Tag Archives: wall street

Syria, 04 – 05 October 2015: Egypt goes over to the Russians! Islamic State arrests parents that ‘home school’! Signs Nusra Front has become paranoid! Syria will sanction U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israel!

“Russia’s entrance, given its potential and capabilities, is something we see is going to have an effect on limiting terrorism in Syria and eradicating it.”-Sameh Shoukry, Foreign Minister of Egypt

Flag of Egypt top, flag of Syria bottom.

Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])

Syrian MiG-27 ground attack aircraft.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy, as well as many locations across the governorate.  Syrian Arab Army continues to strike at U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) in the area surrounding al-Nairab airport.  Battles continue inside Aleppo City.   Reports that battles between YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) and DAIISH over the Aleppo City neighborhood of al- Sheikh Maqsoud.  Syrian rebels accuse YPG of sniping two of their fighters.  Insurgents fire artillery rockets at the Scientific Research center west of Aleppo City.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  In Damascus City, Justice Minister Najm Hamad al- Ahmad told French delegates that when the war is over Syria will take legal actions against the countries that instigated the war and countries that are supporting the insurgents.  Syria will also sue for reparations.     Reports that DAIISH fired artillery mortar rounds at Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) units. Signs of fractures between insurgents, reports that members of al-Islam Army lynched five people accused of helping DAIISH.

Daraa Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army attacked insurgents  surrounding the Bilal mosque in Daraa al-Balad, killing all of them.  Battles also raged near the Technical Institute.  A group of insurgents were killed just 17km (10.5 miles) from the border with U.S./U.K. puppet Jordan.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that a desperate Nusra Front has been conducting mass arrests, in the areas they control, of people they think are plotting against them.  In the town of Sayda, reports that unknown gunmen assassinated a Syrian rebel.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: The Syrian Arab Army Air Force carried out airstrikes against DAIISH positions across the governorate.   Airstrikes reported near the Deir Ezzor airbase, five Syrian members of DAIISH were killed, as well as two Syrian Arab Army personnel.  Syrian Arab Army destroyed a DAIISH kamikaze vehicle bomb as it was driving towards the military post in al-Howaiqa neighborhood in Deir Ezzor City.   There are also reports that DAIISH claims a civilian was killed by U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force airstrike.  DAIISH also executed a Syrian rebel man for “apostasy” (renouncing belief in religion, hey ‘western’ Christian have a long history of killing people for that).

Hama Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force hit insurgents in the towns of Khatmalo, al-Latamneh and Kafr Zita, destroying a number of gun-trucks and  killing five insurgents.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that insurgents continue to lob artillery rounds onto the Christian dominated town of Mhardeh, no reports of casualties.  Reports that five Syrian Arab Army personnel killed by landmine, unknown number wounded.  Four people killed after  an airstrike on the DAIISH controlled town of Aqayrabat.  Reports that “unknown gunmen” overran the rebel town of Kafar Zita.

YPG with captured DAIISH bombmaker.

Hasakah Governorate:  YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units)  liberated three towns, killing at least 27 DAIISH insurgents.  Six insurgents captured.  YPG also reports a U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force airstrike on a DAIISH position.  Reports say two DAIISH insurgents killed and several wounded after driving over a landmine that was planted the day before by DAIISH!


Homs Governorate: Battles continued between Syrian Arab Army and DAIISH around Tadmur (Palmyra) City, as well as across the governorate.  DAIISH blew up three arches of the Palmyra ruins (U.S.-‘western’ news sources only report the Roman Arch of Triumph being destroyed, why?).  Four Syrian Arab Army personnel killed when the vehicle they were inspecting blew up.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force coordinated joint airstrikes with Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii in the northern part of the governorate.  Police captured two cars loaded with 700 kg (1,543 pounds) of C4 and TNT explosives in Sadad area. They were coming from al-Qaryatain City, police arrested the insurgents onboard. Syrian Arab Army engineers disarmed the bombs, which were set up to be remotely detonated.  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force conducted airstrikes surrounding al-Shaer gas field.   Reports that a car bomb exploded in Homs City, claiming the life of one civilian and wounding 21 others.  Because they’re getting their asses kicked, Ahrar al- Sham Movement, Nusra Front and Homs Legion have announced they will unite to create a united front in Homs.

