Tag Archives: idaho

Blue State-Red State: Idaho vs Illinois, or Why the United States is more divided than you think, and in more ways than one!

12 October 2013 (16:44 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/20 Mehr 1391/08 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Today, I was questioned by yet another newbie to the Gem State of Idaho, this time they were from the Prairie State of Illinois.

They were looking for the DMV (Department Motor Vehicles) and the local Currency Exchange office.  Mmmm, there ain’t no currency exchange around here, oh but they weren’t taking about exchanging foreign currency (money).  It turns out that Currency Exchange is a private company in Illinois that not only offers check cashing service but lends people money for such things as vehicle registration.  You can also get your car registration completed at the Currency Exchange.  Ain’t no such thing in Idaho.

In Idaho it’s only been relatively recently that a DMV system was adopted.  Up ’till a few years ago vehicle registration was handled by the counties.  Our so called conservative republican leaders pushed the DMV system, which is actually proving to be less efficient, and more costly, than if they kept it at the county level!

The former Prairie Stater seemed confused at the lack of available services in the Gem State, but what do you expect when you move from a Blue state to a Red state?

This brings me to the point I’m trying to make, about how divided the country really is, and not just because of political/religious/social differences.  Most Blue states receive the lion’s share of federal government funding, most Red states west of the Mississippi receive a relative pittance.  The result of this is uneven and unfair distribution of federal funds for social programs, many Red states have far fewer government funded social services compared to Blue states.

One reason for this is that Blue states are more population dense than Red states.  Let’s compare Illinois to Idaho:  Illinois is considered the 5th most populous state in the U.S., with almost 13-million people crammed into an area of 149998 square kilometers (57914 square miles).

Idaho has 1.5-million people spread over a spacious area of 216632 square kilometers (83570 square miles)!  For more perspective; Idaho is a larger state geographically than Illinois, yet has a million less people than the city of Chicago!

How does that affect federal funds for social programs in Idaho?  There is no taxpayer funded housing assistance, there is no taxpayer funded legal aid, there is no taxpayer funded utility assistance, most school districts do not have federally funded Head Start programs, etc.

“….inequalities arise from uneven administration….recipients…may not receive assistance because funds may have been exhausted…Competition for…funds…may result…limited appropriations are still common and are likely to continue to be so….distribution of these funds because of the absence of standard concepts of need and of standardized methods for determining the amounts of assistance grants, and because of the lack of uniform policies with
respect to the acceptance of applications…..Inequities in administration of
public assistance will arise if inadequate funds are available…”-DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC-ASSISTANCE FUNDS WITHIN STATES, Joel Gordon & Olivia Israeli

Before the Obama Care fiasco adult heads of low income Idaho households (meaning they have children) did not get Medicaid (if they were not disabled) and were not counted in Food Stamps, because the federal funding going to Idaho for the programs had been cut drastically. (I know about this because I tried to get help and was told that because I was healthy only my children were being given Medicaid and being factored for food stamps, and then they cut them off food stamps after 18 months anyway, despite my income still being poverty level. This was back in 2000-2001).

(I’ve been asked by some Mormons why I don’t get charity from church.  I’m not a Christian and that’s my gott damned Right as a U.S. citizen, just like owning a military grade weapon! Which I admittedly don’t have but wish I had the money to do so)

But it’s not just populations that are the reason for uneven federal funding.  Many studies have shown that more populous states get more federal funding because of corruption in Washington DC.  The more populous states actually have more pull, in the form of lobbyists who represent private organizations and corporations.

This is why so many sparsely populated states are going their own way, pulling away from federal control, and working hard to stop the major screw job that is Obama Care.

