“Buk-M1 surface to air missile systems, modern communications systems and heavy armor, including a battalion of T-80 tanks, have already been delivered to the Kurils. The provision of modern weapons and hardware for the troops in the Kurils will continue.”-Russian Defense Ministry statement
On islands just north of Hokkaido, Russia is modernizing and increasing its military presence. Recently, the new Japanese government had made several statements about taking the islands back from Russia.
Russia is taking Japan’s threats seriously and has been upgrading weapon systems on the Southern Kuril Islands, as well as increasing troop numbers.
New bases are also being built, which includes family housing. Russian officials say the buildup was actually ordered by President Dmitry Medvedev back in February.
Steve Jobs was a revolutionary. We wouldn’t have half the personal computer related products without him. I love my Mac, after decades of using crappy IBM based PCs I finally splurged and got me a Mac a few years ago. I’ve never had one problem that I’ve had with the IBM type PCs. I’ve had my Mac longer than any PC I’ve had in the past, which justifies what I paid for it.
Jobs was also proof you don’t need a college degree to succeed! “You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
Jobs’ secret to success? Do what you want, not what society tells you to do: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.”
And that’s exactly what the U.S. Declaration of Independence says you should do: “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
You read that? It says the people of the United States are supposed to base their lives on the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, not following the orders of a society brainwashed by Corporate America, or the military industrial complex, or organized religion, or the Israeli lobby! It’s one of the reasons why the creation of the United States was so revolutionary (like Steve Jobs)!
I hope Apple doesn’t go astray. Steve Jobs died October 5, 2011.
Since I posted part 4 of Pacific Ring of Fire Seismic Events, the United States Geological Survey added one more quake to it’s “Largest and Deadliest Earthquake” list; the March 11 earthquake near Japan.
But have there been more large quakes this year, not qualifying for the USGS title of “Deadliest”, but still large, and more than normal?
According to the USGS “Significant Earthquakes of the World” list, so far this year there have been 49 magnitude 6.5, or greater quakes around the Pacific Ring. The majority of those being near Japan. There’s still three months left to go for 2011.
In 2010 the USGS recorded about 57 M6.5+ quakes around the Pacific Ring. About 50 M6.5+ quakes took place in 2009. So in the past three years it looks like about 50 M6.5+ Pacific Ring quakes per year are the norm.
I went back to “Significant Earthquakes of the World 1999”, and counted about 53 M6.5+ Pacific Ring quakes. So, without doing more detailed research, it looks like the number of “significant” quakes around the Pacific Ring is about 50 per year, and seems to be normal. Unless we get a sudden boost in quake activity within the next three months, it looks like 2011 will be another normal year.
What about the number of “deadliest” earthquakes, is there an upward trend? It doesn’t seem so. Looking at the USGS “Largest and Deadliest Earthquakes by Year 1990-2011” list, we average about one or two per year, and that’s all over the world not just the Pacific Ring. The USGS determines the “largest and deadliest” by a combination of magnitude intensity and the number of people killed.
However, I noticed an interesting trend regarding when those “largest” deadly quakes happen; most of the dates are from Autumn to Spring, with the minority happening during Summer. We are closer to the Sun from Fall to Spring, mmmm.
Researchers from eight countries are reporting that the hole in the ozone layer above the North Pole is now as big as the hole over the South Pole.
The North Pole hole now covers an area about 3,000 kilometers (1864.113 miles) long and 1,000 km (621.371 miles) wide.
Of course environmentalists are blaming it on man made pollution. Never mind all the volcanic activity, and record number of forest fires, in the past decade. Also, never mind the fact that the Earth’s magnetic field has being weakening, seemingly at the same time that the holes in the ozone layers have been forming.
It is a fact that the North and South Poles of the magnetic field have gotten much weaker. In fact, in 2003, PBS NOVA produced a newer program on the fact that the poles of our magnetic field are about to flip. You can go to the a PBS NOVA web site to use their interactive programs to see how they think our magnetic field works.
In 2009, famed physics professor Michio Kaku, warned that the solar flares, from the Sun’s expected 2012 pole flip, are going to be much worse than first thought, by a “factor of 20”. He called it a “tsunami of radiation”, which is not good when you realize our atmosphere and magnetic field has weakened.
I believe the real reason for the holes in the ozone layer is because of the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic field weakening and the intensity of the Sun’s solar flares, could be caused by extrasolar planetary encounters. There is an ancient story of another plant that experienced a similar “breaching” of their atmosphere. The story is thousands of years older than any other written stories found so far.
In the ancient story the founders of Earth’s human civilization notice changes to their planet, changes that we currently call “climate change”: “…the fields diminished their yields, fruits and grains lost abundance. From circuit to circuit [orbits], nearing the Sun heat grew stronger; in the faraway abode, coolness was more biting.”
Earth’s magnetic field is directly caused by the spinning molten core. The people of this ancient story noticed their atmosphere was thinning, and their volcanoes were growing dormant: “In the atmosphere a breaching [ozone hole] has occurred; that was their finding. Volcanoes, the atmosphere, forebear, less belching were spitting up! Nibiru’s air has thinner been made, the protective shield has been diminished!”
While most of these ancient alien people thought their volcanoes were the cause of the strength of their atmosphere, others pointed out a more astronomical cause: “It has happened before, some gave an answer: Nibiru in the past colder or warmer has grown. A destiny it is, in the Circuit [orbit] of Nibiru embedded!”
Eventually the ancients realized that their planet’s atmospheric depletion was the result of millennia of near impacts, and actual impacts, with the planets in a more stable orbit around the Sun. The most devastating impact created the Earth, and stopped the Moon’s progress to becoming a full blown planet itself. Later, a near impact slowed the spinning molten core of Mars, and stripped off the atmosphere.
This ancient planet, according to the translations done in the 1960s and 1970s, orbits against the grain of Earth and the other Solar bodies, and takes several hundreds of thousands of years to make one orbit (which is about the time line for major catastrophic events that take place on Earth).
The ancient planet (and its “companions”) approaches from our South Pole. In the past few decades, dozens of astronomical observatories have been established on Antarctica. Recently Japanese astronomers discovered at least ten large dense (with very strong magnetic fields) planets approaching from the south. They stated that the planets ‘lived’ independent of the Sun. They called them “floating planets”, I call them Ronin Planets.
Here’s a link to an OK (some grammatical & spelling errors) pdf posting of The Lost Book of Enki.
The computer chip maker Micron Technology is in big trouble, and since 2009 isn’t even the second biggest employer in Boise, Idaho. Yet, Idaho real estate agent web sites, which encourage out’a staters to move to Idaho, continue to list Micron as the top employer. Other web sites, and blogs, list the number of Boise Micron employees at 15,000! Even a check of Wikipedia’s section on Boise still claims that Micron is the top employer.
Micron hasn’t been the top employer ever since 2009, after lay offs cut their Boise work force down to about 5,000. And that’s according to a September 2011 Idaho Statesman report. Also, the Idaho Statesman says Micron’s peak Boise employment of about 15,000 happened a decade ago!
To make matters worse, Micron is losing money. They lost $135 million in the third quarter of this year. On top of that they’re about to get hit with a court judgment for price fixing. That judgement could be as high as $11.9 billion.
Micron recently told investors that such a fine would further degrade future operations, and, they admitted they don’t even have any money to pay such a fine!
So why are Idaho real estate companies, web media sites, bloggers, and even Wikipedia still promoting Micron as the top employer in Boise? Conspiracy, or incompetence?
September 29, Boise based Micron reports losing money for the first time since 2009. For the quarter ending September 1, Micron lost U.S.$135 million.
That’s a big drop compared to the previous quarter when the Idaho memory chip maker (they also make computers) reported a $75 million profit!
The loss is being blamed on a drop in chip prices, and a drop in sales.
Things got so bad in 2009, that Micron laid off more than half it’s Idaho work force! It has not recovered.
To make matters worse, Micron is facing a court case in which a California competitor claims Micron colluded with a South Korean company to price fix certain types of memory chips. If they lose the case Micron could be hit with a $11.9 billion fine!
In an upcoming Newsweek magazine, they write that Obama pushed the sale of bunker busting bombs to Israel, despite Pentagon officials pointing out that Israel’s military has moved closer to cooperation with China.
The sale was originally planned under President Bush jr, but it was Obama that made the final push.
On top of ordering the sale of huge bunker busting bombs, Obama also ordered the Pentagon to boost military cooperation, despite Pentagon advice against it.
In June 2011, NASA and the Space Agency of Argentina (CONAE) launched a new Earth observatory, called Aquarius. The mission: Find out why ocean levels are seemingly dropping, despite glacial melting and heavy rain.
Scientist think the ocean water levels are going down because the ocean salt levels are going up, a sign that the ocean water is evaporating faster than it can be replenished: “Based on decades of historical data gathered from ocean areas by ships and buoys, we know the salinity has changed over the last 40 years. This tells us there’s something fundamental going on in the water cycle.”-Gary Lagerloef, Aquarius Mission
Up ’till now scientists have made some assumptions about how the ocean will react to the so called “global warming”, but, they now admit they missed an important ingredient: “We’ve been missing a key element, salinity. A better understanding of ocean salinity will give us a clearer picture of how the sea is tied to the water cycle and help us improve the accuracy of models predicting future climate.”-Gary Lagerloef, Aquarius Mission
What’s amazing is that the United States and Argentina built a satellite that could measure sea salt levels from space: “One of our Argentine instruments is another microwave radiometer in a different frequency band that will measure sea surface winds, rainfall, sea ice, and any other ‘noise’ that could distort the Aquarius salinity measurement. We’ll subtract all of that out and retrieve the target signal.”-Sandra Torrusio, CONAE
On September 1, 2011, Aquarius finished successful tests of its equipment, and has started checking the Earth’s oceans for salt. Canada, France and Italy also contributed to this global climate change mission.
There’s been a lot of news about a possible break up of the merger between German VolksWagen and Japanese Suzuki. Last week Suzuki demanded an end to the deal, but VW officials say there’s no way they’re gonna sell their stake in Suzuki.
Now, Der Spiegel says not only is VW not gonna sell it’s Suzuki stocks, but it’s looking like they’re going for a hostile takeover!
Currently VW holds 19.9% stake in Suzuki, and under current contract could acquire a majority holding. But, under the current contact the same could be true for Suzuki taking over VW.
Such takeovers would require the consent of whoever is being taken over. Right now Suzuki wants out. Also, in the recent past VW officials say it’s become obvious that something was lost in translation concerning the partnership.
Originally VW officials thought Suzuki wanted German hybrid technology. VW thought it was a good opportunity to get into the booming Indian car market, because Suzuki already had a strong presence in India. Apparently that’s not what Suzuki had in mind.