Idlib Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force coordinated joint airstrikes with Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii against Nusra Front and Jaish al-Fateh insurgents in the city of Jisr al-Shugour.  The village of Tal Mraq reports four people killed by airstrike.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force coordinated joint airstrikes with Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii in the northern countryside, destroying a convoy of U.S. and Japanese made gun-trucks, and the insurgents. 

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (local militia) units destroyed Nusra Front insurgents along with their 23mm and 14.5mm armed gun-trucks.

U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH controls Raqqa, and this is what they’re doing in the name of liberating the Syrian people!

Raqqa Governorate: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that DAIISH al- Hesbah (Islamic police) arrested a man and woman for teaching their children at home, the couple was also teaching other family’s children.  DAIISH controls the governorate, which borders U.S. led NATO Turkey.  At least four DAIISH insurgents were recently killed by Russian airstrike.  Why hasn’t the U.S. been launching airstrikes in Raqqa?

02 – 03 October 2015: Islamic State cancels prayer for fear of Russians! 3-thousand insurgents flee north into NATO Turkey!

Vive la révolution! French workers storm the HQ of Air France, forcing corporate weenie heads to run for their lives!

06 October 2015 (18:46 UTC-07 Tango 01, 05 October 2015)/14 Mehr 1394/22 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/24 Bing-Xu 4713

“Almost lynched!” That’s how Air France administrator Xavier Broseta described the revolution by union employees who stormed the HQ near Paris.

Air France executives who escaped the angry mob, these two literally had their shirts ripped off their backs as they fled like the coward they are!

“Unbelievable, some people show more compassion for a ripped dress shirt than for 2,900 workers who are going to find themselves jobless!”-Ian Brossat, Paris city councilman

God is Evil: Jews caught on video murdering unarmed man as he begged for his life!

In this revealing video of genocide at the hands of Jews an unarmed man is shot dead, shot multiple times on the orders of Jewish civilians!  After he’s killed you can hear a Jew shouting in english “Yes, yes!”  Another Jew says “Wow, how we shot him!” Somebody else asks “Why?”  Cops just arriving on scene ask “Where are the injured?” assuming there was a shootout, when the only ones doing the shooting were the cops!

2nd Video: Death-chanting Israeli mob rejoices as Palestinian teen is executed

God is Evil: How Israel is using rocks to spy on you, the Hills really do have Eyes! 




No time “to properly manage the store.” Massive job killing TPP agreement! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 03 – 05 October 2015

The job killing but profit making Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal has been agreed to.  Laborers in all affected countries have protested it as it will result in job killing, but corporations are now in heaven.

Solar power parts company SunEdison (with HQ in both California and Missouri) eliminating 730 jobs! It might be connected to the takeover of Vivint Solar.

Failed State Alabama: East Alabama Medical Center shutting down their baby shop in December. Administrators blame it on the lack of people making babies.

California: Making your products in the U.S.A. does not guarantee success as Los Angeles based American Apparel is now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  In Berkeley, 2bella clothier shutting down due to crashing sales caused by their main customer (college students) being strapped for cash.

Connecticut: After 44 years Chuck Wagon Restaurant shutting down this weekend, the owner has been trying to sell it but so far nobody wants to buy.


Florida: Jacksonville based Southeastern Grocers revealed they eliminated 250 administrative jobs! 

Georgia: Atlanta based Delta Airlines warning of mass layoffs, mostly administrative jobs. Electronic machine maker Sparton shutting down its Lawrenceville factory by June 2016, 82 jobs lost.  ‘Optimizing facility footprint’ is the new term for consolidation.

Idaho: It’s been revealed that Lewiston’s non-profit Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center is up for sale to a for-profit op out of Tennessee. 

Illinois: After 31 years iconic Ed Debevic’s diner shutdown due to the property owner wanting to build a 22 story apartment complex! In Chicago, after six years the Birchwood Kitchen shutting down this weekend, the owner is trying to sell it.

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, after 58 years restaurant Rib Room shutdown without warning.  The family owners said they can’t continue operating the popular eatery.

Louisiana: Oil industry servicer Trinity Marine issued a shutdown WARN for its Madisonville operation, 336 jobs lost in December!

