Tag Archives: new york

Occupy America! 07:00 hours, November 17, Wall Street will be attacked by thousands of protestors

“Enough of this economy that exploits and divides us. It’s time we put an end to Wall Street’s reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all.”-occupywallst.org

At 07:00 hours, New York time, on November 17 the OWS movement claims they will launch a human wave attack on Wall Street.

Organizers say events will take place in Europe as well, it’s being called “International Day of Action”.

Despite some U.S. media reports calling an end to the OWS movement, after a weekend of brutal police crack downs across the country, it’s clear the OWS movement is alive and well.

New York City officials say they’re ready: “Our plan is to be prepared. Our goal is to ensure this city continues to run.”-Cas Holloway, Deputy Mayor  


Class War: Wall Street protesters still at it, people from all over the U.S. are there, wearing a mask can get you arrested

“There’s a major divide between the rich and the poor in this country. One in 10 people are unemployed and my vote is nullified by corporate lobbyists.”-Alexander Holmes, from Oakland, California

People from main street U.S.A. are protesting on corporate America’s Wall Street. They started on September 17, and they’re still going!

New York Times reported at least six arrests by September 19.  Two men and a woman were arrested for wearing ski masks.  It is illegal in New York city for two or more people to wear masks in public, I wounder what’s gonna happen at Halloween?

Another man was arrested after he told police that he was having trouble walking.  Another woman was arrested after she wrote something on the sidewalk with chalk.

The New York Times confirmed that people are coming from all over the U.S. such as Massachusetts, Michigan, Virginia, New Jersey and Washington State.

Protesters say they’ve been inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings, and they hope to continue protesting just as long as their Arab peers have.

What Economic Recovery? New York City Mayor says get ready for riots

September 17, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued a warning for all the United States: “We have a lot of kids graduating college, can’t find jobs. That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid. You don’t want those kinds of riots here.”

Also, “The damage to a generation that can’t find jobs will go on for many, many years.”

Bloomberg said Democrats and Republicans need to act now: “Now everybody’s got to sit down and say we’re actually gonna do something and you have to do something on both the revenue and the expense side.”

United Police States of America: County amusment park bans head scarves, dozens of American Muslims detained by cops

“I don’t give **** about your culture.”-comment attributed to Westchester County Park Ranger as he beat woman lying on the ground

New York media reporting that at least 15 men and women were detained by New York cops, after an amusement park banned head scarves.

Muslims went to the Westchester County amusement park to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, instead of getting on park rides, they got rides to jail.

Here’s how pathetic the NAZI United States is getting:  Muslim women wanted to go to a county run amusement park.  They were met by insults, and even people trying to rip their head scarves from their head.  When the husbands of the women tried to defend them riot police were called in.  One man says police grabbed his daughter’s head scarf and slammed her to the ground!

“There seems to have been a disproportionate response in which police used excessive strength and force to subdue female protesters, that had a snowball effect on the antagonism and aggression that ensued.”-Cyrus McGoldrick, Council on American Islamic Relations

It could be considered a violation of Constitutional rights to ban head scarves, but park officials say head scarves are banned on certain rides for safety reasons.  Park officials claim they tried to explain to the women why they could not wear the scarves on certain rides.  The Muslims say no explaination was given, they were just ordered to take off their scarves, and when the women asked why that’s when the beatings started.

One things for sure, a lot of people got upset ’cause there were Muslims trying to ride the amusement park rides.  Eight surrounding law enforcement agencies were called in, including police dogs and a helicopter.

Watch a local Fox news report with home video.


United Police States of America: NYPD really the KKK? New evidence to support such a claim, do you have ‘Ancestors of Interest’ to cops?

The New York Police have constantly denied being involved with any spy programs based on a person’s ethnicity.  Yet here’s more proof: The Associated Press got their hands on a document attesting to a 16 man “Demographics Unit” that investigates people with “ancestries of interest”.

The NYDP Demographics Unit didn’t limit themselves to New York, they also took action in Connecticut, New Jersey and Philadelphia.  The Demographics Unit was led by a former CIA agent (I wonder if he’ll turn out to be a fraud, like that Hiller guy?).

The latest documents show that the NYPD targeted 28 ethnic groups, including those of Somalian, Albanian and Turkish descent, as well as the “American Black Muslim.”   Remember people, officially the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia (15), Egypt (1), Lebanon (1) and United Arab Emirates (2), and as far as  I know none of them were black.  So why are we always targeting people who did not come from those countries? 


Insult to Injury: Bloomberg says 9/11 victims’ names may not be read at this years Ceremonies

“Some people have said, you know, we should go on forever. Some people have said change is good … there will always be dissension. And the papers will make a big deal of it.”-Michael Bloomberg, Mayor New York City

Fox News reporting that New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, might forgo what had become tradition at the 9/11 Anniversary Ceremonies; the reading of the victims’ names.

“It’s becoming more and more clear to me that Mayor Bloomberg is becoming the dictator of 9/11 and how we should think about it and what the narrative should be.”-Tim Brown, 9/11 firefighter

Insult to Injury: New York City bans religious representatives from 9/11 Anniversary Ceremonies

“They were the spiritual and emotional backbone, and when you have a situation where people are trying to find meaning, where something is bigger than them, when you have a crisis of this level, they often look to the clergy.”-Fernando Cabrera, New York City council

The Wall Street Journal reporting that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, will not allow representatives from religious groups to take part in the 9/11 anniversary ceremonies.

One of the victims of the 9/11/2001 attacks, was the chaplain of the New York Fire Department.  The New York Magazine even named Mychal Judge the most famous victim of 9/11.

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik said the problem is that ceremony organizers overbooked the event: “I don’t know how to make it possible for everyone to have a place at the table.”


Insult to Injury: 9/11 First Responders banned from anniversary ceremony

“We’re working to find ways to recognize and honor first responders, and other groups, at different places and times.”-statement from New York City Mayor’s office

About 3,000 first responders have been told there’s no room at the inn for them.  Apparently the organizers of the September 11, 2001 anniversary ceremony, forgot to invite the people who tried to rescue the victims of the attack.

“I’m absolutely disgusted.”-Anthony Flammina, retired NYPD cop

To be forgotten in this year’s ceremony adds insult to injury, after first responders were treated like terrorist suspects just to get health benefits.  Then, on top of that, last month the National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health decided that 9/11 first responders would not be covered for the strange cancers most are now suffering from.  The government says there’s not enough evidence showing the strange cancers are linked to the recovery efforts at “ground zero”.

Mitt’s Mystery Money NOT explained by latest admissions, Romney is just more Washington DC BS

Once upon a time, very recently, candidate for U.S. president Mitt Romney got three donations from three companies that were created solely to give Mitt Romney money.

The main stream media is focusing on a now defunct company named W Spann LLC.  The property owner, where the company was supposedly located in New York, says no such company ever took up residence.

Now a man named Ed Conard comes forward and says he created W Spann LLC for the sole purpose of giving Mitt Romney money.  Conrad “closed” down his company immediately after giving Romney the money.  Why would you need to create a fake company to give someone money?

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, and the mainstream media seems to be ignoring the rest of the iceberg.  The fact is that one of Romney’s super PACs called “Restore our Future” (an oxymoron of a title) got three, not one, but three mysterious million dollar contributions from three mysterious companies.

Ed Conrad claims he’s the creator of one of those companies, W Spann LLC.  The other two are in Provo, Utah.

Interestingly the two companies in Utah have the same address.  One company is known as Eli Publishing L.C., the other company is called F8 LLC.

Eli Publishing L.C. was founded by Steven J Lund.  The address is 86 N University Ave Suite 420 Provo, Utah 84601.  A local Fox news affiliate (Fox 13), in Provo, caught up with Lund and asked him why he created a company to give Mitt Romney money.  Lund said there were accounting advantages in donating money to politicians through a corporation.

F8 LLC was founded by Jeremy S Blickenstaff. The address is 86 N University Ave Suite 420 Provo, Utah 84601.  Blickenstaff is refusing to talk to the media.

Fox 13 news says they went to the address and found an accounting company at Suite 420, who’s employees claim to have no connection to Eli Publishing L.C., or F8 LLC.   What Fox news didn’t point out is that the address, 86 N University Ave, is also the location of one of several Wells Fargo banks in Provo.

The corporate info on the companies can be found at utah.gov.  There are other companies using the name Eli Publishing, so don’t confuse them.

The real issue here is that a politician named Mitt Romney wants to be elected president, on the grounds that there needs to be change in Washington DC (the usual reason), and that his experience with business finance makes him the right choice.  But the problem in Washington DC is money, how it’s used, how it’s acquired, the corruption and shady deals.  That’s why this country is facing financial disaster.  Yet Mitt Romney has no problem with supporters setting up fake shady corporations for the sole purpose of donating shady mystery money to his campaign?

Sounds like with Mitt Romney you get the same ol’ Washington DC BS.

Official complaints have been filed with the Federal Election Commission, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

I knew former IMF boss Strauss-Kahn was innocent, police now say hotel maid is a liar

In May, International Monetary Fund boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested just after he got on a plane for France.  He was charged with raping a hotel maid, and humiliated by the U.S. mainstream media who basically convicted him without waiting for a trial to be held.

Strauss-Kahn ended up resigning as IMF boss, and even had his hopes of running for President of France destroyed.  Now New York police and prosecutors say they were wrong!

When this first went down I speculated that this whole thing had something to do with his running for President of France.

Prosecutors are now working with Strauss-Kahn over the possibility of dropping all charges.  It turns out that the hotel worker is involved in drug running and money laundering.  Police investigators admit she constantly changed her story about what happened.  They also have a tape recording of the woman talking to a man in prison about how to fabricate a rape claim against Strauss-Kahn.

Isn’t it convenient that all this comes out after Strauss-Kahn’s career and political ambitions have been destroyed?  He must’ve been a threat to someone powerful.