Tag Archives: food

Syria, Russia defeat U.S.-NATO created Islamic State? Israel next?

04 NOV 2017 (02:34 UTC-07 Tango 06) 13 Aban 1396/14 Safar 1439/16 Xin-Hai 4715

“…the units of our armed forces, in cooperation with the allied and supporting forces, have accomplished their tasks of restoring security and stability to Deir Ezzor city!”-Syrian Arab Army, 03 NOV 2017

It’s official, Syria, with help from Russia, is on the verge of defeating the U.S.-EU-NATO created Islamic State (DAIISH=DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam)!  Only the DAIISH occupied city of Raqqa is left and the Syrian Arab Army plans on fully overrunning it.

At the same time, Syrian officials sent letters to the United Nations Secretary General, and the Security Council, complaining that Israel continues to bomb civilian economic areas of the Province of Homs: “The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic calls upon the UNSC to condemn the blatant Israeli aggressions and calls on the international organization to adopt firm and immediate measures to stop those attacks and hold Israel accountable for its support of terrorism which would inflame the situation in the region and the world.”

While DAIISH is on the run, Syrian towns are still being attacked by Israeli backed Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra).  Today, nine people were killed, and dozens wounded, by a Nusra Front car bomb in the town of Hadar.

Video of Syrian Arab Army movement of forces around Deir Ezzor:


Video of Syrian Domestic Trade Minister touring Deir Ezzor, 02 NOV 2017:


Also, Russia used aircraft and submarine launched cruise missiles to bomb DAIISH command posts and depots around the town of al-Bokamal-Abu Kamal, southeast of Deir Ezzor, near the border with Iraq.  Russian military leaders in Syria said it was a major step in creating an environment that will allow the Syrian government to fully liberate eastern Syria.

Today, Russia openly accused the United States and NATO of committing war crimes by deliberately preventing humanitarian aid for refugees near al-Tanfnear the Syrian–Iraqi border: “By having organized there its military base and prohibiting anyone from approaching it closer than 55km, the U.S. bears responsibility for the situation, where dozens of Syrian internally displaced persons, staying at the al-Rukban camp nearby, are deprived of a chance to receive humanitarian assistance.”-Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria

Russia is hosting peace talks in Sochi, called the Syrian National Dialogue Congress: “Moscow hopes that all Syrian parties which care about the future of Syria and its sovereignty and territorial integrity will participate in the Syrian National Dialogue Congress to be held on November 18th in Sochi.”-Mikhail Bogdanov, Russian deputy Foreign Minister

Algeria expressed support for the Syrian government: “Algeria rejected freezing Syria’s membership at the Arab League and it has called for activating bilateral cooperation.”-Saleh Bosha, Algerian ambassador to Syria

Just a day before the victory in Deir Ezzor, Syria and Oman signed an ‘understanding’ with the future goal of expanding, and even fully nationalizing, their oil industries.






NATO biggest drug dealer in the World? Amphetamines, it’s what Islamic State does!





Walmart bakes ISIS cake, but refuses to bake Rebel Yell cake! 


Stop your country’s population Death Spiral, legalize Marijuana!

01 NOV 2017 (03:44 UTC-07 Tango 06) 10 Aban 1396/11 Safar 1439/13 Xin-Hai 4715

“Frequent marijuana use doesn’t seem to impair sexual motivation or performance. If anything, it’s associated with increased coital frequency.-Michael Eisenberg, assistant professor of urology

A new Stanford University School of Medicine study debunks the age old myth that smoking ganja reduces sexual desire, in fact it supports what many tokers have said for a long time; Mary-Jane smokers ‘do it’ more often than non-smokers!

The researchers studied CDC data from 50-thousand of the estimated 20-million legal marijuana users in the United States and found that they tended to have 20% more sex than non-smokers.






Maria: Militarization of Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands

25 OCT 2017 (05:28 UTC-07 Tango 06)  03 Aban 1396/04 Safar 1439/06 Geng-Xu (9th month) 4715

“We’re here for the win, and the win is providing the best assistance we can to the people of Puerto Rico and to help rebuild their lives, rebuild their communities and help them to move on to a brighter, happier day.”-Sergeant First Class Jeremiah Canter, U.S. Army

“We worked 14 days straight on Hurricane Katrina (a decade ago on the U.S. Gulf Coast). That was hard. This is far harder. This is us.”-Senior Master Sergeant Raul Vidal, 198th Airlift Squadron, Puerto Rico Air National Guard

What all the whiners about there not being enough federal government response to the massive hurricane damage in Puerto Rico don’t realize is they’ve inadvertently opened the door to massive militarization of the island territory.

Taxpayer funded contractors repair a bridge in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, 24 OCT 2017

Despite what the U.S. mainstream (fake) news reporting a ‘lack of response’ there is a massive military operation taking place all over Puerto Rico, and to a smaller extent on U.S. Virgin Islands.  The military is even using the U.S. Postal Service!

Army North/FEMA Joint Force Land Component Command post in San Juan

While FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is officially in charge of responding to the hurricane damage, it’s actually U.S. Army North (a component of U.S. Northern Command) who’s in charge. However, the Department of Defense claims Army North is there to “support FEMA”.

U.S. Army North, U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard units deliver drinking water in Lares, 10 OCT 2017

U.S. Air Force cybersecurity personnel work to restore radio and cell phone communications

Damaged cell phone tower

Even the U.S. Air Force (USAF) admits U.S. Army North is in charge: “We’re working with a bunch of different mission partners out here like FEMA, and Army North. It has been a lot of coordination and figuring things out as we go.”-Captain Ryan Headrick, 85th Engineering and Installation Squadron-38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group-68th Cyberspace Wing, USAF

U.S. Army’s 14th Combat Support Hospital-44th Medical Brigade set up a hospital in Humacao

The USA (U.S. Army) set up field hospitals: “All of the destruction has been really, really damaging to our efforts here. Imagine trying to set up a modern technology hospital with Civil War communication methods.”-Major Manuel Menendez, attached to 14th Combat Support Hospital, USA

Reverse Osmosis Water Purification delivery in Fortuna

USA water purification units are using massive 11-thousand liter (3-thousand gallon) Reverse Osmosis Water Purification systems to turn plentiful ocean salt water into fresh drinking water.   It’s then pumped into the 7-thousand liter (2-thousand gallon) water tanks of M977 Tactical Trucks for delivery: “We’ve been getting extremely positive feedback from the community. Just knowing that I’m helping has been very rewarding.”-Specialist Wade Scamehorn, 127th Quartermaster Company-3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command

U.S. Army active and reserve soldiers set up water purification systems near Guajataca Lake, 09 OCT 2017

A Red Horse C-17 delivers a second Disaster Relief Beddown System, 10 OCT 2017

The Ohio National Guard’s 200th Red Horse (engineers) Squadron deployed to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin islands.  The Red Horse has the ability to deploy anywhere in the world within 72 hours.

Video, Montana Air National Guard’s 219th Red Horse Squadron building tent city, 19 OCT 2017:

Nevada’s High Roller Aerial Porters loading U.S. Postal Trucks for deliveries of supplies, the trucks still carry an old USPS slogan “We Deliver For You”

Nevada Air National Guard’s 152nd Logistics Readiness Squadron High Roller Aerial Porters arrived on 04 OCT 2017.  Since then they’ve worked twelve-hour shifts and processed way more than 884.6 short tons (U.S. tons) of cargo, including cell phone towers and 40 fully loaded semi-trucks.

FBI agents team up with Army Reservists to deliver food in Adjuntas, 11 OCT 2017

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in on the act, joining USA reservists to help deliver food: “We are using our own law enforcement vehicles, which aren’t really conducive to carrying large payloads, so we coordinate with them to bring as much aide to the people.”-Special Agent Phillip Irizarry, from New York

Sergent Ashley Green, with the 393rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion-166th Regional Support Group-1st Mission Support Command, revealed why the Army Reserve teamed up with the FBI: “They have the good intelligence; we aren’t just going around not knowing where to go.”

Taxpayer funded fuel truck delivers diesel to a hospital in Cayey, 10 OCT 2017

Defense Logistics Agency, FEMA, Task Force Americas, the Foster Fuels Team and the Puerto Rican Police Department work to  provide more than 113-thousand liters (30-thousand gallons) of diesel fuel everyday, to power generators across the island: “I never imagined that I could come back to my hometown and do disaster relief. This has been the most meaningful mission in my whole Navy career, up to this point. I’m thankful that I’m able to use my background, in the military, to assist, not just people that are in need, but my town; my island.”-Lieutenant Commander Jose Varjs, deputy commander Task Force Americas Puerto Rico, U.S. Navy

Taxpayer funded truck delivers taxpayer funded generator

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineer is one of the many federal agencies working to restore electrical power, so far more than 270 industrial generators have been deployed, and hundreds more are being shipped in for Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands: “Ideally, we shoot for 25 generator installs per day. Realistically, if we can get between 15 and 20 installations per day, we’re doing well.”-B.J. Parkey

USN and Hospital Menonita personnel evac patients to the hospital ship Comfort, 06 OCT 2017

The U.S. Navy (USN) hospital ship has already responded to generator failures at local hospitals: “We are a mobile platform that can respond to the greatest area of need or act as a strut to help the Puerto Rican health system.”-Captain Kevin Buckley, commander USNS Comfort

USNS Comfort (T-AH 20)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been making food and water deliveries to remote locations using UH-60 Blackhawks

NGO American Red Cross conducting recon ops to remote locations

Even the non-governmental organization American Red Cross has been conducting reconnaissance missions in remote rugged terrain, at the request of FEMA/Army North: “We had a mass distribution for the people of Lares yesterday. They had 250 to 500 families who picked up water, snacks and meals.”-USA Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Tom Corrigan,  current volunteer for the Red Cross in Puerto Rico

Indiana Air National Guard deploys security forces, 23 OCT 2017

On 23 OCT 2017, the Indiana Air National Guard’s 181st Intelligence Wing-181st Security Forces Squadron deployed, for the purpose of providing airfield security and protection of personnel and resources in Puerto Rico, suggesting there’s a growing security problem.

New York military police deployed to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

New York Army National Guard’s 442nd Military Police Company deployed 118 MPs to support Puerto Rican police and National Guard MPs to maintain order on the island.   Another 97 New York MPs are patrolling the U.S. Virgin Islands, 77 on Saint Thomas and 20 military cops on Saint Croix.   All those military cops are on top of the more than 6-hundred New York militia-personnel deployed around 29 SEP 2017.

Video of Alaska, Connecticut, Nevada, Puerto Rico and Wisconsin Air National Guard delivering 18 pallets of U.S. mail:

Also around 29 SEP 2017, the Mississippi National Guard deployed more than 2-hundred Soldiers and Airmen to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin islands.  The Louisiana National Guard deployed more than 3-hundred personnel.   South Carolina National Guard deployed about 150 engineers.  The Pennsylvania National Guard deployed two Chinook helicopters and their crews.

Puerto Rico National Guard loads up a Blackhawk with food and water

The Illinois Air National Guard sent a special communications unit: “We are bringing laptops, phones, radios and even webcams for video teleconferencing. We can allow the rescue teams to coordinate in real time through video and voice calls. We’re also bringing extra laptops to set up an internet café. We hope to allow people to contact families and friends to let them know they’re safe.”-Staff Sergeant Helmut Woodberry, 126th Communications Flight

Video, newbie Puerto Rico National Guardsman’s baptism by hurricane:

Compromised Guajataca Dam, 23 OCT 2017

Georgia Army National Guard has been delivering supplies via helicopter to shore up the damaged Guajataca Dam.  North Carolina Army National Guard personnel have been cleaning up the Escuela de la Comunidad Matilde Rivera Amadeo.

On the U.S. Virgin Islands it’s called Operation Island Restore, begun after Hurricane Irma and extended because of Maria, so far involving more than 19-thousand militia personnel from 37 U.S. states.

Video, U.S. Virgin Islands National Guard cleanup Saint Croix schools:

What I’ve mentioned here is only the tip of the iceberg.


Skyrocketing pork sales in China means skyrocketing prices in United States?

25 OCT 2017 (01:52 UTC-07 Tango 06)  03 Aban 1396/04 Safar 1439/06 Geng-Xu (9th month) 4715

Virginia based, yet China owned, Smithfield Foods is about to get a huge boost in demand from its biggest buyer, China!

Smithfield Foods was taken over by Shuanghui Group (aka WH Group) in 2013.  Smithfield has many slaughterhouses across the U.S. and sells pig products under many brands;  Cook’s, Eckrich, Gwaltney, John Morrell, Krakus, and Smithfield.

WH Group is now boasting it is “The Largest Pork Company In The World.”  In August it made a $25-million USD investment in U.S. online food seller Chef’d to sell Smithfield products.  On 24 OCT 2017, WH Group announced a deal to provide China’s online food seller JD.com (aka JDFresh) with Smithfield pork.

JD.com is boasting that from 2016 to 2017 its online sales of pig meat exploded by more than 780%!  And that’s pork sales just in China!  That’s sounds good for Chinese consumers who love to shop online, but what does it imply for consumers in the U.S.?

The ‘law’ of supply and demand would say that if pork supplies in the U.S. declined due to increased demand from overseas buyers, then naturally the price for U.S. consumers will go up.  U.S. price increases could be halted if another cheap source of pork could be found, probably in another country since the biggest pork producer in the U.S. is owned by China.

Puerto Rico Militia deployed to Virgin Islands when Maria struck!

28 SEP 2017 (07:32 UTC-07 Tango 06) 06 Mehr 1396/07 Muharram 1439/09 Ji-Yu 4715

One reason help for residents of Puerto Rico (Pwhere-to Ree-ko) is seemingly delayed, according to federal officials, is a lack of local personnel to deliver it.  Well, part of that problem is that Puerto Rico’s own National Guard was deployed to the U.S. Virgin Islands to help with Hurricane Irma recovery.

On 26 SEP 2017, more than 3-hundred Puerto Rico National Guard personnel left the U.S. Virgin Islands to return home to help with Hurricane Maria recovery.  They were originally sent to the U.S. Virgin Islands to help establish food and supplies distribution points, maintain security checkpoints and perform high volume water purification, something now desperately needed in Puerto Rico.

The fact that many of Puerto Rico’s National Guard were deployed to the U.S. Virgin Islands indicates that disaster response planners were not expecting another hurricane to come through the area so soon after Irma.

Video, Puerto Rico National Guard boarding C-130 to return home from U.S. Virgin islands:



“we’re spread too thin, honestly.” Irma & Maria kill 80% of crops!: U.S. Food Crisis, September 2017

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of September, 2017: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Arizona: In Phoenix, after 34 years Gourmet House of Hong Kong shutdown.  In Tucson, after five years the owner of upscale (according to local news reports the cheapest steak meal costs $39!) Five Palms Steak & Seafood announced on Facebook the restaurant shutdown, no reason given.

Arkansas: After only two years of food production Del Monte Foods shutting down and selling-off its food factory in Siloam Springs, 2-hundred jobs gone due to consolidation operations!

California: In Fresno, after ten years the Daily Grill shutdown because “Our lease is up and we weren’t able to come to an agreement on continuing, so we’re going to have to depart.”  Albertsons shutting down two Von’s grocery stores in time for Thanksgiving, one in Mira Loma, the other in El Monte, 182 jobs gone!  In Salinas, Providence Farms and Merrill Farms both issued shutdown WARNs, 257 jobs gone by Thanksgiving.   Dairy supplier Super Store Industries issued a layoff WARN for its operations in Fairfield, 111 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!  In Santa Clara, after 58 years the owners of By-Th’-Bucket Seafood Italian announced on their website that they shutdown, explaining that “…the time has come to pursue other endeavors and devote more time to our families.”  The company that sells the outrageously priced ‘hi-tech’ juicer, and juicer food products,  is now dead. After only 16 months, and despite selling “over a million” products, Juicero announced on its website that it gave up trying to sell its $4-hundred USD juicers online.  A shutdown WARN claims 98 people will become unemployed at the end of October.  Switzerland based Nestlé eliminating about 6-hundred food jobs at its factory in Bakersfield, between November 2017 and January 2018!  Nestlé claims they are not shutting down the factory, but that the layoffs are due to crashing sales, if sales improve they’ll re-hire those laid off.

Florida: “Based on reports from the field, it’s estimated that there’s a 50 to 70% crop loss in South Florida….”-Lisa Lochridge, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association, commenting on the agricultural damage caused by Hurricane Irma.  In Destin, after 20 years Golden Corral suddenly shutdown, the longtime manager said “I’m kind of stunned”, but speculated that Golden Corral corporate is not willing to renew expiring leases.  On 11 SEP 2017,  Orlando Dinner Entertainment-Pirates Dinner Adventure suddenly laid off 206 people! Local news reports say the pirate themed dinner theater claims the sudden shutdown is temporary, caused by Hurricane Irma.  Snack food maker Synder’s Lance went through with its threat to shutdown its factory in Perry, on 29 SEP 2017, now 250 jobs gone due to consolidation ops!

Idaho: The Gem State’s wheat crop is down 5% over the past five years, but the quality is higher than ever.  State officials are also boasting of a multi-million USD deal with Republic of China (Taiwan) for Idaho wheat.  This might be good news for Idaho farmers but it means less of the grain available for the domestic U.S. market, which could drive prices for U.S. consumers up.

Illinois: In Decatur, after only three years Ted’s Taters shutdown due to health problems of the owners.  In Chicago, after only two years Snappers Seafood & Chicken shutdown their Morgan Park location, apparently because some of the family co-owners moved to Florida.

Indiana: In Merrillville, after almost nine years the owners of coffee shop Spill the Beans announced on Facebook they are shutting down.  In Indianapolis, after ten years BARcelona Tapas shutdown without warning, the owner blames “a variety of factors”.  In Fishers, after 48 years the owners of Archer’s Meats and Catering announced on Facebook they shut-it-down saying “Yep, we are retiring.”

Michigan: In Ann Arbor, after seven years Mark’s Carts shutting down its food truck courtyard, apparently because the owner found it too hectic to manage all the food truck ops.  Cherry Growers Incorporated now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, admitting that they failed to make adequate adjustments to recent crop failures.  In Mount Clemens, after 40 years Big Boy (formerly Bob’s Big Boy) restaurant shutdown: “The Mount Clemens store was one of those that kept under-performing. We made the decision to close it down.”-Keith Sirois, Big Boy Restaurants International

Minnesota: In Roseville, after 32 years Fairview Wine & Spirits shutdown.  In Saint Paul, after more than 60 years St. Clare Broiler shutdown, the owners saying “Today’s economics make it almost impossible to run a single, independent, family owned and operated restaurant at a profit.”  Food seller Tastefully Simple revealed it laid off employees in August, and is now leasing out part of its HQ in Alexandria.  In 2005 it was considered one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S., but in 2014 it began eliminating jobs and hasn’t stopped, and is now down to 1-hundred.  Company admin are trying to raise capital to save their ass.

Missouri: Saint Louis based, but owned by Belgium’s InBev, Anheuser Busch suddenly laid off 4-hundred ‘high end’ employees in its craft beer division!  After spending big money taking over some craft beer ops, Anheuser Busch is shifting to craft hard cider ops.  Back in 2015, Money warned that Anheuser Busch was hatching a plan to kill-off craft beer.  In 2016, the new owner of Anheuser Busch revealed plans to eliminate 5-thousand-5-hundred jobs over the next three years!

Nebraska: In Omaha, after ten years Patrick’s Market shutdown, the owner saying “I am the last of the old dinosaurs.”

Nevada: In Carson City, after 30 years restaurant Grandma Hattie’s shutdown becuase the landlord sold the property.

New Hampshire: In Raymond, after 35 years Pines Seafood House shutting down, the owners revealed that during good times they’ve employed as many as 35 people, but in the past few years could barely keep-on eight.

New Jersey: Stop&Shop in Raritan shutting down “…because the former owner of the property didn’t maintain it.”  Hard Rock Cafe issued a shutdown WARN for its Atlantic City location, 96 jobs gone by November.

New Mexico: In Las Cruces, Burger Time shutdown its 43 years old restaurant near New Mexico State University.  In Albuquerque, after only a few months restaurant Doughboys Bakery shutdown due to legal battles with General Mills.  General Mills says the name of the restaurant was too close to their own Pillsbury Doughboy.

New York:  In Sarasota Springs, after 14 years Circus Cafe suddenly shutdown after a failed attempt to sell it, earlier this year the owners were forced to another restaurant called The Crown Grill.  West Side Supermarket-Westside Market shutting down its store at 2171 Broadway, NYC, 69 jobs gone due to not being able to  renew the lease.  Also in NYC, Noho Star issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs gone right after Xmas.  Temple Bar issued a shutdown WARN, 13 jobs gone right after Xmas. Lindy’s Restaurant-52nd 8th Operating issued a shutdown WARN, 35 jobs gone in January 2018.  Restaurant Associates lost its contract with Barclays, 41 jobs gone mid-October.  In Cuba, D.F. Stauffer Biscuit issued a shutdown WARN for its cookie factory, 51 jobs gone between Xmas 2017 and June 2018.  In Rochester, the owners of 2Foodies Wine & Spirits emailed loyal customers saying “It is with heavy hearts that we announce that 2foodies Wine & Spirits will be closing……..we were exploring ALL options (such as someone partnering with us or someone buying 2foodies)…”    In Latham, after seven years the owners of Positano Specialty Foods announced on Facebook they shutdown, no reason given.  In NYC, after less than two years restaurant The Lucky Bee shutdown, the owners saying “We simply can’t afford the rent.”  Tops Friendly Market shutting down its grocery store in Jordan, in October, due to lack of profits. In Syracuse, after 98 years Nojaim Brothers Supermarket shutting down, despite getting local and state tax breaks to expand.  The owner blames it on lack of sales/profits: “…we finished our quarterly report and the comment from my accountant was, ‘You could probably hang in there a couple of months and then you’re going to have judgments all over the place.’ And I said, ‘I’m not going to go out owing people.'”– Paul Nojaim

North Carolina: Kairos-Chubby’s Tacos-Guacamaya Fresh Mex chain restaurant now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to sales crashing by $1.4-million USD since 2015.  Save-A-Lot shutdown its two years old Elizabeth City grocery store because “…it ended up not panning out the way that we thought it would.”  In Winston-Salem, Abundant Life Natural Foods shutdown its 36 years old Marketplace Mall location, the local owners saying “We also can’t run ourselves into the ground. We can’t do losses every month. Nobody can stay in business that way.”  JustSave shutdown its grocery store in Thomasville, corporate saying its part of their plan “…for investing in new stores and continuing major store remodels.”

Ohio: In University City, Kroger shutting down its 56 years old grocery store because the greedy landlord is redeveloping the property, 63 jobs gone.  In Bellaire, after 54 years Rigas Restaurant shutdown, apparently because the ‘christian’ matriarch of the family owners simply decided “I think it’s time to close.”  The family told local news they didn’t want to argue with her since she’s the one who started the restaurant.  In Hamilton, after three years J Austin’s Riverbank Cafe shutdown due to lack of sales.

Oregon:  In Salem, NORPAC-Hermiston Foods issued a shutdown WARN, 199 jobs gone!

Puerto Rico: Hurricane Maria destroyed 80% of the U.S. territory’s crops! 

South Carolina: The Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Knightsville shutting down blaming “predatory pricing” by Walmart, also the property is up for sale.  On Hilton Head Island, restaurant 843 shutdown because of Hurricane Irma, the owners say they were still trying to recover from 2016’s Hurricane Matthew.

Tennessee: In Cool Springs, after less than five years the Puffy Muffin shutdown, the ‘christian’ owner blamed lack of employees saying “…the Lord directs all of our steps……   And we’re spread too thin, honestly….    You can teach cooking and you can teach baking, but really you need people who are skilled….” 

Texas: In Lewisville, Mama’s Pizza Buffet failed to pay rent and has been ‘locked-out’ by the property owner.  Fiesta Restaurant Group shutting down all remaining Pollo Tropical locations in The Lone Star State, due to losing $1.2-million USD.  Fiesta Restaurant Group blames it on Texans not knowing what a Pollo Tropical is. After 45 years Casa Jurado shutdown its last restaurant in El Paso.

Vermont:  Nordic Farms now chapter 7 bankrupt.

Virginia: Road construction-Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel project forcing the Chesapeake Grill to shutdown.

Washington: Bridle Trails Red Apple announced it will shutdown its 20 years old grocery store in Kirkland, in February 2018, due to the greedy landlord jacking up the rent.  After more than 20 years the new owner of the original (and last in Olympia) Bagel Brothers announced on Facebook that it shutdown because she couldn’t afford the cost of updating it, 11 jobs gone.

Washington DC: The owners of Cantina Maria Cafe announced on Facebook they were shutting down in October, but also stated “…we’ll be gone until 2020-2021 with a new pier, a new coat of paint, and thankfully new bathrooms.”

Wisconsin: Bankrupt Gordy’s Market began shutting down grocery stores it couldn’t sell-off, at least 15 store were auctioned off despite protests from creditors, at least 1-thousand jobs gone!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification


ObamaCare Fail: Operation Healthy Delta=free health & economic aid at taxpayer expense!

20 SEP 2017 (12:23 UTC-07 Tango 06) 29 Sharivar 1396/28 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/01 Ji-Yu 4715

The U.S. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower & Reserve Affairs, and the Delta Regional Authority, sponsor an annual event called Operation Healthy Delta.  The operation was started by an act of Congress in 2000 (blame Bush Jr) to provide healthcare to people living in the Delta Region, yet the advent of ObamaCare-ACA has apparently done nothing to improve healthcare services in that area so Operation Healthy Delta is underway again.

This year Air National Guard units from Missouri, New Jersey and New York, as well as the U.S. Navy Reserve, are wrapping-up providing free healthcare (and other aid) to people in the Bootheel Region.  They expect to see between 5-thousand and 8-thousand patients in Charleston and Caruthersville, Missouri.

Operation Healthy Delta is not just about taxpayer funded healthcare, but also includes taxpayer funded economic development across eight U.S. states.

It should be noted that this year’s health services were held at two churches; Charleston United Methodist Church and Eastwood Memorial United Methodist Church: “The local churches have gone above and beyond to accommodate this event. Methodists and Catholics are working together in Caruthersville, and Baptists and Methodists are working together in Charleston.”-Joel Evans, Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation

What was that about separation of church and state?



Maria: Vermont Militia deployed to Virgin Islands!

This is what hurricane Irma did to the only hospital on Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Vermont National Guard medical personnel deployed to the U.S. Virgin Islands on 16 SEP 2017, originally to support Hurricane Irma recovery efforts, but now to help with Hurricane Maria recovery:

U.S. Army & Air Force medical personnel provide medical care to people on U.S. Virgin Islands

Maria: USN rescue ships fallback, Virgin Islands Militia preps again!

“You have to evacuate. Otherwise, you’re going to die!”-Hector Pesquera, Puerto Rico public safety commissioner

The U.S. Virgin Islands National Guard (VING) once again prepared for a second cat-5 hurricane, Maria.  This time Hurricane Maria skirted the northern islands with 144 kph (90 mph) winds, then aimed herself for a direct hit on Puerto Rico.

“We spent the last 48 hours coming up with a good bed-down plan for VING forces and any EMAC forces still on the ground…. ….We also are getting accountability of everybody, make sure we know where they’re sleeping, how they’re posturing and taking care of them, so right after the disaster, we can push into the community and start relief efforts.”-Major Ryan Barry, Virgin Islands National Guard, 19 SEP 2017

FEMA center based in the VING Joint Force Headquarters Drill Hall , 19 SEP 2017

Maria hit Puerto Rico as a cat-4 hurricane: “For Irma, we were very prepared. Unfortunately, of course, now we’re feeling a second storm in two weeks, and this one much more devastating than the first one. Who knows what the damage will be?”-Governor Ricardo Rosselló, 20 SEP 2017

Rescue ships sent by the U.S. Navy to Puerto Rico, to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, were forced back by Hurricane Maria.  The USNS William McLean, USS Kearsarge, Oak Hill and Wasp, and SS Wright will return to Puerto Rico (pronounce it correct folks, it’s P-where-toe Ree-co, not Por-toe Ree-co) as soon as it’s safe to do so:

Video of U.S. Navy & Marine Corps personnel regrouping aboard their ships, in preparation for return to Puerto Rico: