Tag Archives: idaho

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 10-12 August 2013. Veteran run military contractor stealing bombs from National Guard? Idaho loses 1500 jobs in one day? More health care cuts blamed on the Federales!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs.

AOL (American On [Off ?] Line) announced they are selling off 400 Patch sites!  This after announcing they will layoff as many as 500 Patch Editors!

California: In Alameda County, the Almeda Health System laid off at least 57 employees at two hospitals, this as AHS is actually adding two more hospitals to its inventory. One of those hospitals was donated by a non-profit health care group (probably done in by Obama Care).  Hospital officials say the layoffs are their attempt to comply with Obama Care!  In Long Beach, the Christian Saint Mary Medical Center laid off 86 employees.  In Redwood City, Perseid Therapeutics ended operations.  59 people unemployed. It’s the result of a takeover by Astellas.  In San Jose, IBM laid off 203 people!  The layoffs were part of IBM’s elimination of 3-thousand jobs World wide!

Florida: In Tampa, Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase lays off another 208 people!  That’s on top of the 435 cuts announced in June. The evil bank officials admitted that the home mortgage disaster has reached a point where it’s not worth it for banks to continue stealing people’s homes, so they’re now going after their own employees!

Georgia: In Tucker, Park Pet Retreat shut down. The owner of the doggie daycare center blames a suck ass investor:“I am so very sorry to tell you that the Investor that was brought to me and led me on for a month has backed away from the deal.”   But, apparently some good news; it seems Rita MacCallon has such loyal customers that she’s opened a new doggie daycare under the title Rita’s Pet Retreat.

Idaho: In Boise, Micron Technologies (the World’s 2nd largest DRAM maker) announced it will fire 1500 employees!  It’s the result of Micron taking over Japanese competitor Elpida.  Micron officials say the layoffs will be spread around the World, but a Boise financial consultant, Dave Pesto, said “It appears to be pretty heavy here.”  Micron laid off 2-thousand people in Boise back in 2009!

Illinois: In Chicago, Career Education Corporation laid off another 480 people!  That’s on top of the 900 people laid off since last November!  The company has lost more than a hundred million dollars since last year!

Kansas: Wichita City warned of layoffs.  If city revenues are down, as is expected, they want to layoff 13 employees.

Louisiana: Explo Systems bankrupt, company officials in prison.  They are $3 million in debt, and were even served with an eviction notice by the Army National Guard.  The company was supposed to be disarming and destroying out of date munitions for the Louisiana National Guard.   At least six employees were charged with unlawful storage of explosives, reckless storage of explosives, failure to obtain magazine license, failure to properly mark explosive material,  failure to keep accurate inventory and conspiracy.

New York: In Buffalo, yet another non-profit health care provider, Phoenix Frontier, bankrupt because of the federal government.  The IRS claims the disabilities and mental health service provider failed to pay taxes.  In Levittown, magic Shop closed (the store sign actually has magic spelled with lower case m).

North Carolina: The Agricultural and Technical State University laid off at least 50 employees.  The University of North Carolina at Greensboro laid off an undisclosed amount of employees.  In both cases it’s blamed on state funding cuts, and declining student enrollment.  In Greensboro, Cafe Carolina closed down. The owner blames the suck ass economy: “We really wished, we had the ability to keep it going, but under the current conditions we just can’t.”-Ron Hines

Texas: In Waco, Southern Foods Group ended operations.  150 employees let go!

Vermont: Wood burning stove maker, Vermont Castings, laid off 100 employees! Other layoffs took place in Kentucky and Mexico. The company was taken over by its own management, who decided to slash and burn in the name of consolidation.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

Exceptional Failed State: National Guard whistleblower reveals Martial Law plans in FEMA Region 1 within U.S.!

23 October 2013 (14:37 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“It’s scaring the shit out of us up here!”-unnamed FEMA Region I active duty National Guard NCO commenting on take over by DHS

An active duty National Guard NCO, in FEMA Region I (one), reported during an unsolicited (other than Alex Jones asking for the audience to call in) phone call to Infowars.com that National Guard unit commanders are refusing to support the Bill of Rights, and Constitution.  Some are actually tearing down bulletin board postings of the Bill of Rights inside some armories.

The NCO said at least seven armories in his unnamed state had Bill of Rights, Constitution and military Oath of Allegiances torn down by higher ups.

Active duty Guard members complained to their JAG (Judge Advocate General).  JAG told concerned NCOs there’s no legal justification for the removal of the Bill of Rights, Constitution or Oath of Allegiance.

Active duty National Guard personnel have been told that they are now under direct control of Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

DHS is testing Guard members to see who will support martial law.  I’ve seen something similar during the 1990s, as a member of California and then Idaho National Guards, under the Clinton admin.

In 2003 (it might’ave been 2002), a retiring Idaho National Guard JAG officer (ex Regular Navy JAG, who said he switch to state run Army NG because USN was being prepped for martial law action) it was gave his last annual legal briefing to Bravo Company, 2nd of the 116th Armored Cavalry (please pronounce correctly, it’s not “calvary”. The 116th armored CAV is now known as 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team).  He adamantly stated that our state leaders sold out our National Guard to the federales, in exchange for increased federal funding.  He warned that the federal takeover was not for the arbitrary use of Guard personnel in foreign wars, without getting the governor’s approval, but for use on U.S. citizens under martial Law!

The retiring JAG officer also warned that the federales (pronounced the Spanish way) were in the processing of forcing states to give up their own particular Army National Guard UCMJs and adopting the federal active (Regular) Army UCMJ.

We had Pentagon insiders who warned us that the Bush admin invasion of Iraq was a done deal a full year before the invasion.  They also warned us that Idaho Guard was scheduled for deployment to Iraq, before the Bush admin invaded Iraq!   I bad mouthed Bush in a unit formation, as acting platoon sergeant, which could have been the reason they demoted me from E6 to E5, then refused to let me re-enlist when my enlistment ended in November 2003.  My Honorable Discharge papers, which were not sent to me until mid-2004, said I was “FLAGGED FOR APFT”, despite having the third highest APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) score in my unit in 2003!  In my late 30s I was out push uping and out sit uping guys right out of Army Basic Training!

According to the FEMA Region I Guard member, DHS has issued a “mission change” for expected “gang insurrections” within Federal Emergency Management Agency Region I.  The info and procedures discused by the active duty Guard member, who called into Infowars.com, convinced me he was legitimate.

FEMA Region I is Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut.  (Idaho is FEMA Region X [ten]. Note that FEMA uses Roman/British empire numerals)

See: Insurrection Act.

Declaration of Independence, 04 July 1776

Exceptional Failed State: Red State Idaho joins Obama Care insurance exchange corruption! IT company owner paid $180 per hour, with governor’s approval!

23 October 2013 (19:24 UTC-07 Tango 22 October 2013)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Idaho’s Your Health Idaho Obama Care false flag insurance exchange was outed by state legislators.

Your Health Idaho executive director, Amy Dowd, revealed she made a no bid contract with an unpaid board member, Frank Chan.  Under the deal Chan’s company, Applied Computing, would have been paid $180 USD per hour as a Obama Care enrollment consultant!  State lawmakers were outraged!

By the way, Idaho’s Red State Right to Work (you over) elitist governor Butch Otter appointed Chan to the board of the Your Health Idaho at the beginning of the year (there are an amazing 19 people on Idaho’s Obama Care board).  Dowd claims that Otter approved of the $180 per hour contract with Chan.  State representative Kelley Packer, from McCammon, said the first they heard about the deal was on 17 October, which is when Your Health Idaho actually published the deal on their website.

Chan founded Applied Computing in 1994.  He already has contracts with Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Frank Chan canceled the Your Health Idaho deal the day after state politicians expressed their rage.  The no-bid deal could have made Chan $375-thousand!  Supposedly Idaho law says any government contract over $25-thousand must be done competitively, by bids.  Now, Your Health Idaho must get state approval for any contract over $18-thousand.


More Economic Decline: Idaho’s Coldwater Creek up for sale! Looking for “Strategic Alternatives”! 30% drop in stock prices! Loses $22 million!

22 October 2013 (12:28 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/30 Mehr 1391/18 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Failing women’s clothing retailer, Coldwater Creek, is now finally up for sale as part of the company’s efforts to explore strategic alternatives.  Company officials clarified that just ’cause Coldwater Creek is up for sale doesn’t mean it will be sold.  The Board of Directors are just trying to make their greedy and impatient investors happy: “As a result of an increasingly challenging retail environment, we are continuing to take the necessary steps towards improving our financial position as well as our long-term prospects as a more competitive and successful company. In that regard, we will continue to concentrate on maximizing shareholder value…..”-Jill Dean, President & CEO

Apparently the announcement was not good enough for said investors, as the very next day the price of Coldwater Creek stocks dropped by 30%!  (on 15 October stocks were trading for 88 cents)

In September, Coldwater Creek reported yet another quarterly crash in sales.  A net loss of $22.1 million USD!  Compare that to the same time last year, when they lost $18.8 million.

The company shouldn’t be put up for sale, it should be put out of its misery!



Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 08 August 2013. Evil banks give up on stealing people’s homes, turn to laying off their own employees! More proof the layoffs will continue for years to come! More proof Obama Care is trying to kill you!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs:

AOL (American On [Off ?] Line) announced more layoffs, this time as many as 500 Patch Editors!

The biggest dairy producer in the United States, Texas based Dean Foods, announced they are closing as many as 12 dairies by mid 2014.  They blame increased competition and declining sales, but that sounds far fetched for a company accused of being a monopoly!   Dean Foods also operations in Belgium, France, United Kingdom and Netherlands.  Dean Foods was taken over by Suiza Foods (the original Suiza Dairy is in Puerto Rico).  Suiza then changed their name to Dean Foods and began taking over dairies throughout the United States.  In 2010 the attorney generals of Wisconsin and Michigan charged Dean Foods with creating a monopoly.  In 2011 a law suit accused Dean Foods of falsifying ingredients on Horizon milk labeled as organic.  In 2012, it was revealed that Dean Foods was behind a California proposition that would have allowed companies to avoid disclosing to consumers if their food products contained GMO ingredients.  Reports say Dean Foods owns operations in the following U.S. states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin.  Suiza/Dean Foods’ biggest client is Walmart.

Colorado: Legal drug pusher, Array Biopharma, laid off about 50 people.  It’s because a deal with Amgen, to market their new drug to treat type 2 diabetes, fell through.  Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains closed two health centers.  Officials blame it on ten years of no public funding.

Florida: The Florida Virtual School laid off 802 online teachers!!!  It’s blamed on a 32% decline in student enrollment, compared to last year.  I’ve asked this before; where are all the students going? (leaving the country?)

Indiana: Purdue University laid off seven faculty members at its Calumet campus.  12 teachers were forced to retire early.  Four assistant professors have been warned that this school year is their last year of employment.  Two assistant professors were told that they will be laid off in 2015.  School officials blamed a crash in students signing up for core classes, which is a sign that people are realizing that higher education does not result in finding good paying jobs that can help them payoff their student loans.

Missouri: In Affton, Red Racks Thrift Store closed down.  The owner would not respond to questions from local news media.

New York: In DeWitt, the privately funded Manlius Pebble Hill school laid off 12 employees.  According to reports, school officials intentionally decided to reduce student enrollment by 40, thus justifying the layoffs.

North Carolina: WakeMed closed down two nursing homes. 99 jobs lost.  Another 14 jobs are being outsourced.  Company officials stated they’ve always relied on Medicare payments, never making a profit, but now Obama Care is the straw that’s breaking their back: “We have always lost money in the tens of millions, and it has gotten worse over time, these other financial cuts to the healthcare environment and the healthcare reimbursement structure right now, we can no longer afford to sustain those kinds of losses.”-Elaine Rohlik

Ohio: FirstEnergy laid off 250 people!  The electric power company is also reducing health care benefits to employees.  The company is changing its retirement program for employees.  Company officials blame it on increasing government environmental regulations, and declining revenues.

Oregon: In Coos Bay, a couple of weeks after Sears Holdings announced they will close the Kmart, local news media revealed the store was averaging $4 million USD in sales every year.  At the end of July, greedy Sears Holdings officials had stated they were closing the store because it was not making enough money!

Pennsylvania: In Upper Saint Clair, Too Big to Jail Bank of America laid off 209 employees!  The evil bank officials admitted that the home mortgage disaster has reached a point where it’s not worth it for banks to continue stealing people’s homes!

South Carolina: Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase laying off 450 people between now and mid 2014.  The evil bank officials admitted that the home mortgage disaster has reached a point where it’s not worth it for banks to continue stealing people’s homes!

Tennessee: In Nashville, public relations company, Katcher Vaughn & Bailey, ceased to exist.  The problem was that most of their clients are in the failing health care industry.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

Martial Law U.S.A.: Homeland Security behind False Flag earthquake drill in Idaho? Real quake hits! International connection! Mystery power outages!

18 October 2013 (20:40 UTC-07 Tango 17 October 2013)/13 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/26 Mehr 1391/14 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The Gem State of Idaho held its largest earthquake drill ever.  Did you hear about it?  I live in the Gem State and it was news to me.

It’s called The Great Idaho ShakeOut.  It took place at 10:17 hours on 17 October 2013.  Coincidentally a 3.6 quake hit northern Utah, along the same fault line that runs through eastern Idaho on up to the supervolcano Yellowstone, at 10:19 hours!

It is true that most quakes in Idaho take place in the eastern part of the state.  But suddenly, almost out-o-the blue it’s a major concern of the government?

If you go to The Great Idaho ShakeOut website it looks like the “annual” drill is being pushed by state agencies, but the actual instigators are the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency  and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  They have drills for Idaho already planned for 2014 and 2015.  The website claims it was school officials who chose to hold the drill in the morning on a school day.

Local TV news reports showed kindergarteners being led out of school with their wrists tied to ropes!!!  The ShakeOut website stated that at 10:17 hours they wanted everybody in Idaho to stop what they were doing and “Drop, Cover, and Hold On [fetal position?]……and stay in this position for at least 60 seconds.“!

Reports claim between 70-thousand and 92-thousand Idahoans took part in the drill.  Small print on the website also says “You can hold your drill at any time within 2 weeks of October 17.”  Does this imply that if you conduct a quake drill outside that time period you could be arrested?

Turns out the Great ShakeOut drills are conducted all across the U.S. and even in other countries.  That’s right, FEMA and other federal agencies are conducting quake drills in Japan, Italy, New Zealand, Canada and “other countries”.   Your tax dollars at work.

At about 15:30 hours power was lost to a large area.  Idaho Power reported the outage affected the western half of the city of Chubbuck, west to the American Falls reservoir 23 miles away.  The cause was unknown.

Power came back on for me at 17:30 hours, but at 17:51 hours Idaho Power reported that power was still out in parts of Chubbuck, and they were sending crews back out to find out why.  Cause of outage still unknown.

By 20:00 hours Idaho Power reported “no outages”.  No explanation for the outage, and so far nothing mentioned by local news media.  Mmmm, on the same day as the FEMA sponsored earthquake drill.

Major health care organization says Obama Care is False Flag op! Millions to be denied health care in Red States! Idaho throws 91% of poor adults to the curb!

17 October 2013 (23:01 UTC-07 Tango 16 October 2013)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“……over five million poor uninsured adults have incomes above Medicaid eligibility levels but below poverty and may fall into a ‘coverage gap’ of earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to qualify for Marketplace premium tax credits.”-The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid, Kaiser Family Foundation

The Kaiser Family Foundation is warning that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obama Care) will not provide health insurance for about 5.2 million low income adults!

That’s because Obama Care relies on states to expand Medicaid coverage to Obama Care standards, but they don’t have to because of a 2012 Supreme Court ruling.  The result is that people like me, single adults with low incomes but no dependents, will still fall into the coverage gap.

26 states are refusing to expand Medicaid: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Virginia.

Note that most of those states are considered Red states.

In the Red state of Idaho, the Kaiser study estimates that 60% of “low income” adults will not be covered, and 91% of “poor” adults will not be covered!

The Kaiser study concluded: “…with many states opting not to implement the Medicaid expansion, millions of adults will remain outside the reach of the ACA and continue to have limited, if any, option for health coverage: most do not have access to employer-based coverage through a job, few can afford coverage on their own, and most are currently ineligible for public coverage in their state…..It is unlikely that people who fall into the coverage gap will be able to afford Marketplace coverage: The national average premium for a 40-year-old individual purchasing coverage through the Marketplace is $270 per month for a silver plan and $224 per month for a bronze plan, which equates to about half of income for those at the lower income range of people in the gap….people in the coverage gap are ineligible for cost-sharing subsidies for Marketplace plans and may face additional out-of-pocket costs up to $6,350 a year if they were to purchase Marketplace coverage.”

