Tag Archives: pakistan

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 01 – 04 April 2013. U.S. Guard units shifted from Afghanistan to Africa? Thousands of ANA quit! Several U.S. planes down! Blue on Green attacks! Mujahideen increase attacks! Major offensive finally ends?

04 April 2013/23 Jumada l-Ula 1434/15 Farvardin 1391/24 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Officials with the U.S. states of Oregon and Georgia, say their National Guard units are still on standby to be deployed to Afghanistan in 2014! The state military officials were responding to local media questions regarding rumors the state militias were told they’ve been “off-ramped” from deployment.  The rumors were started because the Indiana National Guard was told, for the third time in three years, that they’ve been off-ramped for Afghanistan deployment.  There have been reports that more RA and Guard units are being sent to Somalia.

A U.S. Air force pilot was killed when his F-16 Falcon/Viper crashed.  ISAF mentioned only that the F-16 was on a night mission.

In Kabul Province, Deh Sabz District, Mujahideen claim they shot down a U.S./NATO aircraft.  They say the plane broke apart as it came down. U.S./NATO helicopters came in afterward and bombed the wreckage in order to prevent Mujahideen collecting any weapons or sensitive items.

In Ghazni Province, local government officials say the U.S./NATO conducted a Blue on Green airstrike.  They say U.S./NATO aircraft bombed local policemen in Deh-Yak district: “A number of the Afghan local police officers were patrolling when they were attacked by NATO aircrafts, killing four police officers along with two civilians.”-Fazal Ahmad, District governor

In Parwan Province, Mujahideen attacked the U.S. Bagram air base.  Ten U.S. military vehicles, and a contracted fueler, were destroyed. Mujahideen say they attacked a fuel terminal near the base.  However, local government officials say the vehicles were destroyed when a single gas cylinder accidentally exploded.

In Maidan Wardak Province, home invasions continue despite the U.S. SOF forces supposedly pulling out.  The house of Sultan Muhammad in Syed Abad district was invaded, and one of his cousins, and two of his employees were kidnapped.

In Kapisa Province, after an all day battle with Mujahideen, in which locals say the Mujahideen won, U.S. led forces then began raiding homes in Tagab District.  Locals say 50 people were kidnapped, and two people were beaten unconscious.

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Farah Province, Mujahideen launched a massive attack against the provincial government compound.  At least 56 cops, soldiers and civil servants killed, 100 wounded.  The provincial governor said the attack was carried out by only eight Mujahideen.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Mujahideen shot down a recon drone (UAV) in Nirkh district.  They say they recovered the camera system.

02 April 2013/21 Jumada l-Ula 1434/13 Farvardin 1391/22 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Bakhshan Province, the Afghan government has declared a major military offensive in Wardoj/Wardaj District over. The offensive apparently started on 22 March (see my recent postings), however local officials claim it was only a three day operation.  Government officials admit they attacked 43 villages, killing 80 people and wounding more than 110 in the last three days.

In Parwan Province, Bagram District, Mujahideen claim they shot down a recon drone.

Afghan security officials say this year they are expecting an 85% increase in attacks against Kabul city, by Mujahideen.

Remember Mullah Mohammad Omar?  He’s the guy that the U.S. government and media have reported as being killed, several times in the past.  He’s now running for President of Afghanistan!

01 April 2013/20 Jumada l-Ula 1434/12 Farvardin 1391/21 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Faryab Province, local government officials say a local police chief was assassinated by his subordinates, who then joined the Mujahideen.

In Uruzgan Province, Dehrawod District, 16 cops joined the Mujahideen.  Their names were publicized.

NATO claims that the Afghan National Army (ANA) is losing 5000 troops every month.  Not to battle, to desertion.  According to the study, when you include death, captures and firings the ANA lost 63000 troops last year!

The Scottish media reporting that the U.K. Ministry of Defence has drastically increased the removal of military forces and equipment from Afghanistan.  The biggest increase is in equipment considered ATCO (Attractive to Criminal and Terrorist Organizations).

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 29 – 31 March 2013. More battles, home invasions, drone strikes! Red Coats getting out of Helmand! More burden upon the U.S. taxpayer!

31 March 2013/19 Jumada l-Ula 1434/11 Farvardin 1391/20 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Logar Province, reports that U.S./Afghan forces conducted night time home invasions. At least four people were kidnapped.  No details on the exact location of the night raid.

In Helmand Province, in Wacha Neicha Karez area of Zamindawar region, Kajaki district, Mujahideen claim to have led a U.S./NATO raid into a compound that was rigged with explosives.  The U.S. led forces withdrew, and Mujahideen claim they captured night vision devices left behind by the raiders.

British Red Coat Royal Marines are preparing to leave Helmand Province in the next couple of days.  Most U.K. NATO forces will be out by the end of 2013.

The United States has been pulling out for the past year, and when it’s officially done in 2014 it will have cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $6 billion USD!!!  The U.S. Department of Defense does not call it withdrawal, they call it ‘retrograde operations’.  25000 military vehicles were removed in 2012.  But another 25000 vehicles remain, along with 100000 shipping containers full of equipment.   U.S. Army Brigadier General Steven Shapiro says the $6 billion figure could go higher: “The figures of five to six billion dollars corresponds to the total cost of retrograde from 2012 through 2014, and they’re constantly being reevaluated.”

However, the U.S. Army Reserve’s 56th Military Police Company was just called up to go to Afghanistan.  More than 170 reservists from Arizona, California, Texas, Oklahoma and Utah held their deployment ceremony on Easter Sunday.

In Kapisa Province, a Turkish Engineer captured by Mujahideen two years ago, was turned over to Turkish officials after successful negotiations.

30 March 2013/18 Jumada l-Ula 1434/10 Farvardin 1391/19 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Maidan Warkdak Province, reports that U.S. SOF units have withdrawn from Nirkh District.

In Ghazni Province, reports that U.S./NATO airstrikes wounded dozens of civilians. The attack took place in Espand-De village.  An Afghan government spokesman said the airstrike was called in against a vehicle suspected of carrying Mujahhideen.  He said a number of Mujahideen were killed and at least 25 people were wounded.  Mujahideen confirm they attacked a U.S./Afghan government convoy, resulting in a two hour battle.  U.S./NATO attack helicopters were called in.  Mujahideen say 16 U.S./Afghan forces killed, 14 civilians killed and five Mujahideen killed.

In Logar Province, the Afghan government is investigating the killing of civilians by U.S./NATO forces after a two day offensive in Barak-e Barak District last week.  In October 2012 a similar offensive was launched with similar results.  ISAF eventually admitted that U.S. led troops killed civilians in that attack.

Pakistan accused Afghanistan of firing three artillery rounds into Pakistan.

In Tennessee U.S.A., a mall security cop threw out a Afghan war veteran because of his handicap vehicle. Michael Trost was a U.S. Army Master Sergeant who was shot four times in Afghanistan.  One of the bullets severed his sciatic nerve in his leg and he rides a Segway scooter as a handicap vehicle.  The mall cop accused the veteran of being reckless.

29 March 2013/17 Jumada l-Ula 1434/09 Farvardin 1391/18 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Ghazni Province, a drone (UAV) was shot down in Ab Band district.  Mujahideen say it was an armed assassination drone because they were able to recover two missiles from the wreckage.

In Badakhshan Province, Wardaj district, reports that several U.S. airstrikes have killed seven civilians.

In Nangarhar Province, Hisarak district, 18 cops joined the Mujahideen.  A large amount of military weapons/gear was also given to Mujahideen.  In a show of confidence the Mujahideen published the names of the cops that joined them.

The U.S. Department of Defense says 2174 U.S. military personnel have died in the Afghan war.  That’s almost as much as the victims of 9/11, was it worth it?  (lets not forget the 4486 U.S. personnel killed in Iraq, and the hundreds of thousands of people killed in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and the fact that the U.S. invasions of both countries is costing U.S. taxpayers more than $4 trillion and counting!!!)

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 27 – 28 March 2013. U.S. soldier killed by boy with knife! U.S. troops respond by kidnapping hundreds of villagers! Russia willing to take over after U.S. pullout! Proof the U.S. has not improved the quality of life in Afghanistan: Poor man sells off twin new borns!

28 March 2013/16 Jumada l-Ula 1434/08 Farvardin 1391/17 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Nangarhar Province, Ghani Khel District, reports that a U.S. Army foot patrol stopped in a village to play football (soccer) with kids.  A 14 years old boy then stabbed a soldier in the neck as he sat watching the game.  The soldier died after being medivaced out. The boy ran away, and Mujahideen claim they are giving him sanctuary. However, villagers report the U.S. troops then went on a rampage rounding up and detaining as many as 200 people, including children.  Some of the reports came from the district’s governor, Haji Zalmai Khan.  He said local police are helping U.S. personnel search for the attacker.

Russian officials are expressing a desire to keep military units in Afghanistan after the U.S./ISAF withdrawal.  They say the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan has left the country too unstable: “We cannot fail to be concerned by the danger of the restoration of a regime on Afghan territory that would foster the spread of terrorism, drug trafficking and instability.”-Sergei Koshelev, Russian Defense Ministry’s Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation

27 March 2013/15 Jumada l-Ula 1434/07 Farvardin 1391/16 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) service member died following an attack in eastern Afghanistan…”

In Logar Province, in Barak-e Barak District, Sajawon village, people say a joint U.S./Afghan offensive resulted in 23 people killed, 26 wounded, including women and children. The U.S. led operation lasted two days. ISAF claims all killed were Mujahideen, and added they captured (kidnapped) 40 people. This is not the first time the U.S. led forces have attacked this district.  In October 2012 a similar offensive was launched with similar results.  ISAF eventually admitted that U.S. led troops killed civilians in that attack.  ISAF considers that area of Logar Province to be a haven for Mujahideen.

In Badakhshan Province, Wardoj/Wardaj district, battles have been raging for the past week. The latest report from government officials is that 10 Mujahideen were killed, four wounded.  Two cops were killed.

In Kabul City, and explosion in the 15th District wounded two people. Police say someone attached a bomb to a police vehicle.

The Afghan Foreign Ministry cancelled upcoming visits with the Pakistani army, because they claim Pakistan has launched 50 new artillery strikes: “This visit will no longer take place due to the resumption of unacceptable Pakistani artillery shelling against different parts of Kunar Province.”-Afghan government statement

In Baghlan Province, a poor man sold off his twin new born girls, after their mother died giving birth.  Provincial hospital officials said the mother had health issues that could have been taken care of if only the family had the money to pay for it.  Provincial officials say this is the first know case of a man selling his newborns in their province, similar cases have been reported in other provinces.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 22 – 26 March 2013. Co-ordinated attacks by Mujahideen! More U.S./U.K. troops killed! Aussies getting out! U.S. finally hands over Bagram prison! Proof the U.S. has been negotiating with Mujahideen!

26 March 2013/14 Jumada l-Ula 1434/06 Farvardin 1391/15 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) reports a soldier died from wounds he received earlier this month.

In Kandahar Province, reports of a major battle in Najibyano area of Zangawat region, Panjwai (aka Panjwaye, Panjwaii, Panjway or Panjwaee) district.  Reports that two medivac helicopters were brought in.

In Helmand Province, a major attack against a U.K./NATO base.  60 people killed or wounded, including 10 British Red Coats. Mujahideen say it was launched using a truck bomb blowing open the gates and then individuals invading the base in Nad Ali district.   Also, reports that U.S./U.K. led force conducted home invasions in Yakhchal area of Nahr Siraj region, Gerishk district, kidnapping two people.

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen have successfully counter attacked an Afghan government offensive in Wardoj/Wardaj district (see below).   Mujahideen say they re-captured several check points and killed 15 government troops.

In Nangarhar Province, a Afghan police headquarters in Jalalabad was attacked by suicide bombers.  At least five cops killed, four wounded.  Police say a car bomber started the attack, then two or three others wearing explosive vests exploded themselves and the rest were shot and killed in a firefight. Mujahideen claim one U.S. led police trainer was also killed (they say the trainer was actually from Israel), along with claiming as many as 55 people killed or wounded.

In Ghor Province, residents of Ghujorak village say contracted security forces set fire to their homes. They also say the private security forces burned Qur’ans.

Stephen Smith, Australian Defence Minister, said 1000 Diggers will be withdrawn by the end of 2013, once an international military base is closed in Uruzgan Province.

25 March 2013/13 Jumada l-Ula 1434/05 Farvardin 1391/14 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen claim to have captured ten Afghan National Army (ANA) troops and one doctor.  This is the latest incident in Badakhshan Province since the beginning of March (see below).  Government officials say they launched an all out offensive against Mujahideen this month, but it looks like they’re losing their asses because several dozens of ANA troops have been killed or captured. One of those captured is a German NGO aid worker.  ANA forces freed the German during a military operation.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Mujahideen have launched an offensive, seeking vengeance for the crimes of U.S. led SOF forces. In Syed Abad district they ambushed a military convoy, then a firefight that lasted one hour. Mujahideen say they also hit two armored vehicles with remote detonated bombs, killing or wounding the crews.

After months of delays, the United States has finally handed over the infamous Bagram prison (aka Parwan Detention Facility).  However, at least 100 prisoners are still under U.S. control.  Afghan officials immediately released 26 prisoners.  Most prisoners, put there by U.S. forces, have never been charged or even accused of any crimes, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and happen to be males of ‘military age’ (a standard Israeli tactic used on Palestinians). But U.S. taxpayers should be happy, because their tax dollars will continue funding the prison even after the U.S. gets out!   (reports say the U.S. has promised $39 million USD to keep the prison running)

24 March 2013/12 Jumada l-Ula 1434/04 Farvardin 1391/13 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, four children were killed and two wounded when they stepped on a landmine.

In Herat Province, Shindand district, a private security guard shot and killed a 12 years old boy.  Residents of Siyah Sar village then went on protest, shutting down the local highway for two hours before more private security guards came out and began shooting into the crowd. At least seven people wounded.

After U.S. officials denied President Hamid Karzai’s claim that the U.S. and Mujahideen were going behind the Afghan government’s back and negotiating in Qatar, guess who’s just been invited to those secret meetings?  Karzai!  Karzai has been complaining that the establishment of the Mujahideen/Taliban office in Qatar (with the approval of the U.S. government) was an insult to Afghanistan because the Afghan government was not involved. Now there are reports that Karzai will be able to hold direct talks with Mujahideen in Qatar.  Keep in mind that many Mujahideen do not recognize the “Taliban Liaison Office” in Qatar, as they see it as a tool of the United States.

23 March 2013/11 Jumada l-Ula 1434/03 Farvardin 1391/12 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Paktika Province, Jani Khel district, four government personnel joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, Panjwaee district, Mujahideen shot down a U.S./NATO/ISAF recon balloon.

In Badakhshan Province, a major offensive rages on (see below). In Wardoj/Wardaj district 49 government forces killed, dozens wounded.  Mujahideen say they’ve captured 57 U.S. supplied weapons, including rockets and two vehicles. The Afghan government claims they called in airstrikes and killed at least 40 Mujahideen.  At least three Mujahideen wounded.

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kunar Province, a U.S. led Counter Terrorism Pursuit Team (CTPT) launched an offensive in Narang district. Reports say fighting lasted five hours. Mujahideen claim they killed three U.S. personnel and three Afghan government personnel.  One Mujahid killed, one wounded.

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan…”

In Badghis Province, a local cop turned on his comrades, killing five of them.  Police officials say he did it with help from Mujahideen.

In Laghman Province, in Alingar district, two children were killed, one wounded, when two U.S./NATO mortar rounds hit their house.

In Badakhshan Province, government officials in Wardoj district claim they’ve taken back check points that were captured by Mujahideen last week.  They claimed they killed 43 Mujahideen.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 18 – 21 March 2013. More Green on Blue! Danes getting out early! U.S. agrees to pullout SOF! World Bank giving Afghanistan even more money! Cop impersonator arrested for desecrating Qur’an!

21 March 2013/09 Jumada l-Ula 1434/01 Farvardin 1391/10 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Ghazni Province, contracted security/mercenaries (Arbakis) tortured and killed two people. The bodies were found three days after they were kidnapped in Muqur district. Their eyes were gouged out, several bones broken. A third person was released after a ransom was paid, but they suffered three days of torture as well.

In Helmand Province, local police say a suicide bomber training class went wrong when the bomb laden vest went off on accident. Five potential suicide bombers were killed, six wounded.

In Takhar Province, a district governor was killed along with his two body guards, and two others wounded, after they drove over a landmine.

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

U.S./NATO agreed to get their SOF personnel out of Maidan Wardak province within the next few days.  This comes after President Karzai ordered the U.S. forces out, because of growing reports of torture and killings of innocent people by SOF forces.

In Paktika Province,  Afghan National Army troops shot and killed a U.S. led troop.  The official report says ANA troops said it was an accident as they mistook the occupier as Mujahideen.  However, there are independent reports that say six U.S. personnel were killed and several wounded, and it was deliberate. The ANA troop who open fired was shot and killed.

In Ghazni Province, a Polish NATO soldier was killed, another wounded after the armored vehicle they were in drove over a landmine.

In Helmand Province, at least four people were killed, seven wounded, during protests following the desecration of a Qur’an supposedly by a Afghan National Policeman.  However, police say they’ve arrested a man who dressed as a cop then entered the local Mosque to deliberately destroy a Qur’an.  Also, police say the shooting at the protest was started by people in the crowd who claimed to be Mujahideen.  Two cops were wounded.  Sounds like a set up, probably by occupying troops.

Germany being sued for killing Afghans!  In Bonn, Germany, a trial has begun to determine if German troops knowingly killed civilians in Kunduz Province.  It happened in 2009, and involved German troops calling U.S. airstrikes on two fuel trucks that were surrounded by civilians.  The families are suing for $4.3 million USD.

The United Nations has unanimously approved the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for at least one more year.  That would mean the UNAMA mission would end in March 2014.

The World Bank announced yet another grant for Afghanistan.  This time $55 million for teaching Afghan youths more skills.

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, an Afghan border cop open fired on his fellow cops, killing three, including his commander.  He then joined the Mujahideen.  Also, Mujahideen claim to have launched rockets into Kandahar airbase.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen shot down a small recon drone. It took place in Marjah district, which has seen sporadic battles ever since U.S./NATO led troops were brought in by helicopter several days ago, after another drone was shot down.

Denmark announced it will pullout troops early! Originally the Danes were to leave at the end of 2014, but Danish media are reporting that all of their personnel will be out by the end of this summer.

18 March 2013/06 Jumada l-Ula 1434/28 Esfand 1391/07 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Paktika Province,  Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO patrol foot patrol in Khair Kot district. A 30 minute firefight took place, one U.S./NATO troop killed.

In Kandahar Province, the people of Zandi village say they were hit by a U.S. led airstrike. One person was killed.  Also, in Panjwaee district a U.S. led patrol was ambushed twice, no more details.  And another U.S. led foot patrol encountered a landmine, which reportedly killed two troops.

In Helmand Province, in Marjah district, where battles have been ongoing for the past several days, there are reports that U.S. led troops open fired on civilians. Four people killed, two wounded.


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 14 – 17 March 2013. The U.S. just keeps breaking promises! More proof the U.S. is not leaving! Spain getting out!

17 March 2013/05 Jumada l-Ula 1434/27 Esfand 1391/06 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Badakhshan Province, a major battle between Mujahideen, Afghan National Army (ANA) and Police (ANP).  Mujahideen claim they killed 20 ANA and ANP personnel, and wounded at least 10.  The ANA and ANP launched an offensive in Wardaj district.  Mujahideen say the fighting lasted all day, but they were able to almost surround the U.S. backed government forces and forced them to retreat. Mujahideen also destroyed three armored vehicles and captured 30 weapons.  Only three Mujahideen were killed.

In Kandahar Province, a U.S./NATO led patrol entered Zangawat region’s Gerandi area, in Panjwaee district, in order to retrieve two bodies of personnel that had been killed earlier.  Mujahideen ambushed them and a 30 minute long firefight took place. The U.S./NATO led forces eventually left, and two Mujahideen were killed.

Reports that Afghan and U.S./NATO officials are working on a deal to withdraw U.S. SOF personnel out of Maidan Wardak Province.  It’s long past the deadline ordered by President Karzai for the SOF troops to get out. Civilians of the province say the U.S. troops are harassing, torturing and killing innocent people.

In Helmand Province, reports that an unarmed Mujahid attacked and then killed two Arbakis (contracted security/mercenaries).  He did so by using their own weapons on them.  He then took off with their weapons, ammo and a motorcycle.  Also, in Marjah district, in the Tarkha Nawar area, reports of sporadic ongoing battles ever since U.S./NATO led forces were brought in by helicopters the day before.

In another controversy involving the U.S., the Bagram Prison (aka Parwan Detention Facility) has yet to be turned over to Afghan officials as promised. The National Ulema Council said if the U.S. does not get out of the prison then all U.S. forces will be considered enemy occupiers by the Council and military action will be taken.  President Karzai says he’s agreed with U.S. officials to give yet another week to hand over the prison (boy, the U.S. must have committed a lot of crimes against humanity in there if it’s taking them this long to cover up their evil).

And President Karzai has told British media that the Obama administration has become desperate to work a new security deal.  Karzai says under the new deal the U.S. will not leave Afghanistan. For some reason Obama is pushing hard for it, but Karzai says time is on his side now: “The Americans are in a hurry to sign it in three months. We are not in a hurry. We are careful.”

16 March 2013/04 Jumada l-Ula 1434/26 Esfand 1391/05 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, a U.S./NATO helicopter crashed.  One crewman was killed.  As usual ISAF says there was no enemy activity in the area and they’re investigating the cause.

In Paktika Province, villagers in Tarwa district say Afghan government forces raided their homes.  One villager was killed and two were kidnapped.

In Helmand Province, a U.S./NATO drone crashed in Marjah district. After that a U.S./NATO heliborne operation began, battles are reportedly still ongoing.

In Uruzgan Province, a local police commander joined the Mujahideen in Char Chino district.

In Herat Province, Spanish officials announced they are getting their troops out early.  Already they’ve closed two bases and are working on closing a third.  They hope to have all their troops out by 2014.

15 March 2013/03 Jumada l-Ula 1434/25 Esfand 1391/04 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen claim to have attacked a FOB (forward operating base) in Watapur district.  They say they killed one U.S. troop and wounded two ANA troops.

In Ghazni Province, Mujahideen report more battles with U.S. and ANA forces in Shulgar district.  They claim four U.S. personnel killed and four ANA personnel killed, dozens wounded.

In Logar Province, Mujahideen got four fuelers for the price of one. They say they remote detonated a bomb as one fuel tanker was passing, the resulting fire ball engulfed three other fuelers destroying them as well.

The World Bank announced yet more money for Afghanistan: “The World Bank Group is strongly committed to helping the Afghan people end poverty and build shared prosperity in the years ahead…..We will support programs in areas that the Afghan government has identified as crucial to meeting its development goals, including education, health, irrigation, energy, infrastructure and rural development. We are also focused on improving the government’s capacity to deliver services to its citizens, and on fostering a business climate that unleashes the job-creating potential of the private sector.”-Jim Yong Kim, President of World Bank

14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Ghazni or Laghman Province, Mujahideen report they ambushed a U.S./ANA patrol. The report is confusing because it mentions two different provinces. Anyway, Mujahideen say the U.S. forces called in airstrikes afterwards.

In Nangarhar Province, three tribes joined the Mujahideen in Khogiyani district.  They promised 250 of their men to help fight the occupation.

And the official number of U.S. personnel expected to remain after the supposed 2014 pullout is slowly creeping up.  Now the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, James Cunningham, is asking to keep at least 13600 personnel incountry after 2014.  Other U.S. officials stressed that it was just a starting number: “You have to start at 13600. That is the least risk with least amount of people. That allows us to be in the four corners of Afghanistan and continuing to train the Afghan military.”-Duncan Hunter, U.S. Representative from California

World War 3: UN Security Council approves continued U.S. led occupation of Afghanistan!

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The United Nations has unanimously approved the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for at least one more year.  That would mean the UNAMA mission would end in March 2014.


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 12 – 13 March 2013. Karzai says War on Terror is a lie! Russia captures 20 tons of drugs, proof the U.S. war on drugs is a big fail! U.S. official issues report to justify staying in Afghanistan! Rumors of major battle brewing! More rip offs for U.S. taxpayers!

13 March 2013/01 Jumada l-Ula 1434/23 Esfand 1391

In Badakhshan Province, reports of nearly 300 families fleeing their homes in Akshira village in Wardaj District.  Apparently Mujahideen are using the area to prepare for a major battle with U.S. led Afghan National Army (ANA).  Provincial government officials believe Mujahideen are about to launch an offensive to take control of at least four districts, including the province’s capital city.

In Kunduz Province, a suicide bomber killed as many as 20 people, and wounded 35, after he blew himself up at a sporting event.  Among those killed are the son and the father of the Afghan Speaker of the House.  Some reports suggest they were the target of the bomber.

In Baghlan Province, children were playing with what turned out to be unexploded ordinance (UXO).  The bomb went off killing six kids and wounding five. Local government officials say the bomb was left over from a recent battle.

In Helmand Province, unconfirmed reports that an explosion killed two U.S./U.K. led personnel. Also, President Hamid Karzai told University students and local elders that the U.S. led War on Terror is a lie, and that some Mujahideen are actually working for the United States!  He also stated that Afghanistan and Pakistan must unite in order to fight their own War on Terror.

In Nangarhar Province, 21000 kg (about 20 tons) of morphine and heroin was captured by Afghan and Russian forces.  It’s considered the biggest drug bust in years, and is proof that everything the U.S. has done to supposedly stop opium drug production has failed.

U.S. National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, told the U.S. Senate that Afghanistan was too unstable for U.S. forces to pullout: “the Taliban-led insurgency has diminished in some areas of Afghanistan but remains resilient and capable of challenging U.S. and international goals. The coalition drawdown will have an impact on Afghanistan’s economy, which is likely to decline after 2014.”

The German Development Bank just pledged $89 million USD for the construction of an electricity network in Balkh and Samang provinces, and the building of a dam in Baghlan Province.

12 March 2013/29 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/22 Esfand 1391

In Kandahar Province, a U.S. helicopter crashed, killing five U.S. personnel. Mujahideen claim they hit the ‘copter with a rocket, but ISAF said: “The cause of the crash is under investigation, however initial reporting indicates there was no enemy activity in the area at the time of the incident.”

In Parwan Province, reports that U.S. Bagram air base was hit by rocket attacks.

In Helmand Province, in Khashin district five people were killed after they drove over a landmine. In Musa Qaleh district, a woman and two girls were killed when a mortar round hit their house.

Textron Marine & Land Systems announced they are being paid $113.4 million USD by the U.S. government, to provide Afghanistan with armored vehicles. The deal is being handled by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Sales (FMS).  The company is currently working to fulfill a 2011 U.S. contract for the same armored vehicles.


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 09 – 11 March 2013. U.S. troops fail to follow Karzai’s orders! Attacks against U.S. forces in Maidan-Wardak increase, U.S. forces respond by shooting women & children! U.S. to erase drone strike data! Netherlands leaving!

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391

In Maidan-Wardak Province, an Afghan National Security Forces (NSF) personnel shot and killed two U.S. SOF troops, and at least three fellow NSF members.  The shooter was also killed.  23 U.S. and Afghan personnel wounded. U.S. led forces then wounded two women and a child following the Green on Blue attack. U.S. forces also shot and killed two contracted vehicle maintenance employees as they were arriving for work. The Afghan Interior Ministry is protesting the killings. Some Afghans think it’s in retaliation for the Green on Blue attack.  Also, the deadline for U.S. SOF personnel to leave has expired and they have not left.  People in the province say they’re tired of constant home invasions, and random searches, shootings and kidnappings by the SOF troops. One man says one of his sons was kidnapped by SOF led troops three months ago, and he hasn’t been given any info about his whereabouts.  People are actually leaving the province because of the war crimes being committed by U.S. led forces.

In Farah Province, the provincial police chief said three people were killed by U.S. led drone (UAV) strike.  The target was a residence in Shivan area of Bala Buluk district.

USMC General, Joseph Dunford, responded to President Hamid Karzai’s claim that the U.S. was working with certain Mujahideen groups to keep Afghanistan destabilized, in order to justify keeping U.S. forces in country after the 2014 pullout:  “We have no reason to be supporting instability in Afghanistan.”

10 March 2013/27 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/20 Esfand 1391

In Nangarhar Province, a major battle between U.S. forces and Mujahideen in Shegal Bazaar at Ajin district.  It began at 09:00 hours when Mujahideen ambushed a NATO convoy.  At one point air strikes were called in. Afghan government officials say at least four Mujahideen were killed, 16 people wounded including three women and two kids.  The battle was over by 18:00 hours.  No info on U.S./NATO casualties.

The U.S. Central Command says it will erase all drone strike data from their monthly air power reports.  U.S. military officials admitted the reason why was because the increased use of drone strikes was attracting too much attention.

President Karzai accused the U.S. and Mujahideen of collusion. He pointed out that they’ve been holding meetings in Qatar for awhile now.  He believes the U.S. is supporting some militant groups in order to keep Afghanistan unstable, so U.S. officials can justify keeping troops in the country after the 2014 pullout.  Shortly after Karzai’s comments U.S. Secretary of State, Chuck Hagel, canceled his press conference with Karzai.

09 March 2013/26 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/19 Esfand 1391

In Khost Province, a suicide car bomber attacked a U.S./NATO/ANA convoy. Reports say nine people, including eight children, were killed.  Two kids wounded.

In Kabul City, a bomb went off killing 10 people and wounding several others: “We have got nine dead, all are civilians. Among the 10 wounded, two or three are personnel of the [Afghan] Ministry of Defense.”-Mohammad Daoud Amin, Kabul deputy police chief

U.S. forces have delayed the hand over of Bagram prison, again!  Now they say they will be able to handle the turnover later in March.  I guess they needed more time than they thought to cover up their crimes, after all, an unnamed U.S. official admitted they needed the delay to handle technical and legal issues.

Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, announced they will withdraw their police trainers earlier than planned.  He thinks the Afghan government is ready to handle things themselves: “We have decided to end the training mission on July 1.  The Afghans are ready sooner than planned to take responsibility for police training in Kunduz.”

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 05 – 08 March 2013. Intense Green on Blue & Blue on Green attacks, dozens killed! More games with tax dollars over aircraft! More than 13000 U.S. troops will remain! More proof it’s all about the oil! U.S. female soldier goes to prison for stealing your tax money!

08 March 2013/25 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/18 Esfand 1391

(where’s the U.S. main streamer media on this one?) In Kapisa Province, Afghan National Army (ANA) troops attacked a U.S. base. Reports say the ANA soldiers were using U.S. supplied vehicles.  One civilian contractor was killed, one U.S. soldier killed, as well as three ANA troops. Local government officials say it was a spontaneous attack, as U.S. personnel apparently insulted ANA troops as they were leaving the base. However, an independent report says U.S. forces open fired on an ANA vehicle, killing the driver. Then other ANA forces arrived and open fired in a vengeance attack. The independent report says two more ANA troops were killed, nine U.S. personnel were killed and two wounded.  ISAF said only: “Individuals wearing Afghan National Army uniforms turned their weapons against International Security Assistance Force members in eastern Afghanistan today, killing one ISAF-contracted civilian. The incident is currently under investigation.”

The above incident in Kapisa might be connected to a massive home invasion operation the day before.

In Helmand Province, a NDS (National Directorate of Security) spy was assassinated by Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, a motorcycle bomb was used to destroy an Afghan government forces’ Toyota Land Cruiser.  Also, Mujahideen claim two NATO tanks rolled over landmines. The casualties were medivaced by helicopters.

The games with U.S. tax dollars continue in regards to the U.S. funded COIN (COunter INsurgency) aircraft program for Afghanistan.  Once again Beechcraft is protesting the USAF decision to give Afghanistan the A-29 Super Tucano.  This is the second time Beechcraft is protesting.  The USAF has held competition/review between the Beechcraft AT-6 and A-29 twice now, and the A-29 won both times.  The program could end up costing U.S. taxpayers $950 million USD.

07 March 2013/24 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/17 Esfand 1391

In Kapisa Province, in Koh Band district, a large scale home invasion operation took place.  According to locals six homes were set on fire, wounding seven people including children.  Apparently the operation was actually an attempt to kidnap a local Imam.

In Ghazni Province, an ANA soldier joined the Mujahideen.

(here’s another one the U.S. main streamers missed) In Maidan-Wardak province, in Chak district, U.S. helicopters attacked ANA forces!  Six Afghan government troops killed in the Blue on Green attack.  The U.S. air attack on Afghan government forces came after Mujahideen ambushed U.S. ground forces in the same area.

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen say they killed three U.S. personnel during a firefight in the Chowki district.

In Farah Province, three cops were killed, nine wounded, while they were destroying an opium field in Khak-e-Safid district.  Local officials say one of the cops stepped on a landmine.

In Herat Province, two explosions wounded at least five people. One of the explosions was caused by a motorcycle bomb, which went off as an opposition political party was holding a rally.

In Uruzgan Province, six mercenaries (contracted militia/cops, aka Arbakis) joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar, a policeman from the Zhiri district joined the Mujahideen.

A female U.S. Army soldier, Tonya Long, went to prison, convicted of trying to smuggle more than $1 million out of Afghanistan.   Investigators say she and her family spent half of it on plastic surgery, vacations and a tractor/trailer rig.  She served in Afghanistan as customs inspector with the 189th Combat Sustainment Battalion between 12 January 2008 and 5 April 2009.  She will spend five years in prison, three on probation and must pay back one million U.S. tax dollars: “Tonya Long betrayed her team and while other soldiers were fighting for our country, she was stealing money intended to support the mission.”-Thomas G Walker, U.S. Attorney

Merry olde Britisher slave taxpayers are going to be funding $14.9 million in Afghan mining projects.  Prime Minister David Cameron revealed that his bloody Red Coat interests in Afghanistan are not about fighting terrorism but about getting control of natural resources.   Recent mineral resource analysis suggests that Afghanistan has $3 trillion worth of gold, gems, iron ore, and petroleum!

06 March 2013/23 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/16 Esfand 1391

In Paktia Province, another U.S. home invasion, in Girda Chiri district, resulted in three people being killed.  Reports say the three people killed were shot out of frustration because the U.S. led forces did not find whatever it was they were looking for. Several people were beaten.

In Farah Province, two Italian NATO troops, and an Afghan translator, were wounded after they drove over a landmine. The explosion flipped their new Iveco Lynx wheeled vehicle.

In Takhar Province, local government officials say a potential suicide bomber might have set off his bomb too soon.  Police say the bomb went off in his house, wounding the home owner and a child.  The home owner/potential bomber has been arrested.

In Herat Province, a police commander was assassinated by Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, a NDS spy was assassinated by Mujahideen.

USMC General James Mattis told the U.S. Congress that thousands of U.S. personnel need to remain in Afghanistan after the supposed 2014 pullout: “I have made my recommendation….That recommendation is for 13600 U.S. forces.”

General Mattis originally wanted to keep 20000 personnel in the Central Asian country! So much for any withdrawal.  Mattis also told Congress that he wants to turn over drone operations to Afghanistan.

05 March 2013/22 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/15 Esfand 1391

In Kunar Province, reports that three people simply walking were killed by U.S. led drone strike, in Ghazi Abad district.

In Laghman Province, Mujahideen say they engaged a U.S. led patrol in Qarghaee district, killing one and wounding two.

In Saripul Province, Mujahideen say they liberated the village of Qonsai.  Three Arbakis killed, three wounded. One Mujahid wounded.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen claim to have repelled a U.S. led offensive in Babaji district. At least three ISAF armored vehicles destroyed.  The offensive might have started after Mujahideen ambushed an ISAF foot patrol earlier in the day in the same district.

While the U.S. is actually planning on staying, German Defense Minister Thomas Maiziere announced they are leaving.   Specifically they will abandon OP (Observation Post) North near the city of Puli-khumri in Baghlan Province.

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen presented local government officials with the bodies of 16 ANA troops.  Mujahideen said they killed the ANA soldiers in a firefight. Mujahideen say in the battle they captured 12 government personnel, 2 vehicles and 37 weapons.  Eight government vehicles were destroyed. Two Mujahideen killed, one Mujahid was wounded.

At least 21 former executives and employees of Kabul Bank have been convicted and sent to prison. They were convicted of fraud after it was discovered that 90% of the bank’s loans went to only 19 individuals and businesses.  Sentences range from six months to five years in prison. Two former executives will have to pay back more than $700 million combined.

33 years later, a Soviet soldier who went MIA (Missing In Action) during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, has been found, alive.  According to Russian media the soldier defected to the Mujahideen.  Just think you Yankees, 30 years from now you could be hearing similar reports about your MIAs!