Tag Archives: martial law

Exceptional Failed State: Firefighters & cops watch & do nothing as man dies of heart attack right in front of a fire station!

31 January 2014 (01:02 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/11 Bahman 1392/01 Yi-Chou (1st month) 4712 (Happy New Year!)

“Five individuals had access…nobody went over…”-Kenneth Lyons, Ambulance Union President, commenting on lack of response by firefighters

“This man served DC his entire life and he deserved better. I am very concerned and I am investigating this matter through my committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. We have made inquiries with both the Office of Unified Communication and Fire and Emergency Medical Services.”-Tommy Wells, DC Councilman

In Washington DC, a 77 years old man died of a heart attack right in front of a fire station, and his daughter.  It happened last week.  The man collapsed and his daughter, knowing there was a fire station right there, began asking for help, but none came.

Then passersby began demanding for help from the fire station, noting to local news media that the firefighters were just standing around.  One witness says a firefighter told him that they could do nothing until they were officially dispatched!

Washington DC cops showed up, but then refused to get near the man!  An ambulance finally showed up, but the man was pronounced dead at the hospital.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Boston cops preparing to confiscate guns! Recruiting Christian leaders, says recent shootings are not “random”! Strict anti-gun laws not stopping gun crimes!

30 January 2014 (16:49 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“I’m going to suggest if you know where a gun is, you tell me, I’ll get rid of the gun no questions asked.”-Richard Conway, Saint Peter’s church in Dorchester, after meeting with NAZI Boston Strong cops

In Massachusetts, Boston Strong cops are now recruiting Christian leaders to convince Mr and Mrs America gun owners to turn them all in.  It’s being done under the guise of trying to stop a wave of shootings that police say are not “random”.

The apparently not so strong Boston cops claim they are after “illegal” guns.

So what is an illegal gun in Massachusetts?  Any gun bought without a permit!  Any gun owner who does not have a gun license is a law breaker!  Assault type weapons banned!  Magazines that can hold more than ten rounds banned!

Here’s an interesting ban; silencers are banned for civilian use, but cops can use them!  Why do cops need silencers?

Massachusetts’ gun laws are considered the most restrictive in the country, resembling the anti-gun laws of the European Union.  However, at the end of 2011 it was shown that the result of the anti-gun laws only increased gun crimes in the Bay State!

In 1998, then Governor Paul Cellucci stated that the new tough anti-gun laws “…will save lives and help fight crime in our communities.”  John Rosenthal of Stop Handgun Violence predicted it would “…prevent future gun violence…”  Big fail!

In 2011, the Boston Globe reported that murders by gun went from 65 in 1998 to 122 in 2011!  In fact all crimes involving guns went up!

But how are the Strong NAZIs of Boston going to deal with their ever increasing gun crimes?  Why they’re getting ready to go after everybody’s guns!


Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Obama regime takes down rebels in Hawaii?

30 January 2014 (16:17 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

On 28 January 2014, a coalition of local cops and federal cops (including ATF) raided a home in Kailua, Hawaii.  They claim they stopped a dangerous group that was selling fully automatic machine guns and hand grenades.

However, according to local news media reports out of the half dozen people  arrested not one had any weapons on them!  People were arrested for various accusations from traffic violations to drug possession, but no weapons violations.

After searches of the home and vehicles no machine guns or grenades were found.  All “suspects” were then conveniently accused of drug possession.

Local news reports also said at least three other people had been arrested in the past two weeks, in connection to the investigation.  However, none had any machine guns or grenades on them.

Local and federal agencies told local news media that they’ve spent a lot of time and money tracking down this dangerous group of yet to be proven gun runners!

Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Obama regime orders cops to stop drivers who are gun owners, and take their guns!

30 January 2014 (13:17 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“…and he wants to put me in jail, he wants to put me in jail! For no reason! He wants to take my wife and children away and put me in jail! In America, how does such a thing happen? And after all that, he didn’t even write me a ticket!”-John Filippidis, citizen gun owner who was stopped by cops who somehow knew he was a gun owner

The National Rifle Association is calling for grass roots mobilization of gun owners after it’s been revealed that police are now targeting drivers because they are gun owners!

The incident involves a Maryland Transportation Authority Police puppet who not only asked a citizen for his driver’s license, proof of insurance and vehicle registration, but added “Where’s your gun?”

The driver was on his way back to Florida after visiting relatives in New Jersey.  He had his wife and daughters in the SUV with him.  He noticed a police vehicle (that was not marked as one, but you know they’re easy to spot) was following him, then would pull in front of him and then pulled behind him again, for more than ten minutes, before pulling him over.

The evil anti-Constitution cop said “You own a gun, where is it?”  The driver insisted that the only gun he owned was back home in Florida!  The driver’s wife was questioned and like a dumb wife said she didn’t know where her husband kept the gun, but added it could be anywhere.  Because of that answer the cops declared the man a “liar” and had the SUV searched.  No gun found!

After more than an hour the family was allowed to drive on. If background checks used to buy a gun are not used as a gun registration, then how did the cops know the man, who apparently has no criminal record, was a gun owner, and why did they try to confiscate it?


Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Obama regime shuts down entire New Mexico police department because they openly support the Constitution!

30 January 2014 (12:52 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The TSA has detained Jemez Springs, New Mexico, Police Chief Shane Harger because he signed a pledge to uphold the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution!  He is now on administrative leave and is being ordered to disband the entire Jemez Springs police department!

The Transportation Security Administration ambushed Police boss Harger as he returned from the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) convention in Nevada.  The next day Sandoval County Sheriff, Douglas C. Wood, ordered Harger to fire all the cops in the city of Jemez Springs!

The town has a population of only 252 people!

Harger was ambushed at an airport.  The Obama regime TSA agents insisted to Hager that he was “a person of interest” and detained him for more than 30 minutes.  Apparently any cop who is a member of CSPOA is now a “person of interest” to the Obama regime.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

False Flag Martial Law Event: Terrorists to nuke Super Bowl, or is it because Super Bowl is surrounded by aged Fukushima type GE disaster reactors?

30 January 2014 (19:35 UTC-07 Tango 29 January 2013)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“If sometime in the future you have a reason to be looking for something radiological, it’s very necessary to have the original background.”-Joseph Krol, NNSA, explaining why airborne radiation samples were taken around the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey

About one week ago it was revealed that the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and the New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management, used Bell 412 (an evolved version of the old Vietnam era Huey) helicopters to take airborne radiation samples around New York and New Jersey.  The New Jersey State Police revealed that it’s all about this year’s NFL Super Bowl at the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford.

Are our fearless, as well as conniving and even incompetent, leaders expecting a terrorist attack during this year’s Super Bowl, involving radioactive material?

Or maybe it’s the fact that the the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is surrounded by aged and proven destructive General Electric designed BWRs?

The Boiling Water Reactors are similar to the ones used at the ongoing nuke disaster known as Fukushima Daiichi, in Japan.

In New Jersey, the Oyster Creek nuclear powered electricity generating factory is the oldest nuke plant in the U.S. that is still operating.  Its one reactor is a GE designed BWR.  Oyster Creek is about 75 miles south of the Super Bowl.  (this is the most likely suspect given dominant wind direction)

In New York, there are two GE designed BWRs just north of Oswego.  Unit 1 and Unit 2 are located on the shore of Lake Ontario.

About 20 miles south of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, along the Susquehanna River are Unit 2 and Unit 3 of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.  Both GE designed BWRs.  And then another two BWRs in Salem Township, known as Susquehanna Units 1 and 2.

In Plymouth, Massachusetts, lies the GE designed BWR known as Pilgrim 1.  There’s one in Vermont.

There are dozens of other types of nuclear reactors in the north eastern United States, so take your pick.  And don’t forget to factor in the direction the wind is blowing.  Visit Wind Map to see a live action map of current wind direction and speed across the United States.

It’s just suspicious that federal and state agencies decided to establish background radiation levels around the area of the upcoming 02 February Super Bowl.  Maybe they have inside false flag plans, I mean information about possible terrorist activities, or even a catastrophic Act of God nuke power station failure?

More Fukushima Fallout: Children’s Teeth inspected for Strontium! U.S. helicopters check for radiation for NFL Super Bowl, concern over Fukushima or preps for False Flag event in February?

23 January 2014 (00:15 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/03 Bahman 1392/23 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association is leading an Environment Ministry study to inspect the teeth of local children, for strontium-90 contamination.  Dentists from other Japanese prefectures will coordinate with the Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association, as well as the University of Fukushima and Tohoku University in Miyagi Prefecture.

Strontium-90 tricks your body into thinking it is calcium, being absorbed into your bones and teeth.  Teeth from kids between the ages of five and 15, who have to have teeth pulled for whatever medical reason, will be examined for cesium.  If cesium is found then further tests for strontium-90 will be conducted.

The study begins in April and runs for 12 months.  They expect to inspect as many as 2-thousand teeth.

Mayors from cities in five prefectures are outraged at the national government’s plans to establish nuclear waste dumps, in order to deal with the never ending build up of nuke waste by Fukushima Daiichi.

The Environment Ministry announced the possible locations, to store sewage sludge, incinerated ash and other waste contaminated with radiation.  But when the Ministry asked the mayors for their cooperation some mayors refused.

Inomata Hirobumi, mayor of Kami Town in Miyagi Prefecture, said the Ministry failed to follow their own rules in picking the waste sites.  One of the rules says the sites should not be near areas that are tourist attractions.  Inomata points out that the waste site picked by the Ministry sees more than 1-million tourists per year!

Sato Isamu, mayor of Kurihara City in the same prefecture, said the Ministry’s waste site just happens to be in the path of the main water source for a city reservoir!

In British Columbia, Canada, there are reports that people are making runs on pharmacies for potassium iodide.   Some pharmacists are lying to their potential customers telling them they need a prescription, when they really don’t.

The reason is that iodide can be bad for you if you take too much.

News reports say some Canadians on the west coast are overreacting to continued and increasing  amounts of radiation pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima Daiichi, and the comments made by environmentalist David Suzuki: “……if, in fact, the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those  rods are exposed, it’s bye-bye Japan and everybody on the West Coast of North America should evacuate.”

Of course, Suzuki was citing the 2013 World Nuclear Industry Status Report.

The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) in cooperation with New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management, is using Bell 412 (an evolved version of the old Vietnam era Huey) helicopters to take airborne radiation samples around New York and New Jersey.  This might not be new news, but what is is that the New Jersey State Police revealed that it’s all about this year’s NFL Super Bowl at the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford.

The Bell 412s (which are not “massive” helicopters as first reported by some sources) are currently flying as low as 46 meters (150 feet), and at 129km per hour (80 miles per hour) to conduct the air sampling.

The Super Bowl takes place on 02 February.  Federal officials have been openly saying the airborne radiation checks are not related to Fukushima, but are about establishing a “baseline” of background radiation just in case of an “event”.

“If sometime in the future you have a reason to be looking for something radiological, it’s very necessary to have the original background.”-Joseph Krol, NNSA

The New Jersey OEM lied and said the sampling was normal: “The measurement of naturally occurring radiation to establish baseline levels is a routine security and emergency preparedness activity. The NJ State Police are partnering with the NNSA to make the public aware of the upcoming flights and insure that citizens who see the low-flying aircraft are not alarmed.”-New Jersey OEM statement

Think about it, if it’s “routine” then why all this effort to inform the public so it is not “alarmed”?

Also, why is it focused on New York/New Jersey and why the hurry to to get it done by 25 January, before the Super Bowl?

Influenza: H1N1 hits Cyprus! Florida fighting epidemic! Medical incompetence could kill doctor! Europe planning for 2014-15 pandemic? FEMA preps for pandemic?

22 January 2014 (18:32 UTC-07 Tango 21 January)/20 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/02 Bahman 1392/22 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada:  A second person has died from H1N1.  Health officials report that overall flu cases are well below last year’s numbers.

Ontario, Canada: A 16 months old infant in North Bay died from H1N1.  927 confirmed flu cases in the province.

European Union: The European Centre for Disease prevention and Control (ECDC) says influenza is now hitting Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal and Spain.

Germany reports only four confirmed influenza cases at this point (H3N2 & H1N1).

Across all of the European Union (EU) 62% of flu cases are H1N1, 38% are H3N2.  Despite the common belief that flu is a cold weather bug, European health officials point out that the flu is migrating north as temps warm up.  Influenza season in Europe actually begins in the much warmer Mediterranean countries.

In Cyprus, two people have checked into a privately run hospital with H1N1.  Health officials told Cypriots not to worry as H1N1 is now part of the “…seasonal influenza which is circulating in other European Countries.”

The ECDC is also warning that there is not enough flu shots in the EU.  Not because there is a shortage, but because EU members have failed to stockpile enough.  Most EU members are only at 40%-60% of what is planned to be a mass influenza vaccination program in preparation for the 2014-15 flu season.  Mmmm, why the concern for such a massive vaccination program?

The U.S. FEMA is also preparing for pandemic: “The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is seeking to augment its market research……..bio-medical waste collection and removal services during emergency response events…..Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with one or more contractor(s) for a base period of 1-year plus four twelve-month option periods.”

Florida, U.S.A.: State health officials say influenza is now at epidemic levels.  H1N1 is the dominant version, and it’s hitting pregnant women and people in their 40s hardest.  There are now an average of about 400 new cases per week in the Sunshine State.  Officials admit many counties do not track influenza related deaths.

New York, U.S.A.: Madison County reporting their first H1N1 death.

Texas, U.S.A.: A doctor with the Heart Institute of East Texas, is now in a medically induced coma because of H1N1. His wife is also hospitalized, and suffered a heart attack because of H1N1.  Their adult daughter said H1N1 hit her father hard and fast, and his own fellow doctors misdiagnosed the problem: “He was making his rounds and became nauseous. He went to the emergency room and they told him they thought he had an upper respiratory infection and sent him home with an antibiotic. My mom began to get sick the next day after caring for him.”-Rebecca Gill

Anti-biotics do nothing against flu viruses!  They are for fighting bacteria only. Rebecca Gill says she is sick now, as well, and is asking for financial help.

Wisconsin, U.S.A.:  Reports of 397 hospitalizations.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 11-14 January 2014: 4-thousand+ U.S. personnel heading to Afghanistan! Obama corrupted 2009 elections! Obama regime shutting down state militias, stealing their airborne firepower! Preps for U.S. civil war?

Badghis Province: Three employees of the government Rural Rehabilitation and Development Directorate were kidnapped.

Kabul Province: In Kabul City, a suicide bomber exploded near the police academy.  At least 3 people killed, 21 wounded.

Kandahar Province: In Maiwand District, reports say a man and woman were shot and killed as they walked past a U.S.-NATO-ISAF base.  Witnesses say the shots came from the base.  The members of 1st Battalion, 158th Field Artillery, Oklahoma Army National Guard, arrived for duty at the Kandahar Airfield.

Nangarhar Province: In Jalalabad City, three children died when a propane gas cylinder exploded. Two other children, along with the parents, were wounded.   In Khogyani District, a family of six were wounded when a mortar round landed on their house.

Sar-e Pol Province: In Balkhab District, the British empire controlled (London based) Afghan Gold and Minerals Company has been awarded a contract to develop a huge copper mine.  The copper vein was originally discovered by the Soviets during the Cold War.

Uruzgan Province: In Charchino District, three local cops were stabbed to death (see, you don’t need guns to kill, it’s called hand to hand combat).  Apparently the cops were stabbed by two other cops who joined the Mujahideen.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan is reporting skyrocketing incidents involving foreigners hunting rare animal species in Afghanistan.  It is illegal to hunt animals declared as rare in Afghanistan.  Ministry officials said most of the illegal hunters are from Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh.

Despite foreign tax funding and deals with mining companies, The New York Times is reporting that many Afghan cops have not been paid since November 2013!  The report says Obama regime and UN officials are not aware that many cops were not being paid.  So where’s the money?

In Halifax, Canada, people are asking government officials why their war memorial still does not reflect the Canadian involvement in the U.S. led occupation of Afghanistan?

Former chief of Afghanistan Independent Election Commission Secretariat, Daud Ali Najafi, revealed that in the 2009 Afghan elections, Obama regime officials Richard Hallbrooke and Peter Galbraith tried to oust Hamid Karzai by influencing Afghan voters.  Najafi also said the U.S. officials threatened him, saying he should not announce the election result because Karzai won with 55% of the votes. A second election was held at the insistence of the Obama regime.

More than 4-thousand members of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force deploying to Afghanistan from California.

10 air-militiamen of the Air National Guard’s 282nd Combat Communications Squadron, from the U.S. state of Rhode island, returned home from Afghanistan and Qatar.

15 militiamen from the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 924th Engineer Facilities Detachment deployed to Romania.  The east European country is the new final landing point (Forward Operating Site Mihail Kogalniceanu) for planes carrying U.S. personnel bound for Afghanistan, since the Central Asian country Kazakhstan kicked out the U.S.

About 50 members of Alpha Battery 2-146th Field Artillery Regiment, Washington Army National Guard, returned home from Afghanistan.

The U.S. state of Oregon’s 186th Infantry 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team Army National Guard is undergoing training for deployment to Afghanistan.

The Army National Guard’s 262nd Engineer Company, from the U.S. state of Maine, undergoing training for deployment to Afghanistan.

After returning from Afghanistan with their AH-64 Apache gunships, the Army National Guard’s 1-211th Attack Helicopter Battalion, in the U.S. state of Utah, were told they will probably lose their Apaches plus 100-200 jobs!  Supposedly it’s part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s plans to cut military spending.  Or is it really a conspiracy to deprive state militias of firepower when the 2nd U.S. civil war starts?

As they are just about to deploy to Afghanistan with their OH-58 Kiowa recon ‘copters (based on the Bell civilian JetRanger), the Army National Guard’s 1-230th Air Cavalry Squadron, in the U.S. state of Tennessee, were told they will probably be shut down by the Obama regime when they return home: “This will have a tremendously negative impact on the Tennessee Guard. If the Army follows this course of action, Tennessee will lose 30 helicopters and the 692 soldiers who support them. It will also eliminate 113 full-time jobs and possibly two of the three Army flight facilities across the state.”-Major General Max Haston, Tennessee National Guard

Tennessee National Guard was also told Obama will probably take their newly acquired German designed LUH-72 Lakotas! (the LUH-72 was originally built in the 1990s by Messerschmitt before that company was absorbed into the new Eurocopter)

After returning from another deployment to Afghanistan the Army National Guard’s 1st 104th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, revealed that the Obama regime is about to steal their Apaches, Chinooks, Kiowas and Lakota ‘copters!  It will affect at least 450 jobs, one officer says it’s a plan to destroy state militias’ airpower: “It’s a very bad deal for Pennsylvania and the entire National Guard……It leaves nothing in reserve in Army aviation. If they get shot up, there’s nowhere else to go to pull in….”-Major General Wesley Craig, Pennsylvania adjutant general

The official U.S. Army (aka Regular Army, RA) reason for stealing Apaches from state militias is that RA units will be replacing their lightweight recon birds with the anti-tank gunships. But that doesn’t explain why Obama is also ordering the RA to take Chinooks as well as the lightweight Kiowas and Lakotas.

It’s not just me, but members of the National Guard state militias suspect a coming civil war with the federales: “The Army chief of staff disparaged the Army National Guard last week by telling reporters in Washington DC, that, essentially, the Army National Guard just isn’t good enough to be relied upon more in the future.”-Major General Gus Hargett, National Guard Association of the United States

The U.S. state of Indiana’s Army National Guard gave several expensive MRAPs ($600-thousand USD each) to the West Lafayette Police Department.  The ‘gift’ will actually cost taxpayers another $4-thousand for modifications to demilitarize them.

Martial Law, United Police States of America: Christian Nebraska cops violate U.S. Constitution & kidnap family’s children because of “immoral” choice of words used on home video!

09 January 2014 (04:54 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/19 Dey 1392/09 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

The mostly white Christian Omaha Police Officers Association’s Child Victim Unit, and the Nebraska Child Protective Services, shot themselves in the foot when they revealed they kidnapped four children from a black family (who likely claim to be Christians just as well as the cops), for posting a video of ‘thug talk’ involving an infant.

Basically family members were talking ‘smack’, using ‘swear words’, and getting a toddler to take part.  The martial law cops admit there is no law against it, but they kidnapped the children purely because the video was “offensive”, adding: “….we didn’t see anything in this video that is blatantly illegal, we sure did see a lot that is flat out immoral…..”-Omaha Police Officers Association, Facebook posting

But wait, even the Omaha police chief, Todd Schmaderer, has condemned the Omaha Police Officers Association for their anti-Constitutional actions:“…I want to make it explicit and clear that the views expressed on the OPOA Facebook page do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Omaha Police Department…”   This means the cops took it upon themselves to not only be judge and jury, but they ignored their boss!

After the kidnapping the Orwellian morality police stated they found ‘safety issues’ in the house. How convenient.  Mmmmm, I wonder if this is just another excuse for Child Victim Units and Child Protective Services to take part in the growing business of human slave trafficking?  By the way, this kind of bullshit has been taking place for more than ten decades in Palestine by the U.S. backed Israelis against the Palestinians, and in Afghanistan by U.S. led forces against Afghans!