23 August 2013 (00:07 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Shawwal 1434/01 Shahrivar 1392/17 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711
“We are currently experiencing some of the most severe supply shortages that the tuna industry has ever faced.”-Unnamed fish supplier in a memo to a Rhode Island restaurant in 2012, trying to explain why prices are going up
On 22 August 2013, Japan’s Fisheries Agency warned they will order a reduction in allowed bluefin tuna catches by their fishing industry. In March 2013, there were reports that the Japanese news media almost ignored a study by the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the Northern Pacific that said not only have tuna populations been falling for decades, the population decline has snowballed towards extinction!
The latest survey estimates that today’s Pacific bluefin tuna population has crashed by 96.4% over the past few decades, and current catches could guarantee extinction: “Over 90% of the catch is juveniles, caught in nursery and spawning areas. Literally, the zero to three year age class, so they’re being caught on their spawning grounds before they can reproduce, with no catch limit, and gee whiz, we’re at 3.6% of the original population. I wonder why?”-Amanda Nickson, Pew Environment Group
In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Ministry of Fisheries Affairs has reported a loss of 70% in its Red Sea fishing industry. Fishermen say it’s partly due to the extinction of Red Sea tuna caused by pollution: “The entire expanse of sea lying between Jeddah and Qunfuda is polluted and has resulted in the depletion of the fish resources and the total disappearance of tuna.”-Abdullah Al-Sayed, a fisherman in Jeddah.

Even the cheap generic brand of canned tuna could become unaffordable. Tuna packed in veggie oil has already gone way up because veggie oil prices have skyrocketed!
It should matter to Japanese because tuna is king of sushi. It’s estimated that the Japanese eat 80% of the tuna caught around the World! Japanese have been hearing about this for awhile, but maybe they haven’t noticed that since 2007 some tuna sushi has been replaced with different fish (some reports mentioned deer meat).
But Japanese fish mongers have seen for years a decline in available tuna in the fish markets, resulting in higher prices every year. In January 2013, a 489 pounds bluefin tuna sold for a record $1.76 million USD in Japan!
(don’t forget to add the incredible amount of deadly radiation that’s been pouring into the northern Pacific from Fukushima Daiichi, since 2011: Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California)
It’s not just bluefin that’s disappearing, it’s other tuna as well. Today, the latest global tuna catch records show that only 18-thousands metric tons of tuna were caught last year, it hasn’t been that low since the 1980s.
Vietnam just reported that its fishing industry is having a hard time catching tuna, their exports are down as result.
An official with New Zealand’s Secretariat of the Pacific Community recently blamed lack of government management and monitoring of fishing industries: “…this is done country by country, different countries are doing different things and taking different approaches to their management and data collection. Some are focusing more on the tuna fishery….that’s being lost to the countries because the fishery wasn’t managed sustainably. We know that many of the main centers around the Pacific, the main urban centers, there is a shortage of fish and people are needing to go further to catch fish, or in some countries they are trying to bring in fish from other locations in the country, so we know there is over fishing occurring…..management is to include the monitoring so that you actually have an idea of what’s happening in the fishery…”-Lindsay Chapman
India has just lifted its trawling fishing ban, many people in India hope it will bring fish prices down, because the industrial fish farms just could not produce enough fish to offset the lack of wild caught fish due to the trawling fishing ban. Not only are tuna prices way up in India, so are sardine prices.
What was that about “teach a man to fish”?