Tag Archives: europe

Preping for Syrian invasion: Germany tells fellow EU members to get their diplomats out of Syria

“In order to increase the political pressure on Damascus and to give a signal to Syrian society, I would welcome the withdrawal of European politicians.”-Ruprecht Polenz, chairman of the German parliament’s foreign affairs committee

“I do not believe that there can be a political future for Assad that would be supported by the Syrian people.”-Guido Westerwelle, German Foreign Minister

These statements by German officials come after Syrian officials announced they will hold new elections.  Also, the Syrian government is allowing the forming of new political parties.

As usual “western” leaders are not going to give them a chance, especially after U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, announced that Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, is no longer considered “legitimate” by the U.S. government.  That’s a sure sign military intervention will happen.

Don’t want to die? Stay out of hospitals in Canada, United States and Europe! Another reason for increased health care costs

“If you were admitted to hospital tomorrow in any country … your chances of being subjected to an error in your care would be something like 1 in 10. Your chances of dying due to an error in health care would be 1 in 300.”-Professor Liam Donaldson, World Health Organization envoy

The United Nations released a study saying that hospitals in the ‘western’ world are sure places to catch a deadly disease, or die from mistakes made by medical personnel.

The UN World Health Organization discovered that your chances of dying in a hospital, by medical errors, are far greater than dying in a plane crash.

More interestingly, Canada takes the number one spot for worst hospital related infections, at an 11.6% infection rate.  The European Union has a 7% rate, followed by the United States with 4.5%.

But lets put that U.S. rate of 4.5%, which sounds low, into real numbers.  According to the research 1.7 million infections are acquired in U.S. hospitals, which leads to 100,000 deaths each year.  That’s 100,000 people in the U.S. being killed because of hospital uncleanliness.

Catching an infection while in the hospital means a longer stay and more treatment.  The study suggests that the increased infection rate while being in the hospital, along with medical mistakes, are partly to blame for increasing medical costs.

To be sure most health care systems around the world are in trouble, but, what surprised the WHO researchers is that the developed ‘western’ world has made no progress in improving medical care inside hospitals.  Former United Kingdom chief medical officer Liam Donaldson, said this: “It shows that health care in general worldwide still has a long way to go.  Health care has not achieved the level of safety of many other high-risk industries.”


Government Incompetence: Europeans now blaming Egypt for deadly E Coli, no real proof, are GMOs to blame?

First the Germans blamed Spanish cucumbers.  Then they blamed sprouts, from a northern German farm.  Then the French blamed a German owned grocery store selling French grown sprouts.  Then the French blamed a U.K. seed company which supplied the seeds to grow the sprouts.   Then the Swedish blamed the Germans, then backed off when they began having e.coli cases in people who’d never been to Germany, or eaten sprouts.  Now the Europeans are blaming Egyptian fenugreek seeds for the deadly e.coli.  Fenugreek is used as an herb and a spice.

The Europeans have gone so far as to ban any more imports of Egyptian fenugreek.  On top of that they’re banning other Egyptian agricultural products, until they can be proven safe.

Here’s the problem; no one has proven conclusively where the deadly e.coli strain is coming from!

Fact: German health officials traced some of the e.coli cases back to a typhoid Mary suspect, a woman who worked for a catering company.  The woman seems to be a carrier.  She thinks she might have eaten sprouts.

Fact: E.coli comes from humans, not plants.  The only way plants could get infected is if they came into contact with humans waste.

So far at least 49 people have died, and more than 4,000 are sick.  Knowing the facts about the case, how can European officials now blame Egyptian fenugreek?  Of course they claim the seeds were used to grow the sprouts that made people sick.  But up ’till now the claim has been that “bean” sprouts are the culprits. Now suddenly it’s fenugreek sprouts?

Seeds get contaminated when they come into contact with the bacteria.  This could be at anytime in the planting, growing and harvesting process.  It only takes a tiny bit of the bacteria, once the seeds are planted not only does the plant grow, but some does the e.coli, and it spreads.  That’s the traditional way.

Here’s a new way: In an earlier posting I wrote how some scientists say it looks like the deadly e.coli strain was engineered in a lab.  If you understand the way genetic engineering of plants works, then it actually makes sense.  In order for scientist to make their genetic modifications ‘stick’, they must use a bacteria that is resistant to almost all forms of self preservation by the original plant genes.  Yes, e.coli is one of those deadly bacterias that agricultural giants like Monsanto could be using to create GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

They also want their newly modified plants to be super resistant to natural diseases, and man made chemicals.  Again, that’s where the deadly bacterias come into play.  GMOs contain bacteria that are intentionally made to be super resistant.

Are we looking at the first cases of deadly results from genetically modified plants?

No more open borders in Europe, no thanks to the U.S. & European wars in the Middle East & North Africa

Denmark announced that starting July 5, no more open borders.  They blame drug trafficking and illegal immigrants.

Since the U.S. led invasion of Afghanistan drug trafficking has skyrocketed across Central Asia and into Europe.  Many of the drugs come from U.S. occupied Afghanistan.

The NATO attacks on Libya have greatly increased what European governments are calling illegal immigration (most of whom are actually war refugees, no thanks to the European/U.S./NATO war on Libya).

Denmark is not the first EU member to close its borders.  France and Italy closed their borders with each other, for the same reasons as Denmark.  In the case of France and Italy, French officials discovered that Italy was giving refugees (I mean illegal immigrants), mainly from Tunis and Libya, EU visas then putting them on trains bound for France.

Other EU members are complaining about the violation of the European Union’s “open borders” policy, but Denmark claims their border closure will not affect commerce.

Global Great Depression: IMF warns of global collaspe if Europe goes down the economic toilet

“Given the euro area’s role in the global economy, success in addressing the sovereign debt crisis and raising growth has a significant impact elsewhere.”-IMF report

June 21, a new report by the International Monetary Fund says European economic collapse could bring on a Global Great Depression.

All international finance eyes are focused on what happens with Greece.  There could be a domino effect if Greece defaults.  A check of history will show that a similar situation happened prior to the U.S. Stock Market Crash of 1929, which eventually led to the Great Depression in the U.S.

Here’s a little reminder: Germany was forced to pay the United Kingdom and France (and some other countries) huge reperations after losing the First World War.  The U.K. and France owed the United States big time money for saving their butts during the war.  U.S. corporations were banking on that money from U.K. and France, and actually ran their businesses on debt thinking ‘no problem the French and British will pay up’  (it was called “The Roaring Twenties”).  Well, the victors of the First World War made things so bad for Germany there was no way they could make the reparations payments, so they defaulted.  As a result, the U.K. and France defaulted on their payments to the United States.  As a result, U.S. corporations defaulted leading to the Crash of ’29.

Basically the IMF is saying we are in a similar situation with the current debt crisis in Europe.

Iranian clerics warning of European style Erhal Revolutions

“The European nations will certainly rise up against their politicians and leaders who made them submit to the cultural and economic policies of the U.S. and the Zionists.”-Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei

The West has been referring to the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa as “popular uprisings”, but in locally they’re known as “Erhal” (Irhal).  Very loosely translated it means “throw the bums out!”.

For the past several days Iranian clerics have predicted that the Erhal movements will hit Europe.  It’s not because of religion, but because of social/economic injustice brought upon the common people by their own leaders.

One cleric predicts revolutions for all the world’s countries: “They (the revolutions) will slowly cross all boarders.”-Hojjatoleslam Kazzem Sediqi

Europe calling refugees “migrants”, proof that war in Libya not about protecting people

According to international law a refugee is a person who’s been forced to leave their home, due to war or other violence in their home country.  They are supposed to be given certain protections under international law.

The Europeans, along with the United States, were so keen on escalating the violence in North Africa (Libya), yet they don’t want to deal with the flood of refugees that are a natural result of war!  Instead the Europeans are calling the people fleeing the war, “migrants”.  In this way the Europeans don’t have the same legal requirements as they would if they called them refugees.

In fact, the Europeans are scrambling to figure out how to get rid of these refugee/migrants. The Europeans are even going so far as to dismantle one of the corner stones of the European Union, free travel across borders.  The EU is now considering adopting a law that would allow them to close their borders.

How hypocritical is this?  The “Western world” launches a war against North African countries, in the name of supporting freedom and democracy, and then they refuse to help any of the people fleeing the violence!

For those people out their who think the military action of U.S. led NATO is still about “protecting civilians”, please explain why refugees, ooops, I mean migrants are being treated like sh*t by the Europeans.

Black Week in Ukraine, Chernobyl anniversary, still seeking funds with ongoing clean up efforts

25 years after the deadly nuclear accident at the Chernobyl plant, the Ukraine is still struggling to deal with the disaster.

This week is Black Week, the official anniversary of the nuclear accident, which happened on 26 April 1986.  31 people were killed, as a direct result of the disaster, and many more have suffered cancers, and children being born with defects.

The amazing thing is that clean up efforts continue, and the Ukraine is struggling to pay for it.   Officials are trying to raise U.S.$ 1 billion for future clean up projects.

Germany will dump nuke plants ASAP

The German government announced that they will end the use of nuclear power plants as soon as possible.

Germany is prepared to spend the money necessary to make renewable clean energy sources their main power supply by 2020.  Germany will keep its coal and natural gas fire electrical plants in operation.

Food Crisis: World Food prices in “Danger Zone”, creating Mass Poverty

The U.S. based World Bank says international food prices have entered the “danger zone”, and are heading towards the “tipping point”.

World Bank president, Robert Zoellick, blames in on several things.

People in countries where the economies are good, are buying more meat.  The problem is that increasing meat production means more grain crops going to ranchers, instead of food for people.  Crops used for bio-fuels, instead of food,  is also a problem.

Then there’s a supply system problem; it’s taking longer to rebuild stocks of basic food ingredients, once they are used up.  This is made worse by the fact that many countries are facing lower crop production mainly because of climate change (cold wx, flooding and drought).

Add to that oil.  Petroleum is used for fertilizers, pesticides, etc, and that is adding to the cost of food production.

One country, China, is so scared of lack of food that they’re buying up huge tracts of land in Africa for food production.

Zoellick says this is a long term problem, we’re only at the beginning of higher food prices.  Also, while countries with more money to buy food are seeing higher prices, the poorer countries are paying far more for their food.

Zoellick says just since last year the higher prices have pushed 44 million people into poverty.  He predicts another 10% increase in food prices will push another 10 million people into poverty.