They’re talking about people like me.  Obama Care is supposed to help me how?


More Economic Decline: East Idaho shopping malls to close down? Pine Ridge quietly put up to be auctioned off in November! Merry Xmas!

17 October 2013 (18:21 UTC-07 Tango 16 October 2013)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Reports that the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, Idaho, could soon be dead!  That’s if nobody bids on it.  A quietly announced auction, on Auction.com, for the entire mall is set for 05 November.

Illinois based General Growth Properties is refusing comment, but that’s because they are no longer the official owner.  Last year GGP turned the property over to its spinoff, Howard Hughes Corporation.  Texas based Howard Hughes seems to be the executioner for GGP, getting rid of money losing properties.

Some reports say Howard Hughes has taken over improperly valued GGP malls. The starting bid for the failed Pine Ridge Mall is a paltry $3 million USD!

If you’ve been following my economic reports out of the Chubbuck/Pocatello area, you know I used to work for mall owner GGP, and JPrice before that.

Auction.com talks up the mall, claiming it’s at 80% tenant capacity!  I find that hard to believe, because it was at 80% when I worked there, and that’s before losing two anchor stores!  Just check out my pics of the empty Sears!

Local TV news reports talked up the mall by naming anchor stores Sears and ShopKo.   I used to work property management there, and ShopKo is operating under a different contract, as if they are not part of the mall.  When I worked there ShopKo was responsible for all their own building maintenance, including parking lot trash pick up, landscaping and snow and ice removal during winter.

The newest anchor store is Herbergers, which is taking up residence in the old two story ZCMI then May Company then Dillards anchor location, yet it’s only a single story operation.

Also, there is conflicting info given by Auction.com and GGP.  Auction.com states there are 50 “unit” spaces at the mall, yet GGP’s website says 77 “Retail Stores”.

In 2009 GGP went bankrupt.  By 2010, 96 GGP malls emerged from chapter 11 bankruptcy, and according to bankruptcy news reports that included the Pine Ridge Mall.  However, in 2012 GGP got a a total of $7 billion in “property-level financings” to float dozens of its malls, according to GGP’s website.  Independent reports say the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, as well as the Grand Teton Mall in Idaho Falls, were included in that list of mortgage bailout refi loans (although I didn’t see them listed on the GGP site).

This year GGP reported in its 4th quarter report for 2012 that it “…disposed of approximately 3.2 million square feet of gross leasable area for $213 million.”, but they did not specify which properties were sold.

For the 3rd quarter 2012 GGP “…disposed of assets comprising approximately 2.7 million square feet of gross leasable area for $219.3 million.”

In the 2nd quarter 2012 GGP sold off their Foothills Mall in Colorado.

In 1st quarter 2012, 30 malls were transferred to Rouse Properties.  They also sold three properties for a total of $26.6 million.

“During 2011, GGP sold, or transferred to the mortgage holder, whole or partial interests in approximately 11.5 million square feet of gross leasable area for $879.7 million including property level debt of $752.1 million.”-GGP 4th quarter report for 2011

In 2011 it was also revealed that GGP had sold, or was selling off, most of its properties in Utah.

Here’s more of my reports:

A History Lesson in Economic Decline:

Idaho Sears closing down, without official notice?

Don’t forget to add the Sears stores bought by GGP to the closing list. 

GGP owns most of the malls in Idaho.

Mormon Mitt Romney……Destroyed jobs in Chubbuck, Idaho. 

Exceptional Failed State: Obama Care heading into “Death Spiral”?

14 October 2013 (02:33 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/22 Mehr 1391/10 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

More than 11-thousand federal employees in Idaho have not been paid, but that’s not stopping Idahoans from flooding their elected officials with calls to stop Obama Care!

Idaho news reports say individual Idahoans are calling for the destruction of Obama Care by more than two to one, and are demanding their representatives in the U.S. Congress keep the federal government shut down until Obama Care is dead!

Unnamed sources in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services say as of 10 October only 51-thousand people have singed up for Obama Care, in a country with more than 313-million people!  But wait, it gets worse!  A new report says that going by insurance company reports, in actuality only 5-thousand people have signed up!

