Category Archives: Fukushima

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: Nuke worked buried alive! More nuke workers contaminated at WIPP! Mexico upset!

28 March 2014 (15:18 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1435/08 Farvardin 1393/28 Ding-Mao 4712

In Japan, a throwaway worker at Fukushima Daiichi was buried alive while rebuilding a warehouse just to the north of reactor Unit 1.  They were trying to shore up the foundation, the worker was down in a hole when a wall of fresh concrete and mud buried him.  He died at the hospital.

A new documentary shows how prized horses were left to starve to death because of the Fukushima Daiichi melt downs.  The owner of the horses was able to return and save some, but at least seven of the horses, used in a thousand years old ceremony, died of starvation.  It’s called The Horses of Fukushima.

Another electric power company is suing Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo).  The other company just happens to have the same initials as TEPCo, but its name is Tohoku Electric Power Company.  Tohoku Power officials say TEPCo owes them at least $1.67 million USD for Tohoku Power’s forced evacuation of the Fukushima radiation zone.  TEPCo officials replied to Tohoku Power’s claim by stating “We will deal appropriately with the demands.”    

So far, TEPCo has been reneging on compensation payments to individual victims.

In New Mexico, U.S.A., four more nuclear workers at the nuke weapons waste storage site, known as WIPP, are contaminated.  That brings the number of officially contaminated workers to 21.

Two New Mexican senators, Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, demanded an explanation from the Department of Energy (DoE) why required safety inspections were not performed: “The health and safety of the workers at WIPP and the surrounding community are our top priorities and it is extremely concerning to learn that a fire in the mining portion of WIPP was a preventable circumstance.”

Four safety inspections per year are required at WIPP, but an investigation revealed that only two inspections were done during a three year period!

After early reports said inspection teams were heading down WIPP, turns out an inspection team of eight people will actually enter the deep mines next week.

Supposedly, two weeks from now, the U.S. EPA will deploy mobile rad monitoring units at WIPP.   The idea is to provide airborne radiation monitoring since it’s become obvious that people can’t trust the DoE’s own monitoring.

In the city of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, officials are expressing concern over the ongoing WIPP problems.  Mexican news media says Juárez is within the nuke evacuation zone of WIPP.  Officials from the U.S. DoE and EPA are going to visit Mexican cities to convince them they are in no danger.

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: More throwaway workers contaminated, and more lies about it from TEPCo! Special teams finally enter WIPP! Investigator says WIPP operators incompetent! New Zealand hit with radiation?

27 March 2014 (11:56 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry says Tokyo Electric Power Company deliberately hid that 142 throwaway workers suffered internal radiation exposure immediately after the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster began.

The 142 victims were exposed to at least 5.86 millisieverts of radiation.  One worker suffered 180.10 mSv!  The government limit, for nuke industry workers, is 100 mSv over a five year period!  To make things even worse for the poor guy, TEPCo forced him to continue working even after the massive dose of radiation!

Once again, TEPCo says they made a mistake; they read the exposure readings wrong!  They’ve used that excused continually ever since the disaster bagean!  It also turns out that many employees never got the required iodide pills, that TEPCo first claimed were handed out.

Because TEPCo has continually said they’ve misread radiation measuring instruments, Japan’s Atomic Energy Agency and National Institute of Radiological Science decided to investigate all the radiation data TEPCo submitted since the disaster began.  Their conclusions will (supposedly) be announced in April.

Now for more news of newly discovered gross incompetence at the Fukushima Daiichi: 15-hundred water control valves are flowing water that nobody knows from what, where or if the water is contaminated!

The valves are important to regulating which pipes or equipment are connected to pumps and contaminated water storage tanks. It was just revealed that throwaway workers have no idea what the 15-hundred valves are connected to!  TEPCo officials admitted that they decided to start labeling the valves in Autumn 2013, in order to “…lower the risk of erroneous operations.”  It took them three years to realize that?!

Scientists with New Zealand’s University of Auckland are monitoring muttonbirds (a shearwater sea bird) for exposure to radiation.   Muttonbirds migrate to Japan, then return to New Zealand.  They are part of the food chain in Kiwiland, and scientists are concerned they could spread radiation, specifically cesium 134.  The scientists say the cesium will show up in the bird’s feathers: “…..detection of gamma rays would tell us whether the birds spend sufficient time near Fukushima to accumulate cesium-134 from nuclear fission. Obviously the issue would then become whether that radioactivity is being absorbed into local ecosystems or the food chain.”-David Krofcheck

In Carslbad, New Mexico, special Department of Energy/Environmental Protection Agency teams have finally entered the shutdown U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

The team must descend 609 meters (2-thousand feet) to begin their radiological testing.  At least 17 WIPP workers were contaminated.

