Category Archives: Technology

Medical Incompetence: New study says AntiBiotics are useless for treating Sinusitis!

“It provides further evidence for what we’ve really suspected for a long time, that in the management of patients with acute sinusitis, antibiotics do not convey any additional benefit.-Jay Piccirilloof, senior author

A new study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), says most antibiotics are useless in treating sinusitis.

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, studied 166 people.  They spilt up the group by giving some patients amoxicillin for ten days, and others a placebo.  The results were that amoxicillin had absolutely no affect on sinusitis.

The study also stated that the majority of sinus infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria, which explains why antibiotics don’t work.

Iran unveils homemade Nuclear Fuel Rods, Nuclear Drugs, Nuclear Cake and 3,000 new Centrifuges

A few days ago Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said he would reveal Iran’s latest nuclear achievements.

Today, it was revealed that Iran makes its own nuclear fuel rods, radio-pharmaceuticals, and has added 3,000 centrifuges to its program to produce enriched uranium.

Iranian made nuclear fuel rods were placed in the Tehran Research Reactor.  The fuel rods were made under the supervision of the International Atomic energy Agency.  This is the last step in Iran’s nuclear fuel cycle.

Iran has also increased the number of centrifuges from 6,000 to 9,000.  This increases Iran’s ability to make uranium “yellow cake” by 50%.  Iranian officials say that their Isfahan Uranium Conversion Facility is under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Iran has also begun production of several pharmaceutical drugs using radio isotopes (like cancer treatment drugs).

Iran says they don’t trust the latest negative reports from the IAEA, preciously because the IAEA has been openly watching their nuclear program, and has never lodged a formal complaint directly with the Iranian government.


White Horse & World War 3: Pentagon wants “urgent” upgrade for MAP Bombs, for use against Iran

“…are trying to ensure that 20 of the bombs are battle ready, possibly for use against Iran, though officials have been tight lipped on potential targets.”-Fox News

The Wall Street Journal reported that the 30,000 pound bunker buster bombs, known as Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MAP), were designed especially for use against Iran.  The 20 MAP bombs have already cost U.S. taxpayers $330 million!

Now Boeing, the contractor who makes the bombs, says they aren’t good enough and need to be upgraded!  Pentagon officials say it’s “urgent”, which implies they need the MAP bombs upgraded right now, for war with Iran.

Congress agreed to spend another $82 million to upgrade the MAPs.

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Government Incompetence: Chile to charge former officials with manslaughter, for failing to warn people of incoming Tsunami in 2010

In 2010 an 8.8 earthquake hit a coastal town in Chile.  More than 500 people died mainly because of a tsunami.

After prosecutes investigated, it was decided that not only was no tsunami warning given, but officials said there was no tsunami.  After people returned home, they were hit with a tsunami.

Among the former officials being charged with manslaughter are a former navy official who was in charge of issuing tsunami warnings.  The former head of the National Emergency Office, and a former Interior Ministry official.

Gee, if only that kind of legal action would happen here in the U.S.!


Pale Green Horse & Global Food Crisis: Nepal, India & Vietnam getting hit hard by H5N1. Vietnam says What Global Warming?

The H5N1 virus isn’t just killing people, it’s killing off the food people eat.

A week ago Nepal said it would have to kill off 4,000 poultry because of H5N1.  Well, already 8,000 poultry have died, because the virus is spreading so fast!

India says yet another poultry farm there has been hit with H5N1.  The virus itself killed off more than 5,000 birds at one farm!  Local officials have ordered the killing of all poultry within a three kilometer (1.8 miles) radius of the farm, that means tens of thousands of birds meant to feed humans will be gotten rid of.

In Vietnam, officials there are blaming the unusually cold weather on the spread of H5N1, as well as the undocumented importation of poultry.

So far nearly 300 birds died from the virus, while nearly 4,000 where put down.  At least two people in Vietnam have died from H5N1.

Vietnamese officials say they can not trace where most of the imported poultry are coming from.  They say many of the birds were brought into Vietnam, illegally, during the Lunar New Year celebrations.

