This article was first written in 2017, now updated (at end of article) with list of links to articles/scientific reports about vaccine failures as recently as 2020.
20 OCT 2017 (01:34 UTC-07 Tango 06) 28 Mehr 1396/29 Muharram 1439/01 Geng-Xu (9th month) 4715
“Primary vaccine failure occurs when an organism’s immune system does not produce antibodies when first vaccinated.”–Vaccination, Mechanism of Function, Wikipedia
Recently the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that traditional flu injections have a 37% failure rate (63% effective), and a nearly 100% failure rate for spray vaccines! Keep in mind that there is not a mandatory health tracking/reporting system in the United States. The data the CDC gets is voluntary, based on each state’s own government health department’s policies. During the 2013-14 H1N1 pandemic I discovered that some states, like Oregon, did not track influenza cases. This means the vaccine failure rate could actually be much higher in the U.S., than what has been voluntarily reported!
In the 2013-14 influenza season individuals were reporting that relatives were dying from H1N1 despite getting vaccinated for it: “That’s the kicker of the whole thing. She had the flu shot, we all did!”– Pamela Giusti, sister of 49 years old Massachusetts woman who died in February 2014
(The U.S. CDC and Food & Drug Administration run a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It’s not a way of testing a vaccine before approval for use, it relies on individuals to report health problems after vaccination and most people don’t even know about VAERS.)
Mexico is a much better example of flu-shot-failure because Mexico has a socialized healthcare system (100% government-taxpayer funded) and vaccinations are supposedly mandatory. By February 2014, 20-million Mexicans had been vaccinated for H1N1, and other flus, yet by that same month 390 people had died specifically from H1N1 (a total of 420 people dying), and the number of new infections were in the thousands every week!

Mandatory vaccinations in Mexico fail to prevent thousands of infections and hundreds of deaths every year!
Even as recently as 2016, hundreds of Mexicans still died from influenza despite massive yearly flu vaccination campaigns by the government: “….the influenza season 2016-2017 reported 5,691 confirmed cases and 489 Mexican deaths.”
Fact 1: Influenza viruses are among the fastest evolving viruses on the planet. This means that by the time a vaccine is developed for a specific flu variant it could change enough to render the vaccine useless. During the 2013-14 flu H1N1 pandemic in India, doctor Kutikuppala Surya Rao revealed “…swine flu viruses are undergoing changes at the genome level (ribo-nucleic acid) which is why the available vaccines, that are in use since 2009, will not be effective against the virus.”
Now realize that despite years of vaccinating for H1N1, this year British empire’s (Commonwealth of Nations) India is on track for an H1N1 epidemic. So far this flu season, health officials in Rajasthan state report that 1-out-of-3 flu tests are positive for H1N1. Currently 33.9% of Rajasthan flu infections are H1N1, and 224 people have died!
Back to Mexico. Already this year 60 people have died in Mexico from H1N1, despite the government run vaccination program. Fadela Chaib, with the United Nations World Health Organization (UN-WHO), said “The virus is being described in the United States as a new subtype of A/H1N1. Mexico so far hasn’t said anything about the virus, what type of virus it is.” This means the current vaccine for H1N1 won’t work.
The sparsely populated U.S. state of Montana is already voluntarily reporting that more than 30 people are sick with influenza, 12 hospitalized, unusual for so early in this year’s flu season. Here in Idaho, one person has already died from influenza. The man from the town of Hayden is the first person in the U.S. to die from flu this 2017-18 season. So far no word on which flu variant (strain) the man died of. It should also be noted that the 2016-17 flu season was the deadliest for the rural state of Idaho, 72 people died compared to the yearly average of 23. There is currently a push to get residents to voluntarily get vaccinated, despite the fact that there is plenty of proof out of Australia that this year’s vaccines are no good.
Fact 2: Vaccines are based on the previous flu season’s strains, and are issued based on ‘scientific guesstimation’ on what will be the dominant strains during the new flu season. In Australia, this ‘scientific guesstimation’ is at fault for creating a 156% increase in cases of ‘Horror Flu’. Doctors are reporting the vaccinations are having no effect, even the UN-WHO said this year’s vaccines are “suboptimal”. Despite that fact, taxpayer funded arrogant Aussie health czars are instead blaming the Horror Flu epidemic on unvaccinated children, calling them Super Spreaders!
Fact 3: Doctors can’t cure a viral infection, only your body can do that, the best doctors can do is treat the SYMPTOMS of the infection. Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital reported in 2014 that anti-viral treatments won’t help certain people: “…elevated nasal levels of the cytokines MCP-3 and interferon alpha 2 (IFNa2) and elevated blood levels of interleukin 10 (IL-10) at diagnosis predicted more severe symptoms later. Increased blood levels of IL-10 and MCP-3, as well as interleukin-6, at diagnosis predicted hospitalization later. MCP-3 and IFNa2 promote inflammation. IL-10 suppresses inflammation. Elevated IL-10 levels often signal that the body is trying to shut down the inflammatory response.”–Researchers Discover Immune Signature That Predicts Poor Outcome in Influenza Patients
Despite this scientific fact, ignorant health czars around the world are still telling people to get ‘medication’ at hospitals if they get sick: “…there are several reports of flu going around and one of them is swine flu but it is being treated and if people have these symptoms they should go to health facility to get the necessary medication.”-Mark van der Heever, Western Cape Health Department, British empire’s (Commonwealth of Nations) South Africa
I include this anti-viral fact in with vaccines because many people seem to think vaccines are a form of treatment for viral infections. They are not, they’re an attempt to prevent infection. Recently a woman in the British empire’s United Kingdom wrote an opinion piece in which she ignorantly stated “I realised the safest way to live is to stay out of hospital or avoid intervention if you possibly can…. Vaccinating against a flu you haven’t caught yet seems to be the opposite of this.” Which brings us to the next Fact.
Fact 4: If you’re already sick, even if not with flu but something else, vaccinations don’t work! Having a compromised immune system renders the intent of vaccinations inert. Studies continue to show that if you’re already dealing with something that’s stressing your immune system, your immune system can’t adequately respond to the vaccine. What I find interesting is how shocked pro-vaccine doctors are when these studies come out.
This year doctors at Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital were shocked to learn from their own study that flu vaccines have almost no effect on children fighting cancer.
This also questions the practice of putting multiple vaccines into one shot. There are also efforts to create a single shot where every vaccine (not just flu) is crammed into it. If your immune system can’t handle vaccinations while already fighting off infection, then how can it handle dozens of vaccinations at one time?
Fact 5: Vaccines are fragile, even slight temperature changes during storage can render them useless, or even make them toxic. At the beginning of 2017 there were reports from around the world of people dying after getting vaccinations. Those reports are true, but UN-WHO czars blamed it on improper storage and handling of the vaccines by supposedly trained health workers.
In 2015 the deaths of babies, and hospitalization of 29 people, in mandatory vaccine Chiapas, Mexico, was blamed on improper storage of vaccines. I find it strange that such improper storage of vaccines is happening more and more, so-much-so that many healthcare companies are racing to create ‘foolproof’ storage systems.
Fact 6: Vaccines are made with many ingredients, some of which people are allergic to. Besides being allowed to use trace amounts of toxic metals to make vaccines, most are made with chicken eggs and people allergic to chicken eggs should avoid those vaccines. However, In 2016 the U.S. CDC advised that people with egg allergies can get vaccinated if “…under the supervision of any health care provider who is able to recognize and manage severe allergic conditions.” As a person who clinically died in the 1970s due to an allergic reaction to a medication administered by an incompetent military doctor at the U.S. Embassy hospital in Tehran, Iran, (revived by a competent military doctor who realized what happened) I say to the CDC “Fuck you, I’m not willing to take that chance!”
Allergies bring up another point, many vaccine reactions are being blamed on a person’s genetic disposition. Yes, healthcare czars are now blaming adverse vaccine reactions on your DNA, not on the vaccine! Recently, in the British empire’s United Kingdom, yet another teenaged girl suffered paralysis after getting the HPV vaccine. In fact, HPV vaccine is associated with the onset of as many as 45 medical conditions. However, after a study in Denmark the authoritarian ‘experts’ are now blaming it on undiagnosed pre-existing medical conditions, which takes us back to Fact 3, compromised immune systems.
Fact 7: It takes about two weeks for your body to adequately respond to a vaccine, and some vaccines require more than one application. During the response time you can still get infected, which could explain why so many people report getting sick right after getting the shot, and if you do get sick after getting the shot you just wasted your time, and in many cases here in the United States where most vaccines are not ‘free’ you just wasted your money. There are several vaccines against other diseases that require multiple applications over a specific period of time, screw that up and they won’t work. Then there’s the data (or lack of data) that show some vaccines that were once thought to be good for life, are not: “…..we don’t know how long protection really lasts; we are just guessing. There are no long-term studies proving that vaccines are effective. Independent studies show far less effectiveness than government position papers.“–ModernAlternativeHealth

An unhappy looking U.S. Navy Lieutenant gets a mandatory flu shot at Polaris Point, Guam, 20 OCT 2017
Updated list of links to reports about increased vaccine failures:
South African Pet Magazine’s 2020 article about Reasons for Vaccine Failure in your pets.
Here’s a 2020 update to the growing number of documented measles vaccine failures worldwide: The Glaring Problem Officials Are Ignoring. Part I: Measles Vaccination
Here’s another 2020 update; I revealed that the United Kingdom admitted that a 7-hundred percent increase in mumps infection was caused by the vaccine itself!
2019 update on failure of rabies vaccines (does this explain the increasing numbers of animals becoming rabid?): Rabies vaccine failure in a dog?

Failure rate from 2018-19 U.S. flu season.
2018 report on HPV vaccine failure rates: Failure Rates May Be Higher in Women, Girls With HIV
2017-18 U.S. flu season: AS MANY AS 20% OF CHILDREN WHO DIED HAD FLU SHOT!
Future Medicine, 2017 article: Causes of impaired oral vaccine efficacy in developing countries
2015 report on vaccine failures in chickens: Main challenges in poultry farming