03 October 2015 (11:27 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Mehr 1394/19 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/21 Bing-Xu 4713
False Flag Proof Mass Shootings are Class Warfare: How in the hell can a “recluse” who lives in an apartment with his mother because he’s an unemployed/under-employed college student afford to buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo? That’s what the ‘investigators’ in The Beaver State of Oregon want you to believe; that the unemployed/under-employed mass shooter at Umpqua Community College somehow was able to buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo!
I’m a Constitutionalist, as all true citizens of the United States should be, but for more than a decade now I have not been able to go to my local shooting range and enjoy legally busting some caps due to the fact my personal income sucks. I’m barely paying living expenses so how in the hell does an unemployed college student buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?
One Oregonian news report said the Umpqua Community College shooter moved to Oregon after a job as a restaurant manager in California, and that was after being kicked out of the U.S. Army after ‘washing out’ of five weeks of basic training. I’m a Cold War veteran and I’ve been a front line manager in the service sector (including managing a convenience store in Santa Maria, California) and I can tell you that a couple of months Army basic training and short time as a restaurant manager does not provide enough money to pay your living expenses in The Golden State and pay for your move to The Beaver State and buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo.
The median price for a legally purchased gun in the United States is about 5-hundred to 6-hundred bucks (U.S. Dollars)! A really nice gun, especially military/match grade, will cost more than $1-thousand USD easy. Your average price for a box of 20 rounds of ammo is between 20 and 40 bucks (as of 2015)! Do the math! How in the hell does an unemployed/underemployed college student buy 13 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo?

One student says they were told told by ‘officials’ that they couldn’t hear the gunshots because the gun was “silenced”. So the students were being coached by officials as to what they did or did not hear during the shooting?
13 guns @ $500 each (on the low end) = $6,500 (at this point ‘police’ have not said what type of guns, which could drive the price higher. There’s a new report saying he used a .40 pistol that belonged to somebody else, but police don’t know how he got it)
Don’t forget, one student said they were told the shooter had a silenced gun. Depending on the gun a silencer could cost between $100 and $1,000 USD!

Yep, just a few boxes of top quality ammo could cost you a few Benjamins!
1,000 rounds of ammo @ $1 each round (and that’s low-balling it) = $1,000 (at this point ‘police’ have yet to say exactly how many rounds of ammo he had, and depending on the type of ammo the cost will go significantly higher)
Other reports say he had a bullet proof vest, or a flak jacket with “steel plates”. That’s more money.
As far as as I know you can’t get a car loan or home loan to buy guns.
So the shooter had probs with religious beliefs, and/or had ‘mental problems’ (apparently this Oregon shooter desired attention, and was a ‘special needs’ student in California), but another link in all similar mass shootings in the past decade or so is these guys always have acquired a small arsenal of weapons and ammo in a very short period of time. Even those shooters who came from wealthy families, the fact they apparently got the guns and ammo in such a short amount of time especially when you’d think their mental problems would have hampered their ability to do so (many of these guys had ‘focus’ issues and were on drugs that are known to impair your judgement and even make you a ‘killer’) which brings up another point: If they’re paying for expensive mental care and drugs (the shooters from wealthy families were not getting ‘welfare’) how in the hell did they buy so many guns and so much ammo in such a short period of time?
And remember, in every mass shooting the cops say the shooter bought their guns and ammo “legally”. In the United States it’s actually way cheaper to buy an illegal gun than a legal gun. Gang bangers in Obama’s homie town of Chicago claim they can get a gat for less than a hundred bucks.
The cost of legally buying a small arsenal is enough to prevent the overwhelming majority of people from becoming a ‘mass shooter’. This is proof somebody helped the ‘lone gunman’, setting them up in a type of Class Warfare false flag operation! (this is what’s called being a Patsy: A person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something)
Total Gun Ban Total Failure: Mexico!
Yet another shooting in total gun ban Australia!
Student belies college president’s claim that campus is “gun free”! Reports of deaths conflict!
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