Hawaii reported no sign ups!

Kansas reported no sign up!

Maryland officials reported that nobody can sign up because there are no doctors participating: “….doctors and other providers are not yet available in Maryland Health Connection; therefore, if you choose to search for them on the website, you will receive a message that ‘no doctors are found’…”

Also in Maryland, the ignorant mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, is now begging poor people to sign up!  I guess the elitist mayor doesn’t know that there are no participating doctors in the state (read above).

In Texas, a man says he tried for more than a week to access Healthcare.gov, and got nowhere.

National Public Radio (NPR) confirmed that Obama Care relies on young adults baring the burden of funding it.  It’s the Affordable Heath Care Act’s Achilles Heel: “The danger if you don’t get young, healthy people signing up…is that this program will collapse…We call it a death spiral. And many insurance companies have had death spirals so this is not a theoretical exercise.”-Robert Laszewski, Health Policy and Strategy Associates

Reports say young adults, who’re expected to bare the cost of Obama Care, are not signing up.  Here’s what one young adult said: “The problem with this plan is that it hoses young, relatively poor people like me right when we least need high bills for services they’re not using. And it helps older, relatively rich people who should be able to afford the care they need. If America’s downtrodden and struggling young people are smart, they’ll opt out. Then it’ll be up to the federal government to fine them enough to make up for the shortfall.”-Cathy Reisenwitz

Reports say anybody with a Health Savings bank account might as well spend that money on something else ’cause it doesn’t count under Obama Care!

Here’s a medical martial law reality check that one person got hit with after opting out of Obama Care (the statements have been disputed by Obama Care officials): “I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 ‘Silver Plan’ and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I ‘opt-out’ and chose to continue along with no insurance. I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the ‘REPERCUSSIONS PORTION’ for ‘non-payment’ of yearly fine. First, your drivers license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with ‘Non-Payment’ and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy ‘Automatically withdraw’ your ‘penalties’ weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is ‘Free’ or even ‘Affordable’.”

By the way, the Healthcare.gov website cost taxpayers $634 million USD!

Some “exceptionalism”, way to go U.S.A.!

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 03-06 August 2013. Canadian company bails on California, says U.S. economy dragging them down! Japan taking over U.S. ATM industry! Social Security has already been cut, causing layoffs!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs:

AOL laid off another undisclosed number of employees.

Apple subsidiary FileMaker laid off 20 employees.

Internet shopping innovator, Geek.com, has abandoned the internet and will now operate traditional brick & mortar stores.

Alabama: At Fort Rucker, tax sucking military aircraft maintenance contractor, Army Fleet Support, laid off 70 employees.  Apparently the U.S. Army is intentionally reducing aircraft flights to save money on fuel, but that also means a reduction in aircraft maintenance intervals.  In Jefferson County, two Food World grocery stores closed.  The parent company, Belle Foods, is bankrupt and will close/sell off stores in several states.

California: In La Jolla, Kashi closed down. 28 people laid off.  In San Jose, Bon Appetit Management closed, 188 people out-o-work!  In Hayward, for profit legal drugs pusher, Impax Labs, laid off 142 employees! The FDA rejected Impax’s new costly Parkinson’s drug.  In Fontana, Canadian based trucking company, Viatran Express, ended U.S. operations. Company officials said they had to get out of the U.S. economy if they were to remain profitable! 87 California jobs lost.  In Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center laid off 113 employees!  In Bassett, National Envelope shut down, 147 jobs lost!  For the reason see Wisconsin, below.  In Yuba, Rideout Health laid off 13 employees. Originally 90 employees were gonna get the axe.  Company officials are struggling to adjust their operating budget to the new Obama Care funding.

Colorado: In Colorado Springs, Lang’s Shoes closed.

Florida: In Miami, AgroTrade America laid off 157 employees!  No official reason given. Homewrecker RealAuction.com/RealForeclosure.com now bankrupt.  Good!  ATM operator, Global Axcess, sold its assets for $10 Million USD, then went bankrupt!  U.S. news reports said the ATM operations were sold to a California based company, however, according to a report in The Japan Times the so-called California company is really a front (“wholly owned U.S. subsidiary”) for a Japanese company called Seven Banks. In Orlando, Orlando Health laid off hundreds of employees in a second round of cuts.  Hospital officials warned back in November 2012 they were forced to layoff up to 400 employees, due to a 20% cut in Medicaid funding (thank you Obama Care)!  In West Boca, popular kids indoor playcenter, Playtown Cafe, shut down. It’s blamed on the property owner and property developers.

Idaho: In Caldwell, the Canyon County Animal Shelter warned of layoffs due to county budget concerns and crashing donations!

Illinois: Allsup, a company that helps people with their disability funding, laid off 65 employees.  Company officials blame it on the U.S. Social Security Administration.  Company officials also warned of more possible layoffs due to the rip off called Obama Care.

Indiana: In Lafayette, heavy equipment maker Caterpillar laid off 125 people!  Company officials blame their crashing sales on the dead economy in Europe, and a slowing economy in China.

Kentucky: Fruit of the Loom laid off an undisclosed number of employees.  Company officials would only say it was less than 100.  The United States Enrichment [Uranium] Corporation began laying off employees at its Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.  The first round will put 160 people out-o-work.  It’s blamed on high production costs and falling nuclear fuel prices.

Maryland: In Hagerstown, women’s clothing store Lena’s closed.  The store’s manager/investor said the economy is dead: “The economic situation in Hagerstown and Washington County is, I mean I know others may say other things, but to me it is pretty devastated!”-Lori Ruda

Massachusetts: In Wesseley, the 84 years old upscale women’s clothing Triangle Shop closed. The greedy property owner suddenly canceled the lease, no warning.  The current shop owner is hoping to re-open in a new location.

New Hampshire: Stop & Shop grocery stores shut down across the state.  670 people out-o-work!  It sounds like BS to me because the corporate officials said the grocery stores “…have not achieved performance goals…”, they never said the stores were losing money.

New York: In NYC, Green Chimneys-Gramercy Group Residence for homeless homosexual children closed after hidden video cameras revealed physical abuse of children by staff.  Teenagers also claimed sexual and financial exploitation.  43 people deservedly unemployed. Upstate Cerebral Palsy laid off 26 teachers. It’s blamed on a sudden and unexpected crash in student enrollment: “We can’t refer students if we don’t have them.”-Lori Eccleston, Utica City School District

North Carolina: The Craven County School District laid off 36 teachers.  It’s blamed on $1.27 million in state funding cuts!  In Rockingham, the Goodman Furniture store closed.

Ohio: In Mason, Bradley Caldwell (BCI) closed down.  81 jobs lost.  In Waverly, 58 years old Streitenberger’s Garage shut down.  In Toledo, Maryland based Ukazoo Books closed. The retail space is now being used for internet sales only.

Oregon: The Umatilla Chemical Weapons Depot laid off 100 people! The depot is shutting down, claiming they’ve destroyed the last of their CW.  Since 2011 hundreds of employees have been laid off.

Pennsylvania: In Johnstown, Yankee Shoe Repair factory shut down after 92 years of operations. The owner blamed a multitude of things: “Without sufficient skilled staff, and considering current footwear buying trends, coupled with economic conditions, the long term stability of the business was in jeopardy…Given the materials used in footwear today, 95% of the shoes people buy can’t be repaired.”-Larry Coco

South Carolina: In Clinton non-profit Alzheimer’s care center, Senior Options, laid off 21 more staff.  Back in March they laid off 20 drivers, a direct result of cuts to Medicaid funding (Obama Care)!  In Aiken, funding cuts from the U.S. Department of Energy forces Shaw Project Services Group/Savannah River Remediation to layoff 485 employees!  Also in Aiken, AREVA Federal Services laid off 28 employees.  In Landrum, the Christian God can’t stop the Blue Ridge Christian Academy from shutting down.  School officials said they couldn’t raise enough funding for the school year.  The school also caused controversy with a science test given to fourth graders last year.

Tennessee: In Memphis, tech startup Work for Pie failed.  Lack of revenue is blamed.

Texas: In Midland, AT&T closed down, 101 people unemployed! In Roanoke, Ryder Logistics closed down, 60 people unemployed.

Wisconsin: In Appleton, bankrupt National Envelope shut down after being sold off.  153 people unemployed!  Employees across the country affected as well.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.