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) reported to the U.S. Senate that safe operations at WIPP are questionable, saying reactions to the fire and radiation releases “…were not performed with the rigor necessary for a hazard category 2 defense nuclear facility. Both the federal and contractor workforce proved unprepared for emergency response.”

The DNFSB told senators they issued four warnings about operations at WIPP, since 2010.  The investigators also blasted the timing of the public alarms: “Shelter in place instructions were not given until 10 hours after the first indication of a problem, and over four hours after a release had been confirmed by local readings. As a result, the internal contamination level of workers, although minor, was nevertheless greater than necessary.”

More Fukushima Nuke Industry Fallout: Radioactive snow hits Nevada & Utah! ALPS fails again! TEPCo admits defeat, GE to lead decommissioning group! High School student detects radiation in Canadian grocery store sea food! California homes radioactive?

25 March 2014 (00:58 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Jumada l-Ula 1435/05 Farvardin 1393/25 Ding-Mao 4712

Only six hours after re-starting the failed experimental Advanced Liquid Processing System it was shut down, again.  Tokyo Electric Power Company says yet another leak was discovered coming from a storage tank.

To add insult to the injured intelligence of the victims of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, a new decommission group will be formed.  Essentially TEPCo admits it can’t handle the job.

The new decommissioning group will be formed of nuclear industry corporations like Hitachi-GE (General Electric), TEPCo, Toshiba and Mitsubishi.  TEPCo says the soonest they can start removing nuclear fuel from the damaged reactors is in 2020!

A Fukushima Prefecture fisherman’s association has agreed to TEPCo’s plan to divert groundwater around the melting down nuke plant.  It’s hoped the diverted groundwater will enter the ocean without becoming contaminated.  As I’ve written before, groundwater is testing positive for contamination even before it hits Fukushima Daiichi, because of ongoing radioactive fallout in rain and snow.

In the U.S. state of California, the USN is investigating claims by residents of Treasure Island that their homes are contaminated with radiation.  This is because, in the past few years, once secret USN radioactive waste dumps have been discovered near the homes.

At first the U.S. Navy denied it, but is investigating “due to a recent radiological finding beneath an empty housing unit”.

“….Reno, may have a radiation snow problem. For the past three years, according to EPA’s Radnet system that uses to build the charts, it shows that each year in December or January, the radiation increases to the highest level for that year. Three times in three years, the snow is radioactive.”-Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center responding to question from Fact Checker.

NETC reports, for the past three years, Reno, Nevada and Saint George, Utah, have been hit with radioactive snowfall.  This is based on the U.S. EPA’s own radnet sites near those cities, which spike whenever it snows.

In Alberta, Canada, a 10th grade High School student did what the British empire government refuses; she began testing grocery store sea food for contamination.

Bronwyn Delacruz actually won a science award for her project.  She detected not only contaminated food, but discovered that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency deliberately stopped testing food for radiation in 2012!  That’s interesting, because the CFIA actually posted in February 2014 that they tested 200 food items and declared them safe!

Delacruz used a $600 CAD geiger counter and discovered “Some of the kelp that I found was higher than what the International Atomic Energy Agency sets as radioactive contamination, which is 1,450 counts over a 10 minute period. Some of my samples came up as 1,700 or 1,800.”

More Fukushima Fallout: Fears of Sumerian ‘Evil Wind’ in Fukushima! Japan admits it has weapons grade uranium!

23 March 2014 (20:57 UTC-07 Tango 22 March 2014)/21 Jumada l-Ula 1435/03 Farvardin 1393/23 Ding-Mao 4712

The neo-imperialist government of Japan is notifying the Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands that Japan is shipping highly-enriched weapons grade uranium and plutonium to the Obama regime, supposedly for disposal.  Officials admitted they bought the weapons grade material from the United States (in violation of Japan’s own constitution), during the Cold War, for “research purposes”.

Japan also revealed that it has been storing the weapons-grade highly-enriched uranium and plutonium at the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency’s fast critical assembly in Ibaraki Prefecture.  Both Prime Minister Abe and President Obama are expected to make a joint statement at next week’s 3rd Nuclear Security Summit.

In Fukushima Prefecture, fears of Sumerian Evil Wind if drought dries up reservoirs.  That’s because national, prefectural and local government rad tests of reservoirs show massive build up of radiation in the mud under the water.

Between June and December 2013, half of the prefecture’s 1,940 dams and reservoirs were found to have radiation levels far exceeding national government safe limit.  In the soil of a reservoir just 58 kilometers (36 miles) away from Fukushima Daiichi, 370-thousand becquerels per kilogram of contamination was found.  That’s 46 times the safe limit!

Despite this, the water is still being used for rice farming!  Locals are fearful if drought dries up the reservoirs: “When there is no water in the reservoir the radiation contaminated soil will be blown as dust toward nearby towns.  It will become a terrible health problem.”-Ishii Kiyoshi, local residents association

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: Tactical nuke threatens Texas? “God made” rad leak in New Mexico city? Fire threatens New Mexico & Chernobyl! Radiation spikes in areas previously “decontaminated” in Japan! False Flag scare in New York?

21 March 2014 (10:25 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada l-Ula 1435/01 Farvardin 1393/21 Ding-Mao 4712

There is a mystery cloud of radiation traveling across New Mexico.  It was spotted by weather radar.  Reports in the British empire news media say the U.S. National Weather Service in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, have confirmed it.

On 18 March local New Mexican news sources reported a huge increase in airborne radiation in the city of Carlsbad.  The city is located near the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Six of seven air sampling rad monitoring stations indicated higher rad levels than in February.  Department of Energy officials say the levels are of no concern, and they swear the radiation in the city is not coming from the damaged WIPP.  It’s being blamed on “god made stuff”.

Four more WIPP workers found contaminated with radiation, so far 17 employees have been contaminated.

On 11 March, the Associated Press reported a second rad leak at WIPP.   Detectors at the WIPP site picked up airborne radiation that engineers believe is coming from WIPP’s exhaust ducts.  They admitted that “occasional” low level radiation leaks are actually expected at WIPP.

There are unconfirmed rumors circulating that WIPP radiation has reached West Texas.  Those rumors are getting help by the fact that the first emergency preparedness 10 kiloton nuke explosion exercise in the U.S. just took place in El Paso.

Speaking of Texas: Despite repeatedly stating that the WIPP nuke leaks are of no danger, the U.S. Department of Energy is re-directing nuclear weapons waste from Los Alamos, New Mexico, to Andrews, Texas.   WIPP does not store nuclear waste from non-weapons programs, just the waste from the manufacture of military nukes.  The recent supposedly non-threatening radiation leaks from WIPP has resulted in a halt to further weapons waste storage in that location.

What has also been revealed is that there is a rush to get rid of the nuke weapons grade waste at Los Alamos: “Removing waste from the mesa in Los Alamos before fire season is critical to ensure safety in the greater Los Alamos community.  The state’s June 2014 deadline was firm and nonnegotiable, as I made clear in repeated conversations with Energy Secretary Moniz since the February 14 accident at WIPP.”-Tom Udal, Senator from New Mexico

Speaking of wildfire: A new study shows Chernobyl, Ukraine, is under massive fire threat because of the radiation contamination since 1986!  It turns out that long term low level radiation exposure increases plant growth and reduces the decomposition of dead plants.

Recently scientist realized they were walking on dead trees, killed by the initial blast back in 1986, and they were not decomposing!  They’ve theorized that the radiation has killed off the microbes responsible for decomposition.  The result is that the Red Forrest surrounding Chernobyl is now a giant fire trap.

In Mattituck, New York, rumors of a radiation spike caused a stir.  The rumors were blamed on privately funded  Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center, which denied they issued such a statement.  If you check their rad map of the U.S. you’ll see there is no indication of a radiation spike in that area.  However, the main streamer news media blames them because the Turner Radio Network cited the NETC in its detailed report about the spike.  Even though NETC denied they issued the alert, the U.S. EPA revealed how pig headed it is by giving the following reason for not believing the report: “It is not a government source.”

But wait, the plot thickens.  It turns out that the ‘owner’ of Turner Radio Network (Hal Turner) under court order “divested himself of ownership and control” of the radio station’s website in 2010!  So who’s running the website that wrote the story?

In Japan it’s been revealed that villagers and city dwellers living near the melting down Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant are reporting that their own radiation tests show that so called “decontaminated” areas are spiking with radiation!   Japan’s Ministry of the Environment has poo-pooed the people’s claims, but has agreed to do their own radiation monitoring  and if they find similar results they will consider a second decontamination.

The highly fragile experimental water filtration system at Fukushima Daiichi has failed again.  This time the system turned itself off.  This is because radiation filters were failing to filter out isotopes.  It seems the Advanced Liquid Processing System hasn’t been able to operate for one or two months without being shut down, mainly for leaks.  Inspections conducted after this latest shutdown revealed more leaks.  ALPS is now indefinitely shutdown  as Tokyo Electric Power Company tries to figure out why the filters stopped working, and why the system continues to suffer major leaks.

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has criticized TEPCo officials for not focusing on the crisis at Fukushima Daiichi, they even accused TEPCo of being more concerned about money than about stopping the ongoing disaster.  TEPCo officials told Japanese news media, after the scolding, that they are not focused on money, but did admit they’ve been slow to react to the situation.

“The damage caused by radiation is twofold:  direct damage leading to illness, death or reduced life expectancy, and genetic effects.”-Henry Kissinger, 1957, Bildeberger, zionist and former U.S. Secretary of State


More Fukushima Fallout: Final report says operators of nuclear power plants are incompetent! Says data reveals False Flag evidence at Fukushima Daiichi!

09 March 2014 (07:36 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada l-Ula 1435/18 Esfand 1392/09 Ding-Mao 4712

“Across the board, the commission found ignorance and arrogance unforgivable for anyone or any organization that deals with nuclear power. We found a disregard for global trends and a disregard for public safety.”-Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

Not only did the independent committee blame the operators of nuclear power generators for not taking serious the risks of nuclear power, but they also blamed Japan’s Atomic Energy Society.  They said the Society is ignorant of the safety and risk factors with the operations of nuclear power plants!  The committee said Japan’s nuclear power ‘experts’ “locked themselves in their narrow field of expertise”.

“We think safety functions were not particularly affected by the earthquake….the direct cause of the accident was insufficient measures to deal with tsunami, severe accidents and emergencies…”-Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

The independent committee said their review of data from Tokyo Electric Power Company, and other available data plus their own computer simulations, brought up many False Flag questions, such as: The official claim that loss of cooling fluid took place at Fukushima Daiichi reactor Unit 1 is false, and the official explanation blaming the tsunami on external power loss, resulting in cooling system shutdowns for several reactors is wrong.  The earthquake and tsunami should not have caused power loss at Fukushima Daiichi!

Funabashi Yoichi, who led a separate privately funded independent investigation, blames Japan’s revolving door government, and jealous government agencies, for idiotic policies and lack of action: “The government is keenly aware of the nuclear security problems, but there is no leadership to do something about that. The policy agencies do not want to see any sizable new enforcement body emerge at the expense of their vested interests…….you rotate so often, there is no accountability and people are usually not willing to take risks. Your first instinct is just to procrastinate on making decision on tough issues……In a nutshell, we have not solved anything in the past three years…..”

More Fukushima / Nuke Industry Fallout: Sensors fail at Daini! Don’t eat the Flounder! Jamaica finds radioactive bus! Special team to invesitgate WIPP! More reason for Scotland to breakaway from England! The Devil is in the details; increased rates of cancer in California!

07 March 2014 (03:20 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada l-Ula 1435/16 Esfand 1392/07 Ding-Mao 4712

In the Caribbean, Jamaican Customs officials revealed they have impounded two buses shipped from Japan that are radioactive!  The buses were impounded in January, after U.S. DoE taxpayer funded Jamaican radiation teams inspected a shipment from Japan.

Jamaican officials have been arguing with Japanese embassy officials.  They want Japan to take the buses back.  I’ve written before about the pseudo-secret U.S. taxpayer funded radiation detection program in Jamaica and Bahamas. 

The national reactor temp monitoring system, used by Japans’  Nuclear Regulation Authority (Emergency Response Support System, ERSS) lost contact with two reactors at Fukushma Daini.

Daini is aka Fukushima plant number 2, just a few miles south of Daiichi (plant number 1).  The ERSS temperature monitors for reactor Units 2 and 3 went blank.  The NRA is asking TEPCo to investigate.  The same thing happened just before the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns of 2011.  At last check Daini reactor Units 2 & 3 were showing 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), even though they are shutdown.

Nicholas Fisher, of the Stony Brook University, said at this point most fish in the Pacific Ocean are safe to eat, however, stay away from bottom feeders, like flounder: “Those levels [radiation] are very high and in some cases clearly exceed safety limits.  I would certainly avoid eating those fish.”PBS Newshour report

The ongoing fishing ban is having a positive effect on the fish off the coastline near the Fukushima Daiichi nuke site: “The number of fish is increasing fast……and they’re getting bigger!”-Sato Kimio, fishing boat Captain, PBS Newshour report

Ass hole government prosecuting attorneys dropped all charges against Tokyo Electric Power Company, for the ongoing nuke disaster at Fukushima Daiichi!  For some reason the prosecutors suddenly decided TEPCo was not at fault for the nuclear disaster, and that has many people pissed: “Absolutely no-one is taking responsibility for this huge accident and when all these people are suffering. The [government sponsored] investigation clearly stated this was an accident created by humans, not a natural disaster….”-Aileen Mioko-Smith, Green Action Japan

“The MoD [Ministry of Defence] knew how politically damaging this would be for the UK Government. This smells of a cover-up. There are now serious questions to answer. We can only wonder what other nuclear secrets the UK Government is keeping from the people of Scotland.”-Angus Robertson, Scottish National Party

In United Kingdom,  the Scottish Environment Protection Agency is outraged that English officials kept secret a radiation leak for two years!  It happened in 2012 near Dounreay, Scotland, during a test of a Vulcan nuclear reactor, the same type of reactor used on UK’s Vanguard and Astute class submarines.  Scottish officials were only told of the radiation leak on 06 March 2014!

I also found a BBC report from October 2011 stating there was a “minor” leak at the Dounreay nuclear power generating plant.

In Carlsbad, New Mexico, residents are pissed off about the lack of info from the DoE about U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant incident.  At the townhall meeting their main concern was about WIPP being shut down and jobs lost.  A series of “incidents” began on 05 February 2014, and WIPP is still closed as a result.  Department of Energy officials announced during the townhall meeting that a “specially trained team” will enter the WIPP site next week, to determine contamination levels inside.

In California, the World Business Academy revealed that people living near the Diablo Canyon nuke plant (in San Luis Obispo County) are suffering much higher than ‘normal’ cancer rates: “The data contained in this report support a remarkable predisposition of persons living within a 15 mile radius of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant to have a significantly increased incidence of various cancers, including thyroid, breast and melanoma. Exposure to radiation is well known to result in an increased risk of developing cancer.”-Stephen W. Hosea, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital

In Kansas, a woman who did not have cancer was put through 15 treatments of radiation therapy in 2010.   It was all over a red spot on one of her eyelids.  After the treatment she got a second opinion from a doctor who said the red spot was not cancer, and she should never have been irradiated.

In court Michael Grossbard, a medical oncologist and chief of hematology-oncology at Mount Sinai hospitals in New York, testified that even if the red spot on her eye was cancer it had only a “30% chance that could have disseminated throughout the body and led to an early death and been incurable.” without radiation treatment which is about the same as the chances with radiation treatment.

More and more studies are coming out saying medical radiation treatments (cemo, x-ray, MRI, CT) are dangerous and have no effect on reducing cancer (in some cases they make the cancer worse).

More Fukushima / Nuke Industry Fallout: IAEA preps for global spread of radiation! More contaminated fish! Radioactive dirt dumped in California? USN knew personnel were being irradiated!

28 February 2014 (00:11 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/09 Esfand 1392/29 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture report they’ve caught scorpion fish that are contaminated with as much as 110 becquerels per kilogram of radiation.  That’s much higher than the original government safe limit, which was actually raised to 100 Bq per kilogram after the Fukushima Daiichi nuke disasters.  However, the Fukushima fishing association is maintaining their own standard of 50 Bq limit.  The fishing association says they are down to about 32 specie of fish that are so far within their 50 Bq radiation limit.

A report in The Asia Pacific Journal says the U.S. Navy knew the USS Ronald Reagan carrier group was being hit by high levels of radiation, during Operation Tomodachi.  This is based on recorded U.S. government phone conversations: “…The ship was adhering to that requirement and detected some activity about two and a half times above normal airborne activity using on-board sensors on the aircraft carriers. So that indicated that they had found the plume and it was probably more significant than what we had originally thought. The second thing that has happened is we have had some helicopters conducting operations from the aircraft carrier and one of the helicopters came back from having stopped on board the Japanese command ship in the area, and people who had been on — were on the helicopter who had walked on the deck of the ship, were monitored and had elevated counts on their feet, 2500 counts per minute. But I wanted to get you guys on the line and my expert on the line so we can get the data and then the proper people notified.”-Admiral Kirkland Donald

Notice that what Admiral Donald was saying , not only he is concerned for U.S. military personnel, but he’s indicating that the Japanese navy ships and personnel were already highly irradiated!

The discussion pointed out that after ten hours of exposure USN and USMC personnel would be dealing with a “thyroid dose issue”.   Radiation detectors on the USS Ronald Reagan itself showed levels at 30 times ‘normal’ background.

In San Francisco, California, workers removing contaminated dirt from the old Hunters Point Navy Shipyard report that nobody is conducting required radiation checks, before the dirt is hauled off to a garbage dump.  Kevin Jackson, a truck driver whose been hauling the contaminated dirt to land fills for the past three years, testified at a community meeting: “They would dig it up and load the trucks and take it out. It’s not being tested for RAD.”

Officials from the U.S. Navy told residents that they do not believe all the dirt is contaminated, hence the lack of testing.  However, local news media say that in 2012 the USN stated that all the dirt will be tested.  The scandal was revealed by an unnamed whistleblower who told California officials that no radiological soil assessment has been or is being performed”, period!

I’ve reported on the pseudo-secret U.S. Department of Energy taxpayer funded radiation detection program in Jamaica and Bahamas.   Now the Bahamian Ministry of Health has revealed they’ve spent more than $80-thousand USD (probably money from the U.S. DoE) to join the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

It was also revealed that this month the IAEA held meetings with Bahamas’ Department of Customs, Environmental Health Services, the Port Authority as well as the Ministries of Health and National Security.  Apparently there is growing concern about irradiated products coming from Japan, or other countries: “Imported products that are at greatest risk from elevated levels of radiation emission will be identified and items found emitting radiation will be returned to the primary source where the imported product originated.”-Perry Gomez, Health Minister of Bahamas



More Fukushima / WIPP Fallout: People in New Mexico contaminated! Japan admits to storing weapons grade plutonium? Water filtration stopped again! More proof medical radiation is bad for you!

27 February 2014 (02:42 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/08 Esfand 1392/28 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

The neo-imperialist government of Japan has agreed to hand over plutonium to the Obama regime.  Officials admitted they bought the plutonium from the United States, during the Cold War, for “research purposes”.

Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that once again filtration of radioactive water was stopped.  This time it was an automatic shutdown after alarms sounded.  TEPCo is now investigating to find out why the system automatically shutdown.

TEPCo’s Managing Executive Officer, Anegawa Takafumi, has admitted that continued problems within the corporation, relating to the handling of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, are due to a “corporate culture”.   Anegawa told government officials that it would take time to change the pervasive and irresponsible corporate culture.

Researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Maine, United States, are asking Canadians in British Columbia to step up where the Canadian government is failing.  Woods Hole is asking Canadians to take part in the same independent and individually funded program that people in California, Oregon and Washington are taking part in:

13 employees at the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico, were notified that they are contaminated with radiation.   The notice came from the Department of Energy, and was the result of testing of samples taken off the employees.   The workers were exposed during the 14 February “radiological event”.

In PortMiami, Florida, part of the cruise ship terminal was evacuated after an old school compass set off radiation detectors.  The compass was made in the 1950s, and has a luminescent dial made with radioactive materials (which is very common even in old watches and old glow in the dark model kits and toys).

Uganda’s Atomic Energy Council is warning against the overuse of medical testing and treatments that are radioactive.  It turns out that many medical clinics in Uganda are not licensed to use such things, but are.

There has been increasing studies showing that medical radiation testing and treatment is actually causing harm.  The latest study says children with brain tumors don’t live long if treated with radiation: The first comprehensive, large-scale cohort study of the long-term survival of children treated for low-grade gliomas, the most common pediatric brain tumor, finds that almost 90% are alive 20 years later and that few die from the tumor as adults. However, children who received radiation as part of their treatment had significantly lower long-term survival rates than children who were not radiated.”

More Fukushima Fallout: More sabotage as cooling system fails?

25 February 2014 (00:00 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/06 Esfand 1392/26 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Tokyo Electric Power Company is investigating why cooling fans on the reactor Unit 4 spent fuel pool stopped working.

Alarms sounded, and work to remove fuel rods was stopped.

A secondary power source for the cooling system is being turned on.  TEPCo suspects the power cable for the primary power source was cut by throwaway workers while they did excavation work on a road.