Tag Archives: u.s.

Idaho’s Snake River Militia captures U.S. Army ForsCom!

After five days of grueling events, on 18AUG2023 U.S. Army Forces Command (ForsCom) announced the winner of its Best Squad competition; Idaho Army National Guard’s 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team (‘Snake River Brigade’)!

Idaho Army National Guard’s Specialist Christian Brown takes the lead during the 12-mile Ruck March, 18AUG2023. U.S. Army photo by Specialist Jaidon Novinska.

The winning squad is specifically from Idaho’s 2nd-116th Cavalry Regiment, made up of Staff Sergeant Joshua Hutchings, Sergeant Douglas Kenz-Woods, Specialist Evan Skaug, Specialist David Hann, and Specialist Christian Brown.  They are now prepping for the overall U.S. Army Best Squad Competition, in September 2023.

ForsCom Command Sergeant Major Todd Sim, congratulates the Squad from the ‘Snake River Brigade’, during a ceremony on Fort Campbell, Kentucky. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Elizabeth Rundell, 18AUG2023.

Jumping out of a perfectly good Cold War era CH-47, with no parachute! U.S. Army video (edited by me to show mainly Idaho’s Squad number 8) of the Helocast test near Dover, Tennessee, 15AUG2023:

U.S. Army video by Specialist Mason Nichols, showing the ForsCom Best Squad Fortitude Fitness Test (it should be called the Ma-Duce Fitness Test, ’cause your squad runs carrying more than a hundred pounds of machinegun), 16AUG2023:

The big win for Idaho came just a couple of weeks after winning U.S. Army Central’s (ArCent) Best Squad competition (IDAHO SNAKE RIVER SQUAD; ‘PATTON’S OWN’ CHOSEN ONES!).

U.S. Disaster: Oregon preps for WMDs & HazMat ‘incidents’ at Global sporting events?

Oregon Army National Guard Photo by Major W. Chris Clyne, 16AUG2023.

On 16AUG2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Protective Service (FPS) Police and the Oregon National Guard’s 102nd Civil Support Team joined with the city of Eugene Police Department and Fire Department, as well as other organizations, conducted training to prepare for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) threats and other hazardous incidents at sporting events.

It’s not the first time: “Our partnership that we have with the Oregon National Guard, specifically the 102nd Civil Support Team, they’ve been supporting us for the past five U.S. Olympic trials and World Games.”-Sergeant Damian San Miguel, Eugene Police Department bomb squad

Don’t forget to decontaminate your dog during a HazMat event! Oregon Army National Guard Photo by Major W. Chris Clyne, 16AUG2023.

Sergeant Damian San Miguel explains ‘JHAT’ (Joint Hazard Assessment Team) bomb squad training for sporting events, beginning in 2008 (video interview by Major W. Chris Clyne):

Oregon Army National Guard Photo by Major W. Chris Clyne, 16AUG2023.

This year’s training took place in the Autzen Stadium, located north of the University of Oregon (The Big O).

Oregon National Guard First Sergeant Robert McCree explains the training for such a catastrophic scenario (video report by Major W. Chris Clyne & Staff Sergeant Tyler Meister):

Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington make-up U.S. FPS Region 10, with its HQ in Portland, Oregon.



U.S. Disaster: FEMA response, Lahaina Fire!

FEMA photo by Dominick Del Vecchio, 16AUG2023.

On 16AUG2023, more supplies for wildfire survivors arrived on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) staging area, on Maui.

FEMA photo by Dominick Del Vecchio, 16AUG2023.

Volunteer with World Central Kitchen organizes cooking supplies delivered to the FEMA staging area.

FEMA photo by Dominick Del Vecchio, 15AUG2023.

On 15AUG2023, the FEMA opened a ‘one-stop-shop’ on the island of Maui for disaster survivors.

On 14AUG2023, the FEMA released this video of their Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) dogs in action. The K9 (canine) units deployed from states such as California, New York and Washington. Video by Dominick Del Vecchio:

FEMA photo by Dominick Del Vecchio, 14AUG2023.

On 14AUG2023, the FEMA began registering survivors for Disaster Survivor Assistance.

On 14AUG2023, the FEMA released this video showing that power lines are down all through out Lahaina. Cadaver dogs (K9s, canines) had to work around the Hawaiian Electric utility crews who were trying to secure the power lines. Video by Dominick Del Vecchio:

FEMA photo by Dominick Del Vecchio, 13AUG2023.

On 13AUG2023, the first of 32 large electricity generators arrived at the FEMA staging area, on Maui.

FEMA photo by Dominick Del Vecchio, 11AUG2023.

On 11AUG2023, the FEMA met with state agencies to coordinate the disaster response.

On 10AUG2023, the FEMA declared Disaster Response/Recovery-4724-Hawaii (DR-4724-HI). The DR-4724-HI web-site helps explain the application process for recovery assistance/loans.

U.S. Disaster, 2023: LAHAINA FIRE, JTF-50 DEPLOYS!

Chubbuck Days, 2023: U.S. Navy deploys Mini-Sub to Landlocked Idaho!

USS Idaho Commissioning Committee

The large scale miniature of USS Idaho SSN 799 was towed onto Chubbuck’s Cotant Park, on 12AUG2023.

Kawaii, February 2023: U.S. NAVY DEPLOYS USS IDAHO TO…IDAHO?


Chubbuck Days, August 2023: INDIAN MOTORCYCLE

U.S. Disaster: Lahaina Fire, JTF 5-0 deploys!

16 August 2023 (12:44-UTC-07 Tango 06) 25 Mordad 1402/29 Muharram 1445/01 Geng-Shen(7th month) 4721/16 Август 2023 года

Joint Task Force 5-0 (JTF 5-0) is a unit consisting of personnel from the various Department of Defense branches, and part of the U.S. Fifth Fleet command.

Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Matthew A. Foster, 15AUG2023.

Hawaii Army National Guard video, by Staff Sergeant Matthew A. Foster, showing Lahaina fire devastation as of 15AUG2023, even the boats in the harbor burned:

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal Brandon Aultman, 14AUG2023.

On 14AUG2023, Hawaiian Army National Guard personnel joined with Regular Army (RA) and Army Reserve units in deploying to Maui, under JTF 5-0, aboard a U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) KC-130J from Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Oahu, to the Kahului Airport on Maui. Hawaii Army National Guard video by Staff Sergeant Matthew A. Foster:

USMC photo by Lance Corporal Logan Beeney, 14AUG2023.

On 13AUG2023, the Hawaii Army National Guard used their Cold War era CH-47 Chinooks to transport dozens of JTF 5-0 Army National Guard, Regular Army (RA) and Army Reserve personnel from Kualoa Airfield, on the island of Oahu, to the Puunene Armory on the island of Maui. Hawaii Army National Guard video by Specialist Sean Walker & Specialist Tonia Ciancanelli (no audio at beginning of video):


Chubbuck Days, 2023: Indian Motorcycle

I’ve been attending Chubbuck Days since 1998, the previous Chubbuck Days car show was in 2016, with much reduced participation and many of the vehicles being for sale.

Chubbuck Days, 2023: NOT ‘MY1967’ MUSTANG!

After 2016, the so-called neighborhood improvement projects blocked access to Cotant Park, along with the park’s playground and tennis courts being ripped-up and replaced by a parking lot (also, the substitute park chosen for Chubbuck Days was too small to accommodate a car show), with the projects completed just in time for the ‘Pland-emic’ Paranoia which resulted in the cancelation of all local public events.

Chubbuck Days, 2016: MASS BAPTISM BY FIRE….TRUCK!


Chubbuck Days, 2023: Not ‘My1967’ Mustang!

It’s not my ’67 Mustang, but wouldn’t it be nice if it was?  Fashionably late, to impress a grand entrance.

Seatbelts were optional back then.

Chubbuck Days, 2023: SON OF BIG FOOT?

I’ve been attending Chubbuck Days since 1998, the previous Chubbuck Days car show was in 2016, with much reduced participation and many of the vehicles being for sale.

After 2016, the so-called neighborhood improvement projects blocked access to Cotant Park, along with the park’s playground and tennis courts being ripped-up and replaced by a parking lot (also, the substitute park chosen for Chubbuck Days was too small to accommodate a car show), with the projects completed just in time for the ‘Pland-emic’ Paranoia which resulted in the cancelation of all local public events.

Chubbuck Days, 2016: MASS BAPTISM BY FIRE….TRUCK!


Chubbuck Days, 2023: Son of Big Foot?

A relative of Sasquatch, it took part in the return of the car show at the 12AUG2023 Chubbuck Days, in Cotant Park, Chubbuck, Idaho.

“How ya doin’?”:

Chubbuck Days, 2023: 1979 CORVETTE L82, DECADE OLD ‘VETERAN’ OF THE SHOW!

I’ve been attending Chubbuck Days since 1998, the previous Chubbuck Days car show was in 2016, with much reduced participation and many of the vehicles being for sale.

After 2016, the so-called neighborhood improvement projects blocked access to Cotant Park, along with the park’s playground and tennis courts being ripped-up and replaced by a parking lot (also, the substitute park chosen for Chubbuck Days was too small to accommodate a car show), with the projects completed just in time for the ‘Pland-emic’ Paranoia which resulted in the cancelation of all local public events.

Chubbuck Days, 2016: MASS BAPTISM BY FIRE….TRUCK!


Pandemic Perfidy/Operation Jupiter: Government ordered cover-up of Chinese ‘Gain-of-Function’ Labs, FDA issues warning!

14 August 2023 (08:42-UTC-07 Tango 06) 23 Mordad 1402/27 Muharram 1445/28 Geng-Shen 4721/14 Август 2023 года

Not only did several federal and state level agencies order the local officials in Fresno County to hush-up the discovery of the illegal Universal Meditech (aka UMI) bio-lab in the city of Reedley, but it has been revealed that the first ‘discovery’ of the lab in Reedley was made in October 2020, and there is more than one lab in California!

On 11AUG2023, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) ordered the public to stop using pregnancy related tests made by Universal Meditech! The FDA says it is because the Chinese owned company suddenly halted production and refuses to provide support for those tests!

On 09AUG2023, KMPH TV reports that emails and public testimony reveal federal & state agencies (as many as 20, including the FBI) ordered a cover-up, knew about Universal Meditech lab operations as early as October 2020, the Chinese owned company was previously “kicked out” of Canada and Texas:

On 09AUG2023, KSEE24 TV reported that Fresno County’s efforts to obtain abatement warrants were being thwarted by the Chinese lab operators and local courts. Even now, residents of Reedley are still not fully aware of what is going on:

On 09AUG2023, KGET TV reported that the Chinese owned Universal Meditech lab in Reedley got $150-thousand in federal taxpayer funded PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loans, those loans were later ‘forgiven’ meaning they did not have to pay them back:

On 07AUG2023, KSEE24 TV revealed another Chinese operated lab in the city of Tulare, owned by the same company, with history going back to 2015:

On 16JAN2023, Universal Meditech issued a recall of its ‘Skipjack’ CoViD-19 test kits!


In 2015, I discovered an actual U.S. military operation called JUPITR-ATD, essentially it was all about A SMALL PART OF A LARGER MILITARY OPERATION SPREADING DISEASE AT A HOSPITAL NEAR YOU, admittedly as a way of preparing for new forms of biological warfare!

Chubbuck Days, 2023: 1979 Corvette L82, decade old ‘veteran’ of the show!

This 1979 Chevy L82 Corvette has appeared at many Chubbuck Days car shows, the first time I saw it was in 2010.  It took part in the return of the car show at the 12AUG2023 Chubbuck Days, in Cotant Park, Chubbuck, Idaho.

I’ve been attending Chubbuck Days since 1998, the previous Chubbuck Days car show was in 2016, with much reduced participation and many of the vehicles being for sale.

Chubbuck days, 2023: SKULL-T-ROD

After 2016, the so-called neighborhood improvement projects blocked access to Cotant Park, along with the park’s playground and tennis courts being ripped-up and replaced by a parking lot (also, the substitute park chosen for Chubbuck Days was too small to accommodate a car show), with the projects completed just in time for the ‘Pland-emic’ Paranoia which resulted in the cancelation of all local public events.

Chubbuck Days, 2016: MASS BAPTISM BY FIRE….TRUCK!


Pocatello Airport Car Show, 2014:

Ole Blue was there!

Chubbuck Days, 2010:

1979 L82 Chevy Corvette

See the first photos I made of the 1979 L82 Corvette.