Category Archives: International

German economy doing well at the expense of German people

“We don’t even have minimum wage!”-German protester

“Fair wages, decent work and social security is the minimum that workers in this country expect, need and have to fight for again and again.”-Michael Sommer, head of Confederation of German Trade Unions

Germany is one of the few European countries that has a good economy.  It turns out Germany’s good economy is coming at the expense of German workers.

Germans have been protesting, because they are not benefiting from the so called good economy, and now they will be competing against eastern European migrant workers.

For the first time since the creation of the European Union, Germany and Austria will open their borders to eastern European migrant workers.  This has German workers upset, especially since they’ve seen a decline in wages while German corporations enjoy increased profits.

At least 8,000 workers protested in Berlin alone.  According to the Confederation of German Trade Unions, approximately 423,000 people demonstrated across Germany on May Day.


Saudi Arabia annexing Bahrain, build base alongside U.S. naval base, preparation for war with Iran

“There are no Saudi forces, there are GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council: Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates ] forces and they will leave when they are done with any external threat. The external threat is a regional one. The external threat is a complete misunderstanding between the GCC and Iran.”-Sheikh Khaled Ben Ahmed Al Khalifa, Bahrain Foreign Minister

Saudi led forces will stay in Bahrain until further notice.  There is also rumors that they will build a base alongside the U.S. Navy base, military sources report that some of the U.S. Fifth Fleet piers and facilities will be made available to the Saudi navy.  The Bahraini government admitted that Saudi led forces will remain until there is no more “threat” from Iran.  No details were given.

Oppression of the Shia majority in Bahrain is escalating, with reports of Saudi and Bahraini forces going into hospitals and dragging off patients.  Saudi forces have also destroyed dozens of Shia Mosques.  70% of Bahrainis are Shia.  The ruling family of Bahrain are not Shia.

On April 30, President Obama asked King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa of Bahrain   to respect for the universal rights of the people of Bahrain.

Osama bin Laden buried at sea, why? Official says following Islamic Law. Bullsh*t NO SUCH LAW

John Brennan, homeland security and counter terrorism adviser to President Obama, says Osama bin Laden’s body was hastily buried at sea, after the Sunday special military operation that supposedly killed him.

Why?  Does the United States have a new policy of burying at sea any enemy of the state?  Anyone watching the Sunday night U.S. media frenzy about the supposed killing, should remember how journalists were sure bin Laden’s body would be shown, as other bodies had been shown.

The U.S. government says they were trying to follow Islamic Law, which says a body should be buried at sea within 24 hours of death.  Since when did the U.S. government start following Islamic Law!?  Not only that, but ask any Muslim and there is no such law, someone is full of sh*t!

I checked, and it is against Islamic Law to bury a Muslim at sea!  Muslims must be buried in the ground!

Also, more lies, U.S. media reported that the Pakistani government was involved, but there are reports coming out of Pakistan that say otherwise.  President Obama said in his Sunday night announcement that Pakistan was informed, but a U.S. official counters that saying: “We shared this intelligence on the compound with no other country, including Pakistan.”


Japan quake bigger than 9.0

Ocean researchers say the March 11 earthquake off the coast of north east Honshu, believe the quake was more powerful than 9.0.

The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, studied the sea floor at the epicenter of the March 11 quake, using a deep sea research vessel named “Kairei”.  They determined that the sea floor rose 7 meters (23 feet), and moved 50 meters (164 feet).

The scientists say that the earthquake had to be more powerful than 9.0, in order to raise the sea floor 23 feet.


Sign of the times: Fast Five showing in Russia before United States

Fast five had a midnight opening, April 29, in the United States.  But, the Vin Diesel, U.S. franchise success, opened in Russia first.

In fact Vin Diesel told Russian media, on opening night in Moscow, that he “…wanna shoot a movie in Moscow so badly…”, adding that “…when you see Fast Five, you’ll hear Mia and Brian talk about Russia a lot.”

Fast Five opened in more than 10 countries, in the week prior to opening in the U.S., and has become the top money maker in most of those countries.

So what’s the sign of the times? The big money for “Hollywood” movies is not to be found here in the U.S. anymore, no thanks to the bad economy.

Mexicans don’t trust their government, cops or religion

An annual Enadis 2010 survey, released on April 12, reveals Mexicans don’t trust the police or religion.

The survey asked what Mexicans fear most. Number one was violent robbery, followed by violent act by drug gang, and at number three; being a victim of the police or other government enforcement agencies.  Gee, the government is a criminal organization?

The survey also asked Mexicans who they thought were the most intolerant.  The police came in with the most votes, followed by religious organizations.  Wow, the two groups that’re supposed to be protective and supportive of human rights are actually the worst violators of human rights?

I wonder if this War on Drugs has anything to do with it?


World’s largest oil producer, Russia, halts fuel exports, could drive up gas prices

Russia has stopped exporting refined fuel, officially to deal with fuel shortages in Russia.

Russian officials hope the export ban will last  only through May, but after that Russia will increase to costs of exporting their fuel.  In any event, this move by Russia should add to the increasing fuel prices the world is paying.

I can’t help wonder if Russian leaders are taking advantage of a domestic situation to make things worse for the West, in retaliation for what the West is doing in Libya, and what the West is trying to do in Syria.



U.S. Red Cross investigating where donations for Japan are going

“We are completely committed at the American Red Cross to make sure that they would feel proud about how the money is being spent.”-Gail McGovern, President American Red Cross

McGovern admits that inspecting how U.S. donations are being spent was a key reason for her trip to Japan. The American Red Cross was criticized for its handling of gifts after the 9/11 terror attacks, and Hurricane Katrina.

McGovern claims $100 million of the $187 million collected has been handed over to the Japanese Red Cross.  The donations will help the Japanese Red Cross provide medical care for thousands of people, and relief items like blankets and helped people find missing loved ones.