05NOV2021, Gowen Field/Boise Airport, troops with the 116th Cavalry Brigade board a charter airliner bound for Kuwait. Idaho National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur.
Idaho National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur.
04NOV2021, Senior NCO’s of B-Co, 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Regiment, take part in deployment ceremony in Hermiston, Oregon. Oregon National Guard photo by John Hughel.
Delta Company, 1st Squadron, 221st Cavalry at their deployment ceremony, 02NOV2021, in Las Vegas. Nevada National Guard photo by Specialist Adrianne Lopez.
On 14OCT2021, the gov’na of Idaho, along with the State Police, admitted to something most of us living in Eastern/Southeastern Idaho already knew; crime is indeed up because of illegal drugs trafficked by illegal immigrants!
In fact, Gov’na Brad Little went so far as to say little ol’ city of Pocatello was the ‘Gate City’ for the illegal drugs coming from Mexico, saying there’s “an arrow going right to Pocatello”, and “Of the drug trafficking organizations investigated last year, 96% identified Mexico as the source country for drugs trafficked into the region.” (Gate City is the unofficial name for Pocatello, I say unofficial because several decades ago the residents voted on adopting the nickname and they voted against it, yet the local news media keeps using it)
During the press conference, State Police trooper Sergeant Curt Sproat said “Since 2018, the Idaho State Police forensic lab has seen a more than a 200% increase in the amount of fentanyl…” :
Blind Bat News has been following the illegal drugs/illegal immigrant debacle in The Gem State of Idaho, and the rest of the world, for the past decade:
U.S. Air Force video, by Stephen Cain, of proposed airborne pathogen detector:
The U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department claims they are working on shelf-stable conjugate vaccines that might only require water to activate them? (On-demand biomanufacturing of protective conjugate vaccines)
Senator Rand Paul, who is a doctor by the way, accuses Health and Human Services (HHS) boss of lying about natural immunity, reveals the HHS boss has “no scientific background”, and yet the HHS boss is making scientific recommendations and statements regarding the pandemic!
30 September 2021 (02:13-UTC-07 Tango 06) 08 Mehr 1400/22 Safar 1443/24 Ding-You(8th month) 4719
For years now, politicians and local business leaders have sworn up-and-down that Idaho’s economy was booming. One of the ‘proofs’ these exalted leaders used was the skyrocketing price of real estate, but those of use working class long term residents knew that was bogus; how can the economy be booming when most working class people are working less hours and making less money? Now it looks like reality is finally pricking the real estate bubble, will it explode or just slowly leak until nothing is left?
Incomplete list of links to recent reports about the reality of Idaho’s realty market:
Reventure Consulting video using Realtor.com data which reveals that Boise leads the U.S. with 920% increase in home price cuts, predicts average house price to go down 40%!:
Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, this includes links to local news reports:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched Operation Allies Welcome, which is actually being carried out by U.S. Northern Command. Locations across the United States (mainly military bases) will be prepped to ‘welcome’ refugees being brought into the country as part of Operation Allies Refuge which I revealed back in July, which also includes refugees from unnamed African countries. The taxpayer funded ‘welcome’ is supposed to include transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for as many as 50-thousand Afghan refugees at each location! By the way, the Department of Defense doesn’t call them refugees, it calls them “evacuees”.
The Idaho Office of Resettlement reports that for fiscal year 2021 (which ends on 30SEP2021) Afghans are the second most ‘resettled’ group into The Gem State. But that might change for fiscal year 2022, with Operations Allies Refuge and Allies Welcome.
KBOI video report saying that Operation Allies Refuge is actually making it more difficult to resettle Afghans to Idaho:
Indiana National Guard photo by Sergeant Tackora Farrington.
02SEP2021, evacuees arrive on Indianan National Guard base Camp Atterbury.
WKLB video report, Indianans who leave near Camp Atterbury say they haven’t been told anything about the evacuee operation:
MICHIGAN: WXYZ video report, non-profit organization makes major announcement:
U.S. Army photo by Specialist James Liker.
Contractors with Joint Task Force Liberty construct a temporary housing facility for Afghans at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, 30AUG2021.
First Afghans arrive on Holloman AFB, 31AUG2021. U.S. Army Private First Class Anthony X. Sanchez.
31AUG2021, U.S. Air Force (USAF) video (by Senior Airman Skyler Combs) of C-130J full of the first ‘evacuees’ to arrive on Holloman Air Force Base:
The massive Fort Bliss Doña Ana Complex in New Mexico. U.S. Army photo by Private First Class Luis Santiago, 30AUG2021.
31AUG2021, U.S. Army (USA) personnel on Fort Bliss’ (which straddles the Texas/New Mexico border) Doña Ana Complex had to create a special ‘welcome’ in-processing area just for women, as well as a special Female Engagement Team!
