“This is First of the Ninth, Air Cav son….airmobile!”-Colonel Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
04 April 2020 / 02:40 (UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Farvardin 1399/10 Sha’ban 1441/12 Geng-Chen 4718
New York gov’na Cuomo continues to whine about how the world isn’t paying enough attention to his state. This FEMA pic was taken on 03APR2020, it shows a woman trying to shove stacks of newly delivered N95 masks through a doorway at Bellevue Hospital (NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue)! The masks were delivered by FEMA.
The U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine advised President Trump that just breathing and talking will spread CoViD-19 (as I wrote in CoViD-19, AIRMOBILE!: WHY MASKS, COVERING YOUR MOUTH AND HAND WASHING WILL NOT PROTECT YOU). Also, epidemiologists still don’t know how CoViD-19 infects you.
ScienceNews: Just breathing or talking may be enough to spread COVID-19 after all
Some people might think that’s proof everybody needs to wear a mask, but not so fast.

In this pic taken on 19MAR2020, note that this Pennsylvania National Guard personnel, activated for CoViD response, is using a mask designed for biological warfare!
The latest reports out of East Asia suggest that CoViD-19 is air-mobile, as I’ve written before, when you breath it out it’s officially in a bioaerosol form. The pathogen can spread in the air up to six feet and hang there for long enough that people passing through the air space to breath it in! Air-mobile particles are extremely tiny and cannot be stopped by the simple cloth masks that everybody is being told to make, only the N95 masks can stop it.
However, in 2006 it was revealed that several U.S. government entities experimented with homemade cloth masks to fight what was perceived as a future catastrophic H5N1 influenza pandemic. The result was that basically one piece of cloth will not protect you, but the researchers did find a somewhat acceptable expedient solution, more at the end of this article.
It is a logistical impossibility to make enough N95 masks for every person in a given country to wear, allowing for a new mask everyday because the masks are useless after a day’s use, and then to provide a biological hazardous waste disposal system to handle all the used masks.
Yes, after a day of use the N95 will be technically considered a bio-hazard that must be disposed of with other bio-hazardous medical waste. Imagine that on top of providing every healthcare worker with N95 masks you then have to provide new N95 masks for every resident, then an at least once per week a collection service for all those used N95 masks, for a country the size of the United States! This might be the real reason governments are so hesitant to order the wearing of N95 masks by every resident.
Many people have taken to the internet to find out if they can wash N95 masks, the answer is no. The U.S. CDC says throw them away. Also, studies show that washing the N95 masks renders it ineffective.
N95 masks are made with petroleum based polypropylene fibers that are also treated with an electrostatic charge to attract and hold microbes, which is actually what makes them effective against microbes. Washing the masks will remove the electrostatic charge. The electrostatic charge has a lifespan which is why the masks have expiration dates. Once removed from the packaging the electrostatic charge wears-off quickly, which is why you must use them only for that day.
Now for the government tested experimental field-expedient cloth mask.
In the pic note how many layers of 100% heavyweight (nothing less than true heavyweight, like what you’d get with a t-shirt made for construction workers) cotton is used, and how each layer is placed so the ‘grain’ of the fabric crosses the other. One or two pieces of light weight cloth will not work. The multiple layer t-shirt mask was tested against an N95, the conclusion was that “Although insufficient for the workplace, this mask offered substantial protection from the challenge aerosol and showed good fit with minimal leakage…. We do not advocate use of this respirator in place of a properly fitted commercial respirator..…. … When made by naive users, this mask may be less effective because of variations in material, assembly, facial structure, cultural practices, and handling. ”