12 October 2020 / 10:27 (UTC-07 Tango 06)/ 21 Mehr 1399/24 Safar 1442/26 Bing-Xu 4718
Incomplete list of links to official reports from around the world:
David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for CoViD-19, warned in 08OCT2020 video interview, with the Spectator’s The Week in 60 Minutes, admits that nobody knows how to properly respond to CoViD and that lockdowns could be worse than the pandemic: “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control….. …..lockdowns have just one consequence….making poor people an awful lot poorer.”
This is from a UN WHO report about the economic realities of lockdowns and mass-testing, made public in July 2020: “In larger populations, however, such comprehensive surveillance may be impracticable or too costly and the test workload may rapidly outstrip capacity and resources….. long-term lockdowns may not be an option because economic necessity could preclude self-isolation.”
Despite what some leftist liberal environmentalists said about the pandemic lockdowns reducing pollution, the facts show the opposite happened!
AUSTRALIA: Discriminatory lockdowns being imposed?
JAPAN: Suicide Spike in Japan Shows Mental Health Toll of Covid-19
MALAWI: ‘Drastic rise’ in suicide rate linked to Covid economic downturn
UNITED KINGDOM: Local lockdowns dreamed up in London are causing nightmares for the rest of England
UNITED STATES: “You’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands.”-President Donald Trump, 24MAR2020, regarding a possible national lockdown
05OCT2020 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers video report, by Michael Glasch, revealing that responding to natural disasters is being made more complicated due to CoViD-19 restrictions:
The American Institute for Economic Research declares “COVID lockdowns unnecessary”
Arizona National Guard delivers a trailer full of food and supplies to the Navajo Nation, 06OCT2020. Since the beginning of the outbreak the Arizona National Guard took over transportation of food throughout the state.
Arizona National Guard stock the shelves of a food pantry in Sun City, 09OCT2020. Since the beginning of the outbreak in the U.S., the Arizona National Guard took over civilian food operations across the state.
California university doctors say lockdowns are worse than the pandemic!
A sign your system has failed; 08OCT2020 video report by Staff Sergeant Eddie Siguenza, California National Guard delivers record 100-million meals to people due to CoViD lockdown:
Pop-up food pantries a new tactic to fight CoViD lockdown food insecurity in Illinois.
The Covid-19 pandemic will be outlasted by the grief pandemic — and no one is preparing for it
My 3-year-old was handling the pandemic well. Then his mom was diagnosed with cancer.
04OCT2020, video report by Staff Sergeant Bradley Tipton, U.S. Reserve military units from Florida talk about sudden call-up to deploy to NYC for new massive lockdown operations:

Wisconsin blames CoViD-19 restrictions for more job layoffs and increased food insecurity.
Cybercriminals steal 8-billion tax dollars worth of Covid relief funds
U.S. Army warns of new pandemic: CHIKrisk 2021