Tag Archives: crime

CoViD Oddities-4: “This is just nuts…..Life was good two weeks ago”

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease-2019

Pandemics reveal the strangest things about how humans act.  Incomplete list of links to ‘real’ news media articles.

The liberal news source The Atlantic published an article saying Don’t Believe the CoViD-19 Models

Canada and United States fighting over masks

CANADA:  Marijuana is declared ‘essential’ during Pandemic!

CHINA:  Yet another study saying your pets can get infected!

Suddenly halts CoViD-19 research deemed unnecessary!

Making profits selling masks. Almost 4-billion masks sold to other countries! 

Video of supposed 5G tower tear-down due to CoViD-19, shared by Woody Harrelson, proven to be years old and the tower was not 5G!

FRANCE:  Are French people racists? Doctors in trouble for saying vaccines should be tested on ‘black’ Africans!

INDIA: Guard gets beat while trying to stop university student from leaving lockdown campus. Student threatens to cough on anybody who tries to stop him! 


 People panic buy beer on rumors of CoViD shutdown


Beer production in Mexico is shutdown!

UNITED KINGDOM: Strange new nasally symptom connected to CoViD-19

Video captures humans beating each other over boxes of cereal, amazingly the video shows there’s plenty of cereal on the shelves, apparently the fight was over a specific brand!

UNITED STATES: Navy officer fired for revealing outbreak on USS Theodore Roosevelt is now infected

USDA now says your farm animals can get infected, by you!

Parents are going nuts over the video games their children are playing, all day long, every day, never ending

Connecticut; Fears of pathogen causes prison riot

Florida; The state Department of Health proven to be incompetent and inept in its daily phone-call update to victims of CoViD-19.  Florida has a law saying infected people can’t be released until receiving clearance from Dept. of Health, yet those daily calls aren’t happening: “It’s unfortunate that those check ins aren’t happening the way that they’re saying they are but, obviously, I understand given the current circumstances, things are falling through the cracks. Everyone’s spread thin. I understand that. It was just a little upsetting to see them even saying on the press conferences, ‘Hey we’re calling people every single day’ and I didn’t receive a single call.”-Gabriella Bivona, recovered victim who after more than a month went to local news media for help 

The 3-thousand-2-hundred residents of Frostproof are amazed the pathogen has made it to their supposedly isolated town

Idaho; Is CoViD-19 racist? A Festival for ‘Black’ Skiers in Idaho Became a Coronavirus Nightmare

In Bannock County, a man was arrested for attacking store employees with bleach and claiming to be infected with CoViD-19

As of 06APR202, Bannock County has a whopping five infections, yet a funeral home in City of Chubbuck is already closed to in-person viewings, creates walk-by-window viewing

Illinois; Is CoViD-19 racist? Data shows 41% of CoViD deaths in Illinois are ‘black’ people

 Study reports that random and odd brain problems are a sign of CoViD-19 infection!

Michigan; Otsego County’s chief of emergency medical services exclaims “This is just nuts…..Life was good two weeks ago”

Mississippi; Employees of a local Lowe’s go public revealing co-worker is infected, claim manager tried to cover it up!

New York;  More proof humans infect animals! Tiger at Bronx Zoo tests positive for COVID-19, first known infection of an animal

Utah; Local news media reveal that Hill Air Force Base is allowing Airmen to go without getting normal military-grade haircuts! 

The LDS god powerless against CoViD-19: Mormon Church Cancels All Services

Just like the Catholic Pope giving mass to an empty Vatican, the April 4th LDS General Conference was held with almost no live audience in attendance! 

South Carolina;    Alligators retake residential areas as humans shelter in fear

Texas; Dallas mayor admits that temporary CoViD hospital might not even have been needed! 



Operation CoViD-19: NATO supports Operation RESCRIPT

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) began prepping for CoViD-19 back in February.  Its Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers (CIOMR) held its Mid-Winter Congress in the third week of February, the subject was how to deal with an expected increase in medical problems involving refugees flooding into the Mediterranean Sea.

Also revealed; the massive medical wargames called Global Medic.  They’ve been held in the United States in Wisconsin and California, almost 3-thousand NATO personnel take part.  Amazingly the officers present at the February Mid-Winter Congress stated they felt like the then emerging CoViD-19 could be dealt with in Summer: “Civil and military organizations will both participate in the next CIOMR Summer Congress planned for August, which will be about responding to infectious diseases. This is where we can bring the collective expertise of CIOMR to bear, develop important cross-cultural dialogues, and improve our collective response to global emergencies like the ongoing CoViD-19 pandemic.-Major Katie Odom, U.S. Army Reserve Medical Readiness Training Command’s 3rd Medical Training Brigade

Now compare the above quote with the official NATO announcement by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on 19MAR2020:

NATO video, U.S. taxpayers (via U.S. Army) supply Lombardy, Italy,  with seven truck loads of medical supplies, 26MAR2020:

NATO video, Slovenian military set-up a CoViD-19 field hospital near Ljubljana:

NATO video of giant Ukrainian Antonov 124 transport delivering facemasks, surgical gloves, protective suits and other supplies to Bratislava, Slovakia, 25MAR2020:

NATO’s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) deploy to London, United Kingdom, 30MAR2020, to support the U.K.’s Operation RESCRIPT with the already-established COVID Support Force in the London District.

NATO video (no audio), CoViD-19 decontamination efforts by Montenegro military, note they are wearing their biological warfare suits:

NATO video, Romanian C-130 arrives home from Germany with a load of CoViD-19 medical supplies, 23MAR2020:

NATO time lapse video of Romanian CoViD-19 field hospital being built:

NATO video, Romanian C-27J Spartan arrives home from Turkey loaded with medical supplies, 23MAR2020:


NATO Red Flag training suddenly cancelled because of CoViD-19

Operation CoViD-19: Saying goodbye to your newborn! Begging retirees to return to military service!

04 April 2020 / 04:23 (UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Farvardin 1399/10 Sha’ban 1441/12 Geng-Chen 4718

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the Department of Defense is doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

The Department of the Army is asking more than 14-thousand retired soldiers to volunteer for CoViD-19 response! The Army is currently looking for the following medical specialties:
-Critical care officers, 60F
-Anesthesiologist, 60N
-Nurse anesthetist, 66F
-Critical care nurse, 66S
-Nurse practitioner, 66P
-Emergency room nurse, 66T
-Respiratory specialist, 68V
-Medic, 68W

Sailors cheer for USS Roosevelt commander who was terminated after issuing coronavirus warning

VEHICLE I-D: CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt


Violating virus restrictions in Germany could lead to fines, jail time, military disciplinary action

KOREA: Osan Air Base contractor infected with coronavirus

U.S. military lays-off about 4-thousand-5-hundred Koreans due to CoViD fears

Twin newborns evacuated from Osan Air Base for care at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 30MAR2020.  The parents are U.S. Army military police based at Camp Walker in the CoViD hot zone of Daegu.

U.S. Army parents of the newborn twins say good bye as their new children are about to be shipped back state-side for care at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

The military police mom saying goodbye to her newborns before the medics take them to a waiting C-17 Globemaster-3 for flight back to the states.

Video interviews, parents of twins are under quarantine, newborns were born early but not infected, because of CoViD fears they were sent state-side via a combined effort of Army, Air Force and Navy:


JAPAN:  Navy reports its first positive coronavirus case at Sasebo Naval Base

Security personnel stand outside U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa, screening of people for CoViD before they can enter the hospital.

Video explainer, new CoViD gate rules for Yokota Air Base:

U.S. Marines conduct CBRNE drill on Camp Kinser, Okinawa, 02APR2020.

SPAIN: SeaBees delivering meals to personnel in a ‘restriction of movement status’ on Naval Station Rota.

UNITED KINGDOM: Video explainer, how U.S. Air Force personnel will report to an Alternate Care Facility at RAF Lakenheath:


UNITED STATES:  President Trump expands U.S. army role to combat COVID-19

Video of daily ops at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, under CoViD response:

New way to get your prescriptions at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.  Medical Group pharmacy technician places a prescription order in a drop off box.

Meals delivered to possibly infected Marines quarantined on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California.

Coronavirus quarantine awaits hundreds of Pacific Pathways soldiers heading home to Hawaii

At Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, 3D printing being used to make face shields.

