Tag Archives: japan

World War 3: U.S., Australia & Japan invade Vietnam, again! Preps for war with China!

06 June 2014 (12:24 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Sha’ban 1435/16 Khordad 1393/09 Geng Wu 4712

It’s called operation Pacific Partnership 2014 (aka PP14).  140 U.S. and Australian military personnel along with 190 imperial Japanese personnel are now in Viet Nam.

It’s been about 46 years since U.S. and Australian troops occupied southern Viet Nam, and about 69 years since Imperial Japan occupied the southeast Asian country.

The three western capitalist imperialist countries have docked ships at the port of Da Nang.   Obama officials claim the whole thing is a humanitarian/medical training mission and has nothing to do with the growing violence with China over oil drilling rights in the South China Sea.

The PP14 also involves Cambodia and Philippines, who are also angry with China.

Officials claim Pacific Partnership has provided medical care to approximately 250,000 people, veterinary services for more than 37,000 animals and completed more than 170 engineering projects, all at your expense!

United States will re-occupy Philippines in preps for war with China 

For second time Japan invades California…….prep for war with China

Obama regime deploying more troops to South Korea…..war with China

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation fallout: INL violates own rules! British airliners made with radioactive chemicals! More Fukushima bullshit! Unit 4 explodes? WIPP truck caught fire due to high intensity heat!

27 May 2014 (19:19 UTC-07 Tango 26 May 2014)/27 Rajab 1435/06 Khordad 1393/29 Ji-Si 4712

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) revealing that British Aerospace (BAe) built 146 airliners are being made with highly toxic and even radioactive chemicals!

The ATSB reports that large numbers of airline employees are developing brain and breast cancers, as well as Parkinson’s.  One Quantas pilot had to be evacuated from the plane after collapsing from aerotoxic syndrome.  Passengers have never been told about the contamination, until now.

In the past five years Quantas airlines’ BAe 146 aircraft had to undergo 1-thousand “fume extractions”.  Compare that to Quantas Boeing 767s which underwent only 123 fume extractions.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho's  2012 wildfire outbreaks.

Ducks in a row. BAe 146-200s and the old Convair CV580, at Pocatello airport during Idaho’s 2012 wildfire outbreaks.

In Idaho, U.S.A., yet another former employee has blown the whistle on something that has been a continuous problem at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), despite which contractor is running the nuclear facility:  Failure to follow their own rules.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho.  INL has direct connections to WIPP.

INL eastern entrance, in a remote area of eastern Idaho. INL has direct connections to WIPP.

Dennis Patterson worked at the INL for 30 years (during that time the facility’s official name changed several times) and learned of the failures of the site’s managers when he investigated complaints from contracted workers.  When he tried to correct the wrongs of his superiors “…that’s when the trouble began.  I became the bad guy. They came after me, repeatedly.”

He has written a book:  Department of Energy Whislteblower: Justice over Racial Discrimination and Ethics Violations in a Right to Work State

And the INL is one of at least three U.S. Department of Defense nuclear sites that send waste to New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

It’s been revealed that the WIPP salt truck fire, which took place a week before the LANL mixed waste drum explosion (explosions?), was caused due to the truck carrying combustible oils, then coming into contact with intense heat igniting the oil.

State officials are now demanding the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) permanently seal up two nuke waste storage rooms (panels) in WIPP.  The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) even called for an “expedited closure”.

The NMED says that daily data reports from WIPP show that the explosion actually affected two panels, not one as originally reported. And the data on contamination levels are getting worse, and the DoE’s actions are insufficient, so they want panels 6 and 7 sealed up: “…those panels need be closed immediately!”-Ryan Flynn, New Mexico’s Environment Secretary

In Japan, more revelations about the BS covering up how bad Fukushima Daiichi is.

Despite what was officially reported back in 2011, that Fukushima Daiichi employees remained at their posts during the beginning stages of the melt downs, it’s been revealed that 90% of the contracted throwaway workers fled for their lives!  That included top managers! Basically the nuclear plant was virtually abandoned for at least four days, only 10% of employees remained!  (I watched events live on NHK, and I was wondering why it looked like nothing was being done, for at least a week after the earthquake and tsunami)

This is why Yoshida Masao, boss of the nuclear plant at the time, ordered employees to stand their ground.  Months later Masao suffered a sudden and mysterious onset of cancer, he died last year.  Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) denies Masao got cancer as a result of exposing himself to radiation in an attempt to control the situation.

