Tag Archives: food

“A Massive Apostasy” : U.S. Christian Rapture (?), 1st Q 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns and layoffs for the Gregorian months of January, February and March 2017.

The American Conservative: The Coming Christian Collapse

SHOEBAT.com: A Massive Apostasy Is Taking Place Right Now As American Evangelical Christian Leaders Admit They Are In A Free Fall Collapse

14 Catholic Diocese in the United States are now bankrupt busted due to sex abuse claims!

Baptist Health of Kentucky/Indiana warning that they must layoff 288 people!  ObamaCare is forcing them to ‘realign’ operations. Days after the announcement the Baptist Health CEO suddenly quit!

Arkansas: Christian founded Bentonville based Walmart announced hundreds more job cuts for the 1st quarter of 2017, and began shutting down its experimental Neighborhood Markets grocery stores across the U.S.

California: The Catholic Diocese of Oakland shutdown five San Francisco area schools due to lack of students.  Christian Methodist founded Coca-Cola eliminating 102 jobs in San Diego by the end of July, blaming a 30 years low in soft drink consumption!

Florida: Adventist owned Florida Hospital Medical Group outsourced 67 jobs to a cheapo contractor.

Idaho: In the overwhelmingly christian (Mormon) dominated south eastern part of The Gem State, some christians actually campaigned against Pastor Jacqualine ‘Big Momma’ Thomas’ planned homeless shelter in Pocatallo! After a local Muslim doctor started the financial ball rolling in favor of the homeless shelter (waking up true local Christians who had money to donate), a group of christians went to the city council to point out that the Sublette Street property was not zoned for “transitional housing”.  The Mormon dominated city promptly revoked the temporary operating permit.  Pastor Big Momma commented to local news media that she’s taking this as a sign that god has a better location in mind.

Illinois: Chicago based, christian agnostic Warren Buffet owned, Kraft-Heinz eliminating 2-hundred salaried jobs!   

Indiana: After 127 years Saint Joseph’s College shutting down at the end of the current school year.  Local news media say the community “is shocked”, but supposedly the shutdown is temporary.  The nursing program will continue, but 9-hundred students are now screwed out of their non-nursing degrees. Local news media speculated that it was due to lack of funding, Saint Joseph admin refused to explain the decision.

Maryland: Baltimore based, evangelical founded, World Relief warning of layoffs across the U.S. due to the new President of the United States of America Donald Trump.  You see, christian founded World Relief gets paid, by federal taxpayers, according to how many refugees they take in.

Massachusetts:  Mormon Mitt Romney co-founded Framingham based Staples shutting down at least 70 more stores and selling off its European operations, due to poor sales.

Michigan:  The country’s largest retail christian chain store is now dead.  After 85 years Family Christian Stores shutting down all 240 stores, 3-thousand jobs lost by the end of April! Instead of blaming god, Family Christian Stores admin blamed their fellow christians for crashing sales! Christian founded Habitat for Humanity shutdown two Detroit area ReStores (for lack of sales) and laid off an undisclosed amount of people, blaming it on the fact that more than 40% of the families living in Habitat for Humanity houses can’t pay their supposedly ‘affordable’ low income mortgages! (that’s right, those Habitat for Humanity houses are not free)

Minnesota:  Even god can’t stop The Diocese of New Ulm from going chapter 11 bankrupt, due to sex abuse lawsuits.

Missouri: Saint Peter Catholic School shutting down by the start of the 2017-18 school year.  The school is being merged with other christian schools due to The Rapture, I mean lack of christian students.  Catholic founded Saint Louis University eliminating 120 jobs, blaming increased costs of operations and decreased student enrollments (The Rapture?)!

Montana: Even god can’t stop The Diocese of Great Falls-Billings from going chapter 11 bankrupt, due to sex abuse lawsuits.

New Jersey: The British empire based christian Salvation Army shutdown its Newark Family Thrift store due to crashing sales.  City administrators are worried as the thrift store helped fund local social programs.

New York:  The Archdiocese of New York announced yet more christian school shutdowns, this time six more schools (in NYC and Sullivan County) being consolidated due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  They also blamed the skyrocketing costs of maintaining properties in The (failed) Empire State: “There was no way to be able to open the school, not just money wise but academics………As Catholic schools close, the tax burden will grow more and more.”-Sister Carol Cimino, superintendent Buffalo Catholic Schools

North Dakota:  CHI Saint Alexius killed 52 jobs in Bismark. Administrators blame ObamaCare for not reimbursing the true costs of healthcare.

Ohio: Quaker christian founded, now Cincinnati based Macy’s-Bloomingdales announced it is shutting down at least 68 stores and killing thousands of jobs.  Analysts say the actual number of employees hit by layoffs could be more than 10-thousand! 

Oklahoma: Saint John Health System told local news media they eliminated jobs, but refused to say how many.

Oregon: Samaritan Health Services imposed a hiring freeze and halted construction projects in order “to prepare and position ourselves to be able to continue our primary mission of healthcare delivery with the least harm to our workforce and community”.  Samaritan Health Services (one of the largest healthcare providers in Oregon) administrators say ObamaCare-Medicaid funding cuts caused them to lose as many as 8-thousand patients in the first two months of 2017! They also said that when you throw-in other healthcare providers “The number statewide is in the tens of thousands”.

Pennsylvania: Christian Mennonite founded Hershey chocolates announced it must eliminate thousands of hourly jobs by the end of 2019, in order “to improve overall operating profit margin through supply chain optimization”.

Tennessee: Catholic Charities laid off 13 people at its refugee center in Nashville, blaming Donald Trump.  Christian founded Kroger (the founder was so religious that he quit his first job because he was expected to work on Sundays, by the way Sunday is not the 7th day of the week) shutdown a grocery store on  Western Avenue, in Knoxville, due to “significant losses for over 5 years now, including over $1 million in the last two years”.

Texas: One of the the largest churches in San Antonio, Community Bible, suddenly laid off at least 31 of its employees.    ObamaCare forced Baylor Saint Luke’s Medical Center to kill more than 2-hundred jobs in The Lone Star State!  ‘Born Again’ christian founded, Plano based JCPenney announced 140 store shutdowns and as many as 6-thousand jobs gone by the middle of the 2nd quarter 2017!

Vermont: Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) shutdown their ten years old Winooski operations due to a lack of people willing to take part in the activities.

Virginia: Fredericksburg Christian School shutdown its Stafford campus.  Administrators admitted that enrollment hasn’t lived up to expectations, so they’re consolidating campuses.  British empire based Salvation Army shutdown their Waynseboro thrift store, due to lack of sales.

2nd Half 2016 U.S. Christian Rapture: “THIS IS A BUSINESS…THE PRODUCT IS FAITH”


“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

Louisiana Militia preps for Disaster 2017!

02 April 2017 / 20:41 UTC-07 Tango 06 (14 Farvardin 1396/06 Rajab 1438/07 Jia Chen 4715)

Louisiana National Guard is preparing to save the lives of humans and their pets from this year’s expected disasters:


Eminent domain killing Mom-n-Pops! : U.S. government shenanigans, January 2017

Incomplete list (due to internet access problems, come on why won’t anybody donate to BlindBatNews?) of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for January 2017:

California:  The Chico Fire Department eliminated five jobs due to the taxpayer funded FEMA awarded SAFER grant running out.  In San Diego, tax-sucking General Dynamics owned National Steel & Shipbuilding suddenly laid off 844 people, blaming the U.S. Navy!  In Santa Ana, GKN Aerospace ChemTronics laying off 15 employees by the end of February, despite getting a state taxpayer funded $10-million USD tax-break for being energy efficient!

Colorado: After 30 years Boulder Map Gallery shutting down by March, the owner blaming increased use of digital maps by his two largest clients, the federal government and an unnamed corporation, for declining hard copy map sales.  Chemical weapons incinerator Bechtel to layoff 30 people at the U.S. Army’s Pueblo Chemicals Depot.  It’s blamed on both Bechtel’s delay in getting their automated system up and running, and the U.S. Army taxpayer funding cutbacks. In all, Bechtel administrators say they have to find a way to cut $8-million from their budget!

Illinois: Glenview Public Library laid off ten people because the local taxpayers could not afford another local property tax hike.

Massachusetts: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority began its promised elimination of thousands of jobs due to lack of taxpayer funding, 25 laid off as part of the first round of cuts!

New Jersey: The British empire based christian Salvation Army shutdown its Newark Family Thrift store due to crashing sales.  City administrators are worried as the thrift store helped fund local social programs.

New Mexico: In Albuquerque, Hey Johnny shutdown their brick-n-mortar store, the owner blamed the Albuquerque Rapid Transit project for literally driving away potential customers from the Nob Hill area.

 New York:  Nassau Regional Off-Track Betting warning of mass layoffs after only 20 employees accepted early retirement bribes. The agency blames decreased revenues and increased debt.   In New Hartford, after more than 30 years Tracy’s Hallmark store shutting down by the end of February, the owner blamed competition and the new minimum wage hike.    After 30 years Pets NYC-Metro Pets shutdown, the owner Gene King bitched about a common problem saying “In a nutshell, the rent is not affordable”, as well as jacked up costs of pet supplies and local taxes.

Oregon: The Jackson County Health & Human Services warned of as many as 2-hundred layoffs, mainly mental healthcare workers, supposedly because of a contract dispute!

Texas:  San Antonio furniture maker KLN Manufacturing shutting down, 40 jobs lost by the end of February. The company focused on taxpayer funded sales to government agencies, as well as universities and hospitals.

Washington:  In Keyport, U.S. tax-sucking British empire based BAE Systems eliminating 59 jobs by the end of March.

West Virginia: The city of Huntington laid off 24 employees due to crashing tax revenues, which have created a $4.6-million USD budget shortfall!

Wisconsin:  In Portage, local government jerks shutdown and stole the property of 33 years old Gruber Automotive auto shop, using ’eminent domain’ as the excuse!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans December 2016: “…GIVE US SOME BREATHING ROOM…”

ObamaCare-ACA Death Spiral, January 2017:  “A STREAMLINING OF OPERATIONS.”

Dumbing Down U.S.A., January 2017: “I’M SCARED….FOR A BAD REASON!”

U.S. Retail/Banking/Service Sector collapse, January 2017: “I DON’T SLEEP AT NIGHT, IT’S KILLING ME” 10,000+ jobs killed due to MASSIVE MACY’S MELTDOWN?

Obama Legacy: China kicks America’s Ass in jobs for Africa!

19 March 2017 (15:58 UTC-07 Tango 06) 29 Esfand 1395/20 Jumada t-Tania 1438/22 Gui Mao 4715

“China ranks the 7th in terms of project numbers in Africa, but it created the most jobs, which is unexpected by many people.”-Jeremy Stevens, Standard Bank Group

During the last two years of the Obama regime China has become the number one creator of jobs on the African continent, despite billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars spent by the evil USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and USAfriCom (United States Africa Command).

At an economic meeting last week (in Kenya) it was revealed that in the past two years China has created nearly 30-thousand jobs in Africa!  Last year the U.S. based World Bank admitted that despite propaganda from the Obama regime, 93% of Chinese companies in Kenya are hiring Africans.  (interesting that China is doing so well in Barack Obama’s paternal homeland of Kenya)

Why is China so successful and the U.S. not?  Simple, China is spending its taxpayer’s money on creating jobs while the U.S. spends money on so called disaster relief and supposedly fighting ‘terrorism’.  At this past Friday’s economic meeting in Kenya African leaders stated that job creation is all they’re looking for from foreign investments. In other words they want butter, not guns.

But lets not put all the blame on Barack Obama, last week Donald Trump quietly banned one hundred Africans from attending a economic forum here in the U.S.  To add insult to injury, the economic forum was focusing on trade with Africa!

Kenya to drop U.S. dollar for Chinese Yuan

 Trump slashes financial aid to Kenya’s health sector in budget proposals





99-million years old Mushrooms found!

18 March 2017 (02:27 UTC-07 Tango 06) 28 Esfand 1395/19 Jumada t-Tania 1438/21 Gui Mao 4715

Could early humans have been whacked on shrooms from the beginning? Scientists from China, New Zealand and United States claim to have the oldest intact mushroom fossils ever; 99-million years old!


Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology (of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) released images of four mushrooms found in Malaysian (Burmese) amber.  But wait, there’s more.  The scientists also found parts of beetles, which survive by eating mushrooms, in amber that’s 125-million years old!

They spent ten years collecting the amber.  However, 99-million years isn’t the oldest, in 2007 researchers in United States claimed to have found a 100-million years old mushroom, also in Malaysian amber.  What’s also interesting is that mushroom fossils in amber have been turning up around the world, with most of them dating to about the same time period, meaning mushrooms were everywhere man!

Shroom art by Aryssa May Hutchins

Buy Art of Aryssa Hutchins

2016: 50 million year old mushroom found trapped in amber

“It’s getting tough out there.” : U.S. Food Crisis, January 2017

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of January, 2017: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Alabama: In Huntsville, after 15 years Little Paul’s BBQ shutdown.

California: Real Mex Restaurants suddenly shutdown 14 Chevys Fresh Mex eateries for lack of profits, news media reported that not one employee was notified, each restaurant averaged 40 employees!   Dole shutting down their packaged foods ops in Stockton, according to the employee’s union 30 jobs lost due to crashing sales.  For-profit food delivery service Munchery laid off 30 people in San Francisco, after being accused of wasting food.  In Los Angeles, after 80 years Gill’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream forced to shutdown by the impatient/greedy owners of the Original Farmers Market.  Also in San Francisco, decades old restaurants Kuletto’s, Sushi Boat and Lori’s Diner all shutdown by the new owners of Union Square.  In Oakland, after six years restaurant Hawker Fair shutting down because the property was sold to an ‘investment group’.  Leftist Michael Moore promoted Alvarado Street Bakery eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs across The Golden State due to “a very competitive market.”  Moran Foods shutting down their Los Angeles ops, 35 jobs gone by February.  Morton Salt shutting down their Newark ops, 70 jobs gone by April. TGI Fridays shutting down a restaurant in Yorba Linda, 42 jobs gone by March.  CKE shutting down a restaurant in Carpenteria, 25 jobs lost by March.  In Walnut Creek, after 39 years Crogan’s Sports Bar & Grill shutdown due to a conspiracy by local police and city administrators: “…the city has made in clear that they have very specific ideas in mind for what Walnut Creek should be and Crogan’s no longer fits into their narrative. Ultimately, we have been forced to closed our doors.”

Colorado:  Idaho based but evil Cerberus owned Albertsons shutdown one of their Grand Junction grocery stores and is renaming another store Safeway.  It’s all part of the evil plot started in 2015: ALBERTSONS-SAFEWAY MAKES “BILLIONS IN PROFITS” YET PAYS EMPLOYEES WELFARE WAGES!







Arkansas based Walmart shutting down one of their stand alone grocery operations in Denver, known as Walmart Neighborhood Market, 95 jobs lost by the end of March.  New Jersey based Pinnacle Foods shutting down a Boulder Brands food factory and eliminating as many as 73 jobs by March.  Production is being moved to Arkansas.  In Louisville, after 98 years the Blue Parrot restaurant shutdown, the owner for the past 47 years said “I’m tired of cooking and washing dishes.”

Connecticut: Liquid Lunch shutdown their Milford location after ten years of soups and sandwiches.

Florida: In Gainesville 40 years old Burrito Brothers Taco joint shutdown, the family owners blame crashing sales on a massive  construction project. They even tried raising money on social media to save the eatery, but got barely a fraction of what was needed.  In Orlando, after ten years the Citrus restaurant shutdown by the new owners who claim they’ll open a different restaurant.

Georgia: After about four years Buca di Beppo shutdown their Augusta Mall restaurant, no reason given, some employees got short notice.

Hawaii:  Once again GGP strikes again, this time Nitrogenie ice cream shop in the Ala Mona Center being forced to shutdown after less than a year!  After more than 15 years Pinky’s Pupu Bar & Grill suddenly shutdown after a wave of negative Facebook comments about the food being too expensive for it’s lack of quality.

Illinois: Frozen food maker Luvo issued a shutdown WARN for their Schaumberg ops, 59 jobs lost by the end of February.  In Chicago, Goose Island Beer Company laid off 51 people under the guise of remodeling their restaurant.  In Bedford Park, food service contractor Aramark laid off 65 people after suddenly losing their contract.  Arkansas based Walmart shutdown its Presidential Towers Walmart Neighborhood Market. Now called a “farm to fork fiasco” Geneseo based Alexander King Farm now chapter 12 bankrupt busted after failing to deliver hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of beef and pork to customers who already paid!  A leaked internal email revealed that Texas based Whole Foods is shutting down their store in Evanston, by mid-March: “We are nearing the end of our lease term and we have decided that the investment required to remain in this location does not warrant the continuation of our business.”-leaked internal email

Indiana: In Huntingburg, Cool Beans Cafe-Milk Parlor shutdown after four years, it’s now for sale.  Marsh Hometown Market shutting down at least one grocery store in Indianapolis saying they can’t afford to  renew the lease.  Local news media revealed the grocery store chain is in trouble financially having missed rent payments and failing to pay suppliers.  Bourbon Street Distillery shutdown after 15 years of booze and food making, it’s up for sale.  Restaurant Dandy Inn shutdown after 40 years of Irish bia.

Iowa: SpartanNash shutting down their Wholesale Food Outlet store in Muscatine, in February, due to not being able to find a buyer before the lease expired.  After 31 years restaurant Marion Maid Rite shutdown.

Kansas: Wichita based franchise operator Capital Pizza Huts now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, no word on any restaurant shutdowns, apparently the restaurant operator employs thousands of people across several states.  In Wichita, after 35 years Charlie’s Famous Burgers suddenly shutdown, local news media reported that the popular eatery was put up for sale a few months ago.

Kentucky: In Newport, the owner of EI8HT BALL Brewing shutting it down so he can focus on distilling bourbon instead.  In  Louisville, Hillbilly Tea restaurant shutdown not even a year after its grand re-opening, supposedly the owners are now focusing on restaurant supply. In Lexington, JDI Grille & Tavern shutdown without warning as a result of an ongoing lawsuit between the family owners!

Maine: Horton Specialty Foods shutdown their 18 years old Public Market House location, apparently because of the new owners of the Market.

Maryland:  Dave White’s Pittsville Dinette shutdown, the owners told the public “It isn’t fun anymore.”

Michigan:  Battle Creek based Kellogg eliminating 250 mainly corporate level jobs, as part of its ongoing Project K job killing operations, I mean Project K restructuring! 

Minnesota: In Saint Cloud, Gold n Plump poultry processor being forced to layoff 30 corporate level employees by its new Colorado based owner Pilgrim’s Pride.

Missouri: More than one thousand jobs lost as Earth City based grocer Save-A-Lot shutting down all operations in California and Nevada, starting in February: “After rigorous review and analysis, Save-A-Lot has announced the company’s decision to exit the California and Nevada markets. This decision will impact 13 corporate locations, a retailer-owned store and our Rancho Distribution Center.”  

In Saint Louis, Atlas Restaurant shutting down in February due to jacked-up rent.  In Kansas City, Apple Market shutdown their Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard grocery store, local news media say no reason was given but discovered several health code violations.  And after 30 years upscale Houston’s restaurant at the Country Club Plaza shutdown due to the California owners not liking the demands of the property owner: “Despite good faith efforts on both sides, an agreement to extend our tenancy at the Plaza could not be reached with the Lessor. Details surrounding infrastructure improvements that sought to temporarily close the restaurant proved to be insurmountable.”

Montana:  In Missoula, after 45 years Tower Pizza shutting down by the end of Spring, the long time owners didn’t say why but promised a big pizza party on the last day of business.   

New Hampshire: In Concord, after 15 years Chandler’s Cake & Candy Supplies shutdown because of jacked up operating costs, and it’s also too expensive to move the business: “We didn’t think we’d close this way, but I couldn’t justify paying that much more.”-Sue Chandler

New Jersey: ACME Market shutdown their Burlington grocery store due to “under-performance”.  Local news media say it’s the second grocer in-town to shutdown in the past 12 months.  General Mills began eliminating 338 jobs at its Progresso Soup factory in Vineland!  The factory is being shutdown.   Atlantic Cape Community College began eliminating jobs within its Culinary Arts department due to the massive shutdowns of Atlantic City casinos (like the one Donald Trump co-owned).

New York: Uno Pizzeria & Grill shutdown their Destiny USA location without warning, no reason given.  Grocery chain Price Chopper suddenly shutdown their store in Menands claiming it’s too small to compete.   British empire’s Australia based Gloria Jean’s Coffees shutdown their Staten Island location.  The Gloria Jean’s corporation blamed it on the franchise owner for not renewing the lease.  In Scarsdale, the 1-hundred years old owner of the 50 years old Candy n Cards shut it down.  In Nyack, 30 years old ‘health food’ store Sweatpea’s Market shutting down by the end of February. In Manhatten-NYC, after 25 years restaurant China Fun shutdown by city regulations: “The state and municipal governments, with their punishing rules and regulations, seems to believe that we should be their cash machine to pay for all that ails us in society.”-note found taped to restaurant door

In NYC, restaurant Annisa shutting down after 17 years due to jacked-up property taxes.  The owner says her property tax has been jacked-up by a sinful $80-thousand USD: “I always wanted to have a restaurant that takes care of its employees…..But I can’t do that anymore.”-Anita Lo

North Carolina: After six years Tribeca Tavern shutdown their Falls of Neuse Road location.  Arkansas based Walmart shutting down a Charlotte Walmart Neighborhood Market, 95 jobs gone by March.

Ohio: The Columbus Fish Market shutdown its Crosswoods location, local news media reported that the Texas based corporate owner refused to explain why.  Jolly Pirate Donuts shutdown their Grove City location, news media reported that it’s the second Jolly Pirate Donuts to shutdown in The Buckeye State.  Cookery seller Williams-Sonoma shutdown their ten years old Columbiana store.  Giant Eagle shutting down three grocery stores by March.

Oklahoma: After more than four decades iconic Route 66 BJ’s Pit Stop shutdown due to big box chain stores hustling in.

Oregon: Zupan’s Markets shutdown its 20 years old Belmont District grocery store.

Pennsylvania:  In York, after five years upscale Park Street Pantry shutting down by the end of February due to the owners having full time jobs elsewhere.  Discover Teas shutting down their location in the Village Shops at Kingsmill, as part of plan to consolidate stores.  Weis Markets shutting down their decades old Williamsport grocery store on West Third Street, saying it’s too small to properly upgrade, 50 jobs affected.  In Macungie, after 65 years Willows Family Restaurant suddenly shutdown by the new owners who have “other plans for it.” In Scranton, after 43 years Heil’s Bar shutdown.  After 34 years Verona Village Inn restaurant shutdown because “We have lost our lease for available parking and will not be able to operate as a viable restaurant.”

Rhode Island: Doherty’s Lakeside Ale House-Tiogue Tavern suddenly shutdown despite an extensive remodel last year. The owner, depressed after waiting for business to pick up, said “… the tax man and the banks wait for no one.” 

Texas: In El Paso, after 55 years Charcoaler Drive-In shutdown, the owner admitted he wanted to shut it down since last year “for personal reasons.”   In Schulenburg, after 88 years Frank’s Restaurant to shutdown in Autumn, the property was sold to a developer.  In Austin, after 60 years El Gallo shutdown due to jacked-up property taxes.  Local news media checked and discovered that in 2015 the property tax was $16-thousand-337 USD but then jumped to $28-thousand-877 in 2016!  Dallas based Chili’s laid off 80 corporate and regional employees and warned of more layoffs as part of their new restructuring plan.  Without warning the owners of Rick and Carolyn’s Burgers and Fries shutdown one of their three restaurants in Abilene.  Local news media say no reason was given.  In Dallas, exotic beer seller Bottle Shop shutdown after six years due to unrealistic city parking projects: “Greenville is not the same street as it was when we opened. …..the parking isn’t really conducive for retail business, i.e: You can’t just park, run in and get a growler filled or grab a six pack and get outta there without having to valet park or walk half a mile.”-Stephanie Roethlisberger, now former general manager

Virginia: Buffalo Wild Wings shutting down its 20 years old Charlottesville location.  Company administrators say they can’t afford the new lease, but claim they’ll open a new joint as soon as they can find an affordable location.  In Richmond, Dog & Pig Show eatery shutting down in February, the owners promised their customers they would return with a new food joint.  Less than eight months after opening in Ashburn, Texas owned Hail & Hog Kitchen and Tap now chapter 11 bankrupt busted!  In Roanoke, after ten years pub Annie Moore’s shutdown, the owners claim they’re moving to a new location.  Internet based Relay Foods shutting down two distribution centers due to merger with a competitor. Local news media were only able to confirm that more than 48 people will lose their jobs.

Washington: Idaho based but evil Cerberus owned Albertsons shutting down a grocery store in Richland, and two stores in Spokane, by the end of February supposedly because of crashing sales.  In Liberty Lake, after only a year Bellacrosta Bakery and Fine Foods shutdown, the owners saying they’re “on hiatus to regroup”.  In White Center, after eight years Big Al Brewery shutdown. The owner,  Alejandro Brown (who quit his regular job to start the brewery), complained about skyrocketing competition by revealing a 35% crash in sales, saying “It’s getting tough out there.”  Local news media report that the city of Seattle, alone, has as many as 40 craft breweries!

Washington DC: Hawk n Dove bar chapter 11 bankrupt busted for failing to pay taxes.

West Virginia: In Brushfork, a small Save-A-Lot grocery store shutdown, 11 jobs lost with no reason given.  Local news revealed the property lease with Save-A-Lot is still valid.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

U.S. Food Crisis, December 2016: “…SALES HAVE BEEN DOWN 50% THE PAST FOUR YEARS…”

The Emerald Isle going Green with Ganja?

22 February 2017 (12:24 UTC-07 Tango 06) 04 Esfand 1395/25 Jumada l-Ula 1438/26 Ren Yin 4715

The Republic of Ireland is one step closer to legalized marijuana use for medical treatments.

The Ministry of Health issued guidelines (Cannabis for Medical Use — a Scientific review) for ganja use, which include eight recommendations by the Health Products Regulatory Authority.  But don’t think just anybody can fake a medical problem to take a toke, the guidelines also state that ganja users must be under direct supervision of a healthcare provider.

But meanwhile, in neighboring United Kingdom a political party that’s been pushing for the legalization of Mary-Jane just got fined; the Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol group has to pay the equivalent of $29-thousand USD for failing to report required political party finance reports for two quarters in a row.

“…GIVE US SOME BREATHING ROOM…” as Alaska reports big tax collections from legalized Mary-Jane






“…sales have been down 50% the past four years…” : U.S. Food Crisis December 2016

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of December, 2016: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Arizona: In Phoenix, Jobot Coffee & Dining shutdown due to not being able to renew the lease.

California: Gourmet grocery store Bristol Farms notified the state that it will shutdown its  San Francisco location, 82 jobs gone by the end of January 2017.  Also in San Francisco, after 30 years popular restaurant Kuleto’s issued a shutdown WARN, 103 jobs lost by January 2017 due to a “management decision”!  Restaurant Ozumo finally notified the state that it shutdown its Oakland restaurant, 45 jobs lost back in November.  Bacon-n-beef burger joint Slater’s 50/50-24356 Swartz Burgers- 8009 Day Burgers-61 N Raymond issued mass shutdown WARNs for several locations, 698 jobs gone by February 2017!  In Lodi, School Street Bistro shutdown after 15 years so the family owners can take care of their parents.  After 47 years in Los Angeles, iconic Norm’s restaurant on Pico Boulevard shutdown by the property’s new owners.   In San Diego, after 70 years Anthony’s Fish Groto shutdown due to the landlord refusing to renew the lease.  In Berkeley, after 20 years upscale Cafe Rouge shutdown, the owners claimed they couldn’t find enough competent employees.

Colorado:  In Glenwood Springs, Big Daddy’s Sports Bar shutting down the day after New Year’s Day, the owners said the number one reason was “family”.

Connecticut: After seven years La Petite France shutting down by mid January 2017, the owners saying “it’s time for us to move on.”  After 30 years Lincoln Culinary Institute-Connecticut Culinary Institute shutdown due to failing to meet tougher U.S. Department of Education rules demanding proof that graduates actually find decent paying jobs. The Roger Sherman Inn and restaurant shutdown by the new owner, a property developer.

Delaware: Restaurant Lula Brazil shutdown due to the owner’s health problems.

Florida: Poultry processor and shipper Wayne Farms issued a layoff WARN for 13 employees. Interestingly the state lists the food logistics company as “manufacturing”.  In Lake Worth, Hoffman’s Chocolates shutdown due to “…sales have been down 50% the past four years…”, six jobs lost.

Georgia: Buffalo’s shutdown their 19 years old restaurant in Athens.  The restaurant was for sale but the landlord suddenly banned anymore restaurants from setting up shop in that location.

Hawaii: After less than a year the Magnolia Bakery suddenly shutdown it’s location in the General Growth Properties (GGP) owned Ala Moana Center mall.

Illinois: In Buckstown, the new owners of iconic Feast restaurant shut it down so they can chop-up the building into smaller retail spaces.  Hershey’s announced it will shutdown it’s Chocolate World store off of North Michigan Avenue in Chicago.  In Galesburg, after 88 years New China Cafe shutdown. The second owners claim they’ve the menu has been unchanged since the 1940s, maybe that’s why sales have crashed: “We’ve been hanging by a thread for the past three years. The city’s trying to bring the economy back, but there are no factories; it’s mostly retail and chain restaurants, and we can’t compete.”-Melinda Kilgore, co-owner

Indiana: In Indianapolis, after 82 years Italian joint Milano Inn shutdown, 65 jobs lost due to the owners wanting to retire.  The owners say they’re trying to sell the property and hope any new owner will re-open the restaurant.

Kansas: In Wichita, TLC Muffins shutdown after 30 years.  One of the co-owners was hurt in an accident and they had to put everything up for sale, but only the equipment and property was sold, nobody wanted the bakery operation.

Maryland: In Bel Air, after 42 years Friendly’s Restaurant & Ice Cream shutdown “… effective immediately.”

Massachusetts: For the second time this year Boston based bar management software developer BevSpot laid off employees.  Reports say BevSpot’s entire ‘outbound’ sales department was canned due to low sales to restaurants and bars.  Boston’s Rattlesnake Bar & Grill went chapter 7 bankrupt busted, shutting down after 26 years.  Friendly’s Restaurant shutdown their Chicopee distribution center, about 50 jobs lost to a contractor.

Michigan: In Port Huron, ThumbCoast Brewing Company shutdown blaming taxpayer funded city construction projects for creating “…challenges that we’ve faced throughout 2016, especially those which had (a) significant impact on revenue during the months of May and June, have finally caught up with us and we can no longer move forward.”

Minnesota: Sausage joint Prairie Dogs shutdown their Minneapolis location, on Lake Street, saying “Our demographic was not the Millennials that live around here.”  Golden Valley based food producer General Mills announced it will eliminate 6-hundred jobs in 2017!  It’s the result of ongoing restructuring of the company, local news media reported that since 2014 General Mills has eliminated 5-thousand jobs globally!  Cookery seller Williams-Sonoma announced it will shutdown it’s store in the Mall of America, in early 2017.

Missouri: In Columbia, after 40 years Country Kitchen shutdown due to not being able to afford a new lease.

Montana: In Helena, after five years Fusion Grill shutdown with only three days official notice to employees, but then it suddenly shutdown one day early!  The owners of the restaurant gave no reason for the shutdown and refused to talk to local news media.

New Jersey: Toms River Diner shutdown after 45 years.  Panera Bread shutdown their Westfield location, apparently because the bakery didn’t meet the corporate “standards”.

New Mexico: Texas based RedBrick Pizza Kitchen Cafe warning they will shutdown their Farmington location if sales don’t pick up.  The local franchise owners say they’ve pumped money into major repairs, then sales crashed.  They blame it on a sudden explosion of new restaurants opening in the area.  In Albuquerque, after 27 years Ko Palace shutdown so the owner can retire.

New York: JFK International Airport Terminal 7 food service company HMS Host issued a shutdown WARN, 122 jobs gone by March 2017 due to contract suddenly being canceled!  Cafe Pushkin Central issued a shutdown WARN, 70 jobs gone by the New Gregorian Year.  In Oneida, cookware and dinnerware maker EveryWare issued a shutdown WARN with periodic layoffs taking place between February and May 2017.  In Brooklyn NYC, Gorilla Coffee shutting down its 97 5th Avenue location, local news reports say the company has been planning to shut it down since 2013.  In Manhattan NYC, after 79 years Carnegie Deli shutdown despite public protests from customers and employees, and despite one former employee claiming to have made an offer to buy the restaurant, and despite a 2015 grand re-opening ceremony by NYC mayor Bill de Blasio. According to a statement by the owners it’s no longer worth it to run a business in The Big Apple.  In NYC, after 18 months the Will Ferrell themed Stay Classy Bar shutdown due to being overly successful, the owners claiming that from now on they’ll run temporary “pop-up” operations across the country.  After 11 years the Cake Shop music venue shutdown due to long term problems including not enough money to pay bills.  In Watkins Glen, after 50 years Mister Chicken shutdown due to the owner’s health problems.

North Carolina:  In Wake Forest, after 20 years the Old English Tea Room shutdown, the owners said they couldn’t make enough money to justify the amount of time they put into it.  In Greensboro, after five years Beans Boro Coffeehouse shutdown on Xmas Eve, the owner said the stress of running a business outweighed his sales.  Food & drink container maker Ball shutting down their factory in Reidsville, 150 jobs lost by mid-2017!  In Winston-Salem, after 12 years Flashback Smoothies & Grill shutdown so the owner can focus on his marketing business.

Ohio: Cincinnati based grocery chain operator Kroger wants 2-thousand employees to voluntarily quit and is offering bribes (buyouts) to make it happen!   It’s blamed on declining sales, which began at the end of 2015.  Kroger also shutting down its money losing (for the past 20 years) Walnut Hills store on McMicken Street, 81 jobs gone by March 2017.  In Steubenville, after 12 years Aubrey’s Bakery shutdown, the owners of the successful business said “We are feeling the wear and tear on our bodies. And we want to leave the bakery on a high note.”  In Franklinton, after 71 years restaurant Florentine shutdown without explanation.

Oklahoma: After 33 years in OK City, Pioneer Pies shutdown due to the owners not willing to agree to the new lease.

Pennsylvania:  Wolfgang Candy shutdown their North York retail sales outlet, blaming crashing sales ever since 2013. Erie County Farms grocery store shutdown after going chapter 7 bankrupt. In Erie, after 62 years Taki’s shutdown so the owner could retire.  Despite being made famous by Barack Obama, Five Guy’s shutdown their York burger joint on Loucks Road, with no explanation.  In Hopwood, after 68 years grocer Adrian’s Market shutdown so the owner can retire.  One customer was quoted by local news as saying “It sucks!”

Rhode Island: Cafe-bakery Au Bon Pain shutdown, the owners blame crashing sales on the city of Providence for forcing potential customers to pay for parking!  Local news reports say it was the third business to shutdown as a result of the new city parking meters!

South Carolina: In Columbia, Eric’s San Jose Restaurante Mexicano shutdown without warning to employees.  Local news media say the owner refuses to comment about it.  The Atlanta Bread Company shutdown one of three West Columbia locations and revealed they will eventually shutdown the other two locations in early 2017.

South Dakota: In Mitchell, CherryBerry Self-Serve Yogurt Bar shutdown due to lack of customers willing to serve themselves.

Tennessee: In Brentwood, bridal shop-bakery supply shop Sugar Drop shutdown, the owner is dedicating herself to the foundation she created after her son was killed in Afghanistan.

Texas: In Dallas, ice cream shop Cow Tipping Creamery shutdown after only nine months, the owners blame the location.

Virginia: In Waynesboro, after ten years Big Apple Bagels shutting down by the end of January 2017. The owners spent the last two years trying to sell their business but nobody was interested, and then the lease expired.  Martin’s Food Markets announced they are shutting down four more grocery stores, at least 4-hundred jobs lost by February 2017!  It’s blamed on the sale of the stores to a competitor.

Washington: In Spokane, Anthony’s Beach Café shutdown, apparently due to a failed marketing gimmick.

Washington DC: After four years Grassroots Gourmet shutdown their Bloomingdale bakery on Xmas Eve.

Wisconsin: In Brookfield, after nine years Joey’s Seafood and Grill shutdown, the owners said they couldn’t afford to renew the lease.  In Milwaukee, Breugger’s shutdown their North Water Street bagel joint.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

U.S. Food Crisis, November 2016: “…LEAN TIMES FURTHER DOWN THE ROAD.”


Dumbing Down U.S.: ObamaCare is the Affordable Care Act, you Dummies!

