Category Archives: U.S.

U.S. officials admit they “dumped” Osama bin Laden’s body, more bullsh*t!

“You wouldn’t want to leave him so that his body could become a shrine.”-unnamed official

According to a Reuters report, bin Laden’s dead body was dumped so it would not become a symbol, or inspiration for would-be militants.  This is more bullsh*t!  Muslims do not keep bodies on display!  ALL Muslims are to be buried in the ground, if possible.   Somebody give me an example where a Muslim was dug up and used as symbol of inspiration, or a “shrine”!  That is another violation of Islam!

It’s starting to sound like Obama officials, who are obviously ignorant of the ways of Islam, are scrambling to come up with explanations as to what happened to the body.   This also proves that Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim!

Iraqis say Israeli warplanes seen on U.S. base in Iraq

A source close to prominent Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sader, say they have seen Israeli aircraft on the al-Asad air base in Iraq.

The aircraft have been taking part in night time training exercises.  The unnamed source says the exercises are part of preparations to attack Iran.

This is not the first time that Israeli aircraft have operated in Iraq.  In 2008 Iraqi government officials reported that the U.S. was allowing Israeli planes to land and take off form bases in Iraq.

From the grave: Benazir Bhutto says Osama bin Laden assassinated years ago

“Yes but one of them is a very key figure in security, he is a former military officer … and had dealings with Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden.“-Pakistani Premier Benazir Bhutto, 2007 interview by David Frost

More questions about President Obama’s claims that Osama bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011.

In an old 2007 interview, former U.S. ally, and former Pakistani Premier Benazir Bhutto, said Osama bin Laden was assassinated by a man named Omar Sheikh.  She was explaining that a failed October 2007 assassination attempt on her life could have been carried out by “…Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden.”

She also mentioned that bin Laden’s son could have been behind the attempt on her life.  Bhutto was assassinated in December 2007.

Osama bin Laden buried at sea, why? Official says following Islamic Law. Bullsh*t NO SUCH LAW

John Brennan, homeland security and counter terrorism adviser to President Obama, says Osama bin Laden’s body was hastily buried at sea, after the Sunday special military operation that supposedly killed him.

Why?  Does the United States have a new policy of burying at sea any enemy of the state?  Anyone watching the Sunday night U.S. media frenzy about the supposed killing, should remember how journalists were sure bin Laden’s body would be shown, as other bodies had been shown.

The U.S. government says they were trying to follow Islamic Law, which says a body should be buried at sea within 24 hours of death.  Since when did the U.S. government start following Islamic Law!?  Not only that, but ask any Muslim and there is no such law, someone is full of sh*t!

I checked, and it is against Islamic Law to bury a Muslim at sea!  Muslims must be buried in the ground!

Also, more lies, U.S. media reported that the Pakistani government was involved, but there are reports coming out of Pakistan that say otherwise.  President Obama said in his Sunday night announcement that Pakistan was informed, but a U.S. official counters that saying: “We shared this intelligence on the compound with no other country, including Pakistan.”


WikiLeaks founder says Facebook & Twitter are secret spy tools for governments

“Do not use Facebook and Twitter”-Egyptian revolution manual

WikiLeaks founder has told Russian media that he’s discovered that popular social networking tools are really tools for many governments to collect data on the users.

Julian Assange is talking about Facebook, Twitter, even Yahoo and Google.  He says an Egyptian revolution manual warns people not to use the social networking sites, because in past demonstrations, the demonstrators that used Facebook, or Twitter, were immediately targeted and arrested by government forces.  Assange says social networking sites provide governments with a cheap, almost free way to gather information.

“So Facebook in particular, is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been ever invented.”- Julian Assange, Russia Today interview

Assange points out that governments are not directly involved, but are taking advantage of the fact that people love to post even the most detrimental information about themselves, and others, on the internet.

He also says that the social media sites have “…built in interfaces…” with intelligence agencies.  This came as a result of legal pressure from the U.S. government.  Rather than deal with individual court orders for individual databases, media sites decided it would be easier to give government agencies blanket access.

“Everyone should understand that when they add their friends to Facebook they’re doing free work for United States intelligence agencies in building these databases for them.”-Julian Assange, Russia Today interview

Assange’s interview is on RT web site. It is in two parts, totaling 41 minutes.  His comments about social media sites are at the end of the second part.

Obama ignores pleas for help from Texas Governor, FEMA out of money

“If you hit Houston with a Category 4 or 5 (hurricane), and we’ve only got a couple billion dollars in the rainy day fund, instead of going in and rebuilding and recovering, we’re talking about bankruptcy. That’s the choice that we have here.”- Rick Perry, Governor of Texas

Texas Governor Rick Perry asked President Obama for help, two weeks ago, in fighting the biggest fires in Texas history.  Obama has not responded.

FEMA is still trying to reply to the request for help from Texas.  The problem? No money!  Rachel Racusen, FEMA spokeswoman, says they’ve approved 22 grants to help local firefighting agencies, by there’s no money to fund the grants.

Maybe FEMA would have the money if our government wasn’t so happy with spending it on wars?


U.S. Red Cross investigating where donations for Japan are going

“We are completely committed at the American Red Cross to make sure that they would feel proud about how the money is being spent.”-Gail McGovern, President American Red Cross

McGovern admits that inspecting how U.S. donations are being spent was a key reason for her trip to Japan. The American Red Cross was criticized for its handling of gifts after the 9/11 terror attacks, and Hurricane Katrina.

McGovern claims $100 million of the $187 million collected has been handed over to the Japanese Red Cross.  The donations will help the Japanese Red Cross provide medical care for thousands of people, and relief items like blankets and helped people find missing loved ones.


Chrysler paying back government loans, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul

Chrysler announced that it will pay back the U.S. and Canadian governments (taxpayers), but not because of increased profits.

Chrysler is trying to get money from private lenders, in order to pay back the government loans.  This is a sign that Chrysler doesn’t think it can pay back the taxpayers, based on its sales/profits.

Also, Chrysler is hoping the private loans will be at lower interest rates, than what it’s paying to the governments.  The interest rate for the U.S. loans are between 7%-14%, and the Canadians up to 20%.  Gee looks like they didn’t get a deal, like most corporations.  Is it because Chrysler is owned by a foreign company?

WalMart brings back guns

WalMart is going to sell guns again.  It realized that part of its declining sales is because it stopped selling guns in about 2,000 stores back in 2006.   Here in Idaho WalMart never stopped selling guns.

The move back to selling guns comes after seven straight quarterly losses for WalMart.

Selling guns is good for the U.S. economy, WalMart officials say most of the guns they sell are made in the U.S.


Most “Americans” will NOT watch royal wedding, U.S. media all over it, proof U.S. media controled by British Empire

A CNN poll said 75% of U.S. citizens will not watch the royal wedding.  ABC’s own online poll currently shows (as I write this) 427 are not “excited about the royal wedding”, 185 said yes they were “excited”.

Here in eastern Idaho a local TV station (KIFI, Idaho Falls) did their own local poll, the results: 54% said they will NOT watch the royal wedding, 15% answered “what royal wedding”?

Yet U.S. media is going to spend most of the day covering a foreign event.  In fact CNN, apparently in hopes of getting more favorable results, tried a new poll: still, 62% said “Not at all” interested in the royal wedding.

This is the United States, not the United Kingdom, or any other part of the commonwealth/empire (at least officially).  We are anti-royalty, anti-monarchy, we fought a Revolution against the British (today’s United Kingdom) for that reason (as well as unfair taxation).

Why is the U.S. media so bent on covering a foreign spectacle?  Lets see, Fox News is really owned by commonwealther/imperialist Australian Rupert Murdoch.  He only got U.S. citizenship to placate U.S. laws that said only U.S. citizens could own TV stations.  He became a U.S. citizen one year before he created Fox.  And he’s bought out many other U.S. media venues, including the Wall Street Journal.

Murdoch is in regular communication with the evil British Empire: “…were in regular communication……there is nothing unusual in the prime minister talking to Rupert Murdoch.”-Former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s official spokesman

Is Fox News going to cover the royal wedding? You bet!  When are the loyal viewers of Fox, who think they’re true blue conservative Americans, going to wake up and realize that their precious Fox News is run by a red coat limey Imperialist!

Will ABC (American Broadcasting Company, not to be confused with Australian Broadcasting Corporation), NBC and CBS cover the wedding? Yes!

Our own mainstream media conducts polls that show most Americans don’t care about a so called royal wedding, yet our mainstream media is going to blast us with royal wedding crap. That should tell you who they really work for, and who their true target audience is!