B-47 engine nacelle at the Glenn Research Center Altitude Wind Tunnel, Ohio.
1953, crew of B-47A pose for photo after 1000th test mission.
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) B-47A, August 1953.
NACA B-47A, Edwards Air Force Base, August 1953. Nose probe for measuring airspeed, altitude, angle-of-attack and angle-of-sideslip, and an optigraph behind cockpit for measuring the movements of target lights on the wing and tail.
According to Boeing, only the XB-47, B-47A and B-47B had rocket assisted take off (RATO, officially and incorrectly called JATO jet assisted take off, they were rockets not jets).
Silent USAF film of RATO by B-47Bs during the National Air Show, from August to September 1955, over Pennsylvania:
Photo via Boeing.
Silent U.S. Air Force film, glass nosed B-47A gets refueled by KC-97:
Silent USAF film of refuel demonstration by KC-97 during the National Air Show, from August to September 1955, over Pennsylvania:
1000th B-47, an E model.
USAF film explaining how changes made to B-47E elevator trim tabs played a role in a crash, however they still blame the pilot:
Silent USAF film of formation flights during the National Air Show, from August to September 1955, over Pennsylvania. I left in scenes of three B-52s to show similarity of the silhouette:
Silent USAF film of landings by B-47Bs & Es during the National Air Show, from August to September 1955, over Pennsylvania:
RB-47E refuels from KC-97.
Silent USAF film, B-47 loses control while landing, crashes and burns:
YDB-47B carrying GAM-63 Rascal missile.
Pinecastle AFB, City of Winter Park wins Strategic Air Command competition, November 1957.
Old Blue, McKoy AFB, October 1959.
Hunter AFB, WB-47E City of Savannah Hurricane Hunter I, September 1963.
Very quick silent USAF color film of cockpit view from B-47 refueling from KC-135:
Spirit prepares to leave Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake on its final flight, 17JUN1986, photo by Technical Sergeant Michael Haggerty.
Final flight B-47E Spirit, 17JUN1986, photo by Technical Sergeant Michael Haggerty.
Spirit inbound to Castle AFB, 17JUN1986, photo by Technical Sergeant Michael Haggerty.
B-47E Spirit, 17JUN1986, photo by Staff Sergeant Robert Gillette.
The show is over for B-47E Spirit, 17JUN1986, photo by Staff Sergeant Robert Gillette.
Davis Monthan AFB, October 1988, photo by Senior Airman Alan R. Wycheck.
2018 USAF video, Little Rock Air Force Base does short history of B-47:
The Trucking and Bus Regulation is supposedly about the environmental impact of semi-trucks and busses, but there is another law known as AB5 (aka Gig Worker Law), it is the law that caused so much problems with home delivery service operations, such as Uber and Door Dash. On 05OCT2021, the Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear a challenge brought by a shipping company to California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5). The shipping company relies on what federal law calls ‘owner-operator’ truck drivers. There is another pending lawsuit by a different shipping company waiting to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.
19OCT2021, Mid-West truck driver posts video showing huge warehouse with plenty of open loading docks while at the same time truckers are being told they have to wait to unload, the result creates domino effect causing truckers to miss or cancel their next pick-ups, also, trucks are being refused entry for piddly paperwork reasons. Pay attention to the amount of open/not in use loading docks at this massive warehouse/distribution center:
Federal Department of Transportation (DoT) rules governing the trucking industry basically apply to truck drivers who cross state lines (interstate commerce), truck drivers who do not only have to comply with state laws.
On 14OCT2021, the gov’na of Idaho, along with the State Police, admitted to something most of us living in Eastern/Southeastern Idaho already knew; crime is indeed up because of illegal drugs trafficked by illegal immigrants!
In fact, Gov’na Brad Little went so far as to say little ol’ city of Pocatello was the ‘Gate City’ for the illegal drugs coming from Mexico, saying there’s “an arrow going right to Pocatello”, and “Of the drug trafficking organizations investigated last year, 96% identified Mexico as the source country for drugs trafficked into the region.” (Gate City is the unofficial name for Pocatello, I say unofficial because several decades ago the residents voted on adopting the nickname and they voted against it, yet the local news media keeps using it)
During the press conference, State Police trooper Sergeant Curt Sproat said “Since 2018, the Idaho State Police forensic lab has seen a more than a 200% increase in the amount of fentanyl…” :
Blind Bat News has been following the illegal drugs/illegal immigrant debacle in The Gem State of Idaho, and the rest of the world, for the past decade:
Japan’s Type-74 battle tank was designed in the 1960s and produced in the 1970s and ’80s (during the Cold War). It is to remain active with the Japan Ground Self Defense Forces (JGSDF) until 2024.
Camp Fuji, Japan, 16JUN2021, U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Scott Aubuchon.
USMC photo by Lance Corporal Scott Aubuchon, June 2021.
USMC photo by Lance Corporal Scott Aubuchon, June 2021.
USMC photo by Lance Corporal Scott Aubuchon, June 2021.
Camp Nihonbara, November 2020, USMC photo by Lance Corporal Tyler Harmon.
Camp Nihonbara, November 2020, USMC photo by Lance Corporal Tyler Harmon.
For the first time Japanese Type 74s invaded California’s Fort Irwin, in January 2014. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Chris McCullough.
U.S. Army video of Type 74 live-fire on Fort Irwin-National Training Center (NTC), California, January 2014:
NTC, California, January 2014, U.S. army photo.
NTC, California, January 2014, U.S. army photo.
Hijudai Maneuver Area, August 2012, USMC photo.
Mitsubishi Type 74 Main Battle Tank, Ojojihara Training Area, June 2001, U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Chance W. Haworth.
Ojojihara Training Area, June 2001, USMC photo by Lance Corporal Chance W. Haworth.
14 October 2021 (14:10-UTC-07 Tango 06) 22 Mehr 1400/07 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1443/09 Wu-Xu (9th month) 4719
Incomplete list of videos and links to reports proving your Queen’s English speaking Commonwealth of Nations officials either are idiots, or there is something sinister going on:
30% of pandemic infections involve fully vaccinated and even ‘double vaccinated’ people, vaccinated people are starting to ask why, news media downplays it, health officials are quietly worried that it is a bad sign yet continue to say vaccines are the best choice:
“If you refuse to be vaccinated you’re going to be fired.”-Muneeza Sheikh, employment lawyer
More and more law enforcement personnel across the United States are refusing to be force-vaccinated through mandates. Are vaccine mandates for police just a new way to ‘defund’ the police by getting rid of independent minded cops and not replacing them? Incomplete list of videos and links to news reports as of 13OCT2021:
MICHIGAN: Ann Arbor police union rebels again city mandated vaccines!
MISSISSIPPI: Lowndes County Sheriff pushes for vaccinations.
MISSOURI: Saint Louis County Police Department hit with vaccine mandate, fights back with lawsuit!
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Local news report inadvertently reveals that local vaccine mandates are about getting millions in federal taxpayer ‘mandate’ funding!
NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police joins two other unions to oppose vaccine mandates! Local news report tries to make them look irresponsible!
Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, highly incomplete list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 12 October 2021:
On 07OCT2021, the USCG assisted in the capture of ten illegals from Cuba, on Anguilla Cay, Bahamas. It should be noted that the USCG is now calling captures of illegals “rescues”!
USCG District 7 video of HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircrew dropping food, water and a radio to the illegal Cubans on Anguilla Cay, Bahamas:
Collier County reports that more than 30 illegals with documented criminal records have moved in:
IDAHO: Paradox; as The Gem State’s gov’na was in Texas to support an independent effort to control the border with Mexico, Idaho’s lieutenant gov’na orders the Idaho National Guard to the Texas border, now she is in trouble with the gov’na:
On 04OCT2021, the gov’na of Arkansas visited his state militia, helping the Texas National Guard to patrol the border with Mexico. Arkansas Army National Guard video by Second Lieutenant Charles Davis:
05OCT2021, Ohio gov’na visits National Guard on Texas border with Mexico:
06OCT2021, Georgia’s gov’na visits National Guard on Texas border with Mexico:
06OCT2021, nine gov’nas (from Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wyoming) join the Texas gov’na is announcing their own plan to fight the border invasion, video was recorded live:
Drug gangs attack National Guard position on Texas side of the border, U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel slams Biden:
It is looking more and more like the pandemic is just a power grab by a global cabal of control freaks. Incomplete list of videos and links to news reports as of 11 October 2021:
SOUTH AFRICA: Amazingly, despite the pandemic, and the fact that South Africa requires 12 months of ‘community service’ for healthcare workers, thousands of doctors, nurses, and student hygienists, have not been allowed to work!
The Hyundai Precision K1 (aka Type 88) was based on the Chrysler’s XM1, it is armed with the M68E1 105mm gun, which is identifiable by its ‘coffee can’ looking bore evacuator. The K1A1 is armed with a license built version of the Rheinmetall 120mm gun.
April 1987, prototype XK1 near the town of Yoju, photo by Staff Sergeant Arnold W. Kalmanson.
Twin Bridges Training Area, October/November 1998, U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant James Mossman.
Twin Bridges Training Area, October 1998, USAF photo by Technical Sergeant James Mossman.
March 2002, Twin Bridges Training Grounds, U.S. Navy photo by Journalist Petty Officer Second Class Stacy Young.
USN photo by Journalist Petty Officer Second Class Stacy Young.
March 2004, U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant D. Myles Cullen.
Camp Casey, Gyeonggi-do Province, March 2006, U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Christopher Kaufmann.
USA photo by Sergeant Christopher Kaufmann.
March 2006, K1 onboard U.S. Navy hovercraft, USA photo by Sergeant Christopher Kaufmann.
USA photo by Sergeant Christopher Kaufmann, K1 loading onto rail flat cars, March 2006.
USA photo by Sergeant Christopher Kaufmann, Camp Casey, March 2006.
August 2010, Camp Casey. In this USA photo by Sergeant Ryan Elliott, note the differences between the 120mm gunned M1A1 and the 105mm gunned K1.
April 2012, USA photo by Major Gabriel Zinni.
April 2012 U.S. Army video report, live fire gunnery with Stryker M1128 MGS and K1:
Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, March 2015, USA photo by Specialist Steven Hitchcock.
April 2017 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) video, by Staff Sergeant Braden Anderson, K1 platoon formation live fire of main gun and coax while on-the-move on Susŏng Ri live fire range:
USMC photo by Corporal Anthony Morales, March 2017, Susŏng Ri Range, Pohang.
USMC photo by Corporal Anthony Morales, March 2017, Susŏng Ri Range, Pohang.
March 2017 USMC video by Corporal Jordan Walker, overhead view of K1 live fire while ‘Sagger’ maneuvering (no audio from drone cam) on Susŏng Ri live fire range, from TC (Tank Commander) position including smoke grenade launches:
USMC photo by Corporal Anthony Morales, March 2017, Susŏng Ri Range, Pohang.
F-4E, April 2017, USAF photo by Senior Airman Colville McFee.
April 2017, U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Carlos Jimenez.
13APR2021, RoKAF promo video of the F-4E:
22APR2021, Kunsan Air Base, video report by Technical Sergeant Herbert-William Bracy, USAF’s Wolf Pack remembers the F-4E, still in use by Republic of Korea: