Category Archives: U.S.

Obama’s order to release U.S. oil reserves is BS, 27 other countries to release oil reserves is also BS, blame war on Libya

All indicators are that global demand for oil is going down, despite the oil “experts” continuing to say it’s going up.  The fact that oil and gas prices are going down is proof of the decrease in demand.  One study says oil should be at $70.00, based on actual consumer demand.

Yet President Barack Obama, and 27 other members of the International Energy Agency, are ordering the release of their respective strategic oil reserves.

The official reason the Obama administration gives, is to ease the supply problems with oil from Libya.  First off, the U.S. is a minor user of oil from Libya, secondly the U.S. is partly to blame for the oil supply problems in Libya!

The U.S. uses about 1% of oil produced in Libya, according to a USA Today report.  The U.S. has been supporting rebels who destroyed Chinese run oil fields in Libya, according to the Chinese government.

As I’m writing this U.S. crude oil prices are at $91.00 per barrel.  Why release U.S. oil reserves now, and not back when it was more than $100.00 per barrel?

Here something interesting; the U.S. Department of Energy reports that the strategic oil reserves are at record highs, 727 million barrels to be exact.  Why would that be? Because demand is down?

The IEA (not to be confused with the United Nations IAEA) is made up of 28 oil consuming countries, including the United States.  The decision of the IEA to release 60 million barrels of oil reserves, is to benefit the countries that get most of their oil from Libya, ie Europe.  One report showed that almost all of Italy’s oil comes from Libya.

In other words, Obama’s decision to release U.S. strategic oil reserves is for the benefit of the Europeans, not the United States!

It is also totally because of the U.S. supported European war on Libya, the aggressors (U.S. and Europe) brought it upon themselves.




Idaho Personal Income report misleading, wages & construction down again

Idaho media reporting an increase in “personal income”.  The problem is that “personal income”, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, includes things the average person does not consider “personal income”.

What government officials consider “personal income” includes unemployment benefits, business investments, business profits, farm profits, construction profits and government payments, besides individual wages.

The report for the first quarter of 2011 shows an increase.  But that’s due mainly to business profits, investment returns and farm profits.  When you look at wages for workers, it went down.

Also, income from construction in Idaho also fell, for the 3rd straight quarter.

If your wondering how businesses keep showing a profit, it’s because they’ve been laying workers off, or not hiring when they should!

What Economic Recovery? Bannock County, Idaho, jacks up property taxes on farmers, by 90%

“We’re trying desperately to hold to these farms and we are paying our share. And if we haven’t been paying our share, it’s because assessors haven’t been doing their job.”-Grant Olson, wheat farmer

In a surprise announcement, Bannock County officials said they messed up and failed to properly assess farmland.  They will now hit farmers with a property tax bill that’s at least 90% higher than last year!

Grant Olsen, a farmer in Robin, Idaho, says his tax bill has gone up year after year.  Olsen is highly suspicious of the county’s reasons: “They say the reassessment hasn’t been done for 10 years, and now they have to obey the law. Why haven’t they been obeying the law?”

As a resident in Bannock County I can say that property taxes have gone up yearly, even with the decline in residential property prices.  When I’ve complained to the assessor they’ve blamed increased fees due to the passage of school levees.  That’s part of the problem, but the specific “property” tax has gone up as well.

County officials told the public that they would provide a better explanation of why they have to increase farmland property tax so much.  Bannock County has a reputation for having higher than average property taxes.

What Economic Recovery? Idaho can’t comply with No Child Left Behind, no money

Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Luna says No Child Left Behind (aka Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP) is actually stopping states from improving student’s academic performance: “The law has become a stumbling block to continued improvement in raising student achievement.”

The main reason that AYP is a stumbling block is that states are required to pay for efforts to comply with higher standards set by the Federal program.  Luna officially told the U.S. Department of Education that Idaho will not comply with AYP standards, until it is revised to help states do so.  Idaho, among many other states, does not have the funding to meet AYP standards: “We don’t have the luxury of time and resources to continue on with the federal law that should have been rewritten four years ago.”

The problem is that Idaho’s education system is already lagging behind most of the United States, in performance and funding.  So even if AYP is revised it’s highly unlikely that Idaho can comply.

Despite bad economy 1 in 3 U.S. workers hate their job so much they want to quit, careers offer diminishing returns

“From the employee viewpoint, not only has the deal been redefined, in many cases, the new deal is not being delivered as promised.”-Mercer

In a report from human resource company Mercer, one in three workers in the United States hate their job so much they would rather quit and take their chances being unemployed.

One of my daughters works for a local Home Depot store, and they have employees quitting almost weekly.  And the local job market really sucks.  By the way, she really likes working at the local Home Depot and thinks there are other issues regarding those employees who quit.

But I’ve been amazed at how many people quit their jobs in these bad times, and the times are getting worse.

According to Mercer, the main reason for employees hating their jobs, is actually part of our economic problem; decreasing pay/benefits, cuts in work hours and the realization that their jobs are dead end careers.  When adjusted for inflation, the average U.S. worker is making $400 a year less than in 1988.  Why bust your butt for diminishing returns?


What Economic Recovery? United Nations says government cut backs making things worse

“Austerity measures in response to high government debt in some advanced economies, such as Greece and Spain, are not only threatening public sector employment and social expenditure, but also making the recovery more uncertain and fragile.”-UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

The UN is warning that cuts in government spending will only make the global economy worse.  This comes a week after the International Monetary Fund said the economic crisis was now in the political phase, meaning the private sector had failed.

Interestingly the UN is also blaming the bad economy on global lenders like the IMF.


The U.S. IS a Police State: TSA VIPR Teams could be visiting your home, new war on immigrants

Think the Transportation Security Administration is on the look out for terrorists?  Going by their track record, the TSA is actually working for Immigration, and your home town could be next.

Recently, TSA Administrator John Pistole testified in front of a U.S. Senate committee.  His testimony revealed that the TSA is not conducting searches for terrorists, but instead is helping the Border Patrol, and Immigration & Customs agencies looks for illegal immigrants, under the guise of fighting terrorism.

Not only that, but the searches, carried out by VIPR teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response), are seemingly random and take place anywhere in the country.  As many as 8,000 VIPR searches were conducted last year, and included train stations and public transportation systems that are not involved in international travel.

In one case, at a Georgia train station, the VIPR team set up a false luggage claim area and told Hispanic passengers they had to go through the security screening area to get their luggage.  The VIPR team then had the people pull up their shirts, including the females, and frisked them, including the breasts of the females, right in front of other passengers getting off the train.  VIPR team officials said passengers were told they did not have to be screened, but witnesses said VIPR set up the baggage claim so you had no choice.  On top of that it turns out the baggage was actually in another location.

In San Diego, California, VIPR teams went on a rampage of supposedly random searches of public transportation vehicles, looking for Hispanic teenagers.  Local media reports as many as 20 teenagers, on their way to school, were deported.  Many of those teens’ family live in San Diego, not Mexico.  Several teens immediately came back to San Diego because they have visas.

Sounds like a lot of money is being spent on something with little return for the investment.  But that’s one more issue: TSA boss John Pistole (is that last name fitting for a Police State boss, or what?) was before the Senate because he’s asking for more of your taxpayer money, for more VIPR teams.

Currently there are 25 VIPR teams conducting random searches within the United States.  The TSA wants 12 more teams.  What happened to the TSA’s job of making sure transportation was safe, as in properly maintain vehicles and trained operators?

There are reports that semi-trucks are now being pulled over by VIPR teams, and that you, in your personal car could be pulled over in the future.

Government & Corporate Incompetence: Radioactive Tritium leaking from U.S. nuclear reactors

A year long study of U.S. government documents, by the Associated Press, has revealed that radioactive tritium is leaking into groundwater.

Documents show that at least 48 nuclear plants in the U.S. have, or are, leaking tritium.  Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen.  The report comes from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

At least 37 of those leaks exceeded government safe levels for drinking water.

It’s not just tritium that’s leaking from U.S. nuclear reactors; cesium and strontium are also leaking.

Strontium 90 was found leaking at Indian Point nuke plant north of New york City.

Cesium 137 leaked from Fort Calhoun nuke plant in Nebraska.  By the way, that reactor was just shut down because the Missouri River is flooding it.

There’s much more about the leaks from U.S. nuke plants in the AP report.  Maybe this explains the increase in cancer rates over the past decades?

Like I said before: Everyone living near nuclear reactors in the United States should make plans to get away.

Global Great Depression: IMF warns of global collaspe if Europe goes down the economic toilet

“Given the euro area’s role in the global economy, success in addressing the sovereign debt crisis and raising growth has a significant impact elsewhere.”-IMF report

June 21, a new report by the International Monetary Fund says European economic collapse could bring on a Global Great Depression.

All international finance eyes are focused on what happens with Greece.  There could be a domino effect if Greece defaults.  A check of history will show that a similar situation happened prior to the U.S. Stock Market Crash of 1929, which eventually led to the Great Depression in the U.S.

Here’s a little reminder: Germany was forced to pay the United Kingdom and France (and some other countries) huge reperations after losing the First World War.  The U.K. and France owed the United States big time money for saving their butts during the war.  U.S. corporations were banking on that money from U.K. and France, and actually ran their businesses on debt thinking ‘no problem the French and British will pay up’  (it was called “The Roaring Twenties”).  Well, the victors of the First World War made things so bad for Germany there was no way they could make the reparations payments, so they defaulted.  As a result, the U.K. and France defaulted on their payments to the United States.  As a result, U.S. corporations defaulted leading to the Crash of ’29.

Basically the IMF is saying we are in a similar situation with the current debt crisis in Europe.