Tag Archives: wage

A Nation Divided Cannot Stand: Minimum Wage explodes United States?

19 December 2016 (10:44 UTC-07 Tango 06) 29 Azar 1395/19 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/21 Geng Zi 4714

Get ready for a Great Migration of workers from one side of the United States to the other, and from rural areas to metro areas.  Blame minimum wage increases taking place in 2017.

21 states and 22 cities are jacking up how much a U.S. citizen gets paid as a minimum, and most of the cities raising wages are way ahead of the states. In California the cities of Sunnyvale and Mountain View paying $13.00 per hour.  But if you want to live in a state with relatively less regulations then employers in SeaTac, Washington, will start paying $15.35 per hour!

Here’s the list of states paying people more money to work (hey, Right to Work [you over] Idaho, get ready for even more exodus [“IDAHO…LOST ABOUT 14,200 RESIDENTS SINCE 2010”]):

Alaska – $9.80
Arizona – $10.00
Arkansas – $8.50
California – Varies $10.00-$10.50
Colorado – $9.30
Connecticut – $10.10
Florida – $8.10
Hawaii – $9.25
Maine – $9.00
Maryland – $9.25
Massachusetts – $11.00
Michigan – $8.90
Missouri – $7.70
Montana – $8.15
New Jersey – $8.44
New York – Varies $9.70 -$11
Ohio – $8.15
Oregon – $10.25
South Dakota – $8.65
Vermont – $10.00
Washington – $11.00


More suicides at Chinese Slave Wage Factory Cities

Chinese media reporting that a man jumped to his death on February 18, and a woman did the same on February 15.  The local government officials claim they are investigating.

The two slave wage employees worked at Nanshan International Stationery.  The man had been trapped their for eight years!  Many people in the United States don’t realize these Chinese factory cities are literally walled in cities.  When you sign a contract to work there you’re stuck inside.

Nanshan International Stationery has Western investors, through Hong Kong.  Officials at the factory said “personal problems” were the cause of the suicides. Yeah, I agree that eight years trapped in a factory city would cause personal problems!