Iraq and Syria announced plans to build a pipeline for natural gas, from Iran.
The 2,000 kilometer (1,242 mile) line will end up supplying gas to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.
Iraq and Syria announced plans to build a pipeline for natural gas, from Iran.
The 2,000 kilometer (1,242 mile) line will end up supplying gas to Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.
Chrysler announced that it will pay back the U.S. and Canadian governments (taxpayers), but not because of increased profits.
Chrysler is trying to get money from private lenders, in order to pay back the government loans. This is a sign that Chrysler doesn’t think it can pay back the taxpayers, based on its sales/profits.
Also, Chrysler is hoping the private loans will be at lower interest rates, than what it’s paying to the governments. The interest rate for the U.S. loans are between 7%-14%, and the Canadians up to 20%. Gee looks like they didn’t get a deal, like most corporations. Is it because Chrysler is owned by a foreign company?
A CNN poll said 75% of U.S. citizens will not watch the royal wedding. ABC’s own online poll currently shows (as I write this) 427 are not “excited about the royal wedding”, 185 said yes they were “excited”.
Here in eastern Idaho a local TV station (KIFI, Idaho Falls) did their own local poll, the results: 54% said they will NOT watch the royal wedding, 15% answered “what royal wedding”?
Yet U.S. media is going to spend most of the day covering a foreign event. In fact CNN, apparently in hopes of getting more favorable results, tried a new poll: still, 62% said “Not at all” interested in the royal wedding.
This is the United States, not the United Kingdom, or any other part of the commonwealth/empire (at least officially). We are anti-royalty, anti-monarchy, we fought a Revolution against the British (today’s United Kingdom) for that reason (as well as unfair taxation).
Why is the U.S. media so bent on covering a foreign spectacle? Lets see, Fox News is really owned by commonwealther/imperialist Australian Rupert Murdoch. He only got U.S. citizenship to placate U.S. laws that said only U.S. citizens could own TV stations. He became a U.S. citizen one year before he created Fox. And he’s bought out many other U.S. media venues, including the Wall Street Journal.
Murdoch is in regular communication with the evil British Empire: “…were in regular communication……there is nothing unusual in the prime minister talking to Rupert Murdoch.”-Former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s official spokesman
Is Fox News going to cover the royal wedding? You bet! When are the loyal viewers of Fox, who think they’re true blue conservative Americans, going to wake up and realize that their precious Fox News is run by a red coat limey Imperialist!
Will ABC (American Broadcasting Company, not to be confused with Australian Broadcasting Corporation), NBC and CBS cover the wedding? Yes!
Our own mainstream media conducts polls that show most Americans don’t care about a so called royal wedding, yet our mainstream media is going to blast us with royal wedding crap. That should tell you who they really work for, and who their true target audience is!
Sony is now being sued in the United States, by customers who’re upset that it took Sony more than a week to notify users of the biggest breach of security in Sony’s history.
The FBI’s Cyber Crimes Unit is now investigating. More than 77 million user accounts might have compromised, including credit card data.
U.S. led NATO warplanes bombed Libyan rebels, yet again.
Dr Hasan Malitan, who witnessed the accident, said Wednesday’s air strike hit a building where the rebels were holed up, killing 12 of them. This is at least the third time NATO has bombed the very people they’re supposed to be supporting.
The north eastern areas of Honshu, devastated by the March 11 disasters, will suffer major flooding.
The Land Ministry says the 9.0 earthquake caused a huge portion of the coast off Miyagi Prefecture, to sink. Many parts are now at or below sea level.
The ministry used lasers to check ground height on the Sendai Plain, of Miyagi Prefecture. Before March 11, only 3 square kilometers (1.8 square miles) were below sea level, now 16 square kilometers (9.9 square miles) are below sea level.
Areas known as full tide areas, have increased from 32 square kilometers (19.8 square miles) to 56 square kilometers (34.7 square miles). Areas that could be affected by record high tides (set by 1980 record high tide) increased from 83 square kilometers (51.5 square miles) to 111 square kilometers (68.9 square miles).
Because the typhoon season is here, the Japanese government is asking locals to start sandbagging, now.
The Commodities Market “…is sending us the mother of all price signals. The prices of all important commodities except oil declined for 100 years until 2002, by an average of 70%. From 2002 until now, this entire decline was erased by a bigger price surge than occurred during World War II.”-Jeremy Grantham, GMO LLC
I recently wrote a post that advised people to stop paying attention to stock markets, and start watching commodities markets. Jeremy Grantham’s research shows why.
According to Grantham, commodities prices (oil, gas, food, clothes, metals, etc) have been going up for the last eight years, big time. The Federal Reserve has been downplaying inflation, until recently, but Grantham’s research shows inflation has been with us for a while. He also claims the last eight years has seen the biggest jump in commodities prices since World War 2 (see, wars are not good for the economy, unless you become the world’s arms dealer and can stay out of any actually fighting).
Grantham says the rise of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has also affected commodities, possibly permanently: “I believe that we are in the midst of one of the giant inflection points in economic history. The world is using up its natural resources at an alarming rate, and this has caused a permanent shift in their value.”
Grantham explains why everyone should pay attention to commodities, rather than stocks: “…stock prices and they can be, often are, psychologically flakey. But commodities are made and bought by serious professionals for whom today’s price is life and death.”
Grantham says commodities are truly affected by supply and demand, so, with the booming economies of the BRICS, and the ever growing and expanding War on Terror, all of which increase demand for limited supplies, viola, long term inflation!
“We all need to adjust our behavior to this new environment. It would help if we did it quickly.”-Jeremy Grantham, GMO LLC
The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control is going to use a loophole in the sanctions against Libya, to oversee oil sales by the rebels.
That means the U.S. will be directly involved in all oil deals will the Libyan rebels.
This is on top of the $25 million in aid Obama is sending, and on top of another $45 million Obama already sent. Just remember that Obama, and Congress, wants to cut your taxpayer funded domestic programs, while sending your money to Libya.
“Washington is all for invading Libya and is putting more and more pressure to intervene in Syria because we want to… clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean.”
“Those two countries are just in the way of American hegemony in the Mediterranean and certainly the Americans do not want a powerful Russian fleet stationed there and they certainly don’t want China drawing energy resources.”
“Once Russia and China come to the conclusion that the Americans simply cannot be dealt with in any rational way and are determined to somehow subdue them and do them damage, all kinds of escalations can result. This is the real danger and we’re risking a major war.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, and former editor of the Wall Street Journal
The United Nations Security Council failed to come up with a plan against Syria, in part because Russia is taking a strong pro-Syria stand.
In regards to Libya, Russia abstained from voting, but now thinks that was a mistake, and won’t let it happen in regards to Syria.
Lebanon also sided with Syria. China and India refuse to take part.