By the way, despite my low income, for the past three years I’ve had to pay federal income taxes at the end of the tax year (my children are adults and living on their own now, so no more dependent deductions for me), and currently I’m back due on taxes owed to Uncle Sam (remember, there is no taxpayer funded legal aid in Idaho).  At the state level Idaho does not have an Earned Income tax credit for poor people, like many Blue states.  In Idaho if your income is below a certain level then no state income tax filing is required, but it means they keep all the state income taxes your employer deducted from your pay.  It’s rare for an Idahoan to get a full refund of state income taxes.  When I was a Californian I actually got more than a full refund of income taxes, because of California’s own Earned Income Credit for low income workers.  Since moving to Idaho in 1996, I’ve gotten only a fraction of a fraction of an Idaho state tax refund, and that was only a couple of times. One year I paid extra income tax, and since 2000 my income is too low to file a refund request under Idaho tax rules.  Also, Idaho taxes groceries, which shocks many newbies. But we can blame that on the fact that the federales unevenly distributes funding for federal programs, Idaho getting relatively nothing.

Now to another point: People are moving to Idaho because it looks like the economy is good here.  That’s a mirage caused by the small scale of Idaho’s economy.

I’ve written before about the economic decline in my part-o-the state.  Idaho’s economy has actually been on a slow down hill roll ever since the conservative republican leaders turned Idaho into a Right to Work you over state back in the mid 1980s.  But because Idaho’s economy never came close to rising to the high power economies in more populous Blue states, Idahoans didn’t have far to fall.  The higher you are the farther you’ll fall.  So it ‘looks’ like Idaho’s economy is good to a newbie from a state like California, Michigan or Illinois.

The major layoffs and business shut downs are taking place in tax sucking Blue states (to be clear, there are plenty of tax sucking Red states east of the Mississippi).  But layoffs and business shut downs are also taking place in federal funding deprived Red states, it’s just not as noticeable.

Why the F-ck should we in the sparsely populated states go along to get along when we’re getting F-cked over on our taxes paid to the federales, who then turn around and give most of it to Blue states and the more populous Red states?!

So why am I living in a sparsely populated state that has little services or help for low income people?  ‘Cause I hates populous states.  In California I was getting all kinds of social services, I was even getting free college!  But the system made me feel trapped and controlled.  The system was set up to screw over anyone who went over the income limits for social services, because those limits were still too low for you to actually support yourself.  On top of that California has imposed too many laws against guns and cars.  I also got tired of paying hundreds of dollars per year to register my car.  Then there was the time the city council of Los Angeles created a law banning cars more than 10 years old (back in the early 1990s).  People were being told to buy new cars or take the bus.  The only thing that stopped the law was all the upper middle class who had sunk tens of thousands of dollars into restoring their classic cars.  The law did not differentiate between a junker and a restored classic!  In other words, the tax sucking Golden State of California was going nuts!   I was offered a job in Idaho and I took it (three years later a management change, and the political games involved, resulted in me losing the good paying job.  But you couldn’t pay me enough to move back to Blue California)!

What Economic Recovery? 700 million+ dollar white elephant for sale in Idaho! I’ve been warning you!

11 October 2013 (16:48 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/19 Mehr 1391/07 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

It’s now official; Idaho’s Hoku Materials polysilicon factory is now up for auction, in whole or in part, without ever making one production run.

The “bulk or piecemeal” auction runs for 24 hours, beginning on 23 October 2013.  Visit www.hgpauction.com for more info (under In Progress and Upcoming Sales) .

I’ve been following this disaster for years, here’s more on the demise of Hoku Materials:

Idaho Falls company needs your support…

Idaho Electric rates going up, blame the demise of Pocatello’s Hoku silicone factory!

Capitalist Commodity Markets to blame for Pocatello’s Hoku Polysilicon near abandonment!

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 16 July 2013. Hundreds more call center employees now unemployed! Hundreds lose their jobs as a result of government investigations!

The Galena silver mine, in Idaho, laid off 126 employees.  Company officials are taking a 10% to 20% pay cut.  They blame declining silver prices :“The ongoing decline in the price of silver required us to look for further cost savings in order to be profitable and protect our balance sheet going forward.”-Darren Blasutti, CEO

In Arkansas, the Christian God allowed 170 people to lose their jobs with hospitals run by Baptist Health.  Company officials blame Obama Care: “We are undertaking a number of initiatives that will position our organization to address the challenges of health reform and severe federal budget cuts.”-Mark Lowman, company spokeman

California based vascular disease treatment device maker Volcano Corporation laid off 39 employees.  The new Obama Care creates a new tax on medical devices.  In Fresno, Too Big to Jail Bank of America laid off 543 call center employees.  In Redwood City, video game maker Trion Worlds laid off 68 employees.  In Sunnyvale, data collections manager Netapp laid off 235 people. It’s part of the 900 layoffs announced back in May.

Oklahoma based phone company, TerraCom, laid off 700 people across 23 states.  This was a result of the Federal Communications Commission warning phone companies that their sales staff will be investigated for violating FCC rules.

In Oklahoma, The Tulsa World laid off 50 employees.

Government contractor, Lockheed Martin, announced plans to layoff 300 employees (on top of those they’ve already been laying off).  Company officials blame the unstable economy.

In New York, United Airlines laid off 40 employees at the Greater Rochester International Airport.  United Airlines is also ending operations at the airport, as well as in Albany.  Company officials blame the bad economy.  The Harrisville Dry Kiln plant shut down, laying off 30 employees.  In Mineola, Mexican owned Entenmann’s Bakery Outlet closed.  Company officials claim they will open again, if property owners can agree to an acceptable lease deal.  In Mount Kisco, The Farm grocery store closed. The owner says the recession is far from over: We’ve experienced a big drop off every year since the recession! Business has simply not been good. There’s no other reason to it.”-George Kim

In New Jersey, 80 people lost their jobs with Wagner Spray Tech.  Jobs are being moved to Minneapolis. The Revel casino lad off 75 management staff.  Company officials blame the bad economy: “We are looking at how to run the business given the difficult operating environment.”-Jeffrey Hartmann, CEO

In North Carolina, Wilson County Schools laying off 67 teacher assistants.  It’s blamed on state funding cuts.  Government contractor, General Dynamics, closing its Charlotte Armament and Technical Products operations.  90 employees affected.  Company officials blamed unstable economic conditions.

What automotive industry recovery? In South Carolina, 200 jobs lost as Federal Mogul Friction Products shut down operations.  They make brakes for cars.  Company officials say they are consolidating operations to remain competitive.

Total Quality Plastics shutting down their Waukesha County operations in Wisconsin.  32 people unemployed.

In Washington, Mel’s Nursery shut down after 40 years in business.  The owner said she had to sell the property, but hopes she can open another nursery business.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 28-29 August 2013: Idaho NGO gets out? New war promised in India after 2014 NATO pullout! Cops shoot up fellow cops!

Ghazni Province, U.S./NATO Provincial Reconstruction Team-Ghazni was attacked by Mujahideen.  Two U.S./NATO helicopters that landed at the PRT base were engaged with heavy caliber machine gun fire.  Several U.S./NATO ground vehicles destroyed. 15 Mujahideen killed. Two local cops killed, seven civilians killed, at least 50 people wounded.  Nine Polish/NATO troops wounded.  A U.S. Army Staff Sergeant from New York was killed. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division.  A U.S. Army Sergeant 1st Class, from Arkansas, was also killed.  He was assigned to 307th Engineer Battalion (Combat/Airborne), 20th Engineer Brigade, XVIII Airborne Corps.

Maidan Wardak Province, Nerkh District, U.S./NATO airstrike killed two people.  In Syed Abad District, Mujahideen claim they attacked the same U.S./NATO supply convoy at least twice.  They say they destroyed 17 fuelers, two escort vehicles, and killed 10 people.

Paktia Province, Syed Karam District, U.S./NATO bombed a village killing at least three people.

Zabul Province, Nawbahar District, during heavy fighting between Afghan and Mujahideen forces the Afghan National Army called in a U.S./NATO airstrike.  It hit several villages, killing at least seven civilians.

Farah Province, Balablock District, Mujahideen ambushed a U.S./NATO fuel supply convoy, using RPGs.  At least 35 fuelers exploded into massive fireballs (some reports say 40).  Six contract drivers killed, dozens reported wounded.  In Bakwa and Gulistan districts Mujahideen ambushed a Afghan police convoy.  15 cops killed, 22 wounded, five cop vehicles destroyed.  Two Mujahideen killed.

