Tag Archives: japan

More Fukushima Fallout: Radiation levels so high now, it will kill you in 4 hours!!!

01 September 2013 (02:35 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Shawwal 1434/10 Shahrivar 1392/26 Xin-You (7th month) 4711

Radiation levels continue to skyrocket at the deadly Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant.  Tokyo Electric Power Company officials say there has been a huge increase, about 18 times greater, in radiation readings coming from a leaky water tank.

The tank was last checked on 22 August 2013.  Today it is reading 1800 millisieverts per hour, TEPCo officials say this level can kill a person in 4 hours!

TEPCo also reported a leaky pipe, connecting storage tanks.  The puddle of water under the pipe has 230 millisieverts per hour of contamination.  This is more evidence that there are many unaccounted for leaks still to be discovered (there are more than 900 storage tanks, and growing since they have to build new ones to store the ongoing water leaks from the reactors).

More Fukushima Fallout: TEPCo says radiation levels continue to increase! Inspectors say quake did not cause reactor damage!

31 August 2013 (22:06 UTC-07 Tango 30 August 2013)/24 Shawwal 1434/09 Shahrivar 1392/25 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) concluded that the 11 March 2011 earthquake did not damage the cooling system for the GE designed reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.  Investigations as to why the General Electric designed reactors melted down are ongoing.

Tokyo Electric Power Company officials revealed that radiation levels continue to increase, especially since 27 August 2013.  They said higher concentrations of strontium and other beta ray isotopes are being detected in water flowing through runoff ditches around the nuke plant.  Officials with NRA say it’s a sign there are more leaks that have yet to be discovered!



World War 3, African Front: Imperialist Japan expanding military intelligence gathering in Africa, preps for oil war with China!

30 August 2013 (16:05 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1434/08 Shahrivar 1391/24 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“This engagement is very productive and meaningful for us. Sharing knowledge with our American counterparts helps us better prepare to assist our allies in maritime security.”-Nobuhiko Morita, JSDF

Japan Self Defense Forces’ Deployment Air Force has been training with the U.S. Navy Patrol Squadron 47 in Djibouti: “These events enhance our interoperability and work toward achieving mutual goals of maritime security, while building and strengthening our enduring relationships.”-Lieutenant Comander Mark Zematis, USN

On the continent of Africa, Japan is also sending out military spies to seven counties: Algeria, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa.  Japan already has Self Defense Force spies in Egypt and Sudan.

Officially this is for helping the U.S. in its BS War on Terror, but all these countries have oil, gold or other strategic natural resources, and China is active in those countries.

Japanese officials used the January killings of Japanese in Algeria as the excuse.  Those Japanese were working at a gas refinery.

According to a news report out of Uganda, the neo-imperialist leaders of Japan consider the resources, and potential market place of Africa, as the only way to pull Japan out of its decades long economic stagnation: “Growth begins and lies in Africa. Time to invest in this continent is now. Africa will be the growth center over the next couple of decades.”-Shinzo Abe, neo-imperialist Prime Minister of Japan

World War 3, East Asian Front: Imperialist Japan to increase military spending by tens of billions of USD, in preps for oil war with China!

30 August 2013 (15:38 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1434/08 Shahrivar 1391/24 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Japan’s Defense Ministry is asking for an extra $49 billion USD!  The money will be used to create a new amphibious island hopping assault unit, as well as buy expensive Osprey VTOL transport aircraft from the United States.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV aka Drones) will also be purchased, and Japan will increase its anti-ballistic missile defense system.

Officially the Japanese defense ministry says the military increase is to defend against Korea.  Just two days ago it was revealed that the U.S. is allowing Japan to come up with unilateral invasion plans for North Korea!  Invading Korea could be a tactical move in the larger strategic goal of controlling South China Sea oil resources, which means preventing China from controlling those same resources.

World War 3, East Asian Front: Philippines to allow bigger U.S. military presence, in preps for oil war against China!

30 August 2013 (15:26 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1434/08 Shahrivar 1391/24 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The United States and the Philippines are crafting a new military agreement.  Reports say it will allow an increase in U.S. military presence in Philippines, but U.S. officials claim it will not involve building more bases.

The main driver for the increased U.S. presence is the oil rich South China Sea, where China has a territorial dispute with the Philippines, as well as with other countries in the area.

Reports also revealed that this new military deal between U.S. and Philippines has been ongoing for the past two years.  It is part of the Obama regime’s military strategy that focuses on the Asia-Pacific region.

That plan includes recent deployment of spy ships to Singapore, and the basing of U.S. military personnel in Australia.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Korea ships ballistic missiles to Syria! Japan to join fight! It is about regime change!

29 August 2013 (22:27 UTC-07 Tango 28 August 2013)/22 Shawwal 1434/07 Shahrivar 1391/23 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Japanese news media reporting that government sources from Japan and Republic of Korea (aka South Korea) say Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (aka North Korea) shipped 40 new short range ballistic missiles to Syria earlier this year.

U.S. sources say Syria is planning on using the missiles on Israel if it is attacked.

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga, said his country is working with United States on future attacks against Syria.

And Japan’s neo-imperialist Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, is in Qatar for security meetings with Arabian peninsula countries.  He told local news media that military action against Syria should be about regime change.   The emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, agreed.


World War 3, East Asian Front: TriLateral Imperialism as the U.S. mulls allowing Japan to invade Korea!!!

28 August 2013 (12:06 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Shawwal 1434/06 Shahrivar 1391/22 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The TriLateral imperialist member leaders of Europe, North America and East Asian will allow Japan to draw up invasion plans of Korea!

In the country of Brunei a meeting of defense (war pigs) officials is taking place, and it’s led by trilateral leader United States (the 2013 Association of Southeast Asian Nations defense ministers meeting).  According to Japanese news media the Japanese Defense Minister, Itsunori Onodera, asked U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel for permission to draw up attack plans against Korea, specifically the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (aka North Korea).

Officially both the U.S. and Japanese leaders claim it’s necessary to counter any missile strike threat from Korea.  This would mark the first time since the Second World War that Japan would openly plan to invade another country!

The current right wing neo-imperialist government of Japan says they do not want to play second fiddle to the United States when it comes to Korea, they want the option of unilateral military action.

Koreans should be upset, whether they live in the north or in the U.S. puppet south, because Japan has a history of invading and occupying Korea: 1st invasion Gregorian year 1592, 2nd invasion 1597.  It was those first invasions that created in the minds of Japanese that Korea belonged to Japan.

The Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876 was an imperialist move by Japan, using the rule of law at that time (proof that the ‘rule of law’ can be pure evil) to subjugate Korea to their rule.   That process involved destabilizing Korea, much like what the U.S.-British empire is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt and Syria.  (destabilizing an area prior to imperial take over is an age old British empire tactic.  in military terms it’s the same concept as softening up the target area before invasion.)

Japan occupied Korea from 1905 to 1945, and has yet to pay for all the atrocities it committed against the Koreans.



World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 14-15 August 2013: More proof the U.S. ain’t leavin’! Afghanistan is a test for the new British-U.S. Empire!

In Kunar Province, Asadabad city, local government officials say a NATO/ISAF rocket artillery attack killed two civilians.  U.S./NATO officials denied the attack, but local officials say the rockets were launched from a NATO/ISAF base.

In Takhar Province, Khwajah Bahauddin District, a remote controlled bomb went off as a Afghan National Police convoy passed by.  Reports say at least 16 people killed or wounded.

In Herat Province, Injeel District, a translator for NATO/ISAF troops was assassinated.  His computer was taken.

In Baghlan Province, Kabul-Baghlan highway, a remote controlled bomb exploded killing two bodyguards and wounding two people.  It was an assassination attempt on a politician from Balkh Province.  The politician survived.

Despite a female politician’s family swearing she and her children were not kidnapped, Mujahideen released the very same children today.   Mujahideen also say they have the female member of parliament and will exchange her for prisoners.  Of course now the family admits she was kidnapped.

At least 75 Afghan National Army and National Police personnel have switched sides and bacame Mujahideen, in the provinces of Nangarhar, Helmand, Zabul and Badghis.

Reports that President Hamid Karzai nominated a ‘jihadi’ to run for president in 2014.

An election fraud watchdog has already cried foul!  The Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan is reporting at least 1-thousand cases of voter registration fraud.  The frauds include children being registered to vote, voter IDs being given out to the wrong person and more than one voter IDs issued per person.

Japan gives Afghanistan $8.2 million USD for a new computer sciences building at Kabul University.  Japan also gave Kabul University ten buses.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace stated that Iran is well positioned to be a major influence in Central Asia, and that the United States should improve relations with Iran, in order to facilitate long term U.S. policies in the area.

USMC General Joseph Dunford insisted that a significant number of U.S. troops should remain after the supposed 2014 U.S./NATO pullout: “The post-2014 presence is a lot more complicated than the numbers and the numbers have become a distraction, to be honest with you.”

Recently retired U.S. Navy Admiral, James Stavridis, gave this clue to what the U.S. has planned after 2014: “Why 15,000 troops? The post-2014 mission needs to be spread across Afghanistan, with centers in each of the regional commands; north (Mazar-e-Sharif), west (Herat), south (Kandahar), and east (Bagram). There will have to be smaller centers in some of those regions as well, and a reliable ability to protect our own people and potentially provide some in-extremis support to the Afghan National Security Forces. All told, that will require 15,000 troops, still quite low compared with the 130,000 we had on the ground as recently as two years ago. This level would also provide critical mentoring and training in the areas in which the ANSF are still developing, logistics, intelligence, medical support, close air support, and so forth.”

In a report out of the British empire country of Canada, it was revealed that the War on Terror is nothing more than an exercise of the new British-U.S. empire: “…the institutions of the Canadian state were remade in a decade after 9/11 to reflect new imperial realities……Canadians were urged to see their armed forces not as their armed forces, but as part of a North American and North Atlantic security system.….the creation of a network of soldier-journalists, specialized and secretive groups of civil servants supposedly devoted to ‘democratic governance’ and an unending attempt to control the images and messages broadcast….”-Afghanistan and the politics of memory, Ottawa Citizen

More Fukushima Fallout: TEPCo tries to tarnish image of dead hero Fukushima manager, proof of False Flag Op? TEPCo now blames understaffing for mistakes!

23 August 2013 (15:51 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Shawwal 1434/01 Shahrivar 1392/17 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“We want officials at Tokyo Electric Power Company to have the courage to admit the limits of their efforts, instead of simply repeating ‘they are doing their best’.”-Fuketa Toyoshi, Nuclear Regulation Authority

NRA Commissioner, Fuketa Toyoshi, took an inspection tour of Fukushima Daiichi.  He blasted TEPCo officials for covering up the severity of the two and half years old nuclear disaster.  He also blasted TEPCo for not keeping records of ongoing radiation contamination!

Tokyo Electric officials whined back at Fuketa, saying they need at least four times their current number of subcontracted workers to properly deal with the disaster!  Keep in mind that TEPCo has been getting big bucks from the Japanese government to deal with this, and now they say they don’t have enough employees?

TEPCo is now removing soil from around the contaminated water tank farms.  It’s because they now realize that the contaminated water not only ran off into the Pacific Ocean, but soaked into the ground (before ending up in the ocean, as well).

More than 1-thousand people attended the funeral for hero Yoshida Masao.  He was in charge of Fukushima Daiichi when the 9 quake and tsunami hit on 11 March 2011.  He stayed on trying to fight what was later admitted to be melt downs in several GE designed reactors.  He died last month from esophageal cancer.

TEPCo tried to tarnish the hero’s image, blaming him for lack of tsunami protection.  TEPCo also downplayed his sudden case of throat cancer after fighting the nuke melt downs, saying it was not related!

It’s now been revealed that it was Yoshida Masao who made the emergency decision to use ocean water to cool the reactors.  This is because he knew they were melting down!  It’s also been revealed that TEPCo ordered him to stop cooling the reactors with ocean water!  This can mean only one of two things: TEPCo officials are totally incompetent, or they wanted the melt downs to occur!

Food Crisis: Think Tuna prices are high now? Red Sea Tuna now extinct!

23 August 2013 (00:07 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Shawwal 1434/01  Shahrivar 1392/17 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“We are currently experiencing some of the most severe supply shortages that the tuna industry has ever faced.”-Unnamed fish supplier in a memo to a Rhode Island restaurant in 2012, trying to explain why prices are going up

On 22 August 2013, Japan’s Fisheries Agency warned they will order a reduction in allowed bluefin tuna catches by their fishing industry.  In March 2013, there were reports that the Japanese news media almost ignored a study by the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the Northern Pacific that said not only have tuna populations been falling for decades, the population decline has snowballed towards extinction!

The latest survey estimates that today’s Pacific bluefin tuna population has crashed by 96.4% over the past few decades, and current catches could guarantee extinction: “Over 90% of the catch is juveniles, caught in nursery and spawning areas. Literally, the zero to three year age class, so they’re being caught on their spawning grounds before they can reproduce, with no catch limit, and gee whiz, we’re at 3.6% of the original population. I wonder why?”-Amanda Nickson, Pew Environment Group

In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Ministry of Fisheries Affairs has reported a loss of 70% in its Red Sea fishing industry. Fishermen say it’s partly due to the extinction of Red Sea tuna caused by pollution: “The entire expanse of sea lying between Jeddah and Qunfuda is polluted and has resulted in the depletion of the fish resources and the total disappearance of tuna.”-Abdullah Al-Sayed, a fisherman in Jeddah.

Even the cheap generic brand of canned tuna could become unaffordable.  Tuna packed in veggie oil has already gone way up because veggie oil prices have skyrocketed!

Even the cheap generic brand of canned tuna could become unaffordable. Tuna packed in veggie oil has already gone way up because veggie oil prices have skyrocketed!

It should matter to Japanese because tuna is king of sushi.  It’s estimated that the Japanese eat 80% of the tuna caught around the World!  Japanese have been hearing about this for awhile, but maybe they haven’t noticed that since 2007 some tuna sushi has been replaced with different fish (some reports mentioned deer meat).

But Japanese fish mongers have seen for years a decline in available tuna in the fish markets, resulting in higher prices every year.  In January 2013, a 489 pounds bluefin tuna sold for a record $1.76 million USD in Japan!

(don’t forget to add the incredible amount of deadly radiation that’s been pouring into the northern Pacific from Fukushima Daiichi, since 2011:  Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California)

It’s not just bluefin that’s disappearing, it’s other tuna as well.  Today, the latest global tuna catch records show that only 18-thousands metric tons of tuna were caught last year, it hasn’t been that low since the 1980s.

Vietnam just reported that its fishing industry is having a hard time catching tuna, their exports are down as result.

An official with New Zealand’s Secretariat of the Pacific Community recently blamed lack of government management and monitoring of fishing industries: “…this is done country by country, different countries are doing different things and taking different approaches to their management and data collection. Some are focusing more on the tuna fishery….that’s being lost to the countries because the fishery wasn’t managed sustainably. We know that many of the main centers around the Pacific, the main urban centers, there is a shortage of fish and people are needing to go further to catch fish, or in some countries they are trying to bring in fish from other locations in the country, so we know there is over fishing occurring…..management is to include the monitoring so that you actually have an idea of what’s happening in the fishery…”-Lindsay Chapman

India has just lifted its trawling fishing ban, many people in India hope it will bring fish prices down, because the industrial fish farms just could not produce enough fish to offset the lack of wild caught fish due to the trawling fishing ban.  Not only are tuna prices way up in India, so are sardine prices.

What was that about “teach a man to fish”?