board, the Poles warmed up by as much as 11 degrees Celsius, while the rest of the planet warmed up by only 4 degrees. Interestingly this happened in the Southern Hemisphere “…several millennia earlier than in the Northern Hemisphere.”

Prior to the end of The Great Ice Age the planet was colder than it is now, and ever since the continent covering glaciers (some miles high) came crashing down the Earth has been slowly warming up, partly due to increased green-house gasses from geologic activity (like volcanoes), not by humans.  The interaction of the electromagnetic Poles with the weather for the rest of the planet is called “feedback processes”.

In fact the study shows Earth has never stopped warming up, yet another proof that ‘global warming’ is not caused by human activity!







EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD CONTINUES TO WEAKEN, IS IT PROOF THAT SOMEONE IS OUT THERE? Even PBS Nova produced a report on the effects of the Poles on weather

Daycare center feeds babies Chlorine!

22 December 2016 (12:13 UTC-07 Tango 06) 02 Dey 1395/22 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/24 Geng Zi 4714

Earlier in the week the owner of a daycare center asked for police investigation after suspecting that an employee was feeding babies chlorine!

The investigation showed at least three babies were fed chlorine at 1-thousand 6-hundred times the legally accepted levels!  The daycare owner got suspicious when the infants started spitting up the water right after drinking it.

Investigators discovered that employees were using a chlorine based disinfectant, meant for use on solid surfaces, to prepare the drinking water!  It Happened in Koto Ward of Tokyo City, Nippon.

IMF warns World economies of Trump regime!

21 December 2016 (01:35 UTC-07 Tango 06) 01 Dey 1395/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/23 Geng Zi 4714

“The timing of the abrupt asset-price movements—coming within days of the U.S. election—is the key clue about what moved markets. The election of Donald Trump as president, coupled with continuing Republican control of the Congress, ended six years of divided U.S. government.

………More rapidly rising U.S. interest rates signal further dollar appreciation. Tax incentives for U.S. corporation to repatriate their past profits held abroad, which some estimate at $2.5 trillion, could also push the dollar up. Given faster demand growth, the outcome will be a widening U.S. current account deficit, that is, more borrowing from abroad. Some of it will possibly finance a growing Federal fiscal deficit, depending on the precise features of the U.S. fiscal package, the extent to which it is paid for by budget cuts elsewhere, the path of government borrowing rates, and the economy’s growth response.

……..If sharp exchange rate shifts and growing global imbalances follow the U.S. policy regime change, protectionist pressures become a major risk…….it is most likely that emerging market economies are the main targets for higher trade barriers erected by advanced economies.

Governments should therefore keep in mind that protection is likely to be counterproductive at home……In an environment of sharply divergent policy mixes, as we may now be facing, the rules of the global trading system will be more important than ever.”Maurice Obstfeld, International Monetary Fund Economic Counsellor and Director of Research,  and Professor of Economics

EU Turkey attacks update; death toll changes, Mosque attack, Russia vows vengeance!

20 December 2016 (02:35 UTC-07 Tango 06) 30 Azar 1395/20 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/22 Geng Zi 4714

Berlin polizei, in Deutschland, say the driver of the truck appears to be an asylum seeker from Afghanistan or Pakistan.  Polizei now saying the attack is a “probable” act of terrorism.  Reports about the ‘passenger’ in the truck change again.  Now it sounds as if the passenger, a Polska citizen, was already dead before the attack on the Xmas Market (news media say he was shot, a witness says he heard gunshots after the driver fled the scene of the attack).  Deutschland news media say polizie are now targeting immigrant housing centers.   Death toll at 12, despite earlier reports by live reporters saying 18 had died.

Reports that Russia has ordered retaliation against those behind the assassination of their ambassador to Türkiye.  The assassin was a Turkish cop who admittedly supported the U.S.-EU backed foreign rebels in Syria.  The assassin was shot and killed by fellow cops.  Some Turkish news media say the assassin was posing as a bodyguard.

In Switzerland, news media now saying the ‘gunman’ who shot three people is now dead.  This is interesting because earlier reports, controlled by the police, made it sound as if they were the ones who did the shooting after chasing a “suspect” into a Mosque for migrants.  Swiss police now say the apparently anti-migrant suspect started shooting randomly at a Mosque near a Zurich train station, wounding three people.   The suspect’s body was found near the building later on.  There’s no explanation how the suspect got shot, or why it took police so long to connect the body to the Mosque shooting.

The attacks took place after some other significant events: Syria retakes Aleppo from U.S.-EU backed rebels. Iran and Russia hold phone meeting to discuss countering further U.S.-EU support for foreign rebels in Syria. European Union then extends sanctions against Russia.

Berlin attack update, 12 now dead

19 December 2016 (15:46 UTC-07 Tango 06) 29 Azar 1395/19 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/21 Geng Zi 4714

Berlin polizei, in Deutschland, confirm (according to live news reporters) they shot and killed the passenger in the semi-truck that plowed into a Xmas Market.  However, they say the passenger was a Polish national, not an immigrant.

Polizei also evacuated a city block of Berlin, saying they are investigating a “suspicious object.” 

A Nation Divided Cannot Stand: Minimum Wage explodes United States?

19 December 2016 (10:44 UTC-07 Tango 06) 29 Azar 1395/19 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/21 Geng Zi 4714

Get ready for a Great Migration of workers from one side of the United States to the other, and from rural areas to metro areas.  Blame minimum wage increases taking place in 2017.

21 states and 22 cities are jacking up how much a U.S. citizen gets paid as a minimum, and most of the cities raising wages are way ahead of the states. In California the cities of Sunnyvale and Mountain View paying $13.00 per hour.  But if you want to live in a state with relatively less regulations then employers in SeaTac, Washington, will start paying $15.35 per hour!

Here’s the list of states paying people more money to work (hey, Right to Work [you over] Idaho, get ready for even more exodus [“IDAHO…LOST ABOUT 14,200 RESIDENTS SINCE 2010”]):

Alaska – $9.80
Arizona – $10.00
Arkansas – $8.50
California – Varies $10.00-$10.50
Colorado – $9.30
Connecticut – $10.10
Florida – $8.10
Hawaii – $9.25
Maine – $9.00
Maryland – $9.25
Massachusetts – $11.00
Michigan – $8.90
Missouri – $7.70
Montana – $8.15
New Jersey – $8.44
New York – Varies $9.70 -$11
Ohio – $8.15
Oregon – $10.25
South Dakota – $8.65
Vermont – $10.00
Washington – $11.00