The Asahi Shimbun got a hold of a 400 page document in which Masao describes the abandonment of the Fukushima Daiichi.

The Japanese government continues to renege on its promise to make public 772 interviews of workers at Fukushima Daiichi.  The current neo-imperialist government now says they will only release those interviews if all those who were interviewed consent to their testimonies being made public!

On 20 May 2014, somebody posted dark grainy video to the internet, claiming that it showed a fire or explosion at Fukushima Daiichi’s GE designed reactor Unit 4.  The video is too washed out to be conclusive, and there has been no comment from TEPCo or neo-imperialist government officials.

‘Green’ cat litter caused WIPP explosion?

More Fukushima Fallout: Confirmed, 3-thousand people dead & dying after the nuke melt downs!

06 May 2014 (10:28 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1435/14 Ordibehesht 1393/08 Ji-Si 4712

Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporting that their own survey of evacuees following the disasters of March 2011, show that more people have died since the nuclear melt downs than during the tsunami!

3076 evacuees have died since being forced to flee their homes after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011!  388 people died just since 2013!

More than half of those that died came from Fukushima Prefecture, the majority from near the GE designed disaster reactors.  Of course ‘officials’ are blaming the deaths on “stress” or “poor health”, but it’s suspicious that the majority of those deaths are people who originally lived near the nuclear power plant and were forced to evacuate after the plant went into melt down (or melt out) mode.

Since very little has been done to help the victims, and very little has been done by the national government to clean up the contamination, and since Fukushima Daiichi still spews forth possibly millions of becquerels of radiation daily, the deaths will only continue.

Fukushima evacuations false flag op to destroy families? 


Fukushima WIPP Radiation fallout: 6 years old with radiation, he’s now off limits! Oregon tuna contaminated! Chemical explosion at WIPP? TEPCo makes deal with British Devil! Fukushima evacuations false flag op to destroy families? Radiation treatment for victims of the BP oil disaster?

05 May 2014 (22:35 UTC-07 Tango 04 May 2014)/05 Rajab 1435/13 Ordibehesht 1393/07 Ji-Si 4712

In the failed U.S. city of Chicago, doctors at the Comer Children’s Hospital are treating a six years old boy suffering from cancer, with the very thing that causes cancer; radiation.  This is a relatively new ‘treatment’ using metaiodobenzylguanidine combined with radioactive iodine, but now the kid is so radioactive nobody can come near him!

It’s a new experimental form of radiation ‘treatment’ for a cancer known as neuroblastoma.  The victim was unable to directly touch anything for at least one week, as his radiation levels dropped.  Everything he had to touch was covered in plastic.

Even though it’s an experimental treatment doctors somehow claim it has a 40% success rate.

In New Mexico U.S.A., video and pics show damage inside the military’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).   Officials say ballast bags used to weigh down storage drums “have been disturbed”.

The video and pics were taken in Panel 7, the newest addition to the deep underground nuke waste storage site.   At this time investigators do not know why the ballast/protective bags moved.  These bags filled with magnesium oxide weigh freakin’ 1905kg (4200 pounds)!

Investigators are suspecting that recently arrived waste drums from Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory (LANL) ruptured (what they really mean is ‘exploded’, because what could move bags weighing 1905kg?), which would have caused the radiation leaks.

Concerns are that the drums might have been improperly packed, causing a chemical reaction.  Since WIPP has been shutdown all LANL waste was being shipped to Texas, but now that has been halted as well.

If you don’t like your food contaminated with radiation get ready to protest the U.S. FDA, and stop eating seafood from the Gulf of Mexico.  The Food and Drug Administration now approves of the process known as irradiation of food products!  It’s currently being done with seafood caught along the Gulf of Mexico.  Is anybody suspicious of the fact that years after the BP oil disaster, fisheries in the area are resorting to radiation to kill the super bacteria now being found in the seafood?