On 30AUG2021, Airman from Sheppard Air Force Base (AFB) were deployed to Holloman AFB in New Mexico, for Operation Allies Welcome.
KTSM 9 video report, evacuee complains about Fort Bliss (remember, Fort Bliss actually stretches across Texas and New Mexico) and says it is obvious the U.S. government wasn’t prepared for evacuating Afghans:
KTSM 9 (which broadcasts to TV viewers in both Texas and New Mexico) video report, filthy conditions for evacuees on Fort Bliss:
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Brian Bolin Junior.
Marine Corps Base Quantico, new buildings are being constructed to in-process thousands of refugees from Afghanistan.
29AUG2021, USA video (by Specialist Froyland Grimaldo) of Op Allies Welcome preparations on Fort Picket:
USA photo by Keith Pannell.
Fort Picket contractors begin work on facilities for evacuees, 30AUG2021.
King 5 video report, King County to use their vacant hotel as evacuee center:
As of 04SEP2021, the U.S. Department of Defense says as many as 5-hundred evacuees have passed through the Fort McCoy welcome center since the last days of August.
It is looking more and more like the pandemic is just a power grab by a global cabal of control freaks. Incomplete list of links to news reports as of 02 September 2021:
Video report 11AUG2021, Idaho’s so called Red Republican Senator demands Idahoans get vaccinated:
Video report, anti-vaxers in Idaho want law against employers forcing employees to get vaccinated, Idaho politicians support employers, 30AUG2021:
Video speech 31AUG2021, so called Red Republican Idaho governor uses false statements (ignores comorbidity data) and mobilizes National Guard, demands Idahoans get vaccinated:
“Idaho National Lab has access to training aids for radiological scenarios, safety staff and training facilities for the scenarios we presented to the students. We worked in radiologically contaminated environments and in high radiation fields.”-Captain Daniel W. Arguello, 1st Area Medical Laboratory, 44th Medical Brigade, 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Command, U.S. Army
Due to the decades of radiation contamination on the INL site, it has become the logical choice for training military personnel on how to deal with radiation contamination environments: “The focus of the training is to train Army and sister service personnel to respond to accidents and incidents involving radiation or radioactive materials, conduct radioactive source recovery operations and provide radiological site assessments of areas suspected to be contaminated with radioactive material.”-First Lieutenant Joshua D. Salazar, 1st Area Medical Laboratory, 44th Medical Brigade, 20th CBRNE Command, U.S. Army
In the middle of August, 2021, the annual Radiological Hazards Operations Course (known to FEMA as a HOT [Hands On Training] Course) was taught by the U.S. Army’s First Lieutenant Joshua D. Salazar and Captain Daniel W. Arguello. They are with the 20th CBRNE Command, which is headquartered on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The training is a way of preparing for future warfare: “Through this course, these outstanding health physicists are helping to keep our military ready to fight and win in an all hazards environment.”-Colonel Matt Grieser, 1st Area Medical Laboratory, 44th Medical Brigade, 20th CBRNE Command, U.S. Army
“Today marked yet another milestone in the proud history of the Idaho National Guard as wildland firefighter ground crews mobilized and deployed to support the growing wildland fire threats across our state.”-Brigadier General Russ Johnson, Idaho National Guard Joint Staff
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur.
On 04AUG2021, sixteen Idaho Air and Army National Guard personnel, who are federal Type 2 Red Card (Incident Qualification Card) certified, were deployed to assist the Idaho Department of Lands battle at least 15 wildfires across the Gem State.
To be Red Card certified means you’re literally are given a red card saying you are qualified to fight wildfires. IANG photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur.
72 Idaho state militia personnel are Red Card certified: “We are currently training more Soldiers and Airmen as they volunteer for this mission in the hopes of building a large capacity consisting of several hand crews.”-Lieutenant Colonel Tony Vincelli, Task Force Timber Shield
IANG photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur.
Two Idaho National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters have also been fighting fires, dropping more than 205-thousand gallons since July 13th.
An Idaho 1-183rd Aviation Battalion Black Hawk deployed to fight fires in California, in 2020. California Air National Guard photo by Captain Jason Sanchez.
Eight militia members have also been providing logistical support since July 21st, at the Idaho Fire Cache warehouse in Coeur d’Alene.
The U.S. Coast Guard says it captured 14 illegals from Cuba in this little boat, near the Bahamas, on 27JUL2021. The Cubans were sent home on 29JUL2021.
ARIZONA: U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel use a Black Hawk (spending lots of your money) to rescue an illegal from Guatemala, stranded on the Baboquivari Mountains, 26JUL2021: