Category Archives: Technology

Government Incompetence: Japan officials knew Tsunami Shelters were insufficent after 2004, yet said nothing until now!

After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Japanese government concluded that their tsunami shelter guidelines were insufficient.  Only now are they issuing the new guidelines!

The government study of tsunami shelter construction in Japan, revealed that such shelters would not hold up to a tsunami similar to the one that occurred in the Indian Ocean.  On March 11, 2011, Japan was hit with such a tsunami.

The new guidelines (developed before the 2011 tsunami) recommend the use of stronger building foundations, among other things.

Oil & Gas Prices: EIA says oil supply to drop, Jordan cancels contract with Egypt, North Sea Oil near record high price, Canadian oil prices crashing blame North Dakota

March 6, 2012, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said oil supply will drop.  This is due to disruptions affecting non-OPEC countries.

This is probably the cause of increased fuel prices, but wait, there’s more!  The EIA also says U.S. demand for petroleum is also going down.  In fact, demand in the United States is at a 15 year low!

That decrease in U.S. demand is being offset by increased demand around the World. Also, the EIA says oil transportation problems in the U.S. Midwest will keep oil prices above $103 per barrel, into 2013!

Speaking of oil disruptions, Jordan announced that because of continued attacks on the natural gas line coming from Egypt, they will be forced to look elsewhere for natural gas: “It would be great if Egypt can prove they can secure the pipeline, but it is clear that Jordan can no longer rely on Egyptian gas.”-Qutaiba Abu Qoura, Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

For oil coming out of the ocean east of United Kingdom, North Sea oil prices spiked on March 6.  The reason is production delays for Asian customers.  It’s called Forties Crude, and hit $1.80 per barrel over the price of Brent Crude (which is about $20.00 per barrel over the price of U.S. Crude).

In September 2011, Forties Crude hit a record $2.05 over the price of Brent Crude.

Reuters estimates that Forties Crude pumping has dropped about 10,000 barrels per day since February 2012.  Reuters analysts think this is due to production problems.  In any case it only helps their price go up!

Canadian oil is dropping in price. According to reports out of Canada, their oil is losing value because there is now too much Canadian oil being pumped into the United States!  In other words too much supply.  So why are fuel prices in the United States going up?

Pipelines coming from Canada are rapidly filling up, and will soon be backed up with too much oil. Another factor in Canadian oil losing value; North Dakota!

Analysts with Cenovus Energy say North Dakota is now pumping out 400,000 extra barrels of oil everyday!

Again why are fuel prices going up then?  The U.S. EIA says all that oil from Canada is getting “bottlenecked” in the U.S. Midwest, because of oil transportation problems.  This is why the Canadians wanted the Keystone XL pipeline.  But, U.S. oil man Barack Obama is blocking the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.

Canadians are hoping that getting their oil to more refineries would help bring up revenues: “…clearly not going to be a good quarter. Between blowouts in heavy pricing, blowouts in synthetic oil pricing, weak natural prices, it’s across the board. The only thing that’s working, really, is downstream.”-Andrew Potter, CIBC World Markets

So how much is Canadian oil? Western Canadian Select Crude is currently about $34 less per barrel than U.S. Crude (aka West Texas Intermediate).  Canadians expect their oil prices to continue downward until mid 2013.




Oil & Gas Prices: Chevron Gas rig burns for 46 days, Oil war brewing between Sudan & South Sudan, Libyan rebels declare independence in Oil Rich Eastern Libya

March 6, 2012, after 46 days a natural gas rig fire has finally been put out. The rig is operated by Chevron, it is located in Nigeria.

The off shore gas rig blew up on January 16, killing two people. It eventually collapsed into the sea: “We cannot predict how long it will take to complete the relief well, but will do so as quickly as possible while maintaining safe operations.”– Russell Johnson, Chevron

Nigeria is the top oil/gas producer in Africa.  The catastrophe is now killing the fish in the ocean:“The gas is inside the fish. After eating the fish you feel like somebody who drunk diesel, you feel dizzy.”-Bravely Salvage, local fisherman

Locals say fish and dolphins have been washing up on the beach.  Chevron officials say the explosion and resulting 46 day fire should not have impacted the fish!!!  Can you say lawsuit?  Nigerian rebels are using the explosion as further justification in their war against the oil industry: “Nothing has changed in the Niger Delta. This is a fools’ peace!”-Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta

South Sudan has lodged a complaint against Sudan, with the United Nations, for the bombing of an oil well.  Sudan said they didn’t do it.

South Sudan is trying to get around the high transport fees Sudan charges for shipping their oil to the Red Sea.  They are building an oil pipeline to Kenya.

South Sudan officials claim the increased violence in their country, which just happen to be destroying their oil production, is being instigated by Sudan: “Khartoum is sending a signal saying ‘if you divert the oil and we do not benefit from anything then we can destroy that oil and create instability so that you don’t enjoy the benefits of that oil’.”-Samson Wassara, Juba University

In Libya, proof the U.S./European supported Libyan government is a joke; rebels have declared oil rich eastern Libya independent!

Eastern Libya is where the “rebellion” began, when Chinese oil workers were attacked.  The Chinese government had to evacuate 30,000 Chinese oil workers, something the Western Media failed to report.

Now, in a obvious case of hypocrisy, Libya’s pro-U.S. government leaders are making the same statements that Gaddafi made: “Some Arab nations, unfortunately, have supported and encouraged this to happen. These nations are funding this kind of unacceptable strife. What happened today is the beginning of a conspiracy against Libya and Libyans.”-Mustafa Abdul-Jalil






What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Hoku Materials loses $28 million, blames Idaho Power. Takes on 19 new loans to continue operation, beggars China for more money!

On March 5, 2012, Hoku International released its Quarterly 10-Q Report, ending December 2011.

Specifically their Pocatello, Idaho, Hoku Materials polysilicon operations (which has yet to actually begin operations) lost $28.4 million in the nine months ending on December 31, 2011.

Their 10-Q report blames part of the loss on Idaho Power’s electricity bills.  Idaho Power has reported that Hoku has consistently failed to pay their electric bill on time (actually in advance, under Idaho Power’s rules for large businesses)!

Hoku’s March 5, 2012, 10-Q report also revealed that they’ve had to “…obtained an aggregate of $315.5 million of debt financing through 19 bank credit agreements to support our operations.”  

That was as of December 31, 2011.  Hoku has also revealed that they’ve had to beg China for more money: “In January 2012, we entered into a credit agreement with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Limited, New York Branch to provide for one or more term loans in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10.0 million. And in February 2012, we entered into a credit agreement with China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., New York Branch to provide for a loan in an aggregate principal amount of $10 million.”


What Economic Recovery? As I warned; Idaho Hoku silicon factory going under, announcing layoffs, violated stock market trading rules

March 6, 2012, Hoku International announced they will layoff about 20 employees at their Pocatello, polysilicon plant.

This comes after many delays in finishing the factory, and threats by Idaho Power to cut off electricity because Hoku hasn’t been paying its utility bill.  Also, Hoku lost big money in 2011.

Officials with Hoku said the layoffs are necessary to keep the company going.

On February 23, 2012, Hoku International was notified that trading of its stocks were suspended, for violating NASDAQ’s Listing Rule 5250(c)(1).  On March 5 (the day before the layoff announcement) Hoku claimed they were now in compliance with NASDAQ’s rules.


Japan invents weapon against Freedom of Expression: The Speech Jammer

Japanese inventors have created a weapon to silence people expressing themselves.

The weapon works by playing back the talker’s words, with a 0.2 second delay.  The inventors discovered that such feedback of one’s own words will cause the speech center of your brain to lock up.

The inventors claim they did it to stop people who won’t shut up: “…some people tend to lengthen their turns or deliberately interrupt other people when it is not their turn in order to establish their presence rather than achieve more fruitful discussions.”  

Government Incompetence: Stolen Laptop had critical Command Codes, 5,408 computer ‘incidents’ from 2010 through 2011, cost taxpayers $7 million

On March 1, 2012, NASA officials admitted to a congressional panel, that they lost critical command codes for the International Space Station!

The codes were stored on a laptop computer, which was stolen last year!

The admission came from NASA’s Inspector General, Paul Martin, in a written statement. NASA experienced more than 5,000 computer security breeches, just in the last year!

NASA also admitted that from 2009 to 2011, 48 mobile computers were lost or stolen!  The cost to U.S. taxpayers, for the lax computer security at NASA, is estimated at $7 million!



World War 3: Japan threatens to cancel U.S. F-35 deal!

The controversial U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is once again causing problems.  This time Japan’s Defense Minister, Naoki Tanaka, said no deal if there were anymore cost overruns, or delays in the F-35 project.

Japan had tentatively agreed to purchase four of the multi-million dollar aircraft.  Currently each F-35 cost $123 million!

But, recently the Obama administration suggested that, in order to cut the Defense budget, development and production of the F-35 should be delayed.  The F-35 has already see numerous delays over the past decade, and seen costs skyrocket.

Japan has yet to sign a contract to buy the F-35, but officials said if the price of the F-35 goes up, or it’s delivery date is delayed, they will not sign any deal to buy it.

World War 3: USAF cancels deal with Brazil, over new trainer/COIN aircraft. Will award contract to company that didn’t even take part in the competition!

The U.S. Air Force has canceled a contract with the winner of a competition for the USAF’s new trainer aircraft.

Brazil’s Embraer Defense and Security, along with U.S. company Sierra Nevada, won the contract for the counter insurgency (COIN) aircraft deal in December 2011, for the A-29 Super Tucano.

There are rumors that a company that did not take part in the bidding could get the contract.  Hawker Beechcraft has filed a lawsuit over the whole issue.

The decision to cancel the contract with Brazil could be more about the growing power of the South American country, and its membership in CELAC.

Don’t think awarding the contract to Hawker Beechcraft would create more U.S. jobs. Officials with Sierra Nevada said the contract would have allowed them to hire 1,200 people in Florida, compared to 1,400 with Hawker Beechcraft.



Dengue Fever: Brazil worst hit, Pakistan launches campaign, Dengue survives cold temps, Bolivia on Red Alert, UN says efforts to fight disease failing, energy saving light bulbs spreading disease

“I consider Rio de Janeiro runs the risk of one of the worst epidemics, in number of cases of dengue in its history.”-Alexandre Padilha, Health Minister of Brazil

Brazil’s tourist city of Rio de Janeiro is being hit hard by type 4 Dengue fever.  So far there are more than 3,000 confirmed cases!  However, the rest of Brazil is actually seeing a huge 62% drop in cases (keep in mind that last year Brazil had 106,373 cases).

Across the world, Pakistani health officials (Rawalpindi Development Authority, Water and Sanitation Agency, the Parks and Horticulture Authority and the Health Department) have gone to war to prevent an outbreak of hemorrhagic Dengue fever.

Pesticides are being sprayed, and residents are being told how to fight the dengue carrying mosquitoes. A health official in Punjab said they now know that the dengue virus can be spread in cold winter temps.

Back over to South America, in Bolivia, the city of Santa Cruz confirmed 157 cases of dengue.  There are another 820 suspected cases. They have declared a red alert.

Also on February 25, the UN’s World Heath Organization reported that after 50 years of fighting the disease, cases of dengue in Thailand and Sri Lanka have only increased!

“The floods actually interrupted the Aeges aegypti’s life cycle and has resulted in a reduction in dengue.”-Sanphet Mahamard, Communicable Disease Control Department of Thailand

However, Thai officials say the massive flooding, at the end of 2011, has actually destroyed the breeding grounds of many of the dengue carrying mosquitoes.  So thanks to Mother Earth, they are already seeing a 36% drop in dengue cases (keep in mind that as of January 2012 Thailand has seen more than 1,000 cases and one death).

In Sri Lanka, officials are so determined to reduce dengue cases that they’re even going after business owners who don’t control mosquitoes on their property!

The Chief Technical Engineer of the railway yard of Sri Lanka Railways was fined, and is in prison, after 20 employees got sick, and one employee died, from dengue fever. Investigators discovered that railway officials did not conduct anti-mosquito programs on their property.

There is no vaccine (although Mexico is testing one of their own vaccines), and it turns out the mosquito eggs can survive a full year, even in cold temperatures.  Also, research showed that the mosquitoes are attracted to the light of energy saving florescent light bulbs.