Category Archives: Opinion

Economic Recovery or Civil War? Gun sales in the U.S. expected to skyrocket

07 November 2012, the day after the main stream U.S. media prematurely declared Barack Obama the new President (the Shadow Voters, aka Electoral College, vote to elect the President on 17 December 2012), investors are driving up stock prices for gun makers and those chain stores that sell guns.

Investment analysts say it because investors expect a run on guns, because many supporters of the Second Amendment think a re-elected Obama will result in more gun control laws.

That might be, but there could be another reason: Civil War.

Back in August a Texas judge warned that if Obama was re-elected there would be civil war:   “…he’s going to try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations. What do you think the public is going to do when that happens? We are talking civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war, OK? Now what happens? What happens? Now I’m not talking just talking riots here and there. I’m talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms, get rid of the dictator. OK, what do you think he is going to do when that happens? He is going to call in the UN troops, personnel carriers, tanks and weapons.”-Tom Head, Lubbock County judge and Emergency Management Coordinator

Seemingly in response, on 06 November several so called Liberals stated on Twitter things like “Vote for Mitt Romney… It’ll better our chances to start a civil war”, “If Romney win second civil war”, “Lady in the polling line say if romney win its gone b a civil war”, “Goin buy a gun tommorow Cus if Romney win I ain’t goin out without a fight”, “If Mitt Romney win get ya gun game up” etc.

Note the pro-gun statements by so called liberals.  Here in Idaho, Democrats are just as supportive of the Second Amendment as their Republican neighbors, and the same can be said of most Idahoans who don’t claim a political party preference.   Maybe that’s why the main stream anti-gun rights north-eastern based & focused U.S. media assume all Idahoans are Republicans?



What Democracy? The late great George Carlin was right! If you vote it’s your fault!!!

“I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don’t vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, ‘If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain,’ but where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who did not even leave the house on Election Day, am in no way responsible for what these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that YOU created.-George Carlin

People of the United States finally realizing that working hard does not improve your life, it only improves the life of the Man!

“The U.S. ranks outside of the top ten for the first time (down to 12th), pulled down primarily by a decline in the Entrepreneurship & Opportunity sub-index. This fall is driven by a decline in the number of U.S. citizens who
believe that hard work will get them ahead……”-2012 Legatum Prosperity Index

According to a recent study by the Legatum Institute, fewer and fewer U.S. citizens believe that hard work pays off.

I can attest to that, after three decades of busting my ass, doing my best, and I have almost nothing to show for it (I am still better off than those who’ve ended up on the streets).

I’ve been praised by employers for my attention to detail, organizing and people management skills. Yet when it came to getting a significant raise or promotion, forget it! I got zip, nada!

I’ve worked positions that required four year college degrees, only to be replaced with a college graduate, then ordered to train them!!!  I finally got a four year college degree, but now (that plus my 30 years work experience) I’m “overqualified” (and I still have to somehow pay for the student loans).

What I’ve learned working for unAmerican Corporate America, is that when it comes down to the bottom line (meaning the execs and shareholders are facing a loss of dividends or bonuses) it doesn’t matter how hard you worked for the company (or even if you can prove you’re making money for the company as happened to me in several cases), if they decide it’s time for you to go, you’re gone!

What Democracy? United States banning international election observers!

“The threat of criminal sanctions against observers is unacceptable. The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.”Janez Lenarcic,  Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Officials and organizations in the U.S. have always pushed for international election observers (which include election observers such as former President Jimmy Carter, and First Lady Rosalynn Carter) in countries they deem as undemocratic.  Now, several U.S. states are banning observers from witnessing their election process!

The United States is a member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). As such, each member must allow international observers to witness each national election.  In fact, the U.S. has allowed such observations since 2002 (beginning under the Bush Jr administration).  OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) officials say this is the first time they have encountered opposition from state level officials!

On 31 October 2012, the state of Iowa announced they will arrest any OSCE ODIHR observer found in polling places. Iowa Secretary of State, Matt Schultz, a Republican, claims Iowa law prevents observation of the election process from closer than 300 feet of the polling place (how convenient, it makes election monitoring ineffective).

Recently Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, a Republican, made the same threat of arrest against observers.

This comes after Officials with the OSCE received letters from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP and the ACLU, claiming they had evidence of massive election fraud.

As an example: Some reports say an estimated 700,000 U.S. voters will not be allowed to vote because of new voter identification laws.

In the past, U.S. officials have always claimed that any country that has a problem with their elections being monitored must be undemocratic.  Well, now the shoe is on the other foot and it’s U.S. officials that are fighting the monitoring of U.S. elections. So what does that tell you?