Helmand Province, Lashkar Gah city, a suicide bomber rammed his car into a NATO military convoy.  At least four people killed and 15 wounded.  In Nawzad District a night time Israeli style home invasion resulted in one villager being killed.

Herat Province, Gulran District, the Idaho based International Rescue Committee has temporarily suspended operations, after five employees were killed.

Baghlan Province, Tala Barfak District, villagers rescued four engineers who had been kidnapped by unknown gunmen.

Kabul Province, Kabul city, the Ministry of Mines was attacked with rockets.  One person wounded.

Kandahar Province, Daman District, a cop from Helmand shot and wounded 16 others cops.  In Maiwand District a day time Israeli home invasion resulted in two ‘white beard’ elders being kidnapped by government forces.

Nine government personnel joined the Mujahideen in the provinces of Herat and Nanagarhar.

Khost Province, Qalandar District, rare forests are being illegally chopped down: “…a lucrative industry has developed smuggling high value hardwoods to Pakistan.”-United Nations Environment Programme

In India controlled Kashmir, freedom fighters promised to launch a new war for independence as soon as U.S. led NATO leaves Afghanistan.  Thousands of Mujahideen from Afghanistan will help liberate Kashmir: “The encounter between Mujahideen and Indian forces will enhance to an unprecedented level. The increase in attacks will be enormous and Indian forces will face huge losses.”-Syed Salahuddin, United Jihadi Council

A U.S. News & World report reveals that the U.S. Department of Defense buys all its fuel, for the occupation of Afghanistan, from Russia and other former Soviet countries!

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 05-08 July 2013. California hit hard again! More health care cuts! More greedy landlords!

In Tennessee, Vanderbilt University Medical Center laid off an undisclosed amount of employees.  Hospital officials blame “unprecedented financial challenges” on the Obama/Romney care (2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).

Eastern State Hospital laid off at least 65 people in Kentucky.  It’s a result of a change in who runs the state hospital.

200 people lost their jobs with the Kansas Department for Children and Families.  Kansas privatized their child support enforcement.

Rock Tenn closed in Wisconsin.  60 people unemployed.

In Illinois, the Martin George culinary antique store closed after only one year in business.  The owner is switching to internet sales only.   The Competitive Foot closed in LaGrange.   The store opened in 1974 and was the “first athletic shoe store in Illinois”.  The owners are focusing on one store now.

Linens-n-More closed in Niles, Ohio.  Company officials did not give an explanation.  In Lakewood, Tess’ Tender Touch closed after less than a year in business!  The owners blame the greedy landlord: “We just simply cannot afford the rent any longer.  I am very sad as I poured my heart and soul into it.”-Theresa Ferline-Carr

The Kellogg Municipal Liquor store shut down in Minnesota. It’s blamed on the bad economy, they can make more money renting out the building or even selling it.

In Nebraska, Dietze Music shut down their original 87 years old store in Lincoln.  Company officials blamed competition and themselves: “We either have a lot of stamina or are really stupid. It had worked for us until the competition got more and more, including our own competition.”-Tim Pratt

In Massachusetts, Mid-Cape Home Centers Design Showroom closed in Hyannis.  The owners blamed it on a bad location, and the fact that design centers don’t make enough money, even Home Depot stopped their design center scheme a few years ago.

Historic WBAI, broadcasting from atop the Empire State building in New York City, going out-o-business?  80% of employees were laid off!  Company officials blame it on their unionized workers.  The Golden Eagle Artist Supply store closed in East Hampton, after more than 50 years of  service.  Store owners said the evil property owner rented the building out to another tenant, without notice to them!  The New York Foundling closed.  34 people laid off.  In Astoria, Anchor Tank Lines shut down.  67 people unemployed.  After 40 years of business the Hampton Bays Hallmark store closed.  The owner blamed the bad economy and greedy landlords: “Our lease was up and we couldn’t afford the increase.”-Frank (refused to give last name)

In New Jersey, The Press of Atlantic City Media Group laid off 43 employees.

In Connecticut, Brookfield Craft Center closed after almost 60 years of service. Declining funding is blamed on the bad economy.