In Oregon, U.S.A., albacore tuna are showing increasing levels of radiation.  Researchers at Oregon State University say they are detecting trace levels of cesium-137 and cesium-134 in recent tuna catches.  The levels are three times higher as compared to before the Fukushima Daiichi melt downs, but scientists say it’s still not a threat yet: “You can’t say there is absolutely zero risk because any radiation is assumed to carry at least some small risk.  But these trace levels are too small to be a realistic concern.  A year of eating albacore with these cesium traces is about the same dose of radiation as you get from spending 23 seconds in a stuffy basement from radon gas, or sleeping next to your spouse for 40 nights from the natural potassium-40 in their body.”-Delvan Neville, research assistant

In Japan, a new study shows that the evacuation of families, from Fukushima Prefecture’s nuclear disaster areas, for some reason intentionally spilt up 49% of the families!

The officials in charge of the evacuations used the following excuses to split up families: Education of children, employment requirements for adults, healthcare issues and temporary housing issues.

Three years later family members are reporting that they are still split up.   Previous studies have shown that evacuees are suffering the highest rate of suicides in Japan.

Proven to be completely, and even by their own admissions, incompetent Tokyo Electric Power Company has signed a deal with United Kingdom’s own evil nuclear power operator Sellafield.

Sellafield operates a nuclear power plant in Cumbria.  Nearby is a massive (1 million cubic meters ) nuclear waste dump, operated jointly by an American-French-Swedish private consortium led by California based URS Corporation.  It’s called Drigg Low-Level Waste Repository.  A new report by Britain’s Environmental Agency warns that increasing erosion of the coastline threatens to expose the nuclear waste underground.


World War 3, East Asian Front: United States will re-occupy Philippines in preps for war with China!

27 April 2014 (00:54 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada t-Tania 1435/07 Ordibehesht 1393/28 Wu-Chen 4712

The Associated Press reports they have seen a confidential Filipino government document that shows the Obama regime has agreed to a ten year re-occupation pact with the Philippines.

Japanese news media reporting that three Filipino bases will be used by the U.S., including the former U.S. military base at Subic Bay.  The other two bases are Fort Magsaysay and the Ulugan Bay Naval station on the island of Palawan.

These bases are strategically located next to the disputed and oil rich South China Sea.  Japanese military analyst say the re-occupation of Philippines by the U.S. is directly related to the ongoing disputes between China and other East Asian countries over the right of access to the massive South China Sea petroleum fields.

The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will be signed by U.S. and Filipino officials in Manila on Monday, shortly before the arrival of regime-ist Obama.

More Fukushima WIPP Radiation fallout: DoE slams WIPP! Long term radiation exposure makes wildlife bigger-n-badder? Revealed; Fukushima “melt-outs”, it only gets worse!

27 April 2014 (00:26 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada t-Tania 1435/07 Ordibehesht 1393/28 Wu-Chen 4712

On the 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl melt down, Spanish ecologists have discovered that long term radiation exposure is actually a benefit: “Previous studies of wildlife at Chernobyl showed that chronic radiation exposure depleted antioxidants and increased oxidative damage. We found the opposite, that antioxidant levels increased and oxidative stress decreased with increasing background radiation.”-Ismael Galván, Spanish National Research Council

The ecologists studied 16 species of birds, in areas that had background radiation levels as high as 92.9 microSieverts per hour.  They found there was no damage to the birds’ DNA, because specific antioxidants in the birds had increased making them stronger.

And don’t forget those recent documentaries about wolves and other four legged animals who seem to be more than thriving in the  Chernobyl area.

An update on the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Missouri U.S.A. : Independent testing confirm increased radiation outside the nuclear dump, in a local park and residential areas.   Just today, residents doing their own monitoring reported a rise in radiation levels in a ditch near the Bridgeton Municipal Athletic Complex.

In New Mexico U.S.A., the Department of Energy slammed the operators of the military’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) saying they were too incompetent to “…..fully understand, characterize and control the radiological hazard.”

It was also discovered that air filtration systems at WIPP were inadequate for the job, and actually reduced “the overall efficiency of the HEPA filter system”.   The DoE report directly blames the WIPP contractor, Nuclear Waste Partnership, for causing the ‘accident’ due to their lackadaisical management, training and maintenance programs.

The special WIPP investigation team reported they have yet to find any physical evidence of what is causing the radiation leaks!  At least 21 WIPP workers were contaminated.

In Japan, it has been revealed that the GE designed, and Tokyo Electric Power Company managed, Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant suffered more than just three melt downs.  It’s being called melt-outs!

After three years the cores of the reactors have yet to be found.  Three years ago, in several of my posting I posited that based on the type of isotopes being found outside the reactors that the cores were melting and spewing forth into the ocean and atmosphere.

Radiation was being found in trash incinerators as far away as Tokyo. Now there are reports of Black Dirt/Black Road Dust that’s being found, and it’s highly radioactive.  Some scientist call Black Dirt the hard to prove “hot particles”, that are actually more dangerous than other forms of radiation contamination.

Researchers concluded: “The observed activity ratios for 236U[uranium]/239+240Pu[plutonium] were in reasonable agreement with those calculated for the fuel core inventories, indicating that trace amounts of U from the fuel cores were released together with Pu isotopes but without large fractionation……….this is the first report to give a quantitative estimation of the amount discharged. Appreciable fractionation between volatile and refractory radionuclides associated with the dispersal/deposition processes with distance from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant was found.”Isotopic Compositions of 236U and Pu Isotopes in “Black Substances” Collected from Roadsides in Fukushima Prefecture: Fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident 

The former mayor of Futaba Town went on Russian TV to expose the lies about Fukushima Daiichi, and accused the U.S. puppet government of Japan of intentionally killing people by forcing them to return to highly contaminated areas: “…..radiation is still there. This is killing children. They die of heart conditions, asthma, leukemia, thyroiditis… Lots of kids are extremely exhausted after school; others are simply unable to attend PE classes. But the authorities still hide the truth from us, and I don’t know why. Don’t they have children of their own? It hurts so much to know they can’t protect our children.  They say Fukushima Prefecture is safe, and that’s why nobody’s working to evacuate children, move them elsewhere. We’re not even allowed to discuss this!………Japan has some dark history. This is a sort of a sacrifice to the past.”-Idogawa Katsutaka

Fukushima WIPP Radiation fallout: Comedy of errors in Japan, more deadly lies exposed! Missouri residents testing for radiation, scares the crap out of EPA! Taxpayer funded dumb ass WIPP experts clueless!

17 April 2014 (22:27 UTC-07 Tango 16 April 2014)/16 Jumada t-Tania 1435/28 Farvardin 1393/18 Wu-Chen 4712

Residents living near the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Missouri U.S.A., have just received $16-thousand USD worth of radiation detecting equipment, from a private donor (The private donor is a lawyer who is now suing the Landfill operators).  This is because the landfill is full of uranium waste, dumped there in the 1970s, and is a Superfund cleanup site.

Residents appealed to the U.S. EPA for help, but were blown off.  The EPA claims the landfill is safe, saying the radiation is “contained” to the 81 hectare (200 acres) Superfund site.  The community has learned that the EPA never did any radiological testing outside the Landfill.  Two groups, Missouri Coalition for the Environment and Just Moms SLT, recently conducted their own soil sampling and discovered high levels of radiation in the residential areas around the Landfill.

The groups also tested the city baseball park located next to the site, and the city officials responded by calling  the action terroristic “trespassing”.  The new radiation detection equipment includes monitors to test for airborne radiation.

But wait, late breaking news!  The chicken shit EPA has just suddenly (literally as I write this) reversed its decision and has announced it will conduct testing around the West Lake Landfill!  You citizens go ahead with your testing, don’t ever trust them government assholes!

If you’ve been religiously following the Fukushima disaster you would know that the only sources for reliable info on radiation contamination has been coming from universities, NGOs and individual citizens, not government agencies or the corporations.  As a result, Tokyo Electric Power Company has been outed many times for lying about their official radiation numbers.

Speaking of unreliable governments who lie, The Asahi Shimbum revealed that two weeks after some evacuees were told to return to their homes, just recently, that the actual airborne and individual radiation readings in those areas now deemed safe by the government, are still at dangerous levels: “Individual radiation doses were estimated to be beyond 1 millisievert per year……..

……..average air dose rates exceeded 0.23 microsievert per hour at 27 of the 43 sites…..”

Speaking of Fukushima Daiichi.  The past week has been a comedy of errors, of course blamed on the throwaway workers.  Unfortunately it’s not funny because it resulted in more highly contaminated water being spilled.

First their experimental ALPS water filtration system shut down again, this time one of the highly expensive ceramic filters actually broke, and they don’t know how.  It was as if something hard hit the filter and chipped off some of the ceramic.

In another case, somehow 200 metric tons of contaminated water was pumped into a building that wasn’t even meant to hold water!  The basement was flooded before anybody knew what was going on.  TEPCo claims they’ve pumped out all the water and sent it to the correct storage area.  TEPCo claims pumps that were not supposed to be in use were for some reason turned on.  This has happened before and I’ve speculated sabotage, or a false flag op.

Then another problem with ALPS. 1-thousand liters of water used for washing the system was somehow leaked and flooded the ALPS building.  The water is contaminated with 3.8-million becquerels of  strontium and 6,700 becquerels of cesium 137!  No explanation for the leak.

Of course TEPCo blames everything on its contracted throwaway workers.

In New Mexico, U.S.A., “independent” investigators claim the reservoir water around the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is safe.

Are you wondering why nothing is being reported on the investigation into the shut down WIPP?  One scientist says those dumb ass nuke experts are clueless, that’s why: “The fundamental point is there is no example in the world of a radiologically contaminated underground salt mine. They really do have to make it up as they go…..”-Don Hancock, Nuclear Waste Safety Program with nonprofit Southwest Research and Information Center

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: Radiation monitors at WIPP in doubt by EPA! Jamaican nuke monitoring part of false flag nuke attack? Beware belts & bras!

08 April 2014 (13:28 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada t-Tania 1435/19 Farvardin 1393/09 Wu-Chen 4712

The U.S. EPA is installing more air samplers around the shutdown Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico.  According to local news reports, the EPA now questions the reliability of air sampling radiation monitors around WIPP, so they are installing redundant monitors “to identify any needed improvements and ensure adequate monitoring.”

Click pics to make bigger

The special investigation team has made two descents into WIPP, and a third is planned for 10 April.  They set up a command base near the plutonium and americium leak, they claim they detected no high radiation levels.  Samples have been sent to the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in eastern Idaho. The INL is also the site of the World’s first deadly nuclear reactor accident (EBR-1).

In Japan, Tokyo Electric Power Company has revealed that there is not enough storage space for all the nuclear waste that will be generated while ‘decommissioning’ the melted down Fukushima Daiichi!

TEPCo estimates 560-thousand cubic meters of waste over the next 13 years.  They plan to burn about 340-thousand cubic meters of the nuke waste!  But that will leave 220-thousand cubic meters with nowhere to go.  TEPCo says all the storage being built now will hold only 160-thousand cubic meters, or about 200 olympic sized swimming pools worth.

Japan’s fishermen have agreed to TEPCo’s plan to reroute groundwater into the ocean, but now they’ve issued demands.  The National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations is demanding an independent third party to monitor the water release, and that the national government of Japan must finally take responsibility for what happens to the fishing industry.

More investigation into the U.S. taxpayer funded Department of Energy (DoE)/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) radiation monitoring in Jamaica and Bahamas revealed that the program actually started between 2006-09, years before Fukushima Daiichi blew up!

At the Port of Kingston, in Jamaica, it is called the Radiation Detection Program, and it is actually part of the larger War on Terror known as Megaports Initiative: “President Obama has made an unprecedented commitment to preventing the threat of nuclear terrorism by securing dangerous nuclear and other radioactive materials and keeping those materials out of the hands of proliferators and terrorist organizations.  This cooperation increases our capability to identify illicit shipments of special nuclear and other radioactive materials and bolsters the worldwide effort to prevent nuclear proliferation and terrorism.”-Ken Baker, NNSA

The Megaports Initiative involves at least 42 ports throughout Asia, Latin America, Caribbean, Europe, Middle East and Africa.  The NNSA came to life after President Bill Clinton reluctantly approved it at the end of his term as regime leader (more than one year prior to the 11 September 2001 terror attacks in the U.S.).

In 2013 the NNSA, along with the International Atomic Energy Agency, began training ‘first responders’ from Armenia, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, under the Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response (I-RAPTER): “….joint training to ensure that more first responders have the capability to locate, characterize, identify and control nuclear and radioactive material.”-Joseph Krol, NNSA

Clearly your fearless leaders are expecting a some kind of nuclear attack! (was it on the missing MH370?)

Already companies are producing new dubious products to protect you from radiation.

An Israeli company is marketing a belt they claim can protect your entire body from gamma radiation!  Company officials admitted that for their gamma radiation blocking material to really be effective they’d have to make a full body suit, however, it would weigh 200 kilos (441 pounds)!

The next dubious product is a bra made by a U.S. hazmat suit maker  in Florida.  They claim that by covering your boobs with their $69 bra your boobs are totally protected from radiation.  The rest of your body is screwed!  I guess vain women want their boobs to look good even if the rest of their body is ravaged by radiation contamination.  By the way, the company refuses to guarantee that your boobs will not be irradiated while wearing the expensive bra.

More Fukushima Fallout: Jamaica halts ‘secret’ U.S. funded radiation testing! Says they are getting stuck with radiation contaminated Japanese vehicles!

28 March 2014 (15:45 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1435/08 Farvardin 1393/28 Ding-Mao 4712

The Jamaican government has halted U.S. funded radiation testing of products coming from Japan.

Executive Director of the Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ), Yvonne Hall, says she has no legal guidelines for complying with the demands of the U.S. Department of Energy.  Hall says her U.S. DoE trained and equipped employees have been stuck with a contaminated bus from Japan, but the BSJ has no legal authority to take any action.

It turns out that U.S. DoE trained and equipped Jamaican Customs has been passing the buck, turning over contaminated vehicles to the BSJ or Ministry of Health!   Jamaican Customs officials asked Japan to take back the contaminated vehicles, but apparently Japan has blown them off.

Jamaican lawmakers are trying to pass a new Radiation Protection Authority Bill, to clear up who has the authority to do what.

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: More throwaway workers contaminated, and more lies about it from TEPCo! Special teams finally enter WIPP! Investigator says WIPP operators incompetent! New Zealand hit with radiation?

27 March 2014 (11:56 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry says Tokyo Electric Power Company deliberately hid that 142 throwaway workers suffered internal radiation exposure immediately after the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster began.

The 142 victims were exposed to at least 5.86 millisieverts of radiation.  One worker suffered 180.10 mSv!  The government limit, for nuke industry workers, is 100 mSv over a five year period!  To make things even worse for the poor guy, TEPCo forced him to continue working even after the massive dose of radiation!

Once again, TEPCo says they made a mistake; they read the exposure readings wrong!  They’ve used that excused continually ever since the disaster bagean!  It also turns out that many employees never got the required iodide pills, that TEPCo first claimed were handed out.

Because TEPCo has continually said they’ve misread radiation measuring instruments, Japan’s Atomic Energy Agency and National Institute of Radiological Science decided to investigate all the radiation data TEPCo submitted since the disaster began.  Their conclusions will (supposedly) be announced in April.

Now for more news of newly discovered gross incompetence at the Fukushima Daiichi: 15-hundred water control valves are flowing water that nobody knows from what, where or if the water is contaminated!

The valves are important to regulating which pipes or equipment are connected to pumps and contaminated water storage tanks. It was just revealed that throwaway workers have no idea what the 15-hundred valves are connected to!  TEPCo officials admitted that they decided to start labeling the valves in Autumn 2013, in order to “…lower the risk of erroneous operations.”  It took them three years to realize that?!

Scientists with New Zealand’s University of Auckland are monitoring muttonbirds (a shearwater sea bird) for exposure to radiation.   Muttonbirds migrate to Japan, then return to New Zealand.  They are part of the food chain in Kiwiland, and scientists are concerned they could spread radiation, specifically cesium 134.  The scientists say the cesium will show up in the bird’s feathers: “…..detection of gamma rays would tell us whether the birds spend sufficient time near Fukushima to accumulate cesium-134 from nuclear fission. Obviously the issue would then become whether that radioactivity is being absorbed into local ecosystems or the food chain.”-David Krofcheck

In Carslbad, New Mexico, special Department of Energy/Environmental Protection Agency teams have finally entered the shutdown U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

The team must descend 609 meters (2-thousand feet) to begin their radiological testing.  At least 17 WIPP workers were contaminated.

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) reported to the U.S. Senate that safe operations at WIPP are questionable, saying reactions to the fire and radiation releases “…were not performed with the rigor necessary for a hazard category 2 defense nuclear facility. Both the federal and contractor workforce proved unprepared for emergency response.”

The DNFSB told senators they issued four warnings about operations at WIPP, since 2010.  The investigators also blasted the timing of the public alarms: “Shelter in place instructions were not given until 10 hours after the first indication of a problem, and over four hours after a release had been confirmed by local readings. As a result, the internal contamination level of workers, although minor, was nevertheless greater than necessary.”