Tag Archives: pakistan

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 01 – 04 March 2013. More drone strikes! Yet more of your tax money being spent! Civilians killed by U.S. led ISAF on the increase! Suicide attacks now approved!

04 March 2013/21 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/14 Esfand 1391

In Farah Province, an eight years old boy tending the family’s sheep was killed by U.S. led ISAF drone strike. It happened in the Aab Solakh area of Pusht Rod district.

In Badghis Province, two mercenaries (Arbaki) joined the Mujahideen.

In Uruzgan Province, the mayor of Chora district, and a trainer for a local police academy,  were wounded after they drove over a landmine.  They were medivaced out. Also in Chora district, an ISAF armored vehicle hit a landmine and was destroyed.

03 March 2013/20 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/13 Esfand 1391

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen attacked a police supply convoy.  Various reports say the battle lasted several hours, resulting in between six and 15 people killed and 12 wounded.  Two trucks were destroyed.

In Kabul City, body guards of a politician open fired on a civilian vehicle killing a woman, and wounding two men inside.  They later admitted they mistook the car as a militant vehicle, because it failed to stop at a local police checkpoint.   Local police had warned the body guards that there might be an attack on the politician.

U.S. led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announced they will spend $11 million USD on rebuilding Salang tunnel. Of course that money is coming from taxes paid by the people of the various countries involved with ISAF.

02 March 2013/19 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/12 Esfand 1391

In Paktia Province, two Afghan National Army troops joined the Mujahideen.

Reports that a civilian contractor working for ISAF in southern Afghanistan, has been killed in an explosion. No details given.

01 March 2013/18 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/11 Esfand 1391

In Uruzgan Province, Australian Diggers called in an Apache helicopter airstrike that killed two children. The AH-64 crew fired at the boys instead of the intended target.  ISAF confirms: “I offer my personal apology and condolences to the family of the boys who were killed…”-USMC General Joseph Dunford

In Pakistan, the Religious Scholars Council has ruled suicide attacks in Afghanistan, Palestine and Kashmir are now officially permitted.  The Pakistan clerics were to attended a conference with Afghan clerics, but changed their minds saying there are too many opposing opinions on how to handle the continued occupations of Afghanistan, Palestine and Kashmir.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 25 – 28 February 2013. U.S. continues to attack hospitals! U.S. admits Mujahideen attacks are up, not down! Karzai bans Afghans from helping U.S. troops! United Nations behind corruption? More shenanigans with your tax money!

28 February 2013/17 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/10 Esfand 1391

In Kunar Province, two explosion rocked Damkan district.  The first targeted government border police, killing seven.  The second explosion targeted the people who came to help the victims of the first explosion, at least three civilians killed.   Since U.S. led drone strike follow this MO, the United States is suspected.

In Helmand Province, the Red Coat controlled Camp Bastion was attacked again. The Brits claim no one was hurt in the rocket attack.

President Hamid Karzai banned any Afghan based private security companies from working for U.S./NATO occupying forces. Afghan government sources say the order is the result of investigations that show Afghans hired by U.S./NATO forces are being forced to torture their fellow Afghans.

According to the Wall Street Journal, its reporters have seen a UN report which blames the UN for corruption in Afghanistan. The Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA) is being accused of colluding with suppliers and overcharging in contracts involving the Afghan National Police (ANP).

The on again off again contract for U.S. supplied (and paid for) COIN aircraft for Afghanistan is back on.  Afghanistan will get 20 A-29 Super Tucanos.  They will cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $950 million USD.

27 February 2013/16 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/09 Esfand 1391

In Kabul City, a suicide bomber attacked a bus load of Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel. Reports vary from saying seven people wounded to 17 people killed.

Responding to inquiries from the Associated Press, U.S./NATO/ISAF officials admitted their earlier claim that Mujahideen attacks were down by 7%, is wrong!

26 February 2013/15 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/08 Esfand 1391

In Ghazni Province, 16 or 17 ANP personnel were killed.  Reports are confusing, one said Mujahideen attacked the police station, another said the cops were poisoned.

In Herat Province, ANA claims they killed 28 Mujahideen, wounded 20 and captured six others.  They say three Arabs were among those killed.  Two ANA troops killed, two wounded.

According to Alliance of Health Organizations (AHO), and the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), the United States has been attacking hospitals, and continues to do so: “Most NGOs who deliver healthcare in this country experience this almost on a monthly basis…”-Andreas Stefansson, SCA

The United States is a co-creator and signatory of the Geneva Conventions which bans attacks on medical personnel.

U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, said claims that U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) were torturing and killing innocent people in Maidan-Wardak province will be investigated. This comes after President Karzai ordered all U.S. forces out of the province.

25 February 2013/14 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/07 Esfand 1391

In Logar Province, a suicide bomber attacked an ANA base, in Baraki Barak district, killing or wounding dozens of Afghan troops.

In Helmand Province, four people were killed and six wounded after the van they were in drove over a landmine.

In Farah Province, reports that U.S./NATO/ISAF personnel abandoned a base in the Khak-e-Safid district.

The soon to be imposed electronic ID cards for all Afghans has proven to be racists.  The issue revolves around the use of languages and ethnicity in determining who is “Afghan”.  Officials were hoping to force 100% of “Afghans” to get the ID card before upcoming elections, but now think only 50% of “Afghans” will have the monitoring system by then.  The official reason for the mandatory electronic IDs is to prevent fraud.  Some critics think the cards will not be issued to any Afghan who does not recognize the government, and therefore will be classified as illegal residents.

A record 42 Green on Blue attacks hit U.S./NATO/ISAF forces in 2012.  62 occupiers were killed.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 20 – 24 February 2013. Karzai orders murderous U.S. troops out of Afghan province! Up to 12000 U.S. troops to remain in Afghanistan! Red Coats bribe clerics with Viagra!

24 February 2013/13 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/06 Esfand 1391

In Logar Province, a car bomb exploded near a police dormitory, killing one cop and wounding two.

In Nangarhar Province, Mujahideen targeted the National Directorate of Security (NDS) office in Jalalabad.  Reports vary, saying between two and 14 NDS agents were killed, and dozens wounded.

President Hamid Karzai has ordered all U.S. personnel out of Maiden-Wardak Province. They were given two weeks to leave.  Karzai says investigations show U.S. Special Operations forces are murdering innocent people: “….it became clear that armed individuals named as U.S. special force stationed in Wardak province engage in harassing, annoying, torturing and even murdering innocent people. A recent example in the province is an incident in which nine people were disappeared in an operation by this suspicious force and in a separate incident a student was taken away at night from his home, whose tortured body with throat cut was found two days later under a bridge.”

23 February 2013/12 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/05 Esfand 1391

A BBC report says in the past six months Iran has executed 80 Afghans after they were convicted of drug crimes.  Iranian border police say they have evidence that the United States is behind the opium being smuggled into Iran from Afghanistan.

22 February 2013/11 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/04 Esfand 1391

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.”

German Defense Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, said U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told NATO officials that the United States will leave between 8000 and 12000 personnel in Afghanistan after 2014.

21 February 2013/10 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/03 Esfand 1391

In Kunduz Province, four people were killed by U.S. led NATO forces.  ISAF says they were Mujahideen, but local villagers say the victims were never involved with violence.

A Newsweek report revealed that United Kingdom Red Coats began bribing religious leaders in Helmand Province, about three years ago.  They used food and clothing, but Viagra turned out to be a hot commodity!  Some of the Red Coats objected to giving them the sex drug because it would result in “…producing more Taliban, meaning more kids who would grow up to be Taliban.”

Now realize that British taxpayers are paying for supplying religious leaders with Viagra!

20 February 2013/09 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/02 Esfand 1391

A United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan report says U.S. led drone (UAV) strikes in Afghanistan increased 72% in 2012!

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 17 – 19 February 2013. Mujahideen getting better at hitting government forces! Even more tax money pledged to Afghanistan! New Zealand gets out in 2013! Tough anti-gun laws in Canada fail to stop Afghan from being assassinated!

19 February 2013/08 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/01 Esfand 1391

A United Nations report suggests the Mujahideen are getting more accurate in their attacks.  The Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict report shows a decrease in civilian casualties, by 12% from 2011 to 2012.  The UN blames most of the civilian deaths on Mujahideen, but while civilian deaths are declining, attacks against Afghan government personnel are skyrocketing.  The UN says for last year Mujahideen attacks against government employees ramped up by 700%!!!

USMC General John Allen will retire and refuses NATO command job in Europe.  Rumors say his decision is the result of investigations into his associations with women other than his wife.  He says it’s because of family health issues.

The Australian Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, pledged $100 million AUD (Aussie Dollar) more in grants to Afghanistan!  This is on top of a previous pledge of $300 million!

18 February 2013/07 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/30 Bahman 1391

In Daikundi Province, local government officials say there was heavy fighting between Afghan government forces and Mujahideen, in the Kajran district.  The fighting was spill over from neighboring Helmand Province, where Mujahideen attacked several check points.  There are reports of deaths and woundings on both sides.

New Zealand officials announced that most Kiwis will be pulled out of Afghanistan by April 2013.  About 23 Kiwis will stay behind for “peacekeeping” duties.

Norway announced it will give more of its taxpayers’ money to Afghanistan.  The Norwegian government is going to give the Central Asian country another $131 million USD, on top of previous pledges!

17 February 2013/06 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/29 Bahman 1391

In Kandahar Province, Mujahideen ambushed government de-mining operations.  One vehicle was set on fire, while another was captured.  The vehicles are designed to remove landmines, but could also be use to plant them.  Also, Mujahideen claim they planted landmines in expectation of a U.S. led NATO convoy in the Kala Shamir region. They say at least three armored vehicles hit the landmines and two or three medivac copters were called in.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen say they repelled another NATO/ISAF/ANA heliborne operation in Kajaki district’s Mazar Karez area. They say the battle lasted three to four hours. Also, in the Nari Manda area of Nad Ali district, three ANA troops were killed, two wounded, when their dismount patrol crossed over a landmine.

In Herat Province, reports of fighting between Mujahideen and fighters near the border with Turkmenistan. At least three people killed.

The new U.S. governor of Afghanistan, USMC General Joseph Dunford, said he has ordered NATO to obey President Hamid Karzai’s orders, that is no U.S./NATO airstrikes shall be called in by Afghan government personnel.

After damning reports by the United Nations, and then confirmation by an Afghan government investigation, President Karzai has ordered that all prisoner interrogations be recorded.  Investigations revealed at least 14 types of torture being used in prisons and jails.

Despite Canada’s tough gun laws (tougher than the United States) a 19 years old Afghan-Canadian boxer was shot dead at a Toronto nightclub.  He was the second shooting victim in Toronto that week.  Suspects have been arrested, and they are both of East Asian descent.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 14 – 16 February 2013. U.S. taxes paying to end opium production! 2014 pull out does not mean your tax money will stop flooding into Afghanistan!

16 February 2013/05 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/28 Bahman 1391

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen report several offensives. In Gerishk district, Shoraki region, Mujahideen have been harassing U.S./NATO efforts to withdrawal from an outpost.  Several U.S./NATO airstrikes have been called in.  Locals say civilians have been hit.  In Sangin district’s Majeed Chawk area, a U.S. led NATO patrol hit a landmine, destroying one armored vehicle. Mujahideen say they then engaged the patrol with heavy and light machine gun fire. At last report a witness said the patrol was still pined down.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has banned Afghan government forces from calling in U.S./NATO air strikes.  Apparently this is because some of the civilian deaths by U.S./NATO airstrikes were the result of Afghan forces requesting the airstrikes.

The order came after an Afghan investigation backs up claims that the United States recently killed 10 civilians in an airstrike in Kunar Province.  Five of those killed were children.

In Badghis Province, there are reports that Pakistanis are training Afghan Mujahideen.

U.S. Army General Raymond Odierno said that it is possible that the planned 2014 withdrawal will be stretched out, in order to keep costs to U.S. taxpayers down.

15 February 2013/04 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/27 Bahman 1391

In Saripul Province, Mujahideen say they repelled an offensive launched by 200 Arbaki (contracted cops/mercenaries) in the Sheram area.  Mujahideen said they caused heavy casualties for the Arbaki, and one Mujahid was killed.  Also, in Shekar area of Gosphandi district a U.S./NATO spy was assassinated.

In Kandahar Province, Panjawai district, a U.S. led NATO dismounted patrol was ambushed.  No word on casualties. In Spanzo area of Zangawat region, an Arbaki patrol hit a landmine, also no word on casualties. Also, reports saying U.S. led NATO forces abandoned their base in Khakrez district, Baghki area.

In Kunar Province, a former spy boss and another man was killed, one local cop wounded, in what looks like an assassination. A remote controlled bomb exploded as they went to Mosque.

According to Transparency International, United Kingdom branch, the Afghan National Army and National Police are too corrupt to take over when NATO supposedly pulls out at the end of 2014.

14 February 2013/03 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/26 Bahman 1391

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen say British Red Coats abandoned an outpost in Babaji district.

In Kandahar Province, Khakrez district, two people joined the Mujahideen (one was a former Arbaki).

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said billions of U.S. tax dollars will continue to flood into Afghanistan after the 2014 pull out: “The impending end of the combat mission in Afghanistan has led some to erroneously believe that the Afghan reconstruction effort is waning…..The Afghan government does not appear to have the capacity to manage the amount of funding envisioned……protect the American taxpayer.”-John Sopko

Speaking of tax money down the drain; the U.S. Embassy’s Coordinating Director for Rule of Law and Law Enforcement Ambassador, Stephen G. McFarland, announced $18.2 million will be “awarded” to Afghan farmers who do not grow opium poppies.


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 11 – 13 February 2013. U.S. backed assassination attempt on Iranians in Afghanistan? Afghans invade Iran? More proof that attacks are up! More women & children killed by U.S. led home invasions!

13 February 2013/02 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/25 Bahman 1391

In Kunar Province, provincial government officials say a U.S. led NATO home invasion operation resulted in four men killed (dubbed “militants” by U.S. led forces),  four women killed and five children killed. It happened in Chopan village.  U.S. led NATO and Afghan National Army (ANA) forces said the house was a Mujahideen refuge.  Mujahideen sources say only women and children were killed in home invasion, and that they attacked the U.S. led forces after the home invasion, killing five ANA troops and wounding three.   Also, to add to the confusion, villagers say NATO/ANA forces kidnapped six people.  For even more confusion, other reports say the attack in Chopan village was actually an air strike!  Oh, the fog of war!  The only thing everyone is agreeing to is that four women and five children were killed!

In Balkh Province, a staff member of the Iranian Consulate was shot while he was on his way to university classes.  He was wounded with four bullets in his chest and stomach.  Police say the assassination attempt was done by men on motorcycles.  Israeli and U.S. forces have used similar tactics to assassinate Iranian nuclear engineers inside Iran.

Then along the Iran-Afghan border,  Iranian border police say they engaged a group of armed drug smugglers coming from Afghanistan. Seven were killed, they had 400 kilos (881 pounds) of opium.  Provincial officials in Farah Province used a most common excuse, that the Afghans were sneaking into Iran to find work.  Iran has a no tolerance anti-narcotics policy, drug smugglers are punished with death!  A few years ago Iranian border police say they found U.S. documents on Afghan drug smugglers, such as U.S. issued credit cards!

An independent report out of Kabul shows that violence against Afghans, especially kidnapping, continues to increase. This is not the first time such a report has been made, and it comes as U.S. led forces continue to claim a reduction in violence against their own personnel.  The latest Afghan study explains that the latest increase in violence against Afghans is at the hands of U.S. supported private security contractors (mercenaries/Arbaki).  Recently police in Kabul stopped an attempted kidnapping and it turned out that the kidnappers were working for a U.S. backed security company.   The police said they were forced to let the kidnappers go after being pressured by government officials.

12 February 2013/01 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/24 Bahman 1391

In Ghazni Province, U.S. led forces conducted a home invasion which resulted in two people killed, two kidnapped.

In Khost Province, a U.S. led home invasion killed a medical student.

In Kapisa Province, U.S. led home invasions resulted in 12 people killed.

The Afghan government admits that Mujahideen are still in control of legal proceedings in at least 65 districts around the country.  This is because the government does not have the legal infrastructure to impose government law throughout the country.

11 February 2013/30 Raby` al-Awwal 1434/23 Bahman 1391

In Nangarhar Province, one ANA troop was killed another wounded after they drove over a landmine.

In Kapisa Province, local government officials say a U.S. led ANA operation killed eight Mujahideen.

An Afghan investigation into claims from the United Nations, that torture is on the increase in Afghan controlled prisons, backs up the UN claim.  Afghan investigators found that the use of torture by cops and guards was on the increase, and that secret prisons have been created.

A UN report says bribery is big business in Afghanistan.  A survey showed that almost half of all Afghans were forced, or felt they had to pay a bribe, to the tune of $4 billion in 2012!  That’s double Afghanistan’s official domestic revenue.

In Kandahar Province, local government officials are pushing Afghan investors to bring 80 factories from Pakistan into Afghanistan!  The officials claim the move would create 3000 jobs for the province.

Economically strapped Japan has just promised to give Afghanistan an additional $13 million USD in taxes collected from struggling citizens of Japan.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 08 – 10 February 2013. 104 people working for U.S. contractor poisoned! USMC blames Red Coats for destruction of Harriers! U.S. mililtary equipment leaving Afghanistan, yet General Allen says the war still has not been won!

10 February 2013

In Helmand Province, a U.S. led NATO/ANA offensive was repelled by Mujahideen.  Occupying troops were flown into Trikh Nawar area of Marjah district, supported by armored vehicles.  Mujahideen were prepared and detonated at least seven bombs in the battle.  Reports said that the fighting was ongoing and that nine NATO occupiers/ANA puppets were dead, six wounded.  Also, two Mujahideen killed, four wounded.

In Ghanzi Province, a bomb was planted near the local High Peace Council office. It exploded, yet there are no reports of casualties.  As is typical with bombings, no one claims responsibility.

In Paktiya Province, a local government official was wounded as Mujahideen launched three mortar rounds into a government compound.

In Kabul Province, 104 employees of “Minority, Woman-Owned…” Onyx Construction were sent to hospital after being poisoned.  They got sick after eating.   Onyx Construction is based in the U.S. state of Florida.

In Badghis Province, 17 local cops joined the Mujahideen.

U.S. Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. assumed command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

Outgoing USMC General john Allen was interviewed by the BBC, and he said the war is not won: “I think we have gone a long way to setting the conditions for what, generally, usually, is the defining factor in winning a counter-insurgency, to set the conditions for governance, to set the conditions for economic opportunity…. I think we are on the road to winning.”

Despite admitting that the U.S. has not achieved its goals, the military pullout has begun.  Customs officials in Pakistan report that 25 container trucks loaded with U.S. military equipment left Afghanistan.  They are heading for Karachi, a port city along the Indian Ocean.   Pakistani Customs officials say they’ve been told to expect another outbound U.S. convoy soon.

09 February 2013

“We agree with the UN report and confirm that innocent kids have been killed during coalition forces operations, specifically U.S. troops operations during the past ten years.”-Aimal Faizi, Afghan government spokesman

In Helmand Province, six people killed when they drove over a landmine.  An investigation into the massive Mujahideen attack on Camp Bastion, last year, blames the U.K./U.S./NATO personnel on the base!  U.S. National Public Radio reported that a USMC investigation revealed that British Red Coat controlled Camp Bastion was not properly guarded, allowing Mujahideen easy access. Camp Bastion is next to Camp Leatherneck, where U.S. Marine Harrier VTOL jets are based. The attack damaged or destroyed eight Harriers at a cost of $300 million USD.  Two occupying troops were killed, eight wounded, one contractor wounded.

In Paktia Province, a local contracted militia/security guard (Arbaki) commander joined the Mujahideen.

In Uruzgan Province, witnesses say U.S. led forces conducted a home invasion in Kakraki area Gohergeen Nawa region, Char Chino district.  Two people were kidnapped.  Also, in Char Chino district two local cops joined the Mujahideen.

In Kapisa Province, Mujahideen claim they assassinated a man working for the spy agency National Directorate of Security (NDS).

08 February 2013

In Kapisa Province, in Tagab district, Mujahideen attacked U.S. led efforts to retrieve a downed helicopter.  The ‘copter was shot down the day before. Mujahideen said they were expecting them and killed two U.S./NATO/ISAF troops and three U.S. led Afghan troops. One Mujahid was killed.

In Ghor Province, Mujahideen claim they repelled a attempted home invasion by “enemy” troops, in Qomandan Ahmad village of Charsada district.

In Badghis Province, Mujahideen launched attacks against an Afghan National Army (ANA) base, and several checkpoints.  They claim to have killed six “puppets”, and wounded five others.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 05 – 07 February 2013. While the West fawns over the single Pakistani girl who was shot, nothing is said about the hundreds of Afghan kids killed at the hands of U.S. led forces!!! More U.S. led home invasions!!! More of your money down the drain!!!

07 February 2013

In Kapisa Province, a U.S. led NATO helicopter crashed in Tagab district. Witnesses say NATO personnel were killed or wounded.  Mujahideen claim they shot it down, however, local government officials called it an “emergency landing”.  Mujahideen say the ‘copter burst into flames while still in the air.  ISAF confirmed it indeed crashed: “An International Security Assistance Force helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan today.”

The helicopter being shot down might be a reprisal for a massive U.S. led home invasion mission in Kapisa Province overnight. Reports say 30 homes were raided in Tagab district.  Villagers say the U.S. led NATO/ANA forces detained them while their homes were ransacked and valuables stolen (Israeli style). Two villagers were killed when they tried to stop the crime.

In Herat Province, Mujahideen launched an attack against a fuel depot. At least one security guard was killed, three wounded. Mujahideen claim they destroyed five military supply vehicles.

In Baghlan Province, local police say someone planted a bomb in one of their vehicles. It went off, killing one person, and wounding another.

In Kunduz Province, a bomb exploded in front of a house.  Police say no one was hurt, but witnesses say there were casualties.  No one knows who planted the bomb.

In Balkh Province, a government security commander and his four bodyguards were killed after they drove over a landmine.

In Nangarhar Province, Mujahideen claim to have ambushed a U.S. led NATO/ANA patrol.  They say three NATO/ANA personnel were killed, four wounded, as well as two vehicles destroyed.

In Laghman Province, reports of heavy fighting as Mujahideen went on the offensive.  A government checkpoint in the provincial capital was attacked, one killed, several wounded.  An ANA patrol was ambushed, resulting in one ANA troop killed.  Also, Mujahideen claim they launched a rocket attack against an “enemy base”.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen say they repelled a U.S. led NATO/ANA heliborne operation in the Malmand Karez area of Sangin district.

In Ghazni Province, a report says eight Afghan National Army (ANA) troops joined the Mujahideen. The report actually gave the names of those who switched sides.

A United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child investigation condemns the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, saying U.S. personnel have imprisoned and tortured hundreds of children, as well as killed hundreds of kids since 2008, and it’s only getting worse:  “Those responsible for the killings have not been held to account even as the number of children killed doubled from 2010 to 2011.”

USMC General John Allen paid a final visit to Pakistan “….in a regular series of engagements aimed at bolstering the military-to-military relationship between ISAF and Pakistan…”

06 February 2013

In Ghazni Province, eight cops were hospitalized after being poisoned.  Other reports say two died, and the others are in a coma.  Also, a local government militiaman joined the Mujahideen.

In Logar Province, Mujahideen say they shot down a drone (UAV) in Barak district.  They captured the wreckage.

The leaders of Norway have signed a military pact with Afghanistan, promising  lots of their taxpayers’ money.

05 February 2013

In Herat Province, A U.S. led NATO supply convoy was ambushed.  Mujahideen claim they destroyed three fuelers along with their contract drivers.  Also, local government officials say U.S. special operations forces killed several civilians. Two women were killed and three children wounded in the Zer-e-Koh area of Shindand district. Other reports say six people were killed and one U.S. personnel wounded.  ISAF admitted guilt: “Our initial assessment is that after the engagement, one Afghan woman and three Afghan children were found dead in a compound separate from where the Afghan and Coalition forces engaged the insurgents. ISAF takes all civilian casualties seriously, and an investigation is on-going to determine exactly what happened in this operation.”

In Faryab Province, a bomb planted in a hotel exploded.  Reports vary, but as many as four people killed, 20 wounded.

Pakistan has re-opened its Torkham border crossing with Afghanistan.  More than 3,700 shipping containers have been sitting for three months waiting to get through. Hundreds of people were also stuck waiting in the cold and snow, several died.

The U.S. based International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced even more money for Afghanistan!  The IMF said that Afghanistan had passed “key structural benchmarks” to give the Central Asian country access to more credit.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 30 January – 01 February 2013. Big Asian bank gives Afghanistan more money! More U.S. led home invasions! Women kidnapping & killing children!

01 February 2013

The German government has announced that they will keep German/NATO  troops in Afghanistan for at least 13 more months.

In Takhar Province, a man entered the university and started shooting. He killed two cops before being wounded. At this point it seems the man was upset about not being let onto the university compound.

In Faryab Province, two members of a government funded paramilitary group joined the Mujahideen.

In Uruzgan Province, seven Afghan government security personnel joined the Mujahideen.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen report that a Georgian/ISAF dismounted patrol stepped on a landmine, killing one and wounding two.

31 January 2013

In Nuristan Province, a school was set on fire.  Mujahideen say it was done by government forces and then blamed on Mujahideen.  In the past Mujahideen have always denied being involved with attacks on schools.  They pointed out that the latest school burning involved burning Qurans, which they would not do.

In Kunar Province, reports saying U.S./NATO troops shot and wounded three farmers as they were working in their fields.  Supposedly the U.S. led troops apologized.

In Kandahar Province, Mujahideen say they repelled a U.S./NATO heliborne operation.  They then witnessed two medivacs called in to take out the casualties in Spirwan area of Panjwaee district.

In Herat Province, an 11 years old child was kidnapped, and then killed.  The child belonged to a wealthy family in the area.  Two women have been arrested in connection to the crime.

In Nangarhar Province, a civil servant was assassinated by gunshot.

In Helmand Province, a NATO convoy was ambushed in Anzar Shali Karez area of Nawzad district.  A two hour firefight then ensued, casualties unknown.

The Asian Development Bank is granting the Afghan government $300 million USD, supposedly for use in building the country’s infrastructure.

30 January 2013

In Kandahar Province, Mujahideen said a U.S. led heliborne operation landed in a booby trap. It happened in Band Taimoor region of Maiwand district. Mujahideen say they detonated remote controlled bombs as the helicopters came in.  It took three more helicopters to medivac out the casualties.

In Kunduz Province, a U.S. led home invasion resulted in five people kidnapped.

In Ghazni Province, U.S. led home invasion forces kidnapped a local Imam.