FEMA suggests Presidential elections be canceled! Nuclear plants threatened. Who’s in charge when the President declares a disaster area?

On 29 October 2012, Federal Emergency Management Agency boss, Craig Fugate, suggested that Presidential elections be postponed, or even canceled, because of the mess caused by hurricane Sandy: “It [elections] needs to be safe and secure. This will be led by states and their election commission supervisors.”

This is because of the flooding and electrical shortages, which are also affecting several nuclear power plants: Constellation Energy Nuclear Group’s 630MW Nine Mile Point 1 nuclear reactor, in upstate New York, shut down.  Investigation ongoing as to why.  Power reductions at Exelon’s Limerick nuclear plant in Pennsylvania, and at Dominion’s Millstone plant in Connecticut. New Jersey’s Exelon’s Oyster Creek remains on alert because of flooding: “Oyster Creek is still in an alert but may be getting out of it as long as water levels continue to drop.”-Neil Sheehan, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

The NRC reporting that half a dozen nuclear plants were shut down, or have reduced power output because of the hurricane.

President Obama declared New Jersey, and New York, major disaster areas (most of the north east has been declared emergency areas).

FEMA is now in charge of the declared disaster/emergency areas. Since FEMA director, Craig Fugate, wants Presidential elections delayed or suspended, then he could probably get his wish.

Under U.S. State of Emergency laws, Congress is not needed to make such decisions.  The National Emergency Act allows such declarations to remain in effect for two years, and can be extended by Presidential decree.

In fact, the United States has been in various states of emergency since Bill Clinton’s first term as President.  Bush Jr and Obama have only expanded on those emergencies (in the name of fighting terrorism).

Now we have Hurricane Sandy wreaking havoc across the most populous part of the United States (home to a crap load of nuclear power plants), and reports that even Mitt Romney will kowtow to FEMA and Obama’s emergency declarations (some reports say Romney will reverse his anti-FEMA stance).  Sounds like the perfect political storm.

World War 3 & What Economic Recovery? USS Stennis joins up with USS Washington near Myanmar. On way to Iran, or preps for war with China? Employing new Advanced Precision Kill Weapons. An example of what’s wrong with the U.S. economy!

“As the Asia-Pacific region continues to grow in importance, we must ensure we are capable of operating in a complex environment in order to continue to promote peace, cooperation and stability here.”-Rear Admiral Chuck Gaouette, commander of the Stennis CSG

12 October 2012, two Carrier Strike Groups (CSG) led by USS Stennis and the USS Washington, conducted joint flight operations and anti-submarine drills in the Andaman Sea.

The Andaman Sea is just west of Myanmar.  The two CSGs employ more than 10,000 USN and USMC personnel.

Rear Admiral Gaouette mentions the importance of increasing the presence of the United States in the Asia Pacific area (aka forward presence operations), but no mention of the original plan to send the USS Stennis to the Persian Gulf.

At the beginning of 2012, Iranian military officials gave a dire warning: “…we are not in the habit of repeating a warning and we warn only once.”-Major General Ataollah Salehi, Iranian Army, 03 January 2012 threat against USS Stennis

Iranians claim the USS Stennis deliberately sailed through Iranian naval war games, and sailed danger close to Iranian oil platforms.

In July it was announced the USS Stennis would return to the Persian Gulf, four months ahead of schedule. The aircraft carrier left its home port in Bremerton, Washington, on 27 August 2012 for an eight month deployment.

So far, the two CSGs have spent a lot of time in and around the now hotly disputed South China Sea.  Most of the countries that border the South China Sea are currently in a war of words over who has rights to access natural resources, mainly petroleum.  Those countries include Korea, Japan and China.

In September it was revealed that the Stennis CSG is armed with a new Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System (APKWS). These weapons come from a Red Coat British empire company, BAE.

The APKWS is basically “…a standard unguided 2.75-inch (70 millimeter) rocket into a precision laser guided rocket to give warfighters a low cost surgical strike capability.”-BAE statement

Admiral Jonathan Greenert says the updated short range missile (now that it’s guided it’s a missile) system is needed to fight off smaller Iranian attack ships. Greenert wants all U.S. military vessels, deploying to the Persian Gulf, to be equipped with the BAE system.   Reports are confusing as it seems the Stennis CSG is not completely updated with APKWS.  Greenert said the cost to update a CSG is about $250 million (U.S. taxes going to make money for the Red Coats).

BAE is the result of a merger between British Aerospace and Marconi Electronics. It is the sixth largest military contractor for the United States. They just won a $97 million U.S. taxpayer dollar contract to “reset” Bradley armored personnel carriers  (more U.S. taxes going to make money for the Red Coats).

Speaking of U.S. taxpayer money being spent outside the U.S., according to officials with the city of Phuket, Thailand, U.S. military personnel spent up to $326,000 USD during their five day shore leave. And that’s just one out of dozens of port of calls made by the U.S. Navy and Marines around the world.

U.S. military personnel are paid with tax dollars, but while thousands of sailors and Marines are spending hundreds of thousands of U.S. taxes in foreign ports (for who knows what), their loved ones back home in the states are spending money to donate items to sailors and Marines!

According to he Wythe-Bland Navy for Moms project, for the end of year holiday season at least 4,800 care packages and cards will be sent to USN and USMC personnel (supposedly most people back in the states think these highly paid warriors are somehow deprived).

Someone should do a study to see how much is spent in the U.S. on care packages versus how much is spent by USN and USMC (as well as USAF & USA) personnel in other countries!

Don’t bitch at me! I’m former military, as is my father, uncle, grandfathers, great grandfathers, and my son (until he had a stroke, which the USA conveniently label “prior existing condition” so he doesn’t get VA help!).  What I can’t stand is inefficiency, waste and ignorance. Here we have prime examples of U.S. taxpayer money being spent on weapon systems made by foreigners, U.S. military personnel spending huge amounts of their taxpayer funded paychecks in the countries they visit rather than at home where the economy is going down the toilet, and their loved ones struggling to put together care packages ’cause they think that somehow their warriors are deprived!?

The city of Phuket, Thailand, also reported that 19 sailors (only 19 out of the thousands that make up a CSG?) volunteered to help build a drainage line for rainwater runoff at an orphanage.

What Economic Recovery? IMF says world economy to suck for at least 10 more years, says recovery relies on Japan & China! Inflation must take place!

“…it will surely take at least a decade from the beginning of the crisis for the world economy to get back to decent shape.”-Olivier Blanchard, IMF Chief Economist

“The current status of the economy and the global economy needs both Japan and China fully engaged.”-Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director

Officials with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are making some very concerning statements.

While the U.S. main stream media seems focused on the economic disaster unfolding in Europe, the IMF says look to Asia.  Maybe that’s because it’s looking more and more like the IMF policies in Europe are failing big time.

In fact, on 04 October 2012, the IMF just warned the European Union to get its rear in gear: “No one has the luxury of time, this is really urgent!”-Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director

Despite the urgent call to action by the IMF, some European leaders say the U.S. based IMF is actually delaying action: “There are circles, by which I mean the IMF, who are pressing for a delay until after the U.S. election in November…”-Dimitris Hadzisokratous, Democratic Left, one of three political parties running the Greek government

What about China and Japan? The IMF seems to think the two countries are the Holy Grail in saving the World economy.  There are major problems with that!

Japan’s economy is in the toilet!  Japanese factories have been laying people off, and offshoring what ever they can. Japan is in bigger debt than any European country (yet where’s the U.S. media coverage).

China is no longer the economic wunderkind it was just a few years ago.  GDP growth is dropping.  The Asia Development Bank (ADB) predicts it’ll drop almost two percentages, from 9.3% in 2011 to 7.7% for 2012, and even lower after that: “The years of two digit growth in Asia are coming to an end!”-Changyong Rhee, ADB chief economist

And why is the economy in China going down?  Firstly the Chinese government imposed economic restrictions in the hopes of holding off inflation.  But here’s the big reason; orders from Europe and the United States are way down.

Some of those orders are down because of the bad economies in Europe and the U.S., but also because of protectionist policies.

Many European countries have banned specific products made in China, and  U.S. President Barack Obama imposed ridiculous tariffs on Chinese made solar power products (that move also killed the Hoku polysilicon factory in southeastern Idaho, that was hoped to provide hundreds of good paying jobs.  smooth move exlax!).

The IMF is also expecting the cash flushed Chinese banks to help bailout Europe!  Can you believe that?  The Europeans are screwing over Chinese businesses and then the IMF expects the Chinese to help bail out the Europeans?

As expected the Chinese banks said hell no! Several major Chinese banks have cancelled their plans to attend the largest ever IMF/World Bank meeting, to be held in Tokyo, Japan, next week!

But get this, IMF chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, told Hungarian media that Japan would take decades to get its debt problems straightened out, and that the United States has become a financial deadweight:  “It remains the case that, in a number of advanced countries, notably the U.S., a return to full health requires replacing some of the domestic demand that fueled growth before the crisis by external demand. But, the arithmetic is again unforgiving here.”

Blanchard also said inflation was “…necessary and desirable…”

So, in a round-a-bout way officials with the IMF are expecting any World economic recovery to be messy (are they expecting World War 3?), and they’re placing their bets on China and Japan (two countries on the verge of war with each other over some tiny barren islands)!

Like the Colonial Marine, Hudson, said in the kick ass 1986 movie Aliens: “Oh dear lord Jesus, this ain’t happening, man… This can’t be happening, man!”

What Economic Recovery? Wars on Terror, anti-Islam movies, sanctions against Iran, all part of conspiricy to jack up oil prices beyond $150 per barrel? The real shadow war?

16 September 2012, get ready for higher oil prices!

Iranian officials in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said the real price per barrel of oil should be around $150 USD.  Their reasoning varied from the time of the year, to comparisons of prices by inflation (1970s compared to 2000).  They even said the World economy can handle much higher prices.

Not sure if they are talking about British Brent crude prices, or U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil.

On 14 September 2012, Brent crude went over $117 USD per barrel.

Reading a Canadian report, turns out that’s still not high enough!  The Canadian province of Newfoundland/Labrador have set their government budget in the hopes that Brent crude will go over $124 USD per barrel.  The province makes most its money off oil production.

In fact, because Brent hasn’t hit the magic money mark, yet, the provincial Premier, Kathy Dunderdale, had to cut their budget: “I’m not so worried about this year. I’m more worried about next year. Because if oil stays where it is, our deficit could be around $1 billion [CAD] next year.”

In other words, some governments, who’s major money making industries happen to be the oil industries, want oil prices to skyrocket!!!

However, Iranian OPEC officials say the United States is trying to bring down oil prices, by demanding OPEC members increase oil production.

A few years ago I read an article that explained that most oil producing countries (including members of OPEC) would be losing money if oil were less than $90 per barrel.

So, the reason why the U.S. wants to bring down prices, while other countries want prices to go up, could be that the U.S. domestic oil industry can handle lower oil prices (except for shale oil).  Most other countries have higher oil production costs (like Canada) because of the type of oil and labor costs.

The U.S. model is a kind’a WalMart tactic; keep prices cheap and sell as much in volume as you can until your competition quits.

So what we have are those who want oil prices even higher than they are now, and those who want them to drop.  Is this the real shadow war taking place behind the deadly facade of War on Terror, sanctions and insulting other people’s religions?

World War 3: Palestinians trapped in the Israeli/Palestinan Authority controled West Bank death camp taking to the streets!

“We staged these strikes because of prices, tax rates and the fact that the Palestinian Authority steals tax revenue……..We pay double taxes, both to the Transportation Ministry and to the Ramallah municipality. Why is that?”-West Bank taxi driver

15 September 2012, people in the United States don’t understand life in the slow motion death camp known as West Bank.  Unfortunately for many people in the United States they see nothing wrong with double or even triple taxation (local, state and federal taxes for the same things, like fuels, roads and education)!

Unlike the Gaza Strip, where the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) routinely use Palestinians as target practice on a weekly, if not daily basis (never reported in U.S. main stream media), the Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to extreme economic controls (similar to what the NAZIs did to the Polish Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War 2).

Many West Bankers (which include Palestinian Christians and Jews, not just Muslims) are blaming the Palestinian Authority (PA), the political party in charge within the West Bank.  The PA has a policy of trying not to piss off its Israeli masters.  Many taxes collected by the PA end up going to the Israeli government, after PA officials skim off what they can for themselves!

It’s gotten so bad that commentators on West Bank TV recently tried to criticize the PA, live on television, their audio was cut off.

A veteran Palestinian ‘peace negotiator’ stated that the only way for West Bank Palestinians to rise up against Israel is to get rid of the PA.

One of the games Israel has been playing is to hold back on tax reparations, calling it “measured assistance”.  Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, says this is the only way to control the West Bankers.  Measured assistance also creates an economy so bad that West Bankers are willing to work for peanuts inside Israel, if the Israeli government will let them.  Recently the Israeli government approved 5,000 work permits for desperate West Bankers.

According to the World Bank there are almost three million people living in West Bank (many international organizations say it’s much more), which is 5,628 square kilometers (2,173 sq mi) in size.  But the Palestinians are being squeezed out almost weekly.  For the past few years the Israeli government has authorized the building of hundreds of internationally illegal settlements in West Bank, which means illegally evicting the Palestinians.  Many Israelis are evicting Palestinians on their own and building their own settlements without government authorization.

On 12 September Israeli courts allowed the expansion of one settlement onto private Palestinian land.  The settlers had used an old military order to justify their expansion.  However, that order was modified in 1979, to state that the military can not take land for civilian use.  The courts claim that Palestinians will be compensated for the land, but, where can they go after they’re forced to sell it?

West Bank just saw the end of a week of protests against the economic conditions there (did you see mentions of it in the U.S. main stream media?), now more protests because of a anti-Islam movie, made by a pro-Israeli right wing U.S. christian con artist.  Will there finally be intifada against the Israeli puppet Palestinian Authority?

Religious & Corporate Hypocrisy: Mormons, like Mitt Romney, say they hate government bailouts, but Mormon owned bank has yet to payback taxpayers for $1.4 billion TARP bailout!!!

“You cannot serve both God and Money.”– Jesus of Nazareth

“Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”-Mitt Romney opinion piece blasting the auto industry bailout by the federal government, 18 November 2008

You might have heard how, only this year, Mitt Romney took credit for the government bailout of the auto industry, seemingly forgetting about his New York Times editorial from 2008, blasting the bailout.  I wonder what he thinks about a Mormon owned bank, Zions Bank, firstly taking a $1.4 billion USD government loan, and, secondly being the only bank that got more than one billion taxpayer dollars that has failed to pay back the taxpayers?

Zions Bank branch in Pocatello, Idaho.

“…..people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.”-1 Timothy 6:5, New International Version of the Bible

Mormon (aka Latter Day Saints [LDS], but their holy book is called Book of Mormon, not Book of Latter Day Saints) Brigham Young started Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Company in 1873.  It was owned directly by the LDS church until 1960, when a group of Mormon investors (Keystone Insurance and Investment) bought controlling interest in the bank.  The bank became a full fledged corporation and the name was changed to Zions Bancorporation.

“For the love of money is a root of all evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith….”-1 Timothy 6:10-12, Bible

Since then the Mormon run bank has been taking over other banks (gee kinda similar to what Mitt Romney did with Bain Capital).  It’s still run by family members of the original Mormon investors that took over in 1960.

Principal Subsidiaries: California Bank & Trust; The Commerce Bank of Washington; National Bank of Arizona; Nevada State Bank; Vectra Bank Colorado; Zions First National Bank.

“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.”-Ecclesiastes 5:10, New International Version of the Bible

In 2008 (in fact it was the same month that Mitt Romney wrote his New York Times editorial) Zions Bankcorp was one of the first in line to apply for, and get, a $1.4 billion TARP (aka Too Big to Fail bank bailout) loan from the federal government, in direct contradiction to what many Mormons think about ‘hand outs’ from the government.  The latest reports say Zions Bankcorp has paid back only half of the taxpayers’ money, and that it is one of only three banks which still owe taxpayers more than half a billion dollars!

But wait, there’s more!

In classic Mitt Romney/Bain Capital tactics (or is it now clear that it’s really Mormon tactics), the banks have been paying back their government loans with more government loans! (Mitt Romney at Bain Capital did not use his own money, but used money from investors and loans to buy up, cut up and sell off U.S. companies that were seen as competitors to his pet corporations, like Staples vs American Pen & Paper, Toys r Us vs KB Toys, and now Kmart vs Sears)

An October 2011 Wall Street Journal report showed that banks were using money meant for small business loans to pay back TARP.  This is one reason why banks cut back on issuing those small business loans to small businesses!

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that banks were also using money from different versions of TARP, to pay back their original Capital Purchase Program (CPP) version of TARP.

Under the CCP the U.S. Department of Treasury bought huge numbers of stocks in the Too Big to Fail banks.  Banks pay back the Treasury when they buy back their stocks, at a much higher price of course.  So far the Treasury (and technically the taxpayers) has been making huge profits off the bank buy backs.  Except for Zions.  The Treasury Department is getting antsy about those banks that have not bought their stocks back.

The GAO also suggested that the banks that have yet to pay off their loans, like Zions, are on the verge of going down the toilet.  The GAO suggested that these banks were on a ‘secret troubled banks list’ used by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the FDIC has denied they keep such a list).

Mitt Romney, and the Mormon owners of Zions Bank are perfect examples of “Do as I say, not as I do.”  Do we really want that kind of person as President of the United States?  Oh wait, it’s too late, we’ve had dozens (and they all claimed to be christians)!

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”– Jesus of Nazareth