Maryland: In Bel Air, after ten years HeartBeat clothier shutdown because the owners didn’t want to renew the lease.

Minnesota: In Bemidji, Ben Franklin Crafts shutdown due to crashing sales: “We decided to give it six months to weigh the finances overall, and the sales were declining instead of evening out…..We had been in this location for five years, so we had a very good gauge of where our sales should be and where they weren’t. That was the determining factor.”

New Mexico: The city of Santa Fe imposing austerity as it jacks up taxes and cuts services for residents. Incompetent administrators realized they are short $15-million USD!

New York: NYC based Nylon Media laid off 13 people despite reports that employees were promised by the new owners there would be no layoffs (be there experienced that many times).  ORAFOL Display Optics issued a shutdown WARN for their Rochester facility, 27 jobs lost right after Xmas.  Patina Restaurant Group issued a shutdown WARN for their NYC Brasserie Restaurant, 68 jobs lost right after the Gregorian New Year.  New York Skyline also issued a shutdown WARN, the loss of 90 jobs are being blamed on the greedy property owner.  Too Big to Jail British empire based Barclay’s bank eliminating 38 jobs in February 2016.

Oklahoma: Local news reports say ConocoPhillips laid off about 170 Bartlesville employees today!

Pennsylvania:  Texas based oil industry service company Cudd Energy issued a WARN saying 89 people will become jobless after the U.S. Thanksgiving.

Rhode Island: Rhode Island Blood Center laid off 37 people due to skyrocketing costs of blood test.

Vermont: MIddlebury based Woodchuck Hard Cider laid off eight employees, administrators blame competition.

Virginia: In Richmond, Bella Rosa Bridal and Special Occasions shutting down sometime at the beginning of 2016, no details given.

Wisconsin: Horney Goat Brewing shutting down their restaurant this weekend.   In La Crosse, Three Rivers Outdoors shutting down in November, if nobody buys it.  The owner says he doesn’t have the time “to properly manage the store.”

02 October 2015: Hundreds of jobs lost means hundreds of horses slaughtered!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

World Animal Day: Ever wonder what happens to your pets during War? It ain’t pretty!

World Animal Day is 04 October, the day of the Catholic feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

War is more hell for your pets than for you, just look at the disturbing pics from the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated war in Syria:


Dogs & cats still abandoned in radiation zones, government now searching for owners. 

Respect for dead pets found in Pocatello fire.

Fukushima pets still without homes, new kittens found near nuclear plant 

Corporate Evil: Mutant dogs killing pets. Kanup 480 SL.

What happened to the farm animals & pets of Tsunami hit Japan? 

Studies show your pets are being poisoned by fluoridated water & Grapes! 

Japanese break into 20km evacuation zone to bring you video of livestock & pets left to fend for themselves! 

Syria, 02 – 03 October 2015: Islamic State cancels prayer! Putin accuses U.S. of False Flagism! At the UN Syria openly accuses Israel of invasion!

Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DawlA, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])

President Bashar al-Assad recently interview by Iranian Khabar TV.

“They [United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel] want to weaken Syria and create a number of weak statelets which can get busy solving their daily problems and internal disputes with no time for development or extending support to national causes, particularly the cause of Palestine, and at the same time ensuring Israel’s security. These objectives are not new…..     …..This disintegration will become one day a de facto situation, and will lead to confrontations, conflicts and civil wars. This is very dangerous, and it is not exaggerated. It is a fact…    …these states which support terrorism from the beginning and which provide cover for it, cannot be serious. Take, for instance, the number of airstrikes conducted by the sixty countries [U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force] together in Syria and Iraq. They constitute only a fraction of what the Syrian Air Force is doing, despite the facts that we are a small country…and the Syrian Air Force is not big. Nevertheless, we are conducting many folds the number of airstrikes carried out by those countries…..  ..It [Iran, Russia, Iraq, Syria coalition] must succeed; otherwise the whole region, not only one or two countries, will be destroyed.-Bashar al-Assad, democratically elected President of Syria


In the past three days the Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii has conducted dozens more airstrikes across Syria than what the U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force has done in the past few years!

NATO Turkey claims they’ve arrested six Germans trying to cross into Syria.  There are many Germans supporting the Kurds in the area. No indication of whether the Germans were joining YPG or insurgents.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 4,219 people were killed during the Gregorian month of September in Syria.  They confirm that 1,201 were civilians, indicating the majority killed were insurgents or pro-government personnel.

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (DA for al-DawlA, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy. Syrian Arab Army continues to strike at U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents pouring in from U.S. led NATO member Turkey.  Battles continue inside Aleppo City.  Airstrikes continue against insurgent assaults on Kweris airbase.

This is supposedly what it looks like in the areas of Syria that have yet to be hit by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:   Battles continued between Syrian Arab Army and Nusra Front in farm areas.   The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force increased operations in Darayya City to push away insurgents from the al- Mazzah airbase, which is to become a base for the Russian Vozdushno-KosmicheskieSily Rossii.  Reports of battles between Nusra Front on one side and Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) and National Defense Forces (local militias) on the other.  Two children killed.

Daraa Governorate: Reports that 7-hundred Syrian rebels took part in a reconciliation event with the Syrian government.They turned over LAU rockets, PKC machine guns, a P90 gun and 332 rifles, sniper rifles and pistols. Reports also say about 3-thousand insurgents fled north into NATO Turkey after U.S.-U.K. puppet Jordan closed its borders to insurgents who’re getting their asses kicked by Syria.  There are reports of mystery bodies; bodies of people being found in areas that were not scenes of fighting.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report killing at least 160 DAIISH insurgents, one insurgent was identified as coming from the north African country of Algeria.  DAIISH exploded three car bombs during the battles.  DAIISH also launched an attack on the al-Taym oil field. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that DAIISH put a man on public display in a cage in the city of al- Mayadin, saying his cell phone had improper images of women on it!

Hama Governorate: U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents continued artillery rocket attacks on the Christian dominated town of Mharda, as well as other towns.  Reports that Russia also conducted airstrikes.

Female YPG fires her .50 cal sniper rifle at DAIISH insurgents in Hasakah.

Hasakah Governorate: DAIISH committed genocide when they attacked Kurdish civilians in the villages of Sheddadi and Irasca, for refusing to join them. At least 13 people killed and 50 kidnapped. Battles between DAIISH and YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) resulted in at least 20 people being killed, including female YPG personnel.  Unconfirmed report of U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force airstrikes around Jabal Abdul Aziz.

Homs Governorate: Battles continued between Syrian Arab Army and DAIISH around Tadmur (Palmyra) City, as well as across the governorate.  DAIISH has also renewed its assault on the massive T4 Syrian Arab Army Air Force base.  At least 27 people killed in battles.   There are reports of more assassinations by “unknown gunmen”.  Reports of at least four airstrikes by Russian planes.

Sukhoi 24, aka Su-24

Idlib Governorate: Syrian and Russian air forces conducted airstrikes, a Russian spokesperson said “Tactical bombers Su-24M eliminated storage bases for military hardware used by militants for preparation of terrorist attacks.”  There are reports that three children were wounded.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army reports destroying a Nusra Front insurgent training camp.  Reports that Russian airstrikes hit an internationally run medical clinic in rebel held territory.

Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army units and National Defense Forces (local militias) battled Nusra Front.

Sukhoi 34, aka Su-34

Raqqa Governorate: Russia claims “…delivery of a concrete-piercing bomb BETAB-500 launched from a Su-34 aircraft near Raqqa destroyed a hardened command center of one of the illegal armed groups as well as an underground bunker with explosives and ammunition depot. Su-34 tactical bomber engaged an ISIL [ISIS, DAIISH] base near Maaret al-Noumanwith a guided air bomb KAB-500 during a pinpoint strike. According to the objective monitoring data, terrorist fortifications, ammunition and POL depots as well as 7 vehicles were destroyed….”  To show what little faith DAIISH has in their religion they canceled Friday prayers fearing being targeted by Russia!

Sweida Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports bombing a convoy of insurgent U.S. and Japanese supplied gun-trucks.

01 October 2015: “Clash of Titans” will last at least ten years!

Obama accuses Russia of bombing civilians on same day U.S. planes bomb hospital! 