In Pennsylvania, Waterloo Gardens closed in Exton. The 71 years old gardening and landscaping center went bankrupt, the owners blame it on their evil bank.   After 80 years, Mt. Oliver Men’s Shop closed down!  The current owner said the store survived the Great Depression, but not this bad economy: “I thought the next year would be better. This store made it through the Depression. But then I had another bad year, and I couldn’t restock because everyone wants paid up front.”-Ralph Woods

Chenega Aerospace closed in West Virginia.  128 people out-o-work!

In Arkansas, Hewlett Packard laid off 500 people, a little less than half of the employees at the Conway HP call center!  HP is “restructuring” its call center operations.

In Frisco City, Alabama, Standard Furniture shut down.  157 jobs lost!

After 40 years, the Lollipop Shop children’s clothing store in Greensboro, North Carolina, shut down.  The owner blamed the bad economy.

Barnie’s Coffee & Tea closed in Florida.  The owner is moving to a new location and changing the name.  Liberty Medical Supply laid off another 211 employees!

After more than 50 years in business, Play It Again Sports closed in Aberdeen, South Dakota: “Our closing is a sign of the times. Smaller sporting goods stores have a hard time making it.”-Chad Masters, owner

In Montana, the Copper Colander kitchen supply store closed down.  The owner was trying to sell the business, but there were no buyers.

In Twin Falls, Idaho, Nazzkart go-cart racing center shut down.  The operator was given the chance to buy the property but couldn’t, so the property owner sold it to someone else.

SolarWorld Industries America laid off 100 employees in Oregon!  This despite Qatar investing $50 million USD into the company.  Company officials blame their losses on competition from Chinese made solar power products, even though the Obama regime imposed outrageous tariffs on Chinese products.  Xerox shut down call center operations in Coos Bay and North Bend. 300 jobs lost!

In Riverside, California, Monograms Etc closed after 30 years in business.  The store owners blame it on the Utah based property owners, who jacked up the rent, and is selling the building off anyway!  In San Diego, Health Net laid off 33 people.  And evil British empire BAE Systems laid off another 81 employees.  In Palm Springs, Hotel Zoso closed.  98 people unemployed.  In Simi Valley, Avnet Integrated laid off 108 people!  In Vernon, Pneumatic Scale Angelus closed, 111 jobs lost!

After two decades, Microsoft turning off MSN TV (aka WebTV).  Company officials blame new better ways to access TV shows on the internet.

Residential Capital, the mortgage lending unit of U.S. government owned Ally Financial, now bankrupt with at least $4 billion in debt.  U.S. taxpayers own about 75% of Ally Financial, a former General Motors company.  Ally still owes at least $10 billion to U.S. taxpayers.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

World War 3, U.S. Front: Short lived anti-war protest in Pocatello

31 August 2013 (15:29 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Shawwal 1434/09 Shahrivar 1391/25 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Click pics to make bigger

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 27 June 2013. Idaho steals jobs from California! Florida steals jobs from South Carolina! “End of an era!”

Waterbury Hospital laid off 83 employees in Connecticut.  It’s blamed on Affordable Health Care Act.   Sikorsky Aircraft laid off 200 people, mostly in Connecticut.  Company officials blame the government and the bad economy: “…we face difficult challenges. U.S. and international government budgets are shrinking, our costs to compete are increasing, and many customers are delaying purchase decisions amid the economic uncertainty.”-Paul Jackson

Kansas based Butler National Corporation warned of jobs and wage cuts.  The aerospace and service sector business reported its first economic loss since 2001.

Pepperidge Farm closed its bakery in Aiken, South Carolina.  115 people out-o-work!  Production shifted to Florida.

In Florida, California based Pinkberry frozen yogurt closed its Citrus Park store.  No official explanation why.

Cobb Electric Membership eliminating off as many as 110 jobs in Georgia!  Officials basically said they believe the utility co-op is overstaffed.

Too Big to Jail, Bank of America, laying off even more employees.  This time 20 people will lose their jobs in Belfast, Maine.

In New York, the Mecca of capitalist unAmerican corporate America, employees of Dow Jones Newswires (DJN), and the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), were warned of massive layoffs.   Evil British empire in U.S. clothing News Corporation is splitting up WSJ and DJN.  España Spanish restaurant closed in Larchmont.  The owner said “someone made an offer too good to pass up.”

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society laid off 22 employees.  It’s blamed on a surprise drop in the 2013 Flower Show attendance, the lowest in more than a decade.

In Wisconsin, Thelma’s and the Guy’s Shop shut down after 40 years of operations.  The owners said it’s time to retire.  And the Jade Cafe closed.  The owner blames the bad economy.  He says he’s lost $100-thousand USD since last year!  He couldn’t get the debt financing to continue: “In my heart, I knew probably three months ago, unless something changed dramatically, we were going to have to be closing, the finances weren’t what they needed to be for us to stay open.”-Ryan Niemeier

PNC Bank closed two offices in Ohio.  It’s part of a country wide scheme by most Too Big to Jail banks to close down as many offices as possible.

What housing market recovery?  In Illinois, after 118 years the Winfield Fuel & Material building supply store shut down.  The owner said there’s no housing market recovery for him: “It just hurts. I can’t tell you how many days I’ve been in there and I’ve been in tears.  It’s very traumatic to go through this.…It’s like the end of an era!”-Tom Saylor, had planned on leaving the business to his adult children

In Folsom, California, evil Verizon laid off 132 people!  It’s part of Verizon’s country wide job cutting plan.  The operator of the defunct San Onofre nuke plant, Southern California Edison, began laying off employees.  600 people were let go.  Many hundreds more will eventually be laid off.  After 85 years of business Glass & Gifts in Santa Cruz closed down.  The latest owner said the bad economy is a sign for her to move on.   In San Fransisco 20 years old Lakeside Cafe shut down.  Reports say there was a dispute with the property owner.  And France based Mozzarella Fresca in Tipton shut down.  144 people out-o-work!  Production was shifted to a new $40 million factory in Nampa, Idaho.

No more Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Hawaii?  Two KFCs closed in connection to the GGP owned Ala Moana Center.  The franchise owner says he has to become more efficient by consolidating restaurants.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.


13 year drought finally finished? Pocatello, Idaho, hit with massive downpour!!!

24 August 2013 (19:27 UTC-07 Tango 23 August 2013)/17 Shawwal 1434/02 Shahrivar 1391/18 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Officially, Idaho has been in a drought since 2000.  Has it finally ended for Bannock County?

Click pics to make bigger

There were many other streets flooded, including residential streets that had water up to the axles of the pick up trucks parked on the side of the road, and all the front yards were flooded.  There were parts of Yellowstone Avenue that looked like someone took a sledge hammer to it, lots-o-new pot holes.  My camera battery died, and it didn’t help that some jerk in a big SUV almost drowned me as I was taking pics!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 10-11 August 2013: More corruption with taxpayer money! Prostitutes kill Chinese?

The Afghan Ministry of Education says at least 100 teachers/education officials have been killed since the beginning of the Afghan year!

In Paktiya Province, three U.S. personnel were killed as the outpost they were based at came under artillery attack.  Several U.S. soldiers were wounded.  The three killed were from Arkansas, Idaho and Texas.  They were members of the U.S. Army’s 4th Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment.  Also, a senior Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) official, and his two bodyguards, were wounded by a roadside bomb.

In Kabul Province, another 22 people were killed by flash floods.  In Kabul city, cops say the recent deaths and disappearance of several Chinese could be connected to human trafficking.  One of the missing men was found dead.  There are reports that the Chinese were pimps!

In Farah Province, at least five family members were killed when their Toyota Corolla ran over a landmine.

In Faryab Province, Dawlat Abad District, four cops were killed when they drove over a landmine.

In Ghazni Province, the female representative of Kandahar Province, in the lower house of parliament, was kidnapped as she drove through Ghazni.  Her four children were also kidnapped.

In Uruzgan Province, Mujahideen liberated 22 prisoners from Tarinkot prison.