Fort Lee, Virginia, enforces Social Distancing for about 8-hundred new Basic Training recruits.



CoViD-19, Air Mobile ReDux: ‘Experts’ admitting to what I already warned about! I reveal 2006 government experiment with cloth masks!

“This is First of the Ninth, Air Cav son….airmobile!”-Colonel Kilgore, Apocalypse Now

04 April 2020 / 02:40 (UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Farvardin 1399/10 Sha’ban 1441/12 Geng-Chen 4718

FEMA photo by K.C. Wilsey.

New York gov’na Cuomo continues to whine about how the world isn’t paying enough attention to his state. This FEMA pic was taken on 03APR2020, it shows a woman trying to shove stacks of newly delivered N95 masks through a doorway at Bellevue Hospital (NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue)! The masks were delivered by FEMA.

The U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine advised President Trump that just breathing and talking will spread CoViD-19 (as I wrote in CoViD-19, AIRMOBILE!: WHY MASKS, COVERING YOUR MOUTH AND HAND WASHING WILL NOT PROTECT YOU).  Also, epidemiologists still don’t know how CoViD-19 infects you.

ScienceNews: Just breathing or talking may be enough to spread COVID-19 after all

Some people might think that’s proof everybody needs to wear a mask, but not so fast.

In this pic taken on 19MAR2020, note that this Pennsylvania National Guard personnel, activated for CoViD response, is using a mask designed for biological warfare!

The latest reports out of East Asia suggest that CoViD-19 is air-mobile, as I’ve written before, when you breath it out it’s officially in a bioaerosol form.  The pathogen can spread in the air up to six feet and hang there for long enough that people passing through the air space to breath it in!  Air-mobile particles are extremely tiny and cannot be stopped by the simple cloth masks that everybody is being told to make, only the N95 masks can stop it.

However, in 2006 it was revealed that several U.S. government entities experimented with homemade cloth masks to fight what was perceived as a future catastrophic H5N1 influenza pandemic. The result was that basically one piece of cloth will not protect you, but the researchers did find a somewhat acceptable expedient solution, more at the end of this article.

It is a logistical impossibility to make enough N95 masks for every person in a given country to wear, allowing for a new mask everyday because the masks are useless after a day’s use, and then to provide a biological hazardous waste disposal system to handle all the used masks.

Yes, after a day of use the N95 will be technically considered a bio-hazard that must be disposed of with other bio-hazardous medical waste.  Imagine that on top of providing every healthcare worker with N95 masks you then have to provide new N95 masks for every resident, then an at least once per week a collection service for all those used N95 masks, for a country the size of the United States!  This might be the real reason governments are so hesitant to order the wearing of N95 masks by every resident.

Many people have taken to the internet to find out if they can wash N95 masks, the answer is no.  The U.S. CDC says throw them away.  Also, studies show that washing the N95 masks renders it ineffective. 

N95 masks are made with petroleum based polypropylene fibers that are also treated with an electrostatic charge to attract and hold microbes, which is actually what makes them effective against microbes.  Washing the masks will remove the electrostatic charge.  The electrostatic charge has a lifespan which is why the masks have expiration dates.  Once removed from the packaging the electrostatic charge wears-off quickly, which is why you must use them only for that day.

Now for the government tested experimental field-expedient cloth mask.

In the pic note how many layers of 100% heavyweight (nothing less than true heavyweight, like what you’d get with a t-shirt made for construction workers) cotton is used, and how each layer is placed so the ‘grain’ of the fabric crosses the other.  One or two pieces of light weight cloth will not work.   The multiple layer t-shirt mask was tested against an N95, the conclusion was that “Although insufficient for the workplace, this mask offered substantial protection from the challenge aerosol and showed good fit with minimal leakage….      We do not advocate use of this respirator in place of a properly fitted commercial respirator..….         … When made by naive users, this mask may be less effective because of variations in material, assembly, facial structure, cultural practices, and handling. ”  



Images of The Rapture: Pope refuses to use the phrase “God’s Wrath”!

Who would’ve thought ‘god-allah-that which cannot be named’ would turn out to be a virus?

Skeletons of vehicles waiting to be completed as factory workers told to ‘go home’!

According to Johns Hopkins University (which, for some reason, has become the go-to source of data for main stream news media) about 3.9-billion people (supposedly half of all Earthling humans) globally have been disappeared, into their homes, due to CoViD-19 stay-at-home and shelter-in-place lockdown orders!

The pathogen called CoronaVirus Disease 2019 doesn’t care about your skin color, sex, age, type of government you live under and especially doesn’t care about what ‘god’ you worship.   Drone video showing near empty cities of Budapest-Hungary, Rio-de-Janiero-Brazil, Lisbon-Portugal, Vilnius-Lithuania, and Istanbul-Turkey:

Once busy freeways of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.  14-million people suddenly ‘disappeared’ by atheist government lockdown!

Video, empty Wuhan:


Video, near empty Paris, France:

In Mumbai, India, even the Hindi gods are powerless against the newcomer called CoViD-19! Siddhivinayak Temple now devoid of devotees.

In Israel, even the chosen people of That-Which-Cannot-Be-Named are being disappeared. 

A near empty Israeli Knesset swears in newly elected (and apparently invisible) politicians, 16MAR2020.  One Israeli news source said it is the ultra-Orthodox believers that are going to be hit hardest.

Video, wildlife reclaim the canals of Venice, Italy:

In the town of Nara, Japan, deer are taking over now that humans have disappeared!

Skopje, Macedonia, only stray dogs occupy the capital city’s streets.

In Saudi Arabia, Allah’s Mercy not able to stop Mecca from being nearly shutdown. Pics are before and after coronavirus.

A deer in Sri Lanka, it’s not unusual for deer to be seen in what I suspect is the town of Trincomalee, what is unusual is that all the shops are shuttered and no human can be seen due to CoViD-19 lockdown.

Sign on a building in the near empty city of Cape Town, South Africa.

Wrath of God? Catholic Pope gives mass to an empty Vatican, and in an act of what could be heresy he even removed the words “God’s wrath” from the mass!  

Two years ago the city of Boise, Idaho, was declared the fastest growing city in the United States, now it’s seemingly abandoned. Ominous video of the empty metro-city of Boise (where all my adult children are sheltering in place, my son needing surgery that has been delayed because it’s not CoViD-19 related):


The once busy international Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron, connecting U.S. state of Michigan with Canada, no traffic. Border checkpoints restricted due to the implementation of Title 42 USC 265.

The lights are still on, but very few people are out-n-about in The Big Apple of New York City, U.S.A.

“For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”– 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, New King James Bible




CoViD Oddities-3: The coming Cytokine Storm and “biological bombs”!

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease-2019

Pandemics reveal the strangest things about how humans act.  Two things specifically regarding this CoViD-19 supposed pandemic (since influenza is still killing tens of thousands more people than CoViD-19); panic buying and then disappearance of toilet paper stocks, and panic buying of certain food products, with officials telling everybody there’s plenty while at the same time the supply system can’t seem to keep the shelves stocked even though in many areas panic buying has stopped, and stores have implemented limits on how much you can buy.  Pandemics also reveal that many accepted ‘facts’ about how pathogens spread are bullshit!

Incomplete list of links to real news articles;

CoViD symptoms; fever, cough, so called ground glass particles in your lungs, and now a Cytokine Storm which turns your body against itself!




Operation CoViD-19: National Guard Title 32 operations

Just what are the various state National Guard units doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic?  Incomplete list of news links.

U.S. Defense Secretary said that state governors have the option of using the National Guard to enforce stay-at-home orders.

17,250 National Guard mobilized for COVID-19 response, 10 states, 2 territories and DC on Title 32 status

“Federal authority over National Guard members falls under Title 32 of the U.S. Code. This is considered federal active duty for specific state missions and full-time Guard positions. This type of state-level activation is guided by state laws and policies, but it is funded by the federal government after approval from the president. This typically happens with large-scale, state-related missions: major natural disasters, for example. The governor is the boss even though the state mission is sanctioned and funded by the federal government.”Title 10 vs. Title 32 vs. the State

CALIFORNIA: National Guard take over the operations of the Foodbank Santa Barbara, 27MAR2020.

Official video, National Guard takes over all aspects of the Sacramento Food Bank operations; receiving, packing, delivery:

National Guard sets up hospital at San Mateo County : “The National Guard came up with a map on how the flow of operation is going to be. We assisted and designed this hospital decompression unit with Cal EMSA. The goal is to essentially decompress local hospitals and ensure the San Mateo hospital and health care systems are not overwhelmed.”-Captain John Mullee, nurse practitioner

Raw video, Los Angeles Convention Center is now a quarantine site (Federal Medical Station):

COLORADO: National Guard praised for CoViD-19 testing of silly-vilians

CONNECTICUT: National Guard received new orders to help expand local hospital capacity (build new temp-hospitals)

Rapid deployable tent which, once the framing is put into place, is lifted by giant air bags.  Outside Middlesex Hospital, 01APR2020.

31MAR2020, National Guard remove gym equipment from Moore Field House at Southern Connecticut State University, as it will now be used as a Federal Medical Station.

FLORIDA: Many of the National Guard personnel being activated are already healthcare workers on the silly-vilian side. Arielle Tango is not only an emergency room technician at her regular job, she’s also a National Guard combat medic Sergeant who specializes in medical data collection.  Does activating her for National Guard response to a pandemic actually create a problem for the hospital she was working for as a civilian?

GEORGIA: Governor deploys National Guard into nursing homes

ILLINOIS: The National Guard is being brought into Stateville Correctional Center to assist with care of a growing number of prisoners showing coronavirus symptoms


MARYLAND: Music video report CoViD-19 testing center at FedEx Field in Landover, 30MAR2020:


Video, setting up Alternate Care Facility in the Baltimore Convention Center, 28MAR2020:

  Establishing a Federal Medical Station at the Meadowlands Exposition Center, 31MAR2020.
Food bank ops in Albany.

Video (no audio) of Jacob Javits Center being prepped for an Alternative Care Facility, 27MAR2020:

Guard personnel are tracking medical data to identify which counties are being hit the hardest.

Official video report, CoViD-19 response training:

Despite there being no vaccine (supposedly) for CoViD-19, all people showing up for National Guard activation are being vaccinated!
TEXAS: 176th Engineer Brigade personnel inspect a possible Alternative Care Facility location.
VERMONT:  National Guard distributing face shields, 31MAR2020.
WASHINGTON: Leftist-liberal Governor finally about to deploy National Guard in the CoViD-19 hot zone state (thanks to conservative President Trump allowing the federal government to fully fund deployments for pandemic)
WISCONSIN: National Guard personnel are being used to prep an isolation facility at Clare Hall, at the Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, specifically for homeless people!
Wisconsin Guard personnel practice putting on their protective gear.



CoViD Oddities-2: U.S. surpasses China! Russia to rescue U.S.? Who’s the “world champion in stupidity” (it’s not the U.S.)?

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease-2019

Pandemics reveal the strangest things about how humans act.  Two things specifically regarding this CoViD-19 supposed pandemic (since influenza is still killing tens of thousands more people than CoViD-19); panic buying and then disappearance of toilet paper stocks, and panic buying of certain food products, with officials telling everybody there’s plenty while at the same time the supply system can’t seem to keep the shelves stocked even though in many areas panic buying has stopped, and stores have implemented limits on how much you can buy.  Pandemics also reveal that many accepted ‘facts’ about how pathogens spread are bullshit!

Incomplete list of links to real news articles;

Endangered wild animals now thriving in locked down CoViD-Cities?

Two fifths of humans under CoViD-19 lockdown, globally!

 ‘Pink Eye’, Loss Of Taste Or Smell Could Be Early Signs Of COVID-19.

Corona-Virus opens door to secondary infections from treatment-resistant killer bacteria!  (is that what is actually killing people?)

AUSTRALIA: New South Wales to conduct aggressive search for so called undetected CoViD-19 infections in the city of Sydney!

BELGIUM: A cat appears to have caught the coronavirus, but it’s complicated

CANADA: University of Alberta reveals cats infected with coronavirus were successfully treated, suggests using the feline anti-viral meds on humans! 

 CHINA: Will now include infected people with no symptoms (asymptomatic) to its official CoViD-19 stats. 

COLOMBIA: Covid-19 sparks deadly prison riots “If the virus gets in here, we’re done for”

GERMANY: Finance minister obsessing over economic damage caused by CoViD-19 kills his-self! 

Healthcare system asks for help from foreign doctors, but government bureaucracy blocks foreign doctors from assisting!

INDIA: News media says CoViD-19 has revealed India to be the “world champion in stupidity”

JAPAN:  City wiped out by 2011 tsunami was hoping 2020 Olympics would save its economy

What code words are being used by Japanese news media regarding CoViD-19? 

KOREA: Capital city of southern half to provide foreigners with masks.

CoViD-19 pushing economy off the cliff.

NETHERLANDS: Claims masks sent from China are defective

Scientists claim they’ve found CoViD-19 living in the sewage treatment systems, before humans started getting infected!!!

RUSSIA: The President of Russia announced that by agreement with the President of United States, Russia will air-lift medical supplies to the U.S. 

SWEDEN: So called experts say only a vaccine or “herd immunity” can save us!

UNITED KINGDOM: Middle-aged people “at greater risk of dying from Covid-19, just like elderly”

UNITED STATES:  Revealed; government spy agencies now spying on other countries CoViD-19 responses!

Death toll now exceeds China’s

She had COVID-19, but no insurance. Her treatment cost $34,972.

California created a so-called covert medical-martial-law police force called Health Corps???


Interesting that just two days before the mayor of Los Angeles shutdown Farmers’ Markets that Farmers’ Markets across California reported increased sales and were being praised as being food life-lines for the public!

Immigrant loving Colorado news media report CoViD-19 anti-Asian harassment on the increase

Colorado dog being used to deliver food 

Mormon owner of medical operation, and former political candidate, in rural Idaho admits “We knew it was coming….    ……..I’m not pointing fingers because I think it was the private sector, I think it was the state and federal government, everyone fell, flat-footed.”  He also pointed out that testing in Idaho is taking a long time because the tests are sent out-of-state, and there is a backlog because the states doing the testing are themselves CoViD-19 hot zones.

Anybody old enough to remember chicken pox parties?  People in New Jersey hosting CoViD-19 parties!  Supposedly actual parties, not gatherings to get intentionally infected.

New York Post calls whiny rich entertainment millionaires who’re blaming Trump for everything “Woke Stupidity”

King County, Washington, says violation of shelter-in-place will result in jail-time!

Homeless shelters in Washington shutdown due to CoViD-19, pushing potentially infected people onto the street, despite new law that could result in the homeless being put in jail for violating isolation order!

In Washington a little known CoViD-19 response ‘brain’ is located near Spokane Community College


Operation CoViD-19: Border Guards

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the U.S. Customs and Border Protection is doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

Video, Otay Mesa Port of Entry Commercial Inspection Facility, California, 27MAR2020:

Video, Mariposa Port of Entry, Arizona, 36MAR2020:

San Ysidro, California, 25MAR2020.

Pharr Point of Entry, Texas, 23MAR2020.

Near Sasabe, Arizona, 22MAR2020.


Title 42 USC 265: “Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose.”



Operation CoViD-19: Missions of Mercy & Comfort

USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) and Comfort (T-AH 20) will not act as quarantine/isolation ships as first feared, but will try to ease the burden of land based hospitals dealing with CoViD-19 patients by taking onboard people who are not sick with the CoronaVirus.

Maintenance on chemical analyzer onboard USNS Mercy, 26MAR2020.

Reserve Sailors report for duty aboard USNS Comfort, 26MAR2020.

Video, 24MAR2020, USNS Comfort load-up at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, next stop New York City:

Video, USNS Mercy steams out of San Diego, 23MAR2020, on its way to the Port of Los Angeles:

Prepping slides for microscopes onboard USNS Mercy 26MAR2020.

Video (from a few years ago) explaining the medical capabilities of Mercy and Comfort:

Video, USNS Mercy tour part 1:

Video tour USNS Mercy part 2:


USNS Mercy gets towed away by re-possessors driving tractor-trailer due the Navy failing to make its payments!  Just kidding, it’s a perspective trick of the camera.