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Pale Green Horse & H1N1: Mexico hit hard, thousands infected, 58 die

After what looked like a 2011 victory for Mexican health officials, the H1N1 virus is hitting back hard in 2012.

Already there are 2,815 reported cases of flu, 90% are confirmed to have H1N1.  At least 58 people have died.  93% of those who died were confirmed to have H1N1 (aka swine flu).

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Pale Green Horse & H3N2, H1N1: Costa Rica reports first 2012 deaths

The Central American country of Costa Rica is reporting the first death connected to the H3N2 virus.

On January 25, 2012, a 30 year old man died from H3N2.  The man had other health issues before getting sick with H3N2.  They believe it is the new H3N2v virus.

Two other Costa Ricans died the week before, from H1N1 (aka swine flu).

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Pacific Ring of Fire Seismic Events: 2012 already shaping up to be big?

In past postings I reported on what appears to be the average number of magnitude 6.5 or greater earthquakes that hit the Pacific Ring of Fire.

In going through the USGS’s Significant Earthquakes of the World, all the way back to 1999, it seems the Pacific Ring of Fire has about 50 per year.

The Pacific Ring of Fire involves not only the Pacific Plate, but the Nazca Plate, the Antarctic Plate, Cocos Plate, Juan de Fuca Plate, North American Plate, South American Plate, Scotia Plate, Filipino Plate, Eurasian Plate and Australian Plate, whew!

Well, from January 1 to February 12, 2012, there have already been seven “significant” earthquakes involving the plates of the Pacific Ring of Fire.  In fact, so far, the only significant quakes for 2012 have been the seven around the Pacific Ring of Fire!

What about earthquakes in general?  If you look at the USGS’s list of quakes from January 13 to February 4, 2012, the overwhelming majority are around the Pacific Ring of Fire.  I counted at least 453 reported earthquakes around the Pacific Ring.

Most of the quakes are hitting Japan (with the most), California, Alaska, Mexico, Chile, countries on the Filipino Plate (like Indonesian islands getting hit almost as much as Japan), New Zealand and Vanuatu.

Vanuatu is a Southwestern Pacific Island north of New Zealand.  Since the beginning of February it’s getting hit almost daily with quakes ranging from magnitude 4 to 5.

White Horse & World War 3: Iran says it will reveal Nuclear Achievements in a few days, Israel says it’s ready to take action

“In the nuclear field, major achievements have been made by the Iranian nation in recent years. Today, not only has this nation become nuclear, but it has also succeeded in meeting a large portion of its needs in this field.”-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran

On February 11, 2012, the Iranian President not only praised the nuclear program of Iran, but said that “major nuclear accomplishments” will be revealed in the next few days.

These words will most likely give the warmongers in the United States more ammo in their call for war.

Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said his country is ready: “Israel has a large selection of ways, when the world of international sanctions fails, to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear program.”

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

World War 3: Iran builds two more attack submarines, will target U.S. aircraft carriers

“…if an ordinary submarine can sit in the Persian Gulf’s bed it would be the worst threat to the enemy. That is one of the U.S. concerns since Iranian submarines are noiseless and can easily evade detection as they are equipped with the sonar evading technology…When the submarine sits on the seabed it can easily target and hit an aircraft carrier traversing in the nearby region.”-Rear Admiral Farhad Amiri

February 9, 2012, Iran announced it has completed two more high tech attack mini submarines, designed to patrol the Persian Gulf.  They claim the submarines are 100% built in Iran.

The Ghadir class mini submarines are small (some say they look like a submarine made by North Korea), and can fire Hoot supercavitating rocket powered torpedoes, which are far too fast for a ship to avoid.  Those torpedoes could be based on the Soviet rocket torpedoes developed during the Cold War.

The latest subs will join at least three other subs that were completed in 2009.  Here’s pics of them.  Iran has not revealed how many of the mini subs they have, but USAToday estimates they have 12 mini subs (and three big Russian designed submarines).