Tag Archives: japan

More Fukushima Fallout: Another record high radiation spike! Robot finds major leak in Reactor 3! USN personnel hit with metallic taste! Japan pushes for nuke weapons deal with Turkey?

19 January 2014 (18:26 UTC-07 Tango 18 January 2013)/17 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/29 Dey 1392/19 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company reports that a robot, being used to clear rubble from inside the exploded reactor Unit 3 building, discovered a major water leak pouring into a large floor drain.

TEPCo says they can’t see where the water is coming from (radiation levels inside the building are still so high humans will be immediately kilt[sic]).  They did admit that the basement of the building is still flooding with highly radioactive water (three years later).

Also, a water testing well next to reactor Unit 2 has spiked to a record high level of strontium-90.  More than 2.7 million becquerels per liter! The legal ‘safe’ limit in Japan is 30 becquerels per liter.

USN personnel involved in Operation Tomodachi reported a metallic taste in their mouths: “On that first day, we pretty much immediately started search and rescue. Next thing we know we’ve got this nasty, metallic taste in our mouth.”-Lindsay Cooper, former aviation bosun’s mate

This is exactly what Soviet rescuers at Chernobyl in 1986 reported, and most of them died from radiation contamination.  Now it’s also interesting that while the USN isn’t helping the personnel suffering from strange illnesses, all the ships that sailed into the Sea of Japan, after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear explosions, went through massive NBC decontamination procedures.  Yet it looks like it’ll take an act of Congress to get the affected military personnel any help.

Beef prices in Japan continue to escalate. It’s being blamed on the drop in cattle ranchers and supply, mostly due to the radiation contamination in Fukushima Prefecture, which was a major agricultural area before the March 2011 nuke disasters: “Prices are coming close to nationwide levels and are much higher than before the disaster.”-Maruyama Tsutomu, National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Association

In classic hypocrisy, Japan (a member of the U.S.-British empire led Trilateral Commission) is about to finalize a nuclear fuel reprocessing deal with Turkey (a member of U.S. led NATO). Not only will Turkey be able to reprocess spent fuel rods, but according to Japanese news media reports, Turkey could also extract weapons grade plutonium! Now what’s all the hubbub about Iran?

Norovirus: 900 kids taken out in one day! More cruise ships hit! Prisons hit!

16 January 2014 (12:08 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/26 Dey 1392/16 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Ireland: Letterkenny General Hospital psychiatry department closed due to norovirus.

“This is an abnormal situation. We want to investigate every possible cause.”-Terada Seiko, board of education

Hamamatsu City, Japan: 900 grade school kids, and more than 40 adults, at 14 schools were hit in one day.  Local education officials are suspecting the contracted food service, but investigations have yet to determine the exact source of infection.  Complicating the investigation is the fact that food for the schools are made at several different locations.  At this point only five victims tested positive for norovirus.

New Zealand: Reports say at least 60 passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship are sick with norovirus. The ship is being scrubbed before it sets sail on the next cruise.  Passengers for the upcoming cruise are worried, but told local news sources that the cruise line is not willing to refund their money, so they’ll take their chances.  The people who got sick on the previous cruise did so after the ship set sail from Australia.

Taiwan: Health officials claim a South Korean restaurant is to blame for making dozens of Taiwanese tourists sick.  They claim the employees at the restaurant tested positive for norovirus. It is possible to have norovirus and not have any symptoms.

United Kingdom: Multiple hospitals have wards closed due to vomiting bug.  They include Sandwell Hospital, Walsall Manor Hospital, Llandough Hospital, University Hospital of Wales, Morriston Hospital, Wigan Infirmary, Neath Port Talbot Hospital, Bridport Community Hospital, Alexandra Hospital and Royal Lancaster Infirmary.

California, U.S.A.:  In Santa Rosa, the operators of a nursing home have closed the facility to visitation.  The director of the home published a statement which said they had to take “aggressive action” to stop a suspected norovirus and/or influenza outbreak.  In an example of continued misdiagnosis, an 88 years old patient said she was rushed to the hospital, being told she probably had the flu even though her symptoms were vomiting and diarrhea within an hour of eating.  Hospital test showed it was norovirus.  Even medical employees still incorrectly call gastrointestinal illness “stomach flu”.

Colorado, U.S.A.:  The mental ward of the Grand River Hospital declared an outbreak of stomach bug.

Michigan, U.S.A.: A Christian school was shut down after 30 student developed stomach illness. A doctor who obviously thinks lowly of children, blamed the children: “They rub their butts, they run around, they spread the feces.”-Puneet Gupta, Covenant Hospital

Texas, U.S.A.: 55 prisoners are now sick at the Livingston Polunksy Unit prison.  The first stomach bug cases hit prisoners on death row. The Polunksy Unit has 3-thousand prisoners!  Prison employees are also sick.

Oregon, U.S.A.:  Health officials report 19 new cases.

The U.S. CDC says norovirus accounts for as many as 800 deaths in the United States, every year.

Norovirus (aka Norwalk Virus), is a surface contact bug, meaning you pick it up by touching or eating it.  It is not influenza and there is still no vaccine for fast evolving RNA norovirus.  The only ‘treatment’ is to keep the sick person hydrated.

Exotic anti-biotic soaps can’t kill norovirus, or any other virus for that matter, because anti-biotics are only for bacteria.  Despite that, even hand ‘sanitizers’ made with alcohol can’t totally get rid of norovirus.   Guess what apparently works?  According to the U.S. CDC old fashioned hand soap is best.  Consumer Reports says to leave the soap on your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds.  Also, in public restrooms use a paper towel to turn off the faucet and to open the door, do not touch surfaces with your bare hands after washing them.

Wash household surfaces with bleach.

The worse thing is that you can be infected and not have any symptoms.  An infected person can spread norovirus, yet not feel sick themselves. If you think you might be infected do not cook food for other people. People recovering from traditional symptoms of norovirus can continue spreading the bug for days after feeling better (some reports say weeks).

More Fukushima Fallout: U.S. Navy forced to investigate personnel suffering Thyroid Cancer! TEPCo demands victims pay back compensation! Homeland Security conducts False Flag radiation surveys! Scientists asking for your help! Idaho turns your smart phone into CellRad!

16 January 2014 (02:17 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/26 Dey 1392/16 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) says it will conduct medical surveys of at least 71 U.S. military personnel suffering from radiation sickness, as a result of the 2011 Operation Tomodachi.  At least 51 personnel report thyroid cancer.

But wait, the DoD isn’t doing this willingly!  It took an act of Congress to kick the DoD in the ass.  The U.S. House of Representatives mandated the radiation checks as part of the new government spending bill.

Three years later Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to refuse to compensate anymore victims of their nuclear disaster.  TEPCo has rejected the latest arbitrated compensation deal with 180 people in Iwate Prefecture.  TEPCo says the deal is vague.

TEPCo is also demanding that families of employees, who were evacuated because of the March 2011 nuclear explosions, to pay back their compensation!

The national government of Japan has approved TEPCo’s new ten year business plan, but one prefectural governor absolutely refuses.  The governor of Niigata, Izumida Hirohiko, said he will not allow TEPCo to re-start their nuke plant in his prefecture because they’ve proven to be incompetant at Fukushima Daiichi.

Izumida also blamed Too Big to Jail banks and investors: “Shareholders and banks have not taken responsibility, and it is a ridiculous plan from a safety standpoint.”

By the way, TEPCo’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear complex in Niigata Prefecture is the World’s largest!

TEPCo’s ten year plan includes a name change because, company officials admit, customers are now bias against them.  It also funds decommissioning of the disaster reactors with money meant for compensating victims, which explains why TEPCo suddenly is refusing to compensate anymore victims, and is actually demanding those already compensated pay them back! “I was surprised when I heard  from an official of the industry ministry’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy at the end of last year.  Compensation and decommissioning are two different worlds!”-Yamana Hajimu, decommissioning division

TEPCo also said it will raise electricity rates for Japanese, and TEPCo officials blame it on the new higher taxes in Japan. TEPCo also warns they will probably raise rates several times this year!

California assemblyman, Bob Wieckowski, wants the Department of Public Health to start publicizing radiation data concerning the Golden State’s beaches: “I think a lot of people’s questions can be answered if the department would conduct a study or post the results of other studies and monitoring that are already completed…..”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security revealed it will begin airborne radiation checks, on the U.S. east coast.   Helicopters from the National Nuclear Security Administration will take air samples around Baltimore, Maryland.  Homeland Security claims the operation is about protecting the U.S. from future nuclear attack!

Officials from the National Nuclear Security Administration admit that in order to determine if radiation contamination is happening, they need to establish “original background” radiation levels. Government officials also said the heliborne air sampling will take place several times a year for several years!

If you live on the west coast of North America, scientists with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are asking for your help: “We already have dozens of seawater samples from the coast of Japan out to the middle of the Pacific, but now we need new samples, from up and down the West Coast of North America and across the Pacific.”-Ken Buesseler

The problem is funding, and Woods Hole scientists hope people will raise the funds necessary for the project.  In return anybody, or group, who provides $550 to $600 USD will get a 20 liter sample collecting kit (which also covers the cost of shipping).  For more info contact ourradioactiveocean.org

Researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory (a major nuclear research facility) have come up with a smart phone App that turns your phone’s camera into a gamma ray dosimeter!  It’s called CellRad.

More Fukushima Fallout: Scientific testing shows fish contaminated! U.S. news media claims testing unscientific? California scientists conduct Kelp Watch 2014!

14 January 2014 (23:31 UTC-07 Tango 13 January 2013)/12 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/24 Dey 1392/14 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The exalted Los Angeles Times is poo-pooing any scientific claims that radioactive contamination is indeed spreading across the World, saying “If you’re looking for honest, factual information on the effect of the Fukushima reactor spill, there are a couple of very good, reliable sources to check. I’ve found Deep Sea News to be very good. And of course the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is authoritative….”-Russ Parsons

If you’ve read my past Fukushima updates you should have noticed that I’ve quoted researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute that say this Fukushima thing is bad, bad, bad!

But wait, here’s some latest scientific results that say don’t eat the fish!

Japan’s Fisheries Research Agency just announced that a black sea bream caught 37 kilometers (23 miles) south of Fukushima Daiichi, contained 12400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium!  That’s 124 times more than what the Japanese government (in all their lack of wisdom) has deemed to be safe to eat!  So LA Times, is Japan’s Fisheries Research Agency full of shit or what?

By the way, the fish was caught back on 17 November 2013, and Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted that radiation levels pouring out of the GE designed disaster reactors has increased since then.

Hey LA Times, here’s some more “authoritative” scientific statements from an actual scientist: “We’ve already seen some effects in infant mortality and thyroid cancer in Japan. So I think this is just going to get worse. I think we are going to see a major effect on the general health of the Japanese population in Northern Japan. There’s going to be a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the death rate.”-Chris Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk and U.K. Department of Health Committee Examining Radiation Risk for Internal Emitters (CERRIE)

But just because Busby is not ‘main stream’ you probably don’t consider him “authoritative”!

And hey LA Times, are you saying all those U.S. military personnel who served in Operation Tomodachi and are now suffering from radiation poisoning, are full of shit?

There are now 70 current and former U.S. military personnel taking part in a class action lawsuit because of radiation contamination from Fukushima Daiichi.  Apparently the USN has refused to monitor the health of those who took part in Op Tomodachi, so the individuals suffering from symptoms that look a lot like radiation poisoning had to get outside medical help!  Some military personnel are now wheelchair bound!

The lawsuit also revealed that TEPCo maintains an office in Washington DC! Why for is TEPCo maintaining an office in Washington DC?  Why to beggar the U.S. taxpayers for funding!  Now you know another of the many reasons the U.S. government is involved with TEPCo.

Now comes scientist right there in California.  Despite what writers for the LA Times are promulgating, California State University Long Beach is monitoring radiation levels in the kelp forests along the California coastline.  It’s called Kelp Watch 2014: “It is imperative that we monitor this coastal forest for any radioactive contaminants that will be arriving this year in the ocean currents from the Fukushima disaster.”-Steven L. Manley, biology professor

“Authoritative” officials have revealed that radioactive iodine has been detected in kelp along the coastline of Orange County.

It’s that detection that has launched operation Kelp Watch 2014 (which starts in February).  It involves 19 governmental and academic groups, as well as three private sector groups.  Hows that for “authoritative” mister LA Times?

Now I must confess, Russ Parsons, of the LA Times, was actually talking about all those social media postings of giant squids and what nots showing up on beaches.  But in a way he was also downplaying the severity of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, as is most of the U.S. main streamer news media.

Exceptional Failed State: Jews control United States banking system! Obama kisses their asses! Mein Kampf becomes a best seller, again!

13 January 2014 (08:47 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/23 Dey 1392/13 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Quote attributed to Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President who signed Federal Reserve Act in 1913

Ever since the end of World War 2 we’ve been hit by massive pro-Israeli/Jewish propaganda stating that the idea that the Jews control international (western) banking is nothing but a false stereotype, or a myth.  If you check just a few facts you’ll realize the most famous NAZI, Adolph Hitler, was right!

Fact: The Obama regime recently nominated an Israeli citizen and former Bank of Israel boss, Stanley Fischer, to be vice chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Fact: The new chairman of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, is Jewish.

Facts: Former Federal Reserve bosses Ben Bernanke (2006-14), Alan Greenspan (1987-2006),  Arthur F. Burns (1970-78), Eugene R. Black (1933-34) and Eugene I. Meyer (1930-33, also became the first president of the World Bank) are Jewish.

Facts: Paul Volker (Fed chairman 1979-87) was born to a Jewish mother who converted to Lutheranism. Under orthodox Jewish law you are Jewish if your mother is Jewish.  Volker helped the Nixon administration destroy the Brenton Woods agreement by taking the U.S. off the gold standard.  Also, other researchers claim the following Fed Reserve chairmen are Jewish or have Jewish ancestry, although info on these guys is sparse:  Roy A. Young (1927-30), Daniel R. Crissinger (1923-27), William P. G. Harding (1916-22) and Charles S. Hamlin (1914-16).

Facts: Apparently the only ‘Christian’ Fed Chairmen were Marriner S. Eccles (1934-48), a Mormon from Utah, and William M. Martin Jr (1951-70) a Presbyterian from Missouri.  Eccles was involved in creating the evil World Bank and International Monetary Fund.  Martin’s father helped create the Federal Reserve bank. Info available for Thomas B. McCabe (1948-51) and G. William Miller (1978-79, also member of evil Club of Rome) do not suggest any religious/ethnic affiliation.

Fact: 11 out of 15 Federal Reserve chairman are Jewish or have Jewish ancestry.

Facts: Fed Reserve governor Sarah Bloom Raskin is married to Jamie Raskin, who is Jewish.  Fed Reserve governor Jeremy C. Stein is Jewish, as is Moise Y. Safra Professor of Economics at Harvard University.  Governor Frederic Stanley “Rick” Mishkin is Jewish and has worked for the evil World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and International Monetary Fund. Governors Jerome H. Powell and Daniel Tarullo appear not to be Jewish, both have connections to Georgetown University.  Tarullo was also a member of  the evil Council of Foreign Relations and Center for American Progress.  Powell is a member of the evil Carlyle Group and The Nature Conservancy.

Facts: Former Fed Reserve vice chairman Donald L. Kohn, and former governor Randall S. Kroszner are Jewish.

Fact: When the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was created in 1913, as a privately held operation, the Ashkenazi Jewish (in the 12th-13th centuries Gregorian time elite Ashkenazi became government backed moneylenders) founded and controlled Rothschilds of London (N M Rothschild & Sons Limited) somehow gained an estimated 57% control of the new U.S. Central Bank.

Now, almost as a counter to this Jewish domination of western crony capitalism, Adolph Hitler’s 1925 best seller Mein Kampf is a best seller again, this time through iTunes and Amazon e-books!

Read what Hitler wrote about Jews in the 1920s, think about the current zionist state of Israel, the World banking/stock exchange system, the control of western government by Israeli political lobbies, and even the nuclear destruction (?) of Japan by Jewish intrigue.  Read and contemplate Hilter’s warnings: (from the Hurst and Blackett edition) ….the Jewish State….has absolutely no territorial boundaries……the Jewish intellect will never be constructive but always destructive……the Jew does not ever think of leaving a territory which he has once occupied…..the Jew has at all times lived in States that have belonged to other races….hidden behind the mask of a ‘religious community’…..the Founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of His estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God; because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. But at that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews; whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with the atheistic Jewish parties against the interests of their own Christian nation…..this first and fundamental lie, the purpose of which is to make people believe that Jewry is not a nation but a religion….the Jew gained an increasing influence in all economic undertakings by means of his predominance in the stock-exchange. If not the ownership, at least he secured control of the working power of the nation……By means of the Press he began gradually to control public life in its entirety…….under the name of ‘public opinion’….(from Volume 1, Chapter 11)…They created the economic weapon which the international Jew uses for the purpose of destroying the economic foundations of free and independent national States, for ruining their national industry and trade and thereby enslaving free nations to serve Jewish world-finance, which transcends all State boundaries.(from Volume 2, Chapter 12)…the transference of our productive forces to the control of Jewish international finance…commanded by international and Jewish stock-exchange capital…Hence it is that at the present time the Jew is the great agitator…the Jew is always the instigator. In peace-time, as well as during the War, the Jewish-Marxist stock-exchange Press systematically stirred up hatred…until one State after another abandoned its neutrality and placed itself at the service of the world coalition, even against the real interests of its own people….Jews control the financial forces of America on the stock exchange……He does not want to see a national Japanese State in existence when he founds his millennial empire of the future, and therefore he wants to destroy it before establishing his own dictatorship…(from Volume 2, Chapter 13)

Nazi is the incorrect term for the NSDAP (National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei), the word Nazi is considered to be an evolution of Southern German derogatory terms used against people you don’t like. It is interesting how it sounds like Ashke-Nazi, which might explain why some conspiracy theorists think elite Jews actually created the ‘Nazi Party’.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

More Fukushima Fallout: Radioactive cars showing up in…Jamaica, mahn! United States secretly monitoring radiation levels in Caribbean?

10 January 2014 (15:05 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/20 Dey 1392/10 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Not only has Russia rejected another shipment of used cars from Japan, because they are emitting radiation, but all the way on the other side of the World Jamaican officials are reporting radioactive cars showing up in their ports!

Russian officials announced that for 2013 they rejected 165 used cars and spare parts from Japan, because they are radioactive!  When it comes to fish from Japan, officials say so far they pass muster.

Now, officials with the Caribbean country of Jamaica say they have quarantined at least two shipments of Japanese cars because of radiation contamination.

The first shipment was in November 2013, and involved second hand mini-buses for sale in Jamaica.  The second case was in December 2013, and involved used car parts destined for Guyana.  Both shipments are now detained by the Jamaica Customs Agency.

Jamaican officials are now demanding urgent meetings with Japanese officials.

Jamaican Customs officials also revealed they were able to detect the radiation because the United States Department of Energy has quietly begun monitoring radiation levels in the Caribbean, and is training various Caribbean governments in how to conduct radiation checks on products coming from Japan!

Velma Ricketts, Assistant Commissioner of Jamaican Customs revealed that her country’s radiation checks are being done in participation with the U.S. DoE, and that the U.S. DoE also provided the detection equipment (at U.S. taxpayer expense) as well as the training.


More Fukushima Fallout: Japan to conduct nuke meltdown, on purpose! Overall radiation levels rising at Fukushima Daiichi, throwaway workers now in danger! 1400% radiation increase in California?

10 January 2014 (04:22 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/20 Dey 1392/10 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Japan Times reporting that the Japan Atomic Energy Agency will conduct a full meltdown of nuclear fuel in March!  The crazy bastards at the JAEA want to observe the meltdown “….to figure out how meltdowns occurred at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in 2011”!

The meltdown will take place at the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture.  It will involve one fuel rod.  The test is being done because, still, nobody knows what’s really going on at Fukushima Daiichi, three years after at least three GE designed reactors melted down!

Remember, between reactors 1,2 & 3 there are at least 1500 fuel rods!  And don’t forget they’re still having problems with reactor Unit 4!

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) reporting that overall radiation levels at the boundaries of the Fukushima Daiichi radiation factory have risen to 8 millisieverts in December 2013!  In March 2013 it was at 1 millisievert.  Currently, Japanese nuke throwaway workers can be legally exposed to 1 millisievert per year, the latest reading is eight times that limit!

NRA officials blame the build up of beta ray contamination in the leaking water storage tanks.  They claim that the inflow of beta radiation contaminated water into the tanks is actually crowding out the other isotopes, pushing them right through the thick metal walls of the tanks!  Officials at the NRA are now holding meetings to figure out what to do!

The inflow of beta radiation into the storage tanks can be partly blamed on the failed Advanced Liquid Processing System.  Tokyo Electric Power Company, apparently, finally gave up on their failed ALPS filtration system.  ALPS was supposed to be used to filter the hotter isotopes from water before being stored into the tanks.  I’ve been following the implementation of ALPS, and it never worked right. TEPCo had so many problems with it that it seemed they couldn’t go three weeks without shutting down for repairs.

On 08 January 2014, TEPCo shut down all three ALPS filters.  This time they blame it on the 14 containers used to store the filtered material, saying they are packed full.  They also said it will be some time before they can get empty containers and re-start the filtration.  (Update: 10 January 2014, TEPCo re-starts ALPS.  Says the problem was the massive crane used to move the containers.  They fixed the crane, and moved new containers in place.  However TEPCo stated that ALPS is still officially in test run mode, since they’ve had so many problems it’s been difficult to asses its effectiveness.  Really?)

The Half Moon Bay Review interviewed an electrical engineer who’s worked with geiger counters for 40 years.  His own radiation checks of Surfer’s Beach, in California, showed a 1400% increase in radiation: “It’s not normal!  I’ve never seen 400 CPM [counts per minute] when I just wave my geiger around!  There has to be something radioactive for it to do that.”-Steve Weiss, radiological analyst

The Half Moon Bay Review also reported increasing amounts of cesium-137, radium and thorium on California beaches.

After California officials denounced the independent radiation monitoring by residents (one video showed a 500% increase in radiation on California beaches), the alternative news source InfoWars deployed a squad of reporters to the U.S. west coast to take radiation samples for themselves.

For their first rad check, the InfoWars radiation squad reports they found high levels of radiation outside the famous Redwood Forest; more than 80 CPMs at some points leading up to the entrance of the famous Drive Thru Tree.

Despite the geiger counter evidence of increased radiation, University of Southern California professor Daniel Stram said “There’s no danger from Fukushima with the fish that we eat.”

High blood pressure drug maker, Novartis, in trouble for lying about its products and bribes! Novartis wants out of vaccine business?

09 January 2014 (07:20 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/19 Dey 1392/09 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Swiss based Novartis is being sued by the United States, and under investigation for criminal charges in Japan!

Novartis makes Diovan (aka Valsartan  or Angiotan), and Exjade.

The U.S. state of New York accuses Novartis of bribing pharmacy company BioScrip regarding patent rights on the drug Exjade.  BioScript has already agreed to pay a fine regarding the patent fraud case.

In Japan, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor say Novartis bribed Japanese universities to doctor studies on Diovan.  The university studies actually concluded that Diovan does not do what Novartis claims it does.

Novartis admitted they had a corporate spy at one university, working to falsify one study.  Japanese hospitals stopped using the drug.

All this comes as the U.S. FDA is considering approving the Novartis drug Serelaxin.  Also, U.S. drug pusher, Merck, is in talks with Novartis to make a $5-billion USD ‘swap’.

The swap involves trading Novatis’ animal/human vaccine program for Merck’s over-the-counter health-products unit at the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina.


World War 3, East Asian Front: Don’t blame China, blame the ones who spend the most money on War Mongering! Blame those who control FDI into the U.S.A.!

08 January 2014 (03:50 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/18 Dey 1392/08 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

There’s a coming war between Trilateral Commission members within the Pacific Asian Group, and with the North American Group and European Group, but if you go by military spending you can’t blame it on China.  Blame it on the United States (and the British empire)!

China announced that they spent only $106-billion USD on their military in 2013.  Independent sources say it was $166-billion.

U.S. puppet Japan spent $59.3-billion, but the neo-imperialist government of Japan has ordered an increase in military spending. Japan’s new ‘pro-active pacificst’ military spending plan will see an increase of at least $230-billion USD over the next five years. War monger leaders point to disputes over islands and control of resource rich areas (such as the South China Sea) as reasons for increasing military spending.

Another U.S. puppet, the Republic of Korea (aka South Korea) spent about $37-billion USD in 2013.  South Korea is a small country and they spent at least $5-billion more than the much larger country of Australia, which has been taking part in the illegal occupation of Afghanistan.

Bilderberg British empire country of Australia (Pacific Asian Group) supposedly spent $26.2-billion.

Bilderberg British empire country Canada (North American Group) spent $22.5-billion.

Bilderberg British empire country (and Trilateral Commission member within the European Group, aka European Union) United Kingdom spent $60.8-billion.

Bilderberg Germany (European Union) spent $45.8-billion.

Bilderberg France (European Union) spent $58.9-billion.

Bilderberg Italy (European Union) spent $34-billion.

The Bilderberg United States (North American Group) spent at least $682-billion (at least that’s what was actually made public)!  The top spender on war mongering in the World!

The U.S. Department of Defense’s FY2013 Defense Budget report stated, back in February 2012, that the fiscal year 2013 spending plan had a “Base Budget” of $525.4-billion.  “Base Budget” is code for the bare minimum that was going to be spent. By the way, the DoD’s FY2013 report states that the report itself cost taxpayers $34-thousand to compile and publish!

Also realize that it is not China who is the biggest foreign direct investor (FDI) in the United States.  According to the Organization for International Investment’s (OII) 2012 data it is the British empire’s United Kingdom (wake up Patriots!).

China doesn’t even come in second place.  That position goes to neo-imperialist Japan (Pacific Asian Group leader)!

The British empire country of Canada takes 4th place for FDI into the U.S. (again, wake up Patriots!).   3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th places got to other members of the European Union (remember, the EU is the European branch of the Trilateral Commission)!  Notice China is not anywhere in the top nine list of countries who control the United States through FDI!

The OII says 83% of FDI into the U.S. is controlled by those top nine countries!  Those top nine countries are not only members of the Trilateral Commission, but are directly or indirectly connected to the British empire, or Bilderberg society (wake up Patriots!).  The remaining 27% of FDI into the U.S. comes from 150 other countries!

Stop blaming China!

Now realize that the military spending of North American Group and European Union, along with the U.S. puppets of Japan and South Korea (in the Pacific Asian Group) is $900-billion more than what China spends, then you should realize that China is outnumbered and outspent when it comes to military power.

And it should be blindingly obvious that the other members of the Trilateral Commission (actually led by the British empire) is ganging up on China, in order to seize control of what could be the Earth’s last great petroleum resources located in the South China Sea (remember the Vietnam War?).

Stop blaming China!

By the way, even the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, aka North Korea, is a member of the Pacific Asian Group.   And if you find it hard to believe members of the same international ‘club’ would go to war with each other, killing off millions of their citizens, then you need to go back to school and study the political socio/economic climate of the ‘western’ world, and its spider web of crony capitalist business/banking intrigues, prior to the First and Second World Wars!

World War 3, East Asian Front: Obama regime deploying more troops to South Korea! More proof of coming war with China?

08 January 2014 (00:20 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/18 Dey 1392/08 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“This addition is part of the re-balance to the Pacific. It’s been long planned….”-Colonel Steve Warren, U.S. Army

The U.S. Department of the Army announced they are increasing troop strength in the Republic of Korea by 800 personnel, and about 40 M1A2 tanks, and 40 M2 Bradley IFVs (by the way, the Bradley is no longer made by an ‘American’ company, it’s made by the Bilderberg British empire company known as BAE).

The armored battalion (from the 1st CAV Division)  is deploying from Fort Hood, Texas.

DoD officials say they will begin rotating new troops in and out of South Korea about every nine months, as part of the Obama regime’s U.S. national defense strategy ordered in 2012.   That strategy shifts focus from the War on Terror being waged on innocent oil rich countries, to China and North Korea who have claims on the even more oil rich South China Sea.

Obama lackie, Secretary of State John Kerry, used the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s nuclear program as the excuse for the deployment: “The United States and the Republic of Korea stand very firmly united, without an inch of daylight between us, not a sliver of daylight, on the subject of opposition to North Korea’s destabilizing nuclear and ballistic missile programs and proliferation activities.”