Joint statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin the Third, in which it is revealed that taxpayer funding for NATO is being greatly increased; the original 2% maximum of GDP funding is now considered “a minimum” for defense spending. NATO video released 15JUN2023:
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says “All allies stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes.” Ukrainian Minister of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov, reveals formation of ‘Birds Coalition’ to begin training on F-16 Falcon aircraft in Netherlands and Denmark, as well as yet-to-be specified ‘testing’ with Sweden. NATO video released on 15JUN2023:
NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoană, praises the expansion of NATO’s Multinational Ammunition Warehousing Initiative (MAWI). It is not just about the war with Russia, but the fact that NATO is rapidly expanding its operation around the world. NATO video released 15JUN2023:
Cold War: Approximately 1947 (due to U.S. President Harry Truman’s Truman Doctrine) to 1991 (Operation Desert Storm, collapse of Soviet Union).
A Indiana Army National Guard soldier gets a lesson on how the BVP works, 15SEP2015. Indiana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Daniel Dyer.
Slovak BVP (BMP) based ambulance. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Micah VanDyke, 12OCT2016.
During the ‘Cold War’, Czech-o-Slovakia was one country created by the victors of World War Two by forcing Slovakia and Czech Republic together (just as they did after World War One). Czech-o-Slovakia became a member of the Warsaw Pact in response to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Slovak BVP-1 (BMP-1). U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Micah VanDyke, 12OCT2016.
Slovak BVP-1 during a NATO CBRN exercise near Lešť, 20MAR2017. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Justin Geiger.
In the Czech-o-Slovak language the BMP became Bojové Vozidlo Pěchoty (BVP), which means basically the same thing as the Russian BMP; Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). Like most users of the BMP/BVP, Czech-o-Slovakia made many different versions, including their unique OT-90.
Slovak OT-90 crew launches an S2M anti-aircraft missile, October 2013. Photo via Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic.
According to the current Ministry of Defense of Czech Republic (aka Chechia), the OT-90 was developed to carry a squad of infantry equipped with anti-aircraft weapons.
The man/woman portable S2M missile. Photo via Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, October 2013.
The large turret of the BMP/BVP was replaced with a smaller turret (same used on the Czech-o-Slovak designed OT-64 armored car), to make room for the specialized anti-aircraft weapons.
S2M launch from OT-90. Photo via Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, October 2013.
After the so-called Cold War ended, Czech Republic and Slovakia went their separate ways, and since there was no more Soviet-Warsaw Pact, they both joined NATO (NATO felt it necessary to remain in existence, even though its stated enemy the Soviet Union no longer existed). Today’s NATO-Czechia replaced their OT-90s with NATO-United Kingdom designed Land Rover vehicles. NATO-Slovakia still uses the OT-90.
Battle for Ukraine:February 2014 (NATO backed coup) to present.
U.S. Army video (by Sergeant Alan Brutus) of Slovak BVP-2 live-fire, during wargame Dragoon Crossing, 16SEP2015:
More live-fire video (by Christoph Koppers), 16SEP2015:
NATO video of rail off-load of Slovak BVP-2s and OT-90s, in NATO-Latvia, 13APR2017:
NATO video of Slovak BVP-1s and OT-90s, assigned to a newly formed ‘anti-Russia’ NATO Battle Group, 21SEP2022:
On 29NOV2022, the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic announced that 30 BVP-1s had been sent to Ukraine. Officially it is part of a NATO weapons deal, in which Slovakia would get 15 upgraded Leopard 2A4 battle tanks from Germany.
An updated (as of 05JUN2023) 2-hundred-20 page study has been made free to the public, it reviewed 19-thousand-6-hundred-46 pandemic studies, from the United Kingdom and United States, and found only 32 studies qualified for use in researching the effects of lockdowns! Only 22 studies qualified for use as mortality data!
Here are some highlights (lowlights?): Locking down businesses reduced Pandemic deaths by only 7.5%!
‘Shelter in Place’ orders reduced Pandemic deaths by 4.1%, at most!
Banning public gatherings actually increased Pandemic deaths by just under 6%!
School shutdowns reduced Pandemic deaths by 6.2%, at most!
Overall, the researchers concluded that lockdowns and mandates reduced Pandemic deaths by only 10.7%, with “negligible health effects but disastrous economic, social and political costs”!
26 MAY 2023 (14:12-UTC-07 Tango 06) 05 Khordad 1402/06 Dhu l-Qa’da 1444/08 Ding-Si(4th month) 4721/26 май 2023 года
Robert ‘Rob’ Roos, representative to the European so-called Parliament, from Netherlands, gives warning about new United Nations attempt to become defacto global government through healthcare:
Incomplete list of video reports, and links to news reports, of recent state National Guard developments, as of 26MAY2023:
More proof never ending deployments are having a negative effect on U.S. families:
Arkansas Army National Guard Photo by Sergeant Maddie Fortune, 12MAY2023.
The Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion-153d Infantry Regiment, prepped for their deployment to the Middle East/Operation Spartan Shield!
National Guard video (by Sergeant Madeline Fortune) of Arkansas and Missouri Guard personnel learning how to use the Javelin for their deployment:
CALIFORNIA: National Guard deployed to San Francisco, as the drug crisis explodes in ‘The Golden City’!
FLORIDA: 8-hundred National Guard personnel deploying alongside police, to Texas!
Illinois Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Trenton Fouche, 04MAY2023.
From 02-06MAY2023, the 6/54th Security Force Assistance Brigade conducted ‘pre-mobilization’ training.
U.S. Army photo by Master Sergeant Daniel Griego, 24MAY2023.
The Air National Guard’s 132nd Medical Group took part in medical training in the Gjakova District of Kosovo, 24MAY2023.
LOUISIANA: 773rd Military Police Battalion deploying to NATO-Europe!
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Patrick Mayabb, 13MAY2023.
Bravo Battery-1-182nd Field Artillery Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard, practiced loading their HIMARS onto a C-17, while deployed to NATO-Estonia, 13MAY2023.
New Jersey Army National Guard photo by Specialist Michael Schwenk, 21MAY2023.
On 21MAY2023, Army National Guard personnel boarded busses for Fort Polk, Louisiana, to take part in a massive ‘large scale combat operations in a multi-domain setting against a near-peer opposing force’ wargame. The more than 5-thousand National Guard personnel wargame will also include militia personnel from Puerto Rico!
New York Air National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Sean Madden, 06MAY2023.
New York and Massachusetts National Guard units conducted combat rescue Operation Jawbreaker training on Warren Grove Range, in New Jersey, 05-07MAY2023: “These Special Forces units can greatly enhance our warfighting and ground base defense capabilities so that we are able to better prepare for near-peer adversaries.”-First Lieutenant Al Romano
New York Army National Guard photo by Specialist Jean Sanon.
160 Army National Guard Military Police said goodbye to their friends and family during a deployment ceremony at Monroe Community College on 16MAY2023. They are deploying for the next year to NATO-Poland, but first stop is Fort Bliss, Texas, for additional training.
U.S. Army photo by Private Zachary Brown, 02MAY2023.
Rhode Island Army National Guard practiced loading their vehicles onto Rhode Island Air National Guard C-130J Super Hercules, while on Fort Drum in New York, 02MAY2023.
NORTH CAROLINA: National Guard trains for cyber warfare, Operation Tobacco Road.
Ohio Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Sarah Stalder Lundgren, 05MAY2023.
Air National Guard F-16 Falcons took part in a large-scale readiness exercise, in Swanton, 05MAY2023.
OKLAHOMA: National Guardsman arrested in Texas!
TENNESSEE: 1-hundred militia personnel deploying to Texas!
Washington National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Adeline Witherspoon, 10MAY2023.
On 10-11MAY2023, the Washington and Montana National Guards spent the weekend conducting FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Region 10 training to integrate guard units with federal and local civilian emergency response personnel, for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear disasters. The training included load-up of a C-130J Super Hercules: “This is a true joint-training event between the Washington and Montana National Guard and active duty. This was also the first time we practiced loading onto a C-130J airframe.”-Senior Master Sergeant Adam Brunneman
Washington Army National Guard photo by Private First Class Abigail Clark, 07MAY2023.
Washington Army National Guard’s Field Support teams 1556 and 1567 deploying to U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom) and Central Command (CentCom) areas of responsibility.
Washington Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Adeline Witherspoon, 30APR2023.
At the end of April, the Washington National Guard began prepping for the 2023 wildfire season.
Washington DC:
Washington DC National Guard photo by Senior Airman Natalie Filzen, 21APR2023.
DC Air National Guard personnel prepare for possible deployment from Joint Base Andrews, in Maryland, 21APR2023.
Byram Bridle is a viral immunologist, specializing in animal diseases, working at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College. On 04MAY2023, after the European Union’s Third International Covid Summit, Bridle gave a warning about the use of mRNA in animals, specifically livestock used in the human food chain (Byram Bridle is at the end of the video):
16 April 2023 (08:16-UTC-07 Tango 06) 27 Farvardin 1402/25 Ramadan 1444/26 Bing-Chen 4721/16 апреля 2023 года
Blood clots form only in living humans, they cannot form after death, yet many dead Germans have been found with huge ‘blood blobs’ (this terminology is my creation) forming inside their supposedly dead blood system! These dead Germans also have a connection, they had all been vaccinated with mRNA! But wait there is more; Germans who are alive are now showing the same Blood-Blob protein anomalies: “Then also completely new: the problem of the so-called clots, so clots that don’t have thrombotic clumping which are seen in the blood of both living and dead people. We just got a sample from a living patient.”–Pathology-Professor-Doctor Arne Burkhardt
The pathologists in NATO-Germany also suspect the blobs are made of dissolved proteins. This discovery was made last year, but not one main-stream ‘woke’ pro-mRNA English language news source reported it!
In September 2022, Pathology-Professor-Doctor Arne Burkhardt (those silly Germans and their long titles) revealed that something was happening that the makers of mRNA vaccines swore could not happen; mRNA spike proteins were being found in all the organs of people who had been vaccinated and died: “In the first place we have been able to detect the spike protein in almost all organs and tissues in those cases that had the corresponding indications. Then the continuous finding and actually the common denominator of all these versions is endothelial inflammation — so called ‘endothelialitis’, a terrible term which unfortunately is internationally common. A destruction and inflammation of the endothelium has already been discussed but specifically, what has occupied us in the last weeks are what we initially classified as unidentified foreign bodies or deposits.”-Pathology-Professor-Doctor Arne Burkhardt
Pathologists also found direct causal connection between physical changes inside the human body and mRNA vaccination! They were very clear in making the distinction between mRNA spike proteins and Coronavirus spike proteins, the massively inflamed tissues were full of mRNA spike proteins!
Here is a video, posted on YouTube in October 2022, of Pathology-Professor-Doctor Arne Burkhardt’s presentation:
Eve added that he is not after money, he just wants “some sort of acknowledgement or recognition that these deaths have occurred.”
His wife died in May 2021, a week after getting the experimental vaccine. In August 2021, a medical examiner declared the 44 years old woman died from “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”, swelling and bleeding in the brain!
The AstraZeneca Pandemic vaccine is not mRNA, it uses a modified, non-pathogenic, weakened animal virus that contains the genetic code for the coronavirus’ unique spike protein.
Poland’s Krab is a self-propelled artillery gun, normally an indirect-fire weapon, but can be used as a direct-fire weapon (like a main-battle-tank). The following images and videos were made during Exercise Dynamic Front, March 2023, in NATO-Denmark.
Puerto Rico Army National Guard image by Staff Sergeant Agustín Montañez, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Gavin K. Ching, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Theresa Gualdarama, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard video (by Sergeant Gavin K. Ching) of Krab direct firing on the Oksbøl range, Denmark, 26MAR2023:
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Theresa Gualdarama, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Theresa Gualdarama, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard video (by Sergeant Gavin K. Ching) of Krab crawling through the mud on the Oksbøl range, Denmark, 24MAR2023:
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Theresa Gualdarama, 24MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Theresa Gualdarama, 24MAR2023.