Category Archives: Fukushima

More Fukushima / WIPP Fallout: North American scientists announce ‘It’s here!’ Throwaway workers to finally get tested for radiation! More radiation leaks at WIPP!

25 February 2014 (18:54 UTC-07 Tango 24 February 2014)/24 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/06 Esfand 1392/26 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“The only cesium-134 in the North Pacific is there from Fukushima.”-John Smith, Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

At the yearly American Geophysical Union’s Ocean Sciences Meeting in Hawaii, scientists revealed that cesium-134 and 137, from Fukushima Daiichi, has hit the coastline of British Columbia, Canada.  At this point the levels are still considered safe, but they definitely came from Japan.  The radiation is expected to make its way down the Pacific coast of North America, as far south as Baja California, and then back towards Hawaii.

A study done in 2012 by Kyoto University revealed that some people in Fukushima Prefecture are being exposed to 2.5 millisieverts per year (mSv/y) of radiation.  In Japan the safe level for people not working in the nuclear industry is 1 mSv/y.  Getting a CT scan exposes you to at least 2 mSv/y, if the operator doesn’t screw up and OD you.

Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry is finally going to study the health of 2-thousand throwaway workers who were involved at the beginning of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster back in 2011.  The ministry is looking specifically for thyroid cancer.  To this point no official agency has done such a survey, in fact even the employers of throwaway nuclear power workers are not required to monitor their health, or how much radiation they’ve been exposed to (that’s why they’re called ‘throwaway’ workers).

The number of children in Fukushima Prefecture with thyroid cancer is at 33.  Most Japanese officials blow it off.  However Russian health officials, who monitored the situation after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, pointed out that it took as long as five years before thyroid cancer showed up in the victims of that nuclear disaster.

The latest airborne radiation testing at the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico, shows elevated radiation levels.  Officials with the DoE claim those levels are still below the amount of radiation you get from a properly done chest x-ray.

More Fukushima/Nuke industry Fallout: New record high contaminated 100 tons Fukushima leak caused by sabotage? New Post Disaster Illness! U.S. whistleblowers fired over new Hanford disaster! New radiation leak at WIPP! NASA says women are radiation sponges!

20 February 2014 (01:22 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/01 Esfand 1392/21 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

TEPCo made conflicting statements Wednesday night.  First they reported a 100 metric tons leak of highly contaminated water from a storage tank.  Officials said it leaked from a seam, and was already repaired.  Then later Tokyo Electric Power Company revealed that once again their poorly trained throwaway workers had overfilled a storage tank, the true cause of the leak.  The leak caused by inadequately trained subcontractors resulted in yet another record level of strontium-90 being flooded into the groundwater: At least 230-million becquerels per liter!  9300 becquerels per liter of cesium-137 also leaked.

Then, after further investigations it was discovered that valves on the water tank, that should have been closed, had been opened.  TEPCo also stated that an overflow alarm had gone off, but the cheap throwaway workers who responded to the alarm reported nothing was wrong!  It was six hours later before the massive leak was stopped!  Can you say, sabotage?

Also, TEPCo claims that throwaway workers shorted out one of two thermometers monitoring temp levels in reactor Unit 2, Fukushima Daiichi. Can you say, sabotage?

The Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations is taking upon themselves to start a new radiation monitoring website.  It will publish radiation results from local fish catches.

Fukushima Prefecture is holding off on efforts to build new housing for nuclear refugees who are still living in forced evacuation shelters elsewhere.  Officials put up for bid a 16 unit apartment contract in the city of Aizuwakamatsu, and even though eight contractors expressed interest, none of them bid!  A similar thing happened back in August, when the city of Koriyama asked for bids on a 20 unit complex, twice, and no contractors bid!  This comes as the Japanese Ministry of Health released results of a study on tsunami/nuclear refugees who are still not allowed to return to their homes.  The study found that the stress of being forced to live in evacuation shelters is actually killing people (this syndrome is being called Post Disaster Illness)!  Specifically, the study found that nuclear refugees from Fukushima Prefecture are suffering the most.  More Fukushima residents have died since the March 2011 disasters, than during the initial earthquake/tsunami!  1656 deaths in Fukushima Prefecture are being blamed directly on Post Disaster Illness!

Japanese and U.S. scientists are conducting a study of cows in Fukushima Prefecture.  They want to see if radiation contamination will show up in the cows’ DNA samples.

In a new report, researcher Kyle Cleveland concluded that U.S. personnel involved in Operation Tomodachi were exposed to radiation levels at least 30 times “normal” levels.

A new radiation leak has been detected at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico.  This follows several radiological emergencies at WIPP.  This latest emergency involves an external airborne contamination alarm going off.  The Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center detected trace amounts of plutonium and americium outside the nuke waste facility, for the first time in WIPP’s short history.  Scientists are checking filters on the detectors.

A second whistleblower at the infamous Hanford nuke site, in the U.S. state of Washington, has been fired for revealing new problems.  Government taxsucker, URS Corporation, fired Donna Busche.  She reported a coverup of construction safety issues at the new $12.3-billion Bechtel-URS nuke waste vitrification plant, more than a year ago.

Busche went through all the federal government whistleblower protect hoops, to try and protect her job, but it was for naught.  A politician from Oregon says this proves federal whistleblower protection laws are a joke: “Today’s decision to fire yet another Hanford whistleblower shows that nothing has changed at the Energy Department when it comes to stifling dissent.”-Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator for Oregon

In October 2013, URS fired Walter Tamosaitis.  He was research and technology manager at the new Hanford vitrification plant.  He warned of safety violations concerning the construction of the nuke waste facility back in 2010!

The European Space Agency (ESA) is studying why women are more susceptible to radiation, and what can be done to prevent it.  The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has long known that women accumulate at least double the radiation contamination in outer space, than men.  This is the real reason why a human trip to Mars is not practical.  Now realize that women on Earth are subjected to many medical procedures involving radiation, like cancer detection and treatments, and no wonder cancer rates just keep going up.

Radiation leak in the United States! Real life emergency as alarms sound at WIPP!

16 February 2014 (16:08 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/27 Bahman 1392/17 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“….I believe it’s safe to say we’ve never seen a level like we are seeing. We just don’t know if it’s a real event, but it looks like one.”-Roger Nelson, U.S. Department of Energy

Radiation alarms have been going off at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico, since Friday night!  Most employees have been sent home, sensors indicate alpha and beta contamination in the air!  Local news media reports said employees were seen taking soil samples, but say no contamination found, so far.

The alarms went off as WIPP was being prepped for routine maintenance ops.  High levels of airborne radiation is being detected near WIPP’s Panel 7, Room 7, in the south salt mine.  DoE officials admitted alarms have gone off before, but were always determined to be false alarms.  This time they are concerned because the levels being detected, now, have never been seen before: “I can’t tell you the amount or level but they were elevated and above normal, above background….”-Roger Nelson, DoE

Several days ago a WIPP salt truck caused an evacuation when it caught on fire!  DoE officials say there is no connection to the current radiation leak and the truck fire.


More Fukushima Fallout: Snow storms flood Strontium 90 into groundwater! Uranium prices crashing! Native Americans demand action! Men avoiding contaminated women?

16 February 2014 (15:50 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/27 Bahman 1392/17 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Tokyo Electric Power Company reporting that almost 20 tons of strontium-90 has flooded into the groundwater around the contaminated water storage tank farm near reactor Unit 4!  The cause: Snow storms and the idiotic way they tried to raise the height of the ridiculously short barrier wall around the tank farm.

Japan has been hit with record level snow.  Fukushima Daiich is literally hot with radiation so it all melts.

Last year TEPCo feebly tried to raise the short height of flood barrier walls, around the tank farms, by simply clamping a new section of wall on top of the old one.  The clamps are just sections of steel plate bolted to the walls.  Throwaway workers found at least seven massive leaks coming from the join between the top and bottom walls around the tank farm near reactor Unit 4.  The water contains 23 becquerels per liter of strontium 90.

More big snow storms are forecasted to hit Japan.

It turns out the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster has resulted in crashing uranium prices.  Several uranium mining operations have actually stopped digging for the radioactive rock (Paladin Energy lost $255-million USD in the last half of 2013).  Uranium prices are below $36-per pound.

Former president and CEO of Ontario Hydro International, Thomas Drolet, says the official estimate for the cost of ‘cleaning up’ Fukushima Daiichi is a lie.  He says it will cost at least $120-billion, and taxpayers are going to pay for it!

For weeks now, native Americans (aka First Nations) in Canada have been demanding action by the evil British empire government in Canada.  They want the government to begin official radiological testing of food sources along the Canadian Pacific Coast.

The Korean edition of Maxim men’s magazine is getting Japanese all hot and bothered.  That’s because it has an article claiming to tell men how to find and date women not contaminated by radiation!  Here’s how one Japanese responded: “I’ve gotten tired of looking at these ridiculous stories day after day. I’m begging you, please just ship everyone off to Mars.”

More Fukushima Fallout: First Jamaica, now Bahamas reveal United States secretly monitoring radiation levels in Caribbean!

13 February 2014 (12:55 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/24 Bahman 1392/14 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“The Department of Energy is committed to working with the Bahamas government and the Port Authority to insure that detection equipment is maintained properly and is operating at optimal levels.”-Neda Brown, U.S. Embassy Bahamas

Back in January 2014, I reported that Jamaican Customs officials revealed they had been trained at U.S. taxpayer expense, by the U.S. Department of Energy, to check all imports from Japan for radiation.  Now, Customs officials in the Bahamas are making the same claim!

Last month Bahamian news media asked government officials if they were part of the U.S. sponsored radiation detection program in Jamaica.  Officials stated that the Bahamas Customs Department is not trained to detect radiation.  Now that’s changing, again at U.S. taxpayer expense.

U.S. embassy official, Neda Brown, confirmed that the DoE is now working with the Bahamian government to take part in a “radiation detection program”.


More Fukushima Fallout: Hawaiians fearful! Record levels of Cesium found in new test well! Medical personnel flee! New survey says people don’t trust main stream news reports! IAEA wants to dump more radiation into the Ocean!

13 February 2014 (12:35 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/24 Bahman 1392/14 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

The UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) wants TEPCo to conduct “controlled discharges” of radiation (including tritium) into the Pacific Ocean: “The IAEA team believes it is necessary to find a sustainable solution to the problem of managing contaminated water….”-IAEA International Peer Review Mission On Mid-And-Long-Term Roadmap Towards The Decommissioning Of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units 1-4 (Second Mission)

Tokyo Electric Power Company has revealed that a new groundwater test well is full of record levels of cesium 137 and 134.  The new well was dug near Fukushima Daiichi’s reactor Unit 2.

TEPCo detected 54-thousand becquerels per liter of cesium 137 and 22-thousand Bq per liter of cesium 134 in the groundwater.  They still don’t know where it’s coming from.  This week’s water c-137 samples are 30-thousand times higher than samples taken last week, at a different well.

The announcement came just a couple of days after Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority criticized TEPCo for hiding data on massive amounts of strontium 90 contamination.  The NRA officials said TEPCo detected the record levels of strontium 90 last September, but waited until five days ago to publicize it.  TEPCo had originally claimed they delayed publicizing the record levels of contamination because they believed their detection equipment was faulty.  (and if you’ve read all my Fukushima articles you’ll know they’ve used that excuse before)

A hospital in Fukushima Prefecture is asking for help, as many nurses refused to return to work after the March 2011 nuclear explosions.   Hirono Town Hospital officials held a recruiting event in Tokyo to try an convince nurses there to work in the nuclear disaster area.  Officials said that before the nuke disasters they had 33 nurses.  For awhile after they had only five nurses, but that number is now up to 20 nurses.  They say it’s still not enough for them to take on new patients.  The recruiting efforts include letting prospective nurses serve on ‘tours of duty’ in Hirono Town.  So far 20 nurses have served on the tours of duty, but only six have decided to stay on permanently.

The Fukushima International Association released the results of their study on foreign nationals living in the prefecture.  Most evacuated after the nuclear disasters began, but many have since returned.  However, only 53 out of 100 foreign nationals knew there was a nuclear power plant in the area prior to the explosions!  Prior to the March 2011 disasters 11190 foreign residents were living in the prefecture, as of June 2013 there were 9489 foreigners.  The number one complaint from foreigners was the lack of trustworthy information from the main stream news media, and government.

Fukushima Governor Sato Yuhei is once again pointing out the incompetence of neo-imperialist national government officials.  It turns out that the national government wants to use three towns, which are currently not adversely affected by the nuke disaster, as nuke waste storage sites.  Sato told the national government that the mayors are complaining that by turning them into nuke waste sites it will destroy their efforts to rebuild their towns.  If you think about it, why not store the nuke waste in the areas that are already highly contaminated?

A new $1-billion USD lawsuit has been filed against TEPCo.  It involves at least 79 USN personnel who took part in Operation Tomodachi, as well as a infant born with genetic problems, a U.S. teenager who was living near the disaster reactors when they blew up, and up to 70-thousand additional U.S. citizens!

‘Elected’ officials in the U.S. state of Hawaii say they are getting swamped with phone calls from people demanding proof that the food in Hawaii is not contaminated with radiation from Fukushima Daiichi!

More Fukushima Fallout: Record 5-Million Bq of Strontium 90 dumped into the Ocean! TEPCo admits they’ve dumbed down radiation levels for the past 3 years! More children with thyroid cancer! Desperate scientists to use Algea to soak up radiation? U.S. scientist admits oceans are already nuked!

08 February 2014 (23:11 UTC-07 Tango 07 February 2014)/07 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/19 Bahman 1392/09 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Fukushima Prefectural health officials announced eight more children have thyroid cancer.  The number of confirmed thyroid cases have been steadily rising.  Back in August it was reported that 25 children had thyroid cancer, that number is now up to 33, with another 75 suspected as having cancer!  So far 270-thousand people have been examined.  Surprisingly, the prefectural health officials are not willing to blame the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi slow burn melt down!

Fukushima Governor, Sato Yuhei, has flipped the bird at the national government’s nuke waste disposal plan, saying the Prefecture will handle its own nuclear waste storage.  Sato has repeatedly made statements indicating the national government, and Tokyo Electric, are incompetent.  The governor is meeting with mayors from eight municipalities to come up with their own storage plan.

Tokyo Electric Power Company has revealed that they been dumbing down reported radiation levels for the past three years!  They blame it on “malfunctions of analytical equipment” that they kept using up until October 2013!

The first correction they’ve made is to readings they took from a test well (near reactor Unit 2’s Pacific Ocean water intake), back in July 2013.  Back then TEPCo said there was 900-thousand becquerels per liter of strontium-90.  Now, supposedly using properly working equipment on the water sample they saved from July, that level has jumped to a record 5-million Bq per liter of strontium-90!

TEPCo also admitted that because they knew their equipment was “malfunctioning” they kept secret the results from 140 radiation water samples taken between June and November 2013!

The national government of Japan (Nippon) is now considering establishing an official Fukushima Daiichi public relations office, to “properly” disseminate updates about the ongoing disaster.

Researchers at University of Tsukuba have been studying the use of algae on radiation.  They say microalgae can absorb 90% of cesium.  Yeah, then what do you do with the radioactive algae?

German scientists say radiation levels outside Fukushima Daiichi perimeter exceed safe levels by 700%!  They blame the contaminated water storage tank farms, saying the strontium-90 in the water is reacting with the metal tanks, actually creating X radiation (X-rays) that easily pass through the metal tanks into the air!

By the way, Japan does not require any of the the “throwaway” contracted nuclear industry workers to be tested for contamination on a regular basis.  It also does not require the contractor and subcontractor companies to do their own radiation monitoring.  Recently a group of Japanese scientist visited Chernobyl, to see how the disaster there is being handled.  They admitted to Japanese news media that they were amazed at the high level of health care that is mandatory for Ukrainians working at the disaster site, because Japan does not even come close to that level of concern for its own people!

Russian officials have already estimated that at least two thousand Japanese “throwaway” workers have been exposed to more than 100 millisieverts of radiation: “If they received the total dose in the course of a year, those people definitely were exposed to excessive radiation above the established norm. They are to remain under the doctor’s observation for the rest of their lives. The mere fact that such levels of radiation energy are registered means that inside a person certain processes have already been set off. And it is impossible to predict when and in what form of disease this will show.”-Maksim Shingarkin, Russian natural resources committee

Canada’s National Institute of Public Health of Quebec, and the Department of Public Health Agency of Health and Social Services of the Gaspésie-Îles -de-la-Madeleine, are monitoring radiation levels in 145 public housing units.  Officially they claim it’s to measure radon.

In the U.S. state of California, UC San Diego researchers have been sending ocean water samples to Timothy Jull, a professor of geosciences and physics at the University of Arizona. Jull says “What we’ve seen so far is a slow increase directly after the Fukushima accident. Now we’re looking for a larger reading, which should happen soon……….all part of building a picture of the disposal of this material over time and how long it takes to get over here.”

Jull added that the info will be of use for “future” nuclear accidents!  He also revealed that nuclear power plants around the world have been dumping radioactive iodine into the oceans for decades, and your government officials know about it: “I guess if we continue to dump large amounts of radioactivity into the ocean that’s not a good thing, but in the short term it’s not. People have known this for a long time and are sort of tracking it.”

More Fukushima Fallout: Japanese media ordered to halt negative nuclear power reports! TEPCo dumps nuke waste on private property! U.S. investigation finds U.S. nuke plants lacking!

31 January 2014 (12:34 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/11 Bahman 1392/01 Yi-Chou (1st month) 4712 (Happy New Year!)

Residents of Shiga Prefecture have filed a criminal complaint against TEPCo, for illegally dumping nuclear waste! One of those residents is a former professor of environmental toxicology at Kyoto University.  The dumping was carried out by contractors and subcontractors, who wantonly dumped cesium contaminated lumber into a river and even on private property, between March and April 2013!!!

