All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Coronavirus MERS update: More cases, more deaths!

15 May 2013 (12:34 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Rajab 1434/25 Ordibehest 1391/06 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health reports six more people infected (four announced Monday, two on Tuesday).  The new cases include nurses who got infected while treating patients.   One of the new human cases died.  Another person died a couple of days ago.

What’s interesting is that the Saudi Ministry of Health announced on 13 May that the infections were no longer spreading.

The situation has become so worrisome that a veterinary clinic in Dubai has been set up to treat humans!

There are now 40 cases, and 20 deaths globally.

There is no vaccine for MERS.



World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 07 March 2013. California & Schools get hit hard, again! Thousands more laid off! God mad at U.S.A.

New York Post reported that J.C. Penney laid off 1500 people across the United States!  According to the Business Insider, even more layoffs are planned, as an inside source said that J.C. Penney store managers were shown a ‘secret’ video that told them to prepare to run the stores with even less employees!

In New York, Rapid-American bankrupt.  Company officials blame asbestos related personal injury lawsuits.  The Bruckner Bar and Grill shut down, owners blame damage from hurricane Sandy and a landlord that doesn’t want to abide by his own lease.  The Mahopac Falls Elementary School being closed: “The reason we are closing the building is not because of the budget, but because of the changing demographics.”-Raymond Cote, Board of Education President

Too Big to Jail Citadel Securities laid off 30 people in Illinois.  The IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union closed its Abingdon branch.  In Chicago, 80 to 129 schools are on the chopping block! The Commission on School Utilization actually questioned if that was logistically possible. It’s being blamed on Chicago Public School‘s $1 billion shortfall!

Another Christian school closed down.  Saint Raphael in Arkansas: “The reasons are many but the bottom line is I can’t justify going into huge debt for so few students and families when the overall needs of the parish are so great.”-Pastor John Connell

In California, the Windsor School District warned up to 50 employees of possible layoffs.  The school is short $2.8 million.  Officials blame cuts to state funding.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America laying off 57 people in Rancho Cordova.  In San Francisco, Tommy Toy’s Cuisine Chinoise restaurant shut down.  The owners blamed demographics and not being able to renew their lease.  In Chico, Wakefield and Sons Glass out-o-business.  Owners blamed the bad economy.  And medical imaging company, Digirad, announced an undisclosed number of layoffs, as part of their efforts to make the company “lean”.  The Ethan Allen home furnishings store in Strawberry, closed down.  The owner of the building said Ethan Allen officials decided not to renew the lease and gave no reason why.  Apparently they were the only furniture store in the area.  Beauty Store & More, in Petaluma, closed down.  After 24 years of operation the owners said they gave in to increased competition.

In Florida, Biovest International bankrupt.  The drug company is trying to get rid of $44 million USD in debt.  The Kmart in Bonita springs closed down, 67 people out-o-work.  The Pasco County School District was put on notice by the state, because of poor performing schools.  Teachers and school administrators were told they would have to reapply for their jobs.  Apparently the school district is not a good place to teach: “We know that the characteristics of the school, the high poverty, the high minority and it’s location have made it hard for us to maintain staff there. There’s been an almost 50 percent turnover in staff.”-Tammy Rabon, Supervisor for teachers and learning

Too Big to Jail Chase Home Mortgage laid off 550 people in Florence, South Carolina!  That’s on top of the 330 jobs cut since last year.  And in more ironic news, the Department of Employment and Workforce laid off more employees, for the third time in the past six months!

In Monett, Missouri, Dairy Farmers of America is closing their milk operation by September, and will layoff 86 people.  They blame declining sales.

Kae Robin & Company, in Maryland, closed because the owner wanted to retire.  Constellation Books shut down, the owner said it’s painfully clear the U.S. economy is not going to recover soon enough for her.

In Massachusetts, the Cape Cod Hospital will close its endoscopy center by fall. At least 20 employees to be laid off.  You can blame Obama/Romney Care for reduced reimbursements for services rendered.  The not for profit Westboro Gallery closed down.  The operators said people just stopped buying art.  And Panera Bread, in Arlington Heights,  closed down.  Company officials did not want to renew the lease.

In New Jersey, the New Milford Jewish Center shut down.  Officials blamed it on the increasing number of Americans turning away from the Judeo/Christian God: “We’re like every other church and synagogue in New Jersey. It’s a common disease.”-Ralph Gerber, Congregation Beth Tikvah

Too Big to Jail PNC Financial Services Group announced they will close 200 offices across the U.S.  Possibly thousands of people will be laid off!

In Hawaii, real estate investment company 1250 Oceanside Partners now bankrupt.  They are $500 million in debt.  And Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab restaurant shut down. The parent company, Good Eats, did not want to renew the lease.  50 people out-o-work.

So much for recovery in the automotive industry, General Motors eliminates 3rd shift at a factory in Flint, Michigan.   104 people out-o-work!  Meekhof Lumber shutting down in June.  If there’s any recovery to the home construction market, the owners of the 56 years old company are not seeing it.

In Franklin County, Pennsylvania, Gibble’s Food grocery store announced they will be laying off employees.  Company officials did not give a number.  Railroad products manufacturer McConway & Torley, closed down their Kutztown factory, and laid off 130 people!

The Alaska Railroad laid off 54 employees, due to crashing revenue since 2011.  Company officials say their biggest drop in revenue comes from declining freight shipments. The railroad was also hit by a stupid Federal Transit Administration clerical error, which cost them millions of dollars.

In Louisiana, the state stopped bridge toll operations at the Crescent City Connection in New Orleans, ending 31 jobs.

After 20 years in business, the Godfather’s Pizza on East 10th in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, closed down.

World War 3, Japan Economic Front: Biggest ever loss for Sharp!

14 May 2013 (12:45 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“We need to say goodbye to the Sharp that we knew….”-Kozo Takahashi, Sharp executive vice president

Continued crashing LCD TV sales dragging Japan’s Sharp to its death?

Company officials said they lost a record $5.4 billion USD for the last Japanese year (April 2012 to March 2013), much more than they estimated!  And that’s after Sharp sold office buildings, cut salaries and laid off 5400 people!

There will be changes made to the executive board, a new deal with South Korea’s Samsung, and efforts to extended existing loans and get new ones, are part of the electronic company’s plans for recovery.

Somehow company officials think Sharp will actually make a profit this year!

World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria & Iran say they will not hesitate to attack Israel!

14 May 2013 (23:58 UTC-07 Tango 13 May 2013)/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

At an Iranian government press conference, an official stated that Syrian officials notified them that they will launch immediate retaliation against Israel if the zionist state attacks Syria again.  The Iranian Foreign Ministry official said Iran will back up Syria.

Iranian officials stated they are aware of Russian plans to sell Syria their latest missile systems, including the S-300.

World War 3, Gun Control Front: Elitist Techies admit they want to ban guns! No more mobile purchases of guns!

14 May 2013 (21:59 UTC-07 Tango 13 May 2013)/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“By creating a Square Account, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities:…..(23) sales of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition;  or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury….”-Square

Quietly, about a week ago a mobile payment service called Square decided to ban all gun/weapon purchases.

Previously their gun/weapon purchase ban was in regards to internet purchases, now it applies anywhere.

Jack Dorsey, a co-founder of Twitter, swears it has nothing to do with the anti-gun/anti-Constitution policies of President Obama and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg.

However, Dorsey admits he loves New York mayor Bloomberg and would like to follow in his anti-Constitutional footsteps: “I think that Mayor Bloomberg has done an amazing job, and I and a lot of Silicon Valley look to him as a guiding light because he’s completely rethought what it means to be mayor.”


World War 3, Gun Control Front: DoJ & CDC Data proves Anti-Gun False Flaggers are full of shit!!!

14 May 2013 (21:39 UTC-07 Tango 13 May 2013)/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Going by the U.S. main streamer news media, and our exalted ‘elected’ leaders, you’d think the United States was being hit with record increased levels of gun violence.  Not so, according to the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In fact, the DoJ and CDC says the U.S. is experiencing record low levels of gun violence!!!

According to the Pew Research Center 56% of people living in the U.S. think gun violence is at an all time high.

According to the CDC and the DoJ, across the board gun violence is way down from the peak in 1993.   And the CDC data shows current gun violence rates are even lower than gun violence in 1981.  That includes intentional criminal violence and unintentional accidents!

Depending on which report you look at, the percent of murders by gun dropped 39-49% from 1993 to 2011!

Percent of criminal gun injuries dropped 69%!

And for those anti-gunners who want to go after individual sales at gun shows (like they’ve done in California) the stats prove their arguments fallacious.  Less than 2% of convicted gun using criminals acquired their gun at a gun show, and 40% got their guns from already illegal sources!!!

And for those anti-gunners who want to get rid of military type weapons (which is actually what the 2nd Amendment guarantees our right of access to) the DoJ data (Firearm Violence, 1993-2011) proves them full of shit.   Up to 90% of gun violence is done with a pistola!  Only 2% of state convicts, and 3% of federal convicts used military style weapons!

What’s also amazing is that many anti-gunners have been demanding the CDC study gun violence, well dummies, the CDC (16 states under the National Violent Death Reporting System, and WISQARS) has been studying gun violence!  It’s long been assumed by pro-gunners that the CDC was anti-gun and would skew any data they collected, but surprise, surprise, surprise.  The CDC data actually proves gun violence has been dropping!

The DoJ and CDC refuse to explain why gun violence has dropped. Could it have something to do with the ever increasing (and seemingly corresponding) gun ownership of Constitutional abiding U.S. citizens?


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 06 March 2013. No more Wendys? Teachers laid off & property taxes raised!

In New Mexico, Murray Hotel bankrupt.  The company owns the Silver City Murray Hotel, which was opened in 1938.  Company officials blame debt.

In Hawaii, Marriott is selling its Waikoloa Beach resort, affecting 315 employees!

In Nebraska, the Great Platte River Road Archway now bankrupt.  The history museum blames dwindling attendance on the bad economy.   However, many people say the Archway is difficult to get to, and critics say it’s more a theme park than museum.

T-Mobile lays off more than 100 people at its Bellevue, Washington,  headquarters!  The layoffs are a result of the merger with MetroPCS.  In 2012 T-Mobile cut 4200 jobs!

It was revealed that Greensboro College, in North Carolina, will layoff six employees.  Officials said the layoffs will help them end the school year in the black.

In New York, the Ramapo Central School District laying off 33 people, and ending summer school, field trips and the family resource center.

In New Jersey, the Bloomfield Board of Education introduced a budget that would see 86 teachers laid off. Class size will be increased by 40 students per one teacher.  The budget also increases the average homeowner’s property tax by $278 per year!  Also, BAE (a United Kingdom based government contractor) lays off an undisclosed amount of people at their Wayne operation.   BAE claims it has nothing to due with government spending cuts.

Managers of the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Independence, Missouri, are asking an undisclosed number of the 2600 employees to volunteer for layoffs.  Company officials say mandatory layoffs could also be upcoming.  They insist the layoffs are not connected to government spending cuts.

In Oregon, the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility laying off 117 employees!  It’s claimed all the chemical weapons at the facility have been destroyed.

In California, Circor Aerospace is closing its Sylmar operation, laying off 51 people.  Officials say it’s part of its consolidation plans.

IBM moving hundreds of Minnesota jobs to Mexico.

Tooele County, Utah, lays off 23 employees from the Parks and Recreation and Building Maintenance divisions.  It’s being blamed on the Deseret Peak Complex, which opened in 1999, and has been subsidized with taxpayer funds to the tune of $1.5 million USD every year.  Apparently it was hoped the entertainment/recreational Complex would become self supporting.

In Clarksville, Tennessee, Too Big to Jail Bank of America closing its 215 Legion Street office on 17 May. That’s according to local media who were notified by bank employees, however BofA officials refused to comment.

In Georgia, Comcast cable closing its Augusta call center.  68 to 78 people out-o-work.  Company officials said it was part of their plans to “….provide more specialized customer support.”  In Thomaston, Clearwater Paper shutting down its tissue converting and distribution facility. 150 people out-o-work! It’s part of their consolidation plans. In Covington, Wain & Co. Hair Design closed after 30 years in operation.

Publishing company, RR Donnelley & Sons going out of business in Ohio.  170 employees jobless!  Company officials blame the “changing market” and bad economy.

In Pennsylvania, historic Benkovitz Seafood shut down without notice or explanation.

In Arizona, the Bamboo Club Asian Bistro closed down because they could not renew their lease.

Wendys burger officials say because of the bad economy they will close 130 restaurants!  This despite the apparent success of their restaurant remodeling program. Officials claim that the restaurants that were remodeled have seen sales increase an average of 25%.  Perhaps that’s not enough?


H7N9 update: 132 cases, 35 deaths! Spreads to Singapore? Your chicken dinner to cost more?

13 May 2013 (08:53 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Rajab 1434/23 Ordibehest 1392/04 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

The latest reports out of China say 35 people have died out of 132 cases.  The National Health and Family Planning Commission says another person got infected in Jiangxi Province.  The report did not give any info about the new deaths.

In Singapore, the Health Ministry revealed that 11 people were suspected of having H7N9, as well as 24 people suspected of having coronavirus/MERS.  The ministry told Parliament that testing of birds was underway, and so far no sign of H7N9.  Singapore does not import live poultry.  The testing on the people suspected of being infected with the new viruses were negative.

Taiwan is reporting that their only human case is recovering.  They say there is no sign of the virus in his system, but his organs have been weakened so much that he must remain hospitalized, until they regain full strength.

At this point, China’s live poultry market ban has lost their economy $6.5 billion USD!

Commodity market analysts are expecting poultry prices to shoot up next month, because of the ongoing H7N9 infections.  Not only has China shut down live poultry markets, and culled tens of thousands of chickens and ducks, but many Asian countries have imposed poultry import bans.  The result is a shortage of poultry products in those Asian countries.

Those bans might help poultry prices come down in the countries of origin.  Example; Malaysia recently banned imports from Mexico and South Africa.  This should result in a glut of poultry in those countries.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel attacks Christians at Church of the Holy Sepulcher!

13 May 2013 (18:50 UTC-07 Tango 12 May 2013)/03 Rajab 1434/23 Ordibehest 1391/04 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“We, the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, watched with sorrowful hearts the horrific scenes of the brutal treatment of our clergy, people, and pilgrims in the Old City of Jerusalem during Holy Saturday…..A day of joy and celebration was turned to great sorrow and pain for some of our faithful because they were ill-treated by some Israeli policemen who were present around the gates of the Old City and passages that lead to the Holy Sepulcher.”-statement signed by leaders of the Roman Orthodox Church, the Latin Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church, the Custodian of the Holy Land, the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Ethiopian Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Maronite Church, the Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church, the Syriac Catholic Church, and the Armenian Catholic Church

Eastern Christian leaders are reporting that Israeli forces are blocking full access to the Church of Holy Sepulcher.  Eastern Christians celebrate Easter in May, and many reported being harassed and beaten by Israelis in Al Quds (Jerusalem).

On 09 May 2013, Israeli officials apologized to Egypt, for attacking Egyptian Christian diplomats, and a Coptic clergyman who was beaten unconscious, during the Coptic Easter Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

And just think of how many Western False (infidel) christians in the United States support Israel, as well as how much tax dollars the U.S. government gives to Israel!

World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria preps for offensive to take back Golan Heights!

13 May 2013 (18:28 UTC-07 Tango 12 May 2013)/03 Rajab 1434/23 Ordibehest 1391/04 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Golan is a Syrian Arab land and will remain so even if the Israeli army is stationing there! We have the right to enter it and go out of it whenever we want and in the way we like!Omran al-Zoubi, Syria’s Information Minister

The announcement by Syrian government officials comes one day after Israeli news media reported that Lebanese and Palestinian groups announced they will help Syria take back the Golan.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah stated: “…we stand with the Syrian popular resistance and offer material and spiritual support as well as coordination in order to liberate the Syrian Golan!”-Hassan Nasrallah

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated: “The leadership of the PFLP-GC announces that it will form brigades to work on liberating all violated [Israeli-occupied] territories, first and foremost the occupied Golan!”

The PFLP also said it was accepting volunteers from Syria for the new war with Israel.