Tag Archives: crime

“Everything is closing very, very suddenly…” “Regrettably, there is no end in sight”: ObamaCare ACA Death Spiral, July 2017

Incomplete list of healthcare related layoffs and shutdowns, announced in July 2017:

In 2015, the National Rural Health Association reported that before ObamaCare went into effect 41% of rural hospitals “operate at a financial loss.”  The insurance/medicare-medicaid reimbursement cuts caused by ObamaCare and ‘sequestration’ is killing them off, meaning ObamaCare is actually preventing people from getting healthcare by exponentially increasing rural hospital shutdowns!

According to Gallup and Sharecare “The percentage of U.S. adults without health insurance grew in the second quarter of 2017 to 11.7%, up from 11.3% in the first quarter.”

According to George Mason University’s Mercatus Center 73% of small business owners have no problem with ObamaCare-ACA being ‘repealed’.   31% reduced work hours of employees from full-time to part-time.   22% to 24% of businesses (depending on number of employees) have reduced hiring as a result of ObamaCare-ACA mandate: “Thanks to the ACA…….we estimate the ACA-inspired practice of keeping payrolls below 50 has cost roughly 250,000 jobs.-Casey Mulligan, University of Chicago

Alabama: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program says Alabama is tied for fourth place for most rural hospital shutdowns.   Endo International announced it will shutdown a generic opiod drug (hydrocodone/APAP, oxycodone, etc) factory and distribution operation, 875 jobs gone!  

California:  Long Beach based Medicare service provider Molina Healthcare eliminating 1-thousand-4-hundred jobs (on top of the jobs already eliminated so far this year) after an audit revealed that the company’s optimistic expansion after ObamaCare became law was unrealistic and the company is actually losing money!  In fact, the audit also discovered that under ObamaCare the federal government is holding back on $52-million USD in reimbursements owed to Molina Healthcare!  In Sacramento, First Responder EMS issued a shutdown WARN, 66 jobs gone starting at the end of August.  In Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai finally notified that it laid off 77 people, back in March.

Florida:  Adolescent Treatment Center of the Palm Beaches eliminating 73 jobs in September.  Healthcare/social services company Fluor Federal Solutions issued a WARN, 125 jobs lost by the end of August!  After more than 60 years A&E Pharmacy in Warrington shutting down due to ObamaCare insurance reimbursements: “The climate for independent pharmacies is definitely not improving. Insurance restrictions and insurance reimbursements are not going in the right direction.”-David Enfinger, co-owner

Georgia: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program ranks Georgia in third place for most rural hospital shutdowns.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ LifePoint Health-Saint Francis Hospital from laying off 55 people in Columbus.  In 2015 the hospital was hit with a $20-million USD fine for failure to comply with federal regulations, that same year it was sold to LifePoint Health.

Idaho: Another year, another insurance increase, this time the greedy health insurance companies want a 38% jump (and that’s the average, some will be higher) in premiums paid by all you happy taxpayers!  More proof The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare is a failure; in Idaho Falls the Community Family Clinic (for people with no ObamaCare insurance) is dealing with an increase in patient volume, and as such is expanding their operations for uninsured people: “The new building will be three times the size of the one we’re in now and will provide more access for patients to come in and be seen.”-Arnold Cantu, administrator

Illinois: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Hospital Sisters Health System Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital from laying off 22 people.  The HSHS hospital recently spent $253 million USD building a new hospital in O’Fallon.  Cook County laying off 1-thousand-1-hundred employees, including public healthcare workers, blaming it on a failed ‘sweetened drink’ tax (blocked by court order)!  Apparently the math deficient county officials thought a tax on drinks could support 1,100 jobs.  During the appeals court hearing Cook County claimed that 90% of its tax collections go to fund public healthcare, even with federally mandated ObamaCare!  CORPAK Medsystems issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Buffalo Grove, 81 jobs gone in December.  Westmoreland Nursing Center shutting down, 84 jobs gone due to ‘natural disaster’.

Iowa: New Link Genetics issued a layoff WARN, 39 jobs gone by mid-August.

Kansas: The Birth and Women’s Center shutting down by the end of September, administrators say ObamaCare rendered them financially broke, plus they claim they’re having trouble finding ‘qualified’ nurses.

Michigan: Detroit Medical Center laid off 18 people and shutdown eight vacant jobs, the CEO resigned.  According to local news media, ever since ObamaCare went into effect Detroit Medical Center has eliminated at least 325 jobs! 

Mississippi:  North Carolina Rural Health Research Program says Mississippi is tied for fourth place for most rural hospital shutdowns.

Nebraska: New Jersey based Dr. Leonard’s Healthcare Corporation suddenly shutdown its call center, 170 jobs gone!

New York:  Michaud Residential Health Care Facility issued a shutdown WARN, 113 jobs lost by October!  Inter-Lakes Health has been sold-off, 232 jobs lost by mid-October!  Healthcare service company Lighthouse Guild shutting down in Melville, 46 jobs gone by the end of September.

North Carolina:  60 years old non-profit Morehead Memorial Hospital now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 7-hundred jobs affected!  Select Specialty Hospital-Winston-Salem shutting down by September, 76 jobs lost.

Tennessee:  NewsChannel5 revealed that dozens of hospitals are shutting down, and published a list of nine hospitals already shutdown!  Some desperate counties have imposed extra taxes, like a $60 per wheel tax, but it’s not enough to stop the hospital shutdowns.  Tennessee is ranked second place for most rural hospital shutdowns.

Texas: The Lone Star State is the top state for most rural hospital shutdowns (beating out Tennessee), no thanks to ObamaCare-ACA. Between 2013 and 2016 at least 12 rural hospitals shutdown. Speaking of shutdowns, god powerless to stop ‘his’ Valley Baptist Medical Center-Brownsville from shutting down its psychiatric hospital, by mid-August.   Hearne Healthcare Center nursing home shutting down, possibly due to numerous state regulation violations (63 just in 2015).

Virginia: OBGYN Generations of Women shutdown without warning, along with its Facebook page.  The manager told local news media she got no warning as well, patients are pissed: “Everything is closing very, very suddenly and the pieces just aren’t adding up.”-Jennifer Holliday, patient

Washington:  Renton based non-profit Providence Health & Service warning of more layoffs, across the seven states it operates in, after losing $255-million USD in 2016. The huge loss happened the same year that Providence ended open heart surgeries and began hospital consolidation op in Oregon, no thanks to ObamaCare.

West Virginia: Charleston Area Medical Center eliminating 3-hundred jobs by the end of the year blaming, among other things, ObamaCare: “Regrettably, there is no end in sight for West Virginia’s economic situation, poor reimbursement from governmental insurance, rising cost of drugs and technology, the nursing shortage and the cost of caring for government-insured patients. After the first five months of 2017, CAMC’s operations were on course to lose more than $40 million.”-Dave Ramsey, ceo

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral June 2017: “IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE”

“You can’t stop the bleeding”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, May 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in May 2017:

Don’t blame the internet: “A lot of the smaller retailers are struggling and the whole retail industry is configuring itself differently these days. It’s not just happening to smaller businesses, it’s happening to larger ones, too. New factors are coming in. How do I pay for my product, it’s not just money anymore and it’s not just a credit card. The consumers have a whole bunch of different choices that go beyond the product and I think small businesses are in a position where they’ve got to react to that.”-Thomas Abbott, Business Administration/International Business at Post University, Connecticut

Alabama: In Athens, after 56 years Collins Supply shutdown due to the heirs not being interested in running the family business.  In Tuscaloosa, after 65 years Barton’s Nursery & Gifts shutdown, the family landscaping business will continue.  In Jasper after 54 years Bull Building Supply shutdown, the owners blaming health problems and no family heirs to take over the business.

 California: Cost Plus World Market shutting down its San Diego store on 4th Avenue by the end of June, local news reports say no reason was given.  In Sacramento, after more than 80 years Taber Furniture shutdown because “The priorities have changed…..it’s not what it used to be……the customer base is diminished.”  In Anaheim, Anabella Hotel shutting down 121 jobs lost, supposedly being replaced with yet another hotel!  In Glendale, after four years live music nightclub Complex shutdown with only a few days notice and no explanation.  San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo shutting down an additional 450 offices by 2019.  Banc of California issued layoff WARNs, 40 people losing their jobs by July.  ‘Residential asset manager’ Kondaur Capital Corporation eliminating 55 jobs in mid-July.  In Burbank, Warner Music issued a layoff WARN, 19 jobs gone by the end of July.  JCPenney issued shutdown WARNs for stores in Richmond and Orange, 177 jobs lost by the end of July!  Bankrupt Los Angeles based clothier B & B Bachrach asked the court for permission to shutdown 12 stores.

Colorado: Donation funded Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center ran out of money and will shutdown in June.  Local news reports say it’s one of several animal rehab centers to shutdown.

Connecticut: In Woodbury, after more than 30 years Gepetto’s Toys shutting down when the inventory is gone.   JCPenney notified the state it is shutting down its store in Milford, 89 jobs gone by the end of July.   Walmart shutting down its operations in Bristol, 114 jobs gone by mid-July!

Florida:  In Jacksonville, after 35 years Soccer Stop forced to shutdown when corporate giant Nike suddenly halted all shipments to the family owned store! Nike refuses to explain why.   LA Fitness suddenly shutdown its Hide Park Village location, unconfirmed rumors (dating back a couple of years) say it’s being replaced with a grocery store.  What auto industry recovery?  Car dealer Nice Cars chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to sales crashing by $9-million USD from 2014 to 2016!  Once British empire based-but-now co-owned by China, Too Big to Jail HSBC notified the state it would eliminate jobs in Brandon.

Idaho:  In Boise, after 45 years of six to ten hour days, six days per week, the surviving co-owner of Bow Wow Auto Parts shutting it down so she can retire.

Illinois: The Fayette County Bank failed, the FDIC turned assets over to United Fidelity Bank.  In Chicago, after 40 years Tipre Hardware forced to shutdown by the property owner/developers who want to build a massive apartment complex. International law firm Seyfarth Shaw laid off 40 people.   After eight years Cat & Mouse Game Store in Bucktown shutting down so the owners can focus on their store in West Loop.  Star Center Mall chapter 11 bankrupt busted and it’s blamed on “the City of Marion regarding disputed bonds.”  After six years Wee-Peats Kids Resale (no it doesn’t mean they re-sell children) clothing store shutdown.  Don’t blame the internet (they had a Facebook page), the owner says she’s moving to Alaska.  In Jacksonville, Kirlin’s Hallmark shutting down its Lincoln Square Shopping Center gift store by mid-June, “primarily due to declining sales.”  In Decatur, Lincoln Square Theatre suddenly shutdown.  The operators told local news media that they are trying to come up with ideas to help re-open the 1-hundred years old theater.  Bloomington based insurance company State Farm shutting down 11 offices across the U.S. as part of its plan to consolidate operations.   In Rock Island, the last Barkan’s shutdown after 71 years.  Local news media said at one time the family owned clothier was so popular they had four stores.  JCPenney issued shutdown WARNs for its Centerpointe Mall and Peru Mall stores, 174 jobs lost by the end of July!

Indiana: In Plymouth, after 64 years the owners of Tri-Way Drive-In begging for donations to keep the outdoor movie theater from shutting down, blaming it on the cost of upgrading to digital projectors.   In Richmond, after 78 years Veech’s toy store shutting down: “Many factors have led to the decision to close the store, including a significant drop in sales over the past year-and-a-half, which has been experienced by many stores across the nation. A number of independent toy stores have closed in this past year due to these retail trends. We, too, have not been able to weather this precipitous change in sales volume.”

Iowa: In Cedar Rapids, after 19 years Planet X Fun Center suddenly shutdown, it was announced on the company’s website without explaining why.  Premier Linen & Drycleaning  issued a shutdown WARN for its Dubuque  location, 86 jobs lost by mid-June.

Kentucky: 78 years old music venue Renfro Valley Entertainment Center laid off 12 people “Effective immediately” due to the suck-ass local economy.

Louisiana: First NBC Bank failed, FDIC turned assets over to Whitney bank.  After 13 years bridal shop Bustles and Bows shutting down mid-July. In New Orleans, after 53 years the Maple Street Book Shop shutdown for the second time saying “We’re not sure what we’ll do next, but we’ll always keep fighting the stupids. We hope that you will too.”

Massachusetts: In Northhampton, after 12 years clothier Ci Ci Boutique shutting down by the end of June.  Bankrupt Eastern Mountain Sports shutdown its Hyannis store.

Michigan: 37 years old boat shop Landman Sales sold to pay for the owners’ retirement.

Minnesota: Retail giant Target laid off 40 HQ employees, local news reports say employees were given only a week to find another job within the company.  The sudden layoffs were blamed on a 4th quarter in a row of crashing sales (and Target sells online).  Uniform rental company G&K Services issued a shutdown WARN for its corporate HQ, 232 jobs lost as a result of being taken over by a competitor!

Montana: Junk jewelry seller Claire’s shutting down its 25 years old store in the Butte Plaza Mall, by the end of June.

Nebraska: In Kimball, after 52 years LorRon’s Department Store shutdown, the owner saying she needs a “retirement/career change”.

New Jersey:  ‘Popular’ Mountain Creek Resort now chapter 11 bankrupt busted under new ownership, however, the new owners blame the previous owners for the bankruptcy.  In Newark, Total Airport Services issued a WARN, 74 jobs lost by July.   Bankrupt California based clothier B & B Bachrach shutting down its Lawrence Township store by August.

New York: Elitist clothier Michael Kors reported a net loss of $27-million USD and will now shutdown as many as 125 stores, thousands of jobs lost!  Clothier Banana Republic shutting down its store in the Walden Galleria, by the end of June.  Women’s clothier New York & Company suddenly shutdown its popular Forrest Hills store, customers speculated that the rent was too high.  In NYC, Landmark Sunshine Cinema being forced to shutdown by 2018 because the property has been sold to some greedy property developers.  The Cinema owners said they tried to buy the property, with the intent to serve booze to movie goers, but the benevolent city of New York refused them a booze license.   ‘Automated online marketplace’ Merchant Cash and Capital issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC ops, at least 74 jobs lost by August.  In NYC, nightclub operator Webster Hall Entertainment has been sold, 267 jobs affected!   Aircraft Service International lost its contract with JFK Airport, 378 jobs affected by the end of July!  In White Plains, Executive Jet Management issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs gone by mid-August.  What real estate recovery? Nationstar Mortgage issued a shutdown WARN for its Elma location, 179 jobs gone by the end of August!   Public Service Insurance issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC location, dozens of jobs affected by mid-August. Walmart shutting down its store in Niskayuna, 102 jobs gone by between July and August!  Non-profit Rides Unlimited of New York/Nassau/Suffolk shutting down due to sale of assets to a bus company, 213 jobs affected!

Ohio:  After 90 years Yellow Cab of Cleveland shutting down within 60 days, officially due lack of qualified taxi drivers.  Huntington Bancshares laying off 129 people in connection to its 2016 take-over of a competitor!  Columbus based clothier Express shutting down all 17 stores in Canada.

Oregon: Florida based Holiday Retirement (aka Holiday AL Management, HolidayTouch.com) notified the state that it will shutdown its corporate office in Lake Oswego, no reason given, about 1-hundred jobs gone by the end of the year!

Pennsylvania: After 1-hundred years of elitist snobbery, ‘social club’ Pittsburgh Athletic Association is now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to lack of money, due to lack of rich members!  Moon Township based Dick’s Sporting Goods eliminating 1-hundred more jobs despite a small increase in sales!  In Byrn Mawr, after 33 years profit making Pun’s A Wonderland of Toys shutdown ’cause the owner wanted to retire while he was still ahead.  In Frackville, the 40 years old Schuylkill Mall notified its remaining tenants that within 90 days the mall was shutting down.  Reading China and Glass shutting down its store in the VF Outlet Center due to the greedy property owner’s plan to re-develop the shopping center.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America issued a layoff WARN for its Allegheny Center Mall office, 112 jobs lost by July!   JCPenney issued a shutdown WARN for its King of Prussia Plaza store, 118 jobs lost by the end of July!

South Carolina: A 30 years old bookstore ironically called Rainy Day Pals forced to shutdown due to flood damage that occurred in 2015. Owner Calvin Lyles described his failed efforts to repair the store by saying that financially “You can’t stop the bleeding.”  Brigadoon Discount Golf in Surfside Beach shutting down.

Texas:  In College Station, after 32 years Lippman Music shutting down in July, the owner saying the landlord’s plan to jack up the rent is a sign to retire.

Virginia: Bath & Body Works shutting down its store in the Bristol Mall, by June.  In Carytown,  after ten years clothier Eurotrash shutdown due to the owners moving to Texas.  After 72 years McDonald Garden Center shutting down so the owners can focus on their new concept satellite ‘garden market’ stores “…because lifestyles are changing and business is changing rapidly.”

Washington: After 70 years Furney’s Nursery suddenly shutdown because the “…property has become very, very valuable over the years, so they got an offer they couldn’t refuse.”

Wisconsin: Guaranty Bank-Best Bank in Georgia & Michigan failed, 170 offices shutting down, the FDIC turned assets over to First Citizens Bank & Trust.  Online-mail order company Colony Brands issued a shutdown WARN for its distribution center, 113 jobs gone by 2018 due to the greedy landlord!

U.S. Retail/Banking/Service sector April 2017:   “…GREED, ARROGANCE AND JUST PURE DECEITFULNESS.”








“And the church is going to go down….” Slavery! Artificial Intelligence!: U.S. Christian Rapture, July 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns, layoffs and Rapture oddities for the Gregorian month of July 2017.

The President of the Philippines demanding that the United States return three church bells stolen by the U.S. during rebellions against U.S. occupiers in 1901.  The bells are now being used by the U.S. military as memorials to that occupation.  The bells were used by Filipino freedom fighters to signal attacks against occupying U.S. forces.

USA Today revealed that the demise of churches across the U.S., and the seeming Rapture of ‘christians’, can be blamed on gentrification, which in turn can be blamed on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT).  In other words it’s all about making profits, not prophets.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg stated that the days of institutions like “churches and little leagues” are over, to be replaced by Facebook’s artificial intelligence.

The Mennonite Church USA (which has lost tens of thousands of members since 1998) announced it is divesting of all its for-profit investments in Israel, in protest over how the Israeli government treats Palestinians.   In the recent past the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Christ also abandoned their investments in Israel.

The United Church of Christ blames puny humans for climate change, despite the fact that the Earth has experienced massive climate changes, and was much warmer than it is today,  when there were supposedly no humans on the planet.

Arkansas: Two men and a woman arrested for burning down the Mount Superior Baptist Church.

Arizona:  In Cave Creek, food insecurity has become so bad that Good Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church makes 4-hundred peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one hour, as part of their new monthly Sandwich Ministry operations!  The sandwiches and other food items are then distributed by Phoenix Rescue Mission specifically for homeless people.  In Mesa, police arrested a 57 years old man for breaking into the Living Messiah Ministries church and stealing frozen chocolate coins.

California: In San Francisco, a volunteer with Iglesia Cristo Es la Roca is charged with sex crimes against two teen-aged boys.   In Newport Beach, the Episcopal Church is blocking its local Bishop from attempting to sell its Saint James the Great church.  The Bishop was warned in June not to sell the property until the Disciplinary Board reviewed it, but he went ahead and contacted a property developer anyway.  It’s not the first or second time the sale of Saint James the Great church has been blocked by church leaders.  The Cloverdale Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints boasted of growing membership, a whopping 130 members since the mormon church (ward) began in 1964.  Ward (a division of a Stake) members admitted their numbers vary based on the local economy/employment situation.  In Apple Valley, a teen-aged girl is charged with stabbing to death a 79 years old christian minister, and then stealing his car.

Colorado:  Near Boulder, things are so bad that the City on the Hill Church is offering drive through prayer service.   Near Colorado State University the former Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church is being replaced with ‘high-end’ (expensive) student housing.  The church’s reverend said they were looking to move anyway, due to the age of the building.  The Mancos United Methodist Church hiding illegal immigrants, the congregation is even taking shifts as security guards against ICE: “We are here in case someone should show up at night….”-Joanie Trussel

Connecticut: The Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal hiding an immigrant who’se been living in the U.S. illegally since 1993: “I am so grateful to have this support. I thank everyone who has stood by my side.”-Nury Chavarria, illegal

The Moodus village ghost town was bought by the local chapter of the Phillipines based Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ).  The church claims to have members from 130 countries and plans to turn the ghost town into a resort for their global congregation.  The 62 acre ghost town had been for sale for years, but suddenly sold to the church: “To hear, right out of the blue, that they’re going to close in eight-10 days from the time we heard about it, it took our breath away.”-Emmet Lyman, East Haddam First Selectman

Delaware: In Georgetown, the Providence United Methodist Church forced to take down a sign that read “It’s Adam and Eve not Steve”.

Florida:  A mom in Washington County discovered her son was involved in the Courts of Praise Church burglaries when she found the stolen items in his possession.  When he was arrested he named names of other teen-aged burglars, including a runaway.  A former pastor of New Salem Missionary Baptist Church funneled tens of thousands of dollars of member donations and federal taxpayer funded grants into his personal non-profits, which brought the church to ruin.

Georgia: In Atlanta, a pastor wrote an editorial where he admitted he can’t deal with homeless and mentally ill people coming into his church on Sundays.  His ‘beef’ is that his church offers them help on any other day, but not on Sundays, and he finds it strange that so many helpless people show up on Sundays.  The obviously money focused pastor admits he is trying to target “college students and young professionals and young families” and that he’s tired of families “with young kids….ends up sitting right behind the reeking man from the street.”  Sounds to me like it’s time for Jesus to have a Come to Jesus meeting with this so-called pastor!  Let me, an Animist, remind you what your Jesus said: Yeshua [Jesus] said to him, “A certain man made a great supper and he called many.  He sent his servant at the time of the supper to say to those who were invited, ‘Behold, everything is ready for you; Come.’ And they began each and every one of them to make excuses; the first said to him, ‘I have bought a field, and I am compelled to go to see it. I beg of you, allow me to be excused.’ Another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to examine them; I beg of you, allow me to be excused.’ Another said, ‘I have taken a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ And that servant came and he told his employer these things; and the owner of the house was angry and he said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly to the marketplaces and to the streets of the city and bring here the poor and the afflicted and the feeble and the blind.’-Luke 14:16-21, Aramaic Bible

Guam: In the U.S. Territory, divided Catholics temporarily settled their differences over the removal of their Archbishop due to sex crimes charges brought by officials in Vatican. Protesters say they’ll hold-off on demonstrations until after the Vatican court makes its decision.

Idaho: On 20 July 2017, mormon Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples announced they will shutdown their Pocatello location in August.  They blame “customers” for shopping online.

Illinois:   A man who shot and killed his mother (in 2013) in the parking lot of the Burr Ridge Coptic Christian Church was sentenced to 55 years in prison.  During the trial it was revealed the man was frustrated because he was being investigated for immigration fraud by helping Egyptian Christians get into the United States.  The man stated in his call to 9-1-1 that he shot his mother, but after being arrested said his mother killed herself.  A boy drowned in the Fairhaven Baptist Church swimming pool despite two adults and six other children being the pool.   Springfield’s Fifth Lutheran Church shutdown after 129 years, officially because it’s too expensive to maintain the old building. In Oak Forest, food insecurity has become so bad that the Redeemer’s Lutheran Church has built a Blessing Box food cupboard in front of the church, for anybody who’s hungry or anybody who can donate.

Indiana: A classroom at Crosspointe Baptist Church and Christian Academy mysteriously caught fire, investigators blamed it on a faulty power-strip.

Louisiana: Mandeville Baptist church caught on fire and investigators think its arson.  The church has only 15 members.

Maryland:  Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) shutting down its warehouse in Hagerstown, 76 jobs gone by August!

Massachusetts:   336 years old Unitarian Old Ship Church forced to sell-off its larger parish house and three acres of land.  It’d been for sale for about 14 months, but finally sold for $4.8-million USD. Church leaders claim they could no longer afford to maintain the property.  The new owner of the parish house wants to replace it with apartments.

Michigan: In Flint, the Lincoln Park United Methodist Church announced that the economy is so bad they can’t help the poor anymore: “The lives of people have changed and they don’t think of church like they used to. And the church is going to go down….”-Ira Wells, church trustee

‘Like a thief in the night’,  the Abundant Life Christian Center was burgled by a thief who ignored the audible alarm.  The thief stole a laptop and broke open what he thought was a donation box, then escaped: “We forgive you. If you need prayer or help, we’re here for you. The doors of the church are open.”-Tommy Thompson, deacon

Mississippi:  After only one year pastor Matt Brooks suddenly resigned from the First Baptist Church of Jackson: “This resignation comes not because of moral failure or financial mismanagement but because of differences in leadership philosophy with the leadership of First Baptist.”-church statement

New Jersey: A man who served time in prison for  sex crimes will now be tried for volunteering with the Eternal Life Christian Center.  The state Supreme Court ruled it was essentially a crime for ex-con sex offenders to work in youth programs.  The 124 years old Church of the Ascension was torn down after the Episcopal Diocese declared it structurally unsound, for now it’s just an empty lot.

New York: The Our Lady of the Rosary Church is up for sale.   A teenager arrested for setting fires to storage units is now also charged with the March arson attack on the Milford United Methodist Church.  It should be noted that back in March investigators said the church fire was caused by a faulty electrical system.  God was powerless to stop the assassination of one of ‘his’ NYPD policewomen, city taxpayer dollars were used to spiff up The World Changers Church, in Bronx-NYC, for the funeral.  In Buffalo, the massive historic sandstone Delaware Avenue Baptist Church is for sale, not because membership is crashing, the other way ’round. There’s not enough parking for the growing membership, and it’s too expensive to maintain the unique building.

North Carolina: In Springdale, the Associated Press revealed that the Word of Faith Fellowship (which already has a track record of violating ‘human rights’) is running a slave trade operation, trafficking humans from Brazil: “They trafficked us up here. They knew what they were doing. They needed labor and we were cheap labor, hell, free labor!”-Andre Oliveira, former slave of christian church

The immigrant pastor of the Evangelica Jesus de la Iglesias has overstayed his visa, but refuses to leave.  It was also revealed that he has developed a criminal history for himself since coming to the U.S. in the 1980s.  The leader of the largest Catholic church in the United States, Saint Matthew in Ballantyne, is going out to retirement by demanding the church let priests get married.   Henderson County Sheriff’s Office conducting free taxpayer funded security classes for local churches.  Apparently there is an increased need for christians in Henderson County to feel safe and secure (gee, don’t they have faith in their almighty god?).  Police arrested one of several people suspected of robbing the Lily Memorial Baptist Church, however, the homeless man arrested claims he was sleeping on the church property and was not part of the burglary, although he admits to knowing the burglars.  In Wagram, Spring Branch Mission Baptist Church members have no faith in their leaders after their pastor was forced to resign.  The church congregation went to the brink of civil war and the Scotland County deputies were called in. The church’s board of directors said the pastor lacked vision, and a drivers license(!), and voluntarily resigned (at their request), the congregation suspects a conspiracy.  Food insecurity getting so bad the Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church began offering daily food handouts, and asked people who have enough to donate saying “…if we can touch one home with a meal, we are doing God’s work…”  A local news report described how most traditional ‘hymn driven’ churches are losing members (one church hadn’t baptized anybody since 1996) to other churches who’ve merged to create mega churches using computers and “a lot of video”.   (remember what Zuckerberg predicted?)  A ministry intern with East Tenth Street Church of Christ is now charged with sex crimes after allegedly admitting to having sex with ‘underage’ girls.

Ohio:  In Bartholomew County the Ohio Chapel United Methodist Church and the Triumphant Baptist Church were burgled, vandalized and even set on fire!  Homelessness has become so bad that two additional churches have joined Serving Homeless Alternative Lodging Of Middletown (SHALOM), meaning there are now 13 churches trying to deal with the growing number of homeless people, but apparently the program only runs during the Winter.  Members of Abundant Life Ministries held a meeting after their pastor was arrested for sex crimes, and to discuss the church’s debts.  The members were told by a Calvary Bishop that their church would not shutdown this month.  It turns out the arrested pastor has a criminal record extending from the mid-1990s to the past year.  German immigrant christian founded Kroger shutting down a grocery store in the Southland Shopping Center in Toledo, 115 jobs gone by mid-August!  Fair Hills Church considering selling its 16 hectare (40 acre) campus to Sinclair Community College.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma City based Evangelical owned Hobby Lobby was fined for illegally importing stolen archaeological artifacts, which implies that christian Hobby lobby was supporting Islamic State as that’s where most stolen artifacts are coming from.  Hobby Lobby’s christian owners said they didn’t understand import laws, which is a flat lie because the overwhelming majority of products sold by Hobby Lobby are imported into the U.S. by Hobby Lobby.

Oregon: Youth homelessness so bad that Saint Vincent de Paul of Lane County began remodeling the former Cascade Presbyterian Church, in Eugene, into a Youth House.  The $1.85-million USD homeless shelter project is partially funded by donations from locals. Teen-aged homelessness has become such a problem in Oregon that church member Paul Neville stated “Many of them end up couch-surfing with acquaintances, and some end up on the streets, where they are vulnerable to violence, drugs and a thriving human-trafficking trade the along the Interstate 5 corridor.”  Oregon public schools reported more than 21-thousand homeless students in 2016-17, with almost 2-thousand being pre-kindergarten age!

Pennsylvania:  God decided to strike ‘his’ Saint Agatha Roman Catholic Church of Meadville with lighting, damaging the phone system.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Monica Senior School bowling alley from being vandalized and burgled.  In Bethlehem, police caught two men dealing heroin out of the Trinity Episcopal Church.  It was the result of undercover work by police who, for some unexplained reason, had suspected the church was being used for drug dealing.  The former Ascension of Our Lord Church in Philadelphia has been revealed to be a heroin addict’s sanctuary.  The revelation was made by a utility manager who took pictures, saying “There were so many people in there it looked like they were waiting for Mass to start.”  It turns out the homeless drug addicts fled to the abandoned church after Philadelphia police drove them away from an active church that was providing them with food.  The Christ Centered Church reports that 75% of their members are former prisoners (mostly for drug crimes), the remaining 25% are relatives of the former ‘offenders’.  Church leaders boast that since 2011 only 5% of their ex-offender members re-offended!  A former youth minister with Southminster Church in Mount Lebanon is charged with fondling a teen-aged girl.  Police claim the former minister confessed.

Tennessee: Council of Bishops of Nashville based African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) stated “The NAACP boasts that it is the oldest civil rights organization in the country. While this is true and ought to make us proud, longevity alone is not proof of relevance. For the reality is that today the NAACP is smaller and less influential than it has ever been in its history as an organization. Today the NAACP intimidates no one. To be perfectly honest, the same challenges that face the NAACP, face mainline faith denominations. We are old, and have not structured or positioned ourselves to meet the times in which our congregants live. The Black Church is seeking to confront its own challenges and we call upon the NAACP to do the same.”  Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) shutting down its Rossville Eggo waffle factory, 117 jobs (some reports say 155 jobs) gone between September and December!

Texas: In San Antonio, KENS reported that “Cow tongue found stabbed through” the door of the Botánica de Sanación del Espiritu Santo (Healing Botany Of The Holy Spirit) church.  For some odd reason the paranoid church members thought it was a human heart, witnesses said even superstitious police thought it was some kind of human organ.   In Denison, an abandoned church on Armstrong Avenue and Hull Street was torn down under the guise of “Keeping Denison Beautiful and Moving Forward”.  It’s being replaced with for-profit apartments.   In Longview, after 99 years Kerns Bakery suddenly shutdown, selling everything off, after failing to find a buyer willing to continue the operation the frustrated owners blamed god: “God has closed door after door for us to move and expand the bakery.  Due to this we believe that He is pointing our family down a new path in life.” 

Utah:  A FLDS (fundamentalist mormon) leader was ‘re-captured’ and charged with welfare fraud, money laundering and failing to appear in court.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (mormon) announced that they will continue supporting, temporarily, the now homosexual accepting Boy Scouts of America.  LDS Church Public Affairs reporting that the number of mormons in Utah County increased by 37-thousand-475 between 2013 and 2016, and it’s a huge business opportunity: “The church has teams of realtors, architects, and legal counsel that go through the area trying to look for long-term needs.”-Michael Merz, Freedom Stake president

Virginia:  The Rocky Mount Town Council denied a request by Tabernacle of Praise Church of Christ to establish a church in an industrial zone.  The town council said “They’re not making any more land. Industrial property is extremely difficult to come by.”   In Virginia Beach, the old Hilltop Community Church was torn down, to be replaced by a Germany based  grocery store.

Washington: Adventist Health issued a shutdown WARN for its Walla Walla ops, 371 jobs lost by mid-August!

Wisconsin: Saint Matthew’s Church in Oak Creek was vandalized.  Christian agnostic Warren Buffett owned meat packer Oscar Mayer-Kraft shutdown its 1-hundred years old factory in Madison, as a result of the 2015 merger of Kraft-Heinz and Oscar Mayer.

2nd Quarter 2017 U.S. Christian Rapture: “no longer feasible”

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

Operation Dark Store shifts tax burden to cash strapped individuals!: U.S. Government Shenanigans, May 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for May 2017:

Alabama: Taxpayers in the city of Oxford forced to pay for the former Sears building at the Quintard Mall.  The mayor of Oxford recently announced that in an effort to save the local economy they’re willing to buy the property, which has been up for sale since November 2016.

Delaware: After promising a Spring 2016 grand opening (which never happened) the Delaware Sports Complex is already bankrupt busted, it even owes the taxpayers of Middletown $195-thousand USD for building necessary infrastructure for the failed $13-million project.  Middletown Mayor Kenneth Branner basically called the administrators of Delaware Sports Complex a bunch of liars: “We don’t know what to do, we don’t know what our next steps are… ….We were led to believe they had the money they needed. They told us they were scheduling tournaments and kept saying they could do it.”

Illinois: Star Center Mall now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and it’s blamed on “the City of Marion regarding disputed bonds.”

Minnesota:  Local news media reporting that the taxpayers of Minneapolis are about to become the new ‘landlord’ of the Kmart on Nicolette Avenue It’s being blamed on the ‘re-connect’ scandal.  The $7-million USD proposal will be discussed in June.  Local news media also revealed the city made an $8-million offer to buy the Kmart on West Lake Street, last year.

Mississippi: The state Forestry Commission laid off 75 people due to declining tax revenues.

North Carolina: Management consultant contractor CGI Federal shutting down its Durham InfoTech ops due to losing a federal taxpayer funded EPA contract, 1-hundred jobs lost!  Surry County condemned the now vacant Kmart building at the Mayberry Mall.  The condemnation prevents the property owner from finding a new tenant, until the structural problems are fixed.  On top of that, local news media report the property owner is back due on county level property taxes.  The action by the county opens the door for use of taxpayer funding to deal with the problem.  Alamac American Knits shutting down in Lumberton, 154 remaining jobs gone due to the long term effects of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)!  Administrators stated that before NAFTA went into effect they “…employed 1,000.” 

Oregon: SureID suddenly laid off 160 people after losing a tax-sucking U.S. Navy contract!

Puerto Rico: The governor is demanding Title-3 bankruptcy protection for the U.S. territory.

Texas:  Taxpayers in the city of Abilene might be forced to pay for the abandoned Kmart as “…funds would be used to acquire, renovate and equip buildings for a new police station, municipal court, water utilities billing, collection and meter-reading offices, and record storage. The cost is estimated at $9 million.”   The combination donation-taxpayer funded Houston Symphony announced an undisclosed number of layoffs in an attempt to survive the next ten years.  Taxpayer funded illegal immigrant ‘shelter provider’ Southwest Key Programs suddenly laid off hundreds of employees “Due to the low number of unaccompanied children crossing our national border, the federal government has instructed all of its shelter contractors, including Southwest Key, that they must decrease the bed capacity…..”

The office of the Texas Comptroller issued a warning over the growing push by big box retailers to use Dark Stores as a way of avoiding their fare share in taxes.  Dark Store: A large retail facility that resembles a conventional supermarket or store but is not open to the public, housing goods used to fulfill orders placed online.

Virginia:  British empire owned, U.S. tax-sucker BAE Systems suddenly began laying off 3-hundred people in Norfolk, due to uncertainties over the new U.S. Navy taxpayer funded budget!

Wisconsin: The 50+ years old Brookfield Sears Auto Center shutdown, local news media revealed that Brookfield city administrators spent taxpayer money on a five years study to justify creating a taxpayer owned conference center near the Sears Auto Center location.   The Economic Development Commission of Fort Atkinson has revealed plans to spend taxpayer money on the now vacant Kmart property.  Local news media reported the city Fort Atkinson asked Sears Holdings how much they wanted to sell it for!  It’s been revealed that nearly 40 cities are pushing for a new state law that will prevent taxpayers from being forced to pay the property taxes on vacated stores like Target and Sears.  It’s a complicated mess, but because of current laws and recent court decisions local Wisconsin taxpayers are being forced to foot the property tax bill on vacated retail spaces!  This has led to municipalities using taxpayer funding to sue retailers (most recently Target and Sears) for creating what’s called Dark Stores.

Milwaukee Journal: Dark Stores being used by big box retailers to avoid paying their fare share in property taxes

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans April 2017: “…..WE ARE MISMANAGING MONEY.”



The lies of economic decline: Pocatello Staples shutdown blamed on the internet!

22 JUL 2017 / 18:56 UTC-07 Tango 06 (01 Mordad 1396/28 Shawwal 1438/01 Bing Wu 4715)

“As customers shift online, we are taking aggressive action to right-size our retail footprint.”-official Staples statement

There are two main lies being propagated by unAmerican corporate America (and the government that supports those corporations): Not enough ‘qualified’ U.S. citizens to fill vacant positions, and internet competition.

Staples on Hurley Drive in Pocatello, Idaho, shutting down in August.

Staples on Hurley Drive in Pocatello, Idaho, shutting down in August.

On 20 July 2017, Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples announced they will shutdown their Pocatello, Idaho, location in August.  They blame “customers” for shopping online.

Remember, Staples sells online as well as in brick-n-mortar stores.

I’ve pointed out before that online sales aren’t that big.  Just this year Karen Edwards, instructor at University of South Carolina’s College of Hospitality Retailing and Sport Management, stated to local news media that internet sales make up only 10%-15% of all U.S. retail sales!  This is really part of a conspiracy by the retail industry to shift to internet only operations, mainly because the cost of operating a brick-n-mortar store (especially rent and utilities) now outweighs sales at those stores.

Don’t blame the Internet: Idaho internet sales tax collections flat-line!








“significant downturn in business”: U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, May 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in May 2017.

Arkansas: France based Dassault eliminating 6% of its Little Rock Falcon Jet factory workers due to “…worldwide economic and political uncertainty combined with a prolonged imbalance between supply and demand for new aircraft as well as a large inventory of pre-owned aircraft competing with new sales.” 

 California: Angelica Textile Services issued a shutdown WARN for its Gilroy factory, 160 jobs gone by July!  Benz Propane issued a layoff WARN, 101 employees in Tehachapi to become unemployed by August!  Oil company Breitburn Energy Partners now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming ‘low’ oil prices for not be able to pay its debts.  Despite record online sales in 2016, plush sports doll maker Bleacher Creatures now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to a major customer (Sports Authority) ceasing to exist and problems with licensing.  Boeing issued layoff WARNs for 38 more employees. In Pittsburg, joint U.S.-Korean steel company USS-POSCO Industries issued a mass layoff WARN, 635 jobs gone in July!

Colorado: Mesa Oil-Mesa Environmental now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, for the second time.  This time debts include $3-million USD in back-due federal taxes.

Florida:  In Miami, transportation company Transdev Services eliminating 102 jobs by the end of June!

Georgia: Cleaning chemical maker ZEP shutting down two factories in Fulton, 158 jobs gone!  International Fragrance-Agilex Fragrance halting ops in Cherokee, 32 jobs lost. 

Idaho: In Boise, after seven years non-profit glass recycler Usful Glassworks shutdown due to lack of funding/donations.

Illinois:  Nippon Sharyo laid off 110 Rochelle rail car employees due to “technical complications and delays”!  The Japan based company has been laying off employees since 2015. GE (General Electric) shutting down its Lamp Plant in Mattoon, 135 jobs lost between July 2017 and March 2018!  API Logistics shutting down its warehouse ops in Hodgkins, 114 jobs lost due to loss of contract!  Without warning Fisher & Ludlow-Nucor Grating shutdown its architectural metal works operations in Litchfield, 60 jobs gone with no official reason given.

Indiana: Continental Structural Plastics issued a WARN, 164 jobs gone by the end of July due to a major industrial customer shutting down for three months!  Packaging maker Printpack eliminating 45 jobs in Bloomington after losing a major customer.  Despite earlier threats by Donald Trump, HVAC company Carrier suddenly began eliminating 3-hundred jobs!  Carrier also warned that more layoffs will take place later in the year as work is shifted to Mexico!

Iowa: What automotive industry recovery?  Caterpillar issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Elkader, 59 jobs gone starting in July.

Louisiana: Oil service company Tidewater now chapter 11 bankrupt busted mainly due to sale-leaseback disputes.

Maryland: Kaydon Ring & Seal issued a WARN, 217 jobs gone starting in July due to production being consolidated to other locations!

Massachusetts: One of the largest distribution companies in the U.S., Veritiv, shutting down its warehouse in Wilmington, 170 jobs lost to consolidation operations!

Michigan:  What automotive industry recovery?  Ford announced it will eliminate 1-thousand-4-hundred salaried jobs through attrition, bribery (buyouts) and outright layoffs as part of Ford’s plan to eliminate 10% of its salaried jobs in North America and Asia!  Spain based auto parts maker Gestamp laying off 84 people in Lapeer, due to the loss of a client.  General Motors (GM) eliminating more than 6-hundred jobs as it ends production of the GMC Acadia.

Missouri: Cleaning and storage company Katy Industries now bankrupt busted and for sale.  Rubber/plastic products maker Cosmoflex shutdown its Hannibal ops, 45 jobs lost to consolidation.

New Jersey:  What construction industry recovery?  Flooring maker Mannington laid off 80 people due to the sale of one of its product lines to a competitor.

North Carolina: Alamac American Knits shutting down in Lumberton, 154 remaining jobs gone over the next two months!  Administrators stated that before NAFTA went into effect they “…employed 1,000.”  What automotive industry recovery?  Caterpillar shutting down its Morganton factory, 85 jobs gone starting in July.  Celadon Trucking Services shutting down its Nash County operations, 127 jobs lost!

Ohio: Cincinnati based ‘household’ products maker Proctor & Gamble shutting down a factory in Canada, supposedly as part of a plan to bring jobs back to the United States.  What automotive industry recovery? Maker of car batteries (including for those stupid electric cars) Robert Bosch Battery Systems laid off 88 people due to a “significant downturn in business”.   Ford laid off 130 pick-up truck assemblers at a factory near Cleveland, apparently because of slow truck sales!  Hyundai Ideal Electric Company issued a shutdown WARN, eliminating the remaining jobs in July.  At one time the Korea based company employed more than 1-hundred people in Mansfield. Maker of parts for the computer and aerospace industries, McSwain Manufacturing suddenly laid off 30 people and will lay off another 30 “…due to a dramatic and sudden reduction in purchase orders…”

Oregon: Transportation company Specialty Mobility Services issued a shutdown WARN, 101 jobs lost due to loss of contract!

Pennsylvania:  Germany based logistics company DB Schenker eliminating 66 jobs by the end of July. Mark Line Industries suddenly shutdown, 44 jobs lost in Ephrata.  Hubbell Lighting shutting down its L-E-D factory in Bristol Borough, 114 jobs lost!  In Cannonsburg, Nobel Energy shutting down, 99 jobs lost between July and September.

Tennessee: Norfolk Southern Railways laid off 41 people as part of a plan to cut operations at its Debutt’s Yard by 50%.  HVAC parts maker Robertshaw laid off 134 people and shutdown a factory on Cummings Highway, as a result of taking over a competitor!

Texas: Oil company GulfMark Offshore now chapter 11 bankrupt busted with $430-million USD of debt.  Oil industry parts supplier AFGlobal chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Virginia: White Birch Paper Company shutting down its mill in Hanover County, 165 jobs lost as production shifting to Canada!

Washington: Boeing issued mass layoff WARNs, 917 jobs gone between the end of June and the end of July!  Spectrum Glass shutting down its Woodinville factory at the end of June.

Wisconsin:  What automotive industry recovery?  Maker of exhaust pipes-mufflers Stroughton based Nelson Global Products announced it will shutdown factories in Tennessee and Minnesota, about 3-hundred jobs lost by the end of the year, due to global competition!

Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, April 2017: “DUE TO A LARGE LOSS OF BUSINESS….”


Barbarians sacking Rome: Foreign landlords now control the ‘American’ dream!

18 JUL 2017 / 18:58 UTC-07 Tango 06 (28 Tir 1396/24 Shawwal 1438/26 Ding Wei 4715)

“The environment is much more Asian-friendly than it used to be with churches, grocery stores and schools that cater to their tastes. I have been told they target good schools and newer homes.”-Laura Barnett, Red Neck Fail Texas real estate agent in Dallas

The U.S. main stream news media is finally waking up to the fact that the majority of home sales in the United States are going to foreigners, not U.S. citizens.  Many citizens are being outbid by foreign landlords who only want to make a profit by charging tenants outrageous rent.  There’s even books showing foreigners how to buy-up U.S. properties.

According to the National Association of Realtors there was a 49% explosion of foreigners buying up U.S. properties from April 2016 to March 2017, compared to the same time the prior year!  And 2015 was also dominated by foreigners buying up U.S. properties.  In other words there is no true real estate recovery in the U.S. because it’s not U.S. citizens driving real estate sales!

In July 2016, Deutschland taxpayer funded news media DW (Deutsche Welle) discovered that New York City’s skyrocketing rents are being caused by rich foreign developers, who are buying up all available properties.  

50% of real estate sales to foreigners are taking place in California, Florida and Texas (another Red Neck conservative christian failure).  The top buyers are from China, followed by British empire (Commonwealth of Nations, India is also a top buyer of U.S. property and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations [they never became independent of the British empire]) members Canada and United Kingdom.



Great Reneger: Trump allows 15,000 more legal migrants into U.S.!

17 JUL 2017 / 18:36 UTC-07 Tango 06 (27 Tir 1396/23 Shawwal 1438/25 Ding Wei 4715)

Just hours after news reports revealed how much the state of Maine was relying on the H-2B migrant worker program to take jobs away from U.S. citizens, Donald Trump issues an order allowing 15-thousand more H-2B workers into the United States!

The U.S. Congress had suspended a key regulation with the H-2B program which allowed previous H-2B workers to return to the U.S. without being counted as part of the yearly quota.  In response to squealing unAmerican corporate America Trump allowed an additional 15-thousand foreign workers to legally come into the U.S.

But wait, lets not blame Trump totally, that supposed Congressional change to the H-2B program was also given a big loophole by the same Congress.  That loophole allows the Department of Homeland Security to arbitrarily increase the quota for H-2B workers!  Main stream news reports revealed that your ‘elected’ and appointed federal government leaders have been using that loophole to increase the number of foreign workers legally coming into the U.S. every year!



The State of Maine: Proof government behind immigration to make you unemployed!

17 JUL 2017 (12:37 UTC-07 Tango 06) 26 Tir 1396/22 Shawwal 1438/24 Ding Wei 4715

“All types of businesses , retail, restaurants, the tour boats, all the trips, everything. All types of workers are needed.”-Martha Searchfield, unAmerican Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce now forced to hire U.S. citizens

Surprise, surprise, surprise, the U.S. state of Maine ran out of foreign workers and is forced to start hiring their own citizens!

Turns out resort towns in the unAmerican state of Maine have been using H-2B visa workers instead of employing locals who are in desperate need of a job.  Only those tourist traps have already maxed out their H-2B quota for the year!

The situation is so bad that for the first time the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce is holding job fairs to make it known that they are now hiring U.S. citizens!

This years shortage of H-2B workers is the result of the U.S. Congress getting rid of a regulation that allowed previous H-2B workers to return to the U.S. without being counted in yearly quota! 


“termination of employment”: U.S. Hi-Tech/Communications breakdown, May 2017

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise. Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction announcements in May 2017:

California: In San Jose, Cisco Systems continues killing jobs, this times 250!   China based ‘smart’phone maker LeEco (aka Le Technology) eliminating 90% of its jobs and shutting down operations in San Diego!  CNBC reported that even employees who had the day off were asked to ‘phone in’ to an emergency meeting, due to LeEco sales crashing & burning.  The Sacramento Bee-sacbee.com suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of people.  France based maker of automation (robots which replace humans in the workplace) and electronic spy gear (surveillance equipment) Schneider Electric-Pelco eliminating 2-hundred jobs in Clovis, blaming global competition!  Local news media said at one time Pelco in Clovis employed at least 2-thousand people, but is currently down to less than 1-thousand.  Apple Mirage issued a shutdown WARN for its Rancho Mirage location, 45 jobs lost by July.   Gannett Publishing Services issued a shutdown WARN for its Camarillo location, 38 jobs lost in July.  KSCI issued a layoff WARN for its TV ops in Los Angeles, 58 jobs gone by July.  Marvell Semiconductor continues to issue layoff WARNs for its operations in Aliso Viejo and Santa Clara. Symantec continues issuing layoff WARNs for its Mountain View ops, this time 24 jobs gone by the end of June.  Lumina Media issued a shutdown WARN for its Irvine location, 58 jobs lost by mid-July.  Nippon based Hitachi Data issued a layoff WARN for Santa Clara, 48 jobs lost by mid-July.  Charter Communications shutting down ops in Palm Desert, 206 jobs lost by mid-July! ‘Cloud ready’ Riverbed Technology suddenly laid off 61 people.  

Florida: Saint Petersburg based coupon printer/distributor ValPak laying off 40 graphic artists, as a result of being taken over by Californian owned Platinum Equity.

Georgia: NexxLinx eliminating 236 jobs in Duluth!

Indiana: Spectrum shutting down its Evansville call center, 20 jobs lost as Spectrum shifts to fewer, but supposedly larger, call center ops.

New Jersey: Gannett Satellite Information Network issued a WARN for its Neptune ops, 88 jobs lost by July.

New York: ‘Peer to peer’ e-commerce Etsy eliminating at least 80 jobs due to its biggest investors accusing Etsy administrators of mismanagement.  NYC based Sports Illustrated laid off five people due to declining revenues.  The New York Times is trying to get its editors to voluntarily quit (buyouts) as part of a plan to consolidate editing operations.  Texas based ViaTech Publishing halting printing ops in Bay Shore, 51 jobs lost by mid-August.  Ancient tech company Xerox continues killing jobs, this time 177 warehouse employees in Webster will become unemployed between now and March 2018!  B&H Foto and Electronics moving from Brooklyn-NYC to New Jersey, 57 jobs lost in August.  In Amherst, Sykes laying off 71 people between September and November.   ‘Automated online marketplace’ Merchant Cash and Capital issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC ops, at least 74 jobs lost by August.

North Carolina: NettLinx shutting down its Jacksonville operations, 280 jobs lost due to the unexpected loss of a major client!

Ohio: Bankrupt e-commerce focused clothing retailing group TradeGlobal eliminating 112 rue21 jobs in West Chester, only two years after claiming it would be creating “hundreds” of new jobs! TradeGlobal is the parent company of failed rue21 clothier.   By the way, rue21 is now officially bankrupt busted.

Oregon: SolarWorld Americas issued a shutdown WARN for July, saying “This employment action will likely result in the termination of employment of approximately 500 regular employees and possibly up to a total of 711 regular employees at the Company Facility.”  For some odd reason state employment officials (Oregon Rapid Response Activity Tracking System) posted the jobs losses as being 360, even thought SolarWorld’s letter clearly states 5-hundred to 711!   SureID suddenly laid off 160 people after losing a tax-sucking U.S. Navy contract!

Pennsylvania: Direct mail book and magazine seller Rodale continues to eliminate jobs, numbers being undisclosed.   It’s part of the company’s plan to ‘wind down’ its direct mail business and shift to “revenue streams…vital to…our long term growth.” 

Tennessee: For the second time in less than six months Convergys conducting mass layoffs at its Clarksville call center, this time 160 jobs gone by mid-July due to crashing call volumes!

Texas:  In Fort Worth, California based Ingram Micro Mobility continues killing jobs, this time 140 smartphone repair jobs being eliminated by the end of August! Last year Ingram Micro Mobility killed more than 9-hundred jobs due to crashing sales.  World Wide Technology shutting down its Lewisville operations, 156 jobs gone by mid-July due to “market conditions”!

Virginia: Roanoke Times laid off 53 people as part of its plan to outsource printing ops. Illinois based LSC Communications halting book printing ops in Salem, 140 jobs lost beginning in July!

Washington: Seattle based Napster parent Rhapsody laid off an undisclosed number of people, blaming internet competition.  Video game maker PopCap revealed it laid off an undisclosed number of employees.  Video game maker Electronic Arts issued a layoff WARN, 45 jobs gone by July.

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, April 2017: “OUR DIGITAL REVENUE IS NOT GROWING FAST ENOUGH”