09 February 2017 (16:48 UTC-07 Tango 06) 21 Bahman 1395/12 Jumada l-Ula 1438/13 Ren Yin 4715

The Morning Consult survey (published by New York Times) discovered how stupid U.S. citizens have become regarding ObamaCare-Affordable Care Act (ACA).

35% think ObamaCare-ACA is two separate policies, or they aren’t even sure what it is!   The survey also showed that the younger and poorer an adult is the more ignorant they are of the mandatory healthcare program!

And here’s something interesting, people who call themselves republicans are the most likely to understand what ObamaCare-ACA is!  Is this why they’re so adamant about repealing it?   Amazingly 45% of respondents didn’t known that republicans were trying to repeal it!

By the way, there are plenty of examples showing that ever since Barack Obama coined the term ObamaCare the general public has been totally confused about it.


Dumbing Down the U.S., December 2016: “THIS IS A BOMB DROPPED ON US!” “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!”

“…give us some breathing room…” : U.S. federal/state/local government Shenanigans, December 2016

Incomplete list (due to internet access problems, come on why won’t anybody donate to BlindBatNews?) of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for December 2016:

Political activists known as The Koch Brothers laid off 81 people, now that the undemocratic presidential election is over.  At the same time they announced they’re creating a new for-profit communications company.

Alaska:  The state’s low tax collections (due to oil industry cutbacks) got a big boost from the new legalized marijuana operations.  December was the second month of Mary-Jane tax collections with the state raking in nearly $146-thousand USD! Buds are taxed at $50 per ounce, and the junk is taxed at $15 per ounce, with the grower being responsible for the tax payments.  

Colorado:  Garfield County Library District laid off eight people due to a $1.2-million USD crash in revenues (that’s what happens when you put all your hopes into the oil industry and then they reduce local operations by 45%).

Florida: Orange County was surprised when tax collections from tourists crashed by 3.5% in December. Local news reports say December is usually a good tax collection month for Orange County.  The city of Miami reports continued crashing of hotel tax collections, and of course city admin continues to blame it on fear of the Zika virus.

Georgia:  The overall tax collections for December 2016 were stagnant at 0.7% compared to December 2015.

Illinois: Peoria County warning of as many as 40 layoffs as part of their budget for 2017.  The new budget also raises property taxes.  County chairman Andy Rand indicated they didn’t expect any short term economic recovery by saying the austerity measures were meant to “…give us some breathing room over the next four years.”

Louisiana: Tax collections from tourists dropped 3.5% in December.

Massachusetts: Once again, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) to kill jobs, this time warning of at least one hundred layoffs in 2017, due to a taxpayer funding shortage of $100-million USD!

Michigan: In Port Huron, ThumbCoast Brewing Company shutdown blaming taxpayer funded city construction projects for creating “…challenges that we’ve faced throughout 2016, especially those which had (a) significant impact on revenue during the months of May and June, have finally caught up with us and we can no longer move forward.”

Nebraska: For the past six months state level tax collections have been far less than what the predominantly ‘christian’ government ‘experts’ expected.  Actual tax collections came in at $51-million short of what was projected, proving their economy has not improved.  

New Jersey: The evil city of Newark forces janitor services company United Services to layoff 41 people.  In July, United Services filed a lawsuit claiming the city failed to pay for services rendered!

New York: Tax-sucking military sewing contractor The Resource Center issued a shutdown WARN, 57 Buffalo jobs lost by March 2017.  The town of Hempstead shutting down the 20 years old East Meadow Senior Center because the property owner now wants $9-thousand per month in rent (for the past 20 years the rent was free).

Ohio:  Tax collections failed to meet government budget ‘expert’s expectations, for the 5th month in a row!  This is another sign that Ohio’s low unemployment rate is fake.

Pennsylvania: 520 Jobless Center employees could join the unemployment lines before Xmas! Local news media blames it on disputes between Democrat and Republican politicians.

Rhode Island: Cafe-bakery Au Bon Pain shutdown, the owners blame crashing sales on the city of Providence for forcing potential customers to pay for parking!  Local news reports say it was the third business to shutdown as a result of the new city parking meters!

Tennessee:  Wilson County reports four straight years of increased sales tax collections, local news reports didn’t explain why.  However, at the state level it was reported that overall sales and corporate tax collections were up, mainly due to “substantial one time” corporate tax payouts.   

Texas: State tax collectors reported that tax revenues for the twin cities of Bryan-College Station were up for the year, but down for December.  The increases came from sales taxes, and the decreases were caused by the oil industry shutdowns. 

Vermont: Taxpayer funded, Bernie Sanders founded, drug-free music venue 242 Main finally shutdown after 32 years of lack of funding and lack of ticket sales. (probably would’ve made money if it offered free drugs instead of being drug-free)

Virginia: The city of Danville reports increased tax and fee collections for the year. City admin admitted that part of the increase is from cash strapped property owners finally making payments on past due taxes.  

Washington DC: The federal government’s budget deficit hit $28-billion in December 2016, double what it was in December 2015!  Obama regime’s new legacy as The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a record 95-million 102-thousand U.S. citizen, ages 16 and up, are Not In Labor Force during December. Not In Labor Force refers to people unemployed for various reasons, and are not used to calculate the ‘official’ unemployment percentage as reported by main stream news media. Meaning the number of unemployed ‘Mericans is much higher than ‘officially’ reported.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification


Dumbing Down the U.S., December 2016: “THIS IS A BOMB DROPPED ON US!” “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!”