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“…a potential wipe out of an entire generation…”: Pandemic lockdowns prove to be worse than the Pandemic!

12 October 2020 / 10:27 (UTC-07 Tango 06)/ 21 Mehr 1399/24 Safar 1442/26 Bing-Xu 4718

Incomplete list of links to official reports from around the world:

David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for CoViD-19, warned in 08OCT2020 video interview, with the Spectator’s The Week in 60 Minutes, admits that nobody knows how to properly respond to CoViD and that lockdowns could be worse than the pandemic“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control…..  …..lockdowns have just one consequence….making poor people an awful lot poorer.”

This is from a UN WHO report about the economic realities of lockdowns and mass-testing, made public in July 2020: “In larger populations, however, such comprehensive surveillance may be impracticable or too costly and the test workload may rapidly outstrip capacity and resources….. long-term lockdowns may not be an option because economic necessity could preclude self-isolation.”

Despite what some leftist liberal environmentalists said about the pandemic lockdowns reducing pollution, the facts show the opposite happened! 


AUSTRALIA: Discriminatory lockdowns being imposed? 

JAPAN: Suicide Spike in Japan Shows Mental Health Toll of Covid-19

MALAWI: ‘Drastic rise’ in suicide rate linked to Covid economic downturn

UNITED KINGDOM: Local lockdowns dreamed up in London are causing nightmares for the rest of England

UNITED STATES: “You’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands.”-President Donald Trump, 24MAR2020, regarding a possible national lockdown



05OCT2020 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers video report, by Michael Glasch, revealing that responding to natural disasters is being made more complicated due to CoViD-19 restrictions:  

 The American Institute for Economic Research declares “COVID lockdowns unnecessary”

Arizona National Guard delivers a trailer full of food and supplies to the Navajo Nation, 06OCT2020.  Since the beginning of the outbreak the Arizona National Guard took over transportation of food throughout the state.

Arizona National Guard stock the shelves of a food pantry in Sun City, 09OCT2020.  Since the beginning of the outbreak in the U.S., the Arizona National Guard took over civilian food operations across the state.

  California university doctors say lockdowns are worse than the pandemic! 

A sign your system has failed; 08OCT2020 video report by Staff Sergeant Eddie Siguenza, California National Guard delivers record 100-million meals to people due to CoViD lockdown:

Pop-up food pantries a new tactic to fight CoViD lockdown food insecurity in Illinois.

  The Covid-19 pandemic will be outlasted by the grief pandemic — and no one is preparing for it

My 3-year-old was handling the pandemic well. Then his mom was diagnosed with cancer.

05OCT2020, Texas National Guard taking part in food growing operations in San Antonio, as part of Joint Task Force Longhorn.  Texas mobilized its Guard units in April 2020, for CoViD-19 response.
                                                                                                                                      Wisconsin reports 40 years of gender progress in employment erased by pandemic restrictions:“What we’re really facing is a potential wipe out of an entire generation of mothers’ careers…”-Joan Williams, University of California-Hastings Law, Center for WorkLife Law

Wisconsin blames CoViD-19 restrictions for more job layoffs and increased food insecurity.

Cybercriminals steal 8-billion tax dollars worth of Covid relief funds

U.S. airline industry already got 50-billion in taxpayer funded CoViD-19 support, now it demands another $25-billion, or else!



U.S. Army warns of new pandemic: CHIKrisk 2021

CoViD-19 Shenanigans

03 October 2020 / 03:48 (UTC-07 Tango 06)/ 12 Mehr 1399/15 Safar 1442/17 Bing-Xu 4718

Incomplete list of links to news reports from around the world:

United Nations World Health Organization now admits that harsh pandemic lockdowns cause more harm than the pandemic and “must be avoided at all costs.” 

Countries without CoViD infections are still being killed-off by CoViD restrictions in pandemic countries:

CHINA:  Hong Kong’s massive USD$68.4-million mass testing during its Third Wave now considered a waste of time and money!

GERMANY: Neanderthal gene increases risk of severe coronavirus illness


 INDIA: Experimental vaccine maker is somehow already producing millions of doses

Scientific contact tracing study discovers that children are the CoViD-19 super-spreaders!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CoViD-19 restrictions force migrant workers to flee                                                                                                                                                                                                Coronavirus Shatters India’s Economy

City of Mumbai discovers possible second CoViD-19 antibody

JAPAN: Fourth suicide by a Japanese star during COVID-19 highlights country’s crisis

Suicides among young women increasing sharply, government response to coronavirus blamed

Coronavirus government subsidy fraud on the rise

Retail store sales continue to crash and burn due to CoViD restrictions

National Center for Global Health and Medicine confirms that pre-existing medical problems are the main reason people are dying after getting infected with CoViD-19

PAKISTAN: Begins Phase-3 Trial of Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine

Is Covid-19 ‘herd immunity’ really working in Pakistan?                                                                                                                                                                                         Schizophrenic government response as on one hand all education facilities are re-opened, yet on the other hand restaurants are being forced to shutdown                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RUSSIA: ‘Mushrooms Have Kidnapped You’; Pandemic Obsession With Forest Fungi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Recovery of tourism industry will take at least two years once the pandemic is finished                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SWEDEN:

UNITED KINGDOM:  Study says loss of smell is best indicator that you are infected                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         UNTIED STATES: 50 Most Popular U.S. Restaurants That Won’t Reopen After the Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                           Idaho;     After 18 years the Golden Corral restaurant in Pocatello gave up the ghost, blaming CoVid-19,  adding another nail in the slow-death-economic-coffin for Pocatello.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, October 2020.

CoViD-19 fearmongering restrictions kill-off more restaurants in Eastern Idaho (some of those fearmongering restrictions are the fault of the restaurant owners themselves, one Asian style buffet in Pocatello is now open only four days per week and requires you to wear a mask, except when you are actually shoveling food into your mouth, and if you don’t have a mask they force you to buy one of theirs)

                                                                                                                                                          Pub owner in Western Idaho tries to be responsible in the age of CoViD, resulting in the permanent shutdown of the popular Irish gathering spot after 18 years “of fun”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Coronavirus Cases Rise In What Is Called Idaho’s Third Spike (Wave)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    State officials already developing CoViD vaccine distribution operation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Even god can’t stop the mormon owned BYU-Idaho from possible shutdown due to an invisible virus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Arrests made at church’s ‘psalm sing’ in Moscow, Idaho, over coronavirus violations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Man shutdown Idaho high school football game by refusing to wear a mask, yet in the photo you can see that even the responding cops, as well as other people, refused to wear masks!                                                                                                                                                                                                          Leftist group warns of new anti-pandemic lockdown organization based in Idaho                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Washington DC; President Trump gets experimental antibody cocktail to treat COVID-19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      President Trump is correct about suicides versus CoViD-19: “Every 1% hike in the unemployment rate will likely produce a 3.3% increase in drug overdose deaths and a 0.99% increase in suicides according to data provided by the National Bureau of Economic Research and the medical journal Lancet. These are facts based on experience, not models. If unemployment hits 32%, some 77,000 Americans are likely to die from suicide and drug overdoses as a result of layoffs. Scientists call these fatalities ‘deaths of despair’.Betsy McCaughey                                                                                                                                                                                                            VENEZUELA: Thanks Russia for 2-thousand experimental CoViD-19 vaccines
CoViD-19, April 2020:  ‘EXPERTS’ ADMITTING TO WHAT I ALREADY WARNED ABOUT, MASKS CAN’T PROTECT YOU!                                                                                                                                                                          March 2020: CoViD-19 fearmongering shuts down WINCO’s 24 hours grocery operations in Pocatello, Idaho

CoViD-19 can’t stop growing global tsunami of migrants! Where the hell are they coming from?

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations from August 2020 to the beginning of September 2020.

Leftist news sources want metro areas to become “true havens for climate migrants” advising How cities can prepare to support climate migrants.


Five years later hundreds of migrants still dying in the Mediterranean.

Five years on from boy’s tragic death, “refugee and migrant children worse off”.

Migrants rejected by European Union and deported to Tunisia are now fleeing to Libya.

“47% of surveyed refugees and migrants cited increased difficulty crossing borders as an impact of the coronavirus crisis…”

AUSTRALIA:  So desperate for skilled slave-wage workers that The Land Down Under is going to wave CoViD-19 restrictions for them

Revealed; real estate values were being propped-up by influx of migrants

State of Tasmania desperate for slave-wage migrant construction workers, blames CoViD-19

BANGLADESH: 80 Bangladeshis were arrested after they claimed they were tricked out of $4-thousand each, and into migrating to Vietnam for jobs that didn’t exist.  Apparently there is a Bangladeshi law that says you can’t embarrass the country by doing things like protesting over unemployment in other countries.  

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: ‘No Man’s Land’: Migrants, Refugees Stranded at a Bosnian Roadside

FRANCE: Council backs migrants who pitched tents in central Paris

GERMANY:  Leftist news media claims Five years after migrant crisis, integration is succeeding

GREECE: First case of CoViD-19 confirmed in migrant camp (you’d think by now there be hundreds, if not thousands, of infections)

 More than 10-thousand migrants blocked

Greece Is Dropping Migrants into the Sea — And Europe Is Turning a Blind Eye

INDIA: Government food program to feed slave-wage migrant workers slashed to starvation rations

ITALY: Troubles brew on Lampedusa as island bears brunt of migrant arrivals


Italy gives Sea-Watch-4 permission to bring 353 rescued migrants to Sicily

KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA: African migrants locked up in  coronavirus centers

KOSOVO:  U.S. Army National Guard units from Oregon and Texas are in Kosovo and, among other things like CoViD-19 response, are conducting joint border patrols with the Kosovo Border Police, in the municipality of Kamenicë (Kamenica). Photo by Captain Nadine Wiley De Moura.

LEBANON‘They Called Me ‘Slave’: Beirut Blast Exposes Migrant Workers’ Plight

MALDIVES:  Covid-19 Exposes Abuse of Migrants

MALTA: Illegals on tanker ship running out of food, threaten to jump

Prime Minister to spend 1-million Euros per month to detain illegals on cruise ship

PANAMA: 22-thousand illegals from around the world captured crossing the Panama-Colombia border in 2019

SINGAPORE: Migrants get help from new CoViD-19 phone application

SPAIN: Migrants trying to reach Europe pushed to deadly Atlantic


UNITED KINGDOM: Exhausted migrants wade to shore and collapse on beach – as 409 make journey across Channel too shatter new daily record


UNITED STATES: The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs is awarding a $250-thousand Technical Assistance Program grant to help domestic migrants (aka Compact Migrants) within the U.S. Pacific territories

ICE captures 2-thousand illegals over a five weeks period


Leftist New York Times claims After a Lull, the Number of Migrants Trying to Enter the U.S. Has Soared

Taxpayer funded security contractor housing immigrant children in hotels

Near Naco, Arizona, a new section of wall (San Pedro River Project) has been started under Section 284 of Title 10, U.S. Code:

On the top of the Tinajas Atlas Mountains, in Arizona, a new ‘border road’ was started on 05AUG2020.  Photo by George F. Jozens, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Photo by Jerry Glaser, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

From California to Texas, 3-hundred miles (483 kilometers) of new border wall sections were completed:

The U.S. Coast Guard reports capturing 16 illegals from Bahamas near the Hanover Inlet of Florida, 12AUG2020. One human trafficker (smuggler) was detained.  The illegals were returned to Bahamas.  Photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandon Murray.

Near the coast of Marathon, Florida, the U.S. Coast Guard captured 20 illegals from Cuba, 19AUG2020.  The U.S. Coast Guard reports a huge drop in illegals coming from Cuba; so far this fiscal year only 140 have been captured, compared to the 482 in fiscal 2019.

Idaho PBS reveals refugees from Democratic Republic of Congo are now one of the main groups arriving in Idaho.

In the state of Michigan, National Guard personnel are being used to test migrant farm workers for CoViD-19.  This is the result of the state Department of Health and Human Services issuing an emergency order at the beginning of August, requiring that all agricultural and food processing workers who are living in migrant housing camps must be tested for CoViD-19 within 48 hours of entering the state.  The program is taxpayer funded and involves the Michigan National Guard because apparently a lot of Guard personnel speak Spanish: “We do have a large migrant population as well in our community, because of our influx of migrant workers during the summer and fall months. So having somebody who does speak Spanish is important because it gives them access too.”-Heather Alberda, Ottawa County Department of Public Health

On 07AUG2020, the U.S. Coast Guard captured this boat with 16 illegals from Dominican Republic, near Puerto Rico. The illegals were sent back to their home country.

16AUG2020, the U.S. Coast Guard claims this boat was packed with 52 illegals from Dominican Republic, heading to Puerto Rico.  On 17AUG2020 the illegals were handed over to the Armada de Republica Dominicana.


Texas Army National Guard assist with operations at border checkpoints, 14AUG2020.  Photo by Staff Sergeant DeJon Williams.

Texas Army National Guard performs maintenance on U.S. Border Patrol vehicles.

14AUG2020, pilots at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, conducted a CoViD-19 flight carrying flags to honor the members of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection killed by CoViD-19. Photo by Senior Airman Anne McCready.

VENEZUELA: 100-thousand would be illegal immigrants halted by CoViD-19






Drunken Cobra Recovery: Pre-Pandemic N95 Mask wearing?

AH-1W (Alpha Hotel-One Wiskey) Super-Cobra.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal Carley Vedro, 17OCT2019.

Checking for booby-traps planted near an abandoned AH-1W Super Cobra.

USMC photo by Corporal Carley Vedro, 17OCT2019.

Aircraft recovery training at Twentynine Palms, California, 17OCT2019.

USMC photo by Corporal Carley Vedro, 17OCT2019.

Interesting, this recovery training took place in October 2019, yet all the Marines in this pic are wearing N95 masks! The information that came with these pics did not explain why they are wearing N95 masks.  N95 masks are not just for medical use, they are also used in various industries for protection against microscopic particles.

USMC photo by Corporal Koby I. Saunders, 09MAY2018.

Recovery ops, Twenty Nine Palms, May 2018.

USMC photo by Corporal Koby I. Saunders, 09MAY2018.

USMC photo by Corporal Koby I. Saunders, 09MAY2018.

USMC photo by Corporal Koby I. Saunders, 09MAY2018.

USMC photo by Corporal Koby I. Saunders, 09MAY2018.

USMC photo by Staff Sergeant Kowshon Ye, 07NOV2017.

Aircraft salvage and recovery/refueling training at Twentynine Palms, 07NOV2017.

Video, Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 373 explains Viper recovery training during Integrated Training eXercise 3-17:

The Super Cobra in this video was the subject of a Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel mission (TRAP mission) in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in June 2011.  The AH-1W had one of its two turbines quit working and a new engine was installed.  The video is of the start-up and take-off after the new turbine was installed:

Most U.S. Marine AH-1W Super Cobras were ‘retired’ by the end of 2019, being resurrected as upgraded AH-1Z Vipers.




“Insidious” infection onboard USS Kidd, crew replaced?

You might have heard about the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) with the controversial administrative treatment of the commander who tried to warn of the CoViD-19 infection, and that the crew was replaced while docked in Guam, but what about the USS Kidd (DDG 100)?

28APR2020, USS Kidd (not to be confused with World War Two era USS Kidd DD 661, or Cold War era USS Kidd DDG 993) arrives in San Diego, California, for quarantine.  Video of arrival:

On 06MAY2020, U.S. Naval Institute News reported a “insidious” outbreak aboard USS Kidd, and just like their silly-vilian counterparts, the U.S. Navy is using mathematical ‘models’ to guesstimate the spread of CoViD-19: “When we started out this process, I started to say it was an algebra problem for us. Then it became differential equations, and then it went to multivariable calculus, and in many respects now it’s almost theoretical physics trying to figure out what is the right thing to do.”-Vice Admiral Richard Brown, commander of Naval Surface Forces and Naval Surface Force Pacific

The latest USN information revealed that while docked in San Diego most of the crew of USS Kidd was replaced (aka Crew Swap).  A skeleton crew was initially left aboard for daily operations, until a ‘caretaker crew’ could take over.

The caretaker crew is conducting ‘strategic deep-cleaning’ and daily operations of the ship.  As of 18MAY2020, 90 of the original crew tested negative for CoViD-19 (multiple times) and were allowed back onboard: “Before we clear any Sailor to return to the ship, they must receive two separate negative test results.”-Vice Admiral Richard Brown, commander of Naval Surface Forces and Naval Surface Force Pacific

Video, initial medical screening of USS Kidd personnel in San Diego, on 28APR2020:

The first influenza-like illnesses showed up in early April while the USS Kidd was taking part in counter-drug-running operations in the Eastern Pacific and Caribbean.

On 06APR2020, USS Kidd personnel were making their own cloth masks, and trying as best they could on a crowded ship to maintain social-distance.  By April 22nd a Sailor had to be medevac-ed off the ship, the next day additional medical staff arrived to begin testing the crew.

Deep cleaning of the USS Kidd is expected to continue until the end of May.

Apache fights through Pandemic

U.S. Army ‘Rotary Wing Assets’, including Apaches, aboard USS Lewis B. Puller (the first of its kind mobile helicopter base-ship) somewhere in the Persian Gulf, 15APR2020.

The 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, is deploying to Europe to take part in anti-Russia operation Atlantic Resolve.  Video, AH-64 Apache live fire, 01MAY2020, Fort Campbell Kentucky:

Also deploying from Fort Campbell, the 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment took-off for South Korea. It is considered a routine ‘rotational’ deployment.

Ignoring CoViD-19 ‘social distancing’ and mask wearing advise, hundreds of family members turned out to say goodbye to Utah Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment, as it deployed for a year long combat mission in Afghanistan.

National Guard personnel conduct Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP) training at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, South Carolina, 13MAY2020.

Video, 18 AH-64s of the 1-3rd Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade fly over Bavaria, Germany, 19MAY2020:

12th Combat Aviation Brigade video explainer (with happy background music); how the AH-64D Apache Longbow can kill you:

Pandemic Overflight: A-10C (FOR COVID?) THUNDERBOLT-2

Idaho National Guard’s A-10s suddenly deployed to Middle East during Pandemic OverFlights





Vehicle I-D: EA-6B Prowler upclose & thirsty

Video, 28th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker refuels Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 2 (VMAQ-2) EA-6B over Iraq, June 2018:

Video, night refueling over Persian Gulf, June 2018:

Video, EA-6B Prowler assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1) gets fuel from a KC-130 near Welton, Arizona, 05OCT2017:

Over Iraq, August 2017.

Video, somewhere over The Middle East, KC-10 Extender refuels EA-6B, July 2016:

Off the coast of North Carolina, refueled by KC-130J Super Hercules, September 2015.

Gulf of Alaska, June 2015.

U.S. Marine Corps EA-6B Prowler refueling over Afghanistan, 30DEC2014.

September 2011, Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 139 EA-6B gets fuel from Strike Fighter Squadron 154 F/A-18E Super Hornet.

Video, refueling over Afghanistan, May 2011:

Somewhere over The Middle East, May 2011.

Video, refueling over Iraq, May 2011:

Over Afghanistan, March 2011.

Being refueled by F/A-18E Super Hornet over Austria, March 2009.

Refueled by S-3B Viking off the coast of Japan, March 2008.

Refueling over Kyrgyzstan, March 2006.



Pandemic Overflight: KC-135

Hi-Tech Fail: XQ-58A, the other Valkyrie, already a failed museum piece?

On 23JAN2020, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and Kratos Defense & Security Solutions (Kratos) conducted a successful 4th flight of the XQ-58A low-cost, long-range attack ‘drone’ (Low Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology), over the U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Grounds (YPG) in Arizona.

Length 9.14m, wingspan 8.2m, dry weight 1134kg, maximum take-off weight 2722kg.  Internal bomb-bay with two GBU-39 bombs, wings will have hard points for weapons, maximum payload of 544kg.  Turbofan engine producing 2000lb thrust.

“The Valkyrie is a remarkable accomplishment requiring a highly collaborative approach to meet the program’s performance and cost objectives, all while achieving first flight in 30 months.”-Doug Szczublewski, AFRL, November 2019

Apparently one of the innovations of the XQ-58A team is the creation of an 11-feet long air intake duct made with resins.

Kratos representatives say the XQ-58A and its launcher can fit inside a standard Conex shipping container.  (USAF finds new use for Conex: NEGATIVE PRESSURE FLYING HOSPITALS?)

Short silent video from the first flight, 05MAR2019, over YPG:

In October 2019 the new Valkyrie crashed while landing, high-speed winds and failure of the ‘recovery system’ being blamed.  Supposedly it does not need a paved runway to land on (using parachutes and airbags), and can conduct a wide-range of missions (surveillance, reconnaissance and long-range combat) at far less the cost of current unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV, aka drones).

Second test flight on 11JUN2019. USAF photo.

It is also hoped that it can act as an unmanned wingman for piloted, and super expensive, F-35 aircraft (by encrypted data link).  The USAF has been very quiet about this new aircraft, so far releasing only a couple of pics and the short silent video.   Despite 2019’s crash, production has already started: “We are leaning forward here, ahead of the expected contract awards as we are highly confident that receipt of initial Valkyrie production contracts is not if, but when….”-Eric DeMarco, Kratos

U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, 09DEC2020. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Joshua King.

USAF video, from December 2020, admitting that the XQ-58A was a failure:

During the 09DEC2020 test, the F-35 Lightning-2, and an F-22 Raptor, were supposed to be able to ‘communicate’ with their unmanned wingman, the XQ-58A. It didn’t work. Photo via Air Force Magazine.

In July 2021, the ‘advanced’ XQ-58 Valkyrie suddenly became a museum piece in the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. USAF photo by Ty Greenlees.

The company that made the XQ-58A (with taxpayer funding) still lists it as one of their available products.  According to a July 2022 U.S. Air Force Magazine article, two more XQ-58A drones are being used in the Skyborg program (TERMINATOR: NEW F-16/X-62 SKYBORG), interestingly the decision to do so came at the end of 2020.

Vehicle I-D: XB-70A VALKYRIE

Pandemic Perfidy: Negative Pressure Flying Hospitals, wait didn’t we use those before, Viet Nam?

U.S. Air Force personnel of the 379th Expeditionary Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron simulate transporting COVID-19 patients on a static C-130 Hercules aircraft during training on the Negative Pressurized Conex- Lite (NPC-L) at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. USAF photo by Senior Airman Ashley Perdue, 07AUG2020.

“This is unlike anything we’ve seen in the Air Force….. ….This is a crazy effort.”-Captain Conner Favo, 28th Test & Evaluation Squadron, a famous last words statement as a similar device was used during Viet Nam (see below)

Travis AFB, California. USAF photo by Lan Kim, 05AUG2020.