In Nangarhar Province, Brigadier Raz Muhammad, who claims to be a trainer for Afghan National Army special forces, joined the Mujahideen.

The Australian Department of Defence is crying about Afghanistan’s exit tax!  Afghanistan is charging the Diggers $3545 per container, that leaves Afghanistan by road.  Australia says it might be cheaper to fly the military equipment out.

The Afghan government has agreed to hold peace talks with Mujahideen in Turkey or Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reports that an Afghan trucking contractor working for the U.S. military has stolen $77 million USD!  It took three years of investigating to find where the money went.

According to German news media reports, the Afghan Ministry of Defense says U.S. taxpayers are paying for 24 brand new C-130 transport aircraft for the Afghan National Air Force, on top of the 20 Super Tucano COIN birds!


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 19 June 2013. More school & health care cuts! Customer satisfaction results in job losses! Chemical warfare job cuts!

In North Carolina, Cone Health laying off 150 employees and eliminating another 150 vacant positions!  Hospital officials blamed their $30 million USD shortfall on Obama/Romney Affordable Health Care Act and the federal sequestration.

Lake Erie Regional Health System of New York (LERHSNY) laying off 30 people at Brooks Memorial Hospital.  11 people were also laid off at the Lake Shore Nursing Home. LERHSNY officials did not give a reason.

In Wisconsin, 40 people lost their jobs with the Urban Day School in Milwaukee.  School officials are consolidating charter schools, partly due to reduction in federal funding.

In Pennsylvania, 43 people lost their jobs with the Easton Area School District.  The additional job cuts came despite local taxes being increased by 1.7%.  According to local news reports, the district has a history of raising local taxes and laying people off: “The district has raised taxes year after year for decades, and for the past several years has cut positions as well. This year’s cuts come on top of 200 jobs eliminated in the last three budget cycles. Last year’s budget saw 49 teachers lose jobs, then the district lopped off an additional 17 teachers during the summer.”-The Morning Call

The city of Flint, Michigan, laid off 27 employees. City officials blame the layoffs on crashing tax revenues due to crashing property values.  One estimate said the city is experiencing a 7% decrease in tax revenues, an in your face sign that there is no economic recovery.  (I have recently arrived neighbors who are refugees from that part of Michigan)

French-U.S. maker of telecommunications equipment, Alcatel-Lucent, warned of massive layoffs.  The company has operations in Europe, United States and China.  Last year they lost billions in revenue due to crashing sales.

Telecommunications company, Sprint, announced 120 layoffs countrywide.  Interestingly, Sprint officials said the layoffs are the result of improved customer satisfaction.

In Florida, Red Coat British empire company, Cobham, laying off 141 people at Conax plant in Saint Petersburg!  Cobham is closing the plant.  (by the way, the evil British empire is the top foreign operator in the United States, not China).

Lil’ Bear of Hanover closed in Ohio.  The owners of the mom-n-pop grocery store blamed crashing sales.  About 15 people lost their jobs, while other employees transferred to another location.

In Springfield, Illinois, Samuel Music shut down.  The owners sold the store.  They blame competition and the bad economy.

Alabama Outdoors closed in Tuscaloosa.  Company officials said the lease was expiring and they did not want to renew.

In Nebraska, the Omaha Public Library says because of budget cuts they must consider cost cutting measures such as closing branches, reducing hours, opening on fewer days and reducing the amount of new books they carry.

In California, Symmetricom announced massive layoffs in the works.  The manufacturer of timekeeping technologies blames it on the bad economy.  They’ve been laying off employees since at least 2009.  General Mills is closing their baking mix factory in Commerce. At least 33 people unemployed due to consolidation.

In Oregon, the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility is laying off 200 employees!  This is the latest round of layoffs since layoffs began in 2011.  The reason is that the incinerator has destroyed the last of the chemical weapons in its stockpile.  More than one million pounds of chemical agent were destroyed between 2004-11.

In Idaho, Caldwell Pawn shut down.  The owner said he dealt in micro-loans years before they were called micro-loans (some as small as $20) to help people out, but after 22 years of business he wants to retire.  He also stated that businesses has dropped since 2009.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.