Officials at Fukushima Daiichi say they will try using apatite filters to try an capture the strontium-90 that’s still pouring into the groundwater.  Apatite is used at the Hanford disaster site in Washington, United States.

Japanese officials say Hanford officials told them the apatite filter absorbs 90% of strontium.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission reported to Congress on the results of their investigation into the U.S. nuke industry.  The investigation was spurred by the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster.  The NRC said U.S. nuclear power plants are lacking emergency plans to deal with long term power outages and need to be upgraded to handle natural disasters!

Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) told a longtime radio host to stop making negative comments about nuclear power.  The radio host is also a economics professor at Tokyo University.

Nakakita Toru quit in protest after being told his reports could influence “voting behavior”!

There are a couple of factors here.  One: NHK has a new pro-government/pro-nuke manager.  To give you an idea of how loopy this guy is, Momii Katsuto recently stated that all waring parties (during the Second World War) employed official government paid prostitutes!  Japan was the only country that did so (calling them Comfort Women), and now he has been forced to apologize for his totally ignorant comment.  But he didn’t exactly apologize, he said his comment was his personal opinion, not the official opinion of NHK.

Two: The Japanese government recently created a state-secrets law.  Critics say it targets the news media.  One poll showed that 61% of Japanese consider the state-secrets law “problematic”.

Tokyo Electric Power Company is reporting a record $7.54-billion USD in profits, just for the months of April through December! However, they admit it’s a result of jacking up electricity rates for customers and the massive taxpayer bailout!

False Flag Martial Law Event: Terrorists to nuke Super Bowl, or is it because Super Bowl is surrounded by aged Fukushima type GE disaster reactors?

30 January 2014 (19:35 UTC-07 Tango 29 January 2013)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“If sometime in the future you have a reason to be looking for something radiological, it’s very necessary to have the original background.”-Joseph Krol, NNSA, explaining why airborne radiation samples were taken around the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey

About one week ago it was revealed that the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and the New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management, used Bell 412 (an evolved version of the old Vietnam era Huey) helicopters to take airborne radiation samples around New York and New Jersey.  The New Jersey State Police revealed that it’s all about this year’s NFL Super Bowl at the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford.

Are our fearless, as well as conniving and even incompetent, leaders expecting a terrorist attack during this year’s Super Bowl, involving radioactive material?

Or maybe it’s the fact that the the Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is surrounded by aged and proven destructive General Electric designed BWRs?

The Boiling Water Reactors are similar to the ones used at the ongoing nuke disaster known as Fukushima Daiichi, in Japan.

In New Jersey, the Oyster Creek nuclear powered electricity generating factory is the oldest nuke plant in the U.S. that is still operating.  Its one reactor is a GE designed BWR.  Oyster Creek is about 75 miles south of the Super Bowl.  (this is the most likely suspect given dominant wind direction)

In New York, there are two GE designed BWRs just north of Oswego.  Unit 1 and Unit 2 are located on the shore of Lake Ontario.

About 20 miles south of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, along the Susquehanna River are Unit 2 and Unit 3 of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.  Both GE designed BWRs.  And then another two BWRs in Salem Township, known as Susquehanna Units 1 and 2.

In Plymouth, Massachusetts, lies the GE designed BWR known as Pilgrim 1.  There’s one in Vermont.

There are dozens of other types of nuclear reactors in the north eastern United States, so take your pick.  And don’t forget to factor in the direction the wind is blowing.  Visit Wind Map to see a live action map of current wind direction and speed across the United States.

It’s just suspicious that federal and state agencies decided to establish background radiation levels around the area of the upcoming 02 February Super Bowl.  Maybe they have inside false flag plans, I mean information about possible terrorist activities, or even a catastrophic Act of God nuke power station failure?

More Fukushima Fallout: TEPCo refuses to pay compensation, now facing government lawsuit!

23 January 2014 (05:08 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/03 Bahman 1392/23 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to first claim it will compensation victims of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, but then refuses!

This time Iwate Prefecture, and several of its cities and even a garbage collection service, have filed the first prefectural government lawsuit against TEPCo.  The lawsuit is asking for only a fraction of what they originally asked TEPCo to pay.

Iwate officials presented TEPCo with a bill for $73-million USD to cover decontamination efforts that are being handled by the prefectural government (that’s right, TEPCo is not actually doing any decontamination).  TEPCo refused, and now the prefecture is suing for a paltry $14-million.

Iwate official, Odashima Tomoya, said it’s obvious TEPCo has no intention of taking responsibility for its disaster.