In Nangarhar Province, reports of yet another U.S. led nighttime home invasion. Two people were killed and nine kidnapped.

In Faryab Province, one woman killed, 15 people wounded, after a motorcycle bomb went off in a market place.

In Khost Province, two children were killed when a bomb exploded near a shopping bazaar.  The bomb went off just as a police patrol went by.

A U.S. Army solider is being accused of being an unwitting propagandist for the Mujahideen. Last year he was trying to upload his helmet cam video to a private internet account, but it ended up on YouTube.  The two minute long video shows an U.S. soldier, seemingly separated from his unit, coming under fire, and calling for help after being shot.

In Paktika Province, an Afghan National Army commander, and two soldiers, joined the Mujahideen.  Also, reports that a U.S./NATO armored vehicle ran over a landmine, killing two and wounding three crewmen.

In Uruzgan Province, two Afghan government personnel joined the Mujahideen.  They then ambushed a patrol of Afghan government forces. Three killed, two wounded and one captured. One Mujahid killed.

The government of Denmark announced they will pull out their troops by the end of 2014.


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 27-29 January 2013. Pakistan to train Afghan cops! Karzai implies United States interfering with peace process! Your tax money going to buy Iranian electricity!

29 January 2013

In Kapisa Province, a local police chief was assassinated.  He was shot outside his home. Five people were arrested.  Also, Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO patrol, killing one and wounding two.  They say the ambush lasted 30 minutes.

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO dismounted patrol.  They claim they killed four.

In Ghazni Province, a U.S./NATO dismount patrol was ambushed in Gilan district. No further info.

In Maidan Wardak Province (aka Wardak Province), Mujahideen claim they destroyed a U.S./NATO armored vehicle. They claim six personnel were killed.

In Kandahar Province, witnesses say a U.S./NATO vehicle ran over a landmine in Sharabad Godar area near Babrai hill of Kala Shamir region, Maiwand district.  All five of the crew were killed or wounded.

President Hamid Karzai implied the United States was interfering with the peace process by holding their own back room talks:  “Any effort to conduct peace talks individually is not an effort for peace but it’s a plot by the foreigners, aimed at weakening Afghanistan.”

According to western news sources, Afghanistan and Pakistan are about to sign a deal that would have the Pakistan army training Afghan forces.

28 January 2013

In Samangan Province, local government officials are accusing U.S./NATO personnel of intentionally ramming a bus with an armored vehicle!  Ten civilians were wounded.

In Helmand Province, a car ran over a landmine, three children wounded.  Also, Mujahideen reported a major battle after U.S./NATO personnel and Afghan National Army (ANA) troops were brought in by helicopters in Nawzad district’s Jakaw Karez area.  Mujahideen say several occupier troops were killed and wounded, while two Mujahideen were killed and one wounded.

In Kunar Province, a day long battle resulted in seven U.S./NATO personnel and three ANA troops killed.  Mujahideen say the battle started after the U.S./NATO personnel kidnapped five people.

Afghan officials announced a new deal to buy more electricity from Iran.  Iran will now supply Afghanistan with 164 mega watt of electricity per hour. Afghanistan will pay Iran $26 million USD.  And guess where the Afghan government gets most of its money?

On top of that, the capital city of Kabul will be running two generators producing 50 mega watts.  The emergency generators consume 18,000 liters of oil per hour.  The deal was made with Iran.

27 January 2013

In Logar Province, local government officials accuse U.S./NATO personnel of killing three civilians. Three brothers were riding one motorcycle, and U.S./NATO troops ambushed and gunned them down. International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said they were Mujahideen.  President Karzai ordered an investigation.

In Kandahar Province, eight Afghan government personnel were killed when their truck was hit with a car bomb.  They had just detained suspected bomb planters.  The three suspects were also killed.

In Kapisa Province, locals say U.S. led forces conducted a home invasion and kidnapped a local Imam and three others.

In Parwan Province, reports say three children were killed, and five wounded, when they stepped on a landmine.