A multi-agency team involving the U.S. Department of Defense, contractors and universities, has been preparing for massive aeromedical evacuation operations of pandemic victims (prior to the Pandemic, some how), and has developed what it calls Negative Pressure Conex (NPC) containers to isolate those future victims in while being flown to military hospitals.

“The team in the 28th TES is no stranger to bio-containment. We provided this support when developing the Transportation Isolation System for the Ebola crisis, and we’re making every effort to ensure our fellow service members have safe transportation during these times.”-Captain Conner Favo, 28th Test & Evaluation Squadron

Video, NPC testing on the ground:


They modified a steel cargo container known as a Conex (most often seen on cargo ships and tractor-trailer rigs) with an air conditioning system to create a negative pressure inside the Conex while being flown on a C-17 Globemaster-3 or C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft.  This is considered important to be able to keep the positive pressurized aircraft and its crew from being contaminated.

NPC testing on Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Chris Drzazgowski, 01MAY2020.

Video, NPC testing onboard C-17 transport:

NPC testing on Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Chris Drzazgowski, 01MAY2020.

The NPC is designed to transport up to 28 victims and medical personnel.

NPC-Lite system loaded inside a C-130 Hercules, on Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. U.S. Army photo by Brian Feeney, 13JUN2020.

Official USAF video report:


Testing was done in April/May of 2020, by the personnel of 437th Airlift Wing, at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina.  Other U.S. Air Force units involved include the Agile Combat Support Directorate and the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) Defense Systems Branch.

U.S. Army Contracting Command slashed a 4-month contracting award process to just 7 days, with delivery of the prototype in only 13 days at an approximate cost of $2-million.  The first operational NPCs are expected to go into use by the end of May 2020.

USAF photo sometime between March & April 1973, Clark Air Base, Philippines.

Realize that a lot of tax dollars have been spent on this not so new technology that is being sold as innovative.  I say not so new, because back in the early 1970s the USAF used a similar ‘NPC’ on a C-141A Starlifter.

USAF photo sometime between March & April 1973, Clark Air Base, Philippines.

It was called Special Aerial Medical Care Unit (SAMCU), and could be environmentally controlled.  However, the USAF had only one SAMCU, based in the Philippines, in case it was needed to evacuate extremely wounded personnel from Viet Nam. When looking at the photos of the SAMCU, notice how similar it looks to the ‘new’ NPC.


Going Viral: THE NEW TASK FORCE 31


Idaho militia’s European deployment canceled, suddenly deployed to Middle East

Ostensibly the deployment of Idaho Army National Guard’s ‘Snake River’ 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team to Europe was canceled due to Coronavirus fears. Yet, seemingly without warning, Idaho Air National Guard’s 124th Fighter Wing, and 190th Fighter Squadron, was suddenly deployed to ‘somewhere’ in the Middle East.

Idaho Air Guard’s A-10C Thunderbolt-2s fly alongside USAF F-15E Eagles from Mountain Home AFB, 15MAY2020.

124th personnel began deploying on 11MAY2020, but several Idaho A-10Cs took part in a supposed CoViD-19 morale boosting fly-over of Idaho cities, along with U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles from Mountain Home Air Force Base, on 15MAY2020.

The deployment, to an undisclosed location for an undisclosed amount of time, of more than 4-hundred personnel makes it the second largest deployment for the 124th Fighter Wing.

Idaho’s 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team, which includes personnel from Oregon, Montana and Nevada, was to deploy between 3-thousand to 4-thousand-4-hundred (depending on the news source) soldiers to take part in NATO’s Defender Europe 2020 wargames, but that was suddenly canceled in March due to CoViD-19. 

The deployment would have made the 2020 Defender Europe wargames the third largest wargames in Europe since the end of the Cold War.  However, Defender Europe 2020 was not halted and just got the ‘green light’.  

March 2020: Idaho’s Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) train with horses for first time, to call in A-10C airstrikes on Idaho ‘rebels’?