British Empire, let slip the dogs of war: Islamic State DAIISH (updated)

“What we want…..is a weak and disunited Arabia, split up into little principalities so far as possible….incapable of co-ordinated action against us.”-Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, aka Lord Crewe

In this 2014 documentary, it’s revealed that the true goal of so called ISIS is the spread of chaos within ‘muslim’ countries:


Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria])

“Saudi Arabia’s first king……on the British payroll…founded the extremist Wahhabi kingdom in 1932 with full British blessings.”John R. Bradley

Video, how the extremist Saud takes over Arabia, creating Saudi Arabia with the blessings of the British:

In April 2016, it was reported that a former al-Qaeda fighter, who later became a spy for the British secret service, says ISIS is likely planning an attack in the U.K. which would persuade voters to leave the EU.

“Our allies in the region are our largest problem in Syria. The Turks….The Saudis, the emiratis, etc….they were so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war…they poured hundreds of millions of dollars….into anyone who’d fight against Assad…..”-Joe Biden in October 2014, vice president of the United States, who later apologized for making the statement

“London is our association’s headquarters. The city is the nexus between America, the Old Continent and the Arab countries…the authorities are very tolerant….”-Richard Labévière quoting Khaled al-Fawwaz (Osama bin Laden’s London rep) in his book Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam

The Origins of British-Saudi Relations: The 1915 Anglo-Saudi Treaty Revisited


Mexico’s Drug War, another front in the Control through Chaos war 

U.S. led military actions part of Control though Chaos 

United States ‘THE’ drug lord in Mexico’s drug war

Obama Regime, will establish new military bases under the False Flag of fighting Ebola!

Tens of thousand of mostly Christians killed in the name of U.S. instigated False Flag Drug War in Mexico!

Obama  will officially recognize Taliban in exchange for permanent U.S. base in Afghanistan 

In 2011 the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (aka The Foreign Office) announced plans to stop people fleeing the expected chaos ….into Britain. 

False Flag: Shooter desired ‘attention’, so why’d he use a silencer?

03 October 2015 (13:19 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Mehr 1394/19 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/21 Bing-Xu 4713

The Umpqua Community College patsy, I mean ‘shooter’ implied on a blog that he craved attention when he wrote that mass shooters were people who were “…known by no one, is now known by everyone” once they commit the crime.  So why did the Oregon shooter use a silencer if he craved attention?

If police didn’t have him on their ‘radar’ then how’d they know he wanted attention, as was demonstrated when the Douglas County Sheriff refused to make his name public.  Some reports say the reason the Sheriff refused to name the shooter was to deny him his desire to be famous.

In a live interview on KATU student Kayleen Holm stated they were told the shooter’s gun was silenced.  

California’s “hero” anti-gun politician turns out to be gun smuggler 



Class Warfare: Being a mass shooter is really expensive, so how’d they do it, especially the under-employed/unemployed Patsies?

03 October 2015 (11:27 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Mehr 1394/19 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/21 Bing-Xu 4713

False Flag Proof Mass Shootings are Class Warfare: How in the hell can a “recluse” who lives in an apartment with his mother because he’s an unemployed/under-employed college student afford to buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?  That’s what the ‘investigators’ in The Beaver State of Oregon want you to believe; that the unemployed/under-employed mass shooter at Umpqua Community College somehow was able to buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo!

I’m a Constitutionalist, as all true citizens of the United States should be, but for more than a decade now I have not been able to go to my local shooting range and enjoy legally busting some caps due to the fact my personal income sucks.  I’m barely paying living expenses so how in the hell does an unemployed college student buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?

One Oregonian news report said the Umpqua Community College shooter moved to Oregon after a job as a restaurant manager in California, and that was after being kicked out of the U.S. Army after ‘washing out’ of five weeks of basic training.  I’m a Cold War veteran and I’ve been a front line manager in the service sector (including managing a convenience store in Santa Maria, California) and I can tell you that a couple of months Army basic training and short time as a restaurant manager does not provide enough money to pay your living expenses in The Golden State and pay for your move to The Beaver State and buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo.

The median price for a legally purchased gun in the United States is about 5-hundred to 6-hundred bucks (U.S. Dollars)!  A really nice gun, especially military/match grade, will cost more than $1-thousand USD easy.  Your average price for a box of 20 rounds of ammo is between 20 and 40 bucks (as of 2015)!  Do the math! How in the hell does an unemployed/underemployed college student buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?

One student says they were told told by ‘officials’ that they couldn’t hear the gunshots because the gun was “silenced”. So the students were being coached by officials as to what they did or did not hear during the shooting?

13 guns @ $500 each (on the low end) = $6,500  (at this point ‘police’ have not said what type of guns, which could drive the price higher.  There’s a new report saying he used a .40 pistol that belonged to somebody else, but police don’t know how he got it)

Don’t forget, one student said they were told the shooter had a silenced gun.  Depending on the gun a silencer could cost between $100 and $1,000 USD!

Yep, just a few boxes of top quality ammo could cost you a few Benjamins!

1,000 rounds of ammo @ $1 each round (and that’s low-balling it) = $1,000  (at this point ‘police’ have yet to say exactly how many rounds of ammo he had, and depending on the type of ammo the cost will go significantly higher)

Other reports say he had a bullet proof vest, or a flak jacket with “steel plates”.  That’s more money.

As far as as I know you can’t get a car loan or home loan to buy guns.

So the shooter had probs with religious beliefs, and/or had ‘mental problems’ (apparently this Oregon shooter desired attention, and was a ‘special needs’ student in California), but another link in all similar mass shootings in the past decade or so is these guys always have acquired a small arsenal of weapons and ammo in a very short period of time.  Even those shooters who came from wealthy families, the fact they apparently got the guns and ammo in such a short amount of time especially when you’d think their mental problems would have hampered their ability to do so (many of these guys had ‘focus’ issues and were on drugs that are known to impair your judgement and even make you a ‘killer’) which brings up another point:  If they’re paying for expensive mental care and drugs (the shooters from wealthy families were not getting ‘welfare’) how in the hell did they buy so many guns and so much ammo in such a short period of time?

And remember, in every mass shooting the cops say the shooter bought their guns and ammo “legally”.  In the United States it’s actually way cheaper to buy an illegal gun than a legal gun.  Gang bangers in Obama’s homie town of Chicago claim they can get a gat for less than a hundred bucks.

The cost of legally buying a small arsenal is enough to prevent the overwhelming majority of people from becoming a ‘mass shooter’.  This is proof somebody helped the ‘lone gunman’, setting them up in a type of Class Warfare false flag operation!  (this is what’s called being a Patsy: A person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something)

Total Gun Ban Total Failure: Mexico!

Yet another shooting in total gun ban Australia!

Student belies college president’s claim that campus is “gun free”! Reports of deaths conflict!

Strict gun ban doesn’t stop elected officials from owning outlawed guns! 40 politicians arrested! 


Obama accuses Russia of bombing civilians on same day U.S. planes bomb hospital!

03 October 2015 (2:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Mehr 1394/19 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/21 Bing-Xu 4713

“The kinds of airstrikes against moderate opposition that Russia is engaging in is going to be counterproductive, it’s going to move us farther away, rather than towards, the ultimate solution that we all should be looking for. We are not going to cooperate with a Russian campaign to simply try to destroy anybody who is disgusted and fed up with Mr. Assad’s behavior. Eventually, Syria will fall. The Assad regime will fall.”-Barack Obama, president United States

The Médecins Sans Frontières hospital on fire after U.S. NATO aircraft bombed it.

On the same day that regime leader Obama made the above statement the U.S. led NATO admitted USAF planes bombed a hospital in Afghanistan, killing 19 people: “We are deeply shocked by the attack, the killing of our staff… and the heavy toll it has inflicted on healthcare in Kunduz. We do not yet have the final casualty figures, but our medical team are providing first aid and treating the injured patients. We urge all parties to respect the safety of health facilities and staff.”-Bart Janssens, Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières staff in a safe place after USAF bombed their hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

We didn’t have any supplies to even treat the wounded at the hospital as it had all been destroyed.”-Danielle Moylan, Médecins Sans Frontières

30 people are still missing after U.S. planes launched their attack.  NATO admitted the planes were U.S.  and claims they’re investigating why U.S. pilots mistook a hospital for “individuals threatening the force”.


This fiasco comes as a USAF C-130J crashed at the Jalalabad airbase, killing everybody on board plus people on the round.  Mujahideen claim they shot it down.

Obama regime murders 17 cops in Afghanistan, to stop drug bust!

Obama secretly orders combat troop deployments!