Tag Archives: afghanistan

Government Evil: Afghan investigation into recent “lone shooter” rampage reveals at least 20 U.S. personnel involved!!! U.S. officials claim to have video that proves it was one man

An investigation committee set up by the Parliament of Afghanistan has concluded that as many as 20 U.S. military personnel took part in the genocidal killing of women and children in Panjwaii.

An investigator said that based on the crime scene, and the testimony of numerous witnesses, there is no way the shootings, and then burning of the bodies, was committed by one person.

There are reports that U.S. officials have security camera video that shows the Staff Sergeant surrendering at his base. They’re claiming it proves the crimes were done by one man.  However, U.S. officials are now saying that the “other” troops the villagers saw were part of a search team that went out to look for the renegade soldier!

World War 3: U.S. soldier killing Afghan women & children part of covert Genocide? Local elders say they were told days before the shooting

“It looks like after 10 years the U.S. wants Afghans to collectively join the Taliban for revenge!”-Mahmood Khan, Panjwaii representative in the Afghan Parliament

The U.S. Army SSgt who shot up women and children, then burned them, supposedly acted on his own volition.  But witnesses say there was at least three soldiers, and they seemed to be targeting women: “He came to my uncle’s home, he was running after women, he was tearing their dresses, insulting them.”-Rafihullah, 15 year old survivor

The incident took place in Panjwaii, Zangabad district, Kandahar Province. Panjwaii is a hot bed of anti-U.S. action. In May of 2011 Canadian forces turned it over to U.S. forces: “This has been Canada’s area. What Canada hands off now to the U.S. elements that take over is dramatically improved.”-U.S. General David Petraeus

Now local elders have come forth saying they were threatened by U.S. military leaders after a deadly explosion hit U.S. forces.  The threats were specifically against their women and children, elders say U.S. officers told them to expect “bloody revenge against your children and wives.”

Afghans also reject the U.S. claim that the Staff Sergeant was mentally ill, after all the U.S. Army did certify him fit for combat!  However, it’s been revealed that doctors at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, have been “doctoring” soldiers reviews to make it look like they’re psychologically fit for duty.

“How can a mentally sick man get out of the base, walk for miles, break into people’s houses, and kill them? Why not just kill his fellow soldiers inside the base?”-Mahmood Khan, Panjwaii representative in the Afghan Parliament

In February I wrote that the U.S. policies, and actions in Afghanistan are consistent with ethnic cleansing, or genocide.  That included policies implemented by the Afghan government at the insistence of the United States (things like people being refused food because they don’t have a national ID card).  It’s a portent of things to come for the United States.


World War 3: Afghan riots continue, Afghan soldier killed, Afghan Senators united against U.S., Afghan police kill Afghans

“With the help of Allah will kill and behead your sadistic murderous soldiers.”-Zabihullah Mujahid

Afghan college students began protesting in Nangarhar Province. Hundreds of protesters hit the streets of Jalalabad.

Senior Afghan officials visited villages to try and calm things down, instead they were attacked. One Afghan soldier was killed, and one soldier was wounded along with a military attorney.

“Today, the Kandahar governor was trying to explain to the villagers that he was only one soldier [referring to U.S. soldier], that he was not a sane person and that he was sick.  But the people were just shouting and they were very angry. They didn’t listen to the governor. They accused him of defending the Americans instead of defending the Kandahari people.”-Abdul Rahim Ayubi, a Kandahar politician

Two of the officials that were attacked are brothers of President Hamid Karzai.

In the Afghan senate unanimous  calls for action against the United States, and accusations against Human Rights organizations.  Senators pointed out that little is being said by human rights organizations, including the UN’s Human Rights Commission.  Human rights organizations are quick to condemn Syria, but where are they regarding the genocide being committed by the U.S. in Afghanistan?

Other Afghan senators said the U.S. will face the same fate as the former Soviet Union.

As this is going on, Afghan police, led by U.S./NATO/ISAF forces, have killed two Afghans and detained seven.  The Afghan Interior Ministry says it was the result of five separate operations in the past 24 hours.  They took place in Kabul, Helmand, Uruzgan, Logar and Khost provinces.





World War 3: U.K. directing U.S. Terror Drone attacks? Britain being sued

The London based charity Reprieve, and the law firm Leigh Day & Company, are suing the British Foreign Secretary William Hague.  They say they have evidence that the United Kingdom, specifically the Foreign Office, has been directing U.S. terror drone (UAV) attacks in Pakistan.

They claim that Britain’s signals intelligence agency (GCHQ/SIGNIT) are “secondary parties to murder” because they provided information to the U.S. CIA.  That information was used to launch drone strikes that have killed hundreds of Pakistanis.


Government Evil: U.S. soldiers burn bodies of Afghan children they killed

“They (Americans) poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them. I saw that all 11 of my relatives were killed, including my children and grandchildren.”-Samad Khan, witness and relative to the victims

Breaking reports out of Afghanistan.  People are rioting because some Afghans say they caught U.S. led forces burning bodies.  The witnesses say among the bodies there were at least four girls under the age of six being burned!

Kuwaiti media say they bodies are from the early morning shooting that took place on March 11, 2012.  That’s when a U.S. soldier, or soldiers, open fired on an unarmed Afghan family in their home.

One of the witnesses to the burning of the bodies was the father of the girls being burned.

U.S. officials insist it was a lone renegade soldier, but witnesses say there was more than one U.S. soldier doing the shooting: “They were all drunk and shooting all over the place!”-Agha Lala, witness

Another witness said there was no provocation on their part: “No Taliban were here! No gun battle was going on! We don’t know why this foreign soldier came and killed our innocent family members! Either he was drunk or he was enjoying killing civilians!”-witness & relative to the victims

U.S. officials say the shooter is an Army Staff Sergeant from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, assigned to support special unit operations in Afghanistan.  An Associated Press photographer confirmed some of the bodies had been burned.

Government Evil: U.S. soldiers go renegade in Afghanistan shoot into homes, at least 15 women & children killed

“When the Americans are killing civilians intentionally, this is called terror and it is an unforgivable act!-Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan

On March 11, 2012, U.S. soldiers fired randomly into the homes of Afghans!

Local U.S./NATO/ISAF officials claim it was one renegade U.S. soldier, but witnesses say there were several U.S. personnel firing into houses.  Even the U.S. Ambassador indicated there was more than one shooter: “We assure the people of Afghanistan that the individual, or individuals, responsible for this terrible act will be identified and brought to justice.”

At least 16 people were killed, Afghan President Hamid Karzai says most of them were women and children.

“The so called American peacekeepers have once again quenched their thirst with the blood of innocent Afghan civilians…avenge every single death inflicted by the savage murderer invaders.”-“Taliban” statement

World War 3: Afghans attack Bagram again, civilians continue anti-U.S. demonstrations, more foreign fighters captured in Afghanistan

March 10, 2012, “Taliban” claim they’ve launched two rockets against Bagram airfield. As usual the rockets didn’t do much damage.  Bagram is under almost continuous attack from rockets, suicide bombers or other forms of attack.

Hundreds of unarmed Afghans continue to protest the United States.  The latest rally took place in the town of Tagab in Kapisa Province. This comes after a U.S. terror drone attack in the same province earlier in the morning.

March 9, 2012, Afghan officials admitted that U.S. led commandos, from the 9th Commando Kandak, were ambushed by “Taliban”.  It happened on March 6, near Sakharai village, Murghab district.  But this case is a great example of overkill by U.S. led forces.  The commandos were first attacked by only two freedom fighters.  Under the guidance of U.S. troops they called in an air strike, for just two insurgents!

But that only made the locals more angry and six more insurgents showed up! Afghan and U.S. officials say they called in another air strike and killed the six new insurgents.   A second air strike to handle six people?  This makes the Vietnam War look efficient.

On March 8, 2012, U.S./NATO/ISAF officials announced they captured two “Taliban” who were actually from Uzbekistan.  They say both were involved in planning suicide attacks.




World War 3: Sudden increase in U.S. Assassination Terror Drone attacks, more than 50 people killed in past 24 hours, Obama proves he is more a warmonger than Bush Jr

There seems to be a sudden increase in the use of U.S. terror drones (UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle); four attacks in a 24 hour period, killing more than 50 people.

On March 10, 2012, at least four Afghan civilians were reported killed after a U.S. drone strike in Kapisa Province, Afghanistan.

In Yemen, on March 9, 2012, local security forces say a drone strike killed as many as 35 people.   It happened in the south eastern province of al-Bayda.  Then in the early morning of March 10, security forces reported yet another U.S. drone strike in the same area, this time killing at least 10 “militants”.  The people of Yemen have been fighting a Revolution against the U.S. supported government for at least two years now.

In Pakistan, conflicting reports about a drone attack there.  On March 9, 2012, officials said two missiles from a U.S. drone hit a vehicle, killing between eight and 13 militants.  Western reports say the militants would not let anyone get near the bodies, but, regional media said one of the missiles hit a house, killing another seven people.  It happened in South Waziristan Province.

According to Agence France-Presse, there were at least 45 U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan in 2009, 101 in 2010 and 64 in 2011.

Counting the March 9 attack, there have been eight known U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan, since the beginning of 2012.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism says at least 3,000 people have been killed by U.S. terror drones, in Pakistan, in the past eight years.   Under the Bush Jr administration there were 52 drone attacks in Pakistan.  So far, Peace Prize winning Barack Obama has launched more than 360 U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan!!!

World War 3: Afghans kill 6 U.K. troops, Dozens of Afghans detained for ‘suspicion’ of being Taliban, Afghan border police killed

March 7, 2012, British Ministry of Defense officials say six of their troops were killed in Helmand Province.  The Red Coats were patrolling in their vehicle when they were hit by an explosion.

In Kandahar Province, Afghan border police were hit by a suicide bomber: “There was a motorbike bomb blast against border police in Spin Boldak. Four civilians, one of them a woman, were killed and 10 others were injured.”-local police statement

As is usual in suicide attacks against Afghans, no one is claiming responsibility. One reason could be that it is not “Taliban” insurgents who’re carrying out these attacks, because they are usually quick to claim responsibility in other attacks.

Also, Afghan government officials reported a major operation involving U.S./NATO/ISAF forces: “The Afghan National Police, Afghan army and International Coalition Forces launched 11 joint operations in Nangarhar, Kunduz, Kandahar, Helmand, Wardak, Khost, Ghazni, and Logar provinces over the past 24 hours. As a result of these operations, four armed militants were killed and 31 others were arrested.”-Interior Ministry statement

The overwhelming number of people arrested, were detained simply for being “suspected” of being a militant, or being a “facilitator” for militants (something that can now be done here in the U.S. under NDAA 2012).


World War 3: More suicide bombing in Afghanistan. More attacks against NATO. Iran trying to assasinate Afghan leaders? U.S. cancels security meeting.

According to separate reports there were two suicide bombings, March 5, 2012.

One took place in eastern Nangarhar Province, in Jalalabad city.  Local officials say as many as 13 people were killed, including civilians and police.  No group has claimed responsibility.

Then in Parwan Province, a suicide bomber tried to attack the U.S./NATO/ISAF airbase at Bagram.  The bomber targeted a NATO vehicle.  Two civilians were killed. The reports claim the “Taliban” took responsibility, and said it was vengeance for the U.S. burnings of Qur’ans.

It’s been revealed, that last week several Afghans were arrested trying to assassinate several Afghan politicians.  Officials with the National Directorate for Security of Afghanistan, say those arrested are claiming they were hired by the Iranian Republican Guards Corps.

Some Iranian officials point out that the Afghan politicians making the claim are pro-U.S. and are trying to create justifications to keep U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

March 5, Afghan officials say the United States has canceled upcoming security talks. The cancellation comes after Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded the United States/NATO/ISAF stop night time home invasions, and turn over all U.S. controlled prisons to Afghanistan!

Some reports say U.S. officials told Karzai that it was “technically unfeasible” to meet his demands!  (just another way to say ‘beatings will continue until moral improves’)

Over the weekend:  The governor of Kunar Province was attacked. His motorcade was shot at, but no one was hurt. No group is claiming responsibility.

About 30 tons of opium and alcohol were burned by the Afghan Interior Ministry officials in southern Kandahar Province.  200 people were arrested!  Despite claims pushed by U.S. officials (that opium is used to pay for militant operations) tribal elders say poverty is the main motive behind the opium cultivation.

Also, Afghan government forces launched a major military operation that spanned several provenances.  The operations were conducted at Nangarhar, Kandahar, Baghlan and Helmand provinces.  They say dozens of militants were killed, wounded and/or arrested.  At lest five Afghan soldiers were killed.