18APR2018 /23:04 UTC-07 Tango 06 (30 Farvardin 1397/03 Sha’ban 1439/04 Bing-Chen 4716)
“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Idaho gov’na Butch Otter says goodbye to personnel of the 1/168 General Support Aviation Battalion, 19APR2018
Just over 30 personnel of Idaho Army National Guard’s 1st of the 168th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB) deploying to Afghanistan. They’ll be joining about a dozen other Idaho militia members that have already deployed. It’s the eighth deployment for the 1/168 GSAB. (STOP YOUR BITCHIN’: IDAHO WOMAN COMMANDS 1ST FEMALE COMBAT TEAM!)
Almost 3-hundred personnel from North Carolina National Guard’s 1-130th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion and Detachment 1-B Company-638th Aviation Support Battalion deploying to train the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. This crusade has been going on for so long that for some it’s now a family affair: “I’m going with my son, so it will be a unique experience, probably my last big hoo-rah probably. What better way to graduate from the Guard than a deployment with your son.”-Command Sergeant Major J.P. Cole
To prove this a religious war the deployment ceremony was held in the Hope Community Church.