Tag Archives: China

Influenza: H7N9 medical martial law! U.S. CDC issues directive!

22 January 2014 (17:32 UTC-07 Tango 21 January)/20 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/02 Bahman 1392/22 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

China: National Health and Family Planning Commission now coordinating closely with other national and local government departments to stop the spread of deadly H7N9.   The UN World health Organization reports at least 47 confirmed H7N9 cases in China since the beginning of January.  Most are hospitalized in critical condition. 

Since March 2013, there’ve been at least 200 human cases in China, with at least 55 deaths.

Health officials continue to claim H7N9 is not a human to human virus, despite that fact that more and more cases involve people who’s only contact with H7N9 is with infected humans.

Also, The South China Morning Post says an unnamed hospital official confirmed that a 31 years old surgeon who recently died from H7N9 had no contact with birds.  The unnamed hospital official thinks the doctor got sick from hospital patients infected with H7N9.

Back in August 2013, it was confirmed that a woman caring for her sick father caught H7N9 from him.

Japan:  Japanese health officials have been warning for a long time that H7N9 has become a human influenza.  Now the Japanese government is preparing for medical martial law.

The Tokyo Quarantine Station and Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department held a drill in which 35 people were locked down at the Haneda Airport, for being infected with H7N9.  Japanese health officials say the only way H7N9 is going to get into their country is from sick travelers.

Taiwan: Health officials know what Japan is fearing, as two people who traveled to Taiwan, from mainland China, brought H7N9 with them.  One of those has just died.

An 86 years old man who arrived in Taiwan, in December, sick with H7N9 has just died.  Interestingly he died six days after being released from medical quarantine.  The official cause of death is septic shock.

The first person to bring H7N9 to Taiwan was a man returning from a business trip to China, in April 2013.  It took one month of intensive care before he recovered.

United States: “Potential cases of human infection with influenza A (H7N9) virus should also be investigated, using current case definitions and testing recommendations for avian influenza A (H7N9) virus.”-U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Hepatitis vaccine kills more babies!

18 January 2014 (22:49 UTC-07 Tango 17 January 2014)/16 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/28 Dey 1392/18 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

An 11th baby has died after getting a Hep B vaccine.  The three month old boy died painfully 17 hours after being injected with Quinvaxem.

He is the 1tth baby to die in Vietnam since the beginning of 2013.  Since 2010 at least 33 babies have died in Vietnam after getting a Hep B shot.

China has shut down at least three Hep B vaccine makers, after 17 babies died there in 2013.

Vietnam did temporarily ban the vaccine, but UN World Health inspectors have told both Vietnam and China that there is nothing wrong with the vaccine.  Vietnam resumed vaccinations, and the baby deaths also resumed.


World War 3, East Asian Front: Don’t blame China, blame the ones who spend the most money on War Mongering! Blame those who control FDI into the U.S.A.!

08 January 2014 (03:50 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/18 Dey 1392/08 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

There’s a coming war between Trilateral Commission members within the Pacific Asian Group, and with the North American Group and European Group, but if you go by military spending you can’t blame it on China.  Blame it on the United States (and the British empire)!

China announced that they spent only $106-billion USD on their military in 2013.  Independent sources say it was $166-billion.

U.S. puppet Japan spent $59.3-billion, but the neo-imperialist government of Japan has ordered an increase in military spending. Japan’s new ‘pro-active pacificst’ military spending plan will see an increase of at least $230-billion USD over the next five years. War monger leaders point to disputes over islands and control of resource rich areas (such as the South China Sea) as reasons for increasing military spending.

Another U.S. puppet, the Republic of Korea (aka South Korea) spent about $37-billion USD in 2013.  South Korea is a small country and they spent at least $5-billion more than the much larger country of Australia, which has been taking part in the illegal occupation of Afghanistan.

Bilderberg British empire country of Australia (Pacific Asian Group) supposedly spent $26.2-billion.

Bilderberg British empire country Canada (North American Group) spent $22.5-billion.

Bilderberg British empire country (and Trilateral Commission member within the European Group, aka European Union) United Kingdom spent $60.8-billion.

Bilderberg Germany (European Union) spent $45.8-billion.

Bilderberg France (European Union) spent $58.9-billion.

Bilderberg Italy (European Union) spent $34-billion.

The Bilderberg United States (North American Group) spent at least $682-billion (at least that’s what was actually made public)!  The top spender on war mongering in the World!

The U.S. Department of Defense’s FY2013 Defense Budget report stated, back in February 2012, that the fiscal year 2013 spending plan had a “Base Budget” of $525.4-billion.  “Base Budget” is code for the bare minimum that was going to be spent. By the way, the DoD’s FY2013 report states that the report itself cost taxpayers $34-thousand to compile and publish!

Also realize that it is not China who is the biggest foreign direct investor (FDI) in the United States.  According to the Organization for International Investment’s (OII) 2012 data it is the British empire’s United Kingdom (wake up Patriots!).

China doesn’t even come in second place.  That position goes to neo-imperialist Japan (Pacific Asian Group leader)!

The British empire country of Canada takes 4th place for FDI into the U.S. (again, wake up Patriots!).   3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th places got to other members of the European Union (remember, the EU is the European branch of the Trilateral Commission)!  Notice China is not anywhere in the top nine list of countries who control the United States through FDI!

The OII says 83% of FDI into the U.S. is controlled by those top nine countries!  Those top nine countries are not only members of the Trilateral Commission, but are directly or indirectly connected to the British empire, or Bilderberg society (wake up Patriots!).  The remaining 27% of FDI into the U.S. comes from 150 other countries!

Stop blaming China!

Now realize that the military spending of North American Group and European Union, along with the U.S. puppets of Japan and South Korea (in the Pacific Asian Group) is $900-billion more than what China spends, then you should realize that China is outnumbered and outspent when it comes to military power.

And it should be blindingly obvious that the other members of the Trilateral Commission (actually led by the British empire) is ganging up on China, in order to seize control of what could be the Earth’s last great petroleum resources located in the South China Sea (remember the Vietnam War?).

Stop blaming China!

By the way, even the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, aka North Korea, is a member of the Pacific Asian Group.   And if you find it hard to believe members of the same international ‘club’ would go to war with each other, killing off millions of their citizens, then you need to go back to school and study the political socio/economic climate of the ‘western’ world, and its spider web of crony capitalist business/banking intrigues, prior to the First and Second World Wars!

World War 3, South East Asian Front: U.S., South Korea & China behind bloody crack down on protesting slave wage workers in Cambodia! All in the name of Old Navy & Walmart!

08 January 2014 (00:58 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/18 Dey 1392/08 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Most people in the United States are unaware that for weeks slave wage workers in Cambodia have been demonstrating for better pay, some reports say the average garment factory worker makes $40 USD per month.

Recently Cambodian government minions cracked down violently on the demonstrators, using Chinese made weapons and killing at least five people, wounding dozens.

A GlobalPost report shows pics of Cambodian soldiers wearing uniforms with South Korean flags on them!

Now, amazingly, the South Korean government admitted publicly that the crackdown was actually ordered by them!  Specifically it was ordered by Republic of Korea/United States clothing corporations, such as Yakjin, who says it supplies cheap clothing to Gap, Old Navy, American Eagle and Walmart.

“As a practical measure, military forces and police have been cooperating closely with us to protect Korean companies since we visited the capital defense command headquarters with Korean businessmen to tell them about the situation, and as a result, to prevent any arson attempt or looting, military forces are directly guarding only Korean companies among many factories in the Canadia complex.”-Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Kingdom of Cambodia

United States, China and South Korea are members of the Trilateral Commission (China and South Korea belong to the Pacific Asian Group branch, U.S. belongs to the North American Group).  “Membership in The Trilateral Commission is by invitation only.”-Trilateral Commission statement

(I tried accessing the South Korean embassy in Cambodia website but all I got was a blank page,  the GlobalPost report has a screenshot of the embassy statement in Cambodian)

World War 3, East Asian Front: Obama regime deploying more troops to South Korea! More proof of coming war with China?

08 January 2014 (00:20 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/18 Dey 1392/08 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“This addition is part of the re-balance to the Pacific. It’s been long planned….”-Colonel Steve Warren, U.S. Army

The U.S. Department of the Army announced they are increasing troop strength in the Republic of Korea by 800 personnel, and about 40 M1A2 tanks, and 40 M2 Bradley IFVs (by the way, the Bradley is no longer made by an ‘American’ company, it’s made by the Bilderberg British empire company known as BAE).

The armored battalion (from the 1st CAV Division)  is deploying from Fort Hood, Texas.

DoD officials say they will begin rotating new troops in and out of South Korea about every nine months, as part of the Obama regime’s U.S. national defense strategy ordered in 2012.   That strategy shifts focus from the War on Terror being waged on innocent oil rich countries, to China and North Korea who have claims on the even more oil rich South China Sea.

Obama lackie, Secretary of State John Kerry, used the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s nuclear program as the excuse for the deployment: “The United States and the Republic of Korea stand very firmly united, without an inch of daylight between us, not a sliver of daylight, on the subject of opposition to North Korea’s destabilizing nuclear and ballistic missile programs and proliferation activities.”

Vaccines: Three companies stop making Hep B shots! More babies die! UN insists Hep B shots are safe!

05 January 2014 (02:43 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/15 Dey 1392/05 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Two more Chinese companies, Tiantan Biological Products and Dalian Hissen Bio-Pharm, have been banned from production of hepatitis B vaccine. This despite the United Nations’ World Health Organization claiming there is nothing wrong with the hep B vaccines they inspected.  The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) also claims they can not find anything wrong with hep B vaccines.

Officially, the shut down of the top three Chinese makers of hep b vaccine is being blamed on new Good Manufacturing Practice rules.

On 03 January 2014, Chinese media reported that deaths connected to the hep B vaccine hit 17.  Chinese government officials said they ruled out nine deaths as being directly caused by the mandatory vaccines.  However, they were not able to explain the deaths, and said they were still awaiting autopsy reports!

On 31 December 2013, health officials in Shandong Province reported two more infants died after getting the mandatory shots.

By 24 December 2013, seven Chinese infants died after getting mandatory hep B vaccines.

On 20 December 2013, CFDA banned the use of vaccines from drug maker BioKangtai, apparently due to the new GMP rules.

There are still four companies in China making hep B vaccines, including British Bilderberg empire company GlaxoSmithKline.  Chinese officials say only two of those companies have passed new certification rules.

U.S. court says vaccine could kill: Hepatitis vaccines causing people to die!

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. Department of Defense violates Federal Law and buys parts from China! F-35 = Failed State!

04 January 2014 (11:50 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/14 Dey 1392/04 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“It was a pretty big deal and an unusual situation because there’s a prohibition on doing defense work in China, even if it’s inadvertent. I’d never seen this happen before.”-Frank Kenlon, recently retired senior DoD procurement official

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation revealed that U.S. military contractors have been authorized by the U.S. DoD to buy parts made in China, even parts for the super expensive (and total waste of tax dollars) F-35 Lightning II.  This violates current federal law!

More than a decade ago the F-35 was envisioned as a mutli-platform aircraft for all the branches of the U.S. military, and promoted as a way of saving the DoD money.  Ironically, it became so expensive that it became a multi-national project, in order to keep the already outrageous costs to taxpayers from going too much higher (and even that attempt was a fail).   Now it’s been shown that the DoD took it upon themselves to allow contractors to violate federal law and buy parts for the F-35 from China, in another move to keep costs from going higher.

The GAO will make the conclusions of their investigation public on 01 March 2014.  Reuters has already got hold of enough info to publish an article.

The GAO investigation was ordered by Congress, after U.S. metal suppliers complained they were being shut off from doing business with the DoD!

The F-35 is a prime metaphor for the exceptionally failing United States of America: It’s been dragging on for more than a decade, and more and more tax dollars are being spent with absolutely no end in sight, to the extent that public officials are willing to violate their own laws in the name of National Security!

(don’t blame China for the actions of your public officials, after all, the evil British empire is a major player in the F-35 program)

Western New Year & Christianity nothing more than continuation of ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual!

01 January 2014 (04:34 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Safar 1435/11 Dey 1392/01 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The western new year has arrived.  A common graphical depiction is that of old Father Time turning things over to a baby New Year.  This is nothing more than the most ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual.

Thousands of years ago small agricultural societies would actually sacrifice their king (today we would call those ancient kings, village elders), then bury him as a piece of grain to ensure a good crop for the New Year.  A new young king was appointed for the rest of the year.

Meat eating societies also had a similar ritual.  The Japanese Ainu would make offerings to the head of the bear they killed, in fact the dead bear’s head sat at the head of the tribe’s feast hall.  North American’s would worship the salmon and buffalo.  The myths basically say the people were starving, then god, or a god, would appear and offer to sacrifice itself in order to save the people. In return the people had to honor and remember the god.

The Americans also had a Grain King myth about Maize.  A people were starving, god appeared in the form of a man and told the virgin princess to cut off his head and bury it.  The buried head instantly grew into a life saving corn stalk that provided enough grain to feed the people!

In Meso America, one story says the Earth was being destroyed tortuously.  A god felt sorry for the Humans on the Earth and offered to sacrifice itself to save them.  The Sun became the everlasting symbol of the god’s blood covenant to bring salvation to the Humans.  However (there’s always a catch), in return the Humans had to remember and rejuvenate that god, typically with Human blood.

Around the World the honoring of such god sacrifice took many forms from simple dance rituals or prayers, to animal/human sacrifice.  (remember the story of Cain and Able; god wasn’t impressed with the farmer brother who offered the sacrifice of his crops, god was pleased only with the animal sacrifice of the hunter/herder brother: “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.”-Genesis 4:4-5 New International Version)

It is also interesting to note that the more densely populated a society was, the more likely they believed in such religious crap!  This is why the Middle East is the considered the birth place of the World’s biggest religions.  Thousands of years ago the Middle East (Fertile Crescent) was literally the New York City of the ancient World.

The western New Year is based on the Catholic created Gregorian calendar system.  It is a solar calender, and to be sure there were other solar calender systems before it came along.  The Gregorian system modified the Julian system in Gregorian year 1582, 15-hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died (this is one of many reasons why today’s western Christian holiday celebrations are incorrect, like Jesus being born in December when the Bible clearly states his parents went to Jerusalem/Al Quds for the census, which took place during summer).

The Bible is clever in that whom ever came up with it knew how to combine the agricultural and meat eater sacrifice rituals, to trick as many people as possible.  Jesus of Nazareth became the god that saves the starving people by sacrificing himself.

This motif appears in several different versions in the Bible’s New Testament:  Jesus feeds a crap load of people with only a few fish (meat eaters) and few loaves of bread (Grain King).  Jesus turns water into wine (Grain King).  Jesus commands his followers to “drink my blood” and “eat my flesh”!

Holy cannibalism Batman! This is a clear human sacrifice motif.  And don’t think human sacrifice didn’t place at the Temple of David (aka Second Temple, before that, Temple of Solomon/First Temple), it did!   The Romans destroyed the Temple in the approximate Gregorian year 70AD (about 76 years after Jesus was born, he was actually born about the year 7BC), even Titus Flavius Josephus (a Jewish-Roman scholar) implies the destruction of the Temple was god’s punishment for past evils: “…for that House, God had for certain long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come…”-The Wars of the Jews 6.4.5 249-253  (now realize the fundamentalist Jews want to bring back the Temple and all its ancient bloody rituals)

The Bible wasn’t written until several hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died!  The compilations of the New (Christian) Testament began in the 4th Century after his death.  The compilations of the Old (Hebrew) Testament began even later in the 9th Century AD!  Whomever was behind the creation of the Bible was genius, because not only does Jesus cover the bloody sacrifice ritual by commanding his followers to eat and drink him, but it combines both Grain King and meat eater motifs: The wine and bread represent the Grain King, but they in turn represent the meat (blood and flesh) of Jesus! (Cain and Abel united!)

(the Bible has been re-edited and translated many times since its creation, with dozens of version available, which might explain why so many ‘christians’ disagree with each other, as they did before the Bible was compiled)

When are the commoner masses going to wake up to this elitist control freak scam? Happy New Year!

Corporate Evil: Hepatitis vaccines causing people to die! Bilderberg connection!

24 December 2013 (20:11 UTC-07 Tango 23 December 2013)/20 Safar 1435/03 Dey 1392/22 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

China’s Food and Drug Administration has banned specific hepatitis vaccines after the confirmation that seven infants died from the anti-virus shot. 

At least one infant is now sick with hep B after getting the vaccine.

The seven infants died after receiving hepatitis B vaccinations.  The vaccine has been sold to the provinces of Hunan, Guangdong and Guizhou. 

In July of this year, Vietnam stopped hep B vaccinations after three infants died.

In May of 2011, the same type of vaccine was found in a U.S. court to be responsible for the death of a child: “….she suffered certain injuries as a result of receiving a vaccination. Among the injuries petitioner alleged that she had suffered as a result of receiving a hepatitis B vaccination was systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) … A lump sum of $475,000.00 in the form of a check payable to petitioner as Administratrix of the Estate of Tambra Harris.”-United States Court of Federal Claims

Some doctors have even testified in front of U.S. Congress, saying the hep B vaccine is worse than the disease: “For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.”-Jane Orient, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

The organization called Child Health Safety also points out that hep B vaccines are connected to cases of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disorders.

The company that made the vaccines in China, BioKangtai, is under investigation.   China requires that children get three hep B shots within their first year of life!

It turns out that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is behind global hep B vaccination programs.

The Gates Foundation supports the Partnership Project to Strengthen Immunization Services and Introduce Hepatitis B Vaccine, in India’s Andhra Pradesh: “I commend the State of Andhra Pradesh for its strong commitment to immunization.”-Bill Gates

They also gave the Pan American Health Organization $4.9-million USD to run vaccination programs for children, including hep B.   Other hep B vaccination programs supported by the Gates Foundation ($10-billion pledged in 2010) are GAVI Alliance, Children’s Vaccine Program at PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health),  and University of Washington Department of Global Health.

The Hepatitis B Foundation gave the Gates Foundation an award for the aggressive promotion of vaccinations.

Warren Buffet is a “co-trustee” of the Gates Foundation.  Bill Gates has attended secretive Bilderberg meetings, his name appears on their publicized guest list.


The New Great Opium War Game: Myanmar now second largest producer of opium! Interesting correlations between opium production in Afghanistan and Myanmar (called the United States)!

19 December 2013 (22:56 UTC-07 Tango 18 December 2013)/15 Safar 1435/28 Azar 1392/17 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

In May 2012 the Obama regime lifted all economic sanctions against Myanmar.  The now ‘open for business’ south Asian country has become the World’s second largest producer of illegal opium.  Realize that back in 1999 the government of Myanmar said they would be opium free by 2014!

The evil British empire, as well as the U.S. government, still calls Myanmar, Burma.

The U.S. government supported Myanmar/Burma from the end of the second World War to 1997.  U.S. taxpayers sent lots-o-money and even military equipment to Myanmar/Burma in the name of fighting opium production.  By 1990 Myanmar/Burma had become the largest opium producer in the World, despite all the anti-drugs war help from the United States.

Then the government of Myanmar really cracked down hard on opium production.  In 1997 the United States began imposing sanctions against Myanmar on the grounds the government was undemocratic and repressing its own people.  By 1998, opium production in the Golden Triangle, which includes Myanmar, was cut down by 33%.  In 1999 the Myanmar government declared they would eradicate opium by 2014.

As opium production decreased in Myanmar, the U.S. government increased sanctions.

Now enter Afghanistan.  Opium production in Afghanistan did not become a problem until the Soviet occupation in the 1980s.  But it wasn’t the Soviets who were behind it.  The Russians continue to say they have evidence that the U.S. CIA instigated opium production in Afghanistan to help pay for a covert war against the Soviet Union (and don’t forget the Iran Contra scandal led by the U.S. ‘hero’ Oliver North).

However, opium production in Afghanistan did not explode until the 1990s, that just happens to be the time Myanmar was cracking down on opium production.  By 1999 Afghanistan produced a record crop of opium, the same year Myanmar officials said their country would be free of opium by 2014.

Between 1990 and 1996 Afghanistan was under the control of U.S. backed warlords.

In comes Taliban.  The Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1996.  The U.S. government, under George Bush Jr, misled the people of the United States, saying the Taliban were behind the record opium production.  Fact: From 2000 to 2002, under the Taliban government opium production in Afghanistan was cut down by an incredible 99%, in less than two years!  That stat is backed up by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

In 2002 the United States invaded Afghanistan, and now under U.S. occupation Afghanistan is the World’s top producer of opium, producing more opium than they ever did in the 1990s.

But wait, what about Myanmar?  The U.S. government actually returned to funding Myanmar/Burma in 2000, under the Bush Jr regime.  It was done under the guise of the evil U.S. AID.  In 2008 U.S. AID funding was increased.

By 2012, under the Obama regime, the U.S. AID mission to Myanmar became official, and Obama pledged $170-million in taxpayer funding to the country formerly known as Burma.  The Obama regime claimed it was because Myanmar had become democratic, despite outright open genocide against Muslims living in Myanmar.

Also in 2012, opium production in Myanmar had not only returned to record levels, but actually surpassed the production levels of the 1980s.  Now, in 2013 U.S./British empire controlled Myanmar is considered the second largest opium producer, after U.S./British empire controlled Afghanistan.

Russia claims most of the opium being produced in Afghanistan is being smuggled into Russia.  Iran claims to have lost thousands of border cops fighting illegal drugs smugglers from U.S./British empire controlled Afghanistan.  Iran even says some of those smugglers they’ve captured had U.S. issued documents on them.  China reports that most of the opium being produced in U.S./British empire controlled Myanmar is ending up in their country.

Now go study the history of the Opium Wars against China, and the history of The Great Game against Russia.  They’re still happening more than two hundred years later!