Tag Archives: wall street

It’s official, Albertsons killed Haggen! Investment corp can’t locate 25% of its assets! 2,000+ railroad jobs gone! Yet again, taxpayers pay for shutdowns! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 09 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

RestarauntNews.com has decided to charge for what Blind Bat News has been doing for free for the past few years; issue reports on how many restaurants have shutdown!

A Moneyball Economics article explains that mass layoffs continue because inventories are still too high, which means people are not spending what little money they have, which means the economy has not recovered.

Alabama: In Albertville, after 43 years the Plasticraft factory finally shutdown and will be auctioned off next week. At one time the plastics factory employed 150 people!

California: Newport Beach based Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) warned of mass layoffs after an inventory count revealed they are missing 25% of their assets, and they’re experiencing a mass exodus of investors!  Huntington Beach based (but co-owned by British empire’s Australia) surf clothier Quicksilver about to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy.  At least 80 people in California losing their jobs. The company is now in the evil hands of Oaktree Capital Management.   In Chula Vista, after almost five decades the Fun4All mini-amusement park shutdown.  The property was sold to a storage unit company.

Florida: Yet another Sunshine State restaurant shutdown for health code violations, this time the Seffner Cracker Barrel was shutdown after inspectors found raw cow meat stored over cheese sauce and at least 50 roaches.  Those are just two of the 37 violations discovered.

Illinois: Southern Illinois University (SIU) reporting what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS).  Administrators say enrollment is down 3.9% and they’ll have to layoff employees.  Because of the DSS of 697 students SIU is short $5.2-million USD.  In Streator, Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing the Saint Mary’s Hospital to be shutdown by 2016 and replaced with a smaller outpatient clinic.  Most of the hospital’s 3-hundred jobs will be lost!  In Rockford, the PK Diner shutdown, the owner saying “It’s not going as well as we’d like it to.”

Kansas: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) done in hospital Mercy Independence.  They tried to merge with another hospital chain but that failed.  2-hundred healthcare jobs now lost!   Administrators warn that they might have to shutdown their Mercy Fort Scott hospital as well.  Local news reports indicate that since ObamaCare went into effect at least 50 small town/rural hospitals have shutdown.

Kentucky: Cave City administrators killed off all hope to resurrect the Funtown Mountain amusement park, saying the owner failed to address numerous safety code violations.

Louisiana: The Gift Shoppe and The Kids Shoppe at Teche Drugs & Gifts shutdown, due to the death of one of the owners.

Maryland:  Affordable Car Act (ObamaCare) forcing taxpayer funded Dimensions Healthcare System’s non-profit Laurel Regional Hospital to end maternity care, at least 38 jobs lost. It’s part of a bigger plan to turn the hospital into a smaller outpatient clinic (which means even more job losses).

Montana: In Red Lodge, Bridge Creek Backcountry Kitchen and Wine Bar (and only server of Starbucks coffee in the town) shutting down by the end of the month.  The owners said they’re moving back to their home state of Minnesota.

Nebraska: Omaha based Union Pacific (UP) railway admitted that the number of their layoffs have increased, to 2-thousand 3-hundred!  This is a far cry from the “several hundred” UP originally announced.  It’s blamed on declining freight shipments.

Nevada: Former employees of the Hycroft gold mine told local news they had no warning about their layoffs.  Local news revealed that 230 people were laid off back in July, and that number does not include the contractors!  Local news also pointed out that the company failed to file a WARN.   Hycroft administrators say they’re planning to go chapter 11 bankrupt.  State taxpayers are being forced to shell out $52,062 USD to “temporarily” shutdown the Nevada office of tourism in China!  State ‘lawmakers’ blame a contractor.

New Hampshire:  The Vision Processing Technologies factory in Litchfield was taken over by Ireland based Kerry Group at the end of 2014, now it’s being shutdown, 45 jobs affected.  Interestingly, Kerry Group donated a paltry $5-thousand USD to the city.  

Ohio: Cincinnati based retailer Macy’s announced it will shutdown  40 stores by early 2016! Compare that to the 52 stores Macy’s shutdown over the past five years.  Administrators blame increased competition from both brick-n-mortar ops and the internet.  In Piqua, the El Sombrero restaurant shutdown due to “circumstances beyond our control.”  In Burlington, after 15 years Look What I Found antique store shutdown due to property owner selling the property.

South Carolina: In Myrtle Beach, after 35 years music venue Harold’s shutdown.   After 19 years the Planet Hollywood restaurant shutdown.  After ten years live role playing game venue MagiQuest shutdown.  Milliken & Company shutting down the former Springfield textile factory in Lyman, 125 jobs lost!  Milliken recently took over Springfield and is eliminating now redundant operations.

Tennessee: Local news media declaring East Chattanooga a “food desert” as the last fruit-n-veg grocery store, Scarbrough’s Produce,  shutdown.  Even the property owner wants to see another plants only grocery store move in saying “I can buy the product. I need them to bring in their people to run it.”  Some people blamed convenience stores that sell fried chicken (hell yeah, we humans are carnivores not rabbits, I’ll take fried chicken over veggies any day).

Texas: In Austin, after seven years with a high turnover rate in chefs, the Mulberry wine bar shutdown.  In Italy, long time Uptown Café shutting down due to the property owner selling the property.

Virginia: In Christiansburg, clothier Sherman & Smithmans shutting down after 47 years of service.  The owners blame changing clothing trends.

Washington: Bellingham based Haggen Foods has already shutdown dozens of grocery stores and eliminated hundreds of jobs and now they’re  chapter 11 bankrupt busted, no thanks to being tricked into buying 146 failing Albertsons-Safeway stores: “They were just clueless from the very beginning. You couldn’t do worse than what they’re doing.”-David J. Livingston,  DJL Research

08 September 2015: “the numbers just didn’t add up”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Sumerian Lament: Germany says migrant-refugee flood will permanently change Europe! History shows immigrants are greatest self-inflicted threat to Empires!

08 September 2015 (15:08 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Shahrivar 1394/24 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/26 Yi-You 4713

“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion! They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over!”-Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, Hungary

“What we are experiencing now is something that will occupy and change our country in coming years.”-Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

“Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe. Europe’s response is madness! We must acknowledge that the European Union’s misguided immigration policy is responsible for this situation. Irresponsibility is the mark of every European politician who holds out the promise of a better life to immigrants and encourages them to leave everything behind and risk their lives in setting out for Europe. If Europe does not return to the path of common sense, it will find itself laid low in a battle for its fate.”-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary

“Today everything is immigration. We live in sobering, shocking times.”-Donald Tusk, European Union president

In North America: “An application for Mr. Mohammed Kurdi and his family was received by the department but was returned as it was incomplete as it did not meet regulatory requirements for proof of refugee status recognition.”-Canadian Department of Citizenship and Immigration, regarding the drowned Syrian family

The Western Tradition: “….despite geographical dispersion, political fragmentation, endless bloody conflicts, the Hellenes shared a strong cultural unity, in language, in common myths, in similar customs….a common cultural personality…”-Eugen Weber, noted UCLA historian describing the driving force behind the rise of the Greek Empire

“Philip set out with his army to dominate or conquer most of the Greek cities and he succeeded brilliantly….because the Greek Polis were divided, even more divided than usual. The Persians [Iranians] had been working hard to keep them that way so that they would continue fighting each other instead of the Persian Empire.”-Eugen Weber, describing how the father of Alexander the Great was able to take over the Greek Empire

“It was an age that looked remarkably like our own time; we find the same reversion from representative institutions to authoritarian regimes, the same sense of psychological and ascetic fragmentation, the same anti-rationalist trends, the same self absorbed interest in the self, the same obsessive pursuit of affluence, exotic cults, peculiar fads, astrology, magic, eroticism, the same preoccupation with bigness, the same detachment from the hometown, with a concomitant but not very comforting feeling that the whole cosmos is your Polis [city, governing system], the same social conflicts and class wars and colonialism and wars of national liberation designed to expel foreign oppressors and to allow the locals to oppress each other, the same bureaucracy more interested in making and keeping rules rather than in making things more productive or more efficient, the same retreat from political involvement……

Although the Greeks and Macedonians intermarried with the local people, and a lot of the locals were Hellenized none of this integration went very deep….the differences were too great….there was no true cultural synthesis in the Hellenistic Age…..Syria…contemplating Macedonia, the two cultures remained mostly suspicious and contemptuous of one another even though they lived side by side.”-Eugen Weber, explaining what led to the centuries long decline of the Greeco-Roman Hellenistic system after the death of Alexander the Great

How immigration destroyed Rome.

What Caused Rome’s Collapse: Immigration or Centralisation?

Illegal Immigration Led To The Fall Of The Roman Empire

By the way for all those Europeans who think Europe is ‘Christian’ I must remind them that one of the immigrant groups, and the most successful at usurping the Roman Empire, were Christians from the Middle East.

Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion, not European!   My Celtic ancestors were not Christians! The ‘Christmas Tree’ is not ‘Christian’, nor is Christmas, but a Christian usurpation of an ancient Germanic Winter Solstice (New Year) celebration.

The German song Oh Tannenbaum does not mean Christmas Tree, Tannen means Fir, Baum means tree thus Oh Firtree!  The song actually praises the seaming immortality of evergreen trees, not somebody with the Semitic (non-European) name of Jesus!

Jesus was not born in December but during the summer months.  The mandatory celebration of the Celtic Winter Solstice as ‘Christmas’ by Christians began 500 years after some guy in the Middle East name Jesus was supposedly born!

In other words; the original Roman Empire, and then shortly afterwards original Celtic Europe, had already been destroyed by immigrants from the Middle East (caused by warmongering Greco-Roman foreign policies) more than 1500 years ago.  Now, another wave of immigrants (again caused by warmongering European, as well as United States, foreign polices) from the Middle East will radically change it again.

Sumerian Lament: 1918 Flu Pandemic = 2015 Ebola Pandemic ? 

Syria snubs ObamaCare!

“the numbers just didn’t add up” Mormons biggest ‘donors’ to Idaho politicians! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 08 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: After 40 years the Big Sur Coast Gallery up for sale, asking price $3.7-million USD!  In Fresno, after 75 years Martin’s Flowers shutting down: “If someone wanted to buy the business that would be great because that would make a lot of people happy.”Catherine Soligian

Florida: The Jacksonville Day Resource Center for homeless people shutting down after two years of operations.  Administrators blame lack of taxpayer funding.

Idaho:  The Idaho Statesman investigated which companies and organizations are ‘bribing’ (political ‘donations’) failed-false-conservative Right-to-Work (you over) Idaho politicians.  The top three ‘bribers’ are major utility company Idaho Power (so that’s where a lot of our utility payments go), east Idaho based Mormon owned “wellness company” Melaleuca, and out-o-state Washington DC based ‘conservative’ lobbyists Club for Growth.  

Mississippi: In Vicksburg, reports that Texas based oil service company Schlumberger is about to layoff 222 people after selling off their recently acquired Cameron ops to a rival: “Due to the current declining business conditions, the company has decided to substantially reduce its operations at the Vicksburg facility. As a result, we anticipate that we could potentially permanently layoff up to as many as 222 employees, beginning as early a November, 2, 2015.”

Missouri: In Springfield, Price Cutter shutting down its Grand Street grocery store.  Local news reports say no official explanation was given.

New York:  NYC Parks shutdown city pools after Labor Day blaming lack of taxpayer funding.   After more than 100 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions, and even a fire in the 1960s) the Wanakena General Store shutting down in October because “the numbers just didn’t add up”.

Texas:  Goodrich Petroleum sold-off $116-million USD worth of its Eagle Ford Shale oil stake in order to pay down its debts!

06 – 07 September 2015: “…members haven’t been paid at all this year…”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Syria snubs ObamaCare!

07 September 2015 (09:31 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

The Ibn al-Nafees Hospital in Damascus has been providing true socialized healthcare to Syrians since 1943!  Even now, under the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated civil war, 70 surgeries are conducted daily (perhaps because of the war).

Taxes paid by Syrian citizens (as opposed to outrageous insurance premiums paid by U.S. slaves under ObamaCare) provide low or no up-front cost medical care and medicine.

200 doctors, 350 residents and 150 nurses work at the Ibn al-Nafees Hospital, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the the evil U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli created speed freak genocidal maniacs incorrectly called Islamic State blow it up using their freshly supplied U.S. made military vehicles.

Booming business for Syrian airline

Obama regime murders 17 cops in Afghanistan, to stop drug bust!

07 September 2015 (08:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

More proof the United States is behind the opium industry in the central Asian country of Afghanistan:  In the province of Helmand, police chief Major General Nabi Jan Mullahkhel is accusing the Obama regime of launching airstrikes against his own police officers in the district of Khanashin (aka Reg).

The cops were anti-drug police in the process of conducting a drugs raid.  At least 17 anti-drugs cops killed and four wounded!

Opium sets another record, despite record anti-drugs funding by U.S. taxpayers! 

U.S. Civil War Chicago, more proof it’s all about drug running! 

U.S. Civil War: Chicago Afghan heroin connection? 

United Kingdom behind explosive opium poppy crops!!

Interesting correlations between opium production in Afghanistan and Myanmar (called the United States)!

World War 3: U.S. supplies Islamic State with new Hummer car bombs? Japan has video evidence!

07 September 2015 (08:10 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

“….Then they take high explosives and mount them in a special way on the front of the vehicles. A man will then take the vehicle and drive into our line and detonate it.“-General Dedawa Khurshid, Kurdish Peshmerga

Kurdish Mujahideen are noticing something about the latest vehicles being driven by DAISH, some are U.S. made HMMWVs!

Not only that, but Japan’s NHK is airing a new documentary (Islamic State: The Origins of IS) with fresh video showing DAISH using new armored hummers as car bombs.  The documentary does not point this out, and does not even question how DAISH (al-DawlA al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-SHam [Syria]) got its hands on a brand new up-armored HMMWV (up-armored in the U.S. military way, it was not a field modification).

By using U.S. military vehicles the silly-villians  don’t think it’s the evil U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli created speed freak genocidal maniacs incorrectly called Islamic State, they think it’s U.S., NATO or government forces driving those hummers.

HMMWV: Pronounced humvee, stands for High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle.

Islamic State turns U.S. military vehicles into bombs

‘Humanitarian’ NGOs join Islamic State!

“…members haven’t been paid at all this year…” ObamaCare continues to pay for banned medical care! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 06 – 07 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

“Premiums for Obamacare plans are expected to increase substantially in 2016, with many insurers requesting double-digit rate hikes. For example, in June Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina proposed an overall rate hike of 26 percent for 2016 Obamacare plans, and two months later raised the hike to 35 percent.”Agile Health Insurance

The British empire’s taxpayer funded BBC announced massive funding and program cuts.  The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is the shadow owner of the United State’s PBS (Public Broadcasting Service, public meaning funded by donations), if you haven’t noticed all those British programs clouding up the PBS airwaves.

Alaska: After four years film and commercial production company Piksik shutting down by the end of the month.  It’s connected to a controversial tax credit for the movie industry.

California: In San Gabriel, after 32 years the People to People food bank shutting down due to massive lack of cash donations: “Staff members haven’t been paid at all this year, and some have taken from their own pockets to help cover expenses.”-Robert Ries, president

In San Francisco, popular Zapata Mexican Grill shutting down after 22 years: “Unfortunately our landlord has decided not to renew our lease, so we will be closing our doors permanently on October 15.”

Florida: Sun and Skin Care Research-Ocean Potion Suncare-No Ad-Bull Frog eliminated 130 jobs!  Local news reports say the sun-block company was sold to a Canadian outfit which plans on moving production to Georgia.  In Titusville, after 55 years The Coffee Shoppe shutdown due to the greedy landlord tripling the rent from $1-thousand USD per month to $3-thousand!

Idaho:  It’s been revealed that after certain medical care providers were cut-off from Idaho’s Medicaid that taxpayers are still shelling out money to those banned service providers!   At least six providers have been paid $820-thousand USD since they were banned!  Another two banned providers did not get payments but are still on the list of approved healthcare providers!  It’s not just Idaho, the revelations come from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Illinois:   In Carbondale, after 36 years Pick’s Liquor shutdown.

Kansas: In Topeka, Big’Uns Grill shutting down soon, the owners say they will focus on catering only, basically because they are having a heck of a time finding reliable restaurant employees.  In Salina, sports clothing store Finish Line shutdown “based on sales results and demand in the market”.  In Parson, after 50 years second-hand store Red Barn shutting down by the end of the month: “I’m working 60 hours a week, and I’ve been doing it since 2005. I’m tired.”-Joyce Zinn

Maryland: The Old Line State joins a growing list of states warning residents that Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) insurance rates are about to skyrocket.  The state insurance exchange warned that premium rates will go up as much as 26%!

Massachusetts: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is being directly blamed by Cambridge Endoscopic Devices for their chapter 11 bankruptcy.  The company has been for sale for the past two years, but nobody wants to buy due to the draconian Affordable Care Act.

Michigan: In Detroit, Olga’s Kitchen on One Campus Martius shutdown without warning.  Local news reports say the property owner ended the lease early, apparently because they have plans to build a huge new shopping center.  In Grand Rapids, the Fresh Coast Kitchen shutdown their sandwich shop on Iona.

Missouri:  After 11 years the World Aquarium of Saint Louis shutdown.  The president told local live morning newscast they are looking for a new place.   In Kansas City, the Local Pig restaurant shutting down mid-month: “I only a signed a one-year lease last year because I didn’t want to get locked in for a long time. I think Westport has a lot of potential as a nightlife venue, but for a traditional restaurant, there are issues here.”-Alex Pope

Texas: In Austin, Sandra Bullock’s Bess Bistro shutting down by the end of the month.  It sounds like the property has been sold.

Washington DC: The National Park Service is ending the Buzzard Point Marina contract, claiming it’s not “a financially viable business”.

04 – 05 September 2015: “You can’t keep fighting the economy…”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

World War 3: Palestine throws out Oslo Accords?

07 September 2015 (00:00 UTC-07 Tango 01)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

After failing to break up the Palestinian Unity government, for a second time, Israeli news reports now say Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will declare the Oslo Peace Accords null and void.

Israeli news media cite Palestinian Ma’an news as their source for the info, however I did not find any such report when I checked out the Ma’an English version website.

Palestinian Christians protest Israeli state funding cuts to schools: “We pay our taxes and therefore we must have the same rights as everyone!”-Manal Issa, Christian being screwed over by Israel

U.S. citizens invading Palestine!

Once again, Palestinian girls have more ‘balls’ than most ‘men’! 

Palestine government falls apart!

Pope Francis officially recognizes Palestine!

World War 3: Egypt joins massive Saudi led invasion of Yemen! Supported by Obama regime!

07 September 2015 (23:34 UTC-07 Tango 01, 06 September 2016)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

“The U.S. mission in Saudi Arabia expresses its deep regret for the loss of 10 Saudi soldiers in last Friday’s attack in Yemen.”-Obama regime U.S. embassy statement, completely ignoring the fact that Saudi Arabia has killed thousands of Yemenis

After six months of failed airstrikes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has launched a massive invasion of Arab Peninsula country Yemen.  The latest video shows convoys of French built LeClerc tanks pouring into Yemen, along with more than 3-thousand troops.

Yemen’s Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman said all cities in KSA are now targets for vengeance attacks.  The KSA led invasion began after Yemen hit the KSA’s Hamiyeh power plant with ballistic missiles (Scud). Yemen’s Scud attack was in response to the months of KSA airstrikes that have killed thousands of Yemenis.

Yemen Mujahideen also claim to have destroyed two KSA U.S. built AH-64 Apache gunships.  A KSA coalition ammo depot was also blown up by Yemeni Mujahideen.

The latest KSA airstrikes hit a hospital and an orphanage, as well as killing at least 20 people at a funeral (U.S. drone style).  And in an attempt to cover up their involvement in the former oppressive government of Yemen, KSA bombed their own embassy and the embassy of United Arab Emirates.

It’s not just KSA invading the neighbor who refuses to bow down to their bullying, but Arab Peninsula’s United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain are taking part, and Fertile Crescent’s Kuwait and Jordan, as well as Africa’s Morocco, Egypt, Sudan and Somalia.   (So many countries, backed by the United States, so afraid of a truly independent Yemen!)

World Bank behind civil wars & Islamic State

Saudi Arabia buying nukes from Pakistan, again?

Military coup in Yemen? It’s about the oil!

Police State: Japan imposes national citizen tracking system called My Numbers! It’s nothing like your grandfather’s Social Security number!

07 September 2015 (21:28 UTC-07 Tango 01, 06 September 2016)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

“The future plans are wide-ranging but the initial goal is matching the global standard of a single number that stays with citizens throughout their life.”-Shigeki Morinobu,  Tokyo Foundation

The neo-imperialist government of Japan has imposed a mandatory ID (identification document) and tracking system of citizens!  It’s said to involve tracking everything from your bank account to disaster relief funding!

According to reports, the My Number system will start out focusing on tracking citizen’s bank accounts! Eventually the My Numbers system will track your health insurance, passports, vaccination records and even your day-to-day shopping trends!  Local governments have been ordered to start collecting data on their residents starting next month.

Supporters say the My Numbers system is needed to meet standards set by the evil Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Japan’s